Top 490 Entertainment Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Entertainment Quotes from famous people such as Frank Zappa, Martin Kippenberger, L’Wren Scott, Adam Goldberg, Martin Donovan, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.
Frank Zappa
Entertainment is in art like color in pictures.
Martin Kippenberger
My entertainment was going to the local dollar movie theatre on the weekend, where I watched old black and white movies. If you wanted current movies, you had to drive to the big city.
L’Wren Scott
Nothing surprises me when it comes to people in the entertainment business.
Adam Goldberg
I’m a sucker for entertainment and escapism as much as the next person. I like silly and lowbrow stuff, but I get nervous when I indulge in that too often. I want to know what’s going on in the world. I have a morbid fear of being surprised by bad news. I want to anticipate everything.
Martin Donovan
Listen, I think movies serve many different purposes, from those movies that are frivolous and just an entertainment, to movies that just go to exploring the complexities of the human soul. Everything is valid if it’s done with honesty and dignity, and I actually do both of those types of movies in my career.
Antonio Banderas
My life has always been compartmentalized into different aspects. I have my speed skating Olympic pursuits, I have my personal life and have my business life and have my entertainment – TV – Hollywood – whatever have you – always compartmentalizing every aspect of my life.
Apolo Ohno
I can’t say I’m happy to be talking about John Ritter and his passing. In my 21 years of Entertainment Tonight, this really was one of the most shocking and sad things to have happened.
Mary Hart
The problems with kids having short attention spans is driven by entertainment, reset buttons on games, games having to do with getting somewhere and heads blowing up. Everything is ‘cut to the chase, cut to the chase.’
Bill Cosby
As the entertainment industry became more corporate and MBA-driven, Harvey Weinstein remained an unreconstructed specimen of the worst and most compelling character traits of a truer Hollywood. Harvey, and in a sense only Harvey, continued to embody the Hollywood self.
Michael Wolff
I’d just like to inspire people to be themselves and do what they want and not conform to the rigid guidelines of the music or entertainment business.
Juliana Hatfield
They weren’t interested in entertainment. They were tough. I learned one trick, which was to be quieter than they were until they had to look at you. It took a lot of agressiveness.
Judy Holliday
I hope to see more programming, more shows, more actors of mixed ethnicity, more young kids of mixed ethnicity choosing to be in the entertainment industry.
Charles Michael Davis
I understand popular entertainment better than anyone. I want to have the world’s No. 1 tennis player, the hottest movie, the biggest artist.
Simon Fuller
It’s the sad thing about entertainment, it’s not always about who is the best.
Jake Roberts
The public doesn’t know what to believe anymore. We don’t know what stories are supposedly true, this idea of ‘fake news.’ We watch it on what I guess you would call a split-focus. It’s half entertainment and half mystery.
Barry Levinson
Modernism has a reputation for being a forbidding phenomenon: its visual arts disconcertingly non-representational, its literary efforts devoid of the consolations of plot and character – even its films, it’s argued, fall well short of that true desideratum: entertainment.
Will Self
Born of the impossibly varied options we have to amuse ourselves, cutting-edge companies are finding innovative ways to tailor our entertainment choices to who we are, relieving us of the burden of finding the diamond in the rough of 500 TV channels or thousands of movies and music albums released every year.
Marcus Buckingham
I think sports has done a disservice for a lot of black kids thinking they can only be successful through athletics and entertainment. I want them to know they can be doctors, lawyers, teachers, fireman, police officers, etc.
Charles Barkley
Television news is now entertainment, and the stories are being written by the people that have a special interest in them.
James Taylor
Mobile gaming is the largest and fastest-growing opportunity for interactive entertainment, and we will have one of the world’s most successful mobile game companies and its talented teams providing great content to new customers, in new geographies, throughout the world.
Bobby Kotick
Everyone in the entertainment business gets crappy contracts when we start out, and into the middle of our careers. It’s the nature of the business.
J. Michael Straczynski
Entertainment’s definition has been reduced to making people happy.
Anurag Kashyap
A mind at liberty to reflect on its own observations, if it produce nothing useful to the world, seldom fails of entertainment to itself.
George Berkeley
My music is not just about entertainment. It is about enlightenment also.
Kailash Kher
I travel around and hear from so many kids. Their parents say they were always very picky but they watch the show and they want to try stuff. The show is entertainment, but I think it has done so much for the public perception of what food can be.
Tom Colicchio
Life is hard, and a lot of people come home tired from work. If they’re gonna spend half an hour reading, they want some entertainment and a sense of achievement. So that’s what I give them. That’s all I’m trying to do. Is that really so wrong?
James Patterson
Creating a wonderful drama is an art form, while comedy is just entertainment.
Jason Reitman
I think if you’re gonna do something as silly and lighthearted as entertainment, then why not be interesting when you’re doing it?
Chelsea Handler
With the rise of the Internet, fashion did become part of the global entertainment industry in the last ten years, and will follow the digital evolution of the music or film industry.
Hedi Slimane
Whereas money is a means to an end for a filmmaker, to the corporate mind money is the end. Right now, I think independent film is very confused, because there’s excess pressure in the marketplace for entertainment to pay off.
Robert Redford
Ryan Murphy, he basically tries to find something that'

Ryan Murphy, he basically tries to find something that’s a pulse, a pressure point in our culture, and he grabs it, and he squeezes it. I think ‘Freak Show’ has a lot to do with the entertainment industry and the way we entertain ourselves: the objectification of people and the lengths we’ll go for our own amusement.
Finn Wittrock
I went through my rebellious phase, not in my teenage years, but around age 12. The year I decided I didn’t want to do entertainment anymore, I was discovered. And I couldn’t back down from that.
Jessica White
I welcome newcomers to cons, or ‘con-virgins’ as I like to call them, by saying ‘Welcome to the ‘Supernatural’ Circus,’ and I mean it. We take pride as a cast to deliver a show that not only entertains the fans but ourselves, Creation Entertainment, and everyone involved on both sides.
Matt Cohen
That’s what fiction writers do: create characters and do terrible things to them for the entertainment of others. If they feel guilty enough, they write happy endings.
Garry Trudeau
People regard Yahoo as a platform for essential services, and it’s had a profound impact on the way people obtain information, communicate, and their entertainment.
Jerry Yang
Crime stories are, as you know, one of the most popular forms of entertainment that exist. If you then try to have something to say… that I have, of course.
Stieg Larsson
People can take, take, take from you. There are people whose profession is to do that. It’s entertainment at the cost of human lives.
Amanda Knox
When I worked for Entertainment Tonight I got to emcee Paul McCartney’s press conference.
Nina Blackwood
Soaps taught me the fundamentals of the game. You know, how to show up, hit your mark, how to be on time. That soap opera world is a microcosm of the entertainment culture.
Michael Weatherly
I am always the first to say that fame and entertainment is one of the best and easiest occupations to ever have, but one must know how to navigate through the matrix or you may find yourself in a very dark hole.
Nick Cannon
It’s very easy to confuse Sean Connery with James Bond. Sometimes in the entertainment industry, people believe the cake is more real than the baker.
Judd Nelson
You know, we never grew up with Asian American role models in the entertainment industry, unfortunately. I’d never seen an Asian face singing on TV.
Eric Nam
Universities exist to transmit knowledge and understanding of ideas and values to students not to provide entertainment for spectators or employment for athletes.
Milton Friedman
A clever conjurer is welcome anywhere, and those of us whose powers of entertainment are limited to the setting of booby-traps or the arranging of apple-pie beds must view with envy the much greater tribute of laughter and applause which is the lot of the prestidigitator with some natural gift for legerdemain.
A. A. Milne
We strongly believe that the Philippines has huge potential in the tourism industry, given our beautiful islands, moderate weather conditions, good cuisine, and the flair of Filipinos for hospitality and entertainment.
Henry Sy
I was very much an only child who was raised by the television and movies, and I grew up in New York. We weren’t, like, rich people, but we were middle-class people and my parents supported this love I had for entertainment.
Billy Eichner
I think it’s even harder because I think as always, Hollywood is sort of glamour central for the world, and the entire world looks to it for not only entertainment, but the whole idea of the youth factor and youth being sold to our culture via young actors and actresses.
Anthony Michael Hall
Friends are hard to come by in L.A., especially in the entertainment industry. I’ve known a lot of people who hang out with someone because they’re working on a show, and as soon as that show gets canceled, they find someone new.
Sarah Hyland
The 1980s was a time of the great recession of interactive entertainment. When Atari fell in 1982, until Nintendo launched its console, video games were an outcast for five years.
Bing Gordon
Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care.
Blaise Pascal
Pro wrestling is not fake; it’s sports entertainment. We go out there and we perform, and a lot of what we do out there is real, but we’re not going to insult anyone’s intelligence – there is a predetermined winner. It’s just the fans don’t know who it is, and that’s what makes it so intriguing.
Kurt Angle
Las Vegas is the boiling pot of entertainment.
Don Rickles
Rhythm and blues started even before phonograph records were being produced because black people entertained themselves. It wasn’t done for money. It was done for entertainment. Most white people didn’t know anything about this because prejudice kept them from ever seeing what was going on.
Jesse Stone
I hardly ever listen to any of our old stuff now. Once the songs have been recorded and put on to vinyl they become someone else’s entertainment, not mine.
Robert Smith
If you do things with a certain type of result and cause a certain type of reaction or effect, then you increase your market value. It’s very much a competition for the entertainment dollar, and that’s never been more clearly evident than in today’s NBA game.
Julius Erving
Los Angeles is a very magical place when you take the entertainment industry out of it. You have beautiful beaches and amazing mountains here. I’m a big rock climber. I head out into the mountains whenever I have free time. It’s amazing.
Alex Pettyfer
Besides entertainment and action, I want to educate. You know, as a producer or director, we do have a responsibility to society.
Jackie Chan
I’d be curious to find out, but I don’t think people in the entertainment industry are proportionally more or less serious politically than anyone in the landscaping industry.
David Cross
We have a habit of turning to scientists when we want factual answers and artists when we want entertainment, but where are the facts about the nature of the self? Neurologists peering at PET scans and fMRIs know they aren’t seeing the soul in there.
James Gleick
Maybe the biggest award show of the largest entertainment importer in the world needs an economic incentive to embrace diversity. Indeed, maybe we should boycott the show and pressure advertisers to do the same. Or maybe the Academy should learn the lesson of history and change because it’s the right thing to do.
Lexi Alexander
Twenty20 is cricket on speed. In an era of hectic lifestyles and falling attention spans, it gives spectators more drama and intensity in three hours that they would get from a whole-day match. And even though it is a heady cocktail of money, entertainment and media, at its core it is cricket.
Vikas Swarup
My biggest entertainment in Moscow was to go to the sub

