Top 45 Raging Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Raging Quotes from famous people such as Amanda Foreman, William Klein, Thelma Schoonmaker, Steve Hilton, Lynsey Addario, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The creators of Wonder Woman had no interest in proving

The creators of Wonder Woman had no interest in proving an actual link to the past. In some parts of the academic world, however, the historical existence of the Amazons, or any matriarchal society, has long been a raging issue.
Amanda Foreman
If a film is a real knockout like ‘Raging Bull,’ it does not matter that it might not have happened like that.
William Klein
If forced to choose my favourite film, I would have to say ‘Raging Bull’ because it was the first feature film I worked on, and it was like having pure gold in my hands. But my husband’s film ‘The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp’ is equally a favourite because of its enormous emotional power.
Thelma Schoonmaker
I won the Oscar for ‘Raging Bull’ for those fight sequences. If you look at those fight sequences, those were so incredibly storyboarded and shot in an incredible way – that is the conception a good director has to bring.
Thelma Schoonmaker
Elizabeth Warren never stops raising the alarm about climate change and raging about the billionaires.
Steve Hilton
The Taliban rose to power in 1996, vowing stability and an end to the violence raging across the country between warring mujahedeen factions, and to implement rule by Sharia law, or strict Islamic rule.
Lynsey Addario
I’m a child of that, the ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ to ‘Raging Bull’ period, you know. Those are the films that heightened my interest in acting and movies and everything.
Jim Broadbent
If Kubrick made me love forever the film language, Scorsese made me love actors. And ‘Raging Bull’ is my favorite male performance ever.
Gaspar Noe
The first film role I deliberately chose to play after I came out was a raging heterosexual, John Profumo.
Ian Mckellen
I believe that the federal government, like a raging river, has expanded upon the barriers and the boundaries of its banks, and unfortunately, it is flooding all of America with its encroachment.
Steve Southerland
Fires of suffering and strife are raging around the world.
Aung San Suu Kyi
I always wanted to play a boxer because some of my favorite films, as a boy, were those great boxing movies, like ‘Raging Bull’, ‘Rocky’, ‘The Set Up’, ‘Fat City and Hard Times’. I just loved those films.
Holt McCallany
The studio was very nervous about ‘Raging Bull.’
Thelma Schoonmaker
Opening up Atlantic and Arctic waters to drilling would lock the next generation into burning oil and gas in a way that only makes climate change that much worse, fueling ever rising seas, widening deserts, withering drought, blistering heat, raging storms, wildfires, floods and other hallmarks of climate chaos.
Frances Beinecke
Illness played a great – and unwelcome – role in my early life. Mumps were soon followed by a raging sore throat, and it was decided that I should have my tonsils removed and adenoids scraped at the same time.
Roger Moore
I was a pretentious teenager, so of course I had, you know, ‘Raging Bull’ posters and all of that. ‘Raging Bull’ is not a pretentious movie, but me having the poster was a pretentious action. I even grew a goatee and had a Knicks cap, because I thought I wanted to be like Spike Lee.
Adam Scott
The world knows me as the Raging Bull.
Jake LaMotta
When I was about 21 and just about to get out of college at NYU, Vietnam was raging, and I was a frustrated musician for a little bit.
Billy Crystal
There is a war on truth raging every day, and journalists have been forced to fight some of those.
Brian Stelter
I have a great relationship and the highest respect for Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio. But working with De Niro has been simply incredible. While I was editing ‘Raging Bull,’ I was literally unable to take my eyes off him.
Thelma Schoonmaker
‘Raging Bull’ was staggering to work on. I was well aware of how lucky I was to be in this extraordinary situation. That film is very unique. It stands on its own. It’s just burned into the screen.
Thelma Schoonmaker
I’m just so honored that the universe chose me to be the spark that has set off a raging inferno.
Cindy Sheehan
Raging and having good feelings and having fun is something I plan on doing and spreading across the world. I just need air and a mic.
