Top 495 Forth Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Forth Quotes from famous people such as Rene Girard, Vincent Pastore, Rex Ryan, Sukarno, Henry Louis Gates, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

A mimetic crisis is when people become undifferentiated

A mimetic crisis is when people become undifferentiated. There are no more social classes, there are no more social differences, and so forth.
Rene Girard
When I initially committed to joining ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ I didn’t realize just how physically demanding it would be for me. Unable to put forth my best effort, I felt it appropriate to step aside and give someone else the opportunity.
Vincent Pastore
I know I put forth an effort to try to build a championship team and to be a champion. And it hasn’t worked out.
Rex Ryan
Yes, definitely we want to see A or B or C and so forth live safely and soundly. But as mortal creatures, they will disappear in the end. No, we are not struggling above all else for mortal individuals, but rather for the idea of the glorious and powerful nation which sustains the eighty million Indonesians.
Politicians will not put forth programs aimed at the problems of poor blacks while their turnout remains so low.
Henry Louis Gates
I love the Bronte sisters, but I feel a closer kinship to the Ephron sisters, Nora and Delia, if only because their work makes me laugh more than the Brontes. I also love the Mitford sisters with their secret language and their endless letters back and forth.
Kate Klise
I am the product of Denny O’Neil in many ways, I carry forth a lot of what Denny instilled in me.
Greg Rucka
Children are God’s Apostles, sent forth, day by day, to preach of love, and hope, and peace.
James Russell Lowell
The subculture of felons is in great vogue among adolescents. Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and so forth allow us Republicans to say to America’s young people, ‘We be thugs.’ The GOP may capture the youth vote at last.
P. J. O’Rourke
Although lynchings have steadily increased in number and barbarity during the last twenty years, there has been no single effort put forth by the many moral and philanthropic forces of the country to put a stop to this wholesale slaughter.
Ida B. Wells
The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate.
O. Henry
I’m not attacking the idea that people live in conglomerations of houses in proximity to one another, sharing the same water mains and the same newspaper delivery boy and so forth. I’m not objecting to that. That could happen with or without homeownership.
Edmund Phelps
In my work, I construct texts and images. Between those two points the blur occurs. Each is altered by the other again and again, back and forth.
Taryn Simon
The contrafactual history is what it would have been the other way. Think of the Kennedy triumph in the missiles crisis. Worked out fine. Khrushchev blinked and so forth. The other road, you don’t want to think too hard about. You could have had nuclear missiles wiping out a tenth of the globe.
Paul Samuelson
I take the subway to work. I fly coach back and forth to Chicago.
Richard Edelman
The last thing I will pay attention to is any of the usual Washington back and forth.
Robert Wilkie
I find there’s a thin, permeable membrane between journalism and history, and though some academic historians take a dim view of it, I gather a lot of strength and professional inspiration from passing back and forth across it.
Hampton Sides
From time to time, I’ll look back through the personal journals I’ve scribbled in throughout my life, the keepers of my raw thoughts and emotions. The words poured forth after my dad died, when I went through a divorce, and after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. There are so many what-ifs scribbled on those pages.
Hoda Kotb
I think we always have to put forth music that’s better than the last.
My dad owns his own towing business, and my dad used to tow Hulk Hogan’s cars back and forth from Clearwater to different shops and stuff. And they had a relationship where when the cars would get done getting fixed, he’d pick it back up and take it back to Hulk Hogan’s house.
Shaquem Griffin
I needed a way to have the platter continuously spinning while I’m moving the record back and forth. I went to a fabric store. When I touched this hairy stuff – felt – I found it. I rubbed spray starch on both sides and ironed it until it became a stiff wafer. After that, I was able to stop time.
Grandmaster Flash
People have nervous tics they don’t know about, and I would advise asking around. Ask the casting director, ‘Is there something I’m doing?’ I would see people unconsciously rocking back and forth. I roll my lips. I bite my lips and roll them.
Olivia Wilde
I’m just trying the American dream. To work here in the U.S., you have to commit and be here. For many years, it was back and forth, back and forth, and it didn’t work. But I’m always open to working in Spanish.
Eugenio Derbez
If there are only three guys at the top of the organization handling things, it’s the definition of a bankrupt company. In creating leaders without titles, we are going to have organizations with people at the helm putting forth their best.
Robin S. Sharma
My mom has this ugly Santa ornament, and one year, I took it off the tree and clipped it to her pillow. We’ve been trading it back and forth ever since – 16 years now. I wore it to the Golden Globes and even put it in her bird feeder. As the birds eat, it’s slowly revealed.
Eric Stonestreet
I think there is an overwhelming support for campaign finance reform, and that includes conservatives and Republicans. Where the problem is is with the leadership; with the politicians who are benefiting from the big campaign contributions, and the dark money in the electioneering communications and so forth.
Richard Painter
Republicans must stop putting tax increases on the fiscal cliff negotiating table and start demanding that Democrats put forth serious proposals to reduce spending.
John Fleming
The Truth, sometimes not sought for, comes forth to the light.
I have no interest in bantering back and forth with someone who is the exact person that I am trying not to become, and stay away from, by degrading women, by going after my family, in a manner that is intended to harm.
Logan Paul
What I don’t like in my job is somebody who doesn’t put forth the effort. Somebody who doesn’t come to play every day.
Ray Allen
I have seen the face of this country change in 25 years or 30 years. I have seen a equalization begin to develop – in inheritance laws, tax laws, laws for favoring trade unions, protecting them, and so forth. All these are social changes.
Sidney Buchman
When I used to sit in the office with Jay Z and L.A. Re

When I used to sit in the office with Jay Z and L.A. Reid… we would negotiate back and forth and discuss music. You’re sitting in front of someone for hours. It’s all about being passionate. Everything begins with yourself.
Rick Ross
I was walking around with the babies so much that when I got to the Sidney Lumet picture, I would be on set in between takes and I’d be rocking back and forth. Just standing like this rocking back and forth, and Sidney would say, Why are you walking like that in between takes?
Vin Diesel
What I respect about my dad is he comes forth, and he tells the truth, and he’s a very honorable person. I respect him a lot. He, I know deep down, has a good heart.
Brooke Hogan
The photographer begins to feel big and bloated and so big he can’t walk through one of these doors because he gets a good byline; he gets notices all over the world and so forth; but they’re really – the important people are the people he photographs.
Gordon Parks
We want to have a system where people can come here and work – go back and forth if they want to… so that we have an open door to the people who want to come and contribute to our country, who want to come and make a difference in their families’ lives and our economy.
Paul Ryan
My greatest joy is seeing parents and kids playing Disney ‘Epic Mickey’ together, handing the controllers back and forth, helping each other out.
Warren Spector
You can’t control the talents He gives you, no doubt about that. But you can control the effort you put forth with those talents.
Clayton Kershaw
I’m substantially concerned about the policy directions of the space agency. We have a situation in the U.S. where the White House and Congress are at odds over what the future direction should be. They’re sort of playing a game and NASA is the shuttlecock that they’re hitting back and forth.
Neil Armstrong
My mother was a very talented artist. When she was in jail, we’d write letters back and forth; that was pretty much the only form of communication we had.
Jarrett J. Krosoczka
I believe that everything we think and feel and do produces a result and that we have to deal with that result – that result is then something that produces another result, so on and so forth, so yes, I do believe in causality.
Shyam Selvadurai
My mum and dad teach, and all my brothers and sisters have been in ‘Riverdance’ and so forth. So I was forced to become a dancer; it’s part of my family history.
Sean Maguire
It was one of those things that I set forth as a goal after my surgery. I have been working very hard with the trainers and the team personnel.
Pablo Sandoval
No nation now sets forth to despoil another upon the avowed ground that it desires the spoils.
Elihu Root
Everyone knows that there are some odors that send you directly back to memories of your childhood – odors from Christmas time and so forth.
May-Britt Moser
Organizations can get in the way of innovation, because if people are all bound up, and if they don’t know if they get to make the decision or somebody else, and if they do, what happens to them, and so on and so forth.
Carol Bartz
By the life we live through the grace of Christ, the character is formed. The original loveliness begins to be restored to the soul. The attributes of the character of Christ are imparted, and the image of the Divine begins to shine forth.
Ellen G. White
That a man be willing, when others are so too, as far forth as for peace and defence of himself he shall think it necessary, to lay down this right to all things; and be contented with so much liberty against other men, as he would allow other men against himself.
Thomas Hood
We cannot go up on a wire. We cannot do a search without a judge on the FISA Court approving it and determining that we have met the standard that has been set forth by Congress in order to utilize these techniques.
Robert Mueller
I would never write realistic prose. I don’t like people who try to write in a poetic style, but in the course of their book abandon it for realism, and weave back and forth like drunkards between the surreal and the real.
Marguerite Young
When I was a kid, I wanted to walk with my dad’s limp – my dad was my hero – but that infuriated him, and he would make me walk back and forth in the living room until I walked without it.
David Alan Grier
I’m a germ-phobe when I meet a lot of people or shake a lot of hands. I always have hand sanitizer and alcohol swabs so I can sort of go back and forth between the two.
Mandy Moore
When they write about real stuff like my custody battle, that’s no fun. Some things have leaked out about accusations that have gone back and forth and that’s just mean. It’s a tactic.
Dean Cain
In a democracy, in a functioning democracy, what would be happening is that popular organizations, unions, political groupings, others would be developing their programs, putting them forth, insisting that their representatives implement those programs.
Noam Chomsky
Our form of government can no longer be considered an experiment in politics. Crowned with success, it stands forth an example to the world and exhibits the proudest triumph of reason and philosophy.
John Tyler
One of my earliest memories of something that caught my attention was of a steam locomotive. I guess mainly because they have so many moving parts that are out in the open. You can watch the valves moving back and forth – the driving rods.
Jim Peebles
Russia and China, when they were communist-like adversaries, they didn’t participate. They’re participating now in the world with us. They’re trading monetary instruments. We’re buying and selling goods back and forth, trading oil and so forth.
Wesley Clark
Martial arts is a life journey. One of the things my teacher taught me a long time ago was that everyone’s path to the mastery of a certain system is different. Some people’s path is a very direct route, where others might wind back and forth if you are injured or something.
Ryan Potter
The planet’s spinning a thousand miles an hour around this gigantic nuclear explosion while these people roll these machines with rubber tires over this hard surface that we’ve laid down over the planet so that we can easily move ourselves back and forth.
Joe Rogan
I do think that the success, although still not complete… in the recognition of equal rights… to all Americans, regardless of color, creed and so forth, was also one of the best stories we’ve had to report.
Walter Cronkite
It’s about really having a God connection: a connection with the divine behind the world and flowing forth out of that in a positive way with love and moving toward making a contribution that pushes forth the evolution of the world.
James Redfield
If you look to your past or even your present to see why you are here or what your purpose is, you may get stuck in a limited view of yourself. Instead, look beyond your years here on earth, reconnect with the divine, and bring forth your soul’s legacy into the present moment.
Debbie Ford
You can't relate to a superhero, to a superman, but you

