Top 484 Spending Quotes

At least half my writing time is spent researching. So for every hour I’m actually clicking on the keyboard, I’m spending another hour trying to figure out some tiny detail I need answered.
Gail Carriger
So my idea of neurotic is spending too much time trying to correct a wrong. When I feel that I’m doing that, then I snap out of it.
Gene Wilder
The world is too much with us; late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours.
William Wordsworth
There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Sam Walton
Whether it’s threats to Medicare, cuts in education spending, or Internet privacy, the ramifications got young people out to vote and should be enough to keep them involved in our political system.
Patrick Murphy
We are spending more money on bond holders than we are on our own citizens. It took 204 years to have this happen. The other party will not even allow a recorded vote on this issue so that we can see how people stand on that issue.
Jim Cooper
For more than a century, states have sought to protect the integrity of the democratic process at the state and local level by regulating corporate spending in elections.
Eric Schneiderman
I’m one of those sad cases who’ve never wanted to be anything but a writer. I started writing my first novel when I was five years old. I have no idea what it was about, but I do remember spending considerable time trying to get the title right, though this had more to do with crayon colour than scansion.
Justine Larbalestier
I’m spending a year dead for tax reasons.
Douglas Adams
My greatest pleasure is spending time with my family: my husband and daughter, but also my mother, my three sisters, and their families.
Siri Hustvedt
Unless you’re living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded turkey drumsticks, there’s no point in being gloomy. We’ve spent too long trying to cheer ourselves up by spending money on brightly coloured things we don’t really need. We’ve stopped using our imaginations.
Jarvis Cocker
Liberals tend to stress how marvelous education is, in and of itself, and also adore it as a vessel for genuine equality. (That’s me, by the way: Hell, I think we should be spending $50 billion a year to make college education free).
Rick Perlstein
After almost 50 years in which federal spending averaged about 20 percent of GDP, Joe Sestak and Nancy Pelosi took federal spending to 25 percent. You know, that’s a 25 percent increase in the size of the government overnight. That’s what we – that’s what we’ve got to rein in.
Pat Toomey
I’m finding myself really angry over spending and the deficit. I’m finding myself really angry over what’s happening in the Middle East, the decision to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. I’m angry about cap and trade. And I’ve been on record for a long time on the failed war on drugs.
Gary Johnson
Instead of cutting waste, the Obama Administration is hurting workers. President Obama should stop protecting wasteful government spending.
Tim Griffin
I mean, the Obama position has been, ‘We think government ought to be spending this money, not the people who earn it.’
Eric Cantor
We also must pull from our highest ideals of justice and protect against those ills that destabilized our economy – like predatory lending, over-leveraged financial institutions and the unchecked avarice of the past that trumped fairness and common sense. Our platform calls for significant cuts in federal spending.
Cory Booker
After years of working in professional kitchens, and then spending so much time in a lot of different home kitchens, I realized that there’s a huge gap in the market where you have people who develop cookware but who don’t actually cook.
Curtis Stone
As long as women are in the work force making their own money and decisions, men are going to have to realize that this way of life is here to stay – because it takes two incomes to make it and more now. The sooner you address your style of saving and spending with your mate the better off your relationship will be.
Patti Stanger
Going home, spending time with the family, I feel they’re my friends as well, all of them. I look forward to meeting any one of them for a coffee, and when we all get together, I just love it.
Domhnall Gleeson
Spending more time with my colleagues outside the Capitol helps build bipartisan relationships.
Erik Paulsen
Lincoln said you cannot be President without spending some item on your knees. I have repeated that and a bunch of Atheists got all over me. Wait a minute. Does that mean that you cannot be President if you are an Atheist? I say yea that does mean that.
George H. W. Bush
For me, I think being a conservative means you are focused on all four key principles: strong defense, lower taxes, less spending, and defending traditional American values.
Jim Jordan
We need to stop spending money on death, the war in Iraq and on enhancing the lives of the people in our own country.
Dick Morris
I’d be a lot more excited about eliminating earmarks if we reduced all of the spending by whatever the earmarks used to be, but nobody’s, apparently, going to talk about doing that.
