Top 495 Negative Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Negative Quotes from famous people such as Vanessa Diffenbaugh, Noel Gallagher, Grey DeLisle, Afrika Bambaataa, Allen Iverson, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Our standards for motherhood are so high that many of u

Our standards for motherhood are so high that many of us harbor intense, secret guilt for every harsh word we speak to our children, every negative thought that enters our minds.
Vanessa Diffenbaugh
People say I seem very negative about new music – well, if somebody asks me what I think of Keane, I’ll tell ’em. I don’t like ’em. I’ll obviously take it a step too far and grossly insult the keyboard player’s mam or summat, but I’m afraid that’s just me.
Noel Gallagher
Somehow, it seems that the sadder a song is, the happier I feel. The release of emotions that many would label as ‘negative’ is actually a liberating process for me.
Grey DeLisle
The Universal Zulu Nation stands to acknowledge wisdom, understanding, freedom, justice, and equality, peace, unity, love, and having fun, work, overcoming the negative through the positive, science, mathematics, faith, facts, and the wonders of God, whether we call him Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Jah.
Afrika Bambaataa
Me and my family are straight. I am blessed. I am alive, man, and I am healthy, and that is the only thing that matters. Me and my family, everybody else, it really doesn’t matter because why do you care about somebody talking negative about you if they don’t know you?
Allen Iverson
But poets were not considered dangerous and they were advised to exercise self-censorship. At most, poets were requested not to write at all. I took advantage of this negative liberty.
Eugenio Montale
I most certainly am not harboring any sort of negative feeling toward the gay community. I don’t have an opinion on people with different religious, sexual or political preferences. I’m one of the most liberal artists that I think you will ever meet, and I pride myself on that.
CeeLo Green
With the world’s human population now at seven billion and growing, and the demand for technology and modern conveniences increasing, we can’t control all our negative impacts. But we have to find better ways to live within the limits nature and its cycles impose.
David Suzuki
When I was growing up, I said I wanted to be a model, but people said I had no chance and when I realized my ambition, people in the business still continued to state negative stuff.
Katie Price
I also take pleasure in the so-called negative power in Grotjahn’s work. That is, I love his paintings for what they are not. Unlike much art of the past decade, Grotjahn isn’t simply working from a prescribed checklist of academically acceptable, curator-approved ‘isms’ and twists.
Jerry Saltz
Early on, after gay liberation, there was an almost Stalinist pressure from gay critics and even gay readers to write about positive role models. We were never supposed to write negative things about gays, or else we were seen as collaborating with the enemy.
Edmund White
Self-reflection is so healthy. Journaling works for me – when I record the details of what I’m going through, whether it’s a relationship issue or negative thoughts, I can look back and see how far I’ve come. It makes me proud to see my progress and how I got through a bad situation.
Kelly Rowland
Every positive value has its price in negative terms… the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
Pablo Picasso
I don’t want to put off negative vibes to my teammates. That’s kind of my leadership mentality.
Taysom Hill
What I think I have in common with the school of deconstruction is the mode of negative thinking or negative awareness, in the technical, philosophical sense of the negative, but which comes to me through negative theology.
Harold Bloom
Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.
Robert H. Schuller
You learn more from the negative things.
Paulo Dybala
More information is always better than less. When people know the reason things are happening, even if it’s bad news, they can adjust their expectations and react accordingly. Keeping people in the dark only serves to stir negative emotions.
Simon Sinek
I don’t want to say anything negative about anybody or anything or anybody’s political beliefs. I’ve never done that. I’ve never tried to get involved in those things.
Tom Brady
Nobody can ever say that being negative ever helped them at all – not in any way.
Joyce Meyer
Here’s the funny thing about the response I’ve been aware of to my dating famous people: It’s been very negative. I’m either not good-looking enough, not a good enough actor or not successful enough for these people.
Dax Shepard
I think it’s one of the main negative emotional ingredients that fuels show business, because there’s so much at stake and the fear of failure looms large.
Garry Shandling
Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
Zig Ziglar
Careless indifference and bodily restlessness in meditation cause negative vibrations.
Paramahansa Yogananda
It’s a very big mental game, all day leading up to warm-ups. You’re not sure if your curveball will break, or will you be able to throw it over the plate? It’s all negative thoughts going into the game.
Al Leiter
The oldest theory of contract is I think negative.
Frederick Pollock
I’ve only met LeBron casually. He’s always been great to me. I think I’ve been great and cordial to him, but this notion that we have to be friends – we’re never gonna be friends. And that’s not a negative thing.
Charles Barkley
I have a strong sense of self, but that’s not a negative thing.
Ray LaMontagne
I’ve been looking at companies that are on a positive path vs. a negative path and I’ve come to use the language of sports, winning streaks and losing streaks.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
When you go through some controversy and you see your face on the news in a negative way for 48 hours… you doubt yourself. And your friends make the difference. They become a safety net that come in and say, ‘That’s not the case.’ And the relationships that you’ve built… come to the fore.
Stanley A. McChrystal
Simplicity can have a negative impact when it’s the crude reduction of nuances beyond appreciation: a Matisse presented as a 16-color GIF.
Matt Mullenweg
I always wanted to do a web series where I play a negat

I always wanted to do a web series where I play a negative character, or someone who’s a druggie, or a spoilt child.
Riya Sen
The thing that inspires me most is empathizing with people’s flaws and seeing how they deal with them. That sort of connection you feel with someone when you realize that maybe even the negative things that they’ve said or done are because of insecurities or injuries they’ve endured.
James Mercer
Music has become a bigger business, and with that there is more pressure to succeed; I think that it creates a negative pressure for being creative.
Jerry Harrison
In my professional life I do not have to like everyone, but when I feel negative energy with someone I try and avoid that person.
Mario Mandzukic
An external electric field, meeting it and passing through it, affects the negative as much as the positive quanta of the atom, and pushes the former to one side, and the latter in the other direction.