My biggest entertainment in Moscow was to go to the subway and watch people. When American students visited, I watched them; I learned English from them.
Roustam Tariko
I think there’s always a call for people who are bucking the norm. But I don’t expect it to happen now because I think that more than ever the entertainment industry is trying to serve as a distraction, to keep people from thinking too hard.
Guy Picciotto
We’re really building, at the highest level, the future of entertainment. And we’re involved in the convergence of social communication and storytelling and we’re doing it in immersive, 3D, social environment.
David Baszucki
It is frustrating to be a Black woman in the entertainment industry.
Dionne Warwick
I think people like to be thrilled and excited. And a scary movie is a safe way to do that because you’re not actually doing it. It’s entertainment. You know that you’re in the confines of this two-hour space of safety in the movie house.
Keri Russell
Sometimes, comedy and entertainment is not all about telling jokes; sometimes you just have to be you for a few moments.
Ray William Johnson
Art is difficult. It’s not entertainment.
Anselm Kiefer
Entertainment is such a great job to have.
Two Chainz
Television is much better crafted today then in the 70s. The content is less positive but I’m one of those that feel our entertainment reflects our world, it’s not a driver – art imitates life.
Christopher Knight
A good commentator is someone who obviously people like listening to, who gets the blend between description, entertainment and accuracy of conveying the event right. If you can do that in an interesting way, you are a good commentator.
Jonathan Agnew
We in this entertainment industry try to act like we’re so super powerful. we’re not being honest, because we’re human, and in our humanity there’s a little fear.
Tasha Smith
In the winters, I enrolled in the hotel management program at Cornell University. I naively thought that I knew something about sleight-of-hand, entertainment and food, and that would be all I needed.
Ricky Jay
My parents weren’t at all in entertainment, but when I look back, something along the line prepared me and opened me up to entertainment.
Bonnie Hammer
Not necessity, not desire – no, the love of power is the demon of men. Let them have everything – health, food, a place to live, entertainment – they are and remain unhappy and low-spirited: for the demon waits and waits and will be satisfied.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Youngsters are the most discerning audience. They want entertainment, they want issues.
Shah Rukh Khan
KISS is Las Vegas entertainment. A musician doesn’t need the mask.
Carlos Santana
Well, I’ve been happily supporting myself for ten years now on the hustle and trade of live entertainment. I guess my breakthrough moment was when I decided to go for it once and for all.
Jason Mraz
In general, both in Spanish and English, the quality of the entertainment media is horrible.
Ruben Blades
I am a crazy Maverick fan. I would go there if Dallas was a great entertainment center.
Flula Borg
I plan on having the credibility and integrity of being a part of an entertainment news program like ‘E!,’ in addition to being on the actor side as well.
Terrence J
Sports, entertainment and aviation are three of the most exciting professions in the world; you are dealing with the same magnitude.
John Travolta
I probably worked every single entertainment medium, including some that don’t exist. I worked the circus, carnival, I had my own medicine show, I worked 18 years of radio.
Al Lewis
I’m 25. I’m a white, blonde girl in the entertainment industry – it’s so easy to fall into a world of pleasing everyone. I feel more comfortable showing all these odd angles to myself.
Brie Larson
Even though there’s an entertainment value to the film, I think it’s very important because you can’t really separate the impact of that political message from it. It’s rare that you get films like that I think; that really have an important message and are also entertaining.
Woody Harrelson
I know that I won’t be modelling forever, but I think I’ll be in the entertainment industry. I would love to host a talk show one day or have a cooking show. I love to cook… I’m really open, so we’ll see.
Gigi Hadid
I don’t want to be someone’s entertainment.
Priscilla Presley
I hate entertainment.
John Cassavetes
My brother Cody is 19. He wants to stay out of the limelight and become a lawyer. I want him to be an entertainment lawyer, so he can help me out!
Lindsay Lohan
Hey, I’m like the Wayne Gretsky of the entertainment biz – I have other people do my dirty work while I skate around and get to be a nice guy. What can I say? I’m a coward.
Paul Feig
I wouldn’t tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life. I would never tell you if I was dating anybody.
Kristen Stewart
Well, I think that when I perform on the road I always thank the audience for buying a ticket because it’s a big deal to buy a ticket for a live entertainment, get a baby-sitter and pay for the meal, the parking, whatever.
Kathy Griffin
Business is difficult. But it could be approached two w

Business is difficult. But it could be approached two ways: Seriously, or with the same way you’re doing your job, with entertainment aspect, with pleasure, with fun. And we decided to try to make it as fun that we do our creativity.
Guy Laliberte
Variety is more than a means of avoiding boredom, since art is more than an entertainment of the senses.
Rudolf Arnheim
We’re going to see a lot of companies that have been portals of entertainment become producers.
Kevin Spacey
The entertainment world, television, movies, social media, YouTube stuff, we’re so bombarded with so much imagery and such a great sense of inhumanity, and there is a coarseness, a coarsening of interaction.
Steven Bochco
I never wanted to end up in entertainment; that wasn’t the goal.
Lauren Conrad
The world is a stage, the stage is a world of entertainment.
Howard Dietz
Why are video games so violent? The ones I’ve seen remind me of the 4th of July, with everything exploding, buildings, cars, airplanes, men and women. Kill, kill, and kill for sport and entertainment.
Madeleine M. Kunin
Listen, acting is not surgery, it’s entertainment. You’re doing something to hopefully move people, to make them laugh, to transport them. But actors are vulnerable, and the reason we’re vulnerable is that we’re always trying to recreate human behaviour.
Eddie Redmayne
I think it is good escapist entertainment even though it’s bad.
Rob Zombie
I don’t understand why, in entertainment, the hours are as long as they are. It seems like everything takes forever, and no one can tell you why exactly.
Janeane Garofalo
Music is entertainment, and we need that in order not to fall into the pit of despair.
Varg Vikernes
The circus itself is my personal ideal entertainment venue.
Erin Morgenstern
You can’t ignore the obvious. Women after a certain age are believed to be good for nothing in the entertainment field, especially in the Latin world.
Cristina Saralegui
I am trying to give the best performance possible in 400 pages. I want readers to be scared; I want them to be moved. Entertainment doesn’t necessarily mean something trivial, but it does mean people wanting to get to the end of a book.
Mark Billingham
Entertainment came out of this thing called a television, and it was gray. Most of the films that we saw at the cinema were black and white. It was a gray world. And music somehow was in color.
Pete Townshend
Often with television, particularly with lifestyle entertainment, they really try and box you in.
Nadia Giosia
People are watching GoPro content not to decide whether they should buy it or not – they’re watching it for the entertainment.
Nick Woodman
Whether you’ve done anything wrong or not people will write whatever they want, so it’s just a matter of not reading it, not buying into it, and hopefully the people that do read it realise that it’s just fictional stories for entertainment.
Holly Valance
Working in the entertainment industry exposes me to every current cosmetic fad.
Connie Sellecca
There’s a hardening of the culture. Reality TV has lowered the standards of entertainment. You’re left wondering about the legitimacy of relationships. It’s probably harder to entertain the same people with a more classic form of writing, and romantic comedies are a classic genre.
Nancy Meyers
To me, music is entertainment – what else can it be? In fact, it’s the only language I know of that’s universal.
Ray Charles
I think video games are a great kind of entertainment. They have replaced a lot of games people normally play with their friends and neighbours, like Monopoly.
Uwe Boll
Sports is entertainment.
George Stroumboulopoulos
If the American public is so into morality in movies, why don’t they throw more of their disposable income at religious-themed entertainment? For every ‘Passion of the Christ,’ there’s a ‘Fireproof’ that comes and goes with no notice.
John Ridley
When doing family entertainment, you don’t actually worry about kids. You know what you can’t do. But in terms of sensibility and sophistication and wit and ambition, aim for your own taste level, and kids will – if they’re interested in the subject matter – be glad that you did.
Nina Jacobson
Any time guys move to ‘Raw’ and ‘SmackDown,’ I think that is what has kept NXT so relevant and has kept the fans so invested because they are now conditioned that whoever leaves or comes in, NXT, as a product, is going to give really exciting sports entertainment every time.
Adam Cole
Rose was sexy. It was my fantasy about her. She accomplished so much and came from so little in terms of a background that would have prepared her for the world, let alone the world of entertainment.
Linda Lavin
This is the entertainment industry, so game designers have to have a creative mind and also have to be able to stand up against the marketing people at their company – otherwise they cannot be creative. There are not that many people who fit that description.
Shigeru Miyamoto
I think fun is an important part of the entertainment industry, and it should be. Anybody who’s not incorporating some of that into their work needs to take a break, go away, and have an attitude adjustment.
Diane Lane
I had given up the theater and everything propelled me into entertainment. And I didn’t resist it.
Vincente Minnelli
You have to be a mindful eater. There has to be intention in what you do in your life if you’re going to be happy and authentic. Food isn’t supposed to be entertainment in the way that your kids, your work, and your relationship are.
Jorge Cruise
I grew up in the suburbs among highly educated people,