You can’t relate to a superhero, to a superman, but you can identify with a real man who in times of crisis draws forth some extraordinary quality from within himself and triumphs but only after a struggle.
Timothy Dalton
I’m trying to read more dead people because I keep having to read stuff for juries and so forth.
Rick Moody
When hope is not pinned wriggling onto a shiny image or expectation, it sometimes floats forth and opens.
Anne Lamott
Part of our job is to dig deep and rediscover the joy that we had when we were first starting out. Also, when you gain responsibility, if you are the host of a TV show and you have responsibilities as a producer and a writer and so forth, you then have to deal with the mechanics of it, which is not always fun.
Paul F. Tompkins
What personality does it take to drive a car around a track 100 times or hit a ball back and forth. That’s not very personality is it?
Tyson Fury
House Speaker Paul Ryan has actually started using a phrase lately – ‘Raise our gaze.’ He’s exactly right, too. That’s what I’d like to see in a presidential candidate. I don’t like the bricks being thrown back and forth. That’s not inspiring to me and to most of our electorate, I think.
Bill Flores
I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers, I needed to run for the office of the president and put forth an agenda of social justice and world peace. In addition, I concluded that someone needed to run and challenge the liberal orthodoxy.
Jesse Jackson
Of the five House Calendars, the Private Calendar is the one to which all Private Bills are referred. Private Bills deal with specific individuals, corporations, institutions, and so forth, as distinguished from public bills which deal with classes only.
Howard Coble
A dark room with some low-level whale music and a flat bed and a woman pulling your shoulder back and forth is a happy place.
Claudia Winkleman
I have always been an obsessive reader – I remember going back and forth to the local library with stacks of books taller than I was.
Lisa Kleypas
I grew up in a family of nine children, and I know there has to be a back and forth and a listening.
Blase J. Cupich
And yet the Nobel Prizes, in singling out individuals, have done a great deal of good in pointing up to the world as a whole and setting forth clearly goals for achievement.
Willard Libby
At 15 we were going back and forth to Nashville every weekend while we were still going to school.
Maddie Marlow
We identify New York with the great bridges and tunnels and roadways and subway system and so forth.
Paul Goldberger
I brought in a yogurt master from Turkey. I went to Greece. I was always going back and forth, from New York to Turkey and Greece. The recipe we use has been around hundreds and hundreds of years. Growing up in Turkey, not a day would go by that we wouldn’t eat yogurt like this.
Hamdi Ulukaya
A great war shall burst forth from fishes of steel. Machines of flying fire, lobsters, grasshoppers, mosquitoes. The mass attacks shall be repulsed in the woods, when no child in Germany shall obey any longer.
I started reading the big histories and the small histories, the memoirs and so forth. At some point, I found the diary of William E. Dodd.
Erik Larson
A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence, for instance, upon its luminous source, upon other colours, upon temperatures, upon spaces, and so forth.
Ernst Mach
I constantly deal with being called Shaft, and I vacillate back and forth with people coming up to me about it. But it never ceases to blow me away with the impact that character had on my life and my fans’ lives.
Richard Roundtree
If there is to be peace in our industrial life let the employer recognize his obligation to his employees – at least to the degree set forth in existing statutes.
John L. Lewis
When I left the work world, I started designing my dream house. I dived into architecture and bought seven vacant lots. My plan was to build one house, move in, and build the next. If the next was better, I’d move in and sell the previous one – so on and so forth.
Tom Anderson
As a kid, my parents would always listen to a lot of Beatles, Queen, Elvis. My mom was born and raised in Italy, and my dad was born in Canada and moved back and forth between Canada and Italy, so they would also listen to all the big Italian stars like Eros Ramazzotti, Gigi D’Alessio, Tiziano Ferro, Laura Pausini.
Alessia Cara
If I put forth a legitimate effort, then I feel like, if that doesn’t work out, that’s all I can do.
Dave Chappelle
Life is about putting forth your best effort and showing up. When you show up to the gig fearlessly and put forth your best, who knows what could come of it?
I guess stars do not want to share anything about their personal life because then there is a question of where is the relationship going and so on and so forth.
Erica Fernandes
I always felt like I was stuck in between my parents, relaying information back and forth and walking on egg shells, not knowing what was going to trigger something to make them mad and not knowing what to say in front of them.
Running those poor steers back and forth in the heat is ridiculous. What they ought to do is put the steers in the convention hall and run the delegates.
Stanley Marcus
It’s hard to tell whether the ship or airplane – they’re all the same, I’m convinced – is male or female; it may shift back and forth.
John C. Hawkes
The prices are ridiculous… I don’t see how people can go back and forth to work or to school. How can we afford the gas?
Dorothy Thompson
I got to play with people like Molly Shannon and Wanda Skyes. Going back and forth with people like that is just an extra added boost. Who doesn’t want to play catch with Molly Shannon?
Helene Yorke
Musicals spring forth from minstrelsy, vaudeville, melodramas; it was all these things combined to create the form.
George C. Wolfe
President Trump wouldn't stick to politics, so he got t

President Trump wouldn’t stick to politics, so he got to jump into sports. So I feel very comfortable now, moving forward, jumping back and forth. Sports to politics, politics to sports.
Shannon Sharpe
I like to encourage young talented writers to try and help them get published and so forth, but that’s all. That’s the best I can do.
Oscar Hijuelos
That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Me and Kendrick Lamar have had conversations for years back and forth, so that’s my dude.
The reality is that SXSW is packed with brilliant entrepreneurs, investors and partners. They’re everywhere, zipping back and forth like thousands of atoms. Your chances of colliding with one actually improve just by standing still.
Ryan Holmes
My parents have always been incredibly supportive, driving me back and forth to Stratford and so on. They realised from an early age that I wouldn’t go into medicine because I couldn’t do biology and chemistry.
Gwilym Lee
Honestly, as you can imagine, it really isn’t all that fun directing yourself, running back and forth to the monitors to see if you’re terrible or not.
George Clooney
In principle, I think the idea of rewarding a good effort is interesting, but movies are generally different from each other as are performances and the conditions on how the performances are given and how they’re edited and so forth.
Viggo Mortensen
There’s a constant dialogue going back and forth between the filmmakers and the producers.
Peter Landesman
I had what you could call a chaotic childhood. My parents divorced when I was 2; I went back and forth between my mom’s and dad’s houses for years.
Crystal Bowersox
As soon as I walk outside, I get depressed. If I see a dog, I’ll get upset about how much it must suck to be on a leash. I’ll get on a bus and tear up at the thought of how the driver has to go back and forth on the same street for eight hours in mind-numbing traffic.
Cazzie David
Forth & Towne was a great test of a promising concept and an illustration of the innovative risks you need to take in our business. We made the tough decision to close the brand and focus our efforts on stabilizing the existing businesses.
Robert J. Fisher
I think that’s when I get excited in the writers’ room – when people are yelling back and forth at each other.
Misha Green
John the Baptist was supposed to point the way to the Christ. He was just the voice, not the Messiah. So everybody’s calling has dignity to it and God seems to know better than we do what is in us that needs to be called forth.
James Green Somerville
As to the differences between game work and novel writing, well, obviously the former is a lot less lonely – you’re in and out of meetings all the time, bouncing stuff back and forth with the level designers, the art department, the animation team, so forth.
Richard K. Morgan
Since we have placed justification in the revelation of Jesus Christ formed and brought forth in the heart, there working his works of righteousness and bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit.
Robert Barclay
When I was in my 20s, I used to go crazy. I used to work out two or three hours a day, like cycling; I was never anorexic, just picky. When I was in my 30s, I’d go back and forth, now that I’m 41, I’m like, ‘Whatever, man!’ For the most part, I just do a regular workout.
Justina Machado
Let us go forth with fear and courage and rage to save the world.
Grace Paley
I found when talking with many other women that they sometimes are more reluctant to toot their own horn, to talk about their success. They have to be more confident in doing that. That is not always the case, but there is that element that women don’t put forth who they are.
Linda McMahon
I had what you could call a chaotic childhood. My parents divorced when I was 2; I went back and forth between my mom’s and dad’s houses for years. But, you know, my parents tried to do the right thing. As crazy as everything was, and as much fighting and everything, there was always a feeling of support from them.
Crystal Bowersox
The futures of Crackle and Hulu and so forth become more and more important as we connect to more and more devices. We need our content to make our services as attractive as Apple’s or Amazon’s or Microsoft’s. We’re in a brave new world of fierce competition.
Howard Stringer
I get work because I’m primarily a novelist but I’ve become script doctor. I can work back and forth between French and English.
Norman Spinrad
I love to talk about the drums and music. I started playing drums when I was probably six and played a lot until I was about ten or eleven years old. So, I guess five or six years where I played. I had a drum set at home, and I would just bang on it. I’d even go on the Internet and study basic beats and so forth.
Sean Berdy
It’s very common business for players and management to go back and forth and try to find common ground.
Greg Olsen
We have the capacity to create a remarkably different economy: one that can restore ecosystems and protect the environment while bringing forth innovation, prosperity, meaningful work, and true security.
Paul Hawken
When I wrote ‘The Interestings,’ I wanted to let time unspool, to give the book the feeling of time passing. I had to allow myself the freedom to move back and forth in time freely, and to trust that readers would accept this.
Meg Wolitzer
Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don’t argue. We ain’t doing that. What you going back and forth with somebody over anything for?
If I were to spend investor money on nice furnishings and so forth, particularly early on, I might not have it for opportunities that can really grow our business.
Eric Yuan
Luckily, each generation brings forth great writers, actors, directors, and designers.
Harriet Walter
In many ways, it was much, much harder to get the first book contract. The hardest thing probably overall has been learning not to trust people, publicists and so forth, implicitly.
Neil Gaiman
Make each day count by setting specific goals to succee

Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations.
Les Brown
Action is the highest perfection and drawing forth of the utmost power, vigor, and activity of man’s nature.
Robert South
I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.
Charles Schwab
I grew up in a time when there was real segregation. And blacks during the 50s and so forth took a lot of responsibility for their lives because the government didn’t.
Shelby Steele
I had a lot of fun bantering back and forth with Kennedy. But for ease and comfort, it would be Gerald Ford. He was a down-home type. I came from the Midwest and he came from the Midwest. He was nonaggressive and kindly.
Helen Thomas
God who created us has granted us the faculty of speech that we might disclose the counsels of our hearts to one another and that, since we possess our human nature in common, each of us might share his thoughts with his neighbor, bringing them forth from the secret recesses of the heart as from a treasury.
Saint Basil
My goal is to be the best player on the field every down and every game. If I achieve that, then I will achieve any goal I set forth.
Myles Garrett
In the Armed Services Committee, we endeavored to put forth proposals that would help alleviate some of that stress, both for the troops and for their families.
John M. McHugh
I happen to be a 64-year-old woman who lives in Manhattan, so on and so forth, but am I the sum total of my sort of bodily coordinates? Well, of course not.
Deborah Eisenberg
I got the nickname ‘Deacon’ because I didn’t swear, didn’t drink, went to church, and did quite a bit of speaking in other churches, youth groups, and so forth.
Vernon Law
The absolute worst thing that you ever can do, in my opinion, in bringing science to the general public, is be condescending or judgmental. It is so opposite to the way science needs to be brought forth.
Brian Greene
The whole Christmas story was probably a later addition to the gospel narratives, presented only by the authors of Matthew and Luke. Mark and John seem never to have heard of the manger in Bethlehem, the Massacre of the Innocents, the hovering star, the three wise men, and so forth.
Jay Parini
Eight years ago, I was drawn into Keats’s world by Andrew Motion’s biography. Soon I was reading back and forth between Keats’s letters and his poems. The letters were fresh, intimate and irreverent, as though he were present and speaking. The Keats spell went very deep for me.
Jane Campion
For many centuries, even thousands of years, patriotism worked quite well. Of course, it led to wars an so forth, but we shouldn’t focus too much on the bad.
Yuval Noah Harari
In childhood I developed a serious throat infection, and my heart stopped beating. I recovered from that illness with a voice that boomed forth like Kate Smith’s!
Patsy Cline
It’s in my nature to want every image of me to be authentic but at the end of the day as a model, I don’t always get control over how someone decides to put forth my picture.
Denise Bidot
I met Jeb Bush in 1971 in my hometown in Mexico. We dated for three years back and forth. Then, after three years, he proposed to me.
Columba Bush
For some reason, voters can be brainwashed, and they vote sometimes against their own best interests, let alone voting against the interests of people who need them, like people who are disenfranchised and people who are poor and so forth.
Joyce Carol Oates
Well, I think when we can turn to the person sitting next to us and really see them with kindness and see ourselves reflected back – when there’s some dignity and compassion traveling back and forth.
Sharon Stone
I think there’s a little bit of sizzling here. Honestly, I can feel it. The ions are flying back and forth.
Regis Philbin
I do haggle. It’s easier when you buy in bulk, so I will up my arms and then tell them what I think I should pay. We go back and forth until we find something we are both happy with.
Dawn O’Porter
That’s a little homage in a way to that and also to create that sort of creepy atmosphere that Hitchcock did. Vertigo was one of his great movies that was shot right here in The City and it’s about a woman and the psychological twists and so forth.
Philip Kaufman
A reformer is one who sets forth cheerfully toward sure defeat.
Lydia M. Child
I think anger of any kind is valuable. It’s all about learning how to channel it. The worst thing we can do is get bored or complacent or worse – suppress our anger and then see it burst forth in unhealthy ways.
Kameron Hurley
I have three adopted children with Phil, and for years I was fighting in court with him over being able to see my kids. I was always going back and forth to California, going to court, and I was never able to get a project going.
Ronnie Spector
There was one theory put forth by a journalist recently. I have a lot of friends that have died prematurely and a lot of friends that have died of natural causes. I’ve lost a lot of people over the years. This journalist basically recommended to me that God keeps me around because I amuse him.
Al Jourgensen
I’m never happier when writing than when I see gags taking shape – ideally, gags at my own expense. What I like is the shuttling back and forth, serious into comedy and vice-versa, ideally, both in the same sentence, or even simultaneously. The best jokes are always ideas in miniature.
Geoff Dyer
I’m a reporter; you can’t subpoena people to talk to you. If you write to them and try to call them on the phone and they don’t answer or so forth, then take them unawares.
Mike Wallace
No man ever did, nor ever shall, truly go forth to convert the nations, nor to prophesy in the present state of witnesses against Antichrist, but by the gracious inspiration and instigation of the Holy Spirit of God.
Roger Williams
My father, whose work I adore… was down working on little things of grass and dead birds. Well, that didn’t interest me. As an 8-year-old kid, I wanted knights in armor and so forth.
Jamie Wyeth
John Cougar Mellencamp – I didn’t like him in the beginning. I liked some of the stuff around the ‘Scarecrow’ period. I go back and forth on him all the time, but I think he’s a good artist. I don’t know if he’s a great artist or not, but he rose above his original level of achievement.
Robert Hilburn
When I left to go into apprenticeship in 1949, it was o

When I left to go into apprenticeship in 1949, it was only four years after the war, and people don’t realize, we still had tickets for butter, meat and so forth in France until 1947. It’s not like the end of the war, everything was plentiful – it wasn’t.
Jacques Pepin
The creative act amazes me. Whether it’s poetry, whether it’s music, it’s an amazing process, and it has something to do with bringing forth the old out into the world to create and to bring forth that which will rejuvenate.
Joy Harjo
One of the chapters outlined in my book talks about the Iranian influence with Venezuela, these terror flights that go back and forth that we don’t manifests on, and then nuclear material smuggled across our unsecure southwest border from Mexico into the United States.
Michael McCaul
I feel pretty comfortable in a lot of different musical styles. I like rhythm, and I like melody and so forth.
Colin Hay
Of all wonders, this is among the greatest, that some fresh waters close by the sea spring forth as out of pipes: for the nature of the waters also ceaseth not from miraculous properties.
Pliny the Elder
We have been getting out of the situation where we found ourselves in the early ’90s, when the Soviet Union disappeared and the Russian Federation became what it is – you know, with no borders, with no budget, no money, and with huge problems starting with lack of food and so on and so forth.
Sergei Lavrov
I made a lot of big threes throughout my career, but it was the 3-point shot that allowed me to maneuver inside the paint, post-up, mid-range game and so forth.
Reggie Miller
Hopefully I can go back and forth from the United States to Asia. I feel joint productions could be the way of the future. I’ll need a private plane to charter the international waters!
Godfrey Gao
Try to see the good in others. When you’re tempted to judge someone, make an effort to see their goodness. Your willingness to look for the best in people will subconsciously bring it forth.
Marianne Williamson
In every question and every remark tossed back and forth between lovers who have not played out the last fugue, there is one question and it is this: ‘Is there someone new?’
Edna O’Brien
Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth.
Denis Diderot
I swim in a sea of words. They flow around me and through me and, by a process that is not fully clear to me, some delicate hidden membrane draws forth the stuff that is the necessary condition of my life.
Geraldine Brooks
For years, I survived as an artist on grants and touring as a dancer with dance companies, and I was living underground like so many artists, hand-to-mouth and so forth. And I never had the power to make decisions.
Ron Ben-Israel
Therefore the elect shall go forth… to see the torments of the impious, seeing which they will not be grieved, but will be satiated with joy at the sight of the unutterable calamity of the impious.
Peter Lombard
I’m Mexican-American. My dad was actually born in Mexico. He was raised up there, and he came back and forth to America pretty much his whole teenage years. My mom is from Sacramento, California, and she’s a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. She’s a whitey.
Ryan Guzman
The winged words uttered in this House have gone forth to the world, on their mission of good or of evil.
Caleb Cushing
The reason to split a court is for administrative purposes, and in the past there has been much debate about the liberal decisions of the Ninth Circuit and so forth; and people have wanted to get out of the Ninth Circuit for that reason.
Mike Simpson
Every place but that in which one is born is equally strange and wondrous. Once beyond the bounds of the city walls, and none knows what may happen. We have stepped forth into the Land of Faerie, but at least we are in the open air.
Joseph Jacobs
I travel a lot. I’ll go back and forth, you know, West Coast-East Coast, but it’s separated by segments. So it’s not a daily thing.
Fred Armisen
It’s so much nicer to be able to do your job with someone who’s helping you, and you’re helping them. Then, it becomes a tennis match where you’re hitting the ball back and forth, and you’re a team.
Aneurin Barnard
I was into all of the Pennsylvania teams at some point in my childhood. I would flip back and forth between the Pirates and the Phillies, and I was always a Steelers fan but not much of an Eagles fan. Then I became kind of a band nerd in school, and I went the music route.
Ed Kowalczyk
Genres aren’t closed boxes. Stuff flows back and forth across the borders all the time.
Margaret Atwood
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
I like doing 25-minute intervals on the treadmill. I go back and forth with running and fast walking and keep changing the incline to high and low. Then I do 15 minutes of lifting light weights and all different kinds of sit-ups, squats, and stretches. I do this routine four days a week.
Colbie Caillat
People should have the choice to be able to live where they want to live, go to school where they want to go to school, marry whoever they want to marry regardless of what their complexion is and so forth.
Ed Smith
Ever since childhood, I’ve been interested in history and myth. Not just the facts and figures of the past, but everything that contributes to shape our perception of an age: architecture, art, literature and so forth.
Anne Fortier
I go back and forth between indie and studio because I feel like it, not because I feel obligated to do one or the other.
Forest Whitaker
I have a piano and a guitar, and I tend to switch back and forth between those two instruments to help me get inspired.
Sean Lennon
If you do your research on hot springs all over the world, they’re usually places of peace. People, even in warring nations and so forth, they’ll go and live in peace together around the hot springs, which were always considered medicinal. I firmly believe in water therapy.
Larry Hagman
Let a new earth rise. Let another world be born. Let a bloody peace be written in the sky. Let a second generation full of courage issue forth; let a people loving freedom come to growth.
Margaret Walker
We wanted to solve robot problems and needed some vision, action, reasoning, planning, and so forth. We even used some structural learning, such as was being explored by Patrick Winston.
Marvin Minsky
A book is sent out into the world, and there is no way

