Top 444 Essentially Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Essentially Quotes from famous people such as Shawn Johnson, Ezra Miller, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Jonathan Ive, Barry Corbin, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

With literature, sometimes a book is presented in the m

With literature, sometimes a book is presented in the media as being say, a Muslim story or an African story, when essentially it’s a universal story which we can all relate to it, no matter what race or social background we come from.
Shawn Johnson
My mother took me to a lot of operas and when I was eight I got the opportunity to be in one and I realized that transformation into these make-believe situations was possible. I decided that was essentially what I wanted to do with my life.
Ezra Miller
There are a lot of things you can do in space, and space essentially is unlimited resources. We are climbing over ourselves here looking for the next source of energy. The universe has an unlimited source of energy.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Simplicity is not the absence of clutter, that’s a consequence of simplicity. Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product. The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That’s not simple.
Jonathan Ive
For an actor, you’re rejected eight or ten times a day. All you’ve got to sell is yourself. You’re not selling products, they’re not turning down a car, they’re turning you down. Most people can’t handle that. Most people are essentially not set up that way.
Barry Corbin
Broadcasting began, essentially, in the hands of very, very few players – actually two – and when television came along, there were two networks, then three. Rules began to get formulated that essentially protected that concentrated group.
Barry Diller
Think of a forest, then imagine taking 10,000 trees and squeezing them together until there is essentially no space between them. That’s what the neocortical column looks like.
Henry Markram
Children are not only innocent and curious but also optimistic and joyful and essentially happy. They are, in short, everything adults wish they could be.
Carolyn Haywood
Media organizations are global. They may be based in the U.S., but they’re essentially global.
Robert D. Kaplan
I used to know kids better because I was teaching in a classroom, but I still have a sense of comfort with them. I don’t believe that kids have essentially changed.
Cynthia Voigt
A smart phone essentially creates a dossier of your travels, and consumers have no control over who will eventually see that information.
Adam Cohen
Most crime fiction, no matter how ‘hard-boiled’ or bloodily forensic, is essentially sentimental, for most crime writers are disappointed romantics.
John Banville
I shall endeavour still further to prosecute this inquiry, an inquiry I trust not merely speculative, but of sufficient moment to inspire the pleasing hope of its becoming essentially beneficial to mankind.
Edward Jenner
What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things… it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface.
Constantin Brancusi
Agribusiness – with its wicked powerful lobby and its infiltration of top bureaucratic posts – essentially runs roughshod over the government agencies that are supposed to monitor it. It’s the rich fox guarding the filthy, overcrowded henhouse.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
Payroll savings plans are vital because they are essentially the only way that middle-class Americans reliably save for retirement.
Richard Thaler
Toum is essentially a mayonnaise, but it’s stabilized with garlic instead of egg. Just like mayo, toum is an emulsion of oil into water, made possible with the help of a third-party emulsifier.
Sohla El-Waylly
I am essentially a hack, a commercial person. If I had a hobby, I would immediately make money on it or abandon it.
Orson Welles
The humor is essentially dark for a cartoon and sophisticated. But at the same time, being a cartoon gives the writers more freedom than in a normal sitcom. It always pushes the line that, despite human failings, the Simpsons are really decent people.
Dan Castellaneta
You can make pigs that are essentially much closer to being universal donors. If it works, their organs will be going into people like you and me.
George M. Church
‘The Portrait of Dorian Grey’ beautifully articulates how the altruistic part of ourselves clashes with our essentially narcissistic state.
Walton Goggins
Two days after the chemo I felt terrible, like I had a permanent migraine and had been shot in every limb. I was knackered, starving. The doctor explained that was because I had essentially been poisoned.
Jeremy Kyle
Prison is essentially a shortage of space made up for by a surplus of time; to an inmate, both are palpable.
Joseph Brodsky
I was nominated at first by a group called Justice Democrats. They were trying to essentially field non-corporate candidates in the 2018 midterm election. They were looking for people with a history of community service, and my name had come across their desk, and they called.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
I came to believe the green fuse that drives spring and summer through the world is essentially a literary energy. That the world was more than a place. Life was more than an event. It was all one thing – and that thing was story.
Luis Alberto Urrea
That’s what the ‘Doctor’ is about, essentially – having that energy that you just can’t understand.
Billie Piper
This idea of the transcendent power of the Supreme Being is essentially connected with that by which the whole duty of man is summed up: obedience to His will.
John Quincy Adams
Growing up, I always saw the hypocrisy of the Catholic church. The history speaks for itself, and I grew incredibly frustrated and angry. I essentially just put that into my words.
NBC’s pilot season of 1994 is legendary in the business. In a world where failure is commonplace, we midwifed the birth of both ‘Friends’ and ‘ER’. While ‘ER’ came essentially out of the blue, we’d been casting around for a ‘Friends’-like show for some time at the network.
Warren Littlefield
Working long hours being single helps because your time is yours. Once you have a family your time isn’t all yours anymore. Most of the Mac team, we were in our mid-20’s, most of us were single, and we were able to essentially devote our lives to it.
Andy Hertzfeld
As far as the filmmaking process is concerned, stars are essentially worthless – and absolutely essential.
William Goldman
I find out more about Jack every week. Essentially, I'm

I find out more about Jack every week. Essentially, I’m the same character, but I’m having more fun this season because I’m doing more aliases, you know. I like the surprise of not knowing.
Victor Garber
A platform is essentially a business model that thrives because of the participation and value added from third parties with only incremental effort from the owner of the platform.
Om Malik
If all you’re trying to do is essentially the same thing as your rivals, then it’s unlikely that you’ll be very successful.
Michael Porter
I started playing music when I was about six and didn’t discover Indian classical music until I was fifteen. So, essentially, I had a lot of catching up to do.
Adnan Sami
I’ve been working with them for a couple years and a couple of projects. Essentially Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is the chief litigator for this corporation, this Alliance, and their job is to prosecute corporate polluters of the great bodies of water in North America.
Richard Dean Anderson
It is certainly not news that the president is making mistakes; that he’s been intemperate. I think what shouldn’t be lost on the American people is that his first tweet around tapes was essentially designed to intimidate James Comey.
Brian Schatz
It has long been known for sure that the sight of tasty food makes a hungry man’s mouth water; also lack of appetite has always been regarded as an undesirable phenomenon, from which one might conclude that appetite is essentially linked with the process of digestion.
Ivan Pavlov
I remember watching an episode of ‘Seinfeld’ in which George can’t understand why security guards can’t sit down. He gets obsessed with it and eventually buys a chair for a security guard who sits down and goes to sleep. The shop gets robbed. That’s a brilliant extrapolation of what is essentially observational comedy.
David Baddiel
A l lot of films I’ve done are essentially about women who are finding their voice, women who don’t know themselves well.
Meg Ryan
I have three degrees in history and only one in law, but since I came back to specialize in constitutional law where history is so essentially a part and an explanation of much that exists, the two disciplines blended very well.
Frank Scott
My version of Superman is essentially of a guy who has spent his whole life alone.
Henry Cavill
My birthmark essentially looks like I have a black eye. It isn’t that bad, so you can imagine if it has been this big a part of my life, think of what it must be like for children with more serious birthmarks that cover half their face.
Hannah Storm
Crony capitalism is essentially a condition in which… public officials are giving favours to people in the private sector in payment of political favours.
Alan Greenspan
If we look at the fact that record covers are essentially advertisements for the music, we acknowledge a function and purpose to draw in the prospective buyer.
My private joke about ‘Luke Cage’ is that it’s a bulletproof version of ‘Lemonade,’ and that, essentially, it’s a concept album that has a video component.
Cheo Hodari Coker
To aim at the best and to remain essentially ourselves is one and the same thing.
Janet Erskine Stuart
Donald Trump himself actually said during his campaign that he essentially thinks being unpredictable is a good thing. Maybe that’s a good thing in domestic politics, but in foreign policy, that is really stupid.
Ted Lieu
There have been two periods in my lifetime when the excitement of government and of public issues drew to Washington many of the bright young people graduating from colleges and law schools. These were essentially the Roosevelt and the Kennedy years.
Katharine Graham
What is political correctness, if not essentially redemptive speech? Soon liberalism had become a cultural identity that offered Americans a way to think of themselves as decent people. To be liberal was to be good.
Shelby Steele
I don’t know if I have any particular views about women in positions of power, though I do think it’s more difficult for women, particularly in a Medieval setting. They have the additional problem that they’re a woman and people don’t want them in a position of power in an essentially patriarchal society.
George R. R. Martin
All I had when I began writing the first book was rather vague images conjured up by the notion of a man in a kilt, so essentially I began with Jamie, although I had no idea what his name was at the time.
Diana Gabaldon
Essentially, my hero-role model is Muhammad Ali, because when I watched this one fight of his with my dad when I was a kid, and I watched him not go down… I think him just taking a lot of blows and not going down, it was so moving.
Diane Lane
To express the same idea in still another way, I think that human knowledge is essentially active.
Jean Piaget
What I worry about would be that you essentially have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply, majoritarian, absolute power on either side. And that’s just not what the founders intended.
Barack Obama
I am essentially optimistic. Being alive is incredible. Life is extraordinary and beautiful. It can be hard and sad and terrifying, but it’s all we’ve got.
James Frey
This issue, if not addressed, leaves any President, including George Bush, open to the criticism that they are essentially ignoring the destruction of the nation and I believe that with all my heart.
Tom Tancredo
A lot of people don’t know how to navigate: they think, once you become a Christian, you essentially have to become Ned Flanders.
Andy Mineo
I don’t think you can be taught how to make art. You can be coached, but on a fundamental level you have to figure it out for yourself. You have to learn how your own mind works, figure out your own relationship to the art; you essentially have to invent it completely for yourself.
Philipp Meyer
It was exciting for me to be able to come to Las Vegas and train with the girls that were essentially my weight class and would be my competition in the UFC.
Tecia Torres
Music is very similar to comedy: It’s all about texture, timing, context, vocabulary, performance. When someone’s onstage doing a solo, essentially it’s the same thing as what a comedian does. They’re in the moment. They’re listening.
Reggie Watts
Einstein had looked at the numbers and dimensions that went into his equations for gravitational waves and said, essentially, ‘This is so tiny that it will never have any influence on anything, and nobody can measure it.’ And when you think about the times and the technology in 1916, he was probably right.
Rainer Weiss
Men are literally lying in bed with their wives when th

