Top 480 Clinton Quotes

If you want to know how Hillary Clinton could try to distance herself from President Obama’s much-criticized foreign policy, listen closely to the words of her former top strategist, Anne-Marie Slaughter.
Nina Easton
Bill Clinton, talking about the need to financially empower wives and mothers in regressive countries, once remarked that women have ‘the responsibility gene.’ No one has that gene more markedly than his wife.
Tina Brown
There was definitely a lack of any sort of villain in the Clinton era, which is why, when Columbine happened, it was easy to pick on me. My face was around, and it made good TV.
Marilyn Manson
Without any doubt, I’m convinced that Hillary Clinton represents less individuality, flexibility for the states, a weaker national defense. And you know, for all those reasons, we ought to get behind Donald Trump.
Asa Hutchinson
Throughout the early and mid-1990s, the Clinton administration debated the merits of paying for AIDS testing and counseling of vulnerable populations overseas.
Barton Gellman
‘Time Magazine’ declared Hillary Clinton the ‘perfect’ age to be president because she’s a postmenopausal woman who is ‘biologically primed’ to lead.
Mel Robbins
Clinton’s pardoning of Marc Rich was off-the-wall.
Morley Safer
There are a number of Americans who shouldn’t vote. The number is 57 percent, to judge by the combined total of Clinton and Perot ballots in the 1996 presidential election.
P. J. O’Rourke
Let me go to Clinton’s new proposal: to have uniforms in public schools. And people are doing that. How come they’re doing that? Dress codes! I find that abhorrent.
Russell Means
Former President Bill Clinton, who is widely regarded as a political mastermind, may have sounded like a traditional liberal at the beginning of his term in office. But what ultimately defined his presidency was his amazing pliability on matters of principle.
Thomas Frank
Even Toni Morrison claiming Bill Clinton as ‘black’ could not prepare us for the election of America’s first undeniably black president, Barack Obama.
Kevin Young
Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to raise taxes on the rich, saying it will solve inequality. It won’t. All that will do is significantly reduce incentives to work, save, and invest. But I say inequality is not the problem. The problem is a lack of growth.
Lawrence Kudlow
Secretary Clinton should be denied access to classified information. Congress must also hold the State Department accountable for fixing the culture of lax handling of classified information.
Mike Pompeo
There’s kind of a Tom Harkin aspect to Bernie Sanders, even though Harkin is supporting Secretary Clinton.
John Dickerson
Hillary Clinton can't tell a good trade deal from bad o