Johannes Stark
People hide behind fake names to tweet negative comments, and I hate that. If you have something to say, own up to it.
If you have doubts about someone, lay on a couple of jokes. If he doesn’t find anything funny, your radar should be screaming. Then I would say be patient with people who are negative, because they’re really having a hard time.
Michael J. Fox
Life is too short to be negative.
Virgil van Dijk
I had heard so much negative talk about our generation, that we’re slackers and young fogies, that I knew wasn’t true of the people I know.
Eric Liu
If you’re holding onto negative stuff from before, you cannot deliver excellence.
Robert Forster
Be a force of love as often as you can and turn away negative thoughts whenever you feel them surface.
Wayne Dyer
But when I first got cancer, after the initial shock and the fear and paranoia and crying and all that goes with cancer – that word means to most people ultimate death – I decided to see what I could do to take that negative and use it in a positive way.
Herbie Mann
When I was 16, 17, 18 years old, I felt like I had seen it all and done it all, and I was really kind of negative about everything.
Cecily von Ziegesar
I think, like, Twitter is somewhat difficult sometimes, and it can be kind of negative.
Chrissy Teigen
Everybody’s entitled to their opinions, but I don’t understand why we have to saturate social media with all the negative stuff.
Megan Hilty
When you play a show or festival, people know what they’re getting; they want it. Then you’re thrown onto a show where people are watching TV in their houses, and whether they ask for it or not, we’re being played in front of them. There’s a lot of negative feedback.
Tyler Joseph
Civility is not not saying negative or harsh things. It is not the absence of critical analysis. It is the manner in which we are sharing this territorial freedom of political discussion. If our discourse is yelled and screamed and interrupted and patronized, that’s uncivil.
Richard Dreyfuss
The closer we come to the negative, to death, the more we blossom.
Montgomery Clift
I grew up being really insecure and dumped on, over-feeling certain things in a negative way. So I thought I had something to prove.
Gilbert Hernandez
In war, the army is not merely a pure consumer, but a negative producer.
Lewis Mumford
There is nothing negative about a group of people crying out for democracy – and if my voice counts, I will be vocal.
Shirin Neshat
Maybe I’m being philosophical and spiritual, but I believe that if you put negative energy out there that that is what will come back.
Persis Khambatta
Anything negative that happens to you in life can be turned into a positive as far as acting is concerned. You can draw on your experiences – it’s far better than any research.
Kierston Wareing
I’m probably the most negative person around.
Natalie du Toit
Laughter relieves us of superfluous energy, which, if it remained unused, might become negative, that is, poison. Laughter is the antidote.
George Gurdjieff
Fear invariably and universally induces disengagement, and disengagement is negative division of labor.
Alan Greenspan
Social distance makes it all the easier to focus on small differences between groups and to put a negative spin on the ways of others and a positive spin on our own.
Daniel Goleman
I don’t want anything negative in my life, like hate, comparison, competition, and jealousy. I think these things are very heavy and take away from you the way of enjoying life.
Vivek Oberoi
I’ve spent my life in the police profession, and I’m proud of that. But I am also very cognizant of the profession’s limitations, its potential for abuse, and its potential negative impact.
William Bratton
You speak to the press at the Tour every day, but most often in a negative sense. Ninety per cent of the questions you are asked in the post-race press conferences are challenging or provocative, so you have to justify yourself; you have to try to give the right answers about every topic across the board.
Bradley Wiggins
I used to be tense or nervous before heats. But I’ve learned to get rid of the negative stuff and just stay relaxed and positive – and it seems to be working for me.
Joel Parkinson
The reason that so few people are financially independe

The reason that so few people are financially independent today is that they place many negative roadblocks in their heads. Becoming wealthy is, in fact, a mind game.
Thomas J. Stanley
It’s human nature that if you get 20 positive comments and one negative one, you’re going to focus on the negative. We all do that. It can be something that drags you down. It’s easy to get bogged down with it, but I try to concentrate on the good things.
Bindi Irwin
I personally battled with my own body image for years. I used to tell myself, You can’t wear anything sleeveless or strapless. And all of a sudden I was like, What if I just didn’t send such negative messages to my brain and said, wear it and enjoy it? And now I’m more comfortable in clothes than ever.
Drew Barrymore
Bondage is – subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes.
W. Clement Stone
You never know with politicians what they are really saying. And I don’t say that in a negative way-they have an appalling job.
James Lovelock
Internally, we have so many different parts, both positive and negative. And if you force them together, a spark comes out.
People say that globalisation has negative aspects, but I don’t believe globalisation is bad. It’s criticised from a western perspective, but if you put yourself in the shoes of people in the developing world, it provides an unprecedented opportunity.
Tadashi Yanai
Being able to provoke a different point of view to the standard current ideological or political perspective as played out in conventional newspaper or radio reportage is what a public intellectual does. But it’s not merely about being oppositional, because that’s too negative.
Susie Orbach
I don’t want to talk about negative, dark things. The only thing I’ve got against stuff like Marilyn Manson is, they make unbelievable videos and unbelievable images.
Sammy Hagar
If you sit in a position where decisions that you take would have a serious effect on people, you can’t ignore a lot of experience around the world which says this drug has these negative effects.
Thabo Mbeki
Often autism is portrayed in the media as a very negative condition, as something that prevents somebody from communicating or from socializing or from being able to have any kind of normal, happy life.
Daniel Tammet
On the McGuire course, there’s a technique called ‘cancellation’ where negative experiences are replaced with positive ones.
Gareth Gates
I think there’s an enormous value to being negative. The world we live in today, negativity is not permitted.
Godfrey Reggio
For men to be virgins, we think it’s negative. We think that there’s something wrong with them.
Joyce Brothers
Don’t let bad or negative people bring you down.
Diana DeGarmo
I always liked Barbara Howar and admired her spunk. I know that she considered me – and Alice Roosevelt Longworth – an exception to her negative feelings about Washington widows and single women, whom she basically found dispensable.