A book is sent out into the world, and there is no way of fully anticipating the responses it will elicit. Consider the responses called forth by the Bible, Homer, Shakespeare – let alone contemporary poetry or a modern novel.
Chaim Potok
Philosophy is a performance sport – you have to play it with somebody back and forth.
Timothy Leary
This is the truth: as from a fire aflame thousands of sparks come forth, even so from the Creator an infinity of beings have life and to him return again.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Sometimes I do that quite a lot, go back and forth a lot between ideas. Try things out.
Julian Barratt
You know, I’ve just always been sort of goofy and kind of gone with it. I actually usually work more in drama, but I have been floating back and forth with comedy, and somehow they keep giving me jobs in comedy, so I guess there’s something funny about me.
Zachary Knighton
Go forth a conqueror and win great victories.
No matter what your political persuasion, you can find a guide that makes it quick, easy and painless to exercise your right to vote. Wanna know what a certain proposition put forth by a cadre of undisclosed billionaires which cuts funding for public education, arts and infrastructure means? Use the voting guide!
Steven Weber
I don’t believe in amnesty… What I have proposed is that we would come forth with a program that allows individuals to come forward and to plead guilty… They would have to pay a fine; they would have to go through a background check – some say learn English – and they would get learned legal status.
Chris Gibson
We all have insecurities. It takes maintenance and constant practice to first identify what they are so we can have an understanding of how we tick and, second, to put forth the action to deal with them.
Tara Stiles
‘Fowl Space’ was a lovechild of boredom. While in class, two of the developers started passing designs back and forth. Somewhere in the middle of all that ink and crumpled paper, a chicken in a space helmet was born and thus we have ‘Fowl Space.’
Rob Manuel
I was always going back and forth between Singapore and the U.K.
Jessica Henwick
I feel nowadays a lot of bands can be too overly produced. There’s something about the leather pants and bare bodies and Axl Rose running back and forth on a stage and going crazy. I love all that.
Malin Akerman
I honestly go back and forth in my head about using advanced and innovative technologies for creating my characters. There’s something more ‘real’ and charming when the characters aren’t perfect. It’s the difference between anything that’s built by a computer and machine versus the same thing being made by hand.
Jeff Dunham
I think there’s a little bit of a danger of a hype machine that puts forth a whole bunch of experiences that aren’t great, and then a whole bunch of audience comes and don’t have great experiences.
Chris Milk
Terrorism is not a public health threat, relative to cancer and heart disease and malaria and so forth.
George M. Church
I think I have always tried to do the smaller films. I like to jump around and there is something really nice for acting in a smaller film. But I think now, Hollywood’s movies certainly involve a younger generation for the most part and so… I love going back and forth.
Sigourney Weaver
Basically I started to jot notes, lots of faxes back and forth to my writer, we faxed ideas throughout the whole first draft, and started all over again.
Bruce Boxleitner
Keynes’s contribution was not just to advocate spending government money in the middle of a recession. Every government had done that going back to the days of the Irish potato famine. What he gave to us was a way of thinking about the magnitude and the dimensions and so forth.
Paul Samuelson
Industry looks at research and development for energy efficiency, lowering material costs, so on and so forth.
Jamshyd Godrej
I never had the exposure to techniques and so forth that children have today with art workshops, but I always had crayons and pencils and still have work going right back to when I was five or six years old.
Robert Indiana
When you walk, you need the leg to swing back and forth underneath you. It needs to flex at a certain point, then extend as you follow through your gait. Now, that function doesn’t really help at all while I’m standing on my dirt bike or snowmobile.
Mike Schultz
Someone like Bruno Sammartino should never be a jobber on a video game, so and so forth. I think you have to pay respect.
Bret Hart
Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I’ve been on so many movies. Generally, I haven’t gotten to be on the ground level. As of two years ago, in ‘Dear John,’ I got to really be on the ground floor. I wasn’t a producer. I felt like I put the work in, and I did have a lot of sway on what got fixed, reshoots, so on and so forth. It felt really good.
Channing Tatum
The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.
After an existence of nearly 20 years of almost innocuous desuetude, these laws are brought forth.
Grover Cleveland
There were high school coaches such as Charles Boston that took me under his wing and taught me the fundamentals of football. And when I went to college there was Robert Hill who took me there and he showed me what hard work and determination would do if you put forth the effort and you take a little time.
Walter Payton
I grew up not liking coffee, even though I’m from Brazil. Then I realized when I moved to San Francisco that it’s not that I don’t like coffee, I just didn’t like the coffee I’d had before. I fell in love with my morning cup of coffee, and my second one at 11 A.M., and so on and so forth.
Mike Krieger
In Barack Obama, Democrats have put forth a man of strong religious faith who is comfortable connecting his spiritual life to his public role as a policymaker.
Mike McCurry
Keep fighting for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
Molly Ivins
Principle says it’s not who put forth an idea. It’s not the position of the person who put forth an idea; it’s not the longevity of the person or the party of the person. That’s not what it is at all. In a power system, that’s the way it works. But in a principle system, it’s what it says.
Dan Webster
The gospel comprises indeed, and unfolds, the whole mys

The gospel comprises indeed, and unfolds, the whole mystery of man’s redemption, as far forth as it is necessary to be known for our salvation.
Robert Boyle
Fortunately, I’m in a position where I’m reading lots of feature scripts and so forth.
David Nutter
I trained for four years in Toronto, and even before that, I was back and forth between Canada and the States during summer for training. And, since there isn’t much difference between Canada and the States, I haven’t felt much difference in the environment.
Kim Yuna
You have to have access to ideas. The Internet is facilitating that access to ideas. In 25 years, the way that data’s going to flow back and forth, we don’t quite understand yet.
Michael Nesmith
Life labeled me, people gave up on me, and thought that there was no hope, but God takes the people who have been cast aside and look like trash. God’s in the recycling business. He recycles that trash and brings forth treasure.
Paula White
When I was at primary school, around seven years old, I was underweight, so I’d be back and forth to the doctors to get weighed. It was a lot to do with being a twin. Jo was healthy, but I just couldn’t put on weight.
Caroline Flack
Cease to inquire what the future has in store, and take as a gift whatever the day brings forth.
Success doesn’t motivate me as much as integrity does. Everyone loses. I enjoy the pressure of showing up every single day, being focused, putting forth my best effort, getting the best out of my teammates, and enjoying the journey.
Becky Sauerbrunn
There is $1.4 billion a day in trade that goes back and forth across the border. That means millions of jobs and livelihoods for families here in Canada and for families in the United States.
Paul Cellucci
The devil had as good have let Paul alone, for he no sooner comes into prison but he falls a preaching, at which the gates of Satan’s prison fly open, and poor sinners come forth.
William Gurnall
The art of living demands that our interest in bringing forth flowers in our family life equal the interest we take in bringing them forth in our window gardens. So long as their home-life aesthetics have not become ethics, women need not expect husbands, children, or servants to feel happy in the homes of their creation.
Ellen Key
What makes my approach special is that I do different things. I do jazz, blues, country music and so forth. I do them all, like a good utility man.
Ray Charles
I don’t want football to not be played, but I would like the sophistication brought forth to take care of those who need to be taken care of and to take the precaution, at the sacrifice of winning, to take care of people.
Jim Brown
Take heed, then, often to come together to give thanks to God, and show forth His praise. For when you assemble frequently in the same place, the powers of Satan are destroyed, and the destruction at which he aims is prevented by the unity of your faith.
Ignatius of Antioch
A man who goes forth to take the life of another whom he does not know must believe one thing only – that by his act he will change the course of history.
Yitzhak Shamir
When you are not in power for 20 years and several leaders are in the race, it is tough to put forth one face. The most important things are our policies and principles.
Manoj Tiwari
The women’s movement burst forth when I was fifteen. That was when I began to believe that life might semi-work out after all. The cavalry had arrived. Women were starting to say that you got to tell the truth now, that you had to tell the truth if you were going to heal and have an authentic life.
Anne Lamott
I wanted to see how flavors, spices, and grains traveled back and forth along the Silk Road and were interpreted by a multitude of cultures’ palates.
Hanya Yanagihara
I think, in general, medicine in the 21st century will switch from healing the sick to upgrading the healthy… If you find ways to repair the memory damaged by Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and so forth, it is very likely that the same methods could be used to upgrade the memory of completely healthy people.
Yuval Noah Harari
I think I’m a person that’s very pessimistic about, like I’m not a luddite but I don’t think we need to crack the code of technology and bring forth a future techno utopia.
Oneohtrix Point Never
Just listening and going back and forth and exchanging ideas with people. It’s a beautiful thing. This is what’s really important.
Lakeith Stanfield
My mother raised me right – everything from Fleetwood Mac and the Doors to Pink Floyd and so on and so forth.
Ivan Moody
When science has sent forth her fiat – it is only to hear and obey.
Jules Verne
Social life was different for me in college. I didn’t go to as many parties as my friends did. I didn’t join a sorority because I knew I couldn’t make a long-term commitment. I was constantly traveling back and forth from Silicon Valley to Austin for internships. It was hard, but it was worth it for where I wanted to go.
Brit Morin
From Calcutta has gone forth a living stream of knowledge in many branches of study. It is inspiring to think of the long succession of scholars, both Indian and European, who have lived in this city, made it their own, and given it of their best.
C. V. Raman
There have been days where I’ve had two writers’ rooms or three writers’ rooms going, and you walk back and forth. And then you sort of throw yourself on the sofa, and you go, ‘Just talk at me for, like, 20 minutes,’ and my brain will catch up with this particular story. But I find that exciting.
Noah Hawley
The poet knows himself only on the condition that things resound in him, and that in him, at a single awakening, they and he come forth together out of sleep.
Jacques Maritain
I am in the present. I cannot know what tomorrow will bring forth. I can know only what the truth is for me today. That is what I am called upon to serve, and I serve it in all lucidity.
Igor Stravinsky
We are tasked to rebuild not just a damaged economy, and a debt-ridden balance sheet, but to do so by drawing forth the best that is in our fellow citizens. If we would summon the best from Americans, we must assume the best about them. If we don’t believe in Americans, who will?
Mitch Daniels
I got the call to play Tony Manero in ‘Saturday Night Fever’ in Madrid, a role I’d always wanted, as it’s such a well-constructed show, and my background is in musical theatre. I’d been travelling back and forth between London and Spain for auditions and had been borrowing money from friends to do it.
Juan Pablo Di Pace
The EPA code needs to set forth a clear, regular, and rational system of penalties for violations of its code, with the amount of the penalty set in proportion to the amount of pollutant released by a given defendant, and no penalties imposed in the absence of any pollutant released.
Robert Zubrin
Wherever I am I just try to be there for my teammates o

