Top 464 Elements Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Elements Quotes from famous people such as Dwight Yoakam, Chaim Potok, Henry Moore, Wilhelm Wundt, Ed Royce, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Quality is timeless: It will clearly define itself. And

Quality is timeless: It will clearly define itself. And so I make reference to and acknowledge things that I feel have been dismissed, trying to restate those musical and cultural elements clearly and vehemently.
Dwight Yoakam
And these two elements are at odds with one another because Freud is utterly adversary to almost all the ways of structuring the human experience found in Western religions. No Western religion can countenance Freud’s view of man.
Chaim Potok
The violent quarrel between the abstractionists and the surrealists seems to me quite unnecessary. All good art has contained both abstract and surrealist elements, just as it has contained both classical and romantic elements – order and surprise, intellect and imagination, conscious and unconscious.
Henry Moore
The attitude of physiological psychology to sensations and feelings, considered as psychical elements, is, naturally, the attitude of psychology at large.
Wilhelm Wundt
The mantra from the Obama State Department is ‘smart power’ – the not-so-new idea that all elements of national power should be utilized to influence other countries.
Ed Royce
In a storm of struggles, I have tried to control the elements, clasp the fist tight so as to protect self and happiness. But stress can be an addiction, and worry can be our lunge for control, and we forget the answer to this moment is always yes because of Christ.
Ann Voskamp
Every actor wants to show a good and deep range, so you look at all the elements here, and you make a conscious choice of where you want to go as a performer.
Barry Keoghan
I started to write a lot of ballads that were sultry and had a Norah Jones-for-country kind of feel. I wanted to bring elements of old soul music and old country music.
Laura Bell Bundy
Most regular, two-year MBA programs provide both experience and the capacity to link together the essential elements of management such as finance, marketing, organizational behavior, and operations.
Warren Bennis
Gaiety is one of the most important elements I brought to fashion. I brought it through color.
Emilio Pucci
My first seven novels were contemporary spiritual novels, my next nine had strong elements of fantasy, and now I’m writing thrillers, more as a choice to spread my wings than anything. Writers, like good wine, should mature with age.
Ted Dekker
Every now and then I’ll do little things, a short story or something, that doesn’t have any fantastical elements, but mostly I like the power of playing God and I like to imagine things.
Neil Gaiman
There’s this homogenization, this big sucking motion in dominant society, to absorb all the disparate elements that define the margin or define the culture or define those who are thrust outside the status quo.
Todd Haynes
In a way, ‘WALL-E’ had some of the same disturbing elements that ‘Up’ does.
Ed Asner
My spirituality and my beliefs are way beyond any superstition – I’m not a conformist – and I do have a scientific outlook towards religion. Our body is made up of different elements, and certain stones help align these elements.
Ekta Kapoor
When we die, our spirits go to the spirit world, and our bodies return to the elements of the earth until the resurrection.
John Bytheway
Two elements are needed to form a truth – a fact and an abstraction.
Remy de Gourmont
In the remaining months, we should focus on achieving more robust international involvement in training of Iraqi soldiers, police officers, judges, teachers, and doctors – all key elements needed to end the sectarian and civil conflict and build Iraq’s future.
John Olver
Having made a real 3D movie, you realize that, right from the production design, you’re designing sets that complement the 3D. You’re designing interactive elements, like rain or smoke – all this particulate matter in the air enhances the 3D. But if you’re shooting in 2D, you don’t know about that.
Paul W. S. Anderson
Every economy exists, no matter what the level of democracy, has elements of crony capitalism. It’s – given human nature and given the democratic structures, which we all, I assume, adhere to, that is an inevitable consequence.
Alan Greenspan
The concept of ‘Heavy Rain’ is to offer real-life situations with real characters. There are no supernatural elements in the story.
David Cage
Making a film is like putting out a fire with sieve. There are so many elements, and it gets so complicated.
George Lucas
My work as a screenwriter has influenced my fiction. Writing screenplays forces you to consider many elements regarding story structure and other narrative devices that can be used to enhance the infinitely more complex demands of a novel.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
I am for an art that takes into account the direct effect of the elements as they exist from day to day apart from representation.
Robert Smithson
If you write something that’s personal, there’s going to be elements of yourself in it.
Lisa Cholodenko
Democracy is made up of three elements. One is whether the laws support pluralistic principles. The second is whether the people take advantage of these laws. The third element is whether the peoples’ wallets are thick enough to benefit from this democracy.
Lech Walesa
It’s fun to work on location because you get the look and feel of everything, but it’s nice to be on a stage because you can control the elements.
Sarah Shahi
People love westerns worldwide. There’s something fantasy-like about an individual fighting the elements. Or even bad guys and the elements. It’s a simpler time. There’s no organized laws and stuff.
Clint Eastwood
Everything is personal – the poems and the crime novels. I have never been involved in any murders, but there are strong autobiographical elements in each.
Sophie Hannah
You know, times change and the elements change along with it. The elements of success. And my son’s very successful. He’s doing very well. And I have a younger daughter who sings.
Billy Eckstine
All four elements were happening in equal measure – the cuisine, the wine, the service, and the overall ambience. It taught me that dining could happen at a spiritual level.
Charlie Trotter
As for the symphonic activities... when I was a student

As for the symphonic activities… when I was a student at the Eastman School of Music, I became exposed to a lot more musical forms, elements, opportunities, and I fell in love with strings and their uses.
Chuck Mangione
The first unquestionable proofs of the transformation of elements into different chemical elements have been provided by the study of the phenomena of radioactivity.
Frederic Joliot-Curie
In a military operation, the command and control elements are a legitimate target.
Stephen Hadley
I do a variety of activities like Pilates, bike riding, physical therapy, and running. I also train on the ice five to six days a week. On the ice, I work on my programs as a whole and the individual technical elements that comprise the programs.
Sasha Cohen
Now where there are no parts, there neither extension, nor shape, nor divisibility is possible. And these monads are the true atoms of nature and, in a word, the elements of things.
Gottfried Leibniz
Even in modern art, artists have used methods based on calculation, inasmuch as these elements, alongside those of a more personal and emotional nature, give balance and harmony to any work of art.
Max Bill
When you start out with goals – mine were to play polytonally and polyrhythmically – you never exhaust that. I started doing that in the 1940s. It’s still a challenge to discover what can be done with just those two elements.
Dave Brubeck
I’m normally late, so I just kind of throw on the sort of thing that’s at hand. And then I’ll go through phases of wearing the same thing again and again and again – and my wardrobe is mainly about black and white, so it goes together. I’ll play with certain elements, but I don’t really think about it too much.
Daphne Guinness
The lust and attraction are often a given in a romance novel – I want to dig into the elements of true friendship that form a foundation for a solid, gonna-last-forever romantic relationship.
Suzanne Brockmann
I’d say I’m quite powerful so I’m not afraid of jumps or acrobatic elements. The hardest part is… get on the beam and stay there on top of it!
Vanessa Ferrari
Diana Wynne Jones’ excellent book ‘The Tough Guide to Fantasyland’ is a compendium of the sort of lazy writing that has given fantasy fiction – especially the sub-section that features elves and dwarves and other Tolkienesque elements – a bad name.
Jane Lindskold
I would listen to how they told the story, to what elements they used, to how it sounded, and that’s who I patterned myself after, the people who were on CBS News.
Ed Bradley
You didn’t find comedy in ‘Magadheera.’ Any film high on emotions doesn’t need such elements.
Ram Charan
Facts, according to my ideas, are merely the elements of truths, and not the truths themselves; of all matters there are none so utterly useless by themselves as your mere matters of fact.
Henry Mayhew
It could be a great script but the director is not the right person for me to work for at this time. So there are a lot of elements that come into play and a lot of variables, but more than anything it’s got to be a great script and a great character.
Blair Underwood
Character is just another word for having a perfectly disciplined and educated will. A person can make his own character by blending these elements with an intense desire to achieve excellence. Everyone is different in what I will call magnitude, but the capacity to achieve character is still the same.
Vince Lombardi
To tell you the truth, in my work, love is always in opposition to the elements. It creates dilemmas. It brings in suffering. We can’t live with it, and we can’t live without it. You’ll rarely find a happy ending in my work.
Krzysztof Kieslowski
So ‘The Last Airbender’ ‘s philosophy and culture feels like a beautiful idea to me: That we inherently have connections to the elements and what they teach us, and to each other.
M. Night Shyamalan
But God, who is the beginning of all things, is not to be regarded as a composite being, lest perchance there should be found to exist elements prior to the beginning itself, out of which everything is composed, whatever that be which is called composite.
It is very essential for people to spend time with themselves. It is also about understanding the importance of co-existence… where humans co-exist with the animals and all living elements. It is important for humans to understand that and not take life or the world for granted.
Koel Mallick
When doing a fantasy show – or a show with fantasy elements – the more you can anchor an effect to reality, the stronger the illusion is.
Jeremy Podeswa
There have always been different opinions on some elements of our sanction policy. It will probably stay that way… What is important is that we keep this unity and decide all together.
Federica Mogherini
Neodymium is one of 17 ‘rare-earth metals,’ and these elements have turned out to be critical to the rapidly-growing green technology industries.
Jamais Cascio
The media has bought into the whole social revolution, the Kinsey ideas, and has been completely taken over by the feminists. And the feminists, I think, are the most destructive elements in our society.
Phyllis Schlafly
Pop comes from the word ‘popular,’ which means that it could be anything that appeals to any group of people. When you talk about general masses, I think there’s elements in every kind of music that can reach a broad audience.
Anwar Robinson
If my kids are doing well, then my life is going pretty well. And if my kids aren’t doing well, it doesn’t matter how the other elements of my life are. It’s kind of amazing to have a context like that. This is really wonderful.
Ethan Hawke
When I called ‘Cut 4 Me’ a mixtape, I was thinking about a few elements: One is used instrumentals. The project is more centered around introducing you to an artist; it’s not meant to be seminal. It’s ‘Hi,’ ‘Hello,’ a thing that you first hear.
I think that those elements – light and sound – are beyond democratic. They’re into the creative part of life.
Ornette Coleman
The way Beyonce works, the song is a jigsaw piece and then she will piece various elements.
Generally, when it comes to covers, I try and add elements that may not take your immediate attention but really become important the more you look at them.
Lee Bermejo
Entropy theory is indeed a first attempt to deal with global form; but it has not been dealing with structure. All it says is that a large sum of elements may have properties not found in a smaller sample of them.
Rudolf Arnheim
Physicists are interested in measuring neutrino propert