Katharine Graham
That’s what I love – on ‘The Farewell,’ we played with a lot of silence and a lot of negative space, and I really worked with the composer to create those juxtapositions of like, those awkward silences and when something comes in.
Lulu Wang
One thing I did was to create a Love Yourself List. I wrote down everything I like about myself, and put it on my bathroom mirror. Then I read it until I believed it. Any time I compared myself to others, and felt negative about myself, I’d go back to that list.
Lizzie Velasquez
When I have these negative thoughts and feelings, I like to dig into them because I like to get under them and see what’s in there.
Baron Vaughn
The negative side is that sometimes it is beyond control.
Mikhail Kalashnikov
Publishers like a good buzz, and negative responses sell books just as well as positive ones.
Richard Dawkins
It’s too easy to sum up a person’s character in one negative instant, and it doesn’t put anything good out into the world.
Hope Davis
People are negative no matter what you do.
It was easy to get wrapped up in some of the negative stuff, but obviously I chose not to. I didn’t want to get in trouble and end up in prison where I can’t play football. It was as simple as that.
Jermain Defoe
Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.
Hans Selye
I’m honest about expressing my opinions. At the same time, I’m diplomatic in how I do critique things if I have a negative response.
Tim Gunn
Negative campaigning is wrong.
Mike Pence
Negative attitude is nine times more powerful than positive attitude.
Bikram Choudhury
Short-sellers perform a useful function in the market as conduits of negative information, and shorts often complain that they are discriminated against by regulators.
Gary Weiss
The one negative to horror is that it’s always law of diminishing returns. When you go in the funhouse, the ride is never scary the second time. You will never have that pure experience as when you first watch it.
Eli Roth
Negation is the mind’s first freedom, yet a negative habit is fruitful only so long as we exert ourselves to overcome it, adapt it to our needs; once acquired it can imprison us.
Emil Cioran
Every minute counts. Being on time or not can mean the

Every minute counts. Being on time or not can mean the difference of a win or a loss and even of something positive or negative happening in life.
Stan Wawrinka
I believe all positive things and negative things are valuable because they shape you.
Natalie Massenet
I think of feedback as constructive, not positive or negative. You choose to do what you want with it.
Denise Morrison
Compromise has a negative connotation.
Abdolkarim Soroush
If you are in banking and lending, surprise outcomes are likely to be negative for you.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Without sounding negative, I’m not a huge fan of a lot of stand-up. I’m more interested in an absurd kind of theater.
Harland Williams
People have a negative impression of New York that I don’t think is quite fair.
Billy Graham
People just wanna talk. They wanna create negative things about you and your life and make up things. You can’t let them affect you!
Blake Lively
People tend to dwell more on negative things than on good things. So the mind then becomes obsessed with negative things, with judgments, guilt and anxiety produced by thoughts about the future and so on.
Eckhart Tolle
The Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated media outlets in Egypt tried to sour the ties between our two countries, but our ties are very strong. No negative stance has been taken by either side against the other. Rumors are being spread by the enemies of our two countries. We pay no attention to them.
Mohammad bin Salman
No matter how bad or negative it gets, I somehow try to find the silver lining.
Diamond Dallas Page
You learn far more from negative leadership than from positive leadership. Because you learn how not to do it. And, therefore, you learn how to do it.
Norman Schwarzkopf
I don’t check Twitter as much or tweet as often because, honestly, sometimes social media is draining and brings out all of the negative things going on.
Doja Cat
Every walk that I do, there’s obstacles in the way. There’s always somebody or something that comes across negative, but I live for that sort of thing.
Nik Wallenda
One way to make a positive out of a negative is that you can put it into your work.
Stephen Adly Guirgis
I would suggest that teachers show their students concrete examples of the negative effects of the actions that gangsta rappers glorify.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
I realized that if my thoughts immediately affect my body, I should be careful about what I think. Now if I get angry, I ask myself why I feel that way. If I can find the source of my anger, I can turn that negative energy into something positive.
Yoko Ono
If we do not change our negative habits toward climate change, we can count on worldwide disruptions in food production, resulting in mass migration, refugee crises and increased conflict over scarce natural resources like water and farm land. This is a recipe for major security problems.
Michael Franti
I think everybody wants to redeem themselves after they’ve done something that might be considered negative. I don’t think anyone wants to go to the grave negative.
Ice T
Can I go one day without somebody saying something negative about me?
Shaquille O’Neal
I don’t support violence and I don’t support negative energy. I don’t support people putting other people down.
Lil B
The best proof of the high quality of American beef is the continued negative BSE findings supported by the highest surveillance possible. The administration should be working to increase our surveillance of BSE, not scaling it back.
Rosa DeLauro
Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles.
John Kasich
I got fed up with the human race, really. I got a very negative feeling about human potentials. And for a while, I thought I might write a book without any human beings in it whatsoever.
Michel Faber
I think cutting our defense capacity not only demonstrably diminishes our national security, but it has a tremendous negative impact in the long run on our economy because we end up having to fight wars and clean up after terrorist disasters.
Trent Franks
Negative emotions like hatred destroy our peace of mind.
Matthieu Ricard
Call me boring, but I can’t handle negative situations.
Akshaye Khanna
A woman’s body should be stronger than the environment. Strong enough to overpower the negative elements, especially in cities like New York and Los Angeles.
Apollonia Kotero
I never get hung up on the past – the memories are too negative.
Brigitte Bardot
I recognise life is like a magnet. Positive and negative are on the opposite sides of the magnet. You can try to cut the negative part off, but it’s still there. When you accept both of them, it’s like, ‘You know what? Don’t get too identified with success or too identified with failure – just be cool with them.’
Craig David
I don’t think I could, with a straight face, describe myself as a completely positive person, but I’m not overly negative, either. On the whole, most writers think plots through to their consequences, and it’s not always a sunny place. I have an occupational temperament for anxiety.