Wherever I am I just try to be there for my teammates on the floor and put forth effort and help our team win.
Brook Lopez
I grew up using hearing aids, and I had speech therapy and so forth, and that helped me to develop a passion for music and helped me to develop my drumming talents.
Sean Berdy
You can’t fool yourself anymore that your art is your art. When you’re not getting paid for that song that’s being traded back and forth among millions of people on the Internet, you have to think like a businessperson.
Ann Powers
The human foot has bones and muscles and can balance back and forth. If you step and you maybe make a little mistake, your foot can compensate. But if I step in the wrong spot, my foot isn’t going to compensate because it’s just one piece of carbon fiber.
Amy Purdy
Strip the proud nobility of their bloated estates, reduce them to a level with plain republicans, send forth to labor, and teach their children to enter the workshops or handle the plow, and you will thus humble proud traitors.
Thaddeus Stevens
Your emotions are meant to fluctuate, just like your blood pressure is meant to fluctuate. It’s a system that’s supposed to move back and forth, between happy and unhappy. That’s how the system guides you through the world.
Daniel Gilbert
Mr. Trump is primarily a television personality. As such, he is judged by that standard. This means that a scandal does not call forth a response; it calls forth the desire for a bigger scandal.
Timothy D. Snyder
Cinema is all about going back from shadow to light and back and forth: cinema is a place of transgression.
Bruno Dumont
I’ve had no money, I’ve had a lot of money, I’ve lost a lot of money. I’ve been back and forth with everything. That’s why other people’s input doesn’t really matter to me, because nobody’s put me where I’m at.
Riff Raff
Larry Summers, I think, he had a long history of arrogance and relative ignorance about poor people’s culture and working people’s culture and so forth.
Cornel West
If you take the ’70s with Blaxploitation pictures, there was a proliferation of black-content films and motion pictures, television, stage plays and so forth at a time when Hollywood was in trouble financially, and it was cheaper to do black films to keep the lights on until they could reestablish themselves.
Glynn Turman
Rock n’ roll is our religion, and we will continue to lose disciples as we go, but we pick up the fallen flag and keep moving forward, bringing forth the good news that our heroes have helped create, their bodies lost, but their spirits and their good work everlasting.
Steven Van Zandt
The first thing I learned is that campaigns are about money. I had this romantic idea that campaigns were about law and debates and so forth, which is just not true. It’s about money.
Michael Seibel
Duke came to us. They volunteered to come to us and made a number of suggestions to some people on my staff. I don’t know how I would characterize them, but there have been some discussions going back and forth between Duke and members of my staff.
Gray Davis
Life comes forth for no other reason than to be and make more life. It will fight and crawl and do anything in its power to live, and once alive, it will stand against all to remain alive. Its existence is its own argument.
Rick Tumlinson
Nothing graces the Christian soul so much as mercy; mercy as shown chiefly towards the poor, that thou mayest treat them as sharers in common with thee in the produce of nature, which brings forth the fruits of the earth for use to all.
Saint Ambrose
A reprisal of this magnitude… has never been carried out before. I paced back and forth in my room perplexed and completely depressed, feeling helpless.
Moshe Sharett
Before I ever put anything on paper, Jerry and I would talk back and forth.
Joe Shuster
It’s not just that government has failed us. It’s not just that we have failed ourselves. It’s government. It’s individuals. It’s sort of everything in between, from families and communities and neighborhoods, churches and so forth.
J. D. Vance
The British were white, English, and Protestant, just as we were. They had to have some other basis on which to justify independence, and happily they were able to formulate the inalienable truths set forth in the Declaration.
Samuel P. Huntington
I love going back and forth from drama to comedy. I love switching it around and showing people that I can do both.
Kaitlyn Dever
Sometimes you can fall into bad habits on film or rest on your laurels, and you can’t do that in theater. I think it’s such a useful tool as a person and as an actor to go back and forth between those two mediums.
Ari Graynor
Vancouver is an amazing city and luckily, growing up in the Seattle area, I was able to immerse myself into the culture at a young age, traveling back and forth across the border for skating competitions as a youngster.
Apolo Ohno
Kids still can be said to live in their own little world. Even if their parents are helicoptering around them, assigning play dates and so forth, I think they’re still living in some sense of their own little perceptual worlds.
Jerry Spinelli
One of the really remarkably beneficial aspects of genetic engineering is that much of the previous methodology for controlling pests and so forth is through chemicals that affect a very broad spectrum of insects, for example, or fungicides that control fungi.
Nina Fedoroff
If black lives matter, then why is it that black women are more than five times as likely as a white woman to have an abortion? I think the womb that brings forth the black life should matter… Because black lives absolutely matter, what about the babies in that womb? What about that mama?
Alveda King
Injustice boils in men’s hearts as does steel in its cauldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time.
Mary Harris Jones
Man is ever searching for the source whence he has come, searching for the life which is upwelling within him, immortal, nay, eternal and divine; and every religion is the answer from the Universal Spirit to the seeking spirits of men that came forth from Him.
Annie Besant
Those little nimble musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art.
Izaak Walton
Every Fourth of July, our Declaration of Independence is produced, with a sublime indignation, to set forth the tyranny of the mother country and to challenge the admiration of the world. But what a pitiful detail of grievances does this document present in comparison with the wrongs which our slaves endure!
William Lloyd Garrison
Because I was able to submerge myself into the character, I didn’t have to go back and forth. You don’t have to work hard to bring emotions. It all just comes naturally, you’re there living it.
Camilla Belle
The girls, like, in we'll say Hooters, have less clothi

The girls, like, in we’ll say Hooters, have less clothing than the girls I worked with in those days. We thought it was wild when they just wore little bells and so forth. But today, in restaurants, some of the waitresses almost work in the nude, you know, to get business.
Don Rickles
I know it sounds Pollyannish and ‘Kumbaya’-like, but I find that the more that you expose Americans to the diversity of what’s going on in China and vice versa, the more people find that there is this broad middle path. And so I’m a strong advocate of intense visits and dialogue back and forth.
Dennis C. Blair
You don’t want to get so distracted, focusing on what the opposition is putting forth that you forget to remind America that the real issue is 8.3 percent unemployment, virtually no growth at all in an economy that has been in shambles for the last four years under Obama.
John Sununu
My dad is Irish. I spent my childhood going back and forth between Ireland and America.
Olivia Wilde
My mother is a beautiful writer. Writing letters back and forth with her was an athletic endeavor, and it became something I really looked forward to.
Lake Bell
I started school in the autumn term of 1949 when there was a tomato glut. We had tomatoes in every form known to God, man or beast – and they were all equally detestable. When you pushed them with your fork, a warmish liquid spurted forth. It was rather like sort of bursting a boil.
David Starkey
There are interactions with characters within the game which I think are pretty neatly done considering the limitations that you have to work with. I mean, a computer can’t really generate a character that talks back and forth with you successfully.
Fred Saberhagen
Vice: Whatever was passion in the contemplation of man, being brought forth by his will into action.
James Harrington
Man is wise and constantly in quest of more wisdom; but the ultimate wisdom, which deals with beginnings, remains locked in a seed. There it lies, the simplest fact of the universe and at the same time the one which calls forth faith rather than reason.
Hal Borland
My kids don’t go back and forth; none of this 50/50 time with the mums and dads. My children live with me; that is it.
Kate Winslet
Ceremony leads her bigots forth, prepared to fight for shadows of no worth. While truths, on which eternal things depend, can hardly find a single friend.
William Cowper
I would sit at the table with the black kids during lunch, and we’d do our banter back and forth. But occasionally, I’d get up and I’d go sit down with the white kids and chat with them and what not. Of course, because I come from the black table they would look at me like, ‘Why are you here?’
Ron Stallworth
When I lived in New York, not only did I have safety locks on the door but I had the music going, keeping the city at a distance, trying to find creative time and peace and so forth.
Ann Beattie
Things are pretty good for NASCAR with our TV agreements behind us and so forth. For us it’s focusing on putting the best events and tightest racing that we can, making improvements on the track and investing in the amenities and fan experience.
Brian France
I hate homework. I hate it more now than I did when I was the one lugging textbooks and binders back and forth from school. The hour my children are seated at the kitchen table, their books spread out before them, the crumbs of their after-school snack littering the table, is without a doubt the worst hour of my day.
Ayelet Waldman
I like writing with people. I think the times that I’ve closed myself off to not writing with people, I haven’t gotten the best product because I haven’t had anyone to go back and forth with and really discuss what’s going on in my life, what’s going on in their life. It’s so important to have that connection.
Noah Cyrus
The missionaries go forth to Christianize the savages – as if the savages weren’t dangerous enough already.
Edward Abbey
And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars.
William Styron
One can always debate questions back and forth.
Robert Bourassa
I started going back and forth, New York, London, New York, London. I wasn’t looking back at all. I was doing tons of jobs. Working, working, working, working.
Kate Moss
I’ve never found that it jars to go back and forth.
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
I am supporting many Republican candidates who embrace the principles and policies set forth in Speaker Ryan’s vision and who are committed to moving our country forward on the right path.
Kenneth C. Griffin
Judgment is more than skill. It sets forth on intellectual seas beyond the shores of hard indisputable factual information.
Kingman Brewster, Jr.
I grew up around books. When I first held the book and it was a substantive, tangible thing, and I thought of all the work that went into it, not just my work but everybody else’s and the research and so forth, there’s a sense of really have done something worthwhile.
Paul Allen
‘Nice Guys’ has darkness in it and parts that are kind of odd, but there are also parts where it’s heartfelt and soulful. You can switch back and forth.
Shane Black
I’m not a ‘Yes Man,’ and I’ve always preferred to go back and forth and find something we both agree on so I can do it to the best of my ability. That was taken in WWE as trying to do what was best for me. In reality, I was trying to be different.
Drew McIntyre
I think it is not necessary at this time to put forth a grand vision such as an East Asian Community. What we must do before that is create scenarios for Japan’s response in case of a serious territorial incident.
Yoshihiko Noda
Google’s architectural model around broadband and services and so forth plays very well to the powerful devices and services Apple is doing. We’re a perfect back end to the problems that they’re trying to solve.
Eric Schmidt
Any idea can be brought into the classroom if the point is to inquire into its structure, history, influence and so forth. But no idea belongs in the classroom if the point of introducing it is to recruit your students for the political agenda it may be thought to imply.
Stanley Fish
We have nine ships and in the next two years will have ten, eleven and twelve. So things are going very nicely and all because of that program that people thought was mindless and so forth.
Gavin MacLeod
The more studies that come out that talk about concussions and so forth, it makes me wonder. I wonder, more importantly than the stroke, the impact that concussions have had on my life, particularly as I get older.
Steve Largent
What I wanted to do is put forth, musically, the idea t