Men are literally lying in bed with their wives when the marriage is essentially over, thinking, ‘I’ve got to get the hell out of here’, and have a fantasy woman in mind. Then you get divorced, meet a woman, marry her, and by the time all that goes by, you’ve aged a few years and are ready to go back to your ex-wife.
Alec Baldwin
The men resent a woman getting any honour in what they consider is essentially their field. Men painters mostly despise women painters. So I have decided to stop squirming, to throw any honour in with Canada and women.
Emily Carr
A lot of executives simply told me that my sound was dated and wouldn’t work, kind of telling me essentially to go away, that my music would never work in that ‘bro-country’ world. It broke my heart at times, but I also believed strongly in the music.
Carly Pearce
It was always remarkable to me how ignorant the labels were of the listening habits of their own customers, and how obstinate they were in denying those habits and then trying to essentially alter those habits instead of retooling their business to adapt to them.
Todd Rundgren
Growing up in a very rural and remote area in Colorado’s San Luis Valley – one of the poorest counties in the United States – essentially created the framework of values from which I operate. I stand up for the little guy. I fight discrimination at all levels. I fight for an inclusive America.
Ken Salazar
All fiction is about people, unless it’s about rabbits pretending to be people. It’s all essentially characters in action, which means characters moving through time and changes taking place, and that’s what we call ‘the plot’.
Margaret Atwood
Essentially, if you are surrounded by those who ‘outrank’ you, it is likely to affect your identity in insidious ways.
Alissa Quart
Essentially, social education is moral education, and moral education is preparation for citizenship… When Jefferson and others advocated public education, it was to prepare for citizenship in a new, constitutional, democratic society.
Lawrence Kohlberg
But reason always cuts a poor figure beside sentiment; the one being essentially restricted, like everything that is positive, while the other is infinite.
Honore de Balzac
There’s always people trying to do something to make a quick buck. But, if you plan on the long game, you can essentially guarantee success if you’re willing to put in the work and if you surround yourself with the right team.
Jonathan Scott
Woman, essentially a purist, is naturally bigoted and relentless in her effort to make others as good as she thinks they ought to be.
Emma Goldman
My life is essentially not so unique. On some deeper levels we feel the same, we know the same things. Therefore if I show my life 365 days, moments from those days, it will reflect and it will have connection with lives of all of us.
Jonas Mekas
Television was essentially my college.
Edgar Wright
So I suppose poetry, language, the shaping of it, was and remains for me an effort to make sense out of essentially senseless situations.
Thomas Lynch
Up until the 1920s, everyone thought the universe was essentially static and unchanging in time.
Stephen Hawking
I realize that as the quarterback, you have to assume some sort of leadership role because you have to talk in the huddle on every play, and you’re essentially giving out orders to the team. But in my mind, I have to prove myself on the field before I can start asserting a leadership role.
Andrew Luck
Our ability to find humor in the world, to make connections between previously unconnected notions, to create new ideas, to share in a common culture: All these essentially human acts depend on memory.
Joshua Foer
I remember from my school days Archimedes jumping into his bath and displacing water and coming up with his famous principle, and of course Isaac Newton being hit on the head with an apple. In other words, this realm of human knowledge – which is mathematical, essentially – can have a playful visual element to it.
James Marsh
What I do in WWE is essentially a lovable bad guy.
Dean Ambrose
To sing a song is quite different than to write a poem. I’m not and never will be a novelist, but to write a novel is not the same thing as writing a play. There is a difference in form, but essentially what you’re after is the same thing.
Sam Shepard
The thing with Elizabeth Warren that you have to keep in mind is she is very far left. I think a lot of folks who may have considered voting for someone like Joe Biden are going to be very turned off by ideas like universal health care, which would essentially force 200 million Americans off of private health insurance.
Lara Trump
Bond may be a very international, cosmopolitan kind of character, but underneath it all, he is essentially British.
Roger Moore
I think it becomes incumbent upon a candidate to essentially disavow some of the things that are in that party platform. Otherwise, I think the assumption is that you are a true believer.
Pete Gallego
Disobedience is essentially a prideful power struggle against someone in authority over us. It can be a parent, a priesthood leader, a teacher, or ultimately God. A proud person hates the fact that someone is above him. He thinks this lowers his position.
Ezra Taft Benson
Australia is my birth home, so it will always be a home of some sort. But I’m very happy, very pleased to be representing Great Britain. That is my home, and that is where my heart is. That is where I grew up, essentially. So when people ask me where I’m from, where is home, that’s where it is.
Johanna Konta
I guess because we’re essentially a two-man band, we’re attracting Wham’s crowd. But Wham! are more of a businessman’s band.
Curt Smith
If you read every newspaper or listened to every radio station and behaved as if your life depended on that, then you would be in an emotional turmoil. Essentially, you have to stay true to yourself. That is enough.
Robert Green
Let me tell you something – being thought of as a beautiful woman has spared me nothing in life. No heartache, no trouble. Love has been difficult. Beauty is essentially meaningless and it is always transitory.
Halle Berry
Booker Washington was essentially the head Republican boss in the South. He was a power broker.
H. W. Brands
Of course having a baby derails the writing process for some time. And I will be the first to say that I have essentially no social life, because there’s just nothing left after being a mom, professor, and writer. I used to be big into rock climbing. No more. A lot falls by the wayside.
Marie Rutkoski
Facebook and Google are essentially an advertising duopoly, and we have almost no idea how their algorithms work.
Zephyr Teachout
One of the things that I've always loved to do is brain

