Top 470 Young Quotes

There is a misconception that young Muslim women are oppressed. That simply isn’t the case. I choose to dress modestly and choose to cover my hair with a hijab; not all Muslim women make that choice, and that’s okay. We are all different!
Halima Aden
Social phobia, panic disorder… I’ve had panic disorder ever since I was young.
You have to figure out how you can step forward and affect your own life. I think that sense of empowerment is actually really positive, specifically for the young generation because they’ve been bystanders in their own lives for a while.
Jennifer Yuh Nelson
I want to see young people in America feel the spirit of the 1960s and find a way to get in the way. To find a way to get in trouble. Good trouble, necessary trouble.
John Lewis
There is nothing on earth that could ever make me want to relive certain years of my life when I was young.
Johnny Depp
I was very fortunate to grow up with parents who love to travel, so I traveled from a young age. My dad’s a heart surgeon and goes to conferences all over the world. By the time I was seven, I traveled outside the country for the first time. We went to Paris. The next year, we went to London, and then Brussels.
Candice Accola
I don’t want to sound like Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, but I do think there should be some sort of national service for young men.
Michael Caine
People say, ‘Respect your elders,’ but I always go, ‘Respect your young people because they are our future.’
Booker T
Do you know what a soldier is, young man? He’s the chap who makes it possible for civilised folk to despise war.
Allan Massie
As the years went by, working on Broadway, I started seeing that I had a fan base and that they were mostly young girls. They are looking for someone that they can look up to, that they see as a role model. And I don’t take that lightly; it’s a big responsibility.
Bianca Marroquin
It’s easier to write about Socrates than about a young woman or a cook.
Anton Chekhov
Don’t try too hard to be young. Be who you are.
Tony Danza
For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. Every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own.
Joe Biden
Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but the best thing that young filmmakers should do is to get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all.
Stanley Kubrick
At Christmas, I am always struck by how the spirit of togetherness lies also at the heart of the Christmas story. A young mother and a dutiful father with their baby were joined by poor shepherds and visitors from afar. They came with their gifts to worship the Christ child.
Queen Elizabeth II
Just like all young players, there is a difference between being involved and just participating.
Barry Trotz
Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.
Walt Disney
Don’t let young people tell you their aspirations; when they drop them they will drop you.
Logan Pearsall Smith
I’m so greedy, I’m hungry, I’m young.
Lil Wayne
We were young, we were foolish, we were arrogant, but we were right.
Abbie Hoffman
In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all; and to the young, it comes with bitterest agony because it takes them unawares. I have had experience enough to know what I say.
Abraham Lincoln
For me, growing up felt like a roller coaster ride at times, but looking back, I don’t think that it was such a bad thing. It was all part of the excitement of being young.
Jameela Jamil
I have spent a lifetime trying to share what it has meant to be a woman first in the world of sports so that other young women have a chance to reach their dreams.
Wilma Rudolph
‘LIFE Magazine’ decided to do a story about a young actress in Hollywood in 1954. And I made the cover. And I remember that the fellow who was doing the story on me said, ‘Listen, kid, I just want you to know, if Eisenhower gets a cold, you’re off the cover.’
Rita Moreno
Nothing is insignificant in the history of a young community, and – above all – nothing seems impossible.
Catherine Helen Spence
Whether people be of high or low birth, rich or poor, o

