Top 465 Jews Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jews Quotes from famous people such as Daniel Barenboim, Bari Weiss, Gil Marks, Jami Attenberg, Jack Schwartz, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

You find Jews, Irish, and Italians in every orchestra.

You find Jews, Irish, and Italians in every orchestra.
Daniel Barenboim
It’s no rare thing for the Israeli prime minister to enrage the Jews of the diaspora.
Bari Weiss
Food is sort of like the Jewish sense of humor, a defense mechanism. It is one of the things that helped the Jews survive through 2,000 years of an often very harsh Diaspora.
Gil Marks
In addition to public housing, South Williamsburg is home to shabby artists’ lofts like mine, apartments of Hasidic Jews, and one extremely tall, high-priced condo.
Jami Attenberg
Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.
Jack Schwartz
After Operation Protective Edge, I visited every one of the bereaved families. Religious and secular, rich and poor, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, Jews and non-Jews.
Benny Gantz
A religious commitment coupled with theological awareness gives Jews a much better way to answer the claims made upon us by missionaries representing other religions than do the rather weak political and cultural arguments of the secularists.
David Novak
I am an Ashkenazi Jew, and there are a whole host of genetic disorders that only Ashkenazi Jews have. I don’t know if you know this, but 16 or 17 disorders that we carry the gene for.
James Gray
The racism of the Nazis threatened to make whatever we had experienced look like child’s play. If they could be so brutal to the Jews, what would they do to the blacks? So large numbers of black young men and women rallied to the defence of the empire.
Peter Abrahams
People think of Jews as the Woody Allen stereotype, the nebbishy kind of thing, but that’s not the kind of Jews I know. I know plenty of Israelis and plenty of tough guys that are Jewish. So, I think it makes sense that Jews play metal.
Scott Ian
Jews read the books of Moses not just as history but as divine command. The question to which they are an answer is not, ‘What happened?’ but rather, ‘How then shall I live?’ And it’s only with the exodus that the life of the commands really begins.
Jonathan Sacks
I’m not a Johnny-come-lately Jew. I’ve been around. I watch out for the Jews; I watch out for the Catholics.
John Catsimatidis
My mom always said that if the Protestants catch a Catholic in their church, they feed them to the Jews.
Kate O’Brien
Anti-Semitism is not just a problem for Jews; it is a problem for all of our society.
Ephraim Mirvis
I believe, literally, in the God of the Old Testament, whom I understand as the Lord of the Jews and the Protestants. I’m a Christian Zionist, as well as a Christian feminist and a Christian socialist.
Julie Burchill
As a practicing Jew, I have studied with Christian teachers whom I respect for who they are and what they are, including their positive concern with Jews and Judaism.
David Novak
I once waited on a group of 10 people, and one guy collected the money from the check and tipped me $20 on $600. I told him in front of everyone, ‘Jews like you give Jews like me a bad name.’ That was my last waitressing job.
Chelsea Handler
The Jews had, as a matter of fact, long been all along the most ingenious entrepreneurs. It was only our own future that we had never built upon a business basis.
Theodor Herzl
I consider myself an atheist. My wife is Jewish. And I’m fine with my son being raised as a Jew. He’s learning Hebrew and is really into it. I will talk to my own son about my atheism when the time is right. But there’s a great tradition of Jewish atheism, there are no better atheists in the world than the Jews.
Paul Giamatti
The Knesset members – Jews and Arabs – don’t represent the state of Israel. The government is the one that represents the state of Israel officially.
Ayman Odeh
It’s not the Jews that killed Christ. It was a political situation, and it was the Romans who killed Jesus. They put Jesus on the cross, not the Jews.
Monica Bellucci
I am Jewish, but I love Christmas, as most Jews with any taste do, because Hanukkah is lame.
Billy Eichner
The Jews have never been ashamed of being Jews, whereas homosexuals have been stupid enough to be ashamed of their homosexuality.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
I come from a family of Russian immigrant Jews who were all big storytellers, who would get together, and one would try to top the others’ stories, and stories would get bigger and bigger. And the lying aspect, the exaggeration, would get large.
Philip Schultz
Importing foreign labor has always been the American way, beginning with 4 million slaves from Africa. Later came the Jews and Poles, the Hungarians, Italians and Irish, the Chinese and Japanese – everything you learned in sixth grade social studies about the great American melting pot.
Jeanne Marie Laskas
Catholics have guilt and Jews have guilt, fine. But mothers can trump them all.
Diane Lane
Miracles aren’t necessarily good for everyone. The parting of the Red Sea, great for the Jews, not so hot for the Egyptian soldiers.
Orson Bean
When the civil rights battle was won, all the Jews and hippies and artists were middle class white people and all the blacks were still poor. Materially, not much changed.
Jonathan Lethem
Paris. Toulouse. Malmo. Copenhagen. Brussels. Berlin. For most people, they are lovely cities where you might happily take a holiday. But for the world’s Jews, they are something else, too. They are place names of hate.
Bari Weiss
Jews, black people – any people who are hated or who have suffered, either as individuals or as a people – use humour. It is a survival skill.
Sarah Silverman
We have all been guilty of complaining, but God does not look at it as lightly as we may think. Complaining was the reason the Jews ended up wandering in the desert for forty years. If we were more grateful for what God has done for us, abasing ourselves would not be a problem.
Monica Johnson
A fully positive relationship between Christians and Je

A fully positive relationship between Christians and Jews is one that would elide all differences.
David Novak
What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?
Pontius Pilate
What you have in the Middle East is tension not between Jews and Arabs, not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between the radical wing and the moderate people.
Avigdor Lieberman
I could not cherish London and not value Jewish London. The contribution of Jews to London is immense – politically, economically, culturally, intellectually, philanthropically, artistically.
Ken Livingstone
We have Christians against Muslims against Jews, and no matter how liberal your theology, merely identifying yourself as a Christian or a Jew lends tacit validity to this status quo. People have morally identified with a subset of humanity rather than with humanity as a whole.
Sam Harris
For reasons historic, aesthetic, and political, we Jews are most attuned to the anti-Semitism of the far Right – and we find the most sympathy among our progressive allies when these are our attackers.
Bari Weiss
I think it was a good and necessary thing that the American upper class diversified, and that more African-Americans and Jews and Catholics (like myself) and women now share privileges and powers once reserved for Protestant white men.
Ross Douthat
They may not use the word better. But they certainly believe that they’ll go to heaven and Jews will not.
Neale Donald Walsch
Men continue to misinterpret the second-rate status of women as implying a privileged status for themselves; heterosexuals think the same way about homosexuals; gentiles about Jews; whites about blacks; haves about have-nots.
Lorraine Hansberry
Jewish existence in the Land of Israel depends only on the Jews, and on what the Jews think of themselves.
Yair Lapid
Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago and living in New York, it didn’t even strike me as a possibility that a place could really exist without tons of Jews.
Molly Yeh
Jews have God’s promise and if we Christians have it, too, then it is only as those chosen with them, as guests in their house, that we are new wood grafted onto their tree.
Karl Barth
Scandinavia is boring. People living there apparently have little to do. And as European history teaches, when there is nothing much to do, you may as well amuse yourself by attacking the Jews.
Elliott Abrams
Jews don’t care about ancient rivalries. We worry about humidity in Miami.
Evan Sayet
The official Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state.
Aaron Klein
Unlike the issue of messiahhood, which arose when Jews and Christians were members of the same religio-political community and spoke the same conceptual language, the issues of the incarnation and the Trinity divide people who are no longer members of the same community and who no longer speak the same language.
David Novak
We are committed to raising our children as Jews. I knew that it had to start with me at a greater level, at a deeper level, if it was going to be a meaningful example to them.
David Gregory
Just as Jews in the U.S. joined Martin Luther King, I’m sure hundreds of thousands of Jews will join the struggle for civil equality in Israel.
Ayman Odeh
I grew up going to bakeries in Tel Aviv; that’s where we got our birthday cakes, they were always European baking and butter creams. We have such good baking in Israel, and we have the Diaspora of Jews from all over, and we learned early on to adapt and absorb flavors from all over.
Ron Ben-Israel
The faith I was born into formed me. I come from a missionary family – I grew up in China – and in my case, my religious upbringing was positive. Of course, not everyone has this experience. I know many of my students are what I have come to think of as wounded Christians or wounded Jews.
Huston Smith
Jews are known for many things, but strength, swiftness, and agility are not among them. There is one trait, as controversial as it is familiar, for which Jews are above all known, and that is shrewdness in business.
Steven Pinker
In the 20th century, in the darkest period of German and European history, an insane racist ideology, born of neopaganism, gave rise to the attempt, planned and systematically carried out by the regime, to exterminate European Jews. The result has passed into history as the Shoah.
Pope Benedict XVI
Groups like the NAACP, The Anti-Defamation League, NOW and GLAAD, will respond to derisive language directed at their constituents. The price paid by those who cavalierly chose to verbally disrespect the dignity of African Americans, Jews, women and homosexuals is steep.
John C. McGinley
The relationship between the Jews and Arabs is necessary to help build a bridge between Israelis and Palestinians.
Reuven Rivlin
Are there a lot of Jews in Hollywood? Yeah, there are.
Amy Wax
Trump cannot be re-elected without the votes of evangelical Christians, a group of people who, because of their heated eschatological dreams, are simultaneously capable of blindly supporting Israel and regarding American Jews with suspicion.
Neil Macdonald
Until the absorption of the Polish territories, the Russian Empire had had practically no Jews, and it was uniquely ill-equipped to handle this new addition to its ethnic and religious mix.
Tom Reiss
That the Jews assumed a right exclusively to the benefits of God will be a lasting witness against them and the same will it be against Christians.
William Blake
Jews do not have to be Christians. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, but too utopian, too hopeful, too unrealistic a turn.
Michael Novak
Jews can build in New York, Moscow and Paris, but in our own land, we can’t build? That’s nuts.
Naftali Bennett
Jews can live their own life as Jews and yet be part of a different country.
Simon Schama
Jews rule the world by proxy.

