Top 460 Democrats Quotes

The Democrats just don’t have a foreign policy that they’re willing to defend, that they’re willing to use to take down the president’s. We’re dealing with the power of suggestion here.
Chris Matthews
Working together with Democrats and Republicans, I passed legislation to help break the grip of addiction. By investing in prevention, treatment, and recovery, empowering law enforcement, and stopping the overprescribing of painkillers, we can turn the tide.
Rob Portman
I remember when President Bush, George W. Bush, came into office, he focused on No Child Left Behind, and with – and before very long, suddenly, Republicans were thought of as being as interested and as competent in education as Democrats, and why? Because they were talking about it and doing something about it.
Lamar Alexander
A lot of disgruntled Democrats that don’t like Obama – old-line Democrats, some of them even conservative – will never vote for a Republican ticket, but they will vote for me as an independent.
Virgil Goode
Most Republicans and the business community extol the virtues of trade, depicting it as an engine of economic progress, while most Democrats and unions attack the exportation of American jobs, claiming that trade agreements are destroying our economy.
William M. Daley
I am absolutely stunned how the Democrats were able to somehow say that the Republicans had a war on women… What was the war on women?
Foster Friess
I’m not going to stop beating up on the Democrats for wasteful spending.
Nikki Haley
After the Democrats shoved the 2700 pages of ObamaCare down our throats – and we did find out how expensive, controlling, and coercive the legislation was – a majority of Americans wanted the Supreme Court to toss it aside as unconstitutional.
Bob Beauprez
I think Democrats are always challenged to have a unified message, and it’s in part because our strength is our diversity as a party, but our weakness is also the fact that because we’re so diverse, we have a hard time getting on one page on message.
Martin Heinrich
It is foolish for Republicans to continue opening the door to job-killing tax hikes while Democrats refuse to explain how they propose to reform mandatory spending – mostly entitlements – that makes up almost two-thirds of the federal budget.
John Fleming
I've thought about it, not a lot, but I thought my rela

I’ve thought about it, not a lot, but I thought my relationship with Congress – the Democrats and Republicans – would help me get some things done. Not everything, but at least they’d be willing to try.
Bob Dole
We now live in a very polarized nation, divided not between Republicans and Democrats but between those who want to defend our liberties and those who want to defend politically correct stupidities.
Tom Tancredo
The real problem for Democrats is we’ve got to help people believe, and then we’ve got to deliver the message to them. Believe what? That we are absolutely, unshakeably on their side, and we’re going to fight for them every single minute.
Keith Ellison
It’s been clear for some time that FBI Director Comey has lost the confidence of Republicans, Democrats, and broader institutions, and his removal as FBI Director was probably overdue.
Karen Handel
We don’t know each other. Democrats don’t know Republicans, Republicans don’t know Democrats.
James Carville
First of all, the idea that natural gas is better than coal is a lie, especially when it comes to fracking for natural gas. It is a lie that was bought into by a lot of Democrats and a lot of environmentalists because I think they wanted to have a win against something; against coal.
Josh Fox
We can be civil. We can still be friends, and be Democrats and Republicans, and have different views.
Joel Osteen
The perception a lot of folks have of the Clintons, even folks who are Democrats, see the Clintons as bending the rules.
David Fahrenthold
The Democrats never fight about who is more like Jimmy Carter.
Marco Rubio
I am angry that the Democrats don’t have the ability to explain to Republicans that we should be able to feed people in this country, and that is not socialism.
Lewis Black
Despite our differences, I know that both Republicans and Democrats love America.
Marco Rubio
Democrats love to criticize Republicans on guns, but they are generally mute when it comes to taking on Hollywood or the gaming industry.
Mark McKinnon
Joe Biden and the radical, anti-gun Democrats want to unleash the ATF on law-abiding gun owners across America, attacking our God-given Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
I have given to Democrats in the past. I’ve always believed in supporting the best candidate at the time.
Steve Mnuchin
It is astonishing that the architects of variable fees in Scotland should be the Scottish Liberal Democrats.
Wes Streeting
If Democrats oppose a border wall, they’re just saying they want continued, unendingly illegal immigration.
Stephen Miller
Democrats believe we must create jobs, not protect the special interests; build the economy from the middle out, not the top down.
Nancy Pelosi
Bush the Elder’s stature as president grows with every passing year. He was the finest foreign policy president I’ve ever covered and a man who defied his party on tax increases while imposing budget restrictions on the Democrats.
Joe Klein
The American national security state is totally bipartisan. My biggest problem is with the Democrats, like Feinstein and Pelosi, who are defending it because there is a Democrat in the White House, and they are party loyalists and hacks before they are public servants.
Glenn Greenwald
In May 2007, congressional Democrats and the Bush administration agreed to a plan to include environmental and international labor standards in upcoming trade agreements.
Nina Easton
I don’t even think the biggest divide is between Republicans and Democrats. I think it’s between institutionalists and reformers.
Matt Gaetz
I’ve done work for both Democrats and Republicans.
Mark Zandi
It is the Democrats who get the economic engine of this economy moving forward again.
Terry McAuliffe
Prediction? The Democrats will win. I think it will be a close win, both for the House and for the Senate.
John Dingell
There are lot of issues we passed out of the House that have gotten not only a lot of Republican support – Tea Party and every group within the Republican conference – but even Democrats.
Steve Scalise
I was born and raised in the Midwest, where people were taught that decency and integrity and community were all important values. We were democrats with a little ‘d.’
Theresa Rebeck
Liberal Democrats are inexorably opposed to tax cuts, because tax cuts give people more power, and take away from the role of government.
Rush Limbaugh
I come from a democratic world. My world is moderate Democrats, Reagan-type Democrats if you want, the blues or whatever you call them, the Blue Dogs. That’s been my world, historically.
Carl Paladino
I’ve noticed that some Democrats, who seldom mention their faith or maybe never mention their faith, will seize on to a phrase that Pope Francis may have said, and they want to attach themselves to that agenda. Political opportunists is what they are.
Steve King
Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.
Ronald Reagan
Media does not get everything they want all the time. The Democrats certainly don’t. They don’t win every election, and they don’t win every battle.
Rush Limbaugh
When it comes to judicial nominations, President Barack

