Top 485 Manner Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Manner Quotes from famous people such as Debbie Reynolds, Laurie Colwin, F. Sionil Jose, Chrysippus, David Douglas Duncan, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I was just a beginner, and she and I were not in any ma

I was just a beginner, and she and I were not in any manner alike, but we got along very well because I was in awe of going to school with Elizabeth Taylor.
Debbie Reynolds
When I was alone, I lived on eggplant, the stove top cook’s strongest ally. I fried it and stewed it, and ate it crisp and sludgy, hot and cold. It was cheap and filling and was delicious in all manner of strange combinations. If any was left over, I ate it cold the next day on bread.
Laurie Colwin
We must know our own roles. We should also know the roles that others play, and the rules such roles follow. In this manner, social harmony is maintained. It is when we overstep our roles, or act without knowing them, that social anarchy ensues.
F. Sionil Jose
If our minds were originally formed by nature in a sound and useful manner, then they pass on all the forces of fate, which imposes on us from outside in a relatively unobjectionable and more acceptable way.
Gandhi was a strange guy. There was this simplistic manner; but nobody knows what it cost to provide the simple life of Mohandas Gandhi. Nobody. He traveled on a train by himself.
David Douglas Duncan
Subsidies on petroleum products and fertilizers should be phased out in a defined, time-bound manner. The resources that would get freed up could then be used to fund various social sector programmes in education, healthcare and other priority sectors.
Baba Kalyani
I realized how far-reaching the effect of hip hop was when I walked by a jewelry store named Bling in a small, rural town in France. Hip hop has made a huge impact on urban culture. Yet many brands still don’t speak to young people in a tone and manner that’s representative of them.
Steve Stoute
Because God gave you your makeup and superintended every moment of your past, including all the hardship, pain, and struggles, He wants to use your words in a unique manner. No one else can speak through your vocal cords, and, equally important, no one else has your story.
Charles R. Swindoll
I have been developing a set of iconographies, and the free ponies are indeed one of the more successful ones. The free ponies are used in a pejorative manner towards politicians and others that are promising free stuff.
Vermin Supreme
I am quite old-fashioned: I wouldn’t consciously think ‘I am going to dress up in a sexy manner’ because it’s just not me. I like to look cheeky, friendly and approachable, and I wear bright colours, like a clown.
Lucy Worsley
Every one with this writ may be a tyrant; if this commission be legal, a tyrant in a legal manner, also, may control, imprison, or murder any one within the realm.
James Otis
I think anything goes in fiction as long as it fits within the interior logic of the work itself and is presented in a disciplined manner.
Hanya Yanagihara
Streaming TV shows, movies, and other types of video over the Internet to all manner of devices, once a fringe habit, is now a squarely mainstream practice. Even people still paying for cable or satellite service often also have Netflix or Hulu accounts.
Walt Mossberg
The fact that I spent my life in universities in a manner that I no longer have close identification with bricklayers is a pain to me.
Stanley Hauerwas
‘On earth the living have much to bear;’ the difference is chiefly in the manner of bearing, and my manner of bearing is far from being the best.
Jane Welsh Carlyle
We should not use special budget procedures to jam through legislation to drill in the Arctic Refuge. This topic is too important to the public to address it in such a back-door manner. We should be having a full, open discussion of the issue during an energy debate.
Russ Feingold
Problems should be solved by talking and not in an aggressive manner.
Ada Yonath
You have to win games by scoring points, of course, so that’s important. But when you’re having nights against a good defensive team, you have to win in a different manner. You have to win a defensive-type game.
Jerry West
Ordinary language carries with it conditions of meaning which it is easy to recognize by classifying the contexts in which the expression is employed in a meaningful manner.
Paul Ricoeur
The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.
Pierre Corneille
Sometimes it occurs to me that the job of a serious cultural critic mostly consists in telling the generality of people that their opinions – on films, on books, on all manner of widgets, gadgets and even the latest electronic fidgets – simply aren’t up to scratch.
Will Self
New technologies, innovative management, higher productivity, displacements in the labour market, increased migration – these are all provoking major economic, social, and political shifts. These shifts need to be better understood if we are to address them in a positive and effective manner.
Roberto Azevedo
Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
Noam Chomsky
You want women to think of you in a sexy manner. It’s all part of the business. It drives ticket sales. It’s all a part of it.
Luke Bryan
When conducted with proper preparation, and in a focused and professional manner, oversight of executive branch actions can reveal serious shortcomings by government officials and help prevent recurrence; the ‘Waco hearings,’ conducted over a two-week period in 1995, stand as an example of such an undertaking.
Bob Barr
In March of 1933 we witnessed a revolution in manner, in mores, in the definition of government. What before had been black or white sprang alive with color.
Emanuel Celler
Monetary policy ultimately must be conducted in a pragmatic manner that relies not on any particular indicator or model but, instead, reflects an ongoing assessment of a wide range of information in the context of our ever-evolving understanding of the economy.
Janet Yellen
I had been, you know, held in the closet for two months and, you know, abused in all manner of ways. I was very good at doing what I was told.
Patty Hearst
The West coast money and the East coast money, in an ever-increasing manner, is finding its way to Chicago.
Eric Lefkofsky
Water Metro is the first water transport system of its kind in India. The project will be implemented in a timely manner and the first phase will become a reality in March 2020.
Pinarayi Vijayan
Preventing staff from having too much influence and decision-making power is fairly easy. Appropriate procedural safeguards can be installed to prevent staff from, among other things, self-dealing, making decisions in an isolated manner, or committing funds without oversight.
Michael O’Rielly
I'm going to do some consulting for nonprofits and arts

I’m going to do some consulting for nonprofits and arts agencies. These are areas I’m interested in that didn’t come directly out of Harvard, but certainly I started looking at things in a different manner.
Damian Woetzel
To summarize, the particular song a male sings, and the behavioral responses of females to song and morphological signals, are not genetically inherited in a fixed manner but are determined by learning early in life.
Peter R. Grant
Social-impact partnerships address our moral responsibilities to ensure that social programs actually improve recipients’ lives, and to do so in a fiscally prudent manner.
Todd Young
We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.
Albert Einstein
By combining chemical, biochemical and physical techniques, it has thus become possible to investigate the nature of enzymic catalysis in a novel manner, complementary to the other approaches which have developed over the same period.
John Cornforth
May joy and good fellowship reign, and in this manner, may the Olympic Torch pursue its way through ages, increasing friendly understanding among nations, for the good of a humanity always more enthusiastic, more courageous and more pure.
Pierre de Coubertin
The manner in which life constructs itself must be dealing with some other principle which we’ve failed to identify.
Simon Conway Morris
The end of life is likely to be an important focus for innovation. Most people die in hospitals, tied up with tubes and with their bodies pumped full of drugs. Yet most would rather die at home and with more control over the timing and manner of their death.
Geoff Mulgan
The Clinton paradox: How could a president so intelligent, so compassionate, so public-spirited and so conscious of his place in history act in such a stupid, selfish and self-destructive manner?
George Stephanopoulos
Reasonable regulations are essential to protect consumers from harmful practices and ensure that consumer financial markets operate in a fair, transparent, competitive manner.
Richard Cordray
The nice thing about ‘Arrow’ is we never say never on the show. Hopefully the show will have a nice long life, and all manner of things can potentially happen.
Marc Guggenheim
It is our family’s hope that the true legacy and context of Malcolm X’s life continues to be shared with people from all walks of life in a positive manner that helps promote the goals and ideals for which Malcolm X so passionately advocated.
Ilyasah Shabazz
Anyone will tell you if you want to run a business, you need to monitor costs and revenues. In the same manner, if you want to run your body, you need to monitor intake and returns. It’s in your best interest.
Esther Dyson
He will therefore have to use what knowledge he can achieve, not to shape the results as the craftsman shapes his handiwork, but rather to cultivate a growth by providing the appropriate environment, in the manner in which the gardener does this for his plants.
Friedrich August von Hayek
Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
Les Brown
I think there’s a responsibility of the publisher, of the company, to make sure the staple books that have been around for decades come out in a timely manner.
Jim Lee
We should draw deep into Madiba’s wisdom. We should draw deep into Madiba’s style of doing things in an orderly manner, in a purposeful manner, in a way where we focus.
Cyril Ramaphosa
Any creative professional lives on high emotions and while others might handle stress of life in a calmer manner, we are sensitive and vulnerable to issues.
Supriya Pathak
Many men of science and poets have in their own manner, by various ways and means, and aided by others, sought unceasingly to create a more tolerable world for everyone.
Eyvind Johnson
Courage that grows from constitution often forsakes a man when he has occasion for it; courage which arises from a sense of duty acts; in a uniform manner.
Joseph Addison
A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner.
Thomas Carlyle
My mother imparted on me that I must be a good custodian of my father’s name and that is what I ask of my children. One should conduct themselves in the correct manner, respect one’s elders and do the right thing.
Chris Eubank Sr.
Poetry is that art which selects and arranges the symbols of thought in such a manner as to excite the imagination the most powerfully and delightfully.
William Cullen Bryant
What is important for a leader is that you walk in a stable manner in your own shoes and do not trip.
Chanda Kochhar
He bit his lip in a manner which immediately awakened my maternal sympathy, and I helped him bite it.
S. J. Perelman
The chief benefit, which results from philosophy, arises in an indirect manner, and proceeds more from its secret, insensible influence, than from its immediate application.
David Hume
We never do anything well till we cease to think about the manner of doing it.
William Hazlitt
Our government should never stop anyone from practicing their faith or exercising their rights to operate a business if it can be done in a safe manner.
Jeff Van Drew
I think I’m expected to behave in a certain manner.
Gary Lineker
There is a right to protest in our country, but at times the manner in which the protest is done breaks all permissible levels. I don’t agree with it at all.
Balachandra Menon
We’re not going to attract new businesses if we don’t have safe subway systems where everyday employees are able to get to their work in a safe manner.
Eric Adams
I need to be more cautious while determining which poin