Jews rule the world by proxy.
Mahathir Mohamad
Koran says whoever believes in God in the last day shall be saved. It is a religion whose very name, Islam, comes from the word Shalom, which means peace. It’s about establishing peace. We greet each other with peace be upon you, which the Jews do in greeting each other.
Feisal Abdul Rauf
The majority of Jews and Arabs want to get along. Don’t let a few bad apples ruin it for everyone.
Nuseir Yassin
The desertion of Jesus, by his followers, furnishes an argument in support of the supposition that he attempted to be king of the Jews, rather than that he was a superior being.
Lysander Spooner
It seems, though, that historically we have now reached a position in which Jews cannot legitimately be understood always and only as presumptive victims.
Judith Butler
I grew up pretty secular. I went to public school, and all the Jews that I knew, none of them were religious. While probably half of my friends were Jewish, they were all secular Jews. We went to Hebrew school, we knew we were Jewish, but it wasn’t a major part of our existence.
‘Creeping Death’ – that was a special song for me as a kid, because that was the one that every single Jewish kid thought, ‘Oh, Metallica wrote a song for us. He wrote it about the exodus of the Jews from Egypt under slavery.’
David Draiman
May He who is the Brahman of the Hindus, the Ahura-Mazda of the Zoroastrians, the Buddha of the Buddhists, the Jehovah of the Jews, the Father in Heaven of the Christians give strength to you to carry out your noble idea.
Swami Vivekananda
For me, Jews and football go together like a horse and carriage.
Clive Sinclair
Israelis are the total Jews.
A. B. Yehoshua
Ours is a country built more on people than on territory. The Jews will come from everywhere: from France, from Russia, from America, from Yemen… Their faith is their passport.
David Ben-Gurion
Most American Jews came from the lower middle classes, and therefore they brought with them not a lot of Jewish culture. The American Jewish story starts with Ellis Island, and the candy store in the Bronx.
Arthur Hertzberg
Anti-Semitism has not disappeared, and European Jews have too often come under attack.
Federica Mogherini
Jews have not only become equal citizens in Western democracies, they have become leading citizens. And, of course, the reestablishment of the State of Israel has given Jews a political presence in the world they have not had since biblical times.
David Novak
I knew I wanted to be an actor, and my mother said, ‘Call Aaron Sorkin.’ It seemed dubious that I’d make it as an actor by calling Jews I knew, but it worked.
Joshua Malina
For Jews, the paradigmatic convert is the biblical Ruth, who sought not only a new relationship with God but also a new nationality.
Meir Soloveichik
I had had a continuing smoldering fury about the treatment of Jews in Germany.
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Arab Israelis don’t have the same voice as Jewish Israelis. If you look at the numbers, we are not equal. There are many reasons for this, some have to do with the fact that we are a bit primitive in the way we do certain things, others have to do with the government not giving us the same opportunities as Jews.
Nuseir Yassin
Fear is the main factor in Arab politics… There is no Arab who is not harmed by Jews’ entry into Palestine.
Moshe Sharett
The whole upbringing was interesting because we grew up Orthodox Jews all the way until we were teenagers.
Benny Fine
I never knew any Jews until I got into show business. I’ve found them to be real smart and good workers.
Loretta Lynn
Why did they go to Hollywood? Because they could get access to the American financial sector. The Jews were neither authorized to be bankers or doctors nor lawyers or professors. That’s why they concentrated on something new: cinema.
Jean-Luc Godard
If the Jews had issues with the Polish people then why during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, did the Jewish underground hang two flags from the bunker – the Polish flag and the flag of the Jewish people? Why? They did it because they felt part of Polish society and that is how we view them as well.
Andrzej Duda
Jews are an important part of our kingdom, and I am happy you chose to gather here in our country.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
When watching ‘The Passion,’ Jews and Christians are watching two entirely different films. For two hours, Christians watch their Savior tortured and killed. For the same two hours, Jews watch Jews arrange the killing and torture of the Christians’ Savior.
Dennis Prager
I guess on all Silver Jews records, it’s extremely male-centric.
David Berman
Someone asked me years ago if it were true that I disliked Jews, and I replied that it was certainly true, not at all because they are Jews but because they are folks, and I don’t like folks.
Albert J. Nock
It’s interesting when you’re part of a group – the Jews, to be exact – that the world has had such problems with.
Albert Brooks
I’ve been working with Jews for over 20 years.
Linda Sarsour
If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you.
Ted Cruz
The real reason Jews don’t have more Hanukkah music is that, historically, American Jewish singer-songwriters were too busy making Christmas music. ‘White Christmas,’ ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,’ ‘Silver Bells’ and ‘The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting)’ were all written by Jews.
I come from generations of progressive, atheist Jews.

I come from generations of progressive, atheist Jews.
Nick Hanauer
Commanded by God dozens of times in the Hebrew Bible to remember their past, Jews historically obeyed not by recording events but by ritually re-enacting them: by understanding the present through the lens of the past.
Dara Horn
The fact is that democracy anywhere in the world, including in the United States, is not something that comes easy. And yet, we are committed to it, and equality and democracy are the only ways in the long run that Jews will be safe in the Middle East.
Ian Lustick
As a post-Holocaust kid, growing up in a neighborhood with a lot of Jewish refugees, I had got the idea there were no Jews left in Europe. But I found in my European wanderings that many of them had gone back and rebuilt their lives.
Mark Kurlansky
There’s also a certain rhythm to the way Jews talk that might be funny.
Larry David
We have always realized, as Israelis and as Jews, that we are not fighting Islam and thus avoided turning the Temple Mount issue into a war of Jews against Muslims.
Reuven Rivlin
Discrimination against Jews can be read in Thomas Aquinas, and insults against Jews in Martin Luther.
Lionel Blue
One of the great things about us Jews is that we tell the best jokes. Part of the reason is we tell jokes against ourselves – before anyone else gets to do it.
Howard Jacobson
Here’s some news you might find surprising: By and large, the French like Jews.
Pamela Druckerman
At one point I would read nothing that was not by the great American Jews – Saul Bellow, Philip Roth – which had a disastrous effect of making me think I needed to write the next great Jewish American novel. As a ginger-haired child in the West of Ireland, that didn’t work out very well, as you can imagine.
Kevin Barry
There is something very very special, universal and easily identifiable among all Jews; it is beyond territory, it is something we all have in common.
Ted Koppel
The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.
John Adams
The shortcoming of purely political discourse between Christians and Jews arises from the fact that it is largely built upon the perception of a common enemy.
David Novak
I accept that there are multitudes seeking God, seeking meaning, and so on, but if they reject atheism, I would rather they became modern-day Catholics or Jews than that they became Muslims.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Jews cannot be apathetic when hundreds of thousands of refugees are searching for safe haven.
Isaac Herzog
Pat Buchanan has written and said a number of things that are widely understood to be hostile to Jews and to Israel.
Tucker Carlson
Israel’s creation was politically amazing and caused by a number of unusual events. And I understand. For centuries, Jews endured horrible suffering, and like other people, deserve the right to self-determination, but the way Israel is going now frightens me. Jews make awkward colonial overlords.
Harvey Pekar
For those who have envisioned the State of Israel to be a democracy, which although primarily a Jewish polity for Jews is one in which non-Jews can become citizens and enjoy equal civil rights with the Jewish majority, the question of natural law is the question of human rights.
David Novak
Most American media outlets that are controlled by Jews seem to be reflexively, or at least habitually, anti-Israel.
Conrad Black
I feel that the Jews have always had a special connection to this part of the world, which in geographical terms was called Palestine for so many centuries.
Daniel Barenboim
An aged rabbi, crazed with liberalism, once said to me, We Jews are just ordinary human beings. Only a bit more so!
Lionel Blue
The history of the Jews has been written overwhelmingly by scholars of texts – understandably given the formative nature of the Bible and the Talmud. Seeing Jewish history through artifacts, architecture and images is still a young but spectacularly flourishing discipline that’s changing the whole story.
Simon Schama
Honestly, the dangerous situation in which Jews in France live is such that those who walk with a kippa are in any case a minority, because they are afraid.
Marine Le Pen
Because I was suspicious of the traditional Christian church, I tended to tar them all with the same brush. That was a mistake, because there are righteous people working in a whole rainbow of belief systems – from Hasidic Jews to right-wing Bible Belters to charismatic Catholics.
Since Hiroshima and the Holocaust, science no longer holds its pristine place as the highest moral authority. Instead, that role is taken by human rights. It follows that any assault on Jewish life – on Jews or Judaism or the Jewish state – must be cast in the language of human rights.
Jonathan Sacks
Some of us shorten our names or our noses or both… We Jews can be extremely neurotic and are inclined to become easily depressed. Most Jews seldom say, ‘Have a nice day’ or even have one. To be honest, I’ve never heard a Jew say that. We’re just not that optimistic. Life is neither a bed of roses nor a bowl of cherries.
Gene Saks
All in all, we Muslims have only two holidays, and they’re always getting moved around from season to season, from month to month, because we’re dependent on the moon and not the sun, and unlike the Jews, we haven’t created a leap year, so we have no Adar Bet.
Sayed Kashua
Jews have been harmed by the threats to freedom of opinion and debate, the punishments for candor, and the decline in rigorous standards in the academy that have accompanied progressive hegemony, which insists upon the sacrosanct status of affirmative action and other policies favored by the left.
Amy Wax
In the past, we saw European leaders speaking against the Jews. Now, we see them speaking against Israel. It is the same anti-Semitism of blood libels, spreading lies, distorting reality and brainwashing people into hating Israel and the Jews.
Ayelet Shaked
As a child, I personally didn’t really get to know any Jews. I was eight years old when the Night of Broken Glass happened. And Ludwigshafen was purely a workers’ city, so we didn’t have a very big Jewish community. What I did know about the Jews, I heard from my mother. My mother was very much pro-Jewish.
Helmut Kohl
Midwestern Jews is a different community, is a different thing than New York Jews, L.A. Jews. It’s just different. It’s the whole Midwestern thing.
Ethan Coen
We in the Joint List are living proof that Arabs and Je