One of the things that I’ve always loved to do is brainstorm ideas with friends and get together and talk about what they’re building… Essentially, my day-to-day is just going around and meeting entrepreneurs and talking to them about what they plan on launching.
Kevin Rose
There’s been a lot written and said about my family. A lot of specials, a lot of movies. I essentially don’t watch any of them. I don’t read any of them. I keep that away.
Joe Kennedy III
I spent my adult life as a scientist, and science is, essentially, the most successful approach we have to try and understand the vast mysteries around.
David Eagleman
If something good happens to you, and no one knows it, did it really happen? Moreover, if you don’t publicize your accomplishments and good fortune, are you essentially saying you don’t care about them?
Meghan Daum
The structure of private campaign finance has essentially pre-corrupted our politicians, so that they can’t even recognize explicit bribery because it feels the same as what they do every day.
Zephyr Teachout
I’ve always liked an easygoing, colloquial style. I like the kind of reviewer who is essentially a fellow reader, an enthusiast, a fan.
Michael Dirda
Gov. Romney said he would veto the Dream Act. Gov. Romney essentially said the 11 million people ought to just go home, they ought to self-deport. President Romney, if he is elected, is not going to fix our immigration system.
David Plouffe
It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle, and just enticing people to hear the music for free doesn’t mean that much when everyone else is essentially doing the same thing on MySpace, or wherever.
Trent Reznor
Missionary work essentially is a priesthood responsibility, and all of us who hold the priesthood are the Lord’s authorized servants on the earth and are missionaries at all times and in all places – and we always will be.
David A. Bednar
If you’re writing something that’s clearly labelled as an alternative history, of course it’s perfectly legitimate to play with known historical characters and events, but less so when you’re writing an essentially straight historical fiction.
Diana Gabaldon
As crime writers, we put these characters, year after year, book after book, through the most horrendous trauma, dealing with grief and death and loss and violence. We can’t pretend that these things don’t affect these characters; they have to. If they don’t, then you’re essentially writing cartoons.
Mark Billingham
Shakespeare is, essentially, the emanation of the Renaissance. The overflow of his fame on the Continent in later years was but the sequel of the flood of the Renaissance in Western Europe. He was the child of that great movement, and marks its height as it penetrated the North with civilization.
George Edward Woodberry
The mission of ‘8 Mile’ is essentially to garner sympathy for a white rapper involved in an old-school shootout – a rap contest. This may be the final frontier for pop, more unbelievable than the prospect of launching a member of ‘N Sync into orbit.
Elvis Mitchell
The modern dilemma is essentially a spiritual one, and every one of its main aspects, moral, political and scientific, brings us back to the need of a religious solution.
Christopher Dawson
I was essentially bankrupt at the age of 16. That almost near-death experience kind of built the next success for me in business.
Michael G. Rubin
Agricultural husbandry essentially maintains the balance of bound nitrogen.
Fritz Haber
The surface of Mars is bathed in ultraviolet light, bathed in radiation. Mars’s magnetic field is essentially gone, so the surface of Mars is essentially sterilized.
John M. Grunsfeld
Gardening always has been an art, essentially.
Robert Irwin
Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it.
Madame de Stael
For those still outside the cult of Slack, it’s a service – available as a desktop or mobile app, or a website – which is essentially a series of public chat rooms (called channels) on topics relevant to a company or to teams within a company.
Walt Mossberg
MIA stands for ‘missing in action,’ which is the way others can experience you when you’re too busy multi-tasking, being pulled at by the world and by everything that’s going on in your head, and, essentially, when you’re too busy being busy.
Mark Goulston
What I’m trying to say is that for the average investor, what I would encourage them to do is to understand that there’s inflation and growth. It can go higher and lower and to have four different portfolios essentially that make up your entire portfolio that gets you balanced.
Ray Dalio
I’m not being presumptuous, I hope, when I say that ‘The Crown’ is little bit like ‘The Godfather.’ It is essentially about a family in power and survival.
Peter Morgan
My mom was essentially a single mother raising three boys. If anyone could have had any reason to give up, it was her. But she didn’t, and neither did we.
Chuck Norris
I did this show for Sky called ‘King of the Nerds’, which was a reality show looking for the world’s biggest nerd, essentially, celebrating the geek, which is also what I’m about.
Konnie Huq
Wars of necessity are essentially unavoidable. They involve the most important national interests, a lack of promising alternatives to the use of force, and a certain and considerable price to be paid if the status quo is allowed to stand. Examples include World War II and the Korean War.
Richard N. Haass
For some reason, I don’t like the term ‘model-turned-actress’ – which is what I am, essentially.
Stephanie Corneliussen
Conservatism is not the problem. Conservatism is the founding of this country, essentially. Conservatism isn’t even really an ideology. Conservatism is just what is right, proper, decent, and moral. That’s all it is.
Rush Limbaugh
I want to go create my own independent content and entertainment, in new models and in new ways, and essentially show studios and networks that people are good.
Zachary Levi
I think essentially the meaning of life is probably the journey and not really any one thing or an outcome or a result.
Charisma Carpenter
Essentially, I spent most of my childhood with my mother and my older sister, and I suppose I had rather a romantic vision of how things might be if there were men around; I saw myself in a country house with six children and a garden. That has never been achieved – and I still regret it.
Claire Tomalin
You hope that the responsibility of making movies will

You hope that the responsibility of making movies will fall into the hands of essentially moral people.
Sydney Pollack
Podcasting is not really that different from streaming music, which we’ve done for quite a long time. Having a traditional podcast that people subscribe to – the hype is ahead of the quality. Podcasting is essentially a download, and you run into copyright issues. What you’re left with currently is podcast talk radio.
Chris DeWolfe
I think the power of messaging is saying something in as few words as possible, because I think we all essentially have ADD. It’s not a clinically diagnosed state anymore; it’s a socially imposed state.
Kenneth Cole
Essentially, it is the director who is the creative head of a film. The final authority on all decisions lies with the director. That is how it should be. And then other team members can give their creative inputs.
Aamir Khan
The most prominent – and by far the most controversial – part of ‘Help to Work’ essentially forces people to take unpaid work placements as a condition of receiving their benefits.
Emily Thornberry
I think the narrative of people being caught between two cultures as immigrants is very harmful. It’s exclusionary. It essentially tries to argue that some Americans are more real than others.
Ken Liu
A lot of designers get caught up in the creativity, but you’ve got to think about the legs of your collection – essentially, how the line is going to move forward.
Alexander Wang
I’m essentially starting at the bottom of the food chain and playing the small clubs and intimate shows.
Jax Jones
Through the potent example of his own life, President Obama enabled us to believe the best about America, and, therefore, about ourselves. That uplifting narrative – essentially equating the promise of America with his extraordinary life story – swept candidate Obama into the presidency.
Cynthia P. Schneider
As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown.
Norman Foster
During the songs, you transcend yourself. The best way to be in the performance is to be without pause and be essentially in the moment, in that moment of expression.
Florence Welch
I’ve always thought of beauty therapy, ‘alternative’ treatments and the like as the female equivalent of brothels – for essentially self-deceiving people who feel a bit hollow and have to pay to be touched.
Julie Burchill
My house is run, essentially, by an adopted, fully clawed cat with a mean nature.
Anthony Bourdain
Essentially, Robin Hood put a smackdown on the medieval equivalent of the IRS.
Steven Crowder
Essentially the Succubus is a mythical figure – who used to come in and cause trouble with innocent men.
MyAnna Buring
You have to be essentially ready to interview the President every day that you walk in, at any moment.
Kristen Welker
For most of my life I’ve liked to pretend I live in a starship. Punching in fake codes to get into doorways that obviously are not secure. I love that idea of living on a spaceship. Because essentially we are: a gigantic thing floating in some infinite darkness that’s running on principles that we don’t even understand.
Reggie Watts
That’s the great thing about G.I. Joe: it’s essentially superheroes, but it’s military based – and it’s based in reality.
D. J. Cotrona
Because contemporary paganism is essentially so new, its underlying ethical structure is not particularly sophisticated.
Liz Williams
For me, prog rock has always been essentially British. It combines all our great and eccentric genius. We are not hung up on categories, rules and classification. We love people who break the mould, challenge us and make us think differently.
Gavin Esler
I tend to be one of those who does not equate democratization with the holding of elections. The emphasis ought to be on such things as rule of law, economic reform, and promotion of a free media – in short, essentially independent, free institutions.
Richard N. Haass
I was 39 when I did, essentially, a three-quarter sleeve on my left arm. It was very late in life, which is good: I can’t think of any decision I made at 19 that I’d be happy with at 39 or even now, at 51.
Nick Wooster
Happiness is a light, an atmosphere, an illumination. It sets a personality. I always feel that it is a creation that is difficult for some and easy for others, but essentially an achievement, never an accident.
Elizabeth Bibesco
Water keepers patrol local waterways and prosecute polluters. Essentially, they act as the community’s coast guard.
Robert Kennedy, Jr.
I will say this, being an anchor is easier than being a reporter, because one of the things I’m able to do is essentially work a bit of a split shift.
Brianna Keilar
Goals are essentially private things.
Essie Davis
We are working essentially to build a leadership force of folks who will, during their first two years of teaching, actually put their kids on a different trajectory – not just survive as a new teacher, but actually help close the achievement gap for their kids.
Wendy Kopp
I like to have my characters talking in an up-to-date way, and I like their essentially modern self-awareness, which means we can have lots of irony and jokes.
Jonathan Stroud
Anybody who is an entrepreneur is a person who essentially has impaired judgment. The odds of success are zilch.
Tom Peters
Jazz music, as is also the case with the old down-home spirituals, gospel and jubilee songs, jumps, shouts and moans, is essentially an American vernacular or idiomatic modification of musical conventions imported from Europe, beginning back during the time of the early settlers of the original colonies.
Albert Murray
How do we transform loss? … Time’s healing balm is essentially a hoax.
August Wilson
James Joyce - an essentially private man who wished his