Physicists are interested in measuring neutrino properties because they tell us about the structure of the Standard Model, the well-tested theory that describes matter’s most basic elements and interactions.
Lisa Randall
There’s editing, and scripts to read and edit, and casting, and all the elements of production that just sort of take up the normal downtime that you would have as an actor. So there’s not a lot of that for me.
Richard Dean Anderson
‘Tell to Win’ reveals the key elements that tellers of purposeful stories utilize to engage their listeners and turn them into viral advocates of the tellers’ goals.
Peter Guber
As an individual, I think you have to find your own path. I like the simplicity and purity of Hinduism and many elements of Buddhism. These are all means of accessing spiritual energy.
Dave Davies
The jazz I love is sweet and pure with raw elements, which is exactly what the good hip-hop is doing now.
Amy Winehouse
TV and film taught me to think cinematically. Teaching others to edit, for example, provides a great deal of insight into the millions of ways in which given elements can be put together to tell a story.
Alan Bradley
Directing is creating a whole. You’re able to combine different elements and create a film that is unique and true to your vision.
Tim Robbins
Eddie Murphy was my guy for a long time. My first exposure to ‘SNL’ was his ‘Best Of’ VHS, and I would watch it over and over again. He was one of the few people on the show to play with the live elements and engage with the audience.
Taran Killam
‘Vikings’ is a very physical, tough show. If you see battle scenes, it’s us doing it. There are so many similar physical elements to WWE.
Flash is one of those very useful, very closed, very proprietary non-weblike things that has great tools and serves a need very well. But in the long run, we see video as part of the web, and it should be handled just the way other html elements are.
Mitchell Baker
The very first lead work that I made is called ‘Land Sea and Air,’ and is the enclosure of primal elements within that kind of carapace of lead.
Antony Gormley
A good impression is sort of a juxtaposition of disparate elements.
Kate McKinnon
Government is force, pure and simple. There’s no way to sugar-coat that. And because government is force, it will attract the worst elements of society – people who want to use government to avoid having to earn their living and to avoid having to persuade others to accept their ideas voluntarily.
Harry Browne
The elements which are the most widely diffused have small atomic weights.
Dmitri Mendeleev
When it came to using elements of your personal life in your work, my mother was the master, or the mistress. There were three or four songs she wrote about my father – songs about failed love.
Rufus Wainwright
If you want to have a balance in life, you have to have the balance of the three elements: mind, bod,y and soul. So when you reach that balance, you feel good about yourself.
Fabio Lanzoni
One of the essential elements of government responsibility is to communicate effectively to the American people, especially in time of a potential terrorist attack or a natural disaster.
Vito Fossella
Design should be easy in the sense that every step should be obviously and clearly identifiable. Simplify elements to make change simple so you can manage the technical risk.
Kent Beck
I would love to do a live show with dancers and fashion and scenic elements – definitely bring my love of the theater to a concert-style performance.
Adam Lambert
I got into DJing and making beats when I was about 17. I was always fascinated by the four elements of hip-hop: you know, writing, rhyming, breakdancing and graffiti.
Abbie Cornish
Individualism. Narcissism. Value-free choices. These are all key elements in the decline of the practice of mutual accountability in Western churches, among clergy and laity alike.
David Augsburger
I think there’s a poet who wrote once a tragedy by Shakespeare, a symphony by Beethoven and a thunderstorm are based on the same elements. I think that’s a beautiful line.
Maximilian Schell
I like being outside and working with the elements. The elemental aspects of it. The physicality of it.
Maggie Smith
Why has Scandinavia been producing such good thrillers? Maybe because their filmmakers can’t afford millions for CGI and must rely on cheaper elements like, you know, stories and characters.
Roger Ebert
I have spent seven of the 12 years I have been married a victim of political persecution. I must be the first male spouse being held hostage by a regime. I accept this, as Pakistan has traditional elements who find it hard to reconcile with a man whose wife works and who other men salute perforce of her office.
Asif Ali Zardari
I mix everything up. A museum curator once said to me that there is a great jazz component to the way I do things because good jazz is improvisation and draws elements from all different cultures. And that’s the way I do everything – the way I dress and decorate.
Iris Apfel
What does that suggest when a compound this simple plays such an important role? To me it suggests that nitric oxide is one of the most primitive elements of cellular signaling, that it goes way back into evolution.
Ferid Murad
Jackson went from the professor’s chair to the officer’s saddle. He carried with him the very elements of character which made him odious as a teacher; but I never saw him in an arbitrary mood.
Daniel H. Hill
The so-called commercialism includes elements like story, plots, rhythms and large big scenes.
Zhang Yimou
A film must have two elements – it must deal with the real world and show how it could be made better.
Rouben Mamoulian
Why should a horror film be just a horror film? To me, The Company of Wolves is a fairy tale; it’s got all those elements plus a lot more. And we know that fairy tales aren’t innocent any more.
Neil Jordan
The number of elements that have to go into a hit would

The number of elements that have to go into a hit would break a computer down. the right season for that play, the right historical moment, the right tonality.
Arthur Miller
It is not my fault that certain so-called bohemian elements have found in my writings something to hang their peculiar beatnik theories on.
Jack Kerouac
Part of my success with urban bachata is reinventing yourself as an artist and continuing to give people different kind of fusions, mixing up the elements and concepts without changing the beat.
Romeo Santos
Maha Kumbh’ blends elements from Hindu mythology with the international espionage thriller. Nothing like it has ever been attempted on Indian television.
Gautam Rode
The death of Garang has unfortunately unleashed emotions of anger; some genuine, others cultivated by elements who wanted to pit one group of Sudanese against another.
Salva Kiir Mayardit
I acknowledge the four elements. Water in the North; incense to recognize the air in the East; flowers for the earth in the South; a candle for light from the West. It helps me keep perspective.
Laura Esquivel
With a huge storm, you need a lot of volume, but it can’t become one loud noise. Dolby Atmos helped a lot because it gave us the separation of those elements.
Baltasar Kormakur
In Italy, on the breaking up of the Roman Empire, society might be said to be resolved into its original elements, – into hostile atoms, whose only movement was that of mutual repulsion.
Edward Everett
We all have to remember that New Zealand is built on these kind of people who are rebels and renegades, people doing it their own way, fighting for freedom, and braving the elements. I think it’s cool to celebrate that.
Taika Waititi
I think the elements to shock the world is either the ability to wrestle and grind somebody out or the ability to knock someone out.
Tyron Woodley
A structure becomes architectural, and not sculptural, when its elements no longer have their justification in nature.
Guillaume Apollinaire
Often the magical elements in my books are standing in for elements of the real world, the small and magical-in-their-own-right sorts of things that we take for granted and no longer pay attention to, like the bonds of friendship that entwine our own lives with those of other people and places.
Charles de Lint
As a coach, you look for the elements. Sort of like a chemist, you want to say, ‘Okay, here we have all of the parts,’ and make what you think will be a successful line.
Barry Trotz
Sometimes, in certain stories, I think we know at the outset essentially what the tone is going to be, or it becomes important that we’re groping toward some kind of story with a certain kind of tone that we both get somehow. But I don’t think how that’s combined with other elements is ever in any way overtly discussed.
Joel Coen
The difference today is that, in both parties, the very extreme elements control the nomination process.
Hamilton Jordan
An effective U.S. policy toward Sudan – one capable of changing the situation in the south and affecting the lives of its people – will require top-level attention and a great deal of energy. It should have three elements: aid, diplomacy, and financial disclosure.
Elliott Abrams
Let man live at a distance from God, and the universe remains neutral or hostile to him. But let man believe in God, and immediately all around him the elements, even the irksome, of the inevitable organize themselves into a friendly whole, ordered to the ultimate success of life.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Lovers often invest their first meetings with retrospective significance, as if to try to conjure the elements of the numinous out of the stubborn witness of the everyday.
Christopher Hitchens
My sound is, at its core, a mix of things. Definitely an imperfect mix, but one that incorporates elements of the music I love – a bit of indie rock, super rhythmic rapping, and lots of synths.
K. Flay
In chemical terms, radium differs little from barium; the salts of these two elements are isomorphic, while those of radium are usually less soluble than the barium salts.
Marie Curie
Our alliances and our credibility are crucial elements of our working capital in advancing America’s interests in the world, and they have been eroded over the last four years.
Patrick Leahy
One of the key elements of human behavior is, humans have a greater fear of loss than enjoyment of success. All the academic studies will show you that the fear of loss of capital is far greater than the enjoyment of gains.
Laurence D. Fink
The minute anyone’s getting anxious I say, You must eat and you must sleep. They’re the two vital elements for a healthy life.
Francesca Annis
My view on Islam is that it is not so much a religion as a totalitarian political ideology with religious elements.
Geert Wilders
Nuclear fusion of light elements like hydrogen or helium would permit approaching the speed of light. It seems very attractive to refuel your space ships where the fuel is.
Wilson Greatbatch
My government is committed to carrying out electoral reforms. It is our firm resolve to keep criminal elements away from power.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
‘Jaws’ was the ultimate man vs. nature movie, and it was a movie that was basically three people against the elements, so that was the biggest influence on ‘Frozen.’
Adam Green
All the things that human beings suffer from are how their environment treats them, and how the elements of their planet affects their mind and body – like radiation, cancer, and all.
Ornette Coleman
The thing that was bad about colonialism, and the thing which is residually bad in some of our aid programs, is that it involved elements of coercion and condescension.
Paul Romer
I am actually talking about possibly adapting ‘The Boys,’ by Garth Ennis, which would not be a comedy, but an action movie with comedy elements to it.
Adam McKay
She was a performance artist calling herself Lady Gaga, who had a European dance-club sound and pop-star aspirations – elements that historically haven’t mixed.
Troy Carter
To tell you the truth, while I do enjoy the grand-scale