What I wanted to do is put forth, musically, the idea that there’s hope that we can change the system.
Boots Riley
Go forth under the open sky, and list To Nature’s teachings.
William Cullen Bryant
The wool of a thousand sheep in good pasture at the least ought to yield fifty marks a year, the wool of two thousand one hundred marks, and so forth, counting by thousands.
Robert Grosseteste
Obscenity, which is ever blasphemy against the divine beauty in life, is a monster for which the corruption of society forever brings forth new food, which it devours in secret.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.
Robert A. Heinlein
Believe that with your feelings and your work you are taking part in the greatest; the more strongly you cultivate this belief, the more will reality and the world go forth from it.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Women’s tennis? I think it stinks. They hit the ball back and forth, have a lot of nice volleys, and you can see some pretty legs. But it’s night and day compared to men’s tennis.
Bobby Riggs
The SFPD has had a lot of issues, and I think one of the issues that needs to be addressed is the racist text messages that have been passed back and forth between PD members, not only talking about the community, but also talking about colleagues that work in the same department as them.
Colin Kaepernick
To sit next to Walter Hill, and to be able to exchange ideas back and forth, and for him to be able to tell you that he likes what you’re doing – I don’t know. I kind of pinch myself.
Sarah Shahi
I don’t much enjoy Back and Forth. I mean, I think it has its own particular qualities, but I think it’s inferior to any of the half-hour ones we did.
Rowan Atkinson
We think of violence as being conflict and fighting and wars and so forth, but the most ongoing horrific measure of violence is in the horrible poverty of the Third World… and the poverty in the United States as well.
Martin Sheen
Conservatives don’t need to look for ‘hope’ in a person because people are imperfect. Conservatives put their stock in the ideology ushered forth by our Founding Fathers, the ideals that keep us free men.
Dana Loesch
When I was commander of Central Command, obviously we were very concerned about the developments in Yemen, the developments in Somalia and elsewhere, in Africa and so forth. But the al Qaeda senior leadership is under unprecedented pressure.
David Petraeus
I ain’t finna be beefing back and forth about no girl, bruh. I’m not doing that.
Young Dolph
Wealth, in terms of dollars and so forth, could be counted up, because dollars were finite. It doesn’t make any difference how many dollars you have-at a certain point you only have dollars. You start with finite, you end with finite.
Michael Nesmith
The Declaration of Independence was to set forth the moral justification of a rebellion against a long-recognized political tradition – the divine right of kings.
Ezra Taft Benson
For me, change doesn’t happen on a linear basis; it zig-zags back and forth.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
The angels taken collectively are called heaven, for they constitute heaven; and yet that which makes heaven in general and in particular is the Divine that goes forth from the Lord and flows into the angels and is received by them.
Emanuel Swedenborg
One of the things that will decline over time is the demand that the society or the government bring forth a particularized racial remedy based on a history of deprivation. That will be even more difficult to do in the future.
Keith Ellison
The knowledge of the realm of death makes it possible for the shaman to move freely back and forth and mediate these journeys for other people.
Stanislav Grof
I’ve been thinking a lot about space. It was one of those slow-motion realisations how little we are, how far we are from everything else in our solar system. This idea of distance started kind of haunting me. How do you go forth and accomplish things but not end up leaving everything you started out with in the dust?
Regina Spektor
I hope to God that the inner strength that will vindicate my deeds will in good time spring forth from my own people. I have done as I had to on the prompting of my inner voice.
Kurt Huber
It really helps if you know your subject matter immediately. I find that enormously useful because then you can concentrate on all the usual novelistic things – the character, the plot and so forth – and you don’t have to spend an enormous amount of time learning another trade, essentially.
Gregory Benford
Everything I write goes through a lot of drafts. A hundred rewrites is not unusual for me to go through – the last fifty maybe just going back and forth on a single line or word selection.
David Berman
My eyelashes are divas, so they will like a mascara brand one week or for a month, and then they’ll just stop working for it. I go back and forth between Maybelline and Cover Girl, and then I carry around a primer, too.
Francia Raisa
Trees go wandering forth in all directions with every wind, going and coming like ourselves, traveling with us around the sun two million miles a day, and through space heaven knows how fast and far!
John Muir
As a matter of comparative, the U.S. citizens – the Puerto Ricans that live in the United States – have much better incomes, more than twice as much, participate in the labor force of greater scales, have better results in the education system, and so forth.
Ricardo Rossello
The thing that people seem to miss about not just Google, but also our competitors, Yahoo, eBay and so forth, is that there’s an awful lot of communities that have never been served by traditional media.
Eric Schmidt
When I was 20 years old, I was living in Ireland, going to school in Cork. There was this girl in my film class that I was kind of flirting with. We had this notebook that we passed back and forth. We would write 10 questions and then pass it back while we were supposedly paying attention.
Chris Sacca
As far as I’m concerned, the people who aren’t paying taxes don’t get to run around claiming that they built everything, that the built the roads and that they built the bridges and so forth.
Rush Limbaugh
And what we did with this new company in 1985 is we did start focusing on PCs instead of video game machines, because we learned the hard lesson about bringing a product to market in a consumer world where it’s very expensive to build a brand and get distribution and so forth.
Steve Case
Either be hot or cold. If you are lukewarm, the Lord wi

Either be hot or cold. If you are lukewarm, the Lord will spew you forth from His mouth.
Jerry Lee Lewis
It’s actually just as cool to be on television as to be in a movie, and nobody’s ashamed of this back and forth.
Brett Gelman
I, of course, wanted to do something with Drew Barrymore. Please. So we were reading scripts back and forth and then we found this script, Fever Pitch.
Jimmy Fallon
Political life is like this – elections go back and forth. Representative democracy can only be successful if one sits down and says, ‘That’s it. I will connect myself,’ – as I did – ‘connect my existence to a political project.’ Then you automatically have in your party a lot of people who say, ‘If that fails, so do I’.
Helmut Kohl
Thing, body, matter, are nothing apart from the combinations of the elements, – the colours, sounds, and so forth – nothing apart from their so-called attributes.
Ernst Mach
My son was born somewhat late in my life and I just found myself really feeling like I didn’t want to miss out on being a parent and being with him, and not wanting a situation where I was constantly pulled back and forth between being present, and having all these other pressures and considerations.
Karen Allen
I go back and forth between wanting to be abundantly simple and maddeningly complex.
John Baldessari
I had studied at Harvard and MIT astronomy and a lot about the heavens and the star system and so forth.
Edgar Mitchell
One of the reasons I love to jump back and forth between mediums is that film does allow me to be more literal. I can go to the real place. I can go to the Coliseum, and I don’t have to fake it.
Julie Taymor
It’s very hard to put forth a film that’s about love and the joy of love and for it not to be patronising and not make people nauseous or make them roll their eyes.
Laura Linney
I think there’s a great homogenizing force that software imposes on people and limits the way they think about what’s possible on the computer. Of course, it’s also a great liberating force that makes possible, you know, publishing and so forth, and standards, and so on.
Golan Levin
I was actually the head of the violin after-school club. And then I was also the head of the dance club, the popping club. So one day, just by coincidence, we had to hold the two clubs at the same time. I had to go back and forth. And that’s when the idea came up for dancing and playing violin at the same time.
Henry Lau
If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I’m neurotic as hell. I’ll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.
Sylvia Plath
Homo Sapiens is a frontier creature. It is what we do; it defines what we are. This has been true from our very beginnings. It is the core reason our progenitors wandered forth from the first primordial valleys in search of more room, better hunting, or more fertile soil.
Rick Tumlinson
For me, that is what made Leonard-Hearns stand out, because they made adjustments on each other, and it went back and forth continually. One had the advantage, then the other, then back to the first one, and so on.
Paulie Malignaggi
Facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.
Galileo Galilei
It’s time for Republicans to rally behind this campaign in order to put forth the best candidate to stop Hillary Clinton in November. I am confident Ted Cruz is that person, and I’m thrilled to endorse him for president.
Cory Gardner
When I was about 8, I used to go into one of the rooms in the mansion, and I would open a magazine like the ‘Ladies Home Journal,’ and I would see these characters on the pages and then become them, talking back and forth.
Elizabeth Wilson
Jews seek to cleave to the will of God as set forth in the Bible and, particularly, the Pentateuch, with its rabbinic commentaries, the Mishnah and Talmud.
Meir Soloveichik
If it’s fast, no I don’t have enough piano technique. In that case, it’s probably been done on some kind of synthesizer or sequencer. Then the score can then be printed out and so forth.
Bill Bruford
Beginning in 1986, a series of field experiments were designed to test the various hypotheses which had been put forth to explain the Antarctic ozone hole.
Mario J. Molina
When you’re arguing with a fool, you’re the fool for even going back and forth.
Justine Skye
In teaching color, you teach people how to look something and see the tone in it and break it down to be able to paint it and reproduce that color. But then, I’m psychedelic, so I look at color differently. I like colors that are in contrast with one another, so that they flicker back and forth.
John Van Hamersveld
Our nation was not founded because we all looked alike, or prayed alike, or descended from the same family tree. But our founders, in their genius, in this, the oldest constitutional democracy, put forth on this earth the idea that all are created equal; that we all have inalienable rights.
Cory Booker
Kids love me. I can bounce back and forth. I can discipline kids, and I can get into the mind of a kid. In my brain, I consider myself the ultimate video game player. The ultimate snack maker.
J. B. Smoove
First, I’d like to see the basic tools such as compilers, debuggers, profilers, database interfaces, GUI builders, CAD tools, and so forth fully support the ISO standard.
Bjarne Stroustrup
When we describe human relations, we usually make them better than they are: gentle, peaceful, and so forth, whereas in reality, they are often competitive.
Rene Girard
The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit.
Thomas Malory
There comes a time when you have to put forth the action and actually see whether you’re really just talking to promote yourself, just to sell yourself, or to build your confidence or build confidence around you… or are you the real deal?
Deontay Wilder
I don’t know anybody else who lives 1,000 miles away from their job and gets to commute back and forth. The owner said, ‘You can live in your beloved Swifton, but don’t you dare miss a game.’ I had a few close calls, but I didn’t miss any.
George Kell
I kind of go back and forth about marriage and kids. I feel like, if it’s an organic way for me and the right time in my life, then, yeah.
Jessica Biel
One night I saw Jerry Lee, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, a

