Top 454 Primary Quotes

Had I stayed longer in some primaries, I would have probably done better in states like Nevada, California, and New Mexico – but I ran out of the money after the second primary in New Hampshire.
Bill Richardson
Growing up during the Cold War, I remember the seemingly imminent threat of nuclear war. In primary school we were taught to ‘duck-and-cover’ for protection. But even as children hiding under wooden desks, we recognized the inadequacies of this strategy.
Mike Quigley
I’d been to an Orthodox Jewish primary school where, every morning, the boys said, ‘Thank you God for not making me a woman.’ If you put that together with ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ in your head, something will eventually go fizz! Boom!
Naomi Alderman
I know it’s a lot harder for women who don’t have enough help, but the truth is, no matter how much money you have, if you want to stay involved with your children and don’t want to lose being a primary parent to them, you’re still in the game.
Patricia Richardson
My two primary areas of focus have been open-space conservation and education, and I expect those to remain my priorities in the future. The Irvine open space and parklands provide serenity and balance to our unique Orange County lifestyle.
Donald Bren
Primary care must never be seen simply as a set of organisational structures.
John Hutton
The age of economic relations as the primary arena for interactions between states is already upon us.
Chrystia Freeland
Everyone in the astronaut program has a degree in a science field. The crew are the ones who do the experiments, help to design some of the experiments that come from other primary researchers. So it becomes very important that you have a science background.
Mae Jemison
My primary instinct as an actor is not the big transformation. It’s thrilling if a performer can do that well, but that’s not me. Often with actors, it’s a case of witnessing a big party piece but wondering afterwards, where’s the substance?
Colin Firth
Too many people take New York for granted. The primary reason is that history is not taught. That’s outrageous in a city where the past is still visible.
Pete Hamill
I always believed I could win the election. After I won the primary, people started telling me, ‘No one thought you had a chance.’ I was like, ‘Really?’ I thought I could win the whole time.
We’ve been addicted to incarceration as a primary response for decades, whether or not it’s a good use of resources, whether or not it’s humane, whether or not it is effective at keeping us safe, rehabilitating or healing victims.
Chesa Boudin
At primary school I was in a world of my own and often I would get told off for being too loud, Then when I was around six, I woudn’t go to class. I would be in school , but running around the playground having a great time while everyone else was in lessons.
Luke Hemmings
I think any journalist who spends time in a place realizes that there are lots of stories around beyond their primary story. You meet so many interesting people and have all kinds of experiences.
Joe Sacco
I briefly flirted with the idea of more stable career choices but they never excited me. I know it’s a bit of a cliche but I remember doing school plays in primary school and feeling at home on the stage.
Karla Crome
In India, women are still the primary caregivers. Whether it be for children, whether it be for old people or sick people, you are the primary caregiver. No matter what position you are in.
Arundhati Bhattacharya
We need to start training more primary health providers and fewer specialists. We will never be able to control health care costs unless we challenge the over-emphasis on medical research, specialists and technology and put more emphasis on delivering good, everyday basic medicine to those who now have none.
Richard Lamm
After my grandfather began to be successful, he returned to the village where he was born and founded a primary school.
Guler Sabanci
Of causes, some are complete and primary, others auxiliary and proximate. Hence, when we say that all things come about through fate by antecedent causes, we do not mean this to be understood as ‘by complete and primary causes,’ but ‘by auxiliary and proximate causes.’
The way to lessen the grip of the Tea Party on the elec

The way to lessen the grip of the Tea Party on the electoral process would be to do what a handful have done and have a primary where all voters, members of every party, can vote, and the top two vote-getters then enter a runoff.
Chuck Schumer
The Fed’s ability to raise and lower short-term interest rates is its primary control over the economy.
Alex Berenson
The Asian woman in Hollywood movies has usually been one of two extremes – totally submissive or totally ruthless. In either case her primary function has been decorative.