I need to be more cautious while determining which points in the match I have to focus and how I can win break points in a more assured manner.
Kei Nishikori
In a manner of speaking, the poem is its own knower, neither poet nor reader knowing anything that the poem says apart from the words of the poem.
Allen Tate
So I had to be careful. I recognized the responsibility that, whether I liked it or not, I had to accept whatever the obligation was. That was to behave in a manner, to carry myself in such a professional way, as if there ever is a reflection, it’s a positive one.
Sidney Poitier
He who confesses magic or sorcery shall do penance for the time of murder, and shall be treated in the same manner as he who convicts himself of this sin.
Saint Basil
I feel my knees changing – like, why do I have this pain when I’m running on the treadmill? What’s going on with my lower back when I wake up in the morning? I just feel changes. And I’m definitely fearful in a very vain manner about my body ageing.
Jessica Biel
There are a lot of people out there who will try to take advantage of you or are predators in a certain way. Women must stand up and speak out about it. Also, anybody who says that they have been wronged should be supported in every possible manner.
Huma Qureshi
I handled myself as a quarterback in the manner I thought necessary.
Troy Aikman
The more I learn about industry structures, the more I feel that once a company has paid the fee, in a manner of speaking, to enter a sector, it becomes even harder to stay afloat.
Anand Mahindra
Wind ought to be a verb or an adverb. It isn’t really anything. It’s a manner of movement of warmth and cold: a kind of information system of the air.
Alice Oswald
Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.
Samuel Adams
The ideas which led to the Analytical Engine occurred in a manner wholly independent of any that were connected with the Difference Engine. These ideas are indeed, in their own intrinsic nature, independent of the latter engine and might equally have occurred had it never existed nor even been thought of at all.
Ada Lovelace
Style is not something applied. It is something that permeates. It is of the nature of that in which it is found, whether the poem, the manner of a god, the bearing of a man. It is not a dress.
Wallace Stevens
The imaginations of believers have dressed up and exaggerated the excellence of the style and matter of the New Testament generally, in the same manner, in which they have the moral instructions of Jesus.
Lysander Spooner
Working in a bipartisan manner, with Congress and the support of the American people, Trump can, in fact, make America great again.
Lawrence Kudlow
The great irony of management is that the higher up you go, the less actual control you have. When you are but a humble coder, you make the computer do exactly what you want; when you’re a manager, you only hope that people understand what you want, and then trust/pray that they do it both correctly and in a timely manner.
Jon Evans
I hate letting goals in, and some of them have come in a bit of an awkward manner.
Joe Hart
I gained my inspiration from former U.S. president Barack Obama, because he tries to do things differently, things which other people do in an ordinary manner.
Ashish Vidyarthi
I would like to thank the Commonwealth Games Federation for the very fair manner in which this matter has been dealt with.
Kim Collins
Boxing is allowed to exist as an exception to state laws against violence on the premise that it will be regulated in a manner that protects the combatants physically and financially.
Thomas Hauser
There is no excuse whatsoever for men to harass women in an abusive sexual manner. And, I am devastated that anyone should deem me capable of thinking otherwise.
Angela Lansbury
A studio that’s designed to make television shows is not a studio designed to make a fashion line, so a lot of times, we have ideas for things we might want to do but don’t necessarily have the infrastructure to do them in a timely manner.
Stephanie Savage
As a kid, sometimes you have nobody to turn to. I could always go back to some of the sermons and talk to myself in a righteous manner and put that in a song.
Curtis Mayfield
If I had been trying to take the job away from him in a sneaky, underhand manner, then I deserved all I got. But it was the other way around. I was trying to get him the job.
Ian St. John
Most Europeans like the American manner of living. They’ve been exposed to the U.S. through American television shows.
Robert Wolders
He can develop sense and style, in the manner of distinguished modern prose, in which event he may be sure that the result will not fall into any objective form.
John Crowe Ransom
K-2 in winter is something people had thought about for a long time, but had never accomplished. For me, more satisfaction came from winter K2 because it was done in a different manner and style, a message of team unification rather than just me climbing for myself.
Nirmal Purja
Just as a mother finds pleasure in taking her little child on her lap, there to feed and caress him, in like manner our loving God shows His fondness for His beloved souls who have given themselves entirely to Him and have placed all their hope in His goodness.
Alphonsus Liguori
I believe getting rid of the divide between men and women will truly establish what it is to be equal. Fashion is increasingly acting as a weapon of change, inspiring ideas that blur that division, albeit in a subliminal manner.
Masaba Gupta
I’m always willing to have a conversation about strengthening our national security in a long-term, comprehensive, and cost-effective manner.
Abigail Spanberger
I used the dictionary very minimally and I just wrote how I speak. And I speak very hateful manner usually. I constantly did that because I think the fans would get more out of it if they understood exactly what I’m saying – exactly where I’m coming from.
Kerry King
The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.
Brian Tracy
A news organization has a much different responsibility

A news organization has a much different responsibility. I might not be telling you the whole story. I might not be telling you a story in a manner that is properly sophisticated.
Aaron Sorkin
I definitely try to live my life in a very fearless manner, but there are no other sports that you jump from a three-story building and land on your hands! Diving is a lot like life. You just have to trust in what you know and allow it to happen.
Keshia Knight Pulliam
Living in this manner also gave them the opportunity to locate targets and develop methods of attack that would make the most impact on the population, infrastructure, and governments of these areas.
Jo Bonner
We want people to have the right to express their concerns and frustration and protest in a peaceful manner.
Larry Hogan
When a system is considered in two different states, the difference in volume or in any other property, between the two states, depends solely upon those states themselves and not upon the manner in which the system may pass from one state to the other.
Rudolf Arnheim
Say not that honor is the child of boldness, nor believe thou that the hazard of life alone can pay the price of it: it is not to the action that it is due, but to the manner of performing it.
Europe can’t take in huge masses of foreign people in an unlimited, uncontrolled manner.
Viktor Orban
It is an endless procession of surprises. The expected rarely occurs and never in the expected manner.
Vernon A. Walters
Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited… It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.
Antonin Scalia
We can’t avoid that our daily and intimate manner of speaking is sometimes rough.
Jose Mujica
A government of, by and for the people is obligated to conduct the nation’s business in a manner that respects dissent.
Jim Leach
Resolution can be in any form – S4A, SDR or restructuring – but we need an enabling environment where bankers feel comfortable to take decisions and where they also feel obliged to implement decisions in a timely manner.
Chanda Kochhar
With any book, I try to find where the manner of the making of the book is appropriate to the matter of the subject.
Chris Raschka
While American intellectual property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the protection of political and civil rights on the Internet.
Rebecca MacKinnon
We try to say it’s creative and in a manner it is creative, but it is a business, because today, with the cost factor in crossing the boundaries that you do.
Skitch Henderson
I think objectifying women is not wrong if only her beauty is captured in an aesthetic manner.
Kriti Kharbanda
Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be.
Marcus Aurelius
Mistaken identity, of course, has been the province of much postcolonial fiction. An important feature of this writing is the manner in which misrecognition has haunted all cognition.
Amitava Kumar
Young people are often portrayed in a very negative and stereotypical manner.
Sarah Lancashire
I was actually tone deaf until I had tumors in my ears – I had very small ear canals – removed. Once they fixed that, I was actually able to sing in a pleasant manner.
Lauren Worsham
I come out and say what needs to be said but in a manner that makes people feel comfortable.
Josh Blue
We need sobriety, rationality, and civility in the discussions on the regulation of financial institutions so that the banks can return in a robust manner to their central role in funding the economy.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
Mirzapur’s female characters are very strong, liberated women. Infact, the boys are leaning on us and we are contributing to the plot in a very strong manner.
Shriya Pilgaonkar
Healthy fiction, no matter how wildly it may depart from the material order, teaches us to love ourselves in a wholesome manner by loving our neighbor. Indeed, even by loving our enemies – at least by trying to learn to love them, and by believing that it is right to do so. With grace this is possible.
Michael O’Brien
Ultimately, there is no entity called ‘government’; there are only people forming themselves into groups called ‘governments’ and acting in a ‘governmental’ manner.
Murray Rothbard
It seems like I have been fighting someone, something, someplace, in some manner, my whole life.
Roddy Piper
I am not supposed to reveal much about my role in ‘Thiruppangal.’ But I can say that I am playing a journalist. It is a beautiful story, and I have got a meaty role to play. Sharadha Narayanan is shaping up the movie in an interesting manner.
Andrea Jeremiah
Characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.
Norman Vincent Peale
Science is a way of life. Science is a perspective. Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that’s precise, predictive and reliable – a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional.
Brian Greene
Russia made a decisive contribution to the victory over Nazism. That’s clear to every honest observer. So, therefore, in a certain manner, it is indeed part of the country’s national psyche.
Dmitry Medvedev
As I was writing, I realised I wasn't sufficiently extr