When it comes to judicial nominations, President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats are fond of reminding Republicans that elections have consequences.
Ron Johnson
I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai Stevenson I
I am a proud moderate republican. But I like democrats as well.
John T. Chambers
I guess the Democrats have to pretend to be more pious than the Republicans because they are under suspicion of not being.
Richard Dawkins
I don’t ‘support the troops’ or any of those other hollow and hypocritical platitudes uttered by Republicans and frightened Democrats. Here’s what I do support: I support them coming home. I support them being treated well.
Michael Moore
For the entire four years of the greatest Presidential term of our lifetime, Democrats led by Speaker Pelosi and radical Socialists in her party attempted coup after coup against President Donald Trump.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
The Labour Party has become consumed by collective bile towards… the Liberal Democrats. That portrays a rather nasty arrogance.
Nick Clegg
When polled on Donald Trump’s agenda, though pluralities of young people oppose his policies on immigration and healthcare, there is one issue where Trump’s position wins outright majority support, even among young Democrats: trade.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
When I started in this business, everybody said the Democrats were the better communicators because they sounded like social workers, and Republicans were awful because they sounded like morticians. In some cases. they actually dressed like morticians.
Frank Luntz
The NAACP ignores the wellspring of racism from within its own ranks, daring to brand anyone who disagrees with the standard they bear for the plantation-politics Democrats as ‘white nationalists.’
Dana Loesch
This body, the United States Congress, was united, Republicans and Democrats alike, in taking that action, toppling the Taliban government, and working to try and root out al Qaeda and find Osama bin Laden.
Chris Van Hollen
Candidates and their consultants keep making the same mistake. They assume that all independents are bundled neatly together ideologically between Republicans and Democrats.
John Sununu
Democrats are dumb and Republicans are stupid, but the difference between dumb and stupid is dumb isn’t funny. Dumb is when you say something and the whole room goes, ‘What did he say?’
Lewis Black
Republicans passed the Fourteenth Amendment, securing for blacks equal rights under the law, and the Fifteenth Amendment, giving blacks the right to vote, over the Democrats’ opposition.
Dinesh D’Souza