To tell you the truth, while I do enjoy the grand-scale elements, it’s the personal scenes, the character moments that I really find satisfying. That’s where I get to delve into the characters’ minds and hearts. That’s where they become living, breathing beings to me.
George Perez
Don’t get me wrong; I miss the live elements of coaching.
Bill Cowher
There are so many elements that make ‘Orange’ spectacular – the writing, the acting, what we talk about – but we can’t neglect the music of the show. It sets a fantastic tone.
Adrienne C. Moore
Lincoln’s stature and strength, his intelligence and ambition – in short, all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem, rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village.
John George Nicolay
There are so many different elements to surfing. Small waves, big waves, long boards, short boards. This makes it a sport you can share with people. It’s not just a solitary thing – it’s become a family thing, too. It’s about exercising and passing something on from father to son, and from mother to daughter.
Kelly Slater
Action, reaction, motivation, emotion, all have to come from the characters. Writing a love scene requires the same elements from the writer as any other.
Nora Roberts
For a gymnast to be successful, she needs to strike a balance of everything within herself. She needs to be graceful, flexible, perform all elements, turns, maintain co-ordination – she has to have all of that. If, for example, she only has co-ordination and nothing else, she will not succeed.
Yana Kudryavtseva
Once you go outside of Atlanta, there are still a lot of Klan rallies and whatnot. There are a lot of conflicting elements that are trying to solve itself in that city.
Hiro Murai
I think that there are a lot of elements and events that will make you scared in life and make you not want to sort of show your true self.
Daniel Breaker
Some say it is the elements of hope and wonder in children’s books that make them special. But there are many dark young adult novels these days. Adults loved Harry Potter, though it was written for the young. In the end, it is probably up to the reader of any age to decide if this book is for him or her.
Katherine Paterson
Xiaomi looks a bit like Apple but is really more like Amazon with some elements of Google.
Lei Jun
Song, dance and cinema are so deeply within the Indian culture and with so many cultures incorporating their elements too, it has become a wonderful collage.
Javed Jaffrey
As experimentation becomes more complex, the need for the co-operation in it of technical elements from outside becomes greater and the modern laboratory tends increasingly to resemble the factory and to employ in its service increasing numbers of purely routine workers.
John Desmond Bernal
Character is made up of a variety of different things. One of those elements is gender.
Greg Rucka
There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two.
Bertolt Brecht
Even though I was making documentaries, my films had fictional elements to them. I think I like blurring those distinctions because so much of what we see on television purports to be the truth, but it’s often largely imaginary – or wishful thinking, or any number of less honorable things.
Ruth Ozeki
You’re not going to have something set on a council estate that explores all elements of human existence, the variety of experience inherent in any community.
Eddie Marsan
Good writing shouldn’t be wrapped in cellophane. It should be open to the elements and full of maggots and it should be left to grow and deepen and fester.
Zawe Ashton
When we really start searching for the truth in stories, we can find it everywhere, not just in sincere confessions but in the deliberate lies and imagined possibilities, the magic and fantasy, and all the other unreal elements that go into the concoction of identity.
Joanna Scott
Design, whether it’s on your body or in your home, is the same thing. It’s mixing different colors, different textures, and unexpected patterns – elements that you wouldn’t often put together in an interesting way.
Blake Lively
In China the underworld and officialdom have interpenetrated and become one. Criminal elements have become officialized as officials have become criminalized.
Liu Xiaobo
Our collective memories are welcoming places, and one image, that of Jesus, has absorbed and appropriated elements of other traditions and aspirations in order to shape our communal remembering.
Neil MacGregor
My team and I have reunited two elements that coexist with difficulty: respect and affection, because when they love you they don’t respect you and when they respect you they don’t love you.
But I think talent as a writer is hard-wired in, it’s all there, at least the basic elements of it. You can’t change it any more than you can choose whether to be right handed or left handed.
Stephen King
We know that the elements in play in a show like ‘Confederate’ are much more raw, much more real, and people come into them much more sensitive and more invested, than they do with a story about a place called ‘Westeros,’ which none of them had ever heard of before they read the books or watched the show.
D. B. Weiss
Individual tribes or, in other words, races or stocks, are the constituent elements of the earliest history.
Theodor Mommsen
Similarly, gender-equality, supremacy of law, political participation, civil society, and transparency are among the indispensable elements that are the imperatives of democratization.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
There are elements of irony in my work, of course.
Martin Parr
I’m open to all the elements, I’m definitely ready to take anything on. But I don’t want to jump too far into the deep end.
Sam Claflin
One of the key elements is the ability to be honest with yourself.
Bill Toomey
Accuracy of statement is one of the first elements of truth; inaccuracy is a near kin to falsehood.
Tryon Edwards
The most common and most important result of them is th

The most common and most important result of them is that the nature and size of the effect on corresponding series of different elements are largely an expression of the peculiarity of their atomic structure – or, at least, of the structure of the surface.
Johannes Stark
A kind of synthesis, but with some elements that perhaps you wouldn’t have expected in advance. I always like that when that happens, when something comes that is more than the sum of the parts.
Evan Parker
The so-called ‘materialistic conception of history,’ with the crude elements of genius of the early form which appeared, for instance, in the ‘Communist Manifesto,’ still prevails only in the minds of laymen and dilettantes.
Max Weber
When combining the elements on the Total Guide Solution, we believe we are positioning it to be the starting point for consumers to discover and enjoy digital entertainment on their television. And our name changed to Rovi embodied the ability to be that homepage for consumer search through the TV.
Alfred Amoroso
People have Plato’s form in their mind of what a leader is, or what a C.E.O. is, and it is a bunch of elements that I really don’t conform to at all. I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I came to the conclusion that I don’t care.
Dick Costolo
I think you can find all the elements that you can find in great literature in mundane experiences.
Harvey Pekar
If we incline our wills in true earnest singleness to God, then we go with Christ out of this world, out from the stars and elements, and enter into God; for in the will of reason we are children of the stars and elements, and the spirit of this world ruleth over us.
Jakob Bohme
Unless we abandon elements which resemble a police state, we can’t meet the demands of being a modern society.
Ahmet Necdet Sezner
Certain elements of teen life that, 10 years ago, were very important to me still, are becoming less so as I get older. I mean, I’ve kinda gotten over, I guess I’m saying, the fact that I had trouble getting a date for the prom.
Matthew Tobin Anderson
But at the same time, I think we recognize we can’t impose democracy from without, particularly American-style democracy. We need to work with those elements in the region that are moving towards a reformed process and there are a number of them.
Frank Carlucci
Life is the power that’s greater than I can ever comprehend. The way life runs through everything, even the tiniest elements of nature – that makes me humble.
Michael J. Fox
If you’re using live bass versus orchestral bass, you’ve got to make sure that you’re not stepping on the toes of the other elements, so you’ve got to balance it out.
Serj Tankian
An argument fatal to the communist theory, is suggested by the fact, that a desire for property is one of the elements of our nature.
Herbert Spencer
Chaos does not unify. Chaos only serves the most extreme elements of society that seek to destabilize any semblance of order to fulfill their selfish lust for power.
Daniel Lubetzky
Infidelity in a serious relationship? No, I have never had that kind of a conflict. My conflicts have been time elements, geographical elements.
Sidharth Malhotra
There are elements of intrinsic beauty in the simplification of a house built on the log cabin idea.
Gustav Stickley
We need less memorization – I never memorized the periodic table of the elements – I’ve never used it, and I’m a physicist! I can look it up.
Michio Kaku
To be black in the Baltimore of my youth was to be naked before the elements of the world.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
All human beings are interconnected, one with all other elements in creation.
Henry Reed
I think if you’re writing from the heart, very often, the subject matter will adjust as you age… but you try to write the best song you can possibly write. For us, we have the same basic elements that make up the America sound.
Gerry Beckley
I don’t want ever to be guilty of what my critics claim: doing formula without original elements.
Piers Anthony
Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world… Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
You can be technically strong, and focus all your efforts on elements like casting, music, cinematography and sets, but they are all just add ons. End of the day, filmmaking is really about how well you tell a story.
Vikramaditya Motwane
Science fiction, extrasensory perception, and black people are judged by the worst elements they produce.
Octavia E. Butler
The two elements the traveler first captures in the big city are extra human architecture and furious rhythm. Geometry and anguish.
Federico Garcia Lorca
When I was filming ‘Ouija,’ there were some elements in that that really creeped me out.
Olivia Cooke
When very large stars die, they create temperatures so high that protons begin to fuse in all sorts of exotic combinations, to form all the elements of the periodic table. If, like me, you’re wearing a gold ring, it was forged in a supernova explosion.
David Christian
Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose.
Charles Eames
Soccer is a continuous game, rugby is a continuous game, but for the physical elements that are involved in playing a football game and the number of plays that you play, I don’t know that it was ever intended to be a continuous game.
Nick Saban
I knew there were, in myself, the souls of millions of people who lived centuries ago; not just people but animals, plants, the elements, things, even, matter. All of these exist in me.
Klaus Kinski
I focus on the elements of a movie that are meant to invisibly affect me as a viewer. The edges. As an author, I’m aware of how the subconscious things can pluck at a reader’s emotions, and I love it when filmmakers do the same.
Maggie Stiefvater
I've written books as acts of discovery: things I need