James Lasdun
Failing well is a skill. Letting girls do it gives them

Failing well is a skill. Letting girls do it gives them critical practice coping with a negative experience. It also gives them the opportunity to develop a kind of confidence and resilience that can only be forged in times of challenge.
Rachel Simmons
I just think that the Victoria’s Secret girl values herself by the way she looks. And that might be linked with being healthy, but that’s all it is, and it sets a negative example to other people.
Edie Campbell
The right to privacy has both positive and negative connotations for those who consider themselves part of the natural law tradition.
David Novak
There are countless studies on the negative spillover of job pressures on family life, but few on how job satisfaction enhances the quality of family life.
Albert Bandura
I have no animus toward digital, though I still pretty much take everything on a silver-based negative, either a wet plate or just regular silver 8×10. But I’ve started messing a little bit with scanning the negative and then reworking it just slightly.
Sally Mann
It’s not a question that people have a very negative image of Chicago. They just don’t think about it.
Desiree Rogers
I just felt it was my job to show that there is no easy way to success, and that anyone who gets even just one Top 40 hit deserves their moment in the sun. I accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. That is the timeless thing.
Casey Kasem
When you go through a negative situation, don’t think about it. Make it positive.
Yoko Ono
The perpetuation of gangster rap has really put a negative image on the city of Compton… So I look forward to addressing that image, changing it and making it more accurate.
Aja Brown
I started modeling with a very negative part of me – I didn’t really like myself or how I looked because I was very tall for a Japanese girl.
Tao Okamoto
For people who grew up in the last four decades of the 20th century, it is hard to grasp the concept of negative interest rates. How is it even possible? If interest rates are the price of money, is the marketplace broadcasting that money is on sale? Are we just giving it away?
Anthony Scaramucci
I believe that your own thoughts can bring on positive or negative effects. So the people who feel sick all the time are the ones who are going to get sick, and the people who are constantly worried about what’s going on around them… those are the ones in trouble.
Maria Conchita Alonso
Worry and reasoning are two of Satan’s most successful tools. He’ll get us started with one negative thought and then sit back and watch us finish ourselves off.
Joyce Meyer
In France, I guess there’s something like a tyranny in mentalities – we accept success badly, beauty, money. People are certainly envious, and this creates negative energy. This is annoying. I suffered a great deal at one time. I had to fight harder than others. Add to that my marriage to Polanski.
Emmanuelle Seigner
My work space is so visually crammed. It’s like an insane candy store. The number of textiles I’m surrounded with is mind boggling. It’s a treat to come home to a nice negative space.
Colleen Atwood
Well I do think there are people who are habitually negative and depressed and take the opposite approach because they imagine the worst, and their minds become dominated by that. They let their own emotions and expectations transform their perceptions of the world.
Barbara Ehrenreich
There were aspects of stardom I didn’t like, which were of no consequence, really, but the positive things far outweighed the negative. By the time I came to write ‘Setting Sons,’ I felt my writing was more like prose, set to music.
Paul Weller
If you’re a short-seller, that’s a cacophony of negative reinforcement. You’re basically told that you’re wrong in every way imaginable every day. It takes a certain type of individual to drown that noise and negative reinforcement out and to remind oneself that their work is accurate and what they’re hearing is not.
James Chanos
No matter who you meet in life, you take something from them, positive or negative.
Gary Allan
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
Peace Pilgrim
We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion of war but the postive affirmation of peace.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
By working toward a financial objective, you’ll start to see the money add up for retirement or the credit card balance go down. But it doesn’t have an immediate impact on your day-to-day life, and when it does – like when you’re pinching pennies to save more – the immediate impact could feel negative.
Jean Chatzky
There was a time I was no longer going to be black. I was going to be an ‘intellectual.’ When I was first looking around for colleges, thinking of colleges I couldn’t afford to go to, I was thinking of being a philosopher. I began to understand then that much of my feelings about race were negative.
Walter Dean Myers
I don’t look at negative comments because my parents and family don’t let me. My big sister controls my Instagram, and my big brother controls my Twitter. I also don’t really Google myself or anything like that.
Millie Bobby Brown
Diva has a negative connotation.
Glenn Close
When a person makes a decision, people will always want a reason they understand, so they’ll put a negative spin on things.
Desiree Rogers
I adore John Mayer. I don’t see how anything that surrounds John could be negative.
Jessica Simpson
In June 1992, I discovered a lump in my breast. A subsequent mammogram, ultrasound and a needle biopsy proved negative. But my instinct said it still didn’t feel right, so I had a lumpectomy. I then got the news that it was cancer.
Olivia Newton-John
The rate of return on Social Security for people nearing retirement is about 1.5 percent. By the time young children like mine are ready to retire, that rate of return will be a negative percentage.
Paul Ryan
I think what I try to do with all the naysayers, negative comments, or even people that think you can’t do it, I’m trying very hard to use it as motivation and to add to that chip on my shoulder.
Erin Andrews
There’s this tendency to be like, ‘Where’s the negative stuff? How valid is the criticism?’ But honestly, what people think of me is none of my business. If I live on the Internet looking for public approval, I’m going to be miserable.
I am happy to say that everyone that I have met in my l

I am happy to say that everyone that I have met in my life, I have gained something from them; be it negative or positive, it has enforced and reinforced my life in some aspect.
Walter Payton
I don’t want to go negative on Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but he didn’t pass an economic deal in the first 100 days. We have passed the largest Recovery Act in the history of the country.
Rahm Emanuel
Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It is boring. Unlike love, it has always had a bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things.
E. M. Forster
I’ve had a few conversations with people who are horrified: who tell me my work is demeaning, is sexist, is negative.
Cameron Russell
All my early books are written as if I were Indian. In England, I had started writing as if I were English; now I write as if I were American. You take other people’s backgrounds and characters; Keats called it negative capability.
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
People think I’m against critics because they are negative to my work. That’s not what bothers me. What bothers me is they didn’t see the work. I have seen critics print stuff about stuff I cut out of the film before we ran it. So don’t tell me about critics.