I grew up in the suburbs among highly educated people, in a house crammed with books. It was a culture rich in ideas, stimulation, entertainment, and mental activity, all helpful to the nurture of an imaginative child who wanted from an early age to be a writer.
Stephen Hunter
From this entertainment industry, may the gods of language protect us.
David Antin
I’ve been in the entertainment industry since I was five and it has always been something that has been in my blood.
Stacy Keibler
Top creative and innovative talent wants to live in a vibrant, transit-friendly, global city that offers access to not only great jobs but also great food, entertainment and culture.
Aileen Lee
It’s kind of sad, the way we’ve turned the entertainment of reading into a kind of psychic broccoli – something to feel guilty about if you don’t force it on your face-making children while dutifully consuming a few token florets yourself.
Lynn Coady
I consider myself lucky that Sheila Johnson, the cofounder of Black Entertainment Television, didn’t choose to rest on her very impressive business laurels. Her luscious 100 percent modal scarves, printed with photos she takes all over the world, are gorgeous. Wearing one is like being wrapped in a hug.
Gayle King
I think the opportunity to bring together the people in the world of politics, business and entertainment and have an opportunity to listen to their best learning and thinking is a great opportunity.
Erwin McManus
Business is difficult. But it could be approached two ways: Seriously, or with the same way you’re doing your job, with entertainment aspect, with pleasure, with fun.
Guy Laliberte
In entertainment, zombies are so played out. I have a gut sense that people are getting tired of apocalyptic scenarios.
Jamais Cascio
Food is entertainment now. People tune into ‘Top Chef,’ and they’re not trying to replicate the recipes. Anthony Bourdain is entertainment. Instagramming your dishes is entertainment.
David Sax
Pure Flix makes evangelistic films, but we also make family films. I think the viewer wants to see quality entertainment that the whole family can watch, and many nonbelievers watch our films because they can watch with their family and young kids.
David A. R. White
Performers have the right to say what they want to, and anyone paying money has the right to accept or reject the art and entertainment that’s available.
Penn Jillette
I think a lot of food shows, especially when we started ‘Good Eats’ back in the late ’90s, they were still really about food. ‘Good Eats’ isn’t about food, it’s about entertainment. If, however, we can virally infect you with knowledge or interest, then all the better.
Alton Brown
The supernatural is ubiquitous in children’s entertainment, from Grimm and Hans Andersen to Disney and ‘Harry Potter.’
Richard Dawkins
It’s great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. I look forward to exploring family entertainment once again and examining the specifics of our day-to-day lives against the backdrop of an extraordinary adventure.
Jon Favreau
People can have a variety of concerns at the same time. Even those undergoing grave or traumatic experiences will acknowledge the need for lightness or even entertainment.
Susan Minot
A good commentator is someone who obviously people like listening to, who gets the blend between description, entertainment and accuracy of conveying the event right. If you can do that in an interesting way, you are a good commentator.
Jonathan Agnew
Some of the most morally conscious, kindest, most compassionate people are in the entertainment industry, people who want to affect the world and make it a better place through telling human, heartfelt stories.
Rainn Wilson
I’m not against entertainment: if someone wants to read nonsense-mongers, let them, but I resent the appearance of parity between two articles on an issue as serious as climate change when one article is actually gibberish masked in pseudoscience and the other is well informed and accurate.
Jay Griffiths
They just wanted to show the entertainment world that we’re vulnerable.
Tommy Chong
Churches that should be talking about the work of Christ on the cross and the grace of God for sinners are stuck on recycled pop psychology, moral exhortation, or entertainment. But these fail to speak to the eternal question that haunts all of us: ‘How do I know that I’m OK?’ We all want to know we are justified.
Kevin DeYoung
I’m a bit of a chameleon with the whole entertainment industry so to speak.
David Boreanaz
‘Entertainment Tonight’ would send me out to do interviews with musicians like Sting and Coldplay, and I was able to watch how they plan their shows. The late Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead always had a game plan, but he also was flexible if he had to change something at the last minute.
John Tesh
I was a very happy child, so to speak. But, since we didn’t have video games or television, and very little radio, in terms of a form of entertainment, I used to read a lot and I would draw a lot, and those two things used to occupy my time.
Most entertainment careers aren’t going to end in fame.
Tyler Hilton
I like making movies that people feel inspired by, a film that they will think about a few days after seeing it, and not entertainment that is completely forgettable the moment you walk out of the theater.
Patricia Riggen
I think the best entertainment tackles social issues in a sort of seamless way.
Dana Walden
Culture relates to objects and is a phenomenon of the world; entertainment relates to people and is a phenomenon of life.
Hannah Arendt
Michael Eisner let it be known last week that he had no intention of leaving the entertainment business once he steps down as CEO of Disney in October.
Peter Bart
You just can’t compare the WWE to anything else when it comes to sports entertainment. There is nothing like the WWE, nothing like this machine I am working for and I’m proud to work for.
A.J. Styles
My family aren’t performers. They’re just normal people. They don’t understand this entertainment world. They just think it’s mental. They have no idea what I’m doing in America.
Jay Ryan
I am urging Americans to be more careful about the kind

I am urging Americans to be more careful about the kinds of media we support with our consumer spending. We’ve got to invest less in the media that glorifies violence and more in entertainment that lifts up the values of love, compassion, and the best in human nature.
Bernice King
‘Bunk’ is a comedy game show where, each week, three of my favorite comedians compete in a series of bizarre and meaningless challenges all for my entertainment. Ethan T. Berlin and Eric Bryant created ‘Bunk.’
Kurt Braunohler
I’ll bet Shakespeare compromised himself a lot; anybody who’s in the entertainment industry does to some extent.
Christopher Isherwood
I happen to believe that video games will be the largest sport and entertainment in the world. The reason for that is a video game can be every sport. You can be anybody.
Jensen Huang
When Richard Nixon came to Beijing in the winter of 1972, China was still in the throes of the Cultural Revolution, so it had a limited array of entertainment to provide.
Evan Osnos
I think PSP is going to be the most successful handheld entertainment device ever. What it will do in terms of the versatility, obviously you can download music to it, and you’ll be able to enjoy all your great tunes on it.
Ian Jackson
Avoid demonizing television, computer games, and new technologies. Electronic media may compete for kids’ attention, but we’re not going to get kids reading by badmouthing other entertainment. Admit that TV and games can do things books can’t.
Jon Scieszka
The future of television is not on television but online. A majority of us are turning to our computers and mobile devices for news and entertainment, Millennials especially.
Jason Calacanis
Entertainment has this way of resetting itself.
Zachary Levi
We started Wayfarer Entertainment to create content that we felt could actually inspire people to be the best version of themselves. We take life for granted so often, and we don’t realize that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
Justin Baldoni
I never use the word ‘hero’ in sports. Hero is way above ‘star.’ I save ‘star’ for sports. Sports is entertainment; that’s all it is.
Bud Grant
We’re making this as entertainment. But God willing, if this show stays on and people see a woman in that office for a while, I think it will help people become more used to it. It’s certainly about time that we had a few female presidents.
Geena Davis
Movies were never an art form, they were entertainment. It just evolved into an art form from there, and it’s still evolving in different ways.
David Mamet
It wasn’t always easy at times, having grown up on television and being in the entertainment industry.
Candace Cameron Bure
I’ve been one of the image-makers who created this concept of perfection. I’ve done a thousand magazine covers where I’m celebrating Hollywood, glamorous people. Which is all good. It’s all entertainment.
Let’s stop playing with ourselves and get on with the entertainment, shall we?
April Winchell
To fund major cultural efforts, we must not rely alone on government and foundation patronage; if the farmer can spend for beer, he can pay for good entertainment which he can understand, which he can identify with and which will fortify his spirit.
F. Sionil Jose
I have never read for entertainment, but rather for understanding and to satisfy my eager curiosity.
Bryant H. McGill
Little pieces of advice like that can provide us with months’ worth of entertainment.
Mike Shinoda
I want to direct, write, produce… y’know, I love the entertainment industry.
Jason Marsden
The entertainment business remains a business of blockbusters, and increasingly so.
Anita Elberse
My past films came out on home entertainment in the U.S., so the next question was, how do we get a theatrical in the U.S.? Well, you put a monster in it. That will do it, because people love monster movies.
Noel Clarke
I believe in the paramount importance of entertainment, but I have something to say.
Wendelin Van Draanen
My whole way of looking at entertainment and audience engagement – and my ability to go from one genre to another – comes from my experience in New Orleans.
Jon Batiste
We must rediscover our faith in the future and join with one another to ensure that nonviolence is the prevalent choice for government, law enforcement, the non-profit sector, business, education, media, entertainment, arts, and for the global citizenry.
Bernice King
I watched Ali, studied Ali, and I studied Sugar Ray Robinson. I watched them display showmanship. I watched them use pizzazz, personality, and charisma. I took things from them and borrowed things from them because boxing is entertainment.
Sugar Ray Leonard
The entertainment industry at large has pretty much given away high definition to consumers. They haven’t really charged a premium for it on television. That makes consumers more likely to buy Blu-ray but less likely to pay a premium for it.
Michael Lynton
Wrestling is like any form of drama or pretty much any form of entertainment – some people understand this about forms of entertainment really intuitively when they’re younger, and others would have to be really not very intelligent for a long time until we realize that every human mood is an art.
John Darnielle
I grew up in the industry, so this whole entertainment thing is my world. If I had to leave it, maybe I’d be a race-car driver. That’d be awesome.
Mitchel Musso
While television can help normalize the lives of marginalized people, it also can exploit their hardships and reinforce stereotypes, reducing their lives to mere entertainment.
Zoey Tur
Bad Boy Entertainment did not shoot anybody. I didn’t shoot anybody.
Sean Combs
At school, I felt out of place. I was bullied. I would