James Joyce – an essentially private man who wished his total indifference to public notice to be universally recognized.
Tom Stoppard
In some markets, we don’t have a lot of room to expand. We’ve done studies of store density and essentially found our more dense markets have more than one store per 15,000 people.
Fred DeLuca
The thing about being black in a mostly white industry, particularly as a black male, is you can’t lose your temper in the same way. Essentially, you are an angry black man losing his temper in a way that’s unprofessional, as opposed to an industry that has protected unprofessional white males in perpetua.
Cheo Hodari Coker
Normally, I could hit hard enough, as anyone who studied my fights might have known. But the impression was that I was essentially defensive, the very reverse of a killer, the prize fighter who read books, even Shakespeare.
Gene Tunney
I think a lot of things will be self-correcting, even in America. After all, human societies are essentially self-organizing emergent systems. The catch is, how much disorder will we have to endure while this re-self-organizing process occurs.
James Howard Kunstler
The human body is essentially something other than an animal organism.
Martin Heidegger
The object of poetic activity is essentially language: whatever his beliefs and convictions, the poet is more concerned with words than with what these words designate.
Octavio Paz
Horses are wild animals, essentially, and they’re not there to do what humans want them to – they can be browbeaten or cajoled or trained, but they don’t hear English; they’re not obedient most of the time.
Marianne Elliott
I think the media can be a very positive influence by essentially holding people to task about the importance of high quality medical care. And when the media is scrutinizing you, then I think that’s a very good, positive thing for the field of medicine.
Anthony Fauci
The writing life is essentially one of solitary confinement – if you can’t deal with this, you needn’t apply.
Will Self
I don’t think that the Supreme Court really takes cases with kind of a theme in mind. They get about 10,000 requests a year, and what are called ‘petitions for certiorari,’ which are essentially 30 page documents which say, ‘Hey, Court, hear my case.’ And they don’t take very many of them.
Neal Katyal
For me, style is essentially doing things well. If you want to be outrageous, be outrageous with style. If you want to be restrained, be restrained with style. One can’t specifically define style. It’s like the perfume to a flower. It’s a quality you can’t analyze.
Francoise Gilot
My hearing loss was essentially due to noise exposure during my military service. I was on an anti-submarine sub-chaser in WWII, and we had lots of depth charges going off all around us. There were plenty of explosions, and they were loud!
Norm Crosby
I always felt that heroes were essentially dull. Villains were more exotic and could do more interesting things.
Jerry Robinson
The waste from power plants is essentially what is left over when you burn coal. And as we all know, coal is a relatively dirty mineral.
Charles Duhigg
Anyone with a cellphone essentially is their own broadcast network. If you can build a reach for yourself, you’re essentially an influencer.
Kevin Jonas
The trouble with most comedians who try to do satire is that they are essentially brash, noisy and indelicate people who have to use a sledge hammer to smash a butterfly.
Imogene Coca
There have been many people whom I have admired, emulated and even modeled parts of my life after. I study how they do things, and then I go through a period of ‘trying on’ those same thinking patterns and behaviors. After awhile, what is not essentially me falls away while the useful parts remain.
Jack Canfield
I consider myself very lucky, essentially – I was put into a pop group even though my musical taste was very niche before.
Zayn Malik
The process of getting regulations right is described publicly as far more political than in fact it is. It’s essentially a legal and technical enterprise.
Cass Sunstein
The ‘International Style of Modernism’ came with the advent of building services. In the end, the architecture became like a container space, essentially like a boring box with a basement full of machinery to make it inhabitable. As a result, buildings literally started to look identical all over the planet.
Bjarke Ingels
My doctor said, ‘If you can weigh what you weighed in high school, you’ll essentially be healthy and not have Type 2 diabetes.’ Well, I’m gonna have Type 2 diabetes, because there is no way I can weigh as much as I did in high school.
Tom Hanks
Life is essentially a question of values.
Meir Kahane
The best music, you can seek some shelter in it momentarily, but it’s essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.
Bruce Springsteen
The moon is essentially gray, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand.
Jim Lovell
Obviously it’s how bad do you really want to be successful, essentially. Like, what does that really mean to you? Why are you doing it?
Frances Tiafoe
The position of the artist if humble. He is essentially a channel.
Piet Mondrian
I remember when I got my first (and only) iPad – excitement filled the air as I opened the box and stared at what was essentially a big iPhone but without the phone part. I knew I really wanted it, and at the same time, I knew I didn’t need it.
Rhys Darby
It now appears that essentially every star has a planetary system. In the very beginning, we thought at best half.
Frank Drake
Frying is essentially a drying process. Batters and breadings are formulated to dry out in a particularly graceful way.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt
I don’t think you get a lot of comedians who are homeopaths. Comedy is essentially about not being hoodwinked.
Ben Miller
For me, fiction isn't very cathartic. It can be a broad

For me, fiction isn’t very cathartic. It can be a broad, long catharsis, but it’s a whole different thing – whereas music is physical. Essentially, it goes in through your ear. Fiction is cerebral, necessarily. It can do emotional stuff. But they don’t really compare – not for me.
John Darnielle
Everything has been said yet few have taken advantage of it. Since all our knowledge is essentially banal, it can only be of value to minds that are not.
Raoul Vaneigem
Fundamentally, I always find that most of the films that I’ve put out are essentially the director’s cut. Part of the process with a director’s cut is the leaving behind of certain aspects of the movie that we don’t feel necessary because they aren’t part of the dynamic of the story.
Ridley Scott
Diaspora starts about a thousand years from now. Most of human civilisation has moved inside computers; essentially, a major branch of our descendants consists of conscious software.
Greg Egan
Remember that a painting – before it is a battle horse, a nude model, or some anecdote – is essentially a flat surface covered with colours assembled in a certain order.
Maurice Denis
One of the secrets is, for us, we pick our demographic. If other demographics want to like it, then by all means. But essentially, we’re making music for the party, for the club.
So chlorination, essentially bleaching, does work for SARS CoV-2, it does kill the virus. But the question is whether there’s enough chlorine in the pool water to do that, and of course it’s very diluted.
Norman Swan
I like watching films that can play in any language because they’re essentially silent.
Edgar Wright
I don’t believe that directors need to essentially manipulate actors into doing things. You can suffer for your art, and you can make your own self suffer for your art. You don’t need anyone else to do it for you. I work best when there’s a safety trampoline of kindness.
Ruth Negga
Essentially, I’m untrained, so I just go with my imagination and try to put myself as solidly as I can into the shoes of whatever person I’m going to be playing.
Christian Bale
Texas was mostly short-grass and tall-grass prairie when modern Europeans arrived here. It really was a land of milk and honey. But when they brought all these cattle onto these relatively small bits of land, and the cattle were allowed to graze freely, they essentially destroyed the prairie.
Philipp Meyer
A user who essentially costs YouTube money has very little say. The way to have a say is to concretely support the creators and channels you watch directly by giving them money.
Freddie Wong
I would love, love, love to do theatre. It’s how I started, and essentially, it’s my heart.
Candice Patton
Panic is rare, looting is essentially insignificant, people are not terrified and trampling each other to flee from a disaster scene, but in fact are trying to manage a situation. We may in fact revert to some sort of primordial civility.
Rebecca Solnit
Essentially, if you decide to sell a widget using BitPay, and you sell the widget for $100, in Bitcoin you get $100. And so it doesn’t matter what the price does the next minute or the next hour.
Barry Silbert
I firmly believe that when and if Amazon and or Apple adopts bitcoin as a payment structure the dam will essentially break because at that point you’re talking about a very high volume of transactions being able to use bitcoin.
Francis X. Suarez
The slugs are ascending this steep city staircase that leads up to a huge Catholic church, essentially signifying their slow crawl towards death. The work reminds us of religion, mortality, natural decay, and the slow suffocation of commercialized societies.
Florentijn Hofman
I am essentially someone who comes from the theatre. I love the theatre. Unfortunately, theatre doesn’t pay the bills. Only in theatre abroad, I get a wage.
Kabir Bedi
It’s great to see countries like China and India lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty by essentially copying Western ways of doing things.
Niall Ferguson
The people in Iraq lived essentially good lives. They had brilliant health and education systems. Saddam actually created an incredible infrastructure in a very difficult country, but they were a Mafia family. If you said anything against that regime or that family you would be killed instantly.
Dominic Cooper
There was a time when liberalism was identified with anti-Communism. But the Vietnam War led liberals into the arms of the Left, which had been morally confused about Communism since its inception and had become essentially pacifist following the carnage of World War I.
Dennis Prager
I’ve also been working with the Challengers Club in the inner city of Los Angeles for 15 years now, I guess, and it’s essentially an inner-city recreation club for boys and girls.
Richard Dean Anderson
As soon as I became old enough to make my dreams my reality, I became a firm believer that the subconscious and the world outside of our flesh and blood is essentially the truth.
Melissa Auf der Maur
At extreme distances, there is essentially no such thing as depth of field.
Trevor Paglen
The forces that are in play on climate change essentially revolve around the generation of power, the transportation of goods and services and people, and the sorts of materials that we use to fuel the whole of our civilisation.
Peter Garrett
A lot of people make music to sell music. I don’t just sell music. I am essentially, I guess the word I want to use is, it’s like an energetic transaction.
The genomics revolution, proteomics, metabolomics, all of these ‘omics’ that sound so terrific on grants and on business plans. What we’re doing is we are seizing control of our evolutionary future. I mean we’re essentially using technology to just jam evolution into fast-forward.
Gregory Stock
One of the interesting things about quoting in an artwork is that there is a repeated confusion about who is speaking – one essentially becomes the author of a quote one uses.
Glenn Ligon
The year I was born, 1956, was the peak year for babies being born, and there are more people essentially our age than anybody else. We could crush these new generations if we decided too.
Tom Hanks
True, I was born and raised in Chennai, fluent in Tamil, but essentially, I am a Telugu guy and a Telugu actor.
Mahesh Babu
Music is essentially useless, as is life.
George Santayana
When I moved to Chicago, I was coming from a school tha