I’ve written books as acts of discovery: things I need to know and that I need to touch. And it’s very dangerous work to deal with the most toxic internal elements… I feel like Madame Curie at my computer. I feel like I should be hemorrhaging from my eyes and ears.
Kate Braverman
The problem is the following, black music is increasing encumbered by white elements, often pleasant but always superfluous, easily and advantageously replaced with black elements.
Boris Vian
Slipstream fiction is usually defined as fiction with a contemporary setting in which story elements are mimetic (that is, seem real) – except for one or two eerie strangenesses. Unlike outright fantasy, these are not explained or integrated into an alternate-reality setting.
Nancy Kress
And it is because a series of elements in Spanish life which operate today the same way as they did in the times of Blanco White made obvious my relationship with him, based on a similarity in Spain’s condition.
Juan Goytisolo
We do not kill the drama, we do not really limit its appeal by failing to encourage the best in it; but we do thereby foster the weakest and poorest elements.
George Pierce Baker
Leadership contains certain elements of good management, but it requires that you inspire, that you build durable trust. For an organization to be not just good but to win, leadership means evoking participation larger than the job description, commitment deeper than any job contract’s wording.
Stanley A. McChrystal
A person’s current personality of love, hatred, jealousy, rage or a murderous intent and so on is formed upon genetic elements, education, the environment and a family a person grows in.
Kim Ki-duk
The radical elements in Islam are very dangerous.
Brent Scowcroft
We deliberately used elements from Brazilian music and from African and Asian music. Now people can hear that but then it sounded so abstract, they couldn’t hear it.
Arto Lindsay
Introduced in the 1960s, multitasking is an engineering strategy for making computers more efficient. Human beings are the slowest elements in a system.
Ellen Ullman
If you had to sum up chemistry in one sentence, it might be this: Atoms need to have full shells of electrons to feel satisfied, and different elements steal, shed, or borrow different numbers of electrons to achieve a full shell.
Sam Kean
When you’re not in studios, you don’t have any luxuries; you can’t control the elements, so you have to put up with those extremes.
Richard Madden
The central region of the Milky Way, known as the bulge, is stuffed with literally tens of billions of stars. And most of these are old – considerably older than our Sun or its neighbors – because this part of the galaxy formed first. Consequently, bulge stars are generally deficient in heavy elements.
Seth Shostak
Artistic tricks divert from the effect that an artist endeavors to produce, and even excellent elements such as bullets, arrows, brackets, ornate initials, are at best superficial ornamentation unless logically employed.
Paul Rand
We wanted to talk about death in the DC Universe, and how some people go to get a pass and come back, and some people didn’t. That opened up a whole other topic about legacy. We wanted to talk about what was required to be a hero, what were the elements of true heroism?
Greg Rucka
I spent a lot of my youth working outside in the elements, and I kind of revel in defeating tough weather.
Nick Offerman
Every time I start chasing my tail, and I’m trying to control all these elements of my universe, I pray, ‘I’m not in control of any of this. I can just do the best I can. Please guide me. Please help me figure how I can move through this in the way You would have me.’
Cheryl Ladd
Scripture suggests that the elements in space were created for the benefit of earth, while evolution suggests that earth is an insignificant speck in vast space.
Walter Lang
There’s a theory that says that life is based on a competition and the struggle and the fight for survival, and it’s interesting because when you look at the fractal character of evolution, it’s totally different. It’s based on cooperation among the elements in the geometry and not competition.
Bruce Lipton
One of the most depressing things about President Donald Trump’s decision to roll back elements of the Cuba opening is how predictable it was.
Ben Rhodes
Part of fashion is newness. It’s got to be a new combination of elements that’s shocking-stunning-beautiful all at the same time. But it doesn’t have any emotion.
Tom Ford
The fact is that a car used by Gerry Adams and myself during the course of the Mitchell review was bugged by elements within British military intelligence.
Martin McGuinness
Bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of elements (complexes of sensations) make up bodies.
Ernst Mach
I believe that every character is a setting, a world with moving parts, and on the other hand, every setting is, in fact, a character – a living breathing thing with personality and backstory. The way stories come to life, at least for me, is when these elements commune in relationship to one another.
Jason Reynolds
People get very excited about very high elements. That’s why Mount Everest is so important – it’s not the most difficult mountain, but it’s the most famous because it’s the tallest.
Cesar Pelli
My style is pretty clean, classic, and elegant, with some elements to make it a little funkier. If you see me on a normal day, I’m usually in a T-shirt and jeans, maybe with some cool sneakers, but I’m pretty basic.
John Legend
The constituents of tragedy may be universally acknowledged, easily invoked and deeply felt, but the elements of comedy are, I think, more widely variable from person to person.
Paul Di Filippo
I feel comfortable in my pop shoes. They let me walk in any direction. I like to go from one extreme to the other. One day I feel that I want to do a song with reggaeton influence, I do it. The next day I feel I need to do a song with rock elements to it, I do it.
As an actor, you want to be able to move your character forward into new ground, but also it’s really interesting to go backwards and unpeel those layers and the interesting elements of what your character is and what informs the decisions that you make so that you can have as much meat to work with.
Jesse Williams
When I made ‘Real Steel,’ the director actually had the robots in the monitor, so he knew where everything was. So technically, there’s been advancements. But at the end of the day, movies are about story and characters, so all the other stuff is great, but unless you have those two elements, then you’ve got nothing.
Hugh Jackman
A lot of the strength of an RPG world lies in its foundation: its systems, lore, and when appropriate, its magic systems. While there are elements tied to ‘Project: Eternity’ that at first glance seem to be classic fantasy, that’s intentional – we do want to recreate some elements of a High Fantasy experience.
Chris Avellone
It is one thing to go on stage and be funny or be in a