Jerry Lewis
It can be easy to get swept up into catastrophizing the situation once your thoughts become negative. When you begin predicting doom and gloom, remind yourself that there are many other potential outcomes.
Amy Morin
Whenever I hear someone describe something as a ‘kids movie’ or a ‘family movie,’ it immediately has a negative connotation in my mind because I think, ‘Well, as an adult, I wouldn’t go see it by myself, because it’s purely for children and it holds nothing for me and it’s simplistic and it’s kind of easy.’
Steve Carell
If people have a basic understanding of right from wrong, possess a strong desire to better themselves and persist in their cause, they can break the chain of any negative environment.
Dave Pelzer
Negative attention was better than no attention.
Adam F. Goldberg
I was raised a Christian, but I wouldn’t call myself a Christian now. I think when I was younger it was easier to focus on the negative, nihilist vision… this is sort of picking up on the other half of the body, which is God and white light.
Billy Corgan
I like to think that Junie B. looks at the world – and this isn’t a negative comment on her – from the lowest common denominator. It’s not all gray to her; it’s all black and white.
Barbara Park
We were working with this lousy print and it just wasn’t going to be good enough. I said that we should get the original negative and do it from that. Well, a couple guys pointed out that the negative was locked up over at Deluxe.
David Fincher
A lot of people think this is a goodie two-shoes talking. But we do have a tendency to complain rather than celebrating who we are. I learned at my mother’s knee it’s better to appreciate what’s happening… I think we kind of talk ourselves into the negative sometimes.
Betty White
Warren Moon and Doug Williams really didn’t run that much. That’s the negative stereotype when it comes to African-American quarterbacks, that most of us just run. Those guys threw it around. I like to think I can throw it around a little bit.
Robert Griffin III
Why would I ever be bitter and negative and focus on the past?
Drew McIntyre
To be seen to be human, provided you’re doing your job at the same time, is definitely not a negative, not at all.
Charles Kennedy
Reagan has very significant things to teach us – positive lessons and quite negative lessons.
Eugene Jarecki
But with a rate of return of 1.6 percent or less, or a negative rate of return, our children and our grandchildren, if we do not make changes, will in fact not have a secure retirement. Indeed, they will not have the funds when they go to retire to even minimally get by.
John Shadegg
Haters never win. I just think that’s true about life, because negative energy always costs in the end.
Tom Hiddleston
I love Justin Bieber. There are times where people only report negative things about him, but everyone forgets how incredibly talented he really is.
Elvis Duran
Before all this happened, I always used to see my stammer as being a negative, all my life, but then when I went on ‘Pop Idol,’ and the first time I saw it on television, it was really, really bad, but also it made me stand out; it made people remember me. So for the first time in my life, it worked to my advantage.
Gareth Gates
One of the unintended negative consequences of online advertising has been the loss of value in traditional classifieds. It’s simply quicker, simply easier for an end user who’s online, on a broadband connection, to look things up and to figure out what they want to buy.
Eric Schmidt
There is a perception within our community and the world that black people don’t love each other. That we don’t fight for each other. That perception is so dangerous. We need positive images to counter the negative portrayals we see every day. And positive doesn’t mean perfect. Perfect is boring.
Gina Prince-Bythewood
I think by paying attention to the feedback that you get on Yelp, you can very quickly integrate it into your business… The really savvy folks out there, they don’t necessarily take anything negative personally, but use it as constructive feedback and adjust their business.
Jeremy Stoppelman
Every day, we are bombarded with a multitude of toxins in the environment. We know that the negative health impacts from this constant exposure can add up.
Chuck Norris
You hear certain things, negative things, all the time that aren’t true, but you never hear about the positive.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I don’t consider Los Angeles home anymore; ultimately, it was pretty negative, but I did spend my formative years in the Valley and all around L.A. proper. Through my teenage years and into my young adulthood, up until the age of 30, I spent a good amount of time there.
Patrick deWitt
My goal is to make people feel passionately, if it’s negative or positive, I did my job.
Katee Sackhoff
For a really long time, I thought being different was a negative thing. But as I grew older, I started to realize we were all born to stand out; nobody is born to blend in.
Halima Aden
Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.
Kobe Bryant
A lot of people are like, 'Don't read your news clippin

A lot of people are like, ‘Don’t read your news clippings.’ I read them every day. Anything negative somebody said about me, I find it and use it as fuel.
Richard Sherman
I wonder sometimes why the U.S. reviewers are more negative towards turn-based battle systems.
Yuji Horii
In a spiritual sense, a positive attitude may help you get through chemotherapy and surgery and radiation and what have you. But a positive mental attitude does not cure cancer – any more than a negative mental attitude causes cancer.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
One reason why it has become harder to promote the beneficial side of emotions such as anger is that the moral vocabulary of good and bad has been replaced by the self-help lexicon of positive and negative thinking.
Julian Baggini
I think there is pressure on people to turn every negative into a positive, but we should be allowed to say, ‘I went through something really strange and awful and it has altered me forever.’
Marian Keyes
Disgust is often more deeply buried than envy and anger, but it compounds and intensifies the other negative emotions.
Martha Nussbaum
The whole kiss-and-tell thing is a negative approach that often happens in a World Cup. We will see negative stories about the players and it can affect their confidence and the overall performance of the national team on the pitch, let alone the bid to actually stage the competition.
Gary Lineker
I’ve learned to ignore the negative people and just be a living example of confidence and self-love.
Khoudia Diop
I never thought a role model should be negative.
Michael Jordan
Social media buzz can lead to huge successes when people spread the word about something they love and want to share. But authors creating their own buzz? Making their own noise? It’s hard to make a lot of noise on our own about our own work. Except, sadly, negative noise.
M. J. Rose
When self-doubt creeps in, don’t ignore it – address it. Respond to harsh self-criticism with something more compassionate. Talk to yourself like a trusted friend and refuse to believe your unrealistic, negative inner monologue.