We in the Joint List are living proof that Arabs and Jews refuse to be enemies.
Ayman Odeh
Moses freed the Jews. Lincoln freed the slaves. I freed the neurotics.
Larry Flynt
When I was growing up, I, like many Jews, cheered what appeared to be the receding of faith from everyday life. The further religion got from our lives the better our lives would get, I thought, because persecution had been such a burden to Jewish families for generations.
Bruce Feiler
If Christians see Mormonism as a dramatic deviation from a millennia-old, biblically-based faith, Jews see Christianity in the same light.
Meir Soloveichik
The thirst for liberation and equality can never come at the expense of dehumanizing other marginalized groups – especially at a time when hate crimes against Jews have increased significantly.
Jemele Hill
It is uncomfortable to be reminded that the Catholic church only removed the reference to ‘perfidious Jews’ from the Good Friday liturgy in 1960.
Justin Cartwright
My family is from Russia and Poland. We never had that thing with the German Jews.
Rhea Perlman
Montreal is a very cosmopolitan, sophisticated, erudite, educated, glorious city today. But it wasn’t quite that way when I was growing up there. There was a lot of anti-Semitism. And I had to deal with that in an area of the city that had very few Jews.
William Shatner
You can easily see why the experience of Jews would be helpful if you’re looking to get action on religious persecution.
Elliott Abrams
If Jews don’t come to Nazareth, Arabs don’t go to Afula. There is fear on both sides.
Ayman Odeh
Sometimes my biography is interpreted as the upbringing of a French aristocrat. It was very, very different. We were a family of mercantile, immigrant Jews.
Alain de Botton
In the Middle Ages and beyond, the target was the Court Jew who had the ear of the ruler; during the Inquisition it was the Spanish Jews who thrived after their conversion to Christianity.
Jack Schwartz
I think a lot of Jews make Israel the centerpiece of their Judaism. It becomes the centerpiece of their Jewish existence and of their faith. I have always felt that that’s not for me.
David Gregory
One area where American Jews have something to teach Israel is religious pluralism, something that living in a democracy with a separation between church and state has helped us fine-tune.
Bari Weiss
In the late ’80s, the U.S.S.R. loosened its restrictions on immigration. When the government was like, ‘Y’all wanna bounce?’ my family, along with tens of thousands of other Jews ran for the door in an attempt to make a better life in America.
Milana Vayntrub
When you read the Koran, you give up. At least the Bible is very beautiful because Jews have an extraordinary literary talent.
Michel Houellebecq
Both of my parents were first-generation Americans, the children of Jews who left Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
H. Robert Horvitz
Israel is not the safest place in the world for Jews. Melbourne in Australia is better. Teaneck, New Jersey, is safer.
Naftali Bennett
If there’s no future for Jews in Europe, there’s no future for Europe.
Frans Timmermans
Most Jews, like most rational persons, know that their personal identity and their ethnic identity are not one and the same.
David Novak
I as a Muslim want you, as a Christian, to really be a perfect Christian. I want my Jewish friends to be perfect Jews, to live according to the highest principles of what it means to be a Jew, to be a Christian, to be a Muslim.
Feisal Abdul Rauf
When comics came along in the 1930s there was a talent pool waiting. And one reason is so many areas were closed to Jews. Colleges, advertising agencies, many of the corporations – the doors that were closed led to the one that was open.
Jerry Robinson
Jewish fundamentalism is teaching that Jews can fight with guns and with civil war, against being relocated off the West Bank, and disobey the orders of their government. That is the call to jihad, to several kinds of jihad.
Arthur Hertzberg
My family were Conservative Jews. My parents were both born in this country, but my father grew up on the Lower East Side, and my mother was born and raised in Harlem when there was a large Jewish ‘colony’ there. Eventually, they moved to Jersey City to get away from New York.
Norman Lloyd
Well, I play Jews and parrots. Parrots are how I’ve branched out.
Gilbert Gottfried
What I really want to say: That what the world really needs is a real feeling of kinship. Everybody: stars, laborers, Negroes, Jews, Arabs. We are all brothers.
Marilyn Monroe
One must remember that the Jews have one, tiny country, the only place they have the right and capability to defend themselves by themselves. And it is our duty and my responsibility to see that we will never compromise about that.
Ariel Sharon
I do believe that Muslims and Christians and Jews pray to the same God. And yet they understand who God is in significantly different ways.
Miroslav Volf
There are a lot of Arabs that are not Muslims. They are Christians; they are Jews. Muslim Arabs, especially in my family, are just so ecstatic that I get to play Jesus. They’re so proud.
Haaz Sleiman
Wilberforce, because of his faith, stood up for African slaves. Bonhoeffer, because of his faith, stood up for Jews. That’s Christianity to me.
Eric Metaxas
In today’s U.S., it’s possible for almost anyone – women, gays, African-Americans, Jews – to run for, and be elected to, high office.
Salman Rushdie
I see all this and know that if we are to save the Jewi

I see all this and know that if we are to save the Jewish state and its three-and-a-half million Jews from terrible horrors, we must rise up and demand a fundamental change in the very system of government.
Meir Kahane
Jews bear children not only because the carnal election of Abraham must continue. For Jews, raising children is essential to living a rounded ethical life.
Meir Soloveichik
Among them, there were Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together. But then violent organizations came, bringing with them many large groups of people from various parts of the world to Palestine.
Hassan Nasrallah
America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they’re doing in Yugoslavia.
Bobby Fischer
To outsource your memory to machines – which is what many of us do with regard to our use of search engines – seems to me to be fairly antithetical to the basic qualities of Jewish life that have kept the Jews alive for so long.
Joshua Cohen
With the Kick It Out campaign, I was interested in asking: ‘Why is antisemitism a lesser racism than other racisms?’ I genuinely believe that to be the case – that negative stuff said against Jews isn’t considered that important.
David Baddiel
Christians must be Jews. The truth of what we believe depends on the truth of Judaism, depends on the first covenant.
Michael Novak
But I am convinced that those Jews who stand aside today with a malicious smile and with their hands in their trousers’ pockets will also want to dwell in our beautiful home.
Theodor Herzl
I grew up on the north side of Chicago, in West Rogers Park, an overwhelmingly Jewish neighborhood. When I was 13, my parents moved to Winnetka, Illinois, an upper class, WASPy suburb where Jews – as well as Blacks and Catholics – were unwelcome on many blocks. I suffered the spiritual equivalent of whiplash.
Scott Turow
American Jews are no longer a homogenous minority; we come in all colors and from all corners of the world.
Ilan Stavans
From its earliest days in the nineteenth century, and until the Holocaust, the Orthodox rabbinate in eastern Europe was not enthusiastic about the Zionist movement, which at the time was led by irreligious Jews.
Elliott Abrams
A Jew without Jews, without Judaism, without Zionism, without Jewishness, without a temple or an army or even a pistol, a Jew clearly without a home, just the object itself, like a glass or an apple.
Philip Roth
I had been involved in the March on Washington in 1963. I was with friends carrying a sign, ‘Protestants, Jews and Catholics for Civil Rights.’
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Contemporary anti-Semites claim they have nothing against Jews – they just hate the Jewish state.
Lee Zeldin
I love the Jewish people, I love the Jews!
Mikis Theodorakis
In the German concentration camps, Jews wore yellow stars while homosexuals wore pink lambdas.
Gore Vidal
The relation between Judaism, Zionism, and Messianism is one that is often hard for Jews to get straight. Needless to say, it is even harder for non-Jews.
David Novak
If Catholics and Jews can today come together regularly for talks after so many tears and so much blood have been shed, than Jews and Arabs must be able to do the same.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
Nixon’s deep antipathy toward Jews is well known, and he took a strange satisfaction in having Kissinger in his inner circle, where he could periodically taunt him.
Robert Dallek
There is constant talk about the intermarriage crisis: who is a Jew and how we define a Jew. That doesn’t go over well with young Jews trying to figure out whether they want to be a part of this thing or not.
Tahl Raz
You know you’re in a bad movie when the Catholic clergy is being played by Jews.
Cheech Marin
Spring and summer 1942 was probably the worst period of internal terror in Slovakia. It was also the time of mass deportation of Slovak Jews to the extermination camps in Poland.
Alexander Dubcek
In 1933, the Nazis came to power and the more systematic persecution of the Jews followed quickly. Laws were enacted which excluded Jewish children from higher education in public schools.
Jack Steinberger
Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis.
Brendan Behan
Donald intends to represent all the people, not just some of the people. That includes Christians and Jews and Muslims; it includes Hispanics and African Americans and Asians, and the poor and the middle-class. Throughout his career, Donald has successfully worked with people of many faiths and with many nations.
Melania Trump
Jews have long experience with Christians who have tried to help us in putting our Judaism behind us.
David Novak
Every Israeli government since 1967, of left or right, has asserted that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and has allowed Israeli Jews to build there.
Elliott Abrams
All Jews in America that care about the U.S.-Israel alliance know they can sleep peacefully under a Biden presidency.
Haim Saban
If one black man aided by a bevy of good, decent, dedicated, and open liberal-minded whites and Jews can succeed in prevailing over a group of white racists by making them look like the ignorant fools that they are truly are, imagine what a nation of like-minded individuals can accomplish.
Ron Stallworth
The evidence of a Jewish civilization going back more than two millennia is overwhelmingly borne out in the archaeology of the region. The heritage of the Jews in Palestine is documented.
Jack Schwartz
Doing a concert, I look at a room full of different people, and I see you’ve got Muslims, you’ve got Jews, you’ve got Christians, you’ve got gays, you’ve got straights, you’ve got blacks, you’ve got whites. I think, ‘How can I unite these people through song?’
Fantastic Negrito
There are eleven million Jews in the world. I don't say