It is one thing to go on stage and be funny or be in a good place in your career, but for a woman, actually facing the elements in a physical way is a very powerful thing.
Pamela Stephenson
The essential elements of giving are power and love – activity and affection – and the consciousness of the race testifies that in the high and appropriate exercise of these is a blessedness greater than any other.
Mark Hopkins
‘Crash’ is a metaphor for what I see as the dehumanizing elements that are present in the world in which we live. We’re distanced by the nature of the society we inhabit from a normal human reaction.
J. G. Ballard
Our understanding of Shakespeare already depends largely on the vitality of Renaissance elements in our education. Each man must live in his own generation, as the saying is; but the generations are bound together by the golden links of the great tradition of civilization.
George Edward Woodberry
This is the Bond of the new millennium. Everything is updated, from the action sequences to the interaction between the characters. All the elements reflect changes that have occurred in the world in recent years.
Rick Yune
I just sit down and the page just comes out and I look at it and the elements that appear on that page have a lot to do with what’s going on in my life.
Cory Doctorow
Every action is seen to fall into one of three main categories, guarding, hitting, or moving. Here, then, are the elements of combat, whether in war or pugilism.
B. H. Liddell Hart
All musicians practice ear training constantly, whether or not they are cognizant of it. If, when listening to a piece of music, a musician is envisioning how to play it or is trying to play along, that musician is using his or her ‘ear’ – the understanding and recognition of musical elements – for guidance.
Steve Vai
I think it’s intelligent, emotional, character-rich storytelling – at the core, I think those are the most important elements, and I think they can be found across all of our dayparts. That’s what, for me, ABC really stands for.
Channing Dungey
Things like promoting healthy behaviours, including nutrition and activity, and beginning that at school is so critical. We used to have a healthy eating, healthy action plan, elements of which really were dumped by the last government, so we’re trying to rebuild a bit of a program of action in that space.
Jacinda Ardern
There was a time in my career when my hackles would really get raised if someone came in and said, ‘We need you to do this or that.’ But the fact of the matter is, you’re working in a shared universe, and all elements of the universe are, ideally, going to mesh and work together. That’s my goal. I want to be on the team.
Greg Rucka
I’ve studied a lot of great people over the years – Pete Seeger, James Brown – and tried to incorporate elements that I’ve admired, though I can’t say I dance like James.
John Fogerty
Future is mobile computing – smartphones and tablets are just elements of it. The industry is on the verge of a whole new paradigm.
Thorsten Heins
It has always seemed to me that a love of natural objects, and the depth, as well as exuberance and refinement of mind, produced by an intelligent delight in scenery, are elements of the first importance in the education of the young.
Frederick William Faber
So to me it’s very similar in terms of trying to distill within the image, those elements that are gonna form, hopefully, a compelling visual statement.
John Sexton
In order to actually have a touchscreen in front of me and somehow still be connected to nature, I needed to be able to incorporate natural elements into the song structures. Because that’s always been my song-writing accompaniment: nature.
Aang is an Airbender, and he became the Avatar after the last one died. He has to realize his destiny as the Avatar by mastering all of the elements – earth, fire and air. For me, I feel like I’m mastering all the different styles or elements of MMA. It’s my destiny to become the Avatar of this game.
Israel Adesanya
What’s most explosive about historical fiction is to use the fictional elements to pressure the history to new insights.
Matthew Pearl
A blog is neither a diary nor a journal. Many people think of blogging in relation to those two things, confessional or practical. It is neither but includes elements of both.
Lemn Sissay
One theme I ran into over and over while writing about the periodic table was the future of energy and the question of which element or elements will replace carbon as king.
Sam Kean
When ‘Midnight’s Children’ came out, people in the West tended to respond to the fantasy elements in the novel, to praise it in those terms. In India, people read it like a history book.
Salman Rushdie
In truth the social media elements of the Obama campaign, while extremely innovative, did not produce a lot of results.
Sean Parker
I feel ‘Love Letters’ has been part of a longer journey towards a very simple, international sound in which the sitar is no longer exotic or classical, but simply a tool of expression when juxtaposed with the voice and cross-genre elements.
Anoushka Shankar
Thus at the beginning of 1906 it seemed to be established that the emitters of the spectral series of chemical elements are their positive atomic ions.
Johannes Stark
Some of the greatest hip-hop artists have incorporated elements from electronic shows into their setup. People are taking notice. It’s going to be a new wave.
Pusha T
My parents never got carried away with the extraneous elements of being in the business.
Haley Joel Osment
Obviously neither ‘American Idol’ nor ‘Dancing With the Stars’ is a variety show in the classic sense, but the way they incorporate elements of drama, comedy and suspense is moderately ingenious.
Tom Shales
We’re passionate musicians, but we felt classical concerts were more like a funeral because nobody talked and everybody was dressed so conservatively. We thought that’s kind of strange, because music is full of life! We thought we could break through that barrier with theater and comedy elements.
Aleksey Igudesman
I realised that a lot of women felt the same way I did – they didn’t want to wear heavy make-up, but, for whatever reason, there were elements in their skin they want to smooth out or cover.
Louise Nurding
Horror used to be one thing, and I think that’s starting to broaden – there can have subgenres, and other things can be going on in a horror story. In comics, you’ll never get the ‘Boo’ effect in a comic; you can go for mood, atmosphere and personal tragedy to build the horror elements and sense of dread.
Cullen Bunn
There are a lot of unseen elements to having a successful singing career.
Lesley Garrett
Magazine stories, the best ones anyway, are generally a

Magazine stories, the best ones anyway, are generally a combination of three elements: access, narrative, and disclosure.
Graydon Carter
People are apprehensive about finding ‘The Leftovers’ funny because it’s such a dark circumstance, but I think, really, what the show is about is examining how different people deal with loss. There are elements of humour and levity and irony in that… just like in real life.
Emily Meade
Some extremists take elements of the sacred scriptures out of context.
Cat Stevens
Why should I tell you where I am going to get funds from? If I were to do that then all the vested interests would get alerted. You must be aware that railways are full of such elements and my fight is against them.
Lalu Prasad Yadav
Remember, that of all the elements that comprise a human being, the most important, the most essential, the one that will sustain, transcend, overcome and vanquish obstacles is – Spirit!
Buddy Ebsen
I still have a vivid memory of my excitement when I first saw a chart of the periodic table of elements.
Joe Murray
There’s good movies and there’s bad movies. The genres are never dead, it’s just about how to apply them and articulate them and execute them – the story, the quality of the writing, the acting, the design elements, the directorial execution – all these things make it what it is.
Andy Garcia
You go from movies where you are wearing nice clothes and you’re trying to smell good to a movie where you are in water and you are wet all day, and you are dealing with that elements, it gets rough, but it was definitely something I wanted to try.
Morris Chestnut
Gerald’s Game’ had such an impact on me when I read the book in college that I think I’ve actually, consciously or unconsciously, been incorporating elements of that story into my work ever since.
Mike Flanagan
Design in art, is a recognition of the relation between various things, various elements in the creative flux. You can’t invent a design. You recognize it, in the fourth dimension. That is, with your blood and your bones, as well as with your eyes.
D. H. Lawrence
Knowing some Greek helped defuse forbidding words – not that I counted much on using them. You’ll find only trace elements of this language in the poem.
James Merrill
I’m a self trained, autodidactic artist, so all I was ever trying to do was to draw as realistically as possible – but that’s what comes out, because I don’t really know how to draw! I think when I draw characters, I’m able to reduce them down to little marks that capture the most distinct elements of them.
Box Brown
A love story, at least a convincing one, requires three elements – the lover, the beloved, and the adventures they have together.
Jane Smiley
What I love about working on ‘Younger’ is that it combines some of my favorite elements of both theatre and film.
Dan Amboyer
I like the story writing process. I usually use someone who has been trained for structure to take the story that I actually want, place those elements in the right places.
Curtis Jackson
From all this it follows what the general character of the problem of the development of a body of scientific knowledge is, in so far as it depends on elements internal to science itself.
Talcott Parsons
One of the elements in the film that really fascinated me was not to look at the world in bi-polar terms of us vs them or east vs west, which was a by-product of the Cold War.
Kathryn Bigelow
‘Ouija’ has a steady directorial hand, some attractive young actors who taking the silliness seriously, and few admirable genre elements. It renounces the faux-found-footage ShakyCam style, instead employing a traditionally smooth visual style.
Richard Corliss
I do see, in some younger writers, elements and things that I have used – and I am very touched and flattered because I am part of a tapestry that is being absorbed by authors.
Isobelle Carmody
In almost every country there are elements of opinion which would welcome such a conclusion because they wish to return to the politics of the balance of power, unrestricted and unregulated armaments, international anarchy, and preparation for war.
Arthur Henderson
It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the Moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements.
Buzz Aldrin
To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter… to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life.
John Burroughs
In the divine milieu, all the elements of the universe touch each other by that which is most inward and ultimate in them. There they concentrate, little by little, all that is purest and most attractive in them without loss and without danger of subsequent corruption.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The visual elements of the videos, the makeup and the costumes… these things have nothing to do with justice and truth, but nonetheless, it really changes the experience of the video.
The ‘chinked out’ style is a school of hip hop – that’s the way I like to think of it – that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds.
Wang Leehom
Lebanon can choose to be either a partner in ridding the scourge of terrorism or another obstacle that cows to the most radical elements of society.
Vito Fossella
What people sometimes interpret as quirky is my attempt to subvert the concept of luxury by introducing elements that are considered ordinary or commonplace.
Miuccia Prada
The chance to play a romantic character who kisses somebody onscreen was one of the elements that made me want to do ‘The Stand.’ The more you can do, the better, and I’ve been known as a character actor.
Gary Sinise
I’m really hands-on. My team brings in elements, but, every season, it’s kind of a personal struggle to find the balance and to see how far I want to push the elements.
Dries van Noten
I want any kid who listens to my music to see that I am confident with all elements of my personality that I can’t change.
I love Tim Minchin, Bill Bailey, and Hans Teeuwen, and I’m trying to synthesise elements of theatre into my show a little bit more.
Bo Burnham
If the number of easy games is increasing nowadays, I g