At school, I felt out of place. I was bullied. I would think, ‘These kids don’t like me, they don’t accept me,’ but I felt like in the entertainment industry, I would fit in.
Dove Cameron
People say child stars have a hard time ‘because of the entertainment business,’ but I think there’s a dysfunction before all that. I use the analogy, ‘If you’re a fool without money, you’ll be a fool with money.’
Tia Mowry
On telly, there’s been a move towards entertainment – with some very high-powered, fast-moving dramas. Then we have the Internet, where we get our information but it’s all in bite-size pieces. I think the documentary, as a form, actually speaks to what’s missing.
Beeban Kidron
In Fargo, they say, well, that’s a job. How well do you get paid? For example, for this book I was written about in Entertainment Weekly, and it was kind of cool because my mom asked me if Entertainment Weekly was a magazine or a newspaper.
Chuck Klosterman
Entertainment is often a medium in which you can put yourself front and center.
John Cena
It’s too bad that there aren’t as many light comedies around in the movies as there were when I was making pictures like ‘The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer.’ The boys are just not writing them. Many writers are more serious now than they used to be, and that’s showing up in all phases of entertainment.
Rudy Vallee
We go to the movies to forget about time, to be in a dream state. And it’s entertainment, distraction, from the fact that everything is kind of crumbling in front of our eyes.
Christian Marclay
Before machines the only form of entertainment people really had was relationships.
Douglas Coupland
It’s disappointing to see films become pure entertainment, so that it’s not an art form.
Richard Linklater
I see apostasy in many ways occurring in Evangelical churches that really aren’t teaching the truth of God’s word. I do believe that some churches have become entertainment centers and a teaching a type of prosperity Gospel rather than teaching God’s word.
Robert Jeffress
A television chat show is light entertainment, so it is trivial by its very nature. It is hardly the place to get people to reveal their innermost thoughts. Then it becomes sensationalism, and you lower yourself to the level of the popular newspapers.
Terry Wogan
The primary goal is to entertain people because… Fortunately, the kind of movies I have been doing have a certain message, they break taboos, and they are socially relevant. So it’s a great mix of content and entertainment.
Ayushmann Khurrana
I’ve been able to watch and to weather a lot of different periods in entertainment, politics and life.
Marilyn Manson
The bulk of my set is instrumental and you have to give yourself and the audience some relief because a performance is not about great guitar playing it’s really about entertainment.
Leo Kottke
I just want fiction to remain a vital force for entertainment and not just for contemplation. Both things can exist.
Gary Shteyngart
I’m like Cab Calloway: I love the entertainment, and I’ve loved entertaining people ever since I was little.
Wyclef Jean
In America, there’s more of the question, should music be political or should it just be for entertainment purposes, whereas around the world that’s not even an issue. I think people just assume that music should be everything.
Serj Tankian
Politics has become entertainment.
Joe Eszterhas
I got all these books about, like, what you need to know to enter the entertainment industry. And I remember I sent my music to record labels, and I took these little DVDs and sent them all over the place. And either no one got back to me or they just kept saying, ‘You’re too different.’
Lindsey Stirling
When I walk for a designer, I walk the ramp as Vijender Singh, the boxer. I believe that by doing so, boxing will at least, in some way, get promoted in our entertainment industry. Plus, if cricketers can, why can’t I?
Vijender Singh
It took me a few years to explain to my colleagues and my mentors and the people that I looked up to and I wrestled that I’m not in wrestling anymore. I’m in sports entertainment. Pro’ wrestling doesn’t mean that we’re saying we’re a step up above amateur wrestling, because there’s nothing above Olympic wrestling.
Kurt Angle
I’m happy to see the United States and China cooperating more and more with movies. The entertainment industry in China is developing very fast. I hope there can be a bridge for actors to work in both places.
Li Bingbing
What’s my dilemma here? Am I making entertainment or am I making art? What am I saying? At the end of the day, cinema is entertainment for millions of people, but for me it’s expression.
Paddy Considine
The sea was our main entertainment. When company came, we set them before it on rugs, with thermoses and sandwiches and colored umbrellas, as if the water – blue, green, gray, navy or silver as it might be – were enough to watch.
Sylvia Plath
My dad used to put me in front of the TV screen and made me watch old Jimmy Durante and Dean Martin movies. I just always loved entertainment.
James Wolk
When I was producing on my own, I was doing it in order to – in a very patriarchal entertainment industry, let alone planet – very much hell-bent on trying to prove to myself, if nothing else, that I could do it as a woman.
Alanis Morissette
Theatres are built because they were the boards for entertainment.
Robert Plant
For the BBC and others, a free website is an obvious and relatively cheap addendum to their main purpose of streaming news and entertainment on screen to a mass audience.
Lionel Barber
My background is that I’ve spent a lot of time marketing entertainment. One of the old saws in package goods is you can take something that is popular and you can make it more popular. But if you take something less popular, you can’t automatically market it into the same success as something that’s already popular.
Fred Seibert
For the past 32 years, I’ve done nothing outside the entertainment business. I’ve had some real highs and some real lows, but I love the work so much that I never once thought of quitting.
Meat Loaf
The cinema is an institution nowadays, with its roots sunk deep in the hearts of the millions of people who find enjoyment and entertainment in going to the pictures.
Ivor Novello
Supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip shows are not

Supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip shows are not just innocently shallow entertainment, but a fundamental part of a much larger movement that involves apathy, greed and hierarchy.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The whole format of entertainment that I did seems to be fading away. The music business of today is completely different when you see the videos and the music.
Bobby Vinton
I don’t know how the rap game is, because I’m a fan of reality, and the rap game’s entertainment.
Kevin Gates
I’m the glue that keeps it all together. I’m the nucleus of an entertainment family. My day-to-day is making decisions to keep life above water.
Jada Pinkett Smith
I’m not built for war. I’m built for entertainment. I’m built for jokes – either telling them or being the butt of them.
Josh Peck
It was darn nigh impossible for women in rock in the ’70s. There wasn’t a mold if you were a woman and you were in the entertainment in the ’70s. You were probably a disco diva or a folk singer, or simply ornamental. Radio would play only one woman per hour.
Ann Wilson
I do want my films to have the required entertainment quotient, but I’d prefer doing films where you don’t have to leave your brains behind.
Arjun Rampal
I am not in the entertainment business; I am in the justice business.
Eric Schneiderman
I wasn’t going to make a slick, glossy over-produced piece of entertainment because then I would be doing what the Capitol did. Then I’m actually putting on the Hunger Games and not making a movie of the ‘Hunger Games.’
Gary Ross
All my films have some kind of statement about something – but I have to coat it with entertainment to make it palatable. Otherwise it becomes a polemic, and people don’t want to see it. If you’re trying to get a message out to people, you’ve got to entertain them at the same time.
Larry Cohen
If entertainment years were dog years, man, I’d be like Gandhi. I’d be, like, 250 years old.
Justin Timberlake
I don’t believe that art is just for entertainment. I want to create art that is meaningful in some way.
Carrie Coon
Our world is enriched when coders and marketers dazzle us with smartphones and tablets, but, by themselves, they are just slabs. It is the music, essays, entertainment and provocations that they access, spawned by the humanities, that animate them – and us.
Nicholas Kristof
I’d like to see myself married with a child and hopefully still involved in the entertainment business as an actor who is also able to write a bit and direct some projects.
Fred Savage
Out of the 72 kids that I went to high school with, I still talk to 25 of them on a fairly regular basis. Seven of my classmates live in L.A., and five of them are in the entertainment business, and we constantly talk and play fantasy football together.
Ike Barinholtz
A lot of people say, ‘What set the Attitude Era up?’ or, ‘What started the Attitude Era?’ To me – and I was allegedly the leader of it – sports entertainment, pro wrestling, whatever you want to call it has always had an attitude. So, why that particular generation got labeled, I don’t know.
Stone Cold Steve Austin
I grew up in the entertainment industry, and I think being around that gave me a different perspective on people and what’s real and what’s fake. I think about that a lot, and it comes out in my songs.
Aubrie Sellers
Entertainment and escapism – those are the bigger money-making films today.
Robin Wright
Hacking was the only entertainment that would occupy my mind – like a huge video game, but with real consequences. I could have evaded the FBI a lot longer if I had been able to control my passion for hacking.
Kevin Mitnick
The producer is at the center of entertainment. The producer is being forgotten, and producers must seize the center of activity.
Marshall Herskovitz
Today, I marvel at the vegan foods in the supermarket, at the cruelty-free clothing choices in stores, and at the fantastic alternatives to dissection in schools, the modern ways to test medicines without killing rabbits and beagles, the many forms of entertainment involving purely human performers.
Ingrid Newkirk
You look at the violence that is there in entertainment, in video games, and don’t just go say, ‘We’re going to do an assault weapons ban, and that’s going to solve the problem,’ because it is not going to get to the root of the problem.
Marsha Blackburn
I’m a pretty good ventriloquist, but it’s the entertainment value and the laughs that keep people sitting there and wanting more.
Jeff Dunham
The Internet is all about accessing entertainment. Realistically, 50 to 80 percent of all traffic is people downloading stuff for free. If you can turn that huge market share into something that you can monetize, even if it is just with ads, you will end up making more money than with all other revenue streams combined.
Kim Dotcom
And being as I’m somebody who loves movies like The Machinist, I also love going along to big mass entertainment movies. I get in the mood for all kinds of movies, and so I like to try each of them.
Christian Bale
Exactly when people are in turmoil is the time that the entertainment business has always been at its best. Because people don’t want to be reminded every day that they are under siege, or that they’re not having a great time of life.
Lionel Richie
Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers. It’s not just about entertainment – it’s about education. Permission marketing is curriculum marketing.
Seth Godin
That crossover of whether it’s entertainment or news is the biggest crock of b.s. in television today, because it’s all entertainment.
Vince McMahon
Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of toys, and personal entertainment depended on individual ingenuity and imagination – think up a story and go live it for an afternoon.
Terry Brooks
On a pure entertainment level, if I’m going to choose to listen to a presidential candidate speak on a Saturday night, it’s going to be Donald Trump over Bernie Sanders by a landslide!
Jerrod Carmichael
I think Tupac was more someone who was trying to inform us about what was going on, and he did it through entertainment.
Marco Rubio
I take aliens very seriously and don't appreciate light

