Top 480 Clinton Quotes

Donald Trump is clearly the underdog in this race. Just about every organized institution has thrown everything it has at him. And they won’t stop until they get their wish, that Hillary Clinton will be sworn in on January 20, 2017.
Mike Gallagher
We’re still in the ditch, and the Gennifer Flowers story about Bill Clinton says it all. A tabloid fired several bullets into the air, and the rest of the herd began to stampede.
Richard Ben Cramer
In 2000, just before leaving the White House, Clinton ratcheted up military aid to Colombia. Plan Colombia, as the assistance program was called, provided billions of dollars to what was, and remains, the most repressive government in the hemisphere.
Greg Grandin
Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have left the U.S. with better relations with Iran and Cuba and worse relations with allies like Israel.
Blake Farenthold
The book shows Clinton in the presidency as a profile in growth.
Sidney Blumenthal
Donald Trump embraces his wealth. Hillary Clinton wants us to forget that she made $21.5 million on 92 speeches.
Kellyanne Conway
Beginning with the Clinton Administration and rapidly accelerating with the George W. Bush and Obama regimes and Tony Blair in England, the U.S. and U.K. governments have run roughshod over their accountability to law.
Paul Craig Roberts
I was the guy that told Bill Clinton he was going to wi

I was the guy that told Bill Clinton he was going to win. I had gotten the final polling numbers. He had a comfortable lead. He was not going to lose.
Paul Begala
The Beltway media went into caroming-off-the-walls hysterics over Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, whipping itself into a flaming casserole even as Clinton’s standing with the American people remained upright and firm, so to speak.
James Wolcott
I did not endorse Trump, because I had condemned President Obama for telling us what to do in our referendum. But I did say that if I was a U.S. citizen, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton even if she paid me.
Nigel Farage
To say that the United States has pursued diplomacy with North Korea is a little bit misleading. It did under the Clinton administration, though neither side completely lived up to their obligations. Clinton didn’t do what was promised, nor did North Korea, but they were making progress.
Noam Chomsky
For some Republicans, 2016 is 1992: Hating Hillary Clinton is chic again. Only more so, since the former secretary of state is also the partner of and potential successor to the last two Democratic presidents – Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Donna Brazile
Clinton… believes that the Washington Press Corps is so out of touch that it is absolutely inconceivable that reporters would understand the issues that people are really dealing with in their lives.
Bob Woodward
Clinton had absolutely zero honeymoon, none whatsoever.
Dee Dee Myers
Well, WorldCom’s growth exploded in the Clinton years, there’s no question, there’s no disputing that.
Don Nickles
Once upon a time, Bill Clinton was widely perceived as an ally and advocate for the needs of black people. However, it is the Clinton administration’s Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act that set the stage for the massive racial injustice we struggle with in law enforcement today.
Patrisse Cullors
I worked for a lot of candidates, in tough campaigns that lost. Most of my candidates lost until Bill Clinton. There was always a point where you look in their eyes and they knew it was over. And there was never that point with Clinton. He never quit. He never gave up.
Dee Dee Myers
One of the more fatuous remarks I’ve heard in recent days is that ‘My Life,’ Clinton’s autobiography, is too long and, at almost 1,000 pages, short it is not. But this man was for eight years the President of the most powerful country on earth.
Alastair Campbell
I always vote for the guy I think can get it done. And it ain’t nobody’s business who I vote for, but I voted for Clinton twice. And that just blows people’s minds when they hear that.
Toby Keith
Open borders would be clear access to this country without going through a legal immigration process, and that’s exactly what Mrs. Clinton is wanting us to do.
Darryl Glenn
The best thing the Democrats can do is to get Hillary Clinton elected.
Francois Hollande
From time to time, one imagined Bill Clinton had charisma, but it never really was more than an occasional false glare.
Michael Korda
Bill Clinton’s legacy on job creation should be assailed by none and admired by every presidential candidate who hopes to do the same.
David Brock
There was a slow-motion swift boating of Hillary Clinton in ’15.
David Brock
According to New York publishers, Bill Clinton will get more money for his book than Hillary Clinton got for hers. Well, duh. At least his book has some sex in it.
Jay Leno
Officials in the George W. Bush administration later criticized the cruise missile strikes that were ordered by President Bill Clinton in Afghanistan in 1998 as only ‘pounding sand.’
Peter Bergen
I used to chop up C-Span soundbites or interviews with politicians like John Kerry or Bill Clinton into a radio-esque show hosted by Awkwafina and her producer, Mookie. I would pitch down my vocals to have male guests and would send them to a small circle of friends after they were done.
Whether you are Hillary Clinton or any other lefty out there, you better beware because Trey Gowdy is out there, and he is going to get you.
Chuck Fleischmann
If it were the Clinton people, they’d be sitting around figuring out how to pull themselves out. Instead the president is continuing to go around the country and peddling Social Security, which the needle is not moving on.
Gwen Ifill
Writing at the ‘American Spectator’ in the 1990s, we threw everything we thought would stick at President Clinton.
David Brock
Hillary Clinton is the problem; she is not the solution to Donald Trump. We are the solution. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. This is our moment. Together, we do have the power to create an America and a world that works for all of us.
Jill Stein
The rise of ISIS is a result of – Obama and Clinton making a decision to pull our troops out without preparing Iraq is a colossal mistake.
Paul Manafort
Clinton understands that in a competitive global economy we need the best-educated workforce in the world. She and I worked together on a proposal that will revolutionize higher education in America.
Bernie Sanders
History shows that people often do cast their votes for amorphous reasons-the most powerful among them being the need for change. Just ask Bill Clinton.
Gwen Ifill
I’ve talked to Bill Clinton – he’s the ultimate rock star; no one’s more charming than him. People clap in a restaurant when he finishes dinner! I don’t get that treatment. I get it when I walk onstage, but not when I have dinner.
Why would we want to keep a tax cut that’s failed? Why would we not want to go back to the Clinton tax code? And why would we not want to help every family more with a health-care plan like mine? Let’s help average people. Let’s be Democrats.
Dick Gephardt
Bill Clinton sitting on Air Force One getting his hair cut while people around the country cooled their heels and waited for him, became a metaphor for a populist president who had gotten drunk with the perks of his own power and was sort of, you know, not sensitive to what people wanted.
Dee Dee Myers
When we say, ‘Look, Donald Trump was a friend to hip hop back in the day; so was Bill Clinton,’ It doesn’t mean that because he was a friend to hip hop back in the day, that the same Bill Clinton wasn’t at the lead of this mass incarceration of African Americans today.
I don't care about Clinton's haircuts or his affairs or