Hillary Clinton can’t tell a good trade deal from bad one.
Wilbur Ross
Like a lot of people, I’m very, very concerned about Senator Clinton’s record. I’m very, very concerned about where her positions were in the 1990s, when we had some of the most disgusting legislation in terms of our criminal justice, really, in this country’s history.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
The only question where there is disagreement is should the highest income rates above a quarter million dollars a year go back to where they were under Bill Clinton. That is the dispute about the taxes.
Austan Goolsbee
As she was about to run for president in 2008, Clinton opposed a free-trade agreement with Panama – an agreement that, as Sanders pointed out, would make the kind of money-laundering we learned about from the Panama papers even more pervasive.
Greg Grandin
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Clinton cost John Kerry more votes than he gained for him whenever they appeared together. Imagine being part of a crowd enraptured by the presence of Bill Clinton, and then having to listen to a speech by John Kerry!
Pat Sajak
I think Hillary Clinton is going to do very well in New York, because there’s one basic advantage. New Yorkers know Hillary Clinton. She was here for senator. We’ve seen her work. We’ve seen her performance.
Andrew Cuomo
With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked.
James Comey
By the way, in Mrs. Clinton’s returns, you saw a lot of income coming from donors to the Clinton Foundation and people who benefitted from her State Department term as well.
Paul Manafort
I have never lied about my relationship with Bill Clinton. The only proven liar, at this point, and the only admitted liar, is Bill Clinton; not Gennifer Flowers, not Kathleen Willey, not Paula Jones and not Monica Lewinsky, at this point. He is the only proven liar.
Gennifer Flowers
I think Republicans are going to do better than Hillary Clinton any time of the day.
Cory Gardner
The contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders offered such a bright and bracing contrast to all those professional wrestlers emerging from the RNC’s clown car.
Rebecca Traister
Hillary Clinton could say she was a woman and running for president. And Sarah Palin could say she was a woman and running for vice-president. But Obama couldn’t say, ‘I’m black and I’m running for president.’ It couldn’t come out of his mouth. He couldn’t say that because, if he did, he’d lose votes.
Paul Mooney
Silence is not what democracy needs. Right now we have an election where, even the supporters of Hillary Clinton, the majority don’t support Hillary; they just oppose Donald Trump. And the majority of Donald Trump supporters don’t support him; they just oppose Hillary.
Jill Stein
I’ve known Hillary Clinton for a long time. She’s trustworthy. She’s ready from Day One to assume the office of presidency in the United States. She’s qualified and she’s ready as compared to, I think, Donald Trump, who has shown his recklessness, and dangerous statements that he’s made.
Ben Cardin
But what I intend to do, the day after Hillary Clinton is elected president of the United States, is to do everything I can to make sure she goes forward as progressively as she can.
Bernie Sanders
On the national stage and in the neighborhoods of New York, Senator Hillary Clinton has repeatedly put her expertise and power behind solutions that make the lives of the American people safer and more prosperous.
Ellen Malcolm
Clinton left the White House with all the class of an XFL halftime show.
Bill Maher
Clinton himself acted in ways which increased the threat of terror.
Noam Chomsky
I was well known to African Americans before Bill Clinton discovered me. He was like Christopher Columbus riding up on something he didn’t understand.
Sister Souljah
Obama has proved to be particularly adept at using the media to disseminate his administration’s messages, but he is a masterful orator. Bill Clinton, too.
Rebecca Traister
In a way I think Bill Clinton is more likely to forgive and move on or at least try to woo people who don’t love him. But he never really tried to woo the press as much as he might have.
Dee Dee Myers
Obama and Clinton make an interesting contrast in brands.
John Quelch
Richard Nixon was a criminally insane Monster – Bill Clinton is a black-hearted Swine of a friend.
Hunter S. Thompson
On the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton emphasized her experience. Yes, experience matters, but judgment matters more. Despite her experience, Hillary Clinton’s poor decisions have produced bad results. Just think about it.
Asa Hutchinson
Look, does gender play a part in how people perceive Hillary Clinton? Yes. But it’s also not the reason people criticize her about the emails or Benghazi.
Ana Navarro
Hillary Clinton has a strong and powerful voice regarding ending violence against women and girls.
Amanda Lindhout
An earthquake strikes Haiti, and care packages from America are among the first to arrive – and not far behind are former Presidents Clinton and Bush.
Mitt Romney
Clinton saw himself much more as the steward of alliances and of consensus that moved in the right direction. He didn’t see himself as someone who could change the overall thrust, I think, of global policy.
Barton Gellman
Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.
Donald Trump
I am not one of those people who has contempt for Hillary Clinton. I think she’s served our nation. I think there are things that she’s done that are very good.
Keith Ellison
Not everybody who supports Donald Trump, not everyone who supports Hilary Clinton, are exactly the kind of people that you want as supporters.
Sean Spicer
Clinton's egregious act of self-indulgence was outdone

Clinton’s egregious act of self-indulgence was outdone by an impeachment based not on constitutionally required high crimes and misdemeanors but on a vindictive determination to bring down a president who had offended self-righteous moralists eager to put a different political agenda in place.
Robert Dallek
Members of the FBI and the Department of Justice – some of whom ended up on Bob Mueller’s team to prosecute Donald Trump – did everything they could to exonerate Hillary Clinton for her crimes and incriminate Donald Trump with a non-existent crime.
Jeanine Pirro
Certainly the support for research in HIV/AIDS was good in the Clinton administration, good in the Bush administrations. It just was.
Anthony Fauci
In the Bill Clinton years, the foreign leader who visited the White House most often was Yasser Arafat – 13 times.
Elliott Abrams
My dad wasn’t the best speaker like a Bill Clinton, or a Henry Kissinger, but he had character.
Steven Ford
Lincoln and Clinton had a lot in common in the way they were elected: In both cases, they were dark horses. In both cases, they were from small states. In both cases, they were not the favorite for their parties’ nomination.
Dick Morris
Bill Clinton had to propose to Hillary Rodham several times before she agreed to marry him and move to Arkansas.
Rebecca Traister
This gets back to the fundamental lesson of political survival that Bill Clinton taught me, which is if you make it about the American people’s lives instead of your life, you’re going to be okay.
Paul Begala