Tamlyn Tomita
Kennedy saw the presidency as the vital center of government, and a president’s primary goal as galvanizing commitments to constructive change. He aimed to move the country and the world toward a more peaceful future, not just through legislation but through inspiration.
Robert Dallek
Our Japanese fans don’t speak English primary. They’ll translate a sentence before coming and say something like, ‘Thank you for coming to our country.’ It’s like, you’re welcome. Thanks for coming to our show!
Chrissy Costanza
I went to a Jewish primary school and all my parents’ friends were Jewish.
David Baddiel
I believe that the primary role of the government is to protect people and not run their lives. You used to be able to believe that in the Democratic Party.
John Kennedy
Well I teach in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. So that’s my primary work. I lecture on various campuses and in various communities across the country and other parts of the world.
Angela Davis
The health care law’s individual mandate forces nearly all individuals to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. The mandate cannot be severed from the rest of the law because it is the primary mechanism through which the law’s changes are supported. Without the mandate, the law collapses.
Tim Griffin
The John McCain I first started to get to know in earnest was the one who had just returned to the U.S. Senate after losing the 2000 Republican presidential primary.
Dana Bash
I was an editor for supplemental math, science, and literature programs for the primary grades and became very well versed in elementary curriculum, particularly PreK-2.
Doreen Cronin
As the Nation’s primary supporter of research in the physical sciences, the DOE Office of Science led the way in creating a unique system of large-scale, specialized, often one-of-a-kind facilities for scientific discovery.
Judy Biggert
Conventional wisdom suggests the primary motivator for entrepreneurs is money or wealth creation and, in fact, much of the political debate tends to center around what kind of tax or regulatory policy changes will turn corporate suits into small business adventurers overnight.
Chip Conley
There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of imitation for which there is no original.
Judith Butler
I always try to tell a good story, one with a compelling plot that will keep the pages turning. That is my first and primary goal. Sometimes I can tackle an issue-homelessness, tobacco litigation, insurance fraud, the death penalty-and wrap a good story around it.
John Grisham
The great thing about being a musician today is that you can explore your creativity in multiple ways without compromising your primary focus.
Ivan Moody
Primary education was in the first place to teach people to be good people. Only secondary education teaches people to also be useful people.
Zhang Zhidong
Reforms to product and labour markets, education, innovation, green growth, competition, taxes, health – they are the things that should be the object of our primary focus in the context of a long-term strategy to restore sustained growth.
Jose Angel Gurria
Language as a communication tool is the primary element from which literature is created. Even in pre-literate societies, it exists as songs, riddles, or epics that are chanted.
F. Sionil Jose
Politics is my second passion, but as a historian, you have to be genuinely neutral. You have failed in your primary duty as a historian if you are one side or the other.
Amanda Foreman
My grandmother has dementia, and my mother is looking after her as her primary caregiver. Seeing their relationship has had a profound impact, seeing how tough it is for both of them and seeing how the roles change and how my mother has gone from being a daughter to being the mother.
Felicity Jones
Back before I entered primary school, I liked to draw, even though I was a brat. I especially liked animals and vehicles, and I drew that sort of thing constantly.
Akira Toriyama
Long before we created libraries, or even books, poetry was the way we humans remembered who we were, a primary means of documenting and contemplating our lives.
Robin Coste Lewis
Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property.
Milton Friedman
Hip hop was definitely, far and away, the primary influence for at least 10 years of my life. From about 7 or 8 on till about 15 or 16, that’s all I listened to.
Alex Ebert
At primary school, me and my best friend used to do D.I.Y. assemblies, and we’d do it as many times as we could until we got banned! We used to sing ‘Hero’ by Mariah Carey; it was, like, my favourite song; we were obsessed with it. We’d do it as a duet, and it’s the first I remember performing.
Jess Glynne
In my primary, I only won by 23 votes in that one, so every vote really does count, and I want to make sure I get as many as I possibly can.
The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite. Without this, it is impossible to accumulate, within the allotted span, enough experience of eating to have anything worth setting down.
A. J. Liebling