Whether people be of high or low birth, rich or poor, old or young, enlightened or confused, they are all alike in that they will one day die.
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
When you’re young, you’re not afraid of what comes next. You’re excited by it.
Dave Grohl
I wanted to be a boy when I was young because boys got to do all the good stuff. So I became very aggressive and very competitive at a young age.
Amy Madigan
My mom is very religious – Catholic – and from a young age they brought me to the church.
Bad Bunny
Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. And everyone who receives it – young or old, successful or less-than-successful, unknown or famous – is changed by it.
John C. Maxwell
Music keeps you young. Having music in your life keeps you open to things.
Henry Rollins
I remember how being young and black and gay and lonely felt. A lot of it was fine, feeling I had the truth and the light and the key, but a lot of it was purely hell.
Audre Lorde
My father was a great example of a strong and good man and Christian man, and my mother taught all my six sisters how to be young ladies and mothers and how to take care of your family. And so I think they were – they still are – great examples for all of us to their kids and to the world, too.
Magic Johnson
I got to experience soccer at the highest level at a young age; I decided I wanted to be part of that for as long as possible.
Mia Hamm
When I was young, I played the piano and studied classical music and jazz. I wanted to be a concert pianist, and if I’d devoted myself to it, I could have been. But it would have been too much work and a very lonely life.
Christopher Plummer
I change my style maybe every month. I’m, like, punk one month, ghetto fab the next, classy the next. I’m just young and finding out who I am.
Kylie Jenner
I’ve become a much more serious young insect.
Andrew Denton
Death is a distant rumor to the young.
Andy Rooney
What I try to tell young people is that if you come together with a mission, and its grounded with love and a sense of community, you can make the impossible possible.
John Lewis
There’s nothing I believe in more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering, for a better tomorrow, for all humankind.
Bill Nye
It’s very important that young artists push boundaries, because sometimes you have this urge to do something – like the impulsive and dangerous urges I had as a child – and if you don’t follow through with it you might miss out on a developmental experience.
Marina Abramovic
The problem with ‘Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark’ was that it was designed to be a PG-13 movie. It was literally a horror movie for a younger generation. I was trying to do the film equivalent of teenage, young adult readers, and when they gave it an R rating, the movie couldn’t sustain an R.
Guillermo del Toro
By reading, you learn through others’ experiences, generally, a better way to do business, especially in our line of work where the consequences of incompetence are so final for young men.
Jim Mattis
I don’t talk to old people; they try to find ways to stay static. Young folks are the ones with the ideas and constantly moving forward.
Death means change our clothes. Clothes become old, then time to come change. So this body become old, and then time come, take young body.
Dalai Lama
When I was a young man, Dirac was my hero. He made a breakthrough, a new method of doing physics. He had the courage to simply guess at the form of an equation, the equation we now call the Dirac equation, and to try to interpret it afterwards.
Richard P. Feynman
What an elder sees sitting; the young can’t see standing.
Gustave Flaubert
Oh, how I regret not having worn a bikini for the entire year I was 26. If anyone young is reading this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini, and don’t take it off until you’re 34.
Nora Ephron
I love working with children and this young boy, Thomas Sangster, is quite a remarkable young actor. He raises your game, you know. He certainly raised mine.
Liam Neeson
Just as I wouldn’t expect a gynecologist to have a debate with somebody who believes in the Stork-theory of reproduction, I won’t do debates with Young Earth creationists.
Richard Dawkins
All of these young people have some kind of potential in them. And if we don’t invest in them as a nation, regardless of where they come from or what color they are, if we don’t invest in them, we lose.
Michelle Obama
With my face, everybody always thinks I’m so young, this little guy.
B. J. Armstrong
It is essential to do everything possible to attract young people to opera so they can see that it is not some antiquated art form but a repository of the most glorious music and drama that man has created.
Bruce Beresford
I would like to tell the young men and women before me not to lose hope and courage. Success can only come to you by courageous devotion to the task lying in front of you.
C. V. Raman
One who is kind is sympathetic and gentle with others. He is considerate of others’ feelings and courteous in his behavior. He has a helpful nature. Kindness pardons others’ weaknesses and faults. Kindness is extended to all – to the aged and the young, to animals, to those low of station as well as the high.
Ezra Taft Benson
I don't feel my age. I feel young every day.

I don’t feel my age. I feel young every day.
Jennifer Aniston
Sport is something that is very inspirational for young people.
A young man who isn’t a socialist hasn’t got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn’t got a head.
David Lloyd George
I was just thinking of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe and how young they were when they died. I would like to be a pop icon who survives. I would like to be a living icon.
John Travolta