Top 474 Election Quotes

So why am I facing a recall election? Simple: the big government union bosses from Washington want their money. They don’t like the fact that I did something fundamentally pro-worker; something that’s truly about freedom.
Scott Walker
I do not comment on politics, but I see computerization of the election process as good for stability and social harmony.
Andrew Tan
I think it is very difficult today to have a reasoned public discourse on any controversial subject. Certainly, election years present a complicating factor.
John Poindexter
When all is said and done and the e-book is written about politics and the Internet, it is not going to be about the presidential election. It will be about the smaller elections in aggregate that have a huge effect on people’s lives.
Joe Green
There wasn’t a Scottish nationalist MP elected at any general election when we were outside the E.U.
Michael Gove
We are going to serve our full term; there will be no snap election, and we are going to do our best to ensure that 2016 is going to be a good economic year.
Enda Kenny
Bill and Hillary Clinton have one central idea in their uncluttered, ambitious minds: Hillary in 2008. Let Bush get re-elected, use the ’04 primaries and general election to clean out the underbrush of competing Democratic candidates, and proceed unimpeded to the ’08 nomination.
Dick Morris
But being in the closet uniquely assisted me in politics. From my first run for the state legislature until my election as governor, all too often I was not leading but following my best guess at public opinion.
James McGreevey
The American people are sick and tired of this ‘lesser evil’ garbage they get fed every election year. Both the Democrats and the Republicans do the same evils once they’re in office.
Roseanne Barr
I’ll tell you the truth, even in an election year, and that’s what people are ready for.
Tom Cotton
One of the problems we saw in the last presidential election in our party is that our nominee, while winning the election, which we ought never to forget, often lost sight of the difference between strategy and tactics.
Paul Begala
For us political activists and candidates, the morning after any election is a mix of emotions – the personal and the immediate, the culmination of your own recent campaigning efforts; and the fortunes of your party and the success or otherwise of what you stand for and believe in.
Lucy Powell
In any election, it's important that the public perceiv