I take aliens very seriously and don’t appreciate light entertainment or weak approximations being made of them.
Helen Oyeyemi
As parents and as consumers, we have the right and the power to pressure the entertainment industry to respond to our needs. Americans, after all, should insist that every corporate giant – whether it produces chemicals or records – accept responsibility for what it produces.
Tipper Gore
Any time you can take a book a little beyond the realm of pure entertainment, I think it’s a good thing. But I don’t really have it on my to-do list when I write a book. It just evolves naturally during the process of immersing yourself in a subject.
Mary Roach
The idea of future or past, either way, is a core part of entertainment. It’s something we’ve always loved as humans. Its part of our psyche, I think.
Mark Sheppard
I work hard for the audience. It’s entertainment. I don’t need validation.
Denzel Washington
Writers since at least the heyday of Gore Vidal have bemoaned their audience’s defection to other forms of entertainment.
Garth Risk Hallberg
This is fun. This is entertainment, right guys?
Kurt Busch
For us music is mainly part of the entertainment world and is often a luxury.
Wim Wenders
My solo novel ‘Icons’ was optioned by Alcon Entertainment, the folks who made the ‘Beautiful Creatures’ movie, and that’s gotten as far as a script, but no news yet.
Margaret Stohl
A lot of our entertainment throws into detail the stagnation and illness of how we live today-it’s sad and it’s sick… and it’s profitable.
Heather Donahue
I’ve come up in the scripted world, and I have wished there were more time slots for us to tell compelling scripted stories and not fill the airwaves with a lot of fluff and tabloid entertainment.
Ralph Macchio
The idea of bringing equality not just to entertainment but to every walk of life – I think it’s very important.
Ellie Bamber
The average person is gregarious; there is something in the spirit of the crowd that adds to the enjoyment of entertainment.
Ivor Novello
Rock gives children, on a silver platter, with all the public authority of the entertainment industry, everything their parents always used to tell them they had to wait for until they grew up and would understand later.
Allan Bloom
Almost everyone shuts down when science becomes too technical; you’ve got to infuse it with entertainment and storytelling to make it effective. From high school on, science is taught in a very dry manner, which isn’t as potent.
Greg Graffin
No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.
Mary Wortley Montagu
Europe is scooters. Europe is five young people on one bench sharing a chocolate bar. Their idea of entertainment and fun is so much different than ours, which is exactly why a movie about them would be funny.
Mike Myers
I think that Oprah’s on a mission to improve the lives of the average American in various ways. And one of them is to bring literature to people who would normally not be quite as demanding in their reading tastes, to show them writing that can be more than just entertainment.
Janet Fitch
The UFC focuses on entertainment, but that’s not what fighting is about. It is not a concert.
Gegard Mousasi
I look at each episode in two ways – from a design standpoint and from an entertainment standpoint – this is TV, after all. We usually succeed on at least one of the levels.
Douglas Wilson
As a producer, as a CEO of Hartbeat Productions, I am making deals to put my company in place to win, to put my staff to work so that while all this stuff is going on, they’re in the kitchen cooking. So it’s understanding the longevity of the entertainment business; you get out of it what you put into it.
Kevin Hart
People think it’s funny that I enjoy dreaming so much. I just use it as a form of entertainment. It’s very private. I don’t see my dreams as separate. I mean, half the time I’m wandering around dreaming anyway.
Robert Smith
I will say that equity overall is an important issue and one we are constantly looking at. In a perfect world, the entertainment and media industry and the content on our screens would reflect the true American scene.
Gabrielle Carteris
Television is a visual medium. You have to create some kind of visual interest. And it’s entertainment for your eyes.
Aaron Sorkin
I’ve always been a sucker for any technology engineered primarily for the entertainment of the human race – even such technology as has been disguised as ‘useful’ or ‘improving’ when we all know the real virtue lies in its ability to distract and divert.
Lynn Coady
There remains a degree of anti-black intellectualism in entertainment. Middle and upper-middle class blacks have often been portrayed as buffoons in popular culture; witness the characters of Carlton Banks on ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ and Braxton P. Hartnabrig on ‘The Jamie Foxx Show.’
John Ridley
There’s so much of a desire in the entertainment industry for newness, a desire to build somebody up and then treat them as old news within six months. I think you’d be naive if you didn’t try to hold on to your own way of doing things.
Felicity Jones
In our show you have to pay attention and know what happened before. I think it’s very intelligent entertainment. It makes demands of viewers that a lot of shows don’t.
Victor Garber
There has been a tremendous growth in the entertainment industry throughout Atlanta. There are many opportunities in film, television and theatre.
Kim Fields
Money is catching up to the technological trends transforming all aspects of society and business; entertainment, insurance, health-care, gaming, leisure, retail – all commercial and social verticals are going digital – including money itself.
Max Keiser
I remember when I got to 16, my mum was like, ‘No, now you’ve got to go and get a proper job. We’ve indulged you long enough.’ I don’t think they ever thought I was going to be successful in entertainment at all.
Kelly Brook
So, how to stay inside the world of entertainment witho

So, how to stay inside the world of entertainment without actually getting another job? I felt the only logical answer was to become a novelist. So I wrote the first book – driven by some very real feelings of desperation – and it worked.
Lee Child
Most restaurant people work much harder physically, on a daily basis, than most entertainers. Though most people in entertainment complain more.
Philip Rosenthal
Music is the one part of the entertainment business where you can’t fool anybody into buying a record.
Nile Rodgers
I think good entertainment makes you feel something… it can be a variety of different feelings.
Jodi Benson
You know, going to the movies has always been recession-proof. It’s fairly cheap entertainment; it’s classic escapism.
John Lasseter
I may be biting off more than I can chew, but with ‘The Simpsons’ and with ‘Futurama,’ what I’m trying to do in the guise of light entertainment, if this is possible – is nudge people, jostle them a little, wake them up to some of the ways in which we’re being manipulated and exploited.
Matt Groening
My aim is to do all genres, both entertainment and art.
Aishwarya Rajesh
I think the race situation is getting better as far as people respecting each other goes. I think the race situation with entertainment is not that much better.
Patti LaBelle
Americas are, for a variety of reasons, the most adept at producing the kind of entertainment that delivers easy satisfactions.
Todd Gitlin
There are three capitals of entertainment in the world: Las Vegas, New York and London. So far the only one I truly conquered is Vegas. New York and London are still on my checklist.
Guy Laliberte
The entertainment industry is as it always has been. It’s a rough bunch of people and a rough industry.
John Perry Barlow
I want to go to Sierra Leone with something – whether it’s some sort of contribution to healthcare, or to the entertainment industry. My cousin is a nurse; we are talking about opening a clinic.
Idris Elba
Entertainment is there to improve people’s quality of life. After your basic needs, there’s entertainment.
Satoru Iwata
Well, politics is much more severe than entertainment. You have to hit those points, in politics, word for word. You have to remember the date. You have to remember the website. You have to rehearse stories that might be asked, have anecdotes ready for questions that might come up.
Matt Walsh
I sang in church, but growing up in the neighborhood, music was more of an expression of relief or entertainment.
Today, most young women are exposed to technology at a very young age, with mobile phones, tablets, the Web or social media. They are much more proficient with technology than prior generations since they use it for all their school work, communication and entertainment.
Susan Wojcicki
Now that I work as a professional model, I advise people to stay away from any television shows. It’s a waste of your time; it’s just entertainment. It’s not the fashion that we now know.
Fatima Siad
Editorial imagery licensing includes celebrity, entertainment, sports, and news images that capture what is happening in the world around us.
Jon Oringer
I would say that, of course, it is wrong to objectify women. But at the same time, entertainment should not be inter-mingled with commodification.
Malaika Arora Khan
As an actor, I travel around a lot and live in a lot of hotels, and many times I’ve been in a town where the only entertainment to be had is what you find in the hotel bar or lobby.
Beau Bridges
Using animals for entertainment is big business, plain and simple.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
Everyone’s heard the same joke a million times and knows the setups. They are tired of the mass-marketed entertainment served on the networks.
Tim Heidecker
Writers are in the entertainment business, and it gives me lots of pleasure to entertain my readers.
Brian Lumley
Except here it’s more power, more energy, younger and also in Europe it’s still not only entertainment. Theater or films are looked at as a moral institution. That’s why maybe they’re so poetic. Here it’s clear entertainment.
Maximilian Schell
I think people feel starved of nice, glamorous entertainment. They want to see costumes and gaiety and a singer; old-fashioned entertainment – it won’t die easily.
Ronnie Corbett
I think in a weird way that the entertainment industry is strangely more brutally honest than any other.
Donal Logue
Growing up in the entertainment industry, I’ve had a lot of people tell me I’m not good enough.
Renee Olstead
Others may prefer mindless entertainment, but on Sunday nights, you’ll find me parked right in front of my television, munching popcorn and improving my intellect by watching ‘Masterpiece Classic.’
Teresa Medeiros
YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.
Chad Hurley
People lament that there’s no roles being written for South Asian or Muslim characters. But their parents don’t want their children to go into the entertainment field. You don’t get it both ways.
Aasif Mandvi
I mean I do believe there is a responsibility of the entertainment industry in general with everything that is happening with the world, with violence and with climate change and with the stereotypes with Latinos or any community.
Natalia Reyes
Reggae has a philosophy, you know? It's not just entert