There are eleven million Jews in the world. I don’t say that all of them will come here, but I expect several million, and with natural increase I can quite imagine a Jewish state of ten million.
David Ben-Gurion
We have no problems with Jews and highly respect Judaism as a holy religion.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
To me the notion that Palestinians are actually Jews is, I think, quite revelatory and very radical and a possible bridge that has been ignored, I think, in this entire controversy and there’s ample evidence to support it.
Lawrence Wright
If you look at the history of advertising, most of them were Jews, so it was only a matter of time before ‘Mad Men’ explored that area of advertising.
Ben Feldman
Throughout my ministry, I have sought to build bridges between Jews and Christians.
Billy Graham
Jews have a special relationship to books, and the Haggadah has been translated more widely, and reprinted more often, than any other Jewish book. It is not a work of history or philosophy, not a prayer book, user’s manual, timeline, poem or palimpsest – and yet it is all these things.
Jonathan Safran Foer
One of the problems with the identification of Christianity with love is how such a view turns out to be both anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic. The Jews and Catholics become identified with the law or dogma, in contrast to Protestant Christians, who are about love.
Stanley Hauerwas
I do not want to be misunderstood that you need a dose of persecution in order, really, to have a sense of your identity. Otherwise, you know, there would be no American Jews. Even if you’re not strictly, fiercely Orthodox, you commit yourselves to a community of memory.
Simon Schama
Trump displays many of the traits of a proto-fascist, and he is also part of a wave of right-wing nationalist movements that is sweeping the West. He can also be positioned in the long, American right-wing tradition of fearing ‘the Other,’ whether they are Catholics or Jews or, now, Muslims.
Peter Bergen
When my children were born, I made the choice I wanted them to be raised as Jews and to have a Jewish education.
Steven Spielberg
The Jews integrated themselves into American life to the point that the argument that the Jews aren’t American sounded so stupid, that people stopped thinking it.
Reza Aslan
Israel has been a stage on which American Jews have played out their fantasies of toughness – often from Martha’s Vineyard.
Norman Finkelstein
Only one and half million Jews died in the Holocaust.
Lyndon LaRouche
I think that Jews – because they are a distinct, gifted and successful group that differentiates itself from societies in which it lives – are vulnerable wherever the rule of law is not paramount.
Louis Begley
The Jews know who they are as a people. The Christians have not come together as a people yet.
Willie Aames
Not every anti-Semite is Joseph Goebbels. You can not like Jews much and be no great harm to them.
Howard Jacobson
It was both Abraham’s and the Jews’ privilege also that they should have this promise to all generations.
Thomas Goodwin
Sephardic Jews were always known as good cooks.
Gil Marks
We plan to eliminate the state of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem.
Yasser Arafat
I’m obsessed with history, especially WWII and the Jews in Europe during the Holocaust.
Amy Heckerling
I feel that I am completely in solidarity with Jews in the world, because I know what it is to be a Jew. I’ve seen what it is; I am myself of Jewish origin, and therefore I can only be fully in support of the idea that the Jews, after all they’ve suffered, need a country where they are at home.
Stephane Hessel
I know so many Irish musicians. They’re all over, because there has been so much emigration from Ireland. Like the Jews.
Daniel Barenboim
Jews are the intensive form of any nationality whose language and customs they adopt.
Emma Lazarus
I’m not defining Christians as Jews or Jews as Christians or zebras as elephants.
Ann Coulter
To the Christian Church, the destruction of the Temple served as an ultimate sign that the Jews were no longer God’s chosen people, divine favor having now been transferred to a newer and better Israel.
Meir Soloveichik
I’m just tired of people saying I’m a self-hating Jew because I’m critical of Israel or make fun of old Jewish ladies. I do not hate myself. And Jews who criticize Israel aren’t necessarily mentally ill.
Harvey Pekar
Because Jews were kicked out of every country in Europe at one time or another, and plenty of other places as well, there isn’t an ability to identify with a national heritage – you’ll never hear a Jew say ‘I’m German’ or ‘I’m Polish,’ without saying something about being Jewish as well, and for good reason.
Adam Mansbach
The fact is that we created 10 to 20,000 jobs for Arabs and Jews and Druze, which has made the Galilee a very positive place.
Stef Wertheimer
The Jews are the living embodiment of the minority, the constant reminder of what duties societies owe their minorities, whoever they might be.
Abba Eban
Historically, Jews only accept converts rather than actively seeking them.
David Novak
The Tambors were conservative Jews, and we attended Temple Beth Shalom at 14th Avenue and Clement Street in San Francisco. We were the only Jewish family for miles. To me, being Jewish meant ‘otherness.’
Jeffrey Tambor
At the heart of anti-Semitism lies Moses. He made a cat

At the heart of anti-Semitism lies Moses. He made a catastrophic error, a terrible mistake, and all anti-Semitism for two thousand years stems from his misjudgement. Moses said we Jews could remain a people without having a land. He said we don’t need territory to hold onto our Jewish identity. This was a disaster.
A. B. Yehoshua
I separated from the Southern Baptists when they adopted the discriminatory attitude towards women, because I believe what Paul taught in Galatians that there is no distinction in God’s eyes between men and women, slaves and masters, Jews and non-Jews – everybody is created equally in the eyes of God.
Jimmy Carter
Israel always has a special filter to look at things, and that is the attitude toward Jews.
Ehud Barak
Whether the Sikhs want to worship in Wisconsin or the Christians want to worship in Texas or the Jews want to worship in New York, we’re living under the magnificent umbrella of a Constitution that says we can.
Marianne Williamson
When Hegel later became a man of influence’ he insisted that the Jews should be granted equal rights because civic rights belong to man because he is a man and not on account of his ethnic origins or his religion.
Walter Kaufmann
I am one who shows great respect and commends the Cuban people for having the guts to go over to Cuba to get Cubans out when they had the opportunity to do it. I think it’s a… shame that the Jews here in the United States in the 1930s didn’t do the same for other Jews who were also in trouble.
Norman Braman
Jews are frequently compared to the proverbial ‘canary in the coal mine,’ an enduring signal for when the world is failing to meet its obligations in tackling bigotry. It has never been clearer to me just how widely understood that truism is.
Ephraim Mirvis
We Jews who willingly and happily confirm our covenantal status and its attendant rights and duties must take the question of mission seriously: either to accept it or reject it knowingly and with conviction.
David Novak
Many of us, both Jews and Christians, want the public square to be pluralistic, which is neither partisan nor naked.
David Novak
We need someone who will stand up and speak up and speak out for the people who need help, for people who are being discriminated against. And it doesn’t matter whether they are black or white, Latino, Asian or Native American, whether they are straight or gay, Muslim, Christian, or Jews.
John Lewis
The media continues to spin the State of Israel and Jews as war-mongering, evil people, which we are not.
David Draiman
I am extremely respectful of the Jewish community. You know, I am Christian. I think of Jews as my older brothers. I mean, there wouldn’t be Christianity without the Jewish religion. There is a direct connection between the two of them.
Joe Lhota
In early church polemics, Jews are deemed no longer worthy of their own Scriptures because they have failed to accept Christ as the Messiah.
Jack Schwartz
And we’ve also had now the speaker of the Parliament in Iraq using blatantly anti-Semitic remarks, saying the Jews and sons of Jews are the problem of all the violence that’s in Iraq.
Jan Schakowsky
In taking action we must remember that the things which are happening to the Jews today are but a part of the general disintegration anticipated by philosophers and historians of different schools for almost half a century.
Louis Finkelstein
The Jews were gassed. Armenians were killed in every conceivable way… So the Holocaust doesn’t interest me, see? They’ve had a lot of publicity, but they didn’t suffer as much.
Jack Kevorkian
Freedom begins with what we teach our children. That is why Jews became a people whose passion is education, whose heroes are teachers and whose citadels are schools.
Jonathan Sacks
If all Christians and Jews tithed their income as the Bible commands, every poor person would be cared for, every naked person clothed, and every hungry person fed.
Ann Coulter
The Arabs have a God, the Jews have another, and the Catholics have another! And they’re all fighting to maintain that they worship the one real God. Idiots!
Alejandro Jodorowsky
We in Canada are not going to say Muslims are worse than Christians or are worse than Jews or are worse than atheists.
Chrystia Freeland
Being among my people is a delight. We Jews live among ourselves. I love it.
David Mamet
In this part of the world, Jews and Arabs will live together forever.
Yitzhak Shamir
I’ve skewered whites, blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, gays, straights, rednecks, addicts, the elderly, and my wife. As a standup comic, it is my job to make sure the majority of people laugh, and I believe that comedy is the last true form of free speech.
Jeff Dunham
We Muslims in the West, like Jews before us, grapple with the same issues that Jews of the past did: integration or isolation, tradition or reform, intermarriage or intra-marriage.
Hamza Yusuf
I grew up around whites, I grew up around Jews, I grew up around blacks, I grew up around Hispanics. We moved a lot.
David Choe
We found nothing grand in the history of the Jews nor in the morals inculcated in the Pentateuch. I know of no other books that so fully teach the subjection and degradation of woman.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Surely it is time for Jews, worried over the huge growth of Arabs in Israel, to consider finishing the exchange of populations that began 35 years ago.
Meir Kahane
Factually, the Temple Mount is the precise location of the Temple. It’s the holiest place in the world for Jews. It’s the third holiest place for Muslims. And we need to respect each others’ rights, freedom of religion.
Naftali Bennett
I’m not saying Jews should only play Jews… I personally think actors should be allowed to act.
David Baddiel
A Jewish deli should specialize in, first and foremost, Yiddish foods, the foods of the Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews. So, if it’s a place that specializes in pizza or chicken wings or diner food and then does a corned beef sandwich on the side, it’s not a Jewish delicatessen.
David Sax
If the U.S. has its Vietnam… the Soviet Union has its Czechoslovakia. If the U.S. has its blacks and chicanos, then the Soviets have their Jews.
David Dellinger
At the political level, most Jews and most Catholics ha