As I was writing, I realised I wasn’t sufficiently extrovert to gather enough interesting souls with tall tales around me. I was no Louis Theroux. But neither was I interested in exploring my inner life in public, in the manner of a Jonathan Raban.
Clive Sinclair
Bush and Blair combined their efforts to deceive both nations in a carefully coordinated manner, more so than anyone is willing to point out in the media.
Bianca Jagger
I have a certain manner of speech that is unique to me. I tried once to have my staff tweet for me, and it was a disaster! People knew right away that it wasn’t me.
No country by itself and in an isolated manner would ever be able to effectively address the challenges it faces.
Hassan Rouhani
I studied music; I studied theater. I went to school for it, so I kind of treat it in that manner, that whether or not I can hang out, I’ve always been the one to go in my room and chill.
What is it that makes us trust our judges? Their independence in office and manner of appointment.
John Marshall
People perceive actresses in a different manner when they are portrayed glamorously. I don’t want that to happen with me.
Sai Pallavi
I do not – I never believed it’s better to kill a terrorist than to detain him. We want to detain as many terrorists as possible so we can elicit the intelligence from them in the appropriate manner so that we can disrupt follow-on terrorist attacks.
John O. Brennan
If people and their manner of living were alike everywhere, there would not be much point in moving from one place to another.
Paul Bowles
We want to ensure that as a user is moving through their world, their data is following them in an appropriate manner.
Peggy Johnson
A man’s own manner and character is what most becomes him.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Vanguard Experiment was designed to prove that mutual funds could operate independently, and do so in a manner that would directly benefit their shareholders.
John C. Bogle
We have to pay attention to developing well, in the correct manner, the human aspects also in the professions, in respect of other persons, in being concerned for others, which is the best way of being concerned for ourselves.
Pope Benedict XVI
The way I’ve grown up, the manner I am today, reflects on my mother.
Yannick Bolasie
The manner of the country makes the usage of life there, and the land will not be lived in except in its own fashion.
Mary Hunter Austin
Inconsistency on the part of pastors and the faithful between what they say and what they do, between word and manner of life, is undermining the Church’s credibility.
Pope Francis
Religious symbols should be visible in public space, in a dignified and non-provocative manner. Christmas trees here, Jewish menorahs there and, further along, a minaret – these symbols represent human life in all its diversity.
Tariq Ramadan
At the Super Bowl, when Beyonce was thrusting her hips forward in a very suggestive manner, if someone else had done that, it would’ve been a national scandal. I thought it was ridiculous.
Donald Trump
Come on, we would be foolish to say that there’s never been African-American leads in some capacity, people of color in some capacity, leading shows or what have you. But it hasn’t happened enough and in a manner that is an accurate reflection of the world that we live in.
Mahershala Ali
The charge of being ambiguous and indefinite may be brought against every human composition, and necessarily arises from the imperfection of language. Perhaps no two men will express the same sentiment in the same manner and by the same words; neither do they connect precisely the same ideas with the same words.
Oliver Ellsworth
Imagine: in the medieval ages, there was no evidence of how the history of mankind has been affected by witchcraft. But there is significant factual history of how brutality and sadism of mankind have been displayed in the most obscene manner in the name of witch-hunt.
Kangana Ran
The custom of speaking to God Almighty as freely as with a slave – caring nothing whether the words are suitable or not, but simply saying the first thing that comes to mind from being learnt by rote by frequent repetition – cannot be called prayer: God grant that no Christian may address Him in this manner.
Saint Teresa of Avila
Inserting the FCC into our states’ economic and fiscal affairs sets a dangerous precedent and violates state sovereignty in a manner that warrants deeper examination.
Marsha Blackburn
I have a lot of friends who have nothing to do with the acting profession and they really liked seeing a woman of their age being represented on TV in what they felt to be a very realistic manner.
Lesley Sharp
I think it’s the tragedy of our time that we’re not aware of the affect of the manner in which we’ve adopted tools. Those tools have become who we are.
Godfrey Reggio
What I would like to do is to leave behind a sustainable entity of a set of companies that operate in an exemplary manner in terms of ethics, values and continue what our ancestors left behind.
Ratan Tata
We must continue to step in and stand up to resist reckless rhetoric and actions in a peaceful and forceful manner.
Gavin Newsom
Every man, woman and child in the global community has a right to be treated in a fair and equal manner and this should be both understood and upheld.
This Congress has promised all manner of border security and port security to the tune of billions of dollars… yet we have – to date – funded our promises for port security at only $900 million. That’s quite a distance between what we say and what we actually do.
Solomon Ortiz
Well into the 20th century, black people spoke of their flight from Mississippi in much the same manner as their runagate ancestors had.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Its nice when your admirers address you in an exclusive manner.
Radhika Pandit
In their heyday, the Pet Shop Boys were the Interpol of

In their heyday, the Pet Shop Boys were the Interpol of the Eighties, dressing up to sing really weird pop songs about lust and loneliness in the big city. They’re low-pro now, not retro-worshipped in the manner of Depeche Mode, New Order, or The Cure, but you can hear the reason why – these guys are too sad.
Rob Sheffield
Natural gas emits only half the carbon dioxide of coal when burned, but if methane leaks when oil companies extract it from the ground in a sloppy manner – methane is far more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide – it can wipe out all the advantages of natural gas over coal.
Thomas Friedman
As a blind man has no idea of colors, so have we no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things.
Isaac Newton
We are very fortunate to be recognized here in such an extraordinary manner for work that we enjoy.
Sidney Altman
One of the great mysteries of the Trump era has been the missed opportunities for the first lady to stamp her mark on the White House. With her stylish good looks, straightforward manner and unique migrant life story, Melania Trump should have been a much more popular asset to the administration.
Miranda Devine
Christianity has kept itself going for centuries on hope alone, and has perpetrated all manner of naughtiness in the meantime.
Rachel Cusk
Democrats should be focused on which way we can help the most people in this country, and Republicans should be focused on how to do that in the most fiscally responsible manner possible.
Lewis Black
Kind words produce happiness. How often have we ourselves been made happy by kind words, in a manner and to an extent which we are unable to explain!
Frederick William Faber
I constantly have anxiety about being the lead of the show. I don’t talk about it because it scares me. But I’ve always wanted to be part of something where I could work on a character in such a big manner, and you get offered that with all the trappings of being the lead of the show.
Erica Durance
I have been part of a lot of recreations. So, I don’t think there’s any harm in doing recreations if they are done in the correct manner.
Tulsi Kumar
Books are to be distinguished by the grandeur of their topics even more than by the manner in which they are treated.
Henry David Thoreau
Everybody has a right to like or dislike anything or anyone. From a flower to a flavor to a book or a composition but it is very sad that in our country we actually fight over such things in an unseemly manner.
Ravi Shankar
I’m happy to talk to anybody but do it in the right manner.
Kasper Schmeichel
Japanese children have infinitely more developed bodies than those in the West. From the age of two, a child learns to sit in a perfectly balanced manner; between two and three, the child begins to bow regularly, which is a wonderful exercise for the body.
Peter Brook
We should seek a system that provides outlets for those skills and talents so that everyone can find a way to work and serve in a manner that best suits the strengths of each individual.
Lee R. Raymond
You can have a job and then it can be gone the next day. I’ve never become so emotionally attached to a job. So going back to Days’ for a return, a revival of Eric in a different manner, was exciting for me.
Greg Vaughan
At CARE, a leading humanitarian organization, we recognize people live their lives in a holistic manner. Issues such as health care, education and economic empowerment cannot be addressed in a vacuum. Thus, effective programs need to tackle the multiple root causes of poverty.
Helene D. Gayle
The actor depends wholly on himself. He gives his performance in what, to him, seems the most effective manner.
Bela Lugosi
After every game I analyse my performance with the goalkeeping coach in a very critical manner. There is certain criticism you will take on board and other things that do not affect you. You cannot look too far into that because it can destruct you in a certain way.
Simon Mignolet
I find it utterly bizarre that total strangers write about your life in a completely fictional manner.
Helena Christensen
The question was, ‘Is there a way of minimizing the amount of damage you’re doing so that you can then study cells in a physiological manner while also studying them at high spatial and temporal resolution for a long time?’
Eric Betzig
The tree was evidently aged, from the size of its stem. It was about six feet high, the branches came out from the stem in a regular and symmetrical manner, and it had all the appearance of a tree in miniature.
Robert Fortune
The more you talk about – and live by – your principles, the harder it will be for others to treat you in a morally ambiguous manner.
Pamela Meyer
I believe you have a responsibility to comport yourself in a manner that gives an example to others. As a young man, I prayed for success. Now I pray just to be worthy of it.
Brendan Fraser
The men and women cut their hair close round to the ears and eyes. The women, after the manner of the Parthians, cover their heads with a large white veil, folded together in the form of a crown.
Giraldus Cambrensis
In like manner, if I let myself believe anything on insufficient evidence, there may be no great harm done by the mere belief; it may be true after all, or I may never have occasion to exhibit it in outward acts.
William Kingdon Clifford
My knowledge of electrical subjects was not acquired in a methodical manner but was picked up from such books as I could get hold of and from such experiments as I could make with my own hands.
Alexander Graham Bell
During the holiday season, we’ve asked everyone within the sound of my voice that if you’re going to celebrate, celebrate in a responsible manner.
Jesse White
Kentucky HEALTH will allow us to continue to provide expanded Medicaid coverage. But unlike the current Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, it will do so in a fiscally responsible manner that ensures better health outcomes for recipients.
Matt Bevin
The major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner.
Gordon B. Hinckley
The Devonian and Cornishman will be found by the visitor to be courteous and hospitable. There is no roughness of manner where unspoiled by periodic influx of strangers; he is kindly, tender-hearted, and somewhat suspicious.
Sabine Baring-Gould
If your diet is dialed in, you can train in a pretty su