Roy Blunt
Being mixed in the South, that’s a struggle that everybody deals with differently. Some people go careening to one side or the other, and some people try to walk a tightrope between the two. I grew up spending equal time with both sides of my family.
Rhiannon Giddens
The bottom line is, I hear my donors, I hear our base out there, I hear the leadership. And we’re taking steps to make sure that we’re even more – how shall we say it – fiscally conservative in our spending and certainly making sure the dollars are there when it’s time to run our campaigns.
Michael Steele
Consumerism is so weird. It’s a sort of conspiracy we collude in. You’d think shoppers spending their hard-earned cash would be highly critical. You know that the manufacturers are trying to have you on.
J. G. Ballard
The first step in making better choices is to simply be

The first step in making better choices is to simply be brutally honest about your own behavior to yourself. What are the choices you are making? How are you spending your time? What are you neglecting that you shouldn’t?
Mark Manson
I couldn’t do my show without spending 12 years on the streets of Humboldt Park. It made me a better interrogator. Still, if they had taken me out of my squad car and gave me a show, I would’ve been terrible. But on ‘Springer,’ the spotlight was on Jerry and I got to grow up within the show.
Steve Wilkos
Sadly, far too many politicians in Washington lack the courage to do something to fix our problems. They are worried about the political implications of making the hard choices we so desperately need to cut spending and shrink government.
Matt Salmon
I’m not a fugitive anymore. Never will be in the future. After spending five years in jail, you learn your lesson. I never want to return there.
Kevin Mitnick
While restoring a sense of fiscal discipline to Congress is a top priority, infrastructure spending is an important and necessary task of government. Our nation’s long-term debt requires us to prioritize and economize with every tax dollar.
Cynthia Lummis
I grew up in uptown Jamaica; I went to a rich school. I was raised by my mother and my stepfather; they made sure education came before anything. I had a good childhood, grew up spending time with my bigger brothers and sisters. My people are good people. I was exposed to a lot of different kinds of people and culture.
Damian Marley
At Concerned Veterans for America, we’ve made the case that the defense budget could be targeted for spending reform, but in a targeted fashion that genuinely changes unsustainable spending trajectories while preserving U.S. defense capacity.
Pete Hegseth
I don’t understand why people set limits, like I will buy a house, then car, and so on. But I ask them, what after you’ve achieved all that? I have come to realize the value other things, like nature, or spending time with my family in Ludhiana or peace of mind.
Abhinav Shukla
I think Forever 21 is a great way to get in on the trends without spending a lot of money.
Jessalyn Gilsig
If you could bring to me a majority of people to say that we’re going to have $10 of spending cuts for $1 of revenue enhancement, put me in, coach.
Jeb Bush
‘Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I’m addicted to spending and big government.’ I’d like one of them just to stand up and say that.
Glenn Beck
We do not have a revenue problem in D.C. or this county. We have a prioritization problem. When you create the priorities you fund the priorities of the country and you stop spending money when you get to zero.
Tim Scott
A Reagan appointee, Justice Kennedy is no liberal, as he has shown on issues from affirmative action to corporate campaign spending. But he has repeatedly sided with gay litigants before the court.
Adam Cohen
With the discovery of vast new North American energy resources – thanks to the application of proven technologies like hydraulic fracturing and commonsense regulatory processes on non-federal lands – the U.S. government should no longer be in the business of spending taxpayer dollars on risky, exotic energy projects.
Fred Upton
Pre-preproduction is the tenuous time before a project is greenlit; before the studio commits to spending real money. This is the most vulnerable period for any film because it’s the time when your project is most likely to be put into turnaround. That’s film-speak for killed off.
Peter Jackson
I have never believed in the fallacy that the federal government can buy its way out of economic troubles through needless spending. For that reason, I am proud to oppose ‘stimulus’ packages and endless corporate bailouts, which will do little but weaken the long-term integrity of the American economy.
John Fleming
Conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute have criticized Bush for his big increases in spending, which far exceed those of the Clinton era.
Jim Cooper