At the political level, most Jews and most Catholics have accepted the liberal idea of religious freedom.
David Novak
Russians call me German, Germans call me Russian, Jews call me a Christian, Christians a Jew.
Anton Rubinstein
Jerusalem doesn’t belong only to Israelis and Palestinians, Muslims and Jews, but to the world.
A. B. Yehoshua
In a very real sense, Jews have to believe that Christians have missed the point about how to wait for the end, and Christians have to believe something quite similar about the Jews.
David Novak
Anyone who starts badmouthing Latino immigrants is not only a racist but ignorant. You need to refer them to what was written about the Irish, the Jews, the Italians, any group you want.
James Gray
When modern political Zionism emerged around the turn of the twentieth century, most Orthodox Jews opposed it.
David Novak
Here’s the thing about Jews in Hollywood. Not to stereotype, but the Jews I know here are the funniest, most self-deprecating people I know. And it’s rare to find a Jew that is actually offended by comedy about them.
Ben Feldman
I don’t want to make people hate Israel or hate Palestine or hate Jews or hate Muslims.
Nuseir Yassin
I always make this comparison between Bob Dylan and David Simon. Not in the most flattering way possible – these two intellectual Jews who totally identify with the black man’s struggle!
James Ransone
Both Christians and religious Jews are finding it increasingly difficult to practice their faiths through college groups on so-called mainline campuses in the United States.
Paul Weyrich
In these difficult times, the feeling of solidarity with my Jewish co-religionists is doubly gratifying and comforting in view of the deprivation of rights with which German Jews are now forced to live.
Max Liebermann
For as Jews, the problem happens to be more urgent and vital than for others; because the destruction of religion on America will involve the destruction also of the religious training of freedom; and with that our civil liberties.
Louis Finkelstein
Anti-Semitism is the rumour about the Jews.
Theodor W. Adorno
Most people, including many Jews, think of Yom Kippur as a 25-hour caffeine headache capped off by a lox-and-bagels binge. It’s undeniably that. But it is also, at its deepest level, a dry run. It is the one day of the year when we Jews are asked to look our mortality in the face.
Bari Weiss
I had been warned about Jews by my gentile friends – they did terrible things with knives to boys.
Paul Engle
The Jews deserved to die. I have no regrets. If I had the chance I would do it again.
Alois Brunner
The most important sign in Matthew has to be the restoration of the Jews to the land in the rebirth of Israel.
Hal Lindsey
Quite a few people feel uncomfortable when faced with the claim that the Jews are the world’s smartest people. In our politically correct era, one is not expected to argue that one group within humanity has an advantage over all the others.
Yair Lapid
Identity for Jews like us was shaped by cultural practices and family traditions rather than allegiances of place or language or class, because those things continued to be redefined for us. Drag operates along similar lines.
Sasha Velour
Probably the one Bible passage that is read by Jews and Roman Catholics, Protestants, Islam, more than any other chapter is Psalm 23. And in Psalm 23 there is a verse that says, ‘Surely, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.’
Robert H. Schuller
I don’t think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews.
Fidel Castro
One of the casualties of Israel becoming an increasingly partisan issue has been American Jews themselves, who vote overwhelmingly Democratic and who see Israel’s rightward turn as betraying fundamental liberal values.
Bari Weiss
The No. 1 best-selling Christmas album of all time is from Kenneth Bruce Gorelick, the Jewish smooth-jazz legend Kenny G. American Jews have always produced a lot of holiday music, just not Hanukkah music.
Some of the metaphors you find in ‘Wicked’ – how those in power can exploit fear in others to maintain their power – I think, as Jews, we’ve seen that historically on more than one occasion.
Marc Platt
Growing up in the San Fernando Valley, I grew up around a lot of Jews. I grew up culturally Jewish, ethnically Jewish, but without real belief and without a strong faith.
David Gregory
There are Jews who were born in Poland before World War II and survived the Holocaust, who think Poland and the Poles deserve an apology.
Andrzej Duda
In the New York metropolitan area, you can find Jews from just about every Jewish cultural community in the world.
Gil Marks
The novels I planned to write were never going to be funny books about Jews. They were going to be country house books. Only later on could I write what I knew I was best at writing about.
Howard Jacobson
The last thing Jews need is to create tension with their best friends. And the last thing Christians need is a renewal of Christian hatred toward Jesus’ people.
Dennis Prager
Something about the cultural tradition of Jews is way, way more sympathetic to science and learning and intellectual pursuits than Islam.
Richard Dawkins
When I first went to Israel, I saw soldiers pushing Palestinians around and thought, ‘I can’t stand this’. Then I’d meet somebody in a bar saying what wonderful people the Palestinians are and what mamzers the Jews are, and I’d think, ‘Hang on’. It should be hard to make up your mind on any serious subject.
Howard Jacobson
I lament that Paris can be a threatening space for Jews