If your diet is dialed in, you can train in a pretty subpar manner and still get passable results. On the other hand, if your training is fantastic but your diet is crap, you have a harder road ahead of you.
John Romaniello
I studied harmony and composition in a very spontaneous manner.
Alejo Carpentier
There is a requirement to ensure the withdrawal takes place in a civilized manner. We will be able to show the world we deserve independence and freedom.
Mahmoud Abbas
The only thing the Pop Artists had in common is that we all had been commercial artists in some manner. Lichtenstein was a draftsman; I was a billboard painter, but we didn’t work together. I didn’t meet Andy Warhol until 1964.
James Rosenquist
When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.
Stuart Scott
It is quite true that women like courage, and that boldness often goes a long way; but it is questionable whether with high-bred natures a subdued, quiet, and delicate manner does not go still further.
Richard Jefferies
The right of property holds good in all society; but in the West, ethics invade the personal life in a manner unknown to the East, so much so that the Oriental stands agape at our folly, knowing well that every man brings different instincts and ideas into the world with him.
George A. Moore
Luckily, thanks to the way my parents taught me, I think I can handle the fame in the right manner.
Alessandro Del Piero
And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.
Black Elk
Making movies has become such a golden ring, and it’s all such a big business, that the rewards system has gotten totally out of whack. Suddenly, you’re treated in a manner befitting someone who is actually an important person.
Ben Affleck
I wanted to do well academically. But it was equally important to do things in an effortless manner.
Amal Clooney
For nearly a century and a half, this country deluded itself into thinking that its greatest calamity, the Civil War, had nothing to do with one of its greatest sins, enslavement. It deluded itself in this manner despite available evidence to the contrary.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
We’ve got tremendous dumping of steel into our country and aluminum into our country – all manner of products being sold in our country at below cost, stealing American jobs or depressing wages.
Peter Navarro
I gotta answer the hard questions in a hard-type manner. Anything else would be uncivilized.
Pimp C
Taiwan needs to start looking at some asymmetric and anti-access area denial strategies and really fortify itself in a manner that would deter the Chinese from any sort of amphibious invasion or even a gray zone operation against them.
Robert C. O’Brien
We do policy but we can only do policy an effective manner when we keep in front of us the human faces behind the policy we would create.
Raphael Warnock
I wanted to make ’13 Assassins’ in the old manner, to use old techniques and not to rely on modern-day ones such as CGI, or editing that changes the speed.
Takashi Miike
To suggest that all members of the Republican conference represent their district in a manner that’s reflective of the makeup of their district would not be accurate.
Mark Meadows
If philosophy is practice, a demand to know the manner in which its history is to be studied is entailed: a theoretical attitude toward it becomes real only in the living appropriation of its contents from the texts.
Karl Jaspers
I lived my twenties in a very public manner and if anyone’s twenties are documented it’s not always going to be pretty.
Sienna Miller
With social media, one can target the audience and reach out to the segment in a very precise, cost-effective manner.
Ravi Subramanian
The more comfortable I got onstage, the more comfortable I got expressing myself in a physical manner. And it almost shocked people – ‘Oh, is there something happening?’
Sebastian Maniscalco
An open, competitive, and liberalized financial market can effectively allocate scarce resources in a manner that promotes stability and prosperity far better than governmental intervention.
Henry Paulson
I am devoted to my husband and son. I am devoted to the practices and rituals that imbue our lives with a sense of meaning and purpose, that help me to live my days in the most emotionally and intellectually productive manner. I am devoted to the idea of devotion itself.
Dani Shapiro
My role as Chitra is synonymous to my character in real life. If Chitra is crying or shouting or reacting in a certain way then Sudha would have reacted in the same manner.
Sudha Chandran
I think that music and visual arts can complement themselves nicely. They do different things – the music forces you into a different mood and perspective whilst the visual stuff can engage you in a more direct cognitive manner.
Aaron Koblin
The wide and unregulated power of contempt given to the courts has been deliberately interpreted by the courts in a manner which has served to intimidate the media from exposing corruption and misbehaviour by the courts and judges.
Prashant Bhushan
But I think there was a sense amongst the House Republicans especially that we didn’t just want to be opposed to Bill Clinton; that we wanted to tell the country what we were for and to brand ourselves in a more positive manner.
Ed Gillespie
I got tired of seeing people rush through the national anthem so they could have their popcorn and get to the game. Nobody ever sang the anthem with soul. It was always done clinically and they always stuck to the original. I put feeling into it. I sang it in a soulful manner.
Jose Feliciano
Painting is sometimes like those recipes where you do all manner of elaborate things to a duck, and then end up putting it on one side and only using the skin.
Lucian Freud
Historians will have to face the fact that natural selection determined the evolution of cultures in the same manner as it did that of species.
Konrad Lorenz
Kindness is weak when you use it in a self-serving mann

Kindness is weak when you use it in a self-serving manner. Self-serving kindness is thin – people can see right through it when a kind leader has an agenda.
Travis Bradberry
In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I believe in form and the manner of what you say being as important as the content of what you say.
Alexa Hirschfeld
The Finance Ministry will ensure regular assessment so that our announcements, especially those pertaining to the banking sector, are implemented in a time-bound manner. We are here to support small businesses and the industry at large.
Anurag Thakur
Just as Divinity descends in a certain manner, to the extent that one communicates with Nature, so one ascends to Divinity through Nature, just as by means of a life resplendent in natural things one rises to the life that presides over them.
Giordano Bruno
A small species of pinus was much prized, and, when dwarfed in the manner of the Chinese, fetched a very high price; it is generally grafted on a variety of the stone pine.
Robert Fortune
After all manner of professors have done their best for us, the place we are to get knowledge is in books. The true university of these days is a collection of books.
Albert Camus
Actors cannot choose the manner in which they are born. Consequently, it is the one gesture in their lives completely devoid of self-consciousness.
Helen Hayes
I have now established myself in a most enviable manner. Those who require something of me must seek me out – I remain apart. I work for no one unless he is a high-ranking personality or a friend.
Francisco Goya
For both reasons, owing to the thermal motion and to the working together of various wavelengths, factors arise which, in a similar manner to the structural factor, exert some influence upon the brightness of the interference points but not upon their location.
Max von Laue
I am said to be difficult of acquaintance, unwilling to meet any one half way, and showing a social manner which is easy, not diffident, but formal and unresponsive, tending constantly to hold people off.
Albert J. Nock
When I was in college, I did do some writing of poetry, somewhat inspired, I think at that time, by Carl Sandburg, because English was still relatively new to me, and Sandburg, of course, wrote in a very easy-to-understand, very colloquial and informal manner.
Lisel Mueller
Having my own label, I have to look at things in a realistic, bottom-line manner.
Mike Patton
But I say these things in an objective dispassionate manner because, you know, and I can’t explain why, but being one of the greatest guitarists in the world simply is not very important to me.
John Fahey
People who like to fume about the manner in which Disney changed beloved classics are often ignorant of history, not to mention the realities of show business.
Kage Baker
The manner in which people’s families and children are targeted does not suit Maharashtra’s culture. The ones targeting families and children must remember that even they have families.
Uddhav Thackeray
When you don’t know how to fight you tend to put all your energy into one punch. That will tire you out quickly. You learn to keep energy in reserve and use your body in an efficient manner.
Tom Payne
There’s a difference between a young goalkeeper and an experienced goalkeeper. In a pressure situation, an experienced goalkeeper can handle the situation in a calm manner.
P. R. Sreejesh
I play characters, and I try to play them in a manner that’s appropriate to the script. Physical movement and vitality of language is part of character.
Tommy Lee Jones
I treat everyone with the same respect they treat me with. Just because I earn more money doesn’t make me more special than them or give me the right to talk to them in a certain manner.
Daniel Sturridge
Athletes and actors do really crazy things, and we do them under weird circumstances because we love what we do and because we take things in an extreme manner.
Anika Noni Rose
The Bishop, as I have remarked, was not very dignified on all occasions, and sometimes acted in such a manner as would not have appeared well in public.
Maria Monk
So for twelve miles I rode with Sherman, and we became fast friends. He asked me all manner of questions on the way, and I found that he knew my father well, and remembered his tragic death in Salt Creek Valley.
Buffalo Bill
We are not won by arguments that we can analyze, but by tone and temper; by the manner, which is the man himself.
Louis D. Brandeis
Playing the good guy is tough because you know as well as I do, in real life, you have to watch your P’s and Q’s and conduct yourself in a respectable manner if you expect to have friends.
R. Lee Ermey
The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.
Stephen Hawking
Not even a maggot is an it, and to refer to any animal in that manner is an affectation, an ignorant stab at science-speak.
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Do people really want liberty, equality, fraternity? Is it not some manner of speaking?
Krzysztof Kieslowski
The Justice Department is staunchly committed to ensuring that all Americans are treated in a fair and just manner.
Janet Reno
I write in a mathematical manner. For some of my songs, I rhyme every syllable. It’s a science.
Tech N9ne
In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.
Alex Haley
My mother has brought me up in a manner that has allowe