Travis Scott
When we were cutting ‘Raging Bull,’ Martin Scorsese was watching ‘The Films of Hoffmann’ on a 16-mm print over and over and over again.
Thelma Schoonmaker
It is wonderful to be in the country in a glass house, because no matter what happens out there, you’re nice and safe, you know, cuddled in your little bed, and there it is, raging storms, snowing – wonderful.
Philip Johnson
I did go to a film school in Sarajevo. I studied film and theatre directing. There was a war raging in the country while I was studying, and we did not have neither electricity nor cinemas for three and a half years.
Jasmila Zbanic
It has long been known that if you want to see me turn into a raging, snarling beast, then all you have to do is use any combination of the words ‘chill out,’ ‘chilling,’ or – my maximum red rag – ‘chillax.’
John Niven
I often find myself worrying about celebrities. It’s an entirely caring thing; it’s not like the people who commission those photographs with cruel arrows to go on the covers of the celebrity magazines. The photographs show botched plastic surgery, raging eczema, weight gain and horrible clothes for maximum schadenfreude.
Peter York
Like, even in our stage performance, it’s vulnerable at certain times, it’s sad, it’s raging… It’s not just about being a sex symbol, or being sexy to appease everyone. I’m not about that.
Maria Brink
I grew up watching ‘Raging Bull.’
Vincent Cassel
I want my work to influence public conversation, to turn heads, and to bear witness to this problem that’s raging in our cities. If journalism helps me with that, I’ll draw on journalism… and I’m not going to worry too much if academics get troubled over that distinction.
Matthew Desmond
I spent most of my life locked in my bedroom, miserable

I spent most of my life locked in my bedroom, miserable about my raging acne.
Moon Unit Zappa
If you want to see a black hole tonight, tonight just look in the direction of Sagittarius, the constellation. That’s the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and there’s a raging black hole at the very center of that constellation that holds the galaxy together.
Michio Kaku
I took an interest in the Civil Rights Movement. I listened to Martin Luther King. The Vietnam War was raging. When I was 18, I was eligible for the draft, but when I went to be tested, I didn’t qualify.
Radhanath Swami
I resisted Twitter for a long time. To me, it was synonymous with networking, which in my mind means unceasing self-promotion and superficial small-talk with strangers. A little like wading into a river with a raging current – and I’m a terrible swimmer.
Celeste Ng
With Free, we were teenagers, and, ummm, there was a lot of raging hormones.
Paul Rodgers
My parents were very volatile but very loving. My father would get jealous if my mother looked at somebody. I used to be insanely jealous. It comes out of insecurity. It can come and go, but you get to the point in life where you don’t have this raging jealousy and protectiveness about your world.
Felicity Kendal
It’s very shocking, I think, for people caring for the dying to realise how unsaintly they feel, how much anger is mixed up with their grief. In fact, often I think the anger that they feel is a form of grief; it’s a kind of raging against what’s happening.
Helen Garner
I am a raging alcoholic and a raging addict and I didn’t want to see my kids do the same thing.
Ozzy Osbourne
I love the idea that magic and witchcraft and battles between supernatural creatures could be raging all around us but just out of our sight.
Anthony Horowitz
There is only one secure foundation: a genuine, deep relationship with Jesus Christ, which will carry you through any and all turmoil. No matter what storms are raging all around, you’ll stand firm if you stand on His love.
Charles Stanley
‘Raging Bull’ was just a dream to work on, but it took a lot of work to get all those fights to work right and incorporate them properly into the story.
Thelma Schoonmaker
Book tours are super hard for me as a raging introvert. I love humanity, but actual humans are hard for me. So something like a book tour – where I’m constantly on the road – scares the hell out of me.
Glennon Doyle Melton
Paul Ryan’s love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades.
Tom Morello
In the 1990s, while the Maastricht debate was raging, I was a minister in the Major government. Every single piece of legislation we proposed had to be scrutinised for compatibility with E.U. law.
Ann Widdecombe