Amy Morin
Many Africans succumb to the idea that they can’t do things because of what society says. Images of Africa are negative – war, corruption, poverty. We need to be proud of our culture.
Dambisa Moyo
When it comes to scaring the bourgeoisie into showing up at the polls, nothing works better than negative advertising.
Tucker Carlson
I love Bon Iver. I would never put a negative connotation on that man’s name!
Noah Centineo
Everything has positive and negative consequences.
Farrah Fawcett
You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative events.
Joel Osteen
You could have another downgrade. You could certainly have a stock market reaction that would be negative. And, I think nobody who looks at it objectively would want to happen.
Rob Portman
We only have a certain amount of energy for each day. If we use it for the wrong purpose, if we focus on the negative or dwell on whoever hurt us, then we’re not going to have the energy we need for the right purposes.
Victoria Osteen
I remember watching Barry Sanders highlights as a kid, and the Lions always being a fun team. I, personally, really never had a real negative connotation with the team. And I didn’t really listen to those who did after I was drafted.
Ndamukong Suh
When you’re feeling down, sad, lonely, negative, you don’t want to take care of yourself – and the weight problem and the diabetic problem and the heart attack and stroke problems and high cholesterol set in.
Richard Simmons
There is nothing called negative character. The negativity and positivity exists in all of us.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Stress is the negative whirlwind of emotions that gets imposed on top of our stimulation and engagement.
Andrew J. Bernstein
A series of studies in the 1990s and 2000s revealed that as women gained more access to education, jobs, and birth control, they had fewer children. As a result, developed countries in western Europe, Japan, and the Americas were seeing zero or negative population growth.
Annalee Newitz
Criticism is always hard to take – we musicians are sensitive. It’s always hard when someone says something negative – but you try to learn to just let it roll off and not worry about it.
Joshua Bell
My first instinct when I write songs is not a negative one. It’s something positive… Everything I’ve ever done has some form of hope in it, I think.
Noel Gallagher
I am even thankful for the negative things that have made me a stronger and better person.
Joanna Krupa
If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
Michael Jordan
I think there’s so much negative influence on children in school settings. It becomes learning by rote to pass a test. It’s not contextualized.
Esperanza Spalding
Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.
Michael Jordan
I am going to confront the old-fashioned negative thinking which says that all government needs to do to generate growth is cut worker and environmental protections, cut taxes on the rich and stroke ‘fat cats’ until they purr with pleasure. I’m completely repudiating the idea that government has to get out of the way.
Vince Cable
I learned early in sports that to be effective – for a player to play the best he can play – is a matter of concentration and being unaware of distractions, positive or negative.
Tom Landry
I hate negative songs; I won't sing them. It doesn't ma

I hate negative songs; I won’t sing them. It doesn’t matter if it’s sold 2 million more albums.
Ricky Skaggs
Practice is tough. We try to purposely make it difficult on our players on whatever it is that we’re trying to do during the week to get ready for that opponent so that we see the most difficult looks, so that we make our players aware of the things that could certainly impact the game in a negative fashion.
Josh McDaniels
Even the news, to me, or newspapers, I have a hard time getting into it because it all sucks you into this negative, bad, there-is-no-hope side of it.
Brie Larson
I like hanging out with me, and I’ve accepted everything about me good, bad whatever it is. That’s why I’m able to, that’s why no one can tell me anything negative about myself.
Mary J. Blige
The darkness, the loop of negative thoughts on repeat, clamours and interferes with the music I hear in my head.
Lady Gaga
I am not a Luddite. I am suspicious of technology. I am perfectly aware of its benefits, but I also try to pay attention to some of the negative effects.
Neil Postman
You’ve got to have positives and negatives about you. I think that’s a good negative, that the only thing they could say about me is my size.
Aaron Donald
Stop allowing yourself to focus on depressing life circumstances – including focusing on being depressed about your weight. All this negative focus will only lead you to feeling bummed and wanting to pig out. Instead, consciously focus on happy life circumstances you enjoy doing, and create more of them!
Karen Salmansohn
Harvard was also a little bit of a villain in my first book, ‘The Dante Club.’ I guess there might be a way to make Harvard more of a sympathetic presence, but it’s such a powerful institution that it more naturally lends itself toward not necessarily a negative but an obstructionist element in a story.
Matthew Pearl
I stay away from negative relationships. They are energy-sapping vampires. I can’t handle them.
Preity Zinta
Politics is rough and tumble everywhere, and many women recoil from that negative aspect of it – the nastiness, the charges and counter-charges.
Melanne Verveer
Sometimes online, there are what we call trolls or bullies that want to leave negative comments. That’s just because they feel bad about themselves, and they want to spread that.
I was raised with hippie parents, so I get down with the positive. I don’t pay attention to the negative.
Guy Fieri
When you are injured and undergoing rehab, it is important to stay positive and not allow negative thoughts to creep in.
Bhuvneshwar Kumar
You can accomplish so many things with a negative outlook and low self-esteem if you just do it over and over and over again.
Lela Loren
I feel really passionate now that talking with family, friends, or a counsellor is the way to deal with negative situations and difficult times.
A. J. Pritchard
For each of us who appear to have had a successful experiment there are many to whom their own experiments seem barren and negative.
Melvin Calvin
I had to come from something, come from a place that was negative and positive but the majority of it is a negative place.
Kendrick Lamar
There are positive things that come of social media as well as negative.
Millie Bobby Brown
The problem with Mr. Obama is that you get more regulation and it’s a disincentive for businessmen to hire people. You probably also get higher taxes, so in terms of the economy, he is very negative in my view.
Marc Faber
I lost my passion for work. No, that’s a negative statement. I just had a bigger passion for something else, for my son, and growing up with him.
James Caan
Reviews are great. I can read negative reviews and say, ‘You know that point they made… they were dead on.’