My mother has brought me up in a manner that has allowed me to retain my values, ideologies, and philosophies. I was let loose, just enough to develop an individual personality.
Ishaan Khatter
My second husband believed I had such a fickle attitude to friendship that each Friday he would update the list of my ‘Top Ten’ friends in the manner of a Top Of The Pops chart countdown.
Julie Burchill
In the arts the way in which an idea is rendered, and the manner in which it is expressed, is much more important than the idea itself.
Jacques-Louis David
When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.
Our nation has abundant energy resources available, and American energy resources are extracted, refined and transported in an environmentally conscious manner.
Andrew R. Wheeler
If you want to write an angry e-mail, write it but don’t send it. It’s based on my experience that whenever I have acted out in some manner, I have always regretted it.
Tim Gunn
First, they were bred when I was not capable to observe or before I was born; likewise the breeding of men is of a different manner from that of women.
Margaret Cavendish
The King of Spain displayed his esteem for me in a manner that I confess flattered me pleasantly when, after the death of Don Luis de Haro, he stated publicly in front of all the foreign ambassadors that he wanted to follow my example in not having a prime minister any longer.
Louis XIV
The important consequences to the American States from this Declaration of Independence, considered as the ground and foundation of a future government, naturally suggest the propriety of proclaiming it in such a manner as that the people may be universally informed of it.
John Hancock
I have a couple of thick files about things that have gone wrong between people; I ought to write about them in the manner of a thriller. It would finally convince me that I was a real writer.
Amitava Kumar
As we look at the many problems we face in treating our veterans in a manner befitting their service and sacrifice, it’s time we commit ourselves as a nation to applying the kind of resources and military precision necessary to finally make things right.
Chuck Norris
The manner of my defeat against Mayweather and certainly Manny Pacquiao was a bitter pill to swallow.
Ricky Hatton
If the federal government won’t secure the border, the State of Arizona will step in to complement federal efforts in a constitutional manner and protect the security of its citizens.
Jan Brewer
I have always recognized that the object of business is to make money in an honorable manner. I have endeavored to remember that the object of life is to do good.
Peter Cooper
I think that is a better thing than thanksgiving: thanks-living. How is this to be done? By a general cheerfulness of manner, by an obedience to the command of Him by whose mercy we live, by a perpetual, constant delighting of ourselves in the Lord, and by a submission of our desires to His will.
Charles Spurgeon
I’m sure I went through a stage when I resented being Indian because in every other manner, in terms of cultural reference points and vocabulary and all the rest of it, I was way ahead of everybody else – so the one thing that set me back was being Indian. And I couldn’t do anything about it.
Sanjeev Bhaskar
What is the possible benefit? Can this material save lives? Can it improve the quality of life in Iraq? Can it tend to shape our perceptions of how war should and should not be conducted? Can it shape our perceptions of who should be conducting war and in what manner? And the answer to that is a clear yes.
Julian Assange
Every man writes his manner. I just made poor decisions.
O. J. Mayo
The best way to shine a light on all of this ‘dark money’ flooding into our elections would be for Congress to pass legislation requiring all organizations to disclose their political spending in a timely manner.
Sheldon Whitehouse
I have got a scheme to make a thing in the form of a horse with a steam engine in the inside so contrived as to move an immense pair of wings, fixed on the outside of the horse, in such a manner as to carry it up into the air while a person sits on its back.
Ada Lovelace
I feel like it’s my job to potentially make fun of people publicly, but I do it in a fun manner.
Pat McAfee
Visits to crowded Indian urban centers unleash sensory assaults: colorful dress and lilting chatter provide a backdrop to every manner of commerce, from small shops to peddlers to beggars.
Steven Rattner
Milkha Singh is living his last days. An earthen lamp’s glow is brightest towards the end, in the same manner I am humbled by the kind of love and respect being showered on me at this age.
Milkha Singh
When you criticize grown men, it’s a lot easier. They make millions of dollars. They should be able to handle it, especially if you do it in a truthful manner… I’m sure it stings, but my whole objective is to be honest.
Booger McFarland
My job during the EVAs, the spacewalks, is to act as the inside coordinator. I remain on the aft flight deck of the shuttle, and I act in a manner to help the gentlemen outside, my fellow crewmates, who are performing the EVA tasks.
Alan G. Poindexter
By fermenting tiny single-cell organisms we will be able to synthesise all manner of foodstuffs in the future, everything from pasta to eggs, fish and meat. Small tweaks in the process will enable production of different proteins used to replicate food we already eat.
Konnie Huq
The PRC is the big brother in this relationship, and it has the capacity to be generous to Taiwan on this issue in a manner that might do much to defuse that issue internally in Taiwan.
William C. Kirby
Rereading ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ I was struck by what I had forgotten of the book: in a manner of pages, we encounter shame, history, ruin, conflicting stories, and wounds badly healed; in short, the South.
Kevin Young
A bad manner spoils everything, even reason and justice; a good one supplies everything, gilds a No, sweetens a truth, and adds a touch of beauty to old age itself.
Baltasar Gracian
It is my obligation as the Governor of Louisiana to responsibly lead in developing and implementing best policies and practices across executive agencies so that state government operates in a manner worthy of the people of Louisiana.
John Bel Edwards
Working with children is very different than the way in which I work with adults. One has to work just as much with children as with adults, but the manner of work is very different. I never tell the children the actual truth of the thing that I want them to act.
Asghar Farhadi
God created the universe in such a manner that all in c

God created the universe in such a manner that all in common might derive their food from it, and that the Earth should also be a property common to all.
Saint Ambrose
Bounty always receives part of its value from the manner in which it is bestowed.
Samuel Johnson
When we are talking about services that literally mean the difference between life or death and the future financial stability of our state, we should be working in a collaborative manner with a common goal – to make sure the people of Louisiana are cared for in the most efficient way possible.
John Bel Edwards
At 29, I quit films. A lot of things happened. I had personal issues, injured my spine, and felt paralysed for a while. I never thought of coming back. Personally, it was traumatic. I just took life as it came and dealt with it in a positive manner.
Arvind Swami
When, in the third book, we do learn the identity of the Blue Rose murderer, the information comes in a muted, nearly off-hand manner, and the man has died long before.
Peter Straub
The Prince, charmed with these words, and much more with the manner in which they were spoken, knew not how to show his joy and gratitude; he assured her that he loved her better than he did himself.
Charles Perrault
Do you always do as you would like to do were it in your power? I find that circumstances force me often to act in a manner quite opposite to what I should prefer; I am, of course, judged by my acts, but do they really afford a true key to my character? I think not.
Richard Jefferies
The exploration for oil and gas off our shores can play a role in making energy more affordable and accessible… However, effective safety measures must be in place, and exploration must be done in an environmentally sensitive manner that in no way interferes with our military.
Ander Crenshaw
Watch the functioning of your own mind in a calm and detached manner so you can gain insight into your own behavior.
Henepola Gunaratana
Gentleness corrects whatever is offensive in our manner.
Hugh Blair
During times of emergencies, civil crisis, or natural disasters it is important for persons to remain free to exercise their constitutional rights in a lawful and appropriate manner, and I believe it is important that we provide individuals with specific reassurance that we value those rights.
Colleen Hanabusa
It is difficult to imagine evolution in alien planets operating in any manner other than Darwinian.
Simon Conway Morris
I had a rough year, my first year at Man City, a big club for a big transfer fee. There was a lot of talk, a lot of pressure, and I didn’t think I was being spoken about in a fair manner.
Raheem Sterling
I have been an ‘Official’ all my life, without the least turn for it. I never could attain a true official manner, which is highly artificial and handles trifles with ludicrously disproportionate gravity.
William Allingham
Comedians have to entertain the audience within a stipulated time. It is not possible to explain what we intend to convey in a detailed manner. This can only be done in films where comedians are the protagonists.
I think, unlike other superheroes, what one gleans about the Musketeers, certainly from the source material, is that the good that they do happens in quite a spasmodic manner, in short bursts.
Tom Burke
I would like to say that what Mel Phillips was doing was not sexual harassment but more sexual abuse of children, because he was doing it in a sexual manner now that I look back on it.
Tom Cole
We finally understand in general terms how a cell is organized, how its specialized organs function in a well integrated manner to insure its survival and replication.
George Emil Palade
Thoughtful people of different political philosophies can disagree, but in a very agreeable manner.
Bob Ehrlich
Because of the vulgar advent, I decided to give way and, by dark and cryptic sentences, tell of the causes of the future mutation of mankind; especially the most urgent ones, and the ones I perceived, and in a manner that would not upset their fragile sentiments.
There’s a part of me that feels like it gets really frustrating to keep working in the manner that I made the book ‘Shortcomings,’ where everything is pretty accurate to the real world.
Adrian Tomine
Almost everyone shuts down when science becomes too technical; you’ve got to infuse it with entertainment and storytelling to make it effective. From high school on, science is taught in a very dry manner, which isn’t as potent.
Greg Graffin
We need to build on the success of Social Security by developing bold and innovative ways for Americans to build wealth and save for retirement. I believe we can work together in a bipartisan manner to accomplish these goals.
Debbie Stabenow
It is in the genes of cities to bounce back from disasters – whether natural or man made. The denizens of suburbia have no choice but to survive and move on. But it is the manner in which different cities respond to emergencies that sets them apart.
Vikas Swarup
I consider that all which lives must feed itself and nourish itself in a manner suitable to the way in which it lives.
Giordano Bruno
Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time.
George S. Patton
My show is a sensory assault… in a very brief manner – the show is only 25 minutes long.
I believe investigative agencies should be run in an autonomous manner, and there shouldn’t be any interference from the government’s side.
Piyush Goyal
I was asked to memorise what I did not understand; and, my memory being so good, it refused to be insulted in that manner.
Aleister Crowley
My parents were lovers of books, and they raised us in a manner that viewed freedom and subversion as indispensable.
Leila Slimani
Southern Appalachians have been ridiculed since the country began. In fiction, they’re usually depicted in a cartoonish manner. The region is poor, and very suspicious of outsiders, so there’s a sort of ‘us versus them’ situation. They’re easy to poke fun at.
Barbara Kingsolver
The justice of our cause must be reflected in the manne