Reggae has a philosophy, you know? It’s not just entertainment. There’s an idea behind it, a way of life behind the music, which is a positive way of life, which is a progressive way of life for better people.
Ziggy Marley
I enjoy shooting. Around where I live, it’s something you do for entertainment once in a while, you go out and shoot targets.
Bonnie Jo Campbell
Politics are well past logic. It’s entertainment.
Martin Shkreli
I think the story is the most ancient form of human entertainment.
David Mitchell
Entertainment is such a non-reality.
Katharine McPhee
The Internet is changing what entertainment and sports is. It’s not just a few people authoring an experience for others. It’s really growing out of what everybody does.
Gabe Newell
I grew up in the New Zealand countryside. We didn’t have television until I was 14, so sing-alongs were our only entertainment.
Kiri Te Kanawa
I have been skeptical and not trusting of traditional models of the entertainment industry. I never got a manager.
Tim Heidecker
I’d like to do a television show that is encouraging, useful, and clean, and I’d like to go up against Entertainment Tonight and beat it.
John Tesh
I’ve actually gotten so I don’t associate television with entertainment very much.
Dick Cavett
I read novels for entertainment rather than for edification, so I tend not to read the sort of novels that are said to illuminate the human condition.
Richard Dawkins
We’re the only dance in town. We don’t compete with any professional teams for the entertainment dollar.
Hayden Fry
Everyone at Junction Point has been inspired by the creative folks at Pixar and Disney Feature Animation to make ‘entertainment for everyone.’
Warren Spector
As we’ve come along, we’ve educated our audience, getting them to understand that brands do not compromise entertainment. For us, they enhance it. They enable it.
Rhett McLaughlin
Bravo’s ‘Real Housewives’ series isn’t just entertainment for devoted fans like me – it’s an entire all-absorbing universe of pride and passion.
Camille Paglia
I grew up in a small town in Alabama, and there wasn’t much in the way of entertainment, so like our older siblings before us, we drove our pickup trucks out into the hayfield and lit a bonfire.
Abbi Glines
One way to stay grounded in the entertainment industry is to surround yourself with very good people that will constantly remind you how uncool you are.
Lauren Conrad
A lot of children’s entertainment is animated, and I guess the beauty of The Wiggles is that we’re still real people… You’re able to be predominantly yourself. I think that’s why children relate.
Emma Watkins
We are, in the comics, the last frontier of good, wholesome family humor and entertainment.
Bil Keane
I want to be known as a triple threat. I have aspirations to win an Oscar and a Grammy, and I also want to win a Tony. I want to be one of those guys like Frank Sinatra or Sammy Davis Jr. that crossed all those barriers of entertainment.
Elijah Kelley
All art at a certain level is entertainment. We go to a tragedy by Sophocles to be entertained.
John Banville
If I’m going to invest the time in a novel, I want something more than the entertainment you get out of most genre fiction.
Glen Duncan
Every piece of entertainment is made with the idea that ‘This is going to be terrific’ and ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever done’ and then it hits the public and then the public tells you whether it’s good or bad.
William Shatner
Thriller novelists get asked – berated, sometimes – about whether their work glorifies bad behavior, even, exploits human tragedy for entertainment.
M. J. Rose
Sure, I acted in films in the Third Reich, entertainment films, which distracted countless people inside and outside Germany from daily life during war.
Johannes Heesters
Things that matter are a great story, entertainment, how the lead part moves the story forward and who the directors are.
Tahir Raj Bhasin
Wayfarer is built on the idea that we can actually make a huge difference by creating entertainment and television and digital and branded content with a message. It doesn’t always have to be really, really inspiring or really earnest. We call it chocolate-covered broccoli.
Justin Baldoni
Boxing is an entertainment business.
Chris Eubank Jr.
Gambling is entertainment… Financial markets, what one often refers to as speculation, is really the force by which we move capital to the best and highest use.
Kenneth C. Griffin
For news, I follow ‘The New York Times,’ ‘The New Yorker,’ and ‘ProPublica.’ For entertainment, I like The A.V. Club and The Onion.
Jason Jones
I feel like skateboarding is as much of a sport as a lifestyle, and an art form, so there’s so much that that transcends in terms of music, fashion, and entertainment.
Tony Hawk
If you have any kind of sex appeal, people are quick to

If you have any kind of sex appeal, people are quick to accuse, abuse, lie, assume, and make up rumors. And that’s not just in entertainment – that’s in life. Period.
We are in the entertainment business and we all know if you are top of the tree you get the big money. Those of us who have been in it are the fortunate ones but we understand that we probably don’t deserve it as much as the nurses or teachers.
Gary Lineker
I think of myself as an entertainment arsenal. Like I have my acting bazooka and my music machete. And you don’t know what I’m going to come at you with.
Jack Black
You never know what’s going to happen with this crazy world of sports entertainment, so I would never rule out the fact that Rock wants to come home.
Roman Reigns
I read about violent things. I think what I get out of that is entertainment by learning about different things, and reading the genre and getting an understanding of motivations. But at the end of the day, it’s still a book, and I can walk away.
Karin Slaughter
‘Biutiful’ is a tough film. It doesn’t make concessions to the vulgarity of light entertainment. It’s not the kind of film that you see every day in the Cineplex. But as an artist, it’s the thing that I needed to do.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Police blog or entertainment news, it’s just good to see your name in print.
J. B. Smoove
I don’t want to spoil this for anybody but wrestling, sports entertainment, is ‘pre-determined.’
Diamond Dallas Page
I’d like to be the next Oprah financially, but I’m not a TV actor. I’m not someone with an entertainment background, I’m a cop. And I’m not afraid to go anywhere and get down and dirty.
Steve Wilkos
I’m kind of big on performance in general. I like the sort of entertainment where you can go in and be fully immersed in it.
Erin Morgenstern
After a while, no matter how much you love any pop song, you’re going to get tired of it. That’s the way it is with any entertainment. It’s good when you first hear it or see it, you like it for a while, then it gets old. It gets chewed up and spit out and it’s done.
Joe Perry
I hadn’t watched any Hitchcock movies when I made ‘Tom at the Farm,’ except for ‘Vertigo’ when I was 8 years old. I don’t have a sophisticated film knowledge, but I have seen the legacy of classic movies in broader entertainment.
Xavier Dolan
I rely on my iPad for on-the-go entertainment. I stock it with TV shows, like ‘Parks and Recreation’ and the British version of ‘The Office.’ I’m reading a Charles Manson biography on it too, since I’m weirdly into true crime.
Phoebe Tonkin
Stand-up was my entree into the entertainment world. I didn’t have to act out somebody else’s words. I could just stand there with a microphone, and nobody would interrupt me. It’s the most narcissistic thing you could probably do.
Chelsea Handler
My #1 job as a thriller author is to give readers the best white-knuckle thrill ride I am capable of. I am first and foremost in the entertainment business. If that suspenseful ride is also terrifying because it hits really close to home, then I am once again doing what I am supposed to do as a thriller author.
Brad Thor
As far as entertainment, ‘The Right Stuff’ is a good movie. As far as a documentary of the early space days, which they purported it to be, it is not at all.
John Glenn
Our goals were and are to be sure that we set up DC Entertainment to be more integrated and more cooperative within DC as well as in Warner Bros.
Diane Nelson
My biggest dream for this company is to restore it – to bring Time Warner back to the position that I think it once had and, even better than that, to make it the greatest company in the media and entertainment world.
Richard Parsons
I’ve done a variety of projects in different areas of the entertainment industry.
Jodi Benson
I’m not setting ‘Jericho’ up to be anything other than what it is, which is, you know, a piece of good, well thought-out, well put-together TV and entertainment.
Lennie James
People start panicking because they think it’s the end of everything. But the fact is, you know, books survived movies; books survived TV. Books are surviving manga and anime. Books will always be there in one form or another. You just have a larger palette of entertainment options.
John Scalzi
Mixed martial arts, UFC, or what have you, I don’t think it has anything to do with rankings. It doesn’t have to do with ‘this guy beat this guy so he deserves a title shot.’ It might be like that every once in a while, but this is entertainment and the two biggest names – the best story.
B. J. Penn
You know, the Super Bowl is so fresh that every single commercial is even on, you know, some next-level entertainment.
Now we’re doing it for different reasons. We’re doing it to bring back the families to the game, people who love the game, and make it an affordable night’s entertainment.
Bobby Hull
Once you see the entertainment world from both sides, you really get a greater understanding of how it all operates. As an actor going into screenwriting, I was able to understand what type of dialogue feels natural and what an actor could actually say.
John Francis Daley
The entertainment industry and my place in it is a place where you burn brightly for as long as you can.
Robbie Williams
I try to create some stupid entertainment for really smart people that they don’t feel too stupid watching. In ‘Xanadu,’ the biggest laugh was a reference to Achilles.
Douglas Carter Beane
My reasons for getting into the entertainment business weren’t entirely selfless. Hollywood as an industry can at times be insular and doesn’t understand the market very well. I saw an opportunity in that fact.
Philip Anschutz
I’ve never considered myself a celebrity or even part of the entertainment business. I’m a cooking teacher.
Martin Yan
Florida has tons of entertainment opportunities because Walt Disney World and Universal Studios are there.
Kevin Richardson
Studios will tell you that they can’t turn a profit on female-driven entertainment. Which is like the Gap saying no one is buying clothes anymore. No. No one is buying your clothes.
Emma McLaughlin
The Bible was not written for entertainment purposes, s