When I moved to Chicago, I was coming from a school that didn’t have any arts in Alabama. I essentially came from a town where the arts didn’t exist and the desire for education didn’t exist and wasn’t valued.
Nelsan Ellis
I try to always go for something… very interior, following thoughts and memories, something that I think is difficult to do on the screen, which is essentially a third-person medium.
Kazuo Ishiguro
People essentially like local news better than network news.
Roone Arledge
First and foremost, I think it’s just such an incredible gift as an actor when you’re presented with a notion of essentially playing two characters in one – which is kind of how I approached Timmy in this version of The Craft.’
Nicholas Galitzine
I’m fortunate in having journalism as a sideline to pay the bills, and I essentially do it in order to take as long as I want with books.
John Lanchester
Intellectual work is essentially a lonely process, and if you can find a way of doing something so that you’re in company without being disturbed, that, for me, is the critical thing. I often get to feel isolated so often if I’m sitting either where there aren’t people or isn’t a view.
Whitfield Diffie
We have, essentially, a worthless democracy.
Aaron McGruder
The essence of leadership is essentially taking the responsibility of trying to interpret the future to the present.
Paul Keating
‘Black bloc’ is a tactic that Antifa and other militant movements use where they adopt, essentially, a uniform of wearing black clothing, long sleeve, and mask and sunglasses completely.
Andy Ngo
I am essentially a recluse who will have very little to do with people wherever he may be. I think that most people only make me nervous – that only by accident, and in extremely small quantities, would I ever be likely to come across people who wouldn’t.
H. P. Lovecraft
Like ‘God’s Not Dead,’ the fundamentalist Christian movie that has become a popular hit, ‘Transcendence’ is essentially a dramatized debate. And as ‘God’s Not Dead’ stacks the rhetorical cards for the Deity’s existence, the Pfister film eventually hangs back with the Luddites.
Richard Corliss
I actually grew up around the corner from where Harold Pinter did. If you want a snapshot of my childhood, me and Pinter, we essentially grew up together.
Zawe Ashton
I can’t turn off the way I think, and that’s essentially who I am, who anybody is.
Marilyn Manson
Project Xanadu is essentially my trademark. It was originally, and has returned to my arms as that.
Ted Nelson
My music and my lyrics are essentially emotional postcards.
Sarah McLachlan
I know so many people that were really able to lead ‘perfect’ lives. They meet the right person, they make the babies, they get the jobs, they get the house and it’s essentially a smooth ride. That really didn’t happen for me.
Aesop Rock
I’m not Ted Nugent. My house is run, essentially, by an adopted, fully clawed cat with a mean nature. I would never hunt. I would never wear fur. I would never go to a bullfight. I’m not really a meat and potatoes guy.
Anthony Bourdain
There is this mythology that says that when people are born, their brains are essentially fixed very early on and they’re not able to change their connections. I was aware that was a myth and that people could learn new skills.
Daniel Tammet
We just simply want to get back to basics, get – restore essentially the constitutional foundation of the country, and that means the federal government becoming less onerous, less involved in every – basically every item of our lives. And what that means is there does have to be some transition.
Joe Miller
Gravity Falls’ normally follows very particular rules: we start out in reality close to the world as we know it, usually one magical element presents itself, and then it’s essentially vanished or hidden back to where it came from by the end of the 20 minutes.
Alex Hirsch
With my anxiety, I essentially need to be around someone at all times.
Mardy Fish
My nominee for Best Picture of the year – maybe the best picture ever, because it’s essentially made up of and is an ecstatic love letter to all other movies – is Christian Marclay’s endlessly enticing must-see masterpiece ‘The Clock.’
Jerry Saltz
Readers, like writers, are essentially amoral. Arm’s length will never do. We want to get closer.
Stacey D’Erasmo
The comparative strength of each piece depends entirely on circumstance; their movements are so different that it is essentially impossible to effectively compare them on anything other than a case-by-case basis.
Daniel Naroditsky
We have essentially gone from being communities that were policed by people from the communities to being communities that are policed by strangers, and that’s no longer a community: that’s an area that’s under siege.
Killer Mike
Superman when he goes after someone is essentially not trying to beat them, he is trying to save them from themselves… You’re looking at a God who walks amongst men!
Max Landis
What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the President drinks Coke. Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too.
Andy Warhol
One way or another, we need to understand that broadband is essentially telephone service, and just as we got to telephone service in the United States to one hundred per cent, we need to do it for broadband.
Julius Genachowski
I don’t think a lot of actors talk about it, but there’s usually a process where you essentially purge yourself of the character that you played prior to the movie. That’s the first thing. You want to do it.
Vin Diesel
Essentially, I’m a 21-year-old who’s a millionaire through gaming, vlogging, and my online experience. Yo, I’ll take it!
Black-and-white photography, which I was doing in the very early days, was essentially called art photography and usually consisted of landscapes by people like Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. But photographs by people like Adams didn’t interest me.
William Eggleston
Danger Mouse' is James Bond essentially. A rodent James

Danger Mouse’ is James Bond essentially. A rodent James Bond. Oh and slightly Batman too I suppose. And let’s chuck in a little bit Superman while we’re there. He’s an old-fashion swashbuckling hero.
Alexander Armstrong
Fiction is lies; we’re writing about people who never existed and events that never happened when we write fiction, whether its science fiction or fantasy or western mystery stories or so-called literary stories. All those things are essentially untrue. But it has to have a truth at the core of it.
George R. R. Martin
Acting is a learning process. And what you are doing in your early films is essentially picking up the nuances, the tricks of your trade. And somewhere along the line, you become analytical and learn to enjoy what you are doing.
Ajith Kumar
I play disturbed people a lot, but always with a bit of distance or tongue-in-cheek. Most of the villains I play are essentially harmless.
Christopher Walken
Jesus was a teacher, in a way. I mean, essentially, Jesus was a teacher. He was teaching people. He was helping them see themselves for what they were. He was helping them see their power, their strength, their beauty, what they’re capable of.
Haaz Sleiman
I think the brain is essentially a computer and consciousness is like a computer program. It will cease to run when the computer is turned off. Theoretically, it could be re-created on a neural network, but that would be very difficult, as it would require all one’s memories.
Stephen Hawking
That’s part of the problem with these conflicts. We’re not close enough to it. If we don’t try to get really close to what these guys – men, women, Americans, and now, with this Arab Revolution, young Arab men, Young Egyptians and Libyans – are experiencing, you don’t understand the world, essentially.
James Foley
I say that I suffer from what Rosalind Krauss was calling the post-medium condition, where an artist essentially employs several mediums in order to bring to life whatever specific ideas that they have. For me it’s always been that way.
Rashid Johnson
I have almost no memory of my parents ever speaking to each other. They split up on bad terms. I assumed that’s what family life was like. Just essentially a soap opera.
Kevin Parker
We designed a car that is for daily commutes and that you charge every day. The less you use the gasoline engine, the better mpg. Essentially, the Karma can achieve dramatic savings and low CO2 output when used as intended, as a daily commuter.
Henrik Fisker
I happen to think that the Latino audience is an essentially traditional audience and will go to Fox News for traditional American values.
Roger Ailes
If I really can be said to have a personal style, I think it is reflected in my taste for the exotic and the unexpected. I like to create rooms which are essentially traditional – and then add touches of the bizarre and the delicious.
Lee Radziwill
I think that just because the show is titled ‘Awkward Black Girl’ and it is a predominantly black cast doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be able to relate to these people. We’re all human beings. We all essentially go through the same things when it comes down to it, so I don’t I think that should limit who watches it.
Issa Rae
I’ve essentially done theater for more of my life than I’ve done television or film, and it’s really something I feel I know better.
Melissa Benoist
Once DNA acquires the ability to persist forever, the carriers become disposable. Essentially, our bodies are designed to last long enough to reproduce.
S. Jay Olshansky
As feminists, we have to become more tolerant of each other’s differences because we are essentially working towards the same goal.
Momina Mustehsan
‘You’re Ugly Too’ isn’t a comedy, but it has a lightness of touch with a hard edge. But it’s essentially a warm story tinged with a bit of melancholy in the great Irish tradition. I’m very proud of that film.
Aidan Gillen
I essentially have always directed everything on my TV show without using that title; I edited and wrote all my stuff.
Tom Green
God’s love-eye does not see essentially into the wicked rebellious apostate soul; neither also into the devil, but his anger-eye sees thereinto; that is, God, according to the property of the anger or fire of wrath, sees in the devil, and in the false soul.
Jakob Bohme
People make a mistake when they think that if you just accumulate a set number of things on your resume, it’s going to lead you to a particular place – the pattern of essentially compiling credentials to climb your way up a ladder. That may work, but that’s not at all what happened to me.
Ben Rhodes
One of the nice things about writing is you can take essentially painful things in your life and turn them into something that might be useful, or at least entertaining, to somebody else.
Patrick deWitt
A song is essentially an ‘asset’ after its creation and release because it can be traded, sold or rented. This makes it the backbone of earnings in the ‘music ecosystem.’
Momina Mustehsan
President Yanukovych, the deposed president, essentially, he gutted the Ukrainian military. And so I think we could provide some more assistance to them in that regard.
Kelly Ayotte
The Obama administration has issued numerous orders essentially suspending deportations, prompting a major spike in illegal crossings.
Aaron Klein
The problem is essentially that of communications to an army in action. After a rapid advance communications become disorganized, and there is a temporary halting until they are again in working order.
John Desmond Bernal
Nothing is simpler than owning the stock market and holding it forever, and that’s essentially the idea behind the index fund.
John C. Bogle
When you print money, the money does not flow evenly into the economic system. It stays essentially in the financial service industry and among people that have access to these funds, mostly well-to-do people. It does not go to the worker.
Marc Faber
Mr. Bean is essentially a child trapped in the body of a man. All cultures identify with children in a similar way, so he has this bizarre global outreach.
Rowan Atkinson
A journalist also needs to be disciplined, and so do I. I am, essentially, lazy. Without discipline I’d be just a mass of gummy bears on the sofa instead of on book tour with my eighth novel.
Louise Penny
The most important book on the Internet is, essentially, the Internet.
John Hodgman
Essentially, I’m a storyteller, and I make my living by telling stories, be they music or nonfiction or fiction.
James McBride
Each one seems to be, in some way, essentially differen