One night I saw Jerry Lee, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, and Elvis for a dollar, if you believe that, in an open-air concert. Presley, I got to meet and go into his house and so forth. My wife says I should quit tellin’ that story, ’cause they’ll know how old I am.
William Sanderson
I kind of prefer bouncing back and forth between theater and films. It’s like having the best of both worlds, both very different experiences.
Joanna Going
Our mission, as set forth by the Congress is a critical one: to preserve price stability, to foster maximum sustainable growth in output and employment, and to promote a stable and efficient financial system that serves all Americans well and fairly.
Ben Bernanke
I don’t think so much about verbal comedy. I always think about visual comedy. I was raised watching silents, and I’m always thinking about how to make cinema, not good talking – although I want good talking. I’m much more interested in framing, composition, and orchestration of bodies in space, and so forth.
Alexander Payne
I think people who have all kinds of debilitating mobility issues will benefit from robotic augmentation. That is, even before we get into organ replacement and organ printing and synthetic biology and so on and so forth.
Jason Silva
I’m interested in how people all over the world array themselves and go forth in the morning to do whatever they have to do to make a living.
William Gibson
The planet’s biggest problems have to do with sustainability, environmental decline, global poverty, disease, conflict and so forth. Really, they’re all interconnected – it’s one big problem, which is that the way we’re doing things can’t go on.
Alex Steffen
Sonya Deville was originally supposed to be NJ Deville to help me keep my MMA nickname of ‘The Jersey Devil’ after debating back and forth we agreed on Sonya Deville.
Sonya Deville
Health care has become a political football that is being tossed back and forth by both sides in Washington. And it’s divided our country.
Matthew Heineman
Living in L.A. keeps me in my car a lot, and I’m constantly flipping back and forth between the following Sirius/XM Radio stations: NFL Radio, MLB Radio, POTUS, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News.
R. J. Cutler
Today, we stand as a united country and are much closer to the ideals set forth in our Constitution that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Jim Ryun
At Babbo, each dish grew out of a conversation, trying to put something forth that was new and different. It was a combination of culinary adventurism and the dining-room experience with respect for the classic but with an eye toward innovation. And it was about eating locally, whether produce or fish or meat.
Joe Bastianich
Love is higher than the Highest. Love is greater than the Greatest. Yea, it is in a certain sense greater than God; while yet, in the highest sense of all, God is Love, and Love is God. Love being the highest principle is the virtue of all virtues; from whence they flow forth.
Jakob Bohme
People on a spiritual path – personal growth, spiritual practice, recovery, yoga and so forth – are the last people who should be sitting out the social and political issues of our day.
Marianne Williamson
There is definitely a Japanese influence on my style. I spent several years back and forth training over there, training at the New Japan Dojo in Los Angeles and picking up various techniques from wherever I go.
Samoa Joe
I think TV, films, and the stage inform each other. It’s good to go back and forth.
Jon Tenney
Scouting rises within you and inspires you to put forth your best.
Juliette Gordon Low
When you work in the White House you talk to the White House staff all day, so you’re talking to the guy who handles the congressional liaison and the guy who’s handling domestic politics and the guy who’s handling the American economy and so forth.
Elliott Abrams
The thing about praising beauty is that good looks are an unforgiving task- master, a Forth Bridge of a maintenance job. The passing years present their accounts. Younger models become available.
Laurie Graham
I get one hour, really 25 minutes in a sermon on a weekend, to combat all the hours of the week that people are told you are what you have through billboards, commercials, and sitcoms, and so forth.
Max Lucado
I just try to do the best job I possibly can – put the blinders on, go to work and be the best you can possibly be. Once you have done everything that you possibly can – you’ve put forth your greatest effort – then I can live with whatever’s next.
Bill Parcells
If you push down that pyramid of power and spread out the base, every member gets a chance to file their bill and have it heard and file their amendment and have it heard, as opposed to the system that we have now, which closes out, closes down bills, limits debate, and so forth.
Dan Webster
Many people remember that spirit that President Kennedy summoned forth. Many people look to me as somebody who embodies that sense of possibility.
Caroline Kennedy
To realize life in the abstract as noble or beautiful or humane, to set it forth so with radiance upon it, that is civilization in the arts. Shakespeare is the chief modern example of this supreme faculty of mankind.
George Edward Woodberry
I don’t plan out my visits rigorously, but I do have a list of about 125 New York galleries, alternative spaces, museums, and so forth that I visit regularly. That’s the closest thing I have to a strategy: I go to a lot of places, many that artists don’t visit.
Jerry Saltz
I love the chemistry that can be created onstage between the actors and the audience. It’s molecular, even, the energies that can go back and forth. I started in theater, and when I first went into movies, I felt that my energy was going to blow out the camera.
Glenn Close
You have Showtime, you have AMC, you have all of these, you know, incredible networks that are now bringing forth their product without the handcuffs, if you will, of trying to sell soap to the entire country.
Gina Torres
Send forth the child and childish man together, and blush for the pride that libels our own old happy state, and gives its title to an ugly and distorted image.
Charles Dickens
Real popular culture is folk art – coalminers’ songs and so forth.
Noam Chomsky
How I can be an active voice for gay people but also the music industry? This is the art we need right now. This is what we need right now. We’re in a renaissance, and we need people to rebel, come forth, and bring messages into art.
King Princess
My job was to make sure the base entrances were secure, that people entering were scanned and cleared, and that people within the bases were safe and abiding by the rules set forth by the Marine Corps.
Lacey Evans
Cities are obvious metaphors for life. We call roads 'a

Cities are obvious metaphors for life. We call roads ‘arteries’ and so forth.
Geoffrey West
As she sallied forth from her boudoir, you would never have guessed how quickly she could strip for action.
William Manchester
I don’t mind arguing back and forth with people who have actual information.
Channing Frye
And as the Divine that goes forth from the Lord is the good of love and the truth of faith, the angels are angels and are heaven in the measure in which they receive good and truth from the Lord.
Emanuel Swedenborg
I love to swim for miles; I could just go back and forth.
Jill Clayburgh
I started at Moschino Oct. 31 or Nov. 1, 2013, and now I go back and forth between Milan and Los Angeles, where I live.
Jeremy Scott
I think it’s important to know what you want to do and push forth with it.
I don’t take reviews seriously. I don’t even read them. Who is this person blasting forth his opinion? What’s his worth, and how different is he from any man on the street?
Naseeruddin Shah
As long as Elton John can bring forth one performance per album on the order of ‘Someone Saved My Life Tonight,’ the chance remains that he will become something more than the great entertainer he already is and go on to make a lasting contribution to rock.
Jon Landau
One thing that’s happened to me is I’ve been around a long time and I’ve played a lot of villains and so forth. I think it had to do with, well one thing is that I looked younger than I was for a long time. Now I think I’m suddenly starting to play people’s father.
Christopher Walken
I don’t night-club, don’t get into fights or scandals, don’t own a yacht, don’t play the horses, don’t wear plaid overcoats, don’t go to Hollywood parties, don’t own a motorcycle, don’t run back and forth to New York, don’t go in for politics.
Fred MacMurray
If my edge is dull, my sword is dull, and I don’t want to fight another guy whose sword is dull. If you’ve got two steel swords going back and forth hitting each other, what’s gonna happen? Both of them are going to get sharper. Everybody that’s in the industry has lost their edge.
Kendrick Lamar
My mom was always driving me back and forth to guitar lessons, growing up. She was super supportive and probably my biggest cheerleader.
Chord Overstreet
The apology, that is constantly put forth for the injustice of government, viz., that a man must consent to give up some of his rights, in order to have his other rights protected – involves a palpable absurdity, both legally and politically.
Lysander Spooner
Bull markets have valuation froth and bull markets have commitment forth. Now just by valuation froth, bull markets do not end.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
When I write plays, I’m already seeing the shapes on stage, of the actors and their interaction, and so on and so forth. I don’t think I’ve ever written one play as an abstract piece, as a literary piece, floating in the air somewhere, to be flushed out later on.
Wole Soyinka
I forget a lot of things sometimes. I’m not one to sit here and complain. While I did not know the severity of what continuous head traumas could do to an individual and the mind and so forth, I’m not going to sit here and complain.
Bruce Smith
There has been a lot of emotion back and forth around moving from Panathinaikos. Most people know what I feel about that club.
Marcus Berg
I’m either shooting for films or commercials, attending events, or meeting people, so on and so forth.
Rakul Preet Singh
Pouring forth its seas everywhere, then, the ocean envelops the earth and fills its deeper chasms.
Nicolaus Copernicus
My inspiration was my mom. She’s a great cook, and she still cooks, and we still banter back and forth about cooking. Growing up in a mostly Portuguese community, food was important and the family table was extremely important. At a very young age I understood that.
Emeril Lagasse
It’s very difficult to switch back and forth between running rehearsals and then stepping in to dance in rehearsals as a dancer. Just to switch hats in an instant can be a little bit jarring, mostly physically, on the body.
Justin Peck
We may overcompensate for our feelings of powerlessness by attempting to control and manipulate other people and our environment. Or we may eventually burst forth with uncontrolled rage that is highly exaggerated and distorted by its long suppression.
Shakti Gawain
Everybody walks around talking about, ‘Sam Allardyce’s style is not good enough, he doesn’t play the right way’ and so on and so forth and it is a massive problem for me. People believe it. You believe the false lies, the false implications. Football does that – it believes that lie sometimes.
Sam Allardyce
Real laughter is spontaneous. Like water from the spring it bubbles forth a creation of mingled action and spontaneity – two magic potions in themselves – the very essence of laughter – the unrestrained emotion within us!
Douglas Fairbanks
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.
Francis Bacon
You know, I live a monastic lifestyle. No, I do. I do live in extremes, basically. I go back and forth. Once every six months, I’ll have a day where I eat more chocolate than has ever been consumed by a human being.
Jim Carrey
My parents separated when I was 2, and my dad always lived in Chicago and my mother in L.A. I’d go back and forth and sometimes spend the summer with my dad, but L.A. was home.
F. Gary Gray
I think ‘Overlord’ has definitely benefited because I work with every single level designer, and working where we have space to tell the story. That’s what it’s all about – getting writers and storytellers involved in the team and being a back and forth process.
Rhianna Pratchett
And I like being able to go back and forth, and I don’t really care if it’s a small budget or big budget or studio or independent, as long as it’s got a story that’s compelling and there’s enough money to make the picture.
Griffin Dunne
The Left has done a remarkable job marketing themselves as being the party for minorities when every single policy they put forth, from education to employment, has done more to harm these communities than to help.
Dana Loesch
For me, it's just a pleasure to be out in the community