The Bible was not written for entertainment purposes, so it’s a real hodgepodge and a compendium of all kinds of stuff.
Robert Crumb
Consumers are increasingly programming their own entertainment and content experiences.
Chad Hurley
I love sport as long as it’s kept as an entertainment – not a meaning of life.
David Icke
‘American Sniper’ is a film that erases history, spectacularizes violence, and reduces war and its aftermath to cheap entertainment, with an underexplained referent to the mental problems many vets live with when they return home from the war.
Henry Giroux
What I look for in a project or partner is integrity and character; I love the concept of family entertainment and crosses over the generations, where you can sit kids with their grandparents and everyone has a good time. Those are the qualities that I want to bring to viewers.
Jodi Benson
Los Angeles is a one-horse town. It’s entirely driven by the entertainment business and that’s what it is.
Jason Priestley
People like Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Marlene Dietrich and Sammy Davis Jr. all walked me down this path of entertainment.
Dionne Warwick
People want entertainment, a whole night of it, a whole experience.
Dan Gilbert
Being young is an advantage. You’ve grown up with games as the dominant entertainment. You have a lot of experience of video games. So what do you want to see that’s not been done? Innovation is really low cost for you. You can afford to take risks and fail to execute new ideas.
Kim Swift
Entertainment can be a more powerful driver than poverty.
Sugata Mitra
None of my friends are in the entertainment industry.
Lizzy Caplan
I wanted to do dance with the same seriousness as art was done and acknowledged, not with the entertainment factor that is always connected to theater and film.
Tino Sehgal
Outside of the mindless sitcoms that the networks thrive on, people able to think generally consider most entertainment is escape in one form or another.
Gary Gygax
I always knew I wanted to work in entertainment, but I actually really wanted to be a singer more than an actress.
India de Beaufort
Sports and entertainment have always been windows of opportunity for African Americans, when other doors were closed.
Lynn Swann
I have always really liked creating family entertainment, and Disney does that really well.
Teri Hatcher
I was always looking ahead. I used to do all kinds of things for entertainment. When I was young, we had no radio, no TV. We were 30 miles from the public library, out in the sticks in Western Kansas, and so I’d do arithmetic exercises.
Clyde Tombaugh
Art and mass entertainment and propaganda, they can all be plotted on the same graph, but there is a difference.
David Mamet
We had no electricity, no gas. Food was probably our greatest entertainment – the most fun thing that we could do was food.
Paul Prudhomme
I’ve long wanted to find a charitable cause to really get involved with and be passionate about. I get invited to a lot of charity events to sing, and I am happy to help and bring a source of entertainment, but I’m sort of disconnected from them.
Katharine McPhee
‘Lost’ holds a very special place in people’s hearts and I wouldn’t presume to say that ‘FlashForward’ will replace ‘Lost.’ I think it provides a lot of the same adrenaline and fascination and entertainment. It will help ease the pain of losing ‘Lost!’ I think it will appeal to the very same audience.
Sonya Walger
I developed the pilot for ‘Entertainment Tonight’ with Jack Haley, Jr. and Al Masini, who became my business partner in ‘Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous,’ ‘Runaway’ and several other shows and specials.
Robin Leach
I am an entertainer. Cinema is entertainment. It is nothing more than that.
Sunny Deol
With any entertainment business, you sort of have to be OK with just going with it. I’ve learned very much to just go with the flow and see what happens with my life, and what happens happens.
Aubrey Peeples
There are too many fawning entertainment shows out there and not one of them is making fun of it all.
David Spade
Mobile gaming is the largest and fastest-growing opportunity for interactive entertainment, and we will have one of the world’s most successful mobile game companies and its talented teams providing great content to new customers, in new geographies, throughout the world.
Bobby Kotick
Certainly, those of us in the entertainment industry, we are part of creating fear in people – ‘fear’ for me stands for ‘false evidence appearing real.’ We create fantasy, and in certain ways that’s wonderful because it allows people to escape. But it can suck people into wanting to achieve something that isn’t real.
Hill Harper
Writing detective stories is about writing light literature, for entertainment. It isn’t primarily a question of writing propaganda or classical literature.
Stieg Larsson
Men will shop, but they only shop when they need something. Women shop with passion and because it’s enjoyable, and for some, it’s even entertainment. All you have to do is step into a mall and see how many stores are geared towards men and how many are geared towards women, and you’ll get the picture.
Brian Lee
But in Delhi, people love artists. They love any musician, any actor; anybody from the art field who visits from the entertainment industry, gets an amazing response in Delhi.
I’ve been been on the cover of TV Guide, on every single talk and entertainment show except Letterman. It’s interesting being older and dealing with this kind of success. I’m more appreciative of it now, and I don’t take it for granted.
John Stamos
No one in my family had ever done anything acting-wise

No one in my family had ever done anything acting-wise or entertainment industry-wise.
Margot Robbie
Acting is definitely put at the back of my mind, if it’s there at all right now. It’s all entertainment.
Tina Yothers
Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.
Marshall McLuhan
Entertainment isn’t just based on the very structured syndrome of European popular music, and it’s great that there are so many thousands of people who are of the same opinion.
Robert Plant
It’s supposed to be entertainment. It’s not supposed to be a documentary.
Jeri Ryan
I grew up in the age of radio. That was my main boyhood form of entertainment: lying on the living room floor with my ears affixed to the radio. I loved shows like ‘The Phantom,’ ‘Cisco Kid,’ and even ‘Happy Theater’ when I was younger.
George Takei
You’ve got to honor your relationship with your audience – that they sit down because they want to be entertained. And that doesn’t mean you can’t provoke them and antagonize them and challenge them in the course of the entertainment as long as you keep the entertainment part of the equation alive.
David E. Kelley
I think that kids need to grow up watching what I grew up watching – great entertainment; you know, Judy Garland and all these musicals that bring song and dance and acting all together in a polished way.
Tammy Blanchard
One of the things about being on Twitter, for me, is mostly about just being on the pulse of what people are interested in, what people are doing and what people are looking for. I look at entertainment projects and storytelling, and I really try to think about what people want.
Ashton Kutcher
There’s a lot of politics in television and a lot of in-fighting and all that sort of stuff, but in the end, we are purveyors of entertainment. Viewers are not really bogged down in who’s doing what and who hates who and who’s doing best in the ratings. They watch television to be entertained.
James May
My job was to entertain. I’ve always seen myself in the entertainment realm.
I reached a point where – I have a real heart and concern for families and for youth, and the more I became involved in working through a ministry, the more I realized how powerful the entertainment industry was and how irresponsible it was.
Ben Harney
We’ve defined decency down now that we look at the entertainment value of it, whether the acting is good, the writing is good, the story is good, no matter the depravity, we’ll watch it.
Rush Limbaugh
If you want to learn about America, watch ‘The Wire.’ It’s a profound piece of entertainment.
Sam Neill
I learned a long time ago: You’re in the entertainment business. You’re not in the reality business. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Dennis Farina
This is where you see the truth of entertainment, because it is not edited. You see it on stage as it is happening. Even if we fall down or forget our words, it’s a part of live entertainment.
Eartha Kitt
I write entertainment. There are some books you read but don’t inhale. There are books that will change your life.
Michael Robotham
Ever since I was really little, I loved performing and being up on stage, and being the entertainment.
Olivia Holt
Mayweather Promotions – we are the past, the present, and the future of sports and entertainment, and everybody knows Mayweather’s pay is better.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I think professional sports, football, to use it as an example, it’s fundamentally a form of entertainment.
Gregg Easterbrook
The entertainment business is and always has been about money, and it’s about, ‘Does that person merit that salary?’ The fact is that that the business, in my view, has been somewhat bankrupt for years – only the new media made it viable.
Mike Medavoy
Whether you think a film will affect society or it’s plain entertainment, it’s all excellent, it’s all noble.
Joaquin Phoenix
From the first time you can look in the paper and you accept that you’re the entertainment for some people that night, it becomes so much more enjoyable to play live.
Bill Callahan
What I loved about country music when I was a kid was the Grand Ole Opry, was ‘Hee Haw,’ was 360 degrees of entertainment.
Laura Bell Bundy
Our news is Fox News. It’s a cable channel and has nothing to do, frankly, with the entertainment area of the company. It’s the model of how this company was launched, and there are a lot of independent stations and Fox O&Os who have hugely successful news that our programming is the lead-in for.
Dana Walden
My dad’s a scientist, and my mom’s a teacher, so I didn’t grow up in a family that was into the entertainment world at all.
Eloise Mumford
I love New York, it’s always been my home. It has everything – music, fashion, entertainment, impressive buildings, huge parks, street cafes. And it’s very international, with people from all over the world.
Sean Combs
The sound and music are 50% of the entertainment in a movie.
George Lucas
Actually, I wanted to be a musician, either a guitarist or a drummer. I guess my dreams were in the entertainment industry, and I landed somewhere along there.
Israel Broussard
I like entertainment and think mastery is good, though I don’t feel like a master. If a theme means having a story that’s legible, then that’s certainly what we do. But we don’t treat design as an add-on layer.
David Rockwell
At its best, entertainment is going to be a subjective thing that can’t win for everyone, while at worst, a particular game just becomes a random symbol for petty tribal behavior.
John Carmack
Much of everyday life is filled with opportunities to b