Kelley Armstrong
We have shown that it is possible to create a radioactivity characterized by the emission of positive or negative electrons in boron and magnesium by bombardment with alpha rays.
Irene Joliot-Curie
The linkage between tax rates and public services is, if not non-existent, negative.
Arthur Laffer
Anything negative, I have to let go because it’s too toxic for me.
Kendra Wilkinson
Every time you feel depressed about something, try to identify a corresponding negative thought you had just prior to and during the depression. Because these thoughts have actually created your bad mood, by learning to restructure them, you can change your mood.
David D. Burns
To be honest, proper recognition has only come from the fans. I don’t want to be hard, and I don’t want to be negative, but I want to be honest.
Yaya Toure
For those of us in the financial world, Black Friday has a strong negative connotation, referring to a stock market catastrophe.
Mark Skousen
Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude.
Joyce Meyer
I would say this is not negative this is h, a hard part in gymnastics. You can’t eat, whatever you want to eat. And what kind of meal you’re supposed to have, you can’t.
Olga Korbut
To the great majority of white Americans, the Negro problem has distinctly negative connotations. It suggests something difficult to settle and equally difficult to leave alone. It is embarrassing. It makes for moral uneasiness.
Gunnar Myrdal
Oftentimes, when we think of 3D, we think of things com

Oftentimes, when we think of 3D, we think of things coming out of the screen, but actually, you’ve got this zero, this negative space, what they call the negative space, which is the scene, what’s being filmed in the positive space of the audience. As you can have things come out, you can have all of this depth.
Keanu Reeves
I hope that others can turn their negative thoughts into positive thoughts and improve their own lives.
Farrah Abraham
It is as if my life were magically run by two electric currents: joyous positive and despairing negative – whichever is running at the moment dominates my life, floods it.
Sylvia Plath
I like to accept it all, the negative and the positive.
Alek Wek
Exploring Castro’s pawns in Cuba and exposing anything negative also makes you a pawn to all his enemies 90 miles away. Both sides don’t have much of a track record for nuance of opinion.
Brin-Jonathan Butler
Nigeria is still grappling with the negative consequences of the use of opacity by senior members of government and their cronies between 1993 and 1998, awarding themselves juicy contracts in the extractive industry.
Yemi Osinbajo
Just two days in Manhattan and you find yourself looking for a place to wash your handkerchief after you wipe your forehead and it comes away black. Is there a dirtier or more fascinating city anywhere in the land? The answer to both parts of the question has to be positively negative.
Herb Caen
I was deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq with British Special Forces Units. I have great respect for the British military and the country as a whole, so I don’t have anything negative to say about that.
Tim Kennedy
For the general public or psychos on Facebook, for everyone who’s made one negative comment about me, I’ve probably gotten 250-300 positive comments.
Abby Lee Miller
You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.
Joyce Meyer
All personality traits have their good side and their bad side. But for a long time, we’ve seen introversion only through its negative side and extroversion mostly through its positive side.
Susan Cain
I do my job in Type O Negative.
Josh Silver
And they said if we help with the crisis, they would do a lot of positive acts. After we helped in those crises, they showed negative acts and the Japanese and Turks were ashamed.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
In this world, you can choose to be positive, or you can choose to be negative. You can choose to see things through a set of eyes that sees good, or you can choose to see things in life that aren’t so good.
Jack Harbaugh
Measurements of the specific ionization of both the positive and negative particles, by counting the number of droplets per unit length along the tracks, showed the great majority of both the positive and negative particles to possess unit electric charge.
Carl D. Anderson
Of course, I know everything that happens in Russia. But even at the most dangerous moment or the most negative moment now, it’s still 10 times better than what it was in the communist state.
Mstislav Rostropovich
If you’re playing a negative character, sooner or later it rubs off on you. Some people don’t mind living in that state, but I don’t want to be there anymore. I don’t want to live in a state of depression.
Alan Arkin
If we go on your iPhone and go to the dictionary and look up ‘humble,’ 80 per cent of the definition is negative. It’s a controlling word. It’s a way to control the masses and to control the sheep.
Kanye West
From my time at Nokia, I’ve seen the 99% positive and occasionally negative impact that communication tools can have on people.
Jan Chipchase
I try not to think about negative thoughts and possibilities and disaster and things like that.
Rory Cochrane
We tend to think of politics as bad, full of dirty tricks, negative ads, big campaigns, but I am here to explore the original meaning of politics, which is positive and has to do with balancing competing interests and looking for solutions.
Eric Liu
I don’t like freeloaders; I don’t like people who are negative.
Anthony Hopkins
I believe everything negative that happens in your life is for a positive reason. If your heart breaks, you know that you are a human being and it happens. But you can’t mope over it. There’s only one life. You better get on ahead and fast. Fast enough not to let your past ever catch up with you.
Bipasha Basu
When the negative thoughts come – and they will; they come to all of us – it’s not enough to just not dwell on it… You’ve got to replace it with a positive thought.
Joel Osteen
I have never met a successful person who talked about failing. The glass is always half full. I don’t even like being around negative talkers.
Sir Mix-a-Lot
Any reasonable economist will tell you that it’s nearly impossible to isolate the impact of right-to-work laws on a state’s job growth. A multitude of other factors intervene. However, one thing the numbers can show is that right-to-work laws have a negative effect on the wages of workers in that state.
Eliot Spitzer
A lot of YouTubers, because they have such pride in what they do, have a negative connotation towards television. I don’t feel that way. I feel like it’s another medium to reach a broader audience.
Grace Helbig
I didn’t feel like gymnastics were part of The Cars. I certainly philosophically didn’t want to prod the audience to react to anything. To me, it was more like negative theater. We didn’t really talk to the audience. I didn’t see that being a part of this band.
Ric Ocasek
When people say, ‘You run like a girl; you play like a girl,’ it’s not what it used to be. That shouldn’t be negative. You should be proud to play like a girl.