Each one seems to be, in some way, essentially different from the others, and each is a surprise to me. I think that making books, or any kind of art, might also be like mining. The artist digs into his or her life and imagination and never knows what they’ll find. That’s the adventure.
Mordicai Gerstein
Music is essentially built upon primitive memory structures.
Morton Feldman
For that again, is what all manner of religion essentially is: childish dependency.
Albert Ellis
The memoirs that have come out of Africa are sometimes startlingly beautiful, often urgent, and essentially life-affirming, but they are all performances of courage and honesty.
Alexandra Fuller
Trees are essentially growing chairs. There are lots of primates that sit and sleep in them.
George M. Church
The core concept of Samasource is essentially that technology helps us unlock human talent wherever it may happen to reside. That we should no longer be victims of the birth lottery. That no one should be stuck in a poor place where they don’t have a job simply because of an accident of birth.
Leila Janah
Each of us has a gift, a talent, that we can offer to the world that makes the world essentially a better place.
James Redfield
I would have been an essayist in the 18th century. Maybe I’d have had one gag in the piece, but essentially I’d be saying something.
Sara Pascoe
I have always written – since I was a kid. I might say that I am essentially a writer who is bored to be alone in the room writing. I need to have more people around me. So, I ‘write’ with a film camera and have a party at the same time by having a bunch of people around.
Jasmila Zbanic
I definitely get inspiration from the ‘gram. I mean, Instagram is Google, essentially. I love looking at pictures of beautiful women.
For me, the Immaculate Conception is the feast of ‘passive action,’ the action that functions simply by the transmission through us of divine energy. Purity, in spite of outward appearances, is essentially an active virtue, because it concentrates God in us and on those who are subject to our influence.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
To me, the machinima artform has essentially evolved now into the Let’s Play streaming world. That’s what it is: it’s people performing and creating art using video games. It’s just more personality-driven rather than story-driven these days.
Burnie Burns
Blade Runner appears regularly, two or three times a year in various shapes and forms of science fiction. It set the pace for what is essentially urban science fiction, urban future and it’s why I’ve never re-visited that area because I feel I’ve done it.
Ridley Scott
Comedian sort of enjoys the darkness because, essentially, he’s a thug. He’s just not a nice guy.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
I started acting because it was essentially the way I needed to survive and equalize my inner life.
Ari Graynor
Hyperloop One has accomplished what no one has done before by successfully testing the first full scale Hyperloop system. By achieving full vacuum, we essentially invented our own sky in a tube, as if you’re flying at 200,000 feet in the air.
Shervin Pishevar
A review was published in Nature, very scathing, essentially calling me incompetent, though they didn’t use that word. I am putting a reply on my Web site in a few days, where I go through their arguments, paragraph by paragraph.
Bjorn Lomborg
A drawing is essentially a private work, related only to the artist’s own needs; a ‘finished’ statue or canvas is essentially a public, presented work – related far more directly to the demands of communication.
John Berger
I don’t smoke, but people say that you get secondhand smoke. But this is a country that was founded mainly on the tobacco industry – tobacco and coffee. It’s so surprising that they are now essentially making cigarettes illegal, when that is where the whole country came from.
Lydia Hearst
I don’t know where Bush is going – yet. But, Sharon obviously – I wrote somewhere in the last several months, that Sharon has adopted, essentially, the position of the Labor Party: that the Palestinians are here to stay.
Arthur Hertzberg
The only ultimate power you have as a human being is over your choice to live or die. Everything else is chaos. If you try and think you have control over some of your life, essentially, that’s the only real control you have, is whether you decide to exist.
Ruth Wilson
If the Republican party essentially becomes the white party, it is going to be the death of it, not only for demographic reasons but for reasons of principle. The party of Lincoln is a party of opportunity for everyone. It’s a party about the right to rise, and Mr. Trump unfortunately doesn’t represent that view.
Bret Stephens
Pentagon dollars are essentially seen as a different kind of funding that doesn’t have to stand for itself and make an argument for itself in the house of Congress.
Rachel Maddow
I like the idea of taking a true classic written by a true genius and destroying it essentially! I like the idea of bringing it down to earth a bit – and even a bit lower than that.
Randy Newman
Standup is essentially part of your personality with the volume turned up.
Tom Segura
The biologists have essentially been pushed aside. Al Gore’s just an opportunist. The person who is really responsible for this overestimate of global warming is Jim Hansen. He consistently exaggerates all the dangers.
Freeman Dyson
Because fashion essentially is art, and as an artist and someone who is also a musician and an artist in regards to drawing and painting, anything I can do that expresses my feelings is something I’m really drawn to.
Ruby Rose
If we hit the debt ceiling, that’s… essentially defaulting on our obligations, which is totally unprecedented in American history. The impact on the economy would be catastrophic.
Austan Goolsbee
Medicaid is essentially bankrupt, Medicare is essentially bankrupt, why the heck would we give the federal government another entitlement program to manage?
Tim Pawlenty
I don’t limit my taste. There’s some jazz that I like and there’s some opera. I’ve been listening to what was essentially country music, but it crossed over to rock.
Rick Moranis
Virginia Woolf came along in the early part of the century and essentially said through her writing, yes, big books can be written about the traditional big subjects. There is war. There is the search for God. These are all very important things.
Michael Cunningham
I actually got my start playing indoor soccer with the

I actually got my start playing indoor soccer with the boys, a bunch of boys I played with. We eventually became a club team and then essentially got to the point where I couldn’t be a girl on the boys’ team, so I switched over to JB Marine.
Becky Sauerbrunn
Generally, the view that I’ve had on Twitter is if you’re on Twitter, you’re in, like, the meme – you’re in meme war land. If you’re on Twitter, you’re in the arena. And so, essentially, if you attack me, it is therefore OK for me to attack back.
Elon Musk
I think it used to be an accepted leadership tactic to essentially abuse people.
Brendan Hunt
I’m essentially a traveller. I love to do many things.
Ashish Vidyarthi
Makeup is no different than clothes and accessories – it’s embellishments for your face. And it also gives you creative freedom. You get to have that moment in front the mirror every morning and give yourself self-love. You’re making yourself up beautiful, which is essentially self-love.
Michelle Phan
Too many of the elderly do not have the family or the communal attachments necessary to feel valued; too many are widowed or otherwise alone; too many live in surroundings where they are essentially without the companionship necessary to stimulate a mind in danger of deteriorating.
Sherwin B. Nuland
If you look back to 2008, people didn’t have smartphones. Now everyone essentially has a smartphone.
Steve Mollenkopf
I was an accidental banker. To please my parents, I went for an interview with Chase Manhattan Bank in 1983. They promised to send me into their offices in more than 40 countries and essentially audit the practices. It was an extraordinary job.
Jacqueline Novogratz
As a citizen, as a public scientist, I can tell you that Einstein essentially overturned a so strongly established paradigm of science, whereas Darwin didn’t really overturn a science paradigm.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
We were going for simplicity with the Minions and, frankly, I think that’s a huge appeal of the characters. They’re essentially pills with goggles. A child can draw them quite easily.
Chris Renaud
In Hollywood, they think they know it all. You, as a writer, are essentially an outsider. Novelists and short-story writers, especially.
Ray Bradbury
When a company gets bigger, when it begins to bring on employees, it naturally goes through this tendency of wanting to control, of wanting to build process – essentially to say not every one of our customers or employees has great judgment.
Marc Randolph
We associate the North Atlantic with cod. The motto of Newfoundland used to be ‘In cod we trust.’ It was a joke, but it was essentially true. But there is no cod anymore. And that’s extraordinary. It’s all because of either greed or politics – Canadian politics.
Simon Winchester
The vast majority of my career anywhere I was essentially the only guy who believed in myself.
Mojo Rawley
All creatures are united to God alone in an immediate union. They depend essentially and directly upon Him. Being all alike equally impotent, they cannot be in reciprocal dependence upon one another.
Nicolas Malebranche
‘The Purge’ is really about America’s crazy relationship to guns and guns gone wild, essentially, and it kind of laid the groundwork for ‘Get Out.’
Jason Blum
Through meteorology, we know essentially how hurricanes form, even though we can’t say where the next storm will arise.
Eric Maskin
I think the Americans have it right. The idea of having guns is essentially to protect yourself from a totalitarian government.
Lauren Southern
The birth of the search engine, it’s nothing new: it’s essentially embedded in our literature; it’s how ideas relate, how the mind makes connections. I mean, connections are made online through links, and within an algorithm, they’re made through degrees of relevancy between different terms.
Joshua Cohen
The formerly incarcerated – returning citizens – often face a cruel irony in America. Having paid their debt to society, too many are banned from the ballot box that could help them dismantle policies that essentially extend their sentences.
Stacey Abrams
My dream concept is that I have a camera and I am trying to photograph what is essentially invisible. And every once in a while I get a glimpse of her and I grab that picture.
Leonard Nimoy
I’m essentially a jeans girl, and I dress them up or down with accessories. For me, it’s ultimately about a great pair of shoes.
Jessalyn Gilsig
There are essentially two main reasons to hold a phone up at a show. First, to capture a memory for yourself, a reminder of the moment you’re enjoying. And second, to share that moment with someone – to express your emotions socially. Both seem perfectly legitimate to me.
John Battelle
My background is really being a writer’s actor – that seems to be the way I work best, bringing out the best of writing. There’s a whole range of acting skills, and some people can be astonishing with very poor material. That’s not me; my skill is essentially unlocking the writing.
Lindsay Duncan
One of the first exercises we did in acting class my freshman year was to stand in two rows, two lines facing each other as a class, and just make sounds and move in some completely nonsensical way out into the center of the room. Sort of make an idiot out of yourself, essentially, but to be okay with that.
Chris Parnell
The reason I want to be able to teleport is that I don’t like waiting around. It’s one of my pet peeves. I also don’t like traveling, because I don’t like sitting on a plane for six hours, doing nothing, essentially wasting time. You know what would be awesome? Bam, I’m in New York.
Alan Schaaf
Throughout my childhood, I did a form of Irish dancing that was kind of the precursor to ‘Riverdance.’ It was a mixture of ballet and Irish dancing that my teacher, Patricia Mulholland, had invented, essentially. It was Irish ballet, and she would create performances based around the myths and legends of Ireland.
Laura Donnelly
Just going through a marriage and a divorce – which I essentially did by 21 – will give you an insane amount of perspective on life.
Solange Knowles
Al Qaeda has overplayed their hand. What the al Qaeda do when they go into a town or village or a neighborhood inside a major city is they get a stranglehold on the people themselves. They force the men to wear beards and the women to be properly costumed and essentially completely covered up.
Jack Keane
We know that if memory is destroyed in one part of the brain, it can be sometimes re-created on a different part of the brain. And once we can unravel that amino chain of chemicals that is responsible for memory, I see no reason why we can’t unlock it and, essentially, wipe out what’s there.
J. Michael Straczynski
I was essentially trained by Oscar Hammerstein to think of songs as one-act plays, to move a song from point A to point B dramatically.
Stephen Sondheim
Libertarians are essentially what the Republicans were