I lament that Paris can be a threatening space for Jews, Roma, Africans and Arabs, but the truth is, as a black American, I’ve never felt safer or less harassed anywhere.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
The German mass murder of the Jews… brought my Jewishness to the surface.
Ben Hecht
One could establish a system in one state in which Judea and Samaria are jointly held. The Jews would vote for a Jewish parliament and the Palestinians for an Arab parliament, and we would create a system in which life is shared.
Reuven Rivlin
At the age of 16 I immigrated to Palestine from Europe, where I became a member of the Haganah, the main underground army of the Jews.
Ruth Westheimer
My parents genuinely loved Vienna, and in later years I learned from them why the city exerted a powerful hold on them and other Jews. My parents loved the dialect of Vienna, its cultural sophistication, and artistic values.
Eric Kandel
Jewish comedy doesn’t come out of nothing. Jewish music doesn’t come out of nothing… I don’t want to be part of a story where Jews are just victims or bullies – and I’m not saying that’s what the Israelis are.
Simon Schama
All I held against Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man.
Malcolm X
When I first stepped into literature twenty-five years ago, I wanted to work on behalf of the oppressed, the working masses, and it seemed to me, mistakenly, that I would not find them among the Jews.
S. Ansky
We’re Jews, my family, and Jews break down into two distinct subcultures: book Jews and money Jews. We were money Jews.
Ira Glass
I understood when I was quite small that there were two special things about the Jews. That we’d endured for over 3,000 years despite everything that had been thrown at us, and that we had an extraordinarily dramatic story to tell.
Simon Schama
The Bible is the great family chronicle of the Jews.
Heinrich Heine
The Jews have opened fire, and they are unready to begin a war.
Moshe Dayan
Jews know this in their bones. Our community could not exist for a day without its volunteers. They are the lifeblood of our organizations, whether they involve welfare, youth, education, care of the sick and elderly, or even protection against violence and abuse.
Jonathan Sacks
Eventually, I moved from a place of anger toward the Jews of Israel toward a place of embrace.
Ayman Odeh
I’m of Russian-Jewish background. Like many Soviet Jews, my parents were engineers. My family migrated from Ukraine to Israel when I was six. They arrived in Israel with very little… Within a year of arriving in Israel, the Yom Kippur War happened.
Sasha Roiz
Jews must be able to live with enemies and defend themselves from them. The hatred for Israel has not disappeared.
Yitzhak Shamir
For centuries, the Muslims were able to co-exist perfectly well with Jews and Christians in the Middle East.
Karen Armstrong
But the Jews will also be believers, so you can say that all the saints, both gentiles and Jews, will go into the millennial kingdom and populate the earth.
Tim LaHaye
On April 19 1943, the Bermuda conference gathered, with the participation of representatives from Britain and the United States, in order to discuss saving the Jews of Europe. In fact, the participants did everything in their power to avoid dealing with the problem.
Ariel Sharon
In America and in most of the industrialized world, men are coming to be thought of by feminists in very much the same way that Jews were thought of by early Nazis. The comparison is overwhelmingly scary.
Warren Farrell
Christians and Jews alike are the new exiles of the contemporary world, struggling with how to sing the Lord’s song in a strange land.
David Novak
My dad was such a bigot. He was a horrible, self-centred person. He was really racist and he’d talk about the Jews and blacks and Catholics even.
Cindy Sherman
For the anti-Semite, the problems of the world can invariably be ascribed to the Jews; for the Communist, to the capitalists.
Bret Stephens
Israel of the coastal plain, where eight out of ten Israeli Jews live far removed from the occupied territories, from the fiery Jerusalem, from the religious and nationalistic conflicts, is unknown to the outside world, almost unknown to itself.
Amos Oz
I am not insulted by billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews believing there is a God and praying to this nonexistent deity on a regular basis.
Tariq Ali
The opportunity here in the U.S. is so unique because we are so diverse, with so many different cultures living together. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists, all with their own connections to the spiritual aspects of food and with lessons that we can learn from each other.
Marcus Samuelsson
The common moral praxis of Jews and Christians is most definitely theologically informed by the doctrine we share in common: The human person, male and female, is created in the image of God.
David Novak
There is a crisis on the Right. It sees the Jewish and democratic state as a democracy for the Jews. This is something I cannot countenance.
Reuven Rivlin
Jews have been in Egypt since Biblical times, and Alexandria had once been, at least partially, a Jewish city.
Meir Kahane
I am meeting Diaspora Jews all the time, and we are developing programmes to prevent distancing. We have a joint history, but we cannot take matters for granted. Israel is home for all of us, and part of the beauty of the country is its social diversity.
Ofra Strauss
The depth of this conflict, which is more than one hundred years old, requires us to find a way to communicate… so that the residents of the Middle East, Jews and Arabs alike, can live not as if they were forced to live together, but rather destined to live together.
Reuven Rivlin
The Holocaust committed by the Nazis turned this countr

The Holocaust committed by the Nazis turned this country, where most of the European Jews used to live and where their culture used to flourish, into a massive grave. This is why initiatives to revive Jewish culture in Poland is so important.
Marek Belka
The Jewish festival of freedom is the oldest continuously observed religious ritual in the world. Across the centuries, Passover has never lost its power to inspire the imagination of successive generations of Jews with its annually re-enacted drama of slavery and liberation.
Jonathan Sacks
I have always lived in Amsterdam. During the war, we inhabited the Rivieren neighborhood where many Jews lived at the time. Our downstairs neighbors were Jews, and there were also Jews a few houses from us. We saw how they were rounded up and taken away. That made a very great impression on me.
Els Borst
Even as Jews and Christians profoundly disagree about the truth, they are united in the belief that there is a truth to be sought.
Meir Soloveichik
Everyone – whether it’s the Jews, the Greeks, the Catholics – everybody is entitled to religious beliefs and entitled to their traditions.
John Catsimatidis
Modernity has been largely shaped for Jews by three momentous experiences: the acquisition of citizenship by individual Jews in secular nation-states, the destruction of one-third of Jewry in the Holocaust, and the founding of the State of Israel.
David Novak
Jews have deep respect for the Queen and the royal family. We say a prayer for them every Sabbath in synagogue. We recite a special blessing on seeing the Queen.
Jonathan Sacks
Whenever I ask myself what blackness means to me, I am struck by the parallels that exist between my predicament and that of many Western Jews, who struggle with questions of assimilation at a time when marrying outside the faith is common.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
During the Middle Ages, Jews were members of a semi-independent polity within a larger polity.
David Novak
The Irish fought the Italians until they started marrying them. And then they both fought the Jews until they started marrying them.
Pete Hamill
If anyone thinks that Jews can steal into the land of their fathers, he is deceiving either himself or others. Nowhere is the coming of Jews so promptly noted as in the historic home of the Jews, for the very reason that it is the historic home.
Theodor Herzl
Jews were asked when life begins. For them it’s when they finally graduate medical school.
Evan Sayet
Britain has been good to the Jews, and the Jews have been good for Britain.
Ephraim Mirvis
The Ten Commandments are the most visible symbol because these commandments are recognized by Christians and Jews alike as being the foundation of our system of public morality.
Pat Robertson
The early years of my life were very, very traumatic. It was scary, because any child knew that death was sort of lurking around Europe as far as Jews were concerned.
Felix Rohatyn
The Jews’ fear of assimilation and intermarriage should not replace fear of anti-Semitism.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
Jews, when they get successful, they will help their people.
Donald Sterling
I had been taught that the separation between religion and politics happened in the Enlightenment. But there were people who tried to create a secular relationship to government 2,000 years ago, and those people were the Jews.
Elaine Pagels
Us Jews are nomadic people.
Bryan Fogel
The paradox of anti-Semitism is that it is invariably up to the Jews to explain away the charges. The anti-Semite simply has to make them.
Jack Schwartz
I sincerely hope I can contribute to the progress there has been in relations between Jews and Catholics since the Second Vatican Council in a spirit of renewed collaboration.
Pope Francis
Throughout history, particularly in the last 2,000 years, Jews have been key in adapting local foods to Jewish sensibilities and dietary laws and then spreading them.
Gil Marks
The roots of India’s soft power run deep. India’s is a civilization that, over millennia, has offered refuge and, more importantly, religious and cultural freedom, to Jews, Parsis, several varieties of Christians, and Muslims.
Shashi Tharoor
And with regard to the Italian family we portrayed on ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ – Italians and Jews do share two traits: all problems are solved with food, and the mother never leaves you alone.
Philip Rosenthal
There’s nothing better than to be rootless cosmopolitans who seamlessly merge into whatever society. That’s the greatest thing human beings can aspire to. Whether forced by duress, Jews became perfect modern human beings. After the Holocaust, one doesn’t really mourn for that – it’s too disturbing, seems like a mistake.
Tom Reiss
Economic distress, political pressure, and social obloquy already drive us from our homes and from our graves. The Jews are already constantly shifting from place to place.
Theodor Herzl
Throughout its history, the members of Shearith Israel have observed Thanksgiving by reciting in synagogue the same psalms of praise and gratitude sung by Jews all over the world on festive days like Hanukkah.
Meir Soloveichik
Is it possible that Jesus, unlike 98 percent of his fellow Jews, was literate and educated? Yes, it’s possible.
Reza Aslan
When you see another tall woman on the street, you nod, sort of like Orthodox Jews.
Judy Gold
Jews have always thought that having someone elevated with his head above the grass was not good for the Jews. I never felt that way. I believe that you have to stand up.
Ed Koch
Jews have suffered persecution from misguided Christians who tortured the Jews for their part in killing Christ. These Christians forgot that Christ died because of the sins of all men.
Sargent Shriver
When are American Jews going to realize that the Republ