If the number of easy games is increasing nowadays, I guess it is because difficulty is not related to interesting and worthwhile game elements in many games among players.
Hidetaka Miyazaki
Everywhere in the universe, the periodic table has the same basic structure. Even if an alien civilization’s table weren’t plotted out in the castle-with-turrets shape we humans favor, their spiral or pyramidal or whatever-shaped periodic table would naturally pause after 118 elements.
Sam Kean
There’s always elements of danger in New York, but people are always out on the street. I don’t feel scared there at all.
Madonna Ciccone
‘The Watch’ is first and foremost a comedy, but since I got to shoot the film using elements from the sci-fi genre, I wanted to make sure the alien didn’t look goofy. I got to make a real alien that looks dangerous. That was a big plus for me because I got to do something really fun and cool.
Akiva Schaffer
There are two elements to nailing a job interview: form and substance. ‘Form’ describes the outer layer of your character – your manners, your demeanor, your social skills. ‘Substance’ describes the inner core of your character – your intellect, your empathy, your creativity.
Neil Blumenthal
The stars shall fade away, the sun himself Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years, But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth, Unhurt amidst the wars of elements, The wrecks of matter, and the crush of worlds.
Joseph Addison
To me a great sci-fi movie has elements of horror and suspense.
Moon Bloodgood
It’s not easy to shout against real elements. The elements are big, and the human voice is very small.
Ian Holm
In Israel, there is no civil marriage. All elements of religious life – from the kosher certification of food to conversion to marriages and burials – are controlled by the rabbinate. In Israel, then, the official religion is not just Judaism. It’s Orthodoxy.
Bari Weiss
In an oppressive society the truth-telling nature of literature is of a different order, and sometimes valued more highly than other elements in a work of art.
Julian Barnes
With the exception of autotrophic bacteria, the green, or chlorophyll-bearing, plants are the only living forms on this planet capable of synthesizing organic matter out of inorganic elements and simple compounds.
Selman Waksman
We have to make sure the music and the message and the words and all the elements come through in our songs and every time we appear in public.
Lauryn Hill
It is necessary to develop a strategy that utilizes all the physical conditions and elements that are directly at hand. The best strategy relies upon an unlimited set of responses.
Morihei Ueshiba
I like to employ a form of repetition, in which the same elements recur but in different and unexpected ways. rather than being discarded as soon as they are understood or passed over.
Graham Nelson
I have become an adjective. There is something called a Rovian-style of campaigning and it’s meant as an insult. One columnist said it consists mainly of throwing mud until it sticks. One prominent blogger described the elements of a textbook Rovian race as fear-based, smear-based and anything goes.
Karl Rove
One of the reasons I continue to speak out is that the solutions to the counterterrorism problem involve other parts of the national security community – especially other elements of the Department of Defense, State, FBI, Homeland Security and the staff.
John Poindexter
When a person listens to a good song, and they can look out at the world and their lives and see the dark and the light, the negative and the positive, all the different elements, all come together in one holistic poem, that is a very healing and very reductive thing, and that’s what my music is about.
Hockey on roller skates is like MMA in a bounce house: the elements are there, but the medium makes the whole thing ridiculous.
David Walton
I consider a poem to be a kind of experiment where a number of elements are brought together under test conditions to see how they will interact to create meaning or relevance.
John Barton
At its core, ‘Heroes’ is an ensemble character drama with genre elements.
Masi Oka
To me, St. Lucia isn’t just purely feel-good; there are these other juxtaposed elements as well.
St. Lucia
If adolescent pregnancy prevention is to become a priority, then our strategy, as advocates, must contain two key elements: civic engagement and education.
Jane Fonda
When, instead of merely associating some act with some situation in the animal way, we think the situation out, we have a set of particular feelings of its elements.
Edward Thorndike
The opulence and grandeur of a lot of period drama really helps you get into character and appreciate the luxury of good quality. If you’re fashion-minded in any way, you can’t help but be incredibly inspired and apply elements to your own style.
Annabelle Wallis
The notion that every well educated person would have a mastery of at least the basic elements of the humanities, sciences, and social sciences is a far cry from the specialized education that most students today receive, particularly in the research universities.
Joseph Stiglitz
The best horror walks a line that’s completely on a psychological level, not needing the typical tropes of traditional horror filmmaking, then also having to tease out those elements in a way that makes the audience feel like they know what they’re in.
Karyn Kusama
For me, nudity and strong language have never been huge loadbearing elements of how I like to tell a story. Graphic images certainly are.
Bryan Fuller
People often ask me about what constitutes a nerd-friendly show – like, does it have to have sci-fi elements? But I think it’s just a show that satisfies the secret craving we all have to be obsessed with something and not feel at all stupid about it.
Dan Harmon
I wanted to be a poet when I was 20; I had no interest in fiction or biography and precious little interest in history, but those three elements in my life have become the most important.
Peter Ackroyd
Producing is nothing more than bringing all the elements together, connecting people.
Brion James
The willow is my favorite tree. I grew up near one. It’s the most flexible tree in nature and nothing can break it – no wind, no elements, it can bend and withstand anything.
I can't not find humor in elements of most parts of lif

I can’t not find humor in elements of most parts of life, but at the same time nothing ever seems perpetually funny to me.
Greg Kinnear
And harmony means that the relationship between all the elements used in a composition is balanced, is good.
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Thing, body, matter, are nothing apart from the combinations of the elements, – the colours, sounds, and so forth – nothing apart from their so-called attributes.
Ernst Mach
P is positive emotion, E is engagement, R is relationships, M is meaning and A is accomplishment. Those are the five elements of what free people chose to do. Pretty much everything else is in service of one of or more of these goals. That’s the human dashboard.
Martin Seligman
I am consciously not trying to bring in World Music elements. The ways that I work and feel are completely different in how they sound than someone playing the Kora in Africa would play it.
Joanna Newsom
I think what ‘Shameless’ does well is highlight real relationships. And in any real relationship, there are ups and downs and elements that change the dynamics of the relationship.
Shanola Hampton
The American War of Independence is the expulsion of the intrusive elements, alien to the American essence. If American reality is the reinvention of itself, whatever is found in any way irreducible or unassimilable is not American.
Octavio Paz
We are trying to make up these other elements by gaining cost efficiencies through our reengineering process and through overt fund-raising activities to better support graduate education.
Charles Vest
Most of us think of pride as self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. All of these are elements of the sin, but the heart, or core, is still missing. The central feature of pride is enmity – enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen.
Ezra Taft Benson
I don’t know if I’ve ever played a character who’s close to me. There have been some elements of myself in different roles. Sometimes, I show one side of myself and then completely conceal the other.
Karen Allen
If you think about it, you can have the best CGI, but you can always tell that it is CGI. Your brain can spot that is not real even though you think it looks cool. Your brain knows the truth, so you don’t jump and you don’t scream. It was very important for me to expose the audience to real elements.
Fede Alvarez
Our community is like many around the country that have, as the gentleman from New York referenced, sophisticated planning and zoning regulations. These are elements that are developed as a result of local community pressure to balance interests.
Earl Blumenauer
These are all elements, but the main thing we can do in the Middle East is encourage the reformist elements.
Frank Carlucci
I still don’t understand why the tag of ‘action hero’ follows me. My films have all these elements – romance, action and comedy. None of the fight sequences of my character is an act of randomness. There’s a reason to action in my films.
Sunny Deol
Legislation to create a new 10 percent tax bracket, reduce the marriage penalty, cut the tax rate on dividends and capital gains, and increase the child tax credit have been essential elements in this economic expansion.
Roger Wicker
A woman’s body should be stronger than the environment. Strong enough to overpower the negative elements, especially in cities like New York and Los Angeles.
Apollonia Kotero
In a certain sense, aspects of my solo playing were developed in order to test the theory about how long particular elements could be, as parts of so-called free improvisations.
Evan Parker
Be aware of textural elements throughout a party, like silverware, stemware, and linens. But the biggest element is metaphorical: it’s your own touch. How are you making people feel?
Danny Meyer
I’ve been in the game long enough to know what elements you have to package together to get a movie into production.
David Ayer
We’ve arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology.
Carl Sagan
I think DOOM had just the right mix of elements that keep people coming back to it: great monsters, excellent weapons with great balance, a spooky environment and extreme speed.
John Romero
Everything that you read is an influence on everything you write, and you want to draw as many elements into your work as you can.
Walter Jon Williams
Hip-hop is the streets. Hip-hop is a couple of elements that it comes from back in the days… that feel of music with urgency that speaks to you. It speaks to your livelihood and it’s not compromised. It’s blunt. It’s raw, straight off the street – from the beat to the voice to the words.
A civilization is a heritage of beliefs, customs, and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of centuries, elements difficult at times to justify by logic, but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere, since they open up for man his inner distance.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Our military should be trained and structured around missions, not the elements of air, water, and land.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
We have children to pursue other elements of well-being. We want meaning in life. We want relationships.
Martin Seligman
The elements and majestic forces in nature, Lightning, Wind, Water, Fire, and Frost, were regarded with awe as spiritual powers, but always secondary and intermediate in character.
Charles Eastman
From my experience as an actor, choreographer, action director, and producer, I understand the elements and the dynamics of being a film maker.
Donnie Yen
I have always been fascinated by the supernatural elements in stories, whether fairy tales, myths, film or literature.
Trudi Canavan
I wanted to get to that aesthetic proposition that comes out of learning the human elements of a world, so that those notes and rhythms mean something to you besides just the academic way in which they fall in place.
Stanley Crouch
I was a bit of a loudmouth, and I was in an environment where the elements aligned to have kids smack the hell outta me once in a while.
Leonardo DiCaprio
I'm naturally going to react to that and he'll bring ou