The justice of our cause must be reflected in the manner in which we rectify the crimes of the past.
Jalal Talabani
I’m a socially concerned citizen of India. I have strong views on issues of social and political relevance. But it’s very difficult to voice it in an intelligent manner without it sounding contrived. Because people think you’re saying or doing all this as a PR exercise, not from your heart.
Sonam Kapoor
My idea is simply – is very simple – is that the books of poetry should be published in far greater volume and be distributed in far greater volume, in far more substantial manner. You can sell in supermarkets very cheaply. In paperbacks. You can sell in drugstores.
Joseph Brodsky
In a well-monitored storage site, it is always possible to release CO2 in a controlled manner in the unlikely event that it threatens to escape. Such a release is certainly no worse than ignoring the emission in the first place.
Klaus Lackner
Osama bin Laden, the person, more likely serves the function of a stand-in. Compare the new terrorists with partisans or conventional terrorists in Israel. These people often fight in a decentralized manner in small, autonomous units, too.
Jurgen Habermas
The art of advertisement, after the American manner, has introduced into all our life such a lavish use of superlatives, that no standard of value whatever is intact.
Wyndham Lewis
I’ve fractured my skull twice, damaged a kidney, snapped a cruciate ligament in my knee, and broken all manner of bones, including my jaw. And I count myself very lucky it hasn’t been worse!
Eddie the Eagle
First and foremost, the monk should own nothing in this world, but he should have as his possessions solitude of the body, modesty of bearing, a modulated tone of voice, and a well-ordered manner of speech. He should be without anxiety as to his food and drink, and should eat in silence.
Saint Basil
You change the mind and world of one individual and that’s huge, man. You reach one person and that starts a spiral effect and starts to snowball. I think that’s the one thing as an athlete we should all focus on doing and that’s striving to give back in a positive manner.
Aljamain Sterling
The positive testimony of history is that the State invariably had its origin in conquest and confiscation. No primitive State known to history originated in any other manner.
Albert J. Nock
The value and utility of any experiment are determined by the fitness of the material to the purpose for which it is used, and thus in the case before us it cannot be immaterial what plants are subjected to experiment and in what manner such experiment is conducted.
Gregor Mendel
Here once again education is crucial, it enables children to be become more aware of their rights and to exercise them in a respectful manner which helps them shape their own future.
Carol Bellamy
I tend to deal with things in a very serious manner.
Billy Squier
If it’s just brushstrokes wrestling around, it isn’t much of a picture book, is it? There still has to be a picture. And maybe it needs to be a picture of a dog named Daisy or a little girl riding a bike. So I have to be careful before I get too carried away in the manner itself.
Chris Raschka
Abstract ideas like equality and liberty have a spurious transparency, and can be used to derive pleasing theorems in the manner of Jean-Jacques Rousseau or John Rawls.
Roger Scruton
I’m a hugger of both men and women. As it turns out that those are taken in an offensive manner, I need to have a greater sense of awareness of what I am doing, and we will correct that, and I am taking those steps.
Bob Filner
Most of us need time to work through pain and loss. We can find all manner of reasons for postponing forgiveness. One of these reasons is waiting for the wrongdoers to repent before we forgive them. Yet such a delay causes us to forfeit the peace and happiness that could be ours.
James E. Faust
Even when bad things happen you have to try to use those bad things in a positive manner and really just take the positive out of it.
Natalie du Toit
Most electronic equipment uses the principle of amplification. You need filters, modulators and mixing equipment which have gain stages. By piling these components up, I was able to work without any sound generators and I made several pieces in that manner.
David Tudor
The history of America is to expand civil liberties in a responsible and civil manner. We need to remember that our wonderful Democracy with its freedoms has been working.
James McGreevey
I am confident that the Defense Department understands JSTARS is a major priority for Congress and will complete the process of updating the JSTARS fleet in a timely manner.
Tom Graves
For years, I ate the same foods every day, in exactly the same manner, at exactly the same times.
Caroline Knapp
If the universe is friendly, then it is indeed aware of us and works to help us. So there are no ‘unfortunate accidents,’ and everything that happens is orchestrated in an elaborate and complicated manner to be of benefit to us.
Srikumar Rao
What I’m fighting for now in my work… for an expression relevant to all manner of blacks, poems I could take into a tavern, into the street, into the halls of a housing project.
Gwendolyn Brooks
Self-belief is the key to success and that has helped me. So I will put in all my efforts in the manner I know. If it works, it is great and if it doesn’t it’s still great as I know I have put in all my effort.
Shreyas Iyer
Nothing in the universe is contingent, but all things are conditioned to exist and operate in a particular manner by the necessity of the divine nature.
Baruch Spinoza
When I go into the gym, I’m working on getting my muscles stronger, and I try to treat my mind in the same manner.
Johanna Konta
By using our renewable resources, energy can be generated in a carbon-responsible, cost-effective manner that also creates jobs and mitigates climate change, providing a workable and affordable solution that will keep our planet healthy.
Tulsi Tanti
World Play is very ’70s arena rock, very raw and in your face, and that’s what we wanted. We recorded it in a very off-the-cuff manner and didn’t really plan out how we were going to play. My solos are first takes.
Neal Schon
Being and time determine each other reciprocally, but in such a manner that neither can the former – Being – be addressed as something temporal nor can the latter – time – be addressed as a being.
Martin Heidegger
When I attained my seventh year, my father, whose ear was unmusical but who was nevertheless passionately fond of music, gave me my elementary lessons on the violin; in a very few months, I was able to play all manner of compositions at sight.
Niccolo Paganini
I really can't pinpoint why I celebrate the way I do. I

I really can’t pinpoint why I celebrate the way I do. I just love it when I pick a wicket, and it comes naturally to me to express my joy in the manner that I do.
Imran Tahir
The best manner of avenging ourselves is by not resembling him who has injured us.
Jane Porter
I always prepare myself in the same manner and when the opportunity comes along you have to grasp it.
Simon Mignolet
Our marriage is grounded in the word of God. That’s really it. God is the core of our marriage, and the foundation and the blueprint for it is how we live, and being open and honest and communicating, but ultimately doing what pleases God, and not in a selfish manner.
Candace Cameron Bure
My family practised our faith in a relaxed manner. My mum Fiona was brought up a Christian; her dad was a vicar. But she fell in love with my dad David and converted to Judaism to be with him.
Stacey Solomon
String theory is the most developed theory with the capacity to unite general relativity and quantum mechanics in a consistent manner. I do believe the universe is consistent, and therefore I do believe that general relativity and quantum mechanics should be put together in a manner that makes sense.
Brian Greene
Badhai Ho Badhai’ is about spreading love and happiness – and Kavita Chaudhry speaks of it in a gentle manner.
Satish Kaushik
If a prince marries a foreign princess, one to the manner born, he is being snobbish and old-fashioned. If he chooses a Diana or a Fergie, glamorous outsiders, they may never adapt to the restrictions of being Royal, with calamitous results.
Michael Portillo
There are no boundaries while enacting negative characters and we are free to perform in any manner, it’s fun.
Amrapali Gupta
The Dinakaran episode has brought to the surface the vexed problem of the arbitrary and totally unsatisfactory manner of selecting and appointing judges as well as the unresolved problem of dealing with complaints of misconduct and corruption against judges.
Prashant Bhushan
If you have your own currency, you have your own governance, so each currency becomes their own mini-government. Mini-government is a big word, but it’s a body that is governed in a decentralized manner where users have a say, where there’s oversight and transparency.
William Mougayar
I saw my parents as model grown-ups, and their manner, their silence, informed my sense of what adulthood looked and felt like. Grown-ups behaved rationally and calmly. Grown-ups worked during the day and came home at night and sat down for drinks and passed the evening quietly.
Caroline Knapp
What parents need to make clear to their children post-divorce is that whoever comes into their lives is not a threat to the children in any manner because the position that they occupy cannot be occupied by the children.
Pooja Bedi
My criteria has always been the script, director and character. But I also attach importance to the production house. After all, the banner has to go all out to present the film in a grand manner. I am ready to work with any house that is capable of marketing and packaging a film well.
Koel Mallick
It was more like having unwanted attention as a child – if you’d walk around, people would recognize you, and it would be in a weird, almost making-fun-type manner.
Anna Chlumsky
The United States is a proud, determined, hard-working, talented, patriotic nation and people, and it is not over-extended in the manner of empires of the past that took over the lands of others and eventually collapsed under the weight of the over-ambitious hegemon.
Conrad Black
Finally, gentleman, from the considerations above mentioned, as I cannot consistently with my own honor, nor with utility to my country, considering the manner in which Business is transacted here, remain any longer in this chair, I now resign it.
Henry Laurens
If a planet is setting in the West at the time of our birth, its angle strikes us in such a manner as to draw us to a certain type of marriage partner, and the planets under the earth, in the North, have an effect upon our condition in the latter part of life.
Max Heindel
I try very hard to write in a very orderly and continual disciplined manner.
Asghar Farhadi
In the same manner if any nation wasted part of its wealth, or lost part of its trade, it could not retain the same quantity of circulating medium which it before possessed.
David Ricardo
When I was in college, I worked at a state hospital that was a dumping ground for all manner of the criminally insane and ‘mental defectives’ as they called them back then. It was a horrible place, like Arkham, mostly in terms of total neglect of the inmates, so I wanted to write an Arkham story.
Ann Nocenti
Also, the times have changed, the Punjabi cinema is growing. Movies and songs are being made in such a manner that even a non-Punjabi can relate to them.
Ammy Virk
I’m different, and my manner invites questions. I’m never afraid to answer.
Marlee Matlin
In a triathlon, it’s all about cycling in the most efficient manner. You need to save your energy for the run at the end, so you want to ride really efficiently and not waste your energy. The only way to do that is to spend a really long time on the bike.
Jonathan Brownlee
Truman Capote was a pop figure, but it wasn’t until he went on David Susskind’s show and had that extraordinary voice and manner that everyone could imitate, that he really took off as a figure.
James Wolcott
Our cinema is coming of age, and people are realizing we need to tell different stories differently and in fresh manner and not just do formula stuff and serve it to the audience.
Pankaj Kapur
He has such a patronizing tone and manner, and such a sarcastic sense of humor. I found him rather brutal, a kind of elegant brutality which appealed. No, I think he came pretty much off the page.
Jeremy Northam
When I was in college, the Roots, the sui generis ensemble from Philadelphia encompassing all manner of black music, played a show on campus.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
The government under Manmohan Singh is treating all political partners in a dignified manner.
Sharad Pawar
I believe in working in a bipartisan manner.
Erskine Bowles
In today’s world, it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate – and even thrive – in an environmentally-friendly manner.
Olympia Snowe
I was still enjoying coaching, but there was a repetiti