Much of everyday life is filled with opportunities to be distracted. Our possessions… entertainment… cares and anxieties… and even the passionate desire and pursuit of things, some good and not so good, can keep our minds and hearts caught up in a flurry of activity.
Joyce Meyer
When I grew up, what was interesting for me was that music was color and life was gray. So music for me has always been more than entertainment.
Pete Townshend
I think you can expect Sony, in the case of PSP specifically, to deliver a technology that is going to reinvent and change handheld entertainment, and take it to a brand new level.
Ian Jackson
‘Downton Abbey’ didn’t have the impact it had just because it was a good story about people. It was something about that period and that world that was fascinating to people on a level that wasn’t just as an entertainment.
Noah Hawley
Entertainment and information work well together.
Marvin Sapp
I think ‘The Hunger Games’ has a really powerful message about survival, and sacrificing for the ones you love. It’s almost like a warning for us to not lose touch of our humanity. We live in a world in which we watch other’s misfortunes for entertainment.
Amandla Stenberg
I have so many strong opinions on the entertainment industry, but if I’m in a deli somewhere, and someone says they love that Adam Sandler movie where he dresses up as his twin sister – well, I don’t want to make people feel bad for how they feel about things. I’m always courteous, not mean.
Andy Kindler
We aren’t in an information age, we are in an entertainment age.
Tony Robbins
Multinational corporations do control. They control the politicians. They control the media. They control the pattern of consumption, entertainment, thinking. They’re destroying the planet and laying the foundation for violent outbursts and racial division.
Jerry Brown
It’s been hard in entertainment as a 45-year-old woman to find jobs. They get fewer and far between if you’re older, unless you’re one of the few lucky ones who work constantly, like Meryl Streep.
Janeane Garofalo
When I had the idea for ‘Shopaholic’, it was as though a light switched on. I realised I actually wanted to write comedy. No apologies, no trying to be serious, just full-on entertainment. The minute I went with that and threw myself into it, it felt just like writing my first book again – it was really liberating.
Sophie Kinsella
I just grew up loving acting and loving entertainment.
James Wolk
‘The X Factor’ is great entertainment, but it doesn’t prepare people for getting chewed up and spat out by the music industry.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Art is for entertainment purposes, but it’s also to reflect our dreams, our hopes, the present, the future the past – whether it’s good or bad.
Amber Valletta
Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.
Walt Disney
All I have is my performance, I try to feed in the best of everything that I could possibly do into those 90 minutes and to make a live entertainment show out of it.
George Thorogood
I don’t think that growing up in the entertainment industry is the healthiest place for kids. The track record kind of shows that.
Kirk Cameron
If you can find it in you to love how stupid the entertainment industry is, you can have a great career.
Jon Cryer
The reporting I did was mostly entertainment or lifestyle. I took a very different approach than most reporters. I approached it more casually than you would think a reporter would. Now I’m a morning radio personality, and radio is really casual.
Eleanor Mondale
One of the things that makes any good entertainment, whether it’s a play, drama, comedy, television, film, whatever, is that you feel a certain amount of spontaneity.
Glenn Howerton
The ‘EU in a Nutshell’ is a miscellany of facts and anecdotes about the system which rules us. It’s a book you can delve into in pursuit of a particular fact, or crack open for entertainment at virtually any page.
Daniel Hannan
In the entertainment business, the biggest gift you could ever get is not an Oscar, it’s not a Grammy, it’s longevity.
Christian Kane
The entertainment business hasn’t had a new idea in years.
Barry Diller
Anything that reflects the human condition back on humans in the entertainment medium is art.
Tucker Max
Sadly, many in our world today encourage idleness, especially in the form of mindless, inane entertainment that is on the Internet, on television, and in computer games.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think the act of condensing months or years of work down to a couple hours of entertainment is pretty wild and extremely rewarding.
Richard King
Yes, I don’t read books for entertainment.
Elizabeth Olsen
News has become entertainment. Once that happens, a whole series of horrific events start to happen, whether it’s the lack of dissemination of something that can inform you or something that actually negatively impacts society.
Dan Gilroy
I am much more productive late at night because I have no one to look to for entertainment aside from myself.
Rachel Nichols
Beyond its entertainment values, ‘Baywatch’ has enriched and in many cases helped save lives.
David Hasselhoff
When I first started out in the entertainment business, I made a list of people I thought it would be good to meet. Not people who could give me a job or a deal, but people who could shake me up, teach me something, challenge my ideas about myself and the world.
Brian Grazer
When you're in the entertainment industry, you have to

When you’re in the entertainment industry, you have to be more mature, be able to hang with the adults.
Alexander Gould
But I grew up in a place where no one knew anyone in the entertainment business, I never knew it was an actual career. The closest I ever got to movies was going to watch them, and I thought that’s the way it would be, so I never considered working in this business.
Joseph Kosinski
There is an atmosphere about the picture theatre that speaks of entertainment and relaxation. The charming surroundings, good music, and the fact that each visitor is determined to enjoy a few hours of holiday all exert an influence on the mind.
Ivor Novello
When we started EA in 1982, our goal was to make games as big a media as visual entertainment or movies. That was how big we dreamed at the time.
Bing Gordon
I think it’s very dangerous, the idea of celebrity – you have to be constantly controversial to maintain the status of celebrity. Reality TV is the death of entertainment – it’s just mindless TV but popular because of its voyeuristic nature, and people are very voyeuristic.
David Suchet
It’s important to remember that, first and foremost, if not only, this is entertainment. ‘The West Wing’ isn’t meant to be good for you.
Aaron Sorkin
The entertainment industry is pretty nuts, and having had that experience outside of it and going to university has really made a big difference. It’s important to me to feel like I have my own life.
Emma Watson
You walk into a retail store, whatever it is, and if there’s a sense of entertainment and excitement and electricity, you wanna be there.
Howard Schultz
Thatgamecompany was founded with the philosophy that games are a form of entertainment, and entertainment is the food for emotion.
Jenova Chen
I think, as a woman and as somebody in the entertainment industry, we have to be careful what we’re putting out there and what we’re trying to say.
Jenny Mollen
I’m against escapist entertainment.
Joshua Oppenheimer
I was a very naughty child, on the verge of getting expelled, but I wasn’t a bad child; everything I did was for my own entertainment. But when I went into an exam, I did really well.
In my opinion, there’s nothing new in the theatre, ever. Theatre-makers are thieves, in the honourable tradition of charlatans. They fake it very, very well indeed for the entertainment of everybody else.
Simon McBurney
Maybe someday, if I work hard enough, entertainment will be a career for me, but right now making videos and uploading them to the Internet is just a hobby.
Ray William Johnson
The entertainment industry is loaded with extraordinarily talented people. But the true, genuine originals, they’re rare.
Peter Falk
I’m proud of the fact that besides being known as a successful former football player, I’ve also worked hard to establish myself as a successful businessman, network broadcaster, sports & entertainment executive and philanthropist.
Warren Moon
NLE stands for No Love Entertainment. It’s pretty much a brand.
NLE Choppa
The movie industry is committed to working with the technology sector to find innovative new ways to deliver entertainment to consumers.
Dan Glickman
My dad couldn’t connect to my wanting to be a filmmaker. He was very connected in entertainment, and through him I met Steven Spielberg and got rides on his private plane to California. I’d see Spielberg’s people reading scripts. I was like, ‘That’s what I want to be when I grow up.’
Doug Liman
I’m very expressive, but I’m also a very private person. It is so hard to be private in the entertainment business.
Shirley Eaton
I was experiencing all the success the entertainment industry has to offer, but I knew there had to be something more. It was sort of through that God prepared me to hear about His great plan.
Kirk Cameron
Journalism is straying into entertainment. The lines between serious news segments, news entertainment, and news comedy are blurring.
Drew Curtis
When it came to ‘Binge,’ it wasn’t my intention to get on a little soapbox and have a teaching moment. It was more, ‘Here are things that have happened to me; here’s what I’ve learned from it. If you’d like to learn from it too, great; if you just like the entertainment aspect, that’s fine too.’
Tyler Oakley
One of our daughters is now a physician; another is a vice president of a major entertainment company; and the third is a clinical therapist. They place no limits on their ambitions, but for them, those ambitions also have had to fit within the context of having children.
Tom Brokaw
Great moments of entertainment, great football, unforgettable evenings. I think that’s what it’s all about: experience, emotions, and the special touch that the Champions League brings on and off the field.
Clarence Seedorf