In any election, it’s important that the public perceive that the election is held fairly.
Avi Rubin
Others may make you promises, once again, and then election after election not deliver. We will not do this.
Mangosuthu Buthelezi
I always believed I could win the election. After I won the primary, people started telling me, ‘No one thought you had a chance.’ I was like, ‘Really?’ I thought I could win the whole time.
One of the most surreal moments in this election was after the third debate, when I heard a talking head say, Al Gore won on substance, on the issues. But you have to give the victory to Bush because he seems presidential.
Bradley Whitford
The federal election statutes are primarily meant to be civil. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have a criminal violation of the FEC provisions, but that’s just my personal opinion.
John Kennedy
We’re looking at all forms of election irregularities, voter fraud, voter registration fraud, voter intimidation, suppression, and looking at the vulnerabilities of the various elections we have in each of the 50 states.
Kris Kobach
There are things that matter more than your election. That may take difficult votes, may take career-ending votes for people, but if we aren’t willing to do that, then we’re not going to move forward.
Elizabeth Esty
If Latinos stay at home, we determine the outcome of an election.
Tony Cardenas
If women had never been given the right to vote, then Labour would have won every election after the war.
Ken Livingstone
Sinn Fein is an Irish Republican party. We stood in the Assembly election to deliver a prosperous economy and jobs, to protect and enhance public services, support those most in need, and to progress Irish Unity.
Martin McGuinness
For a politician, the long term is between now and the next election.
Edgar Fiedler
I’m not afraid of elections. I’ve won every election I’ve fought in.
Ehud Barak
God has called us to be His representatives in our nation and in our world. Select candidates who represent your views and work for their election.
James Dobson
The Democratic Party is getting very angry, and that came through clearly in this election.
Ed Gillespie
The war in Afghanistan is not of a peace with the rest of Obama’s worldview. It’s a holdover from the era that his election was supposed to bring to a close.
George Packer
I can’t let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days.
Gerhard Schroder
In votes cast, Latinos have increased to five million in the 1996 Presidential election, up from two million in the 1976 election. The number of Hispanic elected officials has not risen so fast.
Bill Dedman
Presidential election results in 2008 and 2012 clarified that talk radio was not, in fact, running the country.
Timothy Noah
In everything I do, I like to set the idea for girls that they can do anything. I was really moved by Hillary Clinton’s speech when she lost the election – she didn’t want young girls to feel like it wasn’t possible and wanted them to know a female president will eventually happen. That’s important.
Miranda Otto
Don’t make election popularity largely a matter of which candidate hires the most creative and effective propagandists. Insist that it be, instead, a running conversation with the public.
Ron Howard
The election before us will be the Austerlitz of American politics.
Roscoe Conkling
Thackeray is an institution that cannot become irrelevant because of one election.
Sharad Pawar
It strikes me as a sound, honest statement for a prospective voter to say: ‘Look, I haven’t given this election a minute’s thought, and it’s just not fair for me to cancel out the vote of someone who actually gives a damn.’ Indeed, it’s not just sound and honest – it’s the ethically responsible thing to do.
Jeff Greenfield
The Liberal Party of Canada, heading into an election, at the last minute they always stand up and they say: We know there’s people out there that want to vote NDP and God love you. But if you vote for them you’re throwing your vote away.
Rick Mercer
History shows one important fact: the results of competitive special elections from Hawaii to New York are poor indicators of broader trends or future general election outcomes.
Pete Sessions
Nearly one year on from his election, Donald Trump disregards the constitution, offends allies, and attacks minorities, the powerless, and those who are holding him to account.
Katharine Viner
This is me, a sinner on whom the Lord has turned his gaze. And this is what I said when they asked me if I would accept my election as pontiff. I am a sinner, but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I accept in a spirit of penance.
Pope Francis
Being in Harlem on the night of Barack Obama’s election was extraordinary. It was the best street party I have ever gone to, and it felt like the period of American history which began with slavery had ended that evening.
Hari Kunzru
When it comes to the general election, we are no longer running as an individual: we are running as the head of a ticket. And so the party itself will be doing some things to raise money, and Mr. Trump has indicated that he’d be willing to help the party.
Paul Manafort
Each party steals so many articles of faith from the other, and the candidates spend so much time making each other’s speeches, that by the time election day is past there is nothing much to do save turn the sitting rascals out and let a new gang in.
H. L. Mencken
Manipulating an election in a small developing country doesn’t have the same sort of ripple effect of electing Donald Trump into the White House.
Christopher Wylie
I don't think there is anything more bitter in American

I don’t think there is anything more bitter in American politics than a close election.
Danny Strong
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.
Gore Vidal
The 1994 elections that brought Newt Gingrich to power in the House decisively shaped the remaining years of Bill Clinton’s presidency, pushing him further to the right and bringing out his latent tendency to govern every day as if an election were being held the next.
Noah Feldman
Proposition 19 already is a winner no matter what happens on election day. The mere fact of its being on the ballot has elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana and marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined a year ago.
George Soros
While 2013 will not see a major national election, we can be sure that most Republicans will obstruct and some Democrats will appease.
Eliot Spitzer
I don’t think, Donald Trump doesn’t think, no one thinks that a foreign entity should be interfering with a foreign election.
Sean Spicer
That 1983 general election contained the telltale seeds of eventual Scottish Tory self-destruction.
Charles Kennedy
Grassroots organizing tends to be most available to big campaigns, but it’s actually most useful to small ones. You can’t win a presidential campaign without going on TV, but you can win a local election simply by organizing your community. NationBuilder levels the playing field.
Joe Green
What’s important is that, come the general election, people think the right things of you. They think that you’ve got the right values and the right policies. And that you’re the right kind of person to lead the country.
George Osborne