I was still enjoying coaching, but there was a repetitious manner about it.
Darrell Royal
My authoritarian and quick manner of making decisions led me to have serious problems and to be accused of being ultraconservative. I have never been a right-winger. It was my authoritarian way of making decisions that created problems.
Pope Francis
When we record a song, like ‘Bedside Manner,’ it’s important that the next time I write a somber, mid-tempo song that we don’t treat it the same way.
Taylor Goldsmith
Ministers should be Bible students. They should thoroughly furnish themselves with the evidences of our faith and hope, and then, with full control of the voice and their feelings, present these evidences in such a manner that the people can calmly weigh them, and decide upon the evidences presented.
Ellen G. White
My father would have been impressed by Barack Obama’s mind and style and grace of manner, as well as by – I’m certain – his abilities as a writer.
Christopher Buckley
I don’t do anything malicious or anything in a negative manner. I’m all about positivity and making people smile is positive.
JaVale McGee
We cannot try to play in a manner that does not correspond to our players’ characteristics.
Manuel Pellegrini
I really don’t think records should be made in the manner where you sit and write, and when you’re finished writing, you start recording. That just seems conventional and old-fashioned to me.
Jay Reatard
I think a basic level of fitness can help the body cope with all manner of incidents.
Richard Hammond
Abasement, degradation is simply the manner of life of the man who has refused to be what it is his duty to be.
Jose Ortega y Gasset
The principal or highest part of the mountain having changed its direction to east and west, I ascended it in such manner as to leave its most elevated ranges to the south and travelled north west over a very rough and broken country generally covered with snow.
William Henry Ashley
I believe strongly that when you have political capital, you should use it in a manner that helps improve the human condition. You shouldn’t just compile power and hold onto power for power’s sake.
Kevin de Leon
If you practice in a focused, concentrated manner and make efficient use of your time, you will progress a lot faster than if you were to use the same time noodling without any specific goals or direction.
John Petrucci
It is evidently necessary to generate and test candidates for solutions in some systematic manner.
Niklaus Wirth
Tendulkar is my idol in cricket, and one thing I try to pick up from him is how he carries himself in a humble manner.
Prithvi Shaw
You should live in a manner that should enable you to devote time to writing and contemplation. As is often said, the writer is at work even when he is simply looking out the window.
F. Sionil Jose
As a species, we’ve somehow survived large and small ice ages, genetic bottlenecks, plagues, world wars and all manner of natural disasters, but I sometimes wonder if we’ll survive our own ingenuity.
Diane Ackerman
I have always liked to live my life in a quiet and peaceful manner. I used to lead my life that way. But the rise in social media has certainly affected me. Now I am always noticed.
Arijit Singh
This means that they are bound by law and custom to plough the fields of their masters, harvest the corn, gather it into barns, and thresh and winnow the grain; they must also mow and carry home the hay, cut and collect wood, and perform all manner of tasks of this kind.
Jean Froissart
I constantly have anxiety about being the lead of the show. I don’t talk about it because it scares me, but I’ve always wanted to be a part of something where I could work on a character in such a big manner, and you get offered that with all the trappings of being the lead of the show.
Erica Durance
While the coach is entitled to celebrate the team’s victories, there is a manner and a way of doing so without aggravating the opponent.
Diego Maradona
Captaincy did not change me as a player whatsoever, when I had the ball in my hand, I operated in the same manner like I always do.
Ben Stokes
I’m a filmmaker and I intend to continue making films of all kinds, in any manner, shape, or form – short or long.
Saul Bass
It was appointed by law in Athens, that the obsequies of the citizens who fell in battle should be performed at the public expense, and in the most honorable manner.
Edward Everett
The future infrared space telescope will cover that area in a much more efficient manner.
Claude Nicollier
I think every directing team works differently in the same manner that every director works differently. Everybody has a different personality and a different way of working, and that somehow evolves in the process.
Anthony Russo
Individuality is the aim of political liberty. By leaving the citizen as much freedom of action and of being as comports with order and the rights of others, the institutions render him truly a freeman. He is left to pursue his means of happiness in his own manner.
James Fenimore Cooper
It came as a great shock to me when I heard that England and Soviet Russia had become allies. So much so that I thought that the people responsible in London were acting in a manner that no longer coincided with British imperial interests.
John Amery
In the beginning of the Great War, the emotions of Europe ran riot in a most horrible manner, first among the so-called ‘living,’ and then among the killed when they awoke.
Max Heindel
Those who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then.
Saint Teresa of Avila
Animals when in company walk in a proper and sensible manner, in single file, instead of sprawling all across the road and being of no use or support to each other in case of sudden trouble or danger.
Kenneth Grahame
Having good style really just means having a decisive e

Having good style really just means having a decisive eye and being able to put things together in an aesthetically pleasing manner. It’s not a matter of spending a lot of money and throwing it all together.
Coco Rocha
I believe in wishing my colleagues and other celebs in a manner that brings my wit out and gives people a talking point. But there are people who love and those who hate you. That’s part of a celeb’s life.
Virender Sehwag
I like to behave in an extremely normal, wholesome manner for the most part in my daily life. Even if mentally I’m consumed with sick visions of violence, terror, sex and death.
Courtney Love
The lawyers in the Department of Justice have a long and storied tradition of defending the nation’s interests and enforcing its laws – all of them, not just selective ones – in a manner worthy of the department’s name.
Raymond Kethledge
In New Mexico, I inherited the largest structural deficit in state history, and our legislature is controlled by Democrats. We don’t always agree, but we came together in a bipartisan manner and turned that deficit into a surplus. And we did it without raising taxes.
Susana Martinez
We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.
Max Planck
Senator Tester is wise enough to make sure his voice is heard in a positive manner to get things done.
Ryan Zinke
If I am treated fairly, I like to do things in a fair manner. That is the way I have been all my career. I haven’t tried to do things in an underhanded way.
Damon Hill
True originality consists not in a new manner but in a new vision.
Edith Wharton
I just want to create a space in the heartland of India. I am hoping ‘Bigg Boss’ can help me do that in a positive manner.
Neha Bhasin
There is a noble manner of being poor, and who does not know it will never be rich.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The state exists to serve and protect every citizen, regardless of colour, creed, race or religion – and the welfare state should exist to and protect the populace in the same non-discriminatory and universal manner.
Mehdi Hasan
Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
Margaret Lee Runbeck
In my career, I have learnt how to handle failures in a matured manner.
Shale gas has provided the United States the opportunity to have 100 years of supply that is domestically produced. If we are going to develop natural gas from shale, it has to be done in a safe and responsible manner.
Ken Salazar
If either player abandon the game by quitting the table in anger, or in an otherwise offensive manner; or by momentarily resigning the game; or refuses to abide by the decision of the Umpire, the game must be scored against him.
Howard Staunton
Although I agree that wild horses are a symbol of the American West, I also believe that it is the responsibility of Congress to ensure that these animals are managed, protected, and controlled in an effective manner.
Jon Porter
Belts distract the eye from a bloated tummy, a heavy-set upper body and all manner of sins. They can be a superb way to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank, and there’s no reason to stop wearing them, ever!
After four centuries of Spanish rule, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States in 1898. Residents were granted U.S. citizenship in 1917, and the federal government has allowed Puerto Rico to exercise authority over its local affairs in a manner similar to the 50 states.
Pedro Pierluisi
Building mental strength is about regulating your emotions, managing your thoughts, and behaving in a positive manner, despite your circumstances.
Amy Morin
When you’re young, you want to live fast, but you definitely don’t want to die young. At the same time, you want to do things in slow, progressive manner that will benefit you in the future. Don’t jump into things.
Harbhajan Singh
The financial crisis and the Great Recession demonstrated, in a dramatic and unmistakable manner, how extraordinarily vulnerable are the large share of American families with very few assets to fall back on. We have come far from the worst moments of the crisis, and the economy continues to improve.
Janet Yellen
Businesses should focus on solving problems, putting the customer first, delivering value – not gimmicks – and growing in a sustainable manner.
Neil Blumenthal
Sex and obscenity are not synonymous. Obscene material is material which deals with sex in a manner appealing to prurient interest.
William J. Brennan, Jr.
I do not believe in pure idioms. I think there is naturally a desire, for whoever speaks or writes, to sign in an idiomatic, irreplaceable manner.
Jacques Derrida
Congress has a legitimate interest in making sure that a practice that appears to reduce disease and healthcare costs remains available to parents. And, nothing in my bill prohibits statewide law ensuring that male circumcision occurs in a hygienic manner.
Brad Sherman
It demonstrates to his simple mind in the most positive manner that we have no prejudice against him on account of his race, and that while he behaves himself he will be treated the same as a white man.
George Crook
When you hear the words ‘magic’ and ‘story’, they will probably evoke thoughts of your favourite fairy tales from childhood. Storybook pages abound with all manner of magic: fantastical fairies, wish-granting genies, or even a certain boy wizard.
Tony DiTerlizzi
Success is a funny thing. It means different things to different people. For me, I am always pleased when people connect to our brand. It means we are executing in a manner that speaks to a wide variety of businesses.
John Varvatos
We have to keep in mind that it’s not just about the numbers of people who died; it’s also the manner which many of these victims met their deaths.
Iris Chang
The intellect is a cold thing and a merely intellectual idea will never stimulate thought in the same manner that a spiritual idea does.
Ernest Holmes
Since, however, the reduced surplus value is to be dist