For me, it’s just a pleasure to be out in the community wearing my Ducks logo on shirts and hats and so forth in representing the team.
Henry Samueli
When you prove you can hit, you get tough pitches to hit. And then you got to prove you can take them. And when you prove you can take them, they’ll give you pitches to hit. It’s back and forth, back and forth.
Trea Turner
As freely as the firmament embraces the world, or the sun pours forth impartially his beams, so mercy must encircle both friend and foe.
Friedrich Schiller
If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don’t try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now.
Richard Perle
Invite the best and brightest to compete for a grand prize to come up with designs, including new zoning, building codes and so forth, for New Orleans that could make it safe from water, and let the state and city pick the plan that works best for Louisiana.
Billy Tauzin
My biggest influence is Chris Rock. His physicality is like a caged tiger – pacing the stage – how he walks back and forth.
Josh Blue
First of all, I’m not the kind of guy that likes to rehash the show and so forth and so on.
Garry Shandling
Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind.
Charles Fillmore
The divine flame of thought is inextinguishable in the Filipino people, and somehow or other it will shine forth and compel recognition. It is impossible to brutalize the inhabitants of the Philippines!
Jose Rizal
There are readers who want every point to be clearly and unambiguously set forth, and there are those who want to pry ideas and meanings out for themselves.
John M. Ford
I don’t understand if it was, like, Palestinians were here, then it was called Israel, and that’s the problem, or they never had their land. Everyone just goes back and forth. So it seems like everyone can just have a piece… call the whole thing something else.
The bad things about theatre get balanced by the good things in film and vice versa. So to tell you the truth, I love it when I can go back and forth – it feeds different parts of you and exercises different muscles.
Willem Dafoe
When I meet people who say – which they do all of the time – ‘I must just tell you, my great aunt had cancer of the elbow and the doctors gave her 10 seconds to live, but last I heard she was climbing Mount Everest,’ and so forth, I switch off quite early.
Christopher Hitchens
Personally, I think ‘Dead Americans’ is the best title I have, but you can’t win with everyone. Titles have to be short, catchy, not too obscure, not offensive, and still capture the genre, and so on and so forth. Takeshi Kitano has it about right when he says he’d just like to title his films by number.
Ben Peek
I did a game at Atari Research called ‘Excalibur’ about the Arthurian legends. At the time, it was very, very complicated, very involved and so forth and actually still looks better than some of the modern games in terms of its richness and involvement.
Chris Crawford
Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge.
Bill Cosby
Ultimately, your economy has to be measured in the real eyes of real people, not simply in statistics that appear in newspapers about the unemployment rate and so forth.
Marco Rubio
I put it forth as a challenge to the industry to continue thinking of actors, regardless of sexuality, with open eyes and open hearts that they can play any role.
Dan Amboyer
I have a history, and I am proud of my legacy as a songwriter, all of the songs that I’ve brought forth into our culture. I’m proud of that.
Rodney Crowell
I suppose, in a way, this has become part of my soul. It is a symbol of my life. Whatever I have done that really matters, I’ve done wearing it. When the time comes, it will be in this that I journey forth. What greater honor could come to an American, and a soldier?
Douglas MacArthur
I think I was more or less, convinced of that by just the press, the US press. By people who were pressuring you, saying that you gotta beat the Russian’s, if you don’t win anything else, win the Russian meet and so forth.
Ralph Boston
I’m not one of those who can listen to music and write. I need the door closed. Windows shut. Facing the wall. No birds tweeting, views of nature, and so forth.
James McBride
There’s shorthand that happens when you work with someone you know where you can almost finish each other’s sentences. There’s just a certain back and forth that becomes much easier with someone you’ve worked with for so long.
Joe Lo Truglio
For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished freedom is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while there was still time.
George Sutherland
I’m a political scientist and I study these things, and I know that economic problems, with the rising unemployment and inflation and low productivity and so forth, were a factor in that election, in that defeat of President Carter.
Jeane Kirkpatrick
If there’s a track that’s rhyme friendly, the verse will basically write itself. If the track is less rhyme friendly, you have to put forth a little more effort to get the song out.
Black Thought
If we can survive being married and working on a soap together, commuting back and forth when we lived in New Jersey, and we didn’t get divorced then, we’re never gonna get divorced.
Mark Consuelos
An occupying power has no right to make significant alterations in the character of the occupied society, to change the laws all around, without a strong security reason and so forth.
Juan Cole
In spite of the huge diversity in Malaysia in terms of religion, culture, race, ethnicity and so forth, we’ve really gone very far in developing this country.
Najib Razak
I was not out to paint beautiful pictures; even painting good pictures was not important to me. I wanted only to help the truth burst forth.
Alice Duer Miller
I grew up in China, but I live in the U.S. and I want my children to understand what’s going on over there. They ask me sometimes, ‘Are we Chinese or Australians?’ My family are in L.A., New York and China, and they have the freedom to go back and forth, which is really, really nice.
Wendi Deng Murdoch
American social arrangements, economic arrangements, th

American social arrangements, economic arrangements, the degree of inequality in American life, the relatively small role played by the government in American public life and so forth, compares to exactly the opposite conditions in most of the European societies.
Tony Judt
In my forthcoming movie ‘Jerry,’ I play a funny character, where there is scope for me to perform. I hope people would appreciate my performance. Hence forth I would concentrate on doing variety of roles, rather than appearing in skimpy costumes.
It is not in giving life but in risking life that man is raised above the animal; that is why superiority has been accorded in humanity not to the sex that brings forth but to that which kills.
Simone de Beauvoir
I like working in small teams where people on the team have very different skills than what I have and that banter back and forth, and the ability to build something collectively that none of you could do individually is actually a really useful and valuable thing.
Jeff Dean
It seemed silly to me I was getting all this recognition and attention for being with Howard. So I thought, ‘I have this platform, what can I do with it?’ Let’s put forth my passion of animal rescue.
Beth Ostrosky Stern
Professional services industries like finance, consulting, and legal services are, by definition, meta-industries. That is, they serve to help large companies raise money, buy and sell each other, reorganize, implement new systems, conduct complex transactions, and so forth.
Andrew Yang
The back and forth between the press and government is essential to any good democracy.
Justin Trudeau
Some of the best leaders in the world find they learn something every day to be a better leader. Whether it’s developing a relationship, learning what someone likes or doesn’t like, putting forth the extra effort so guys understand you do what you preach.
Marcus Mariota
It is my plan to lead the RSC as a member-driven organization which puts forth positions developed through member participation and dialogue consistent with the RSC’s mission and the U.S. Constitution.
Bill Flores
The thing I love about acting is that it’s got nothing to do with me; it’s about bringing forth a director’s vision. It’s like a release. I’m glad it’s come back into my life.
Lenny Kravitz
Then, as if that’s not enough, then they declare that my wife is Jewish or Serbian. Luckily for me, she never was either, although many wives are. And so on and so forth spreading lies.
Franjo Tudjman
I’d like to see something done about the long putters and belly putters. But I go back and forth on that. I’ve actually worked with a belly putter.
Matt Kuchar
Older generations of Wi-Fi weren’t quite robust enough to deliver video in the home without breaking up and losing packets and so forth. 5G Wi-Fi gives you extended reach, extended data rates, and more robust coverage.
Henry Samueli
And if thought and emotion can persist in this way so long after the brain that sent them forth has crumpled into dust, how vitally important it must be to control their very birth in the heart, and guard them with the keenest possible restraint.
Algernon Blackwood
That one plant should be sown and another be produced cannot happen; whatever seed is sown, a plant of that kind even comes forth.
Guru Nanak
I flew back and forth and did episodes of Roseanne while I was at Yale.
Sara Gilbert
I was born and raised in West Hills. I moved to Korea when I was 15. I’ve been back and forth since.
Amber Liu
You speak into it and everything is recorded, voice, tone, intonation, everything. You turn a little wheel, and forth it comes, and can be repeated ten thousand times. Only fancy what this suggests.
Henry Irving
It’s clear that people are going to download media files, and they’re going to talk to each other, and they’re going to exchange information and knowledge and so forth. So this system logic is basically what you bounce off of.
Michael Nesmith
I’m digesting C.S. Lewis and Tim Keller and so on and so forth, Francis Schaeffer. I’m seeing how they’ve affected culture and politics and science and so on and so forth, with implicit faith versus explicit faith.
And now, once again, I bid my hideous progeny go forth and prosper. I have an affection for it, for it was the offspring of happy days, when death and grief were but words, which found no true echo in my heart.
Mary Shelley
Because of social media, we have a lot of personal essays floating around; you see them on Facebook: everyone’s either reading them or writing them. Some of them are great; some of them are diary entries put forth as essays.
Meghan Daum
Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.
William Wordsworth
I really don’t know the Chicago School. You see, I never walk. I always take taxis back and forth to work. I rarely see the city.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Women are called upon to defend every bit of progress we have made against particularly virulent attack. But we must also hold out a vision, put forth a positive agenda of what women need and want and then move forward toward that dream.
Patricia Ireland
When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.
Maurice Maeterlinck
Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is ‘The Book of British Birds,’ and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology.
Terry Eagleton
I’m afraid I am a bit of a technophobe – a nineteenth-century man caught in the twenty-first century. But there is one piece of technology that I would especially welcome: a device to automatically balance restaurant tables on all four legs so that they don’t rock back and forth.
Leonard Susskind
My grandfather was a direct descendent of Guru Nanak, which my father also carried forth.
Pooja Bedi
Women are more sensitive, more practical, more intelligent, more balanced, better able to deal with people, better cooks, better parents, better carers, better leaders, and so on and so forth.
Craig Brown