Libertarians are essentially what the Republicans were 30 years ago. Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan. They’d all fit more under the Libertarian label than the modern day Republican label.
Drew Carey
At the age of 15 months my daughter was diagnosed with very bad asthma, and essentially I put my career on hold for a good eight years.
Paula Cole
Even the most brilliant accomplishments on the Internet are essentially cold. Google has changed the world, but you don’t snuggle up to it. YouTube is a giant carnival, filled with freaks and mountebanks, a place to gawk and laugh and get bored. Certainly not a place to feel anything.
Marshall Herskovitz
The People’s Republic of China has 2 million strong in its military, and it’s trying to make them stronger through gene editing, and that’s just one of the ways that China is trying to essentially dominate the planet and set the rules and the world order.
John Ratcliffe
I started at the top. My first job was the cover of ‘Italian Vogue,’ which is the equivalent essentially of winning an Academy Award. So, there was nowhere else to go from there.
Lydia Hearst
When I was up on my first flight, we were really putting it together. So, I was essentially a construction worker.
Sunita Williams
On Twitter, if you want to quote someone else, you say, ‘RT, re-tweet, that person’s name, and then what they said before.’ And it’s a way of essentially saying, ‘I’m not saying this, but my friend said this and I thought this was interesting.’
Ethan Zuckerman
Sometimes, in certain stories, I think we know at the outset essentially what the tone is going to be, or it becomes important that we’re groping toward some kind of story with a certain kind of tone that we both get somehow. But I don’t think how that’s combined with other elements is ever in any way overtly discussed.
Joel Coen
The show is ’12 Monkeys,’ and I’m playing the role that Bruce Willis played in the original film ’12 Monkeys.’ It is a show about time travel. My character is from a future post-apocalypse, and he has been given a mission to go back in time to essentially set things right and stop the apocalypse. No big deal.
Aaron Stanford
The door hardware in kitchens is super simple to update. It’s essentially a few screws, standard spacing. It’s a few bucks a piece and it can make a huge impact.
Scott McGillivray
Starting in my late 20s, I would go on one fishing trip a year to an exotic location. I went to India and caught what was essentially a giant carp. I went to Thailand and got myself arrested as a suspected spy. I went to the Congo and got malaria. But even the bad stuff is material.
Jeremy Wade
You have to separate what needs to be done to avoid the fiscal cliff and what needs to be done longer range. It’s a mistake to essentially collapse those two – they’re not the same. I don’t think you can achieve everything at once.
Sander Levin
I mean, what was really interesting is that, you know, Ted Cruz put out this ad with little kids saying that Donald Trump essentially is pretending to be a Republican, which is a little bit odd because Ted Cruz is not been the biggest Republican Party booster, right.
Sam Seder
When our financial system – essentially our money managers, marketers of investment products and stockbrokers – put up zero percent of the capital and assume zero percent of the risk yet receive fully 80% of the return, something has gone terribly wrong in our financial system.
John C. Bogle
Essentially and most simply put, plot is what the characters do to deal with the situation they are in. It is a logical sequence of events that grow from an initial incident that alters the status quo of the characters.
Elizabeth George
Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God’s.
Ezra Taft Benson
Essentially, whoever is successful, whoever is going to do things that make a difference, is going to be talked about.
Mukesh Ambani
Non-violent extremism is essentially the increase of intolerant and bigoted demands made by groups seeking to dominate society.
Maajid Nawaz
On the first two albums, I essentially began with lyrics and placed the music underneath or around the words.
Perfume Genius
You see someone on the street, and essentially what you notice about them is the flaw.
Diane Arbus
All the instruments of percussion known to European science are essentially nonmusical and can only be tolerated in open air music or in large orchestras where a little noise more or less makes no difference.
C. V. Raman
Essentially, I’m a small-part actor who’s been lucky enough to play leading roles for most of his life.
Alec Guinness
I will always face the conundrum that the subjects I’m attracted to aren’t essentially commercial.
Debra Granik
I can’t ever seem to shake the feeling that when things are really good it essentially means that things are going to go really bad. When I feel calm and settled, there is always an underlying feeling of impending doom… I don’t think that it’s healthy.
Florence Welch
I don’t like my hockey sticks touching other sticks, and I don’t like them crossing one another, and I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think it’s essentially a matter of taking care of what takes care of you.
Wayne Gretzky
We’re all essentially surgically connected to our smartphones, and we’re still in the early stages of realizing their medical potential. But they should be a real threat to the medical profession.
Eric Topol
If you had an essentially happy childhood, that tends to dwell with you.
Tracy Kidder
Essentially I’m a melody person in a rhythm age, and that’s what Broadway is really about, the songs.
Dennis DeYoung
There is an old saying that all roads lead to Rome. It seems the administration so often clearly believes that no matter what the evidence was at any particular time, essentially everything led to Saddam Hussein.
Ron Wyden
NATO’s essentially run by the United States.
Noam Chomsky
Quantum physics is one of the hardest things to understand intuitively, because essentially the whole point is that our classical picture is wrong.
Neil Turok
Faro is a game of chance, essentially, with no skill in