I don’t care about Clinton’s haircuts or his affairs or any of that stuff.
Tim Robbins
I’m humbled by the honor that President Clinton has done me in nominatinq me as Attorney General of the United States, and I’m going to do my very best to deserve his confidence.
Janet Reno
If Hillary Clinton had won the election, which, thank God she didn’t, but if she had… she would have fired Comey immediately.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
When it comes to the teapot tempest that is the Hillary Clinton email imbroglio, the real controversy isn’t about politics or regulations. It’s about journalism and the weak standards employed to manufacture the scandal du jour.
Kurt Eichenwald
I’m a Bill Clinton social Republican.
John Catsimatidis
From opposing unfair trade deals to fighting for a fair financial system, Hillary Clinton has shown she puts working families first. She knows as president that her first job will be creating jobs for the middle class. I am proud to endorse her today because I know she will keep Ohio moving forward.
Sherrod Brown
We have a crisis in nuclear weapons, and again, thanks very much to the Democrats: Bill Clinton, who removed us from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty framework for nuclear disarmament, and then Barack Obama, who created a trillion-dollar budget for us to spend on a new generation of nuclear weapons and modes of delivery.
Jill Stein
Trump wants to build a wall at the border of Mexico, while Clinton wants to tear down all walls.
Fabrizio Moreira
I am definitely a Hillary, a Secretary Clinton supporter. I think that she’s got the experience and the leadership capabilities to be the next president – and most importantly, her understanding of domestic and foreign policy and social issues.
Michael Kelly
I’m hearing echoes of Bill Clinton, circa 1996, in President Obama’s reelection rhetoric.
Ron Fournier
There’s a whole lot of America that looks at each other and says, ‘Well, there’s 340 million people living in America. Isn’t there somebody other than a Bush or a Clinton who can be president in these modern times?’
Jeb Bush
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have left us with $19 trillion in debt.
Sean Duffy
I’m not going to be lectured by Nathan Deal, who is a former Clinton Democrat. I will stack up my conservative credentials against his any day of the week.
Karen Handel
There’s no smarter politician out there than Bill Clinton.
Ed Rollins
I don’t consider this hard work. I love it, and I think I get to make a difference. I really believe in Secretary Clinton, and I want to feel like I’m part of making a difference; I really do.
Xavier Becerra