When are American Jews going to realize that the Republican Party is far better for Israel than the Democrats?
Ben Stein
How can finite man commune with an infinite God? To both Christians and Jews, God himself has made that possible by irrupting into the temporal world. To Christians, God became man in the Incarnation; to Jews, the God that spoke out of the fire on Mount Sinai gave his Torah.
Meir Soloveichik
When I was a kid, I had zero Jewish friends. Not because I hated Jews, but because Jews don’t want to live with us. And us Arabs, we don’t want to live with Jews.
Nuseir Yassin
In terms of defending Jews, I’m a Jew.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
I would never agree to an exclusive Muslim sovereignty over areas that are religiously important to Jews and Christians.
Ehud Olmert
I believe Jews are compassionate people because of what we’ve suffered. We must not put that suffering onto others.
Miriam Margolyes
Our Christian conviction is that Christ is also the messiah of Israel. Certainly it is in the hands of God how and when the unification of Jews and Christians into the people of God will take place.
Pope Benedict XVI
Anti-Semitism has never gone away; it will always be there because it’s a very convenient prejudice. The gene of it, the original DNA, is buried deep within our history. And even within some Jews as well.
Steven Berkoff
The Women’s March hates Jews!
Laura Loomer
In both Israel and America, Jews have experienced unparalleled freedoms, achieved great economic success, and exercised appropriate degrees of political power.
Meir Soloveichik
Tyler Kent was a horrible man. He was a rabid anti-communist who believed that the Jews had been behind the Russian Revolution.
Adam Curtis
Liberals, conservatives, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and I find – I think education is something that can bring us together.
Greg Mortenson
Our country’s history is a generation-spanning journey to effectuate the notion that ‘all men are created equal’ for the members of our ever-expanding national family: women, African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, gays and lesbians, the disabled, immigrants, and refugees.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Honestly, what can really be said about ‘the Jewish people’ as a whole? Is it not a lamentable stereotype to make large generalizations about all Jews, and to presume they all share the same political commitments?
Judith Butler
Jews have never, ever, ever wished to be separate, unless they were forced to be.
Simon Schama
At East Side Jews, we can take a risk because it isn’t all about the rules. I started it to create a space for all those people who wouldn’t go to temple because they were scared of getting the rules wrong.
Jill Soloway
I often hear them accuse Israel of Judaizing Jerusalem. That’s like accusing America of Americanizing Washington, or the British of Anglicizing London. You know why we’re called ‘Jews’? Because we come from Judea.
Benjamin Netanyahu
You can’t portray wartime Shanghai without writing about the Holocaust – about 25,000 Jews survived the Nazi death machine by taking refuge there.
Nicole Mones
As my name might suggest, I’m Jewish. My grandparents were Polish and Russian Jews who came to Australia in the late 1920s, and had they not, we wouldn’t be talking now.
Elliot Perlman
I was brought up a Jew but, you know, that way of being Jewish – the New York way. We were stomach Jews; we were Jewish-joke Jews. We were bagel Jews. We didn’t go to synagogue. I’m frightened of synagogue to this day.
Howard Jacobson
Jews survived all the defeats, expulsions, persecutions and pogroms, the centuries in which they were regarded as a pariah people, even the Holocaust itself, because they never gave up the faith that one day they would be free to live as Jews without fear.
Jonathan Sacks
German Jews don’t show their emotions in public.
Ruth Westheimer
I enjoy being Jewish, but I’m an atheist… I hate fundamentalism in all its forms. Jews, Catholics, Baptists, I think they are all potty and capable of destroying the world.
Warren Mitchell
When I was growing up I don’t think Muslims and Jews were considered to be opposites.
David Baddiel
My grandfather was Orthodox, and he was religious, but neither of my parents were. Of course, as they got older, it seems like they get more religious the older they get, even though they’re still not practicing Jews.
Scott Ian
Bulgaria was the only Axis country to deflect insistent German demands for the deportation of its Jews.
Norman Davies
Jews have had to carry around their own sense of self in a carpet bag and I think perhaps too much emphasis might be being put on nationality and on the other hand patriotism, that sort of thing.
Janet Suzman
The sad and horrible conclusion is that no one cared that Jews were being murdered… This is the Jewish lesson of the Holocaust and this is the lesson which Auschwitz taught us.
Ariel Sharon
As Jews, their families left Russia to escape the poverty and the antisemitism.
Martin Lewis Perl
I increasingly see organized religion as actually my enemy. They treat me as their enemy. Not all Christians, of course. Not all Jews, not all Muslims.
Ian Mckellen
The question of boundaries is a major question of the Jewish people because the Jews are the great experts of crossing boundaries. They have a sense of identity inside themselves that doesn’t permit them to cross boundaries with other people.
A. B. Yehoshua
The majority of Jews are secular... the Nazis never che

The majority of Jews are secular… the Nazis never checked if anyone was going to the synagogue or eating kosher.
David Baddiel
In 1939, Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, six million Jews and seven million others unable to defend themselves were exterminated.
Joe Wurzelbacher
Christians get trees. Jews get bushes. To stay in good standing with the Tribe, you’ve got to refer to a Christmas tree as a Hanukkah bush.
Alan Colmes
The Ukrainian nation, as no other nation, understands and is fully aware of the tragedy and its scale of all the lost lives of the Ukrainian Jews during the Second World War.
Volodymyr Zelensky
Mainstream American society finds it easiest to be tolerant when the outsider chooses to minimize the differences that separate him from the majority. The country club opens its doors to Jews. The university welcomes African-Americans. Heterosexuals extend the privilege of marriage to the gay community.
Malcolm Gladwell
I do not stop repeating it to French Jews… Not only is the National Front not your enemy, but it is without a doubt the best shield to protect you. It stands at your side for the defense of our freedoms of thought and of religion against the only real enemy: Islamist fundamentalism.
Marine Le Pen
The malady of the Jews is that they don’t see territory as part of their identity.
A. B. Yehoshua
Five million Jews are regarding me as a traitor, but six billion people around the world think me as a hero and a good man who bring the message to all the human beings that we should survive and prevent the use of nuclear weapons and to prevent the nuclear preparations and to prevent nuclear war in the future.
Mordechai Vanunu
It was the Sephardi Jews who brought fish and chips to Britain, actually, believe it or not, from the Mediterranean world. Apart from actually eating and selling fish and chips, they were kind of debt enforcers.
Simon Schama
‘Charlie Hebdo’ had been nondenominational in its satire, sticking its finger into the sensitivities of Jews and Christians, too – but only Muslims responded with threats and acts of terrorism.
George Packer
What is unusual about the United States – and it’s something that I have never gotten used to – is that Jews here, there are so many of them, and they are so important to the culture.
Michael Lynton
Well, I try to not view things through a prism of anti-Semitism, because often, people will use that as a sort of knee-jerk reaction to any criticism of Jews.
Jack Abramoff
My purpose is to have American Jews look away from the success story with which they’ve cheered themselves up, and to have them remember the classical tradition, whatever it is.
Arthur Hertzberg
Democracy means that people can say what they want to. All the people. It means that they can vote as they wish. All the people. It means that they can worship God in any way they feel right, and that includes Christians and Jews and voodoo doctors as well.
Dalton Trumbo
My parents emigrated from Poland in 1924 with my brother, who was a few months old. They were from a simple family of Polish Jews. They were looking, I suppose, for a better economic life and were escaping from an anti-Semitic environment.
Francois Englert
During most of my life, my contact with Jews and Judaism was slight. I gave little thought to their problems, save in asking myself, from time to time, whether we were showing by our lives due appreciation of the opportunities which this hospitable country affords. My approach to Zionism was through Americanism.
Louis D. Brandeis
Just as we send young American Jews to Israel through the Birthright program, we need to also consider a ‘reverse Birthright’ for Israeli kids to come see America.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
By forbidding Jews to destroy their hair, the Bible warns them away from seeking the siren song of eternal youth. By encouraging Jews to grow beards, it reminds them that they will not be young forever, that they must prepare the ground for those who come after, just as their fathers did for them.
Meir Soloveichik
Many Jews are not Zionists and many non-Jews are. Zionism is a political movement, not a race. To say Zionism is the Jewish people is like saying the Democratic Party is the American people. Jewish people who oppose Zionism, however, have been given a very hard time.
David Icke
For those who share my view that the Jews as a people have a right to self-determination, Zionism as a national movement of the Jewish people is the embodiment of this very right, which its opponents want to deny.
Angela Merkel
I was brought up to look after my parents. My family were Polish Jews, and we lived with my grandmother, with uncles and aunts and cousins all around, and I thought everybody lived like that.
Anita Brookner
The metaphor of Exodus is one that has dogged the Jews from the outset. Their very success attracts resentment.
Jack Schwartz
Poles and Jews have been living on this land together for almost 1,000 years. Who can tell how much Jewish blood is in their veins? Nobody knows, so to talk about how to recognize if someone is Jewish is ridiculous.
Andrzej Duda
We respect every religion. Everyone is free to practice his religion freely… In the Tunisian parliament, we have even Jews.
Beji Caid Essebsi
Rabbis throughout the ages, from Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook onward, strictly prohibited going up on the Temple Mount. And now there is a minority group of rabbis encouraging Jews to go.
Isaac Herzog
My dad was raised Orthodox in Atlanta. He speaks Hebrew. He speaks Yiddish. He married a Jewish woman who is not Orthodox, so I was brought up by two different kinds of Jews.
Alex Borstein
With the Jews, the questions are always open; we’re always questioning. I love that questioning tradition.
Hanna Rosin
My views about the safety of Jews in the world have not been changed by the work on the Dreyfus affair or, for that matter, by the work I did on Franz Kafka for the book on him I published a year before the Dreyfus book appeared.
Louis Begley
When Jews are sacrificed, you have to ask yourself who will be next.
Avigdor Lieberman
I was not raised a Zionist, but a socialist, as were most Jews before the Holocaust.
Roseanne Barr
My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.
Jesus Christ
There is no question that Israelis - indeed, all concer