Faro is a game of chance, essentially, with no skill involved. You bet against the bank, and the bank almost always wins.
Amanda Foreman
Scalability is this idea of coming up with a blockchain that can scale much larger than existing chains essentially by processing transactions in parallel. And moving away from this paradigm where every single node on the network has to process every single transaction.
Vitalik Buterin
It’s all about escapism. That’s essentially what all movies are about. It’s a vicarious thrill.
Todd Phillips
I cannot bear assaults of any kind, and it seems to me that the Beatles essentially were out to affront and to assault.
Glenn Gould
If a brand is relevant anywhere, it’s essentially viable everywhere.
Kenneth Cole
Sometimes people are like, ‘Hey, you played Dean Thomas!’ and I’m like, ‘Wow, you actually know!’ It kind of shocks me because when I think about movies I love, and if I saw someone who essentially did what I did in Harry Potter, I probably wouldn’t recognize them walking down the street.
Alfred Enoch
I don’t have answers for anybody else. What I know is that internal complexity makes for superficiality. There’s never essentially a pure story unless there’s a pure product line that has its own shining clarity.
Barry Diller
Prosecutors frequently overcharge, load up charges on individual defendants, knowing that three strikes laws and harsh mandatory minimum sentences will force people to plea bargain and essentially convict themselves because they’re terrified of doing a life sentence for a relatively minor crime.
Michelle Alexander
Now with social media, people essentially come into my living room, my virtual living room, and tell me everything that is wrong with me.
Jen Lancaster
I’m very happy to have been a one-club man, but I wouldn’t shoot down guys who have gone off and played in multiple clubs either because, essentially, it is an earning that people are after.
Brian O’Driscoll
I’ve always essentially been a New Yorker.
Lawrence Block
I think I put a lot of special attention towards creating interesting textures and unique sounds. Music essentially boils down to two main elements: rhythm and melody. I feel tones and textures often get overlooked, so I like to take my time finding the right sounds.
I was a weird but definite kid, and there were essentially no gender roles for me to fit into.
Pamela Dean
It was essentially for self defence that we went to war in Afghanistan and would go to war in Iraq.
Douglas Hurd
There is something essentially sanguine about me, which I am inclined to attribute to the fact that I was born by caesarean section. It must affect you.
Simon Callow
We had a great chance in the mid-2000s to reach an accord with the Chinese on both energy and environmental issues. That deal would have essentially been that the U.S. could provide the equipment and expertise, and the Chinese would help close the trade gap. It was a huge opportunity that we failed to exploit.
David E. Sanger
Women don’t go to war to kill other women. Wars and armies and nuclear weapons are essentially heterosexual hobbies.
You’re convincing these big, tough football players to wear what was essentially women’s lingerie. There was a little bit of a Jedi mind trick that needed to take place. The product really spoke for itself once guys felt it and touched it.
Kevin Plank
I’m not sure who has the right to say that you have better taste than somebody else, because essentially what you’re doing is calling millions of people morons.
Simon Cowell
By the time I left the bar, I was 30. I was a dishwasher. They call it a bar-back, but essentially, I washed dishes for a living. I had no high-school diploma, I had no agent, and my literary successes were non-existent… but it was the only thing I ever wanted to do, so I did feel trapped.
Patrick deWitt
Square essentially targeted consumers who were doing peer-to-peer transactions. They made it easy for personal trainers to charge their clients or for a guy to sell his golf clubs to his buddy.
Jared Isaacman
I’ve been very sensitive for a long time to the repeated pattern, during economic hard times or after a war, of the United States’ essentially unilaterally disarming.
Robert M. Gates
We need a lot more technically literate people. The computers are the tools that are going to solve essentially all problems, and the people who can use them better will be more effective.
Tobias Lutke
How do we get democracy at the international level? That’s our problem. and it’s essentially the same problem people faced in the 18th Century when they tried to get democracy nationally. Now we need it internationally.
Susan George
Being essentially a creator, I never set out to shock, always thinking about creating my work and not about the benefits it could produce.
Alejandro Jodorowsky
What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest.
Andy Warhol
There is a pressure, but my job essentially is not to listen to that pressure, not to buckle underneath that pressure, but instead to continue making music in the way that I have been making it.
Jack Garratt
Good government has essentially broken down in the face of Brexit.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
After all, science is essentially international, and it is only through lack of the historical sense that national qualities have been attributed to it.
Marie Curie
The West Bank is essentially imprisoned.
Noam Chomsky
Unfortunately, making what is essentially a laser sword falls into the deadly category.
Grant Imahara
I think most religious belief structures are essentiall

I think most religious belief structures are essentially like mind viruses.
Panos Cosmatos
The war project at Stanford was essentially completed, and I accepted an offer of an Assistant Professorship at the University of Minnesota, which had a good biochemistry department.
Paul D. Boyer
I’ve experimented with so many different sounds, it’s difficult to say what the Donovan sound really is, but it’s essentially my voice and guitars.
I can be a bit movement-orientated and flamboyant because, essentially, I’m a physical comedian.
Rhys Darby
MTV essentially killed ‘American Bandstand’ and ‘Solid Gold,’ because music videos are an easier way for pop artists to gain television exposure.
Don Cornelius
Being half-Palestinian comes with its own challenges, especially after 9/11 and also, working in Hollywood. But denying my own father, the three siblings I have on my father’s side, I would essentially be destroying my own essence. So I decided I’m going to be me.
Lexi Alexander
Publishing is a business, but journalism never was and is not essentially a business. Nor is it a profession.
Henry R. Luce
There’s this incredibly young, dynamic, educated population in Iran that is essentially pretty pro-American.
David E. Sanger
I find the strongest predictor of people who do well at Shopify is whether they see opportunity as something to compete for, or do they see opportunity as essentially everywhere and unlimited? It’s a rough proxy for pessimism and optimism.
Tobias Lutke
A pandemic influenza would mean widespread infection essentially throughout every region of the world.
Anthony Fauci
Essentially, your voice is an instrument; it’s a muscle, and you have to treat it like a muscle, and so you have to work it.
Kevin Spacey
Life satisfaction essentially measures cheerful moods, so it is not entitled to a central place in any theory that aims to be more than a happiology.
Martin Seligman
I’m essentially the result of other people’s imagination. And that’s fine. Because of other people’s imagination, I’ve played parts I would never have thought I could do. Still, I’ve never had a hankering or an ambition for any particular role.
John Hurt
To build more interest in goalkeeping, we have to change how people think and report on goalkeepers. You are not just there to keep the ball out of the back of the net: you are there to impact the back four, to organise the team, essentially lead from the back. It is a really pivotal position.
Karen Bardsley
The appendages of the skin are the nails, the hairs, the sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, and their ducts. The nails and hairs are peculiar modifications of the epidermis, consisting essentially of the same cellular structure as that membrane.
Henry Gray
A Bond movie falls into a specific genre, and you have to provide certain elements. You must respect the fact it’s essentially about girls, guns, gadgets, and big action.
Lee Tamahori
If you look at ‘Gnomeo & Juliet,’ the movie’s message essentially says it doesn’t matter if you’re a ‘red’ or a ‘blue’: at the end of the day, parents should love their children and want what’s best for them.
David Furnish
The notion that it is improper to look beyond the borders of the United States in grappling with hard questions has a certain kinship to the view that the U.S. Constitution is a document essentially frozen in time as of the date of its ratification.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Essentially, it’s not that technology or cyberspace is some parallel universe that operates tangentially from the world we know; it is simply a new front in the international system.
Jared Cohen
To fully understand the roots of anti-Asian prejudice in America, you need to know about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that banned all immigration from China, even though it was Chinese immigrants that had essentially built America’s railroad system.
Simu Liu
Like turning potatoes or making a bearnaise sauce by hand, forming a cornet – essentially a DIY pastry bag – from parchment paper feels like one of those things culinary students do once or twice and then never again.
Claire Saffitz
Here’s the thing about standup directing: not that hard. As I said on Twitter one day, or maybe it was Instagram – sorry, I want to keep my platforms straight – it’s essentially the same five shots over and over again. Seven if you’re ambitious.
Neal Brennan
Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate the transmission of this virus by transfusions.
Serge Lang
The basic idea of email has remained essentially unchanged since the first networked message was sent in 1971. And while email is great for one-on-one, formal correspondence, there are far better tools for collaboration.
Ryan Holmes
I am essentially an amateur medecin, and this to me is almost a mania.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
YouTube viewers essentially curate their own content, so you could form your playlist to watch ‘H+’ through the eyes of one character, in chronological order, in reverse-chronological order, by geographic location. Our hope is that audiences take ‘H+’ into their own hands.
John Cabrera
There is still this perception in football about whether people are ‘English through and through.’ Essentially there is not any such thing without going into a whole discussion on genetics and bloodlines of each player.
Eniola Aluko
I think a lot of the instincts you have doing comedy are really the same for doing drama, in that it’s essentially about listening. The way I approach comedy, is you have to commit to everything as if it’s a dramatic role, meaning you play it straight.
Will Ferrell
Essentially, when we run a deficit, we are borrowing money to buy things that are made overseas.
Peter DeFazio
I am essentially an entertainer and a storyteller.
Bryce Courtenay
It’s not that I don’t want to do different films. The non-mainstream stuff that I did started to get successful… But for an industry which runs essentially on money, they do put you in a box.
Abhay Deol
It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to

It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection.
Edward Sapir
The law is constantly based on notions of morality, and if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be invalidated under the due process clause, the courts will be very busy indeed.
Byron White
I used to go to the comic store all the time. I was into comic cards, which are essentially baseball cards for comic book heroes. They have these cool stats on the back. I had collections of these things. I still have a lot of my collection at home.
Brett Dalton
Essentially, pride is a ‘my will’ rather than ‘thy will’ approach to life.
Ezra Taft Benson
The core of the consulting business is going in and essentially making yourself indispensible by eating the brain of the organization, meaning that the consultants go in and assume key functions in the organization.
Matthew Stewart
I was raised Jewish and fully embrace the core beliefs of Judaism – the ones that I identify as core beliefs, which are essentially freedom and justice. But the supernatural aspects of religion were never important to me.
Harold Ramis
Well, the film industry is completely sexist and completely class-biased. It’s not something I get on the ground level, it’s more from financiers and producers and distributors. It’s a way of dealing with you that is essentially patronising: I know better than you.
Lynne Ramsay
Essentially, for me, the whole point of being a chef is to have your own restaurant.
Ranveer Brar
Washington has incentivized the militarization of local police precincts by using federal dollars to help municipal governments build what are essentially small armies – where police departments compete to acquire military gear that goes far beyond what most of Americans think of as law enforcement.
Rand Paul
But as I always say to people I’m essentially a public service person.
Tony Blair