I’m naturally going to react to that and he’ll bring out elements in my musical character that were lying dormant, because I’m relating what he’s playing.
Benny Green
A book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements and clumsy hands. so the librarian protects the books not only against mankind but also against nature and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion.
Umberto Eco
There are a lot of different elements in play when you’re remaking something people care about.
Colin Trevorrow
We need to be very careful in making judgment on opening borders and adopting immigration policies, as these are areas where political and emotional elements feature prominently.
Alain Dehaze
The best live recordings capture elements of surprise onstage.
M. Ward
It is only with burning anger that we can speak of this attack by counter-revolutionary reactionary elements against the capital of our country, against our people’s democratic order and the power of the working class.
Janos Kadar
The grappling hook allows for versatile and dynamic movement through the map, while a variety of shinobi-esque tools allow for all sorts of tricks and finesse. These are very important elements of ‘Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice”s gameplay and the protagonist’s nature.
Hidetaka Miyazaki
I stand for simple justice, equal opportunity and human rights. The indispensable elements in a democratic society – and well worth fighting for.
Helen Suzman
Virtual Self’ combines a lot of unlike elements – trance, jungle, slowed-down breakbeats.
Porter Robinson
I liked a lot of the things other people liked – Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Van Halen, AC/DC – but if I compared it to my dad’s music, there just seemed to be elements missing.
Dweezil Zappa
With the work that I do as a director, I’ve got dialogue, camera movement, and character blocking to help create a tone to the piece. In photography, those elements are somewhat void so that tone becomes a bit more subtle but still equally important.
Aaron Ruell
One of the strongest and most persistent elements in national development has been that inheritance of political traditions and usages which the new settlers brought with them.
Albert Bushnell Hart
There’s nothing wrong with raising venture capital. Many lean startups are ambitious and are able to deploy large amounts of capital. What differentiates them is their disciplined approach to determining when to spend money: after the fundamental elements of the business model have been empirically validated.
Eric Ries
To understand the limits and opportunities of algorithms in the context of artistic creation, we need to understand that the latter usually consists of three elements: discovery, production, and recommendation.
Evgeny Morozov
The great thing about a sitcom is that you’re in front of a live audience, so you really get in touch with what audience reaction is, but also there are lots of elements of film that you’re dealing with, and there’s kind of a great boot camp or graduate school mentality to it, because you’re going to suck.
Topher Grace
I’ve always liked police-blotter kind of writing, or the writing of a policeman, right to the point and hardboiled. That’s how I see at least the prose elements of scriptwriting.
Jonathan Ames
The vocal arrangements are a big part of the formula for a Bad Religion song – layered harmonies and background vocals. So when I start to describe the elements of Bad Religion’s sound, it starts to sound like a Christmas choir.
Greg Graffin
It’s very difficult to say that a player is irreplaceable because the nature of football means that someone always steps in to take the shirt and provides different elements to your team.
Brendan Rodgers
All trembling, I reached the Falls of Niagara, and oh, what a scene! My blood shudders still, although I am not a coward, at the grandeur of the Creator’s power; and I gazed motionless on this new display of the irresistible force of one of His elements.
John James Audubon
I realize that many elements of the Buddhist teaching can be found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam. I think if Buddhism can help, it is the concrete methods of practice.
Thich Nhat Hanh
In the ’60s, when I was growing up, one of the great elements of American culture was the protest song. There were songs about the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the antiwar movement. It wasn’t just Bob Dylan, it was everybody at the time.
George Clooney
It always struck me that Africa was, in a strange way, a futuristic place and had elements and vibes and spirits that were going to inform the future. Africa Express is an attempt to engage that power outside Africa, and for everyone to benefit from it.
Damon Albarn
The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we inhabit are not only critical elements in the quality of life we enjoy – they are a reflection of the majesty of our Creator.
Rick Perry
Because up to sixteen years old you feel gymnastics more. You can show your emotion, grace, like woman gymnastics, not kid’s gymnastics. I feel I have good shape, and I can do it elements everything, but, it’s not competition for me.
Olga Korbut
The physical demands of cycling is that it actually lowers your immune system, and you expose yourself to a tremendous amount of elements – so certain people might get a chronic overload and develop, say, bad asthma.
Greg LeMond
To change your phrase somewhat, I know that I like an art where disparate elements form an entity.
James Schuyler
If you go back and look at those films, movies like ‘Bambi’ and ‘Pinocchio,’ there are elements that are incredibly dark. Yet no one batted an eye, thinking that kind of entertainment was inappropriate for children.
Travis Knight
I find in working always the disturbing intrusion of elements not a part of my most interested vision, and the inevitable obliteration and replacement of this vision by the work itself as it proceeds.
Edward Hopper
One of the most important elements in teaching, conducting, and performing, all three, is listening.
Itzhak Perlman
A movie can and should have some real dissonance throughout – rage, heartache, tears, conflict, catharsis and all the other elements Aristotle demanded of a good story – but the chord has to be resolved.
Josh Radnor
We have always existed in different forms – carbon, oxygen, water, heat. Maybe Heaven is this brief period when the elements realize they’re alive.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
One of the things I've learned over the years is that y

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that you only do what you can do as an actor. You do the best job you can, but you have no control over so many elements that are going to determine the outcome of that film. I never pay attention to what happens after.
Matt Dillon
It’s funny, though, with films, because you can incorporate a variety of elements, and sometimes that can work for you and sometimes I think it can work against you.
Guy Pearce
If you think of feelings you have when you are awed by something – for example, knowing that elements in your body trace to exploded stars – I call that a spiritual reaction, speaking of awe and majesty, where words fail you.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
No, the only things which do not bother me are the elements. I can overcome them without a fight. All one has to do to get the best of the elements is to stand pat and one will win.
William Howard Taft
Although I am basically self taught, I consider Debussy my teacher – the most important elements are colour, light and shadow.
Toru Takemitsu
In 1903, I finished my doctor’s thesis and obtained the degree. At the end of the same year, the Nobel prize was awarded jointly to Becquerel, my husband and me for the discovery of radioactivity and new radioactive elements.
Marie Curie
Art imitates life and, sometimes, life imitates art. It’s a weird combination of elements.
Bruce Willis
Nature that framed us of four elements, warring within our breasts for regiment, doth teach us all to have aspiring minds.
Niccolo Machiavelli
One of the tasks that any artistic director has is, you’re trying to bring elements together that will work. The truth is that you could bring all the best talents in the world together and produce a big turkey.
Kevin Spacey
The seminal elements of what makes a story great – challenge, struggle, resolution – are the same whether we’re talking about story content for a movie such as ‘Rain Man,’ or telling a purposeful story to forge new business relationships or conclude a fruitful transaction, such as acquiring an NBA franchise.
Peter Guber
Justice is one of the core elements towards reconciliation and sustainable peace.
Federica Mogherini
Be intentional about the spaces you create but not at the cost of compromising other elements.
Theo Epstein
So much of ‘Mudbound’ is about man’s relationship to the land and to the elements. It’s about the desire for control and how powerless we are against nature. We always knew we would shoot widescreen as a means to isolate a body in the frame and to highlight our own insignificance.
Rachel Morrison
A 3D printer needs three elements: a bit of information, some raw material, some energy, and it can produce any object that was not there before.
Riccardo Sabatini
What can I say? I deal with it. I think I have come to terms with my absolutely hateful and vile childhood. No, I have, really. But I did hate it at the time. I resented it. There were elements of it that were positively Dickensian.
Richard Griffiths
Writers divide fairly cleanly into those who only work through what they hear and those who are more visual. I am the latter, where I lie down on my office floor and play scenes through my head to – cinematically, several times with different elements – to see what works. I can’t write a scene until I can see it.
Jojo Moyes
My background is Indian, so I believe in a spiritual idea that there is another level, another layer or layers, if you will, above us. I believe that there are elements that allow things to be drawn together, a sort of energy.
Asif Kapadia
Laughter, and the broader category of humor, are key elements in helping us go on with our life after a loss.
Allen Klein
Fire has always been and, seemingly, will always remain, the most terrible of the elements.
Harry Houdini
I was with Nightwish for such a long time that I still feel the band as a part of myself. I was one of the most important elements in Nightwish for nine years, and the band was an essential part of myself too.
Tarja Turunen
As Bromberger observed, rules are understood to be elements of the computational systems that determine the sound and meaning of the infinite array of expressions of a language; the information so derived is accessed by other systems in language use.
Noam Chomsky
I try to bring elements of my own personality to every character I’ve played, but I think I’m pretty similar to the character I’m playing now. The biggest departure would have to have been Freaks and Geeks Sara, who was this sort of subordinate and shy girl.
Lizzy Caplan
True self is non-self, the awareness that the self is made only of non-self elements. There’s no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected.
Thich Nhat Hanh
It’s hard to point to any single inspiration for ‘iZombie’ since, in actuality, it’s made up from elements inspired by all kinds of different thing all mashed up together.
Chris Roberson
I show elements of the set in my pictures because it’s not real. When I see movies, I often love the ‘making of’ more than the movie itself. It’s not so final. When you have a woman just standing there, it doesn’t mean much.
Peter Lindbergh
I think money is due for some sort of collapse. People are going to realize that money has a half-life, like radioactive elements.
Douglas Coupland
I think there’s a lot of elements that go into making a really awesome horror film and that’s like putting together like a real good group of people that you love to watch them either live or die.
Elisha Cuthbert
Unlike other enduring characters such as ‘Sherlock Holmes’ or ‘Tarzan,’ being the ‘Doctor’ allows you a certain freedom that is both very demanding and very thrilling. It allows you to make the character using elements of yourself.
David Tennant
Economics is not an exact science. It’s a combination of an art and elements of science. And that’s almost the first and last lesson to be learned about economics: that in my judgment, we are not converging toward exactitude, but we’re improving our data bases and our ways of reasoning about them.
Paul Samuelson
Dreams are not without meaning wherever thay may come from-from fantasy, from the elements, or from other inspiration.
In a world of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power – including strong and principled diplomacy.
Barack Obama
The soprano has all those other instruments in it. It's