There is no question that Israelis – indeed, all concerned Jews – have to continue to work out a Jewish public philosophy that truly justifies a Jewish state in the land of Israel.
David Novak
Both peoples, both nations, deserve a nation-state of their own. Palestinians, if they wish so, will go to the Palestinian state; Jews, if they so wish, can go to the Jewish state. And we’ll have to have security and demilitarization agreements between us.
Benjamin Netanyahu
The Jews must realize that their influence in Germany has disappeared for all time.
Hjalmar Schacht
I’m a cultural Christian in the same way many of my friends call themselves cultural Jews or cultural Muslims.
Richard Dawkins
The tension between Jews and Arabs tears us apart.
Benny Gantz
Following the Second World War, we are a country of one ethnicity. After the moving of the borders, after the tragedy of the Holocaust and the murder of Polish Jews, we don’t have large minority groups.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
When he was not talking about race, David Duke was a very pleasant guy to talk to. He was a very nice conversationalist. He seemed like a regular guy on the phone when the subject wasn’t on race and on Jews and ethnicity.
Ron Stallworth
A lot of black people believe that Jews in this country have become white. They behave like white people rather than Jewish people.
Toni Morrison
Some friends of Israel believe that the Palestinians will never, in their hearts, accept a Jewish state in Palestine. Yet Germans and French, Chinese and Japanese, Mexicans and Americans have overcome their once insurmountable differences. Palestinians and Jews also have much to gain from peaceful coexistence.
Antony Blinken
There’s always hope. You can lose everything else in the world, but Jews never lose hope.
Jonathan Sacks
At age 14, my paternal grandfather fled Poland to escape the pogroms that killed tens of thousands of European Jews. He worked full-time for a cobbler in Boston, making his way to California and eventually starting his own business in Taft – the Goldman Oil Supply Company.
Dianne Feinstein
Across the Jewish community, the MLK Shabbat Suppers are part of Repair the World’s multi-year effort to mobilize Jews across the nation to serve as tutors, mentors, and college access coaches for public school children.
Lynn Schusterman
My parents were practicing Jews. My mother grew up in an orthodox synagogue, and after my grandfather died, she went to a conservative synagogue and a little later ended up in a reform synagogue. My father was in reform synagogues from the beginning.
Judith Butler
We are very anxious to bring the Jews of Morocco over and we are doing all we can to achieve this. But we cannot count on the Jews of Morocco alone to build the country, because they have not been educated for this.
Moshe Sharett
Despite the fact that the vast majority of Israeli Jews are not Orthodox, the ultra-Orthodox hold the keys not just to Israel’s Jewish sacred places, but to the life cycle events – conversions, weddings, divorces, burials – of the country’s more than six million Jews.
Bari Weiss
Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?
Pontius Pilate
Over the course of history, many Jews have ultimately embraced Christianity – some forcibly, some in order to advance in non-Jewish society, some out of wholehearted belief.
Meir Soloveichik
The United Nations was founded in the aftermath of World War II, just as the world was beginning to learn the full horrors of history’s worst genocide, the Holocaust that consumed 6 million Jews and 3 million others in Europe.
Linda Chavez
Jews seek to cleave to the will of God as set forth in the Bible and, particularly, the Pentateuch, with its rabbinic commentaries, the Mishnah and Talmud.
Meir Soloveichik
The land which the Society of Jews will have secured by international law must naturally be privately owned.
Theodor Herzl
The story of the Jews in the Bible is replete with incidents of their ingratitude to God for His gifts to them: incidents that just as repeatedly merit and receive punishment.
Elliott Abrams
The Jewish exodus from North Africa, in the late nineteen-fifties and the nineteen-sixties, brought hundreds of thousands of Algerian, Moroccan, and Tunisian Jews to France.
Tom Reiss
I wanted to write about Jews in Montana, so I went there by plane and bus, only to discover that there are no Jews in Montana. It didn’t deter me.
Kevin Barry
Just as there are many Jews who keep the Friday ritual in their home despite describing themselves as atheists, I am a ‘tribal Christian,’ happy to attend church services.
Martin Rees
Comedy is still alive, and there are still funny people. Jews are still overrepresented in comedy and psychiatry and underrepresented in the priesthood. That immigrant Jewish humor is still with us.
Robert Klein
No offense, Nazis, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I don’t like you. I like Jews.
Gavin McInnes
My mother and I were part of a deal in the mid-’60s between Romania and Israel. Israel bought freedom for Romanian Jews for $2,000 a head. Ceausescu made a bundle in hard currency. He also ‘sold’ ethnic Germans to West Germany. Instead of going to Israel, my mother and I came to the United States.
Andrei Codrescu
The Jews’ greatest contribution to history is dissatisfaction! We’re a nation born to be discontented. Whatever exists we believe can be changed for the better.
Shimon Peres
Jews like to write and sing. In America, a lot of us have been eager to show that we’re part of American culture. But it all goes back to King David writing Psalms.
Ezra Furman
Our beautiful homeland is enough for us, Arabs and Jews. If we turn her into a battlefield, she will spit us out.
Ayman Odeh
When I started the band, the name ‘Silver Jews’ had no literal meaning – it was just an abstraction.
David Berman
Not all Modern Orthodox Jews, at the present juncture,

Not all Modern Orthodox Jews, at the present juncture, identify with what the Israeli government does. In Israel many religious Zionists strongly oppose the government because of the disengagement.
Norman Lamm
I’m playing a very strong character, it’s the story of the woman Polish Jews out of the Warsaw ghetto. I’ve just begun my weapons training and the SAS type training that’s getting me fit.
Sadie Frost
I got hundreds and hundreds of poisonous e-mails from Jews all over the world. I couldn’t understand this hatred toward me. I fought against racism all my life. I was for Israel. I wrote ‘Mauthausen.’ After all that, how could I become from one day to the next an anti-Semite?
Mikis Theodorakis
If you do a Google search, you will probably read a lot of stuff about how I am someone who wants to kill all the Jews and hates the United States.
Noam Chomsky
The arrogance of secular Jews regarding the ultra-Orthodox community and their attempt to impose on it a different lifestyle is inappropriate.
Ayelet Shaked
If they wanted to end the violence and war between them and if they wanted Jews and Palestinians to live in peace, Jews and Palestinians, then they should consider this solution: one democratic state, free from weapons of mass destruction, and with the return of the Palestinian refugees.
Muammar al-Gaddafi
There is a difficulty in combating the type of terror that is perpetrated by groups of radical Jews. It’s terror from within, and it is difficult to bring these perpetrators to justice; we need to create tools in order to combat this style of terrorism.
Reuven Rivlin
Not just Christians and Jews, but also Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and the followers of many other religions believe in values like peace, respect, tolerance and dignity. These are values that bring people together and enable us to build responsible and solid communities.
Alcee Hastings
Many of the Europeans who want Israel to go away don’t even know why they do. Nearly a third of those interviewed concede they have no idea what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is all about. It’s enough to know that Israelis are Jews.
Suzanne Fields
Israel being condemned by the EU, which 66 years ago watched with glee as its Jews were being mass murdered. That is pretty rich.
Ben Stein
There is a diversity of thought and philosophy, diversity of languages and dialects, diversity of political spectrum, and there’s a diversity of taste for food. I don’t label or characterize Jews in any way.
John Liu
The Schindler Jews were off-limits in Brunnlitz.
Oskar Schindler
It has always been inevitable that, living as a small minority among a Christian majority, some Jews would convert to Christianity.
David Novak
We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with the Arabs; we have no place to go.
Golda Meir
Our house was in the middle of town; behind it was the ghetto, from which Jews were sent to concentration camps.
Krzysztof Penderecki
I want to remind people that the Nazis weren’t able to take the Jews to the crematoriums immediately. The German people wouldn’t have allowed for it. Instead, the Nazis had to change public opinion. They marginalized the Jewish people, disparaged them, and made them objects of contempt.
Robert Jeffress
The overlap between Pavement’s fan base and people who liked Silver Jews was total. In my mind, even a local band with 20 fans had more unqualified support.
David Berman
For your benefit, learn from our tragedy. It is not a written law that the next victims must be Jews. It can also be other people.
Simon Wiesenthal
The Jews are an artistic people. It’s clear from the music, the actors, the writers. They are just artists. In the early part of the 20th century, when they first came over, they had no money, but they still went to theater. The theater and education were the two biggest things in their lives.
Norman Lloyd
The ransoming of captives has been practiced by Jews for many centuries and has been regarded as a greater obligation than charity for the poor.
Elliott Abrams
A lot of Polish and Russian Jews had this experience: they would emigrate, thinking they were on their way to New York. Then their captains would stop in Dublin and say, ‘Everybody off.’ They would leave, and by the time they discovered they weren’t in America, they didn’t have enough money to continue.
Rosemary Mahoney
It is only in the fundamentalist religions that women are relegated to second class. Radical Evangelicals, Muslims, and Jews all have the same view of women.
Sally Quinn
I think Judas was a very devout religious Jewish person. He realizes that Jews had been persecuted and enslaved for thousands of years, and he wants to keep his people from going through that anymore.
Josh Young
In our community here in Boston, we have had a tremendous influx of Russian Jews and Haitians. We call these people immigrants. But they come for the same reasons that William Bradford and William Brewster and John Carver came.
Kathryn Lasky
Terrorism attacks Jews, but it targets all countries and Western values. Israel is just an hors d’oeuvre.
Avigdor Lieberman
Some ticket buyers think they don’t like Jews.
Jack L. Warner
The Jews did not go into darkness all at once. It was a gradual work, until they could not discern the gift of God in sending his Son.
Ellen G. White
The Jewish state has so much to teach diaspora Jews about resilience, innovation, energy, and optimism.
Bari Weiss
Whom do you speak to about introducing a leap year? Is it heresy to request such a thing? Why do the Jews have one and we don’t?
Sayed Kashua
This is always a pain because it’s injustice too and so my response to it, I tell you what I am more surprised or horrified at Jews who forget to be humanists than I am at anybody else.
Janet Suzman
We do not possess an official certificate of birth for worship of one God. But the family line is clear: the Jews invented it to endure the coherence, cohesion and existence of their small, threatened people.
Michel Onfray