Top 490 Solution Quotes

The entertainment industry always chooses to fight things out through the courts and legislation. Technology people always think there’s a business solution.
Ted Waitt
The episode of the ‘shoe bomber,’ Richard Reid, has suddenly meant more feet being bared at airports than at the average Hindu temple. My solution has been to replace my customary lace-up Oxfords with a pair of slip-on loafers when I fly. Generals are always fighting the last war, and security screeners are the same.
Shashi Tharoor
It’s like, what if you get a set of tires that aren’t balanced right or a driveshaft that’s vibrating. That could create a problem. You try to think of every possible scenario of what can make you uncomfortable and try to come up with a solution for it.
Tony Stewart
If war is the solution, why didn’t Roosevelt declare war on poverty?
Preston Sturges
Overall, while the Rovi entertainment store is a nice stand-alone offering, more importantly, however, it is also a part of our total customer solution, fitting in now with our data and TotalGuide offerings.
Alfred Amoroso
Every startup should address a real and demonstrated need in the world – if you build a solution to a problem lots of people have, it’s so easy to sell your product to the world.
Kevin Systrom
No weapon has ever settled a moral problem. It can impose a solution but it cannot guarantee it to be a just one.
Ernest Hemingway
Each blockage is a blockage. Each impasse is an impasse. You have to find a solution; there is no recipe that fits each one of them.
Roberto Azevedo
The only real solution is comprehensive immigration reform that secures our borders and provides a path to legal status for non-felons who are here without proper legal documentation.
Jon Ossoff
Sam Snead had perhaps the most stylish solution to the balding golfer: A snappy fedora that became his signature style, so much so that many never knew he was tonsorially bereft.
Steve Rushin
His ball technique is superb, but most importantly, he can react to how the game develops. At the last possible moment in any situation, he can find the ideal solution. There are a lot of ways that Messi can finish an attack.
Petr Cech
To pay more is the easy way. In fact, the solution possibilities to the problem are many.
Vladimir Putin
Ideally, informal social controls, above all the family, preserve public order. But when the family disintegrates, the police are the second-best solution for protecting the law-abiding.
Heather Mac Donald
I’m that person who says, ‘No matter what the problem is, there’s a solution.’ That’s the way my brain is wired. If someone says to me, ‘Well, that’s not possible. It can’t happen,’ I say, ‘Yes it is. I’m going to sit here and show you that it can.’
Miranda Kerr
The thing that differs me from a lot of other people running for the President of the United States is that I focus on the problem first. Then I focus on what the solution is.
Herman Cain
Yet, if we accept the solution offered today by this bill to explore and develop for oil on the coastal plain of ANWR, it will be 5 years, at least, and probably closer to 8 before the first barrel of oil flows from that effort.
John Olver
When you can’t cope with change, you feel overwhelmed, and you look for a simple solution.
Klaus Schwab
No solution can ever be found by running in three different directions.
Deepak Chopra
Now, let me be clear. The path I lay out is not one paved with ever increasing government checks and cradle to grave assurance that government will always be the solution. If this election is a bidding war for who can promise the most goodies and the most benefits, I’m not your president. You have that president today.
Mitt Romney
When it comes to expanding opportunity, businesses and young adults are not the sources of the problem – they are a substantial part of the solution.
Gerald Chertavian
Rather than teach women how to negotiate with sexists or shrink themselves down to ‘likeable’ size, perhaps the solution would be for employers to stop being sexist. In the meantime, women will continue to be blamed for their lower salaries.
Kirsten Powers
If people perceive themselves as having very little opportunities to be fulfilled, then it cheapens their life and outlook. The solution is to reverse it; make sure they know opportunities abound.
Michael Lee-Chin