The soprano has all those other instruments in it. It’s got the soprano song voice, flute, violin, clarinet, and tenor elements and can even approach the baritone in intensity.
Steve Lacy
I have loved football as an almost mythic game since I was in the fourth grade. To me, the game wasn’t even grounded in reality. The uniform turned you into a warrior. Being on a team, the mythology of physical combat, the struggle against the elements, the narrative of the game.
Steve Sabol
Prom has all the elements of a popular story. It reeks of all-Americanness, tension, drama. It has romance. Pretty dresses. Dancing. Limos. High school. Coming of age.
Adora Svitak
The Americans will never solve the Indian problem till the Indian is extinct. They have treated them after a fashion which has intensified their treachery and ‘devilry’ as enemies, and as friends reduces them to a degraded pauperism, devoid of the very first elements of civilization.
Isabella Bird
Writing for the stage is different from writing for a book. You want to write in a way that an actor has material to work with, writing in the first person not the third person, and pulling out the dramatic elements in a bigger way for a stage presentation.
Brian Greene
Life does not proceed by the association and addition of elements, but by dissociation and division.
Henri Bergson
The love of liberty and the sense of human dignity are the basic elements of the Anarchist creed.
Federica Montseny
I set out to do a horror film with ‘Dog Soldiers,’ and what I came out with at the end of the day was something that was more of a cult movie, more of a black comedy with some horror elements in it. It kind of went over the top.
Neil Marshall
When I look at someone’s face, there’s something in my brain that just clicks – that breaks down their face into the elements that go into a caricature. It might be like the way a chef tastes a dish and can break down into elements what went into it.
Steve Breen
I think racing and riding are two different elements of cycling. You either want to or not depending on what you want to get out of it.
Mark-Paul Gosselaar
Here society is reduced to its original elements, the whole fabric of art and conventionality is struck rudely to pieces, and men find themselves suddenly brought back to the wants and resources of their original natures.
Francis Parkman
If people call my book an actor’s memoir I will be very upset. I can’t bear anything too literal, so it has elements of truth and elements of fiction sitting side by side.
Zawe Ashton
I was about seven or eight years old when I first heard West Side Story, and it had a huge impact on me. If you look at the elements of that record, it contains many of the things I enjoy doing today.
Steve Vai
I remember seeing ‘The Babadook’ and I thought that was such a wonderfully dramatic story but told with these horrifying elements, and that’s incredible. It did give me nightmares but I was glad that I watched it.
Betty Gabriel
I enjoy the preparatory elements of travel – packing my bags and choosing my outfits – but my favourite part is getting there.
Dominic Monaghan
The discovery that light elements could be disintegrated by artificially accelerated particles gave an additional impetus to development work on the various methods of producing them.
Ernest Walton
I don’t like stuff that can only go into one set; I want stuff that can be applied across sets. It’s a more real Lego building experience. And, of course, it’s the same from a manufacturing point of view. I want elements that are universal; that gives me the best economics and best utilisation of the mould.
Jorgen Vig Knudstorp
I feel like elements of race and identity and ethnicity are sort of missing in all of literature, not just in women’s literature.
Cristina Henriquez
Elements and birthdays have been intertwined for me since boyhood, when I learned about atomic numbers.
Oliver Sacks
The Zombies were really unique – they had elements of jazz and classical music in their songs and songwriting. They had a very, very different sound compared to a lot of their contemporaries at the time.
Paul Weller
There’s nothing but spirit in music. That’s all it is. Yeah, there’s a lot of intellectual elements to it, but no matter how you approach it, it’s all spirit.
Amos Lee
Green chemistry is replacing our industrial chemistry with nature’s recipe book. It’s not easy, because life uses only a subset of the elements in the periodic table. And we use all of them, even the toxic ones.
Janine Benyus
The sense of a spiritual dimension in life is absolutely important, and the religious communities are also important. The question of believing in a set of creedal statements is a lot less important, because I realize the Christian movement thrived then and can now on other elements of the tradition.
Elaine Pagels
Fear is one of the elements of nonlethal weaponry. You’re going to get hurt, and you don’t want to get hurt. Pepper spray hurts. You don’t want to be sprayed. That’s why it’s a useful deterrent as a nonlethal weapon – I’m not advocating spraying people randomly.
Greg Rucka
Since the election, President Trump has shown a persistent penchant for conspiracy-minded suggestions about his political opponents and elements of his own government.
Charlie Sykes
I try to show what it is about language and music that enthralls, because I think those are the two elements of poetry.
Rita Dove
The body tends to treat elements in the same column of the periodic table as equivalents.
Sam Kean
I suppose an artist takes the elements of his life and rearranges them and then has them perceived by others as though they were the elements of their lives.
Paul Simon
Your woods, irons and wedges are built with specific lengths and lie angles, which demand that you stand to the ball a little differently for each one. The secret is to know which elements of your address position remain constant, and which ones you have to tweak to match the club in your hand.
Sergio Garcia
Stones are checked every so often to see if any have split or at worst exploded. An explosion can leave debris in the elements so the firing has to be abandoned.
Andy Goldsworthy
The kitchen is where we deal with the elements of the universe. It is where we come to understand our past and ourselves.
Laura Esquivel
Significant officials at publicly traded companies are

Significant officials at publicly traded companies are casually and cavalierly engaged in insider trading. Because insider trading has as one of its elements communication, it doesn’t take rocket science to realize it’s nice to have the communication on tape.
Preet Bharara
To me, Shakespeare uses the supernatural elements to reveal his character’s inner desires and fears.
John Foster
What I really resent most about people sticking labels on you is that it cuts off all the other elements of what you are because it can only deal with black and white; the cartoon.
Siouxsie Sioux
There’s no doubt that the Christian right has gone to bed with the more conservative elements of the Republican Party. And there’s been a melding in their goals when it comes to the separation of church and state. I’ve always believed in the separation of church and state.
Jimmy Carter
Matter is, in its constituent elements, the same as spirit; existence is one, however manifold in its phenomena; life is one, however multiform in its evolution.
Annie Besant
It helped me in the air to keep my small mind contained in earthly human limits, not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown.
Diana Cooper
Sometimes a piece of music in the score isn’t effective. When a score is too well finished with too many elements, sometimes it’s too much.
Alejandro Amenabar
At the end of the day, it’s about the reader’s attachment to and belief in the magical elements that make or break magical realism.
Tea Obreht
When it came to political power, blacks need not apply. Add to this steaming stew the growing tensions over the Vietnam War and the movement for civil rights, and you had plenty of elements to fire the imagination of a novice journalist.
Andrea Mitchell
There’s so many things that can go wrong in the execution of a project like a television show or a movie, so many little elements, any number of things, all the way to marketing – like they could market it poorly and nobody finds it and down it goes.
Bryan Cranston
Television’s so quick, and there’s so many other fun elements to it, but you don’t get such good scripts and the time to really make much more three dimensional characters.
Lydia Leonard
Choreography is amazing. I’m still a dancer, yet I transitioned into choreography then as a Creative Director. All of these creative elements are brought out of being a dancer. Directing is something that comes out of understanding movement and choreography. Directing movement is directing a dance piece.
Laurieann Gibson
It’s taken me years to embrace the softer elements of who I am and let that shine some.
Shelby Lynne
Intuition and concepts constitute… the elements of all our knowledge, so that neither concepts without an intuition in some way corresponding to them, nor intuition without concepts, can yield knowledge.
Immanuel Kant
I’m a fan of genre in the abstract, but at best, perhaps all we can really say when we talk about genre is that we’re talking about an umbrella that covers a kind of story with certain elements.
Greg Rucka
Boston was a great city to grow up in, and it probably still is. We were surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums. And I learned how to sail on the Charles River. So I had a great childhood in Boston. It was wonderful.
Leonard Nimoy
As with any outfit, the primary elements of normcore are fit, color, and texture, all of which must match both normcore’s loose silhouette, and at the same time, suit your body. Above all else, it’s about comfort. So if it doesn’t look effortless and easy, it’s not normcore.
Masaba Gupta
The most astonishing subset of the Deep Web is a collection of dark alleys called the Dark Web. The Dark Web is generally thought of as a collection of criminal elements intent on subverting the law, stealing our money, and possibly kidnapping our daughters.
John McAfee
It’s a combination of melody and lyrics, not one without the other. It’s a confluence of these different elements that makes something powerful.
Michael Bolton
And, of course, supernatural elements just make a story more interesting.
John Foster
To this day, I have people I might meet who will make assumptions about my life based on fictional elements of ‘The Squid And The Whale.’ But I think that’s par for the course if you make something that feels kind of real.
Noah Baumbach
That’s why I felt so at home when I went to Africa. It didn’t matter that I was halfway around the world in a foreign country, because all those elements are universal. And I think that’s one thing about my work: It’s universal.
Herb Ritts
‘The Lake of Dreams’ grew gradually, over many years, elements and ideas accruing until they gained enough critical mass to become a novel.
Kim Edwards
I think it’s his perception of knowing how to make a record build, keeping the integrity of the song in the music and really adding a lot of musical elements to compliment my voice and to compliment the song.
Deborah Cox
The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
Harlan Ellison
I feel a little bit like a drill sergeant sometimes. Some elements of my personality, as a parent, I’m not real crazy about.
Chip Gaines
Skiing in Whistler was great fun. It’s an extreme environment that’s very different to my own and I had never skied before, so I had to learn to take on the elements quite bravely. It was nice to try something new.
Hayley Atwell
I’m not particularly interested in painting, per se. I’m interested in a painting that has that mysterious life to it. Anything that doesn’t partake of that magic is halfway dead – it returns to its physical elements, it’s just paint and canvas.
Caio Fonseca
We all have so many different elements inside of us and we’re not all one thing.
Jeremy Piven
In England and the United States, where physicists have at their disposal equipment of very high voltages, several new elements were prepared using protons and deuterons as projectiles.
Frederic Joliot-Curie