Since, however, the reduced surplus value is to be distributed among them in like manner, the modification of their respective parts in the production of surplus value must find expression in a modification of the prices.
Rudolf Hilferding
The United Nations has long sought the ability to raise revenues in this manner as a means of reducing its reliance on American and other member nations’ dues to sustain the UN’s operations.
Frank Gaffney
The U.S. views Morocco as an important friend, and we applaud your political and economic reforms that culminated with the recent parliamentary elections that were widely reported to have been conducted in a fair and open manner.
Donald Evans
Donald Trump’s United States is not isolationist. He has authorized the use of limited military force against the Syrian government in a manner his predecessor rejected.
Richard N. Haass
I think, in picking a doctor, you should focus less on the degree and more on their knowledge, bedside manner, communication, and patients’ experiences.
Mikhail Varshavski
Write in a disciplined manner, but write in a way that is natural to the individual’s thought processes.
Donald McKay
Considering the great benefits broadband connectivity can bring to individuals and businesses alike, it is crucial for developing countries – and underserved communities in developed countries – to help build out broadband infrastructure in an affordable manner.
Tae Yoo
I want to see a capitalism that manages resources in a new, much more long-term manner.
Petter Stordalen
A unique style comes from not being able to do things in a conventional manner. If David Byrne could have sung like Paul McCartney, he would have.
Dennis DeYoung
Every country is like a particular type of person. America is like a belligerent, adolescent boy; Canada is like an intelligent, 35-year-old woman. Australia is like Jack Nicholson. It comes right up to you and laughs very hard in your face in a highly threatening and engaging manner.
Douglas Adams
Happiness lies neither in vice nor in virtue; but in the manner we appreciate the one and the other, and the choice we make pursuant to our individual organization.
Marquis de Sade
I think that the Internet and print behave in a complementary manner.
Hubert Burda
The American people have made it abundantly clear that they want less government, not more. They want problems solved in a bipartisan manner, not the creation of new problems.
Marsha Blackburn
I’m a performer. I push the envelope, I work in a very uncontrolled manner onstage. I do a lot of free association, it’s spontaneous, I go into character.
Michael Richards
Obviously Tesla is about helping solve the consumption of energy in a sustainable manner, but you need the production of energy in a sustainable manner.
Elon Musk
Who said that looking good is not a task? There are so many girls with a well maintained body, but will they be able to walk the beachside in front of the camera wearing a swimsuit? Carrying your body in a certain manner to look sexy is also an art.
Taapsee Pannu
Life had stopped for her a long time ago. She was so out of touch with her feelings that she had no joy in her life and no concept of the fact that she could be wrong. She delivered her care of her insane patients in a killing manner, but she was convinced she was right.
Louise Fletcher
As mayor of Jerusalem, I wanted the government to invest the necessary funds in order to unite the city in an effective manner with full rights for the Palestinians living in Jerusalem, so the world would say, ‘Okay, it can work.’
Ehud Olmert
An e-cigarette does not function in manner of a traditional cigarette because it functions electrically rather than via combustion of a material such as tobacco.
Ken Cuccinelli
You cannot perform in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself.
Zig Ziglar
For me, literature is a complex game, both mental and concrete, which is acted out in a physical manner on the page.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
I studied neuroscience at the cellular level, so I was looking at learning and memory in the visual cortex of rats. Neuroscience mainly exposed me to a way of thinking – about experimentation, about what you believe to be true and how you could prove it – and how to approach things in a methodical manner.
Ze Frank
This subsistence, or manner of being of God is his one essence so far as it has personal properties.
William Ames
I just accept that, if my party and my compatriots wish that I be removed from office, they must exercise that right and do so in the manner prescribed in the Constitution.
Jacob Zuma
The truth is that the E.U. constrains us in all manner of ways and throws reams of red tape around British businesses.
Priti Patel
Riding a motorcycle on today’s highways, you have to ride in a very defensive manner. You have to be a good rider and you have to have both hands and both feet on the controls at all times.
Evel Knievel
The Missouri is, perhaps, different in appearance and character from all other rivers in the world; there is a terror in its manner which is sensibly felt, the moment we enter its muddy waters from the Mississippi.
George Catlin
I work with really cool people, and so far I haven’t been approached in any embarrassing manner when it comes to image.
Sondre Lerche
We believe that the future for content-creators such as ourselves lies in being able to source project money from an audience and deliver on those projects in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Freddie Wong
But you are absolutely right that when the international community decides to help in a meaningful manner a country like Afghanistan, then coordination between the various actors that are involved in these processes is very, very difficult indeed.
Lakhdar Brahimi
There are neither good nor bad subjects. From the point of view of pure Art, you could almost establish it as an axiom that the subject is irrelevant, style itself being an absolute manner of seeing things.
Gustave Flaubert
Because of the many dimensions of forms of though which

Because of the many dimensions of forms of though which you can also put into physical form, you have the possibility to create much which we cannot fashion in the same manner.
Hans Bender
A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person.
Pope Francis
The 2009 stimulus law got the ball rolling, allowing the agency to reduce and eliminate fees and raise loan guarantees to 90 percent of the total. I knew that we had the opportunity to use S.B.A. products to fill that gap in a rapid manner, as we ended up doing in the Recovery Act.
Karen Mills
Militarism is basically a way of thinking, a certain interpretation of the function of the state; this manner of thinking is, moreover, revealed by its outer forms: by armaments and state organization.
Christian Lous Lange
Hitler was such an anomalous character – he was so over-the-top chaotic in his approach to statesmanship, his manner and in the violence which overwhelmed the country initially. I think diplomats around the world… felt like something like that simply would not be tolerated by the people of Germany.
Erik Larson
Music has shaped men’s fashion, and transposed in a playful and witty manner its riding or military heritage. It is difficult to figure out who leads, but music and fashion are connected genetically.
Hedi Slimane
I live my life in a very peculiar way where nothing gets my goat as such. I don’t look at things in a manner where they offend me. I look at things in a manner where they amuse me.
Twinkle Khanna
It is by God’s grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. Therefore, we seek to honor God by operating the company in a manner consistent with biblical principles.
David Green
Getting through the reads in an efficient manner. I don’t want to stay on receivers too long to where a bad decision is made.
Nick Foles
Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment.
Morihei Ueshiba
Therefore I do pray and entreat you in the name of Jesus Christ to do so much as to make my being here in Japan known to my poor wife, in a manner a widow and my two children fatherless; which thing only is my greatest grief of heart and conscience.
William Adams
The first of all commodities to be exchanged is labour, and the freedom of man consists only in the exercise of the right to determine for himself in what manner his labour shall be employed, and how he will dispose of its products.
Henry Charles Carey
I do not make any apologies for my manner or personality. I come from a long line of very strong, black African-American women who neither bend nor bow. I haven’t had very good modeling in submission.
Faye Wattleton
Spiritual process means approaching your well-being in a scientific manner as a technology for well-being.
Jaggi Vasudev
My streams have always been the best, consisted of the highest production quality… and I’m committed to continuing breaking creative horizons and engaging fans in an authentic manner. Anyone who’s not should just get out of the way.
Dr. Disrespect
On my raw food diet, my skin shone bright like a gilded deity and my eyes glowed in a somewhat unearthly manner.
Sophie Dahl
We may never find a way to live in suburbia with deer as we do with raccoons, say, or squirrels. So for this reason, it’s very important that we make sure always to save enough wild or open land so that they can live in their normal manner.
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
One of the biggest mistakes people make is to think that what you need to write a novel is imagination, creativity and a facility with words. Yes, you need all those things, but a novel is a highly complex organism that needs to be dealt with in quite a logical manner.
Kate Forsyth
I learned from the example of my father that the manner in which one endures what must be endured is more important than the thing that must be endured.
Dean Acheson
The review process was conducted in an extremely bipartisan manner. Minority members of the Judiciary Committee were responsible for the invitation of 1/3 of the witnesses who appeared.
Jo Bonner