Alex Morgan
A moment’s reflection shows that Liberalism is entirely negative. It is not a formative force, but always and only a disintegrating force.
Francis Parker Yockey
It seems like what happens when we play games is that we go into a psychological state called eustress, or positive stress. It’s basically the same as negative stress in the sense that we get our adrenaline up, you know, our breathing rate quickens, our pulse quickens.
Jane McGonigal
I am an optimist even though I am told everything I do

I am an optimist even though I am told everything I do is negative and cynical.
Armando Iannucci
It became very clear to the director that it would be foolish not to use our friendship. I had tried to talk to him about it because all the relationships in the film are so, not negative, but antagonistic. There’s not a lot of love going around.
Jennifer Beals
Market fundamentalists recognize that the role of the state in the economy is always disruptive, inefficient, and generally has negative connotations. This leads them to believe that the market mechanism can take care of all the problems.
George Soros
You know journalists. You know the media. They are going to hang on to anything negative they possibly can.
Hope Solo
We live in a world where to admit anything negative about yourself is seen as a weakness, when it’s actually a strength. It’s not a weak move to say, ‘I need help.’ In the long run, it’s way better, because you have to fix it.
Jon Hamm
I was a child during the Lebanese civil war, and I remember Israeli bombardments. So growing up, my view of Israel was completely negative. I’m not coming from a neutral place, but with time, I’ve had to re-examine my thinking.
Ziad Doueiri
I don’t want to bring negative energy to myself, and if people feel one way about me, I don’t want that changing how I feel or what I believe.
Marley Dias
The greatest gift of all time is that you can make creation infectious because people spend less time being negative… If you log all the time with negativity in the while world, I wonder how much better the world would be if people sat down and did something positive. It spirals.
With every positive, there is a negative across the board in life. It’s about choosing to see the positive and working with the negative.
Kate Gosselin
The positive aspect of my negative view is essentially that you shouldn’t own cash and government bonds, but you should be in assets like real estate or equities or precious metals or in commodities.
Marc Faber
I never used to watch MLS before so I had negative views. I thought it wasn’t a good standard. When I got here I was very shocked. It’s hard and it’s a good level, and they look after you here. I love it.
Bradley Wright-Phillips
A crisis, by its very nature, is a negative event.
Judy Smith
Like many Americans, I’ve always been intrigued by Bill Clinton. I obviously didn’t always agree with him – enjoyed running against his legacy in 2000, when Al Gore was his designated successor, but I don’t have anything negative I would say about Bill Clinton.
Dick Cheney
When you act dramatically in that way it often has a consequence that is very negative.
George Woodcock
It is true that you can’t prove a negative. However, the existence of God is provable in the same way a building is positive proof that there was a builder.
Ray Comfort
Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.
Marilu Henner
The negative side to globalization is that it wipes out entire economic systems and in doing so wipes out the accompanying culture.
Peter L. Berger
There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.
W. Clement Stone
I discovered that I could do whatever I wanted with a negative in a darkroom and an enlarger.
William Klein
I get cyber-bullied all of the time. Everybody has something negative to say. It is so hurtful. So I think that it is really important for kids to know how to deal with it correctly because it can be a really dangerous situation.
Sammi Hanratty
Send out a cheerful, positive greeting, and most of the time you will get back a cheerful, positive greeting. It’s also true that if you send out a negative greeting, you will, in most cases, get back a negative greeting.
Zig Ziglar
I like being surrounded by people who have very little fear and very little respect for the past – not in a negative way, but in a positive way. They appreciate everything that’s been done, but they constantly look for how to do it better.
Dan Rosensweig
I think most artists will experience a lot of negative people on Twitter but, thank God, I’ve got so many followers that I’m not able to see them that much. I’ll see some from time to time but, for the most part, I always focus on something good.
Nicki Minaj
Whenever you’re feeling grateful, you are not feeling frustrated and angry and all those negative states that we go into. And that’s a big benefit in and of itself.
Srikumar Rao
I try not to read the negative comments, and when I do, I let it roll off my back. I remind myself that there will always be haters as long as you are in the public eye.
Ryan Lochte
If you’re eating grassland meat, your carbon footprint is light and possibly even negative.
Michael Pollan
Some people are the greatest people on Earth with good hearts and will get in the studio and make the most negative music in the world for the sake of success. That’s what the music business does to you. That’s what capitalism does to you.
Lupe Fiasco
Obama ran a hard-edged and negative campaign against Romney, hoping to convince recession-weary voters that his rival was unworthy of the job.
Ron Fournier
The sweeping, unfocused cuts of sequestration are certain to have unintended negative consequences, including for America’s small businesses.
Sam Graves
A lot of our Democratic consultants have fallen into the self-defeating prescription that the candidate that runs the most negative ads wins. I have a new theory: Positive is the new negative.
Martin O’Malley
In treatment, all of the negative things I did were stripped away and I had to start processing my feelings.
Demi Lovato
True confidence is firmly planted in reality. To grow y

True confidence is firmly planted in reality. To grow your confidence, it’s important to do an honest and accurate self-assessment of your abilities. If there are weaknesses in your skill set, make plans for strengthening these skills and find ways to minimize their negative impact.
Travis Bradberry
If you want to be negative about the whole thing you can say all guitar bands after the Beatles were just a waste of time because the Beatles were the best. I think it’s far better to give new records a try.
Stephen Malkmus
People always think I’m this zany character. But I think I just see the funny side of life, I don’t see the negative side, and I think that’s a very good energy to be around.
Ainsley Harriott
I grew up very poor in a fractured family that was dysfunctional on both sides, but I sort of put up these reflectors to most of the negative things that have occurred in my life. I don’t carry around much baggage.
Lakeith Stanfield
I’m confident in all my fights. You have to be. You have to put any negative thoughts aside.
Andy Ruiz Jr.
If Iran does not change its policies, it won’t be able to integrate into the international community and will become even more isolated than it is now, which likely will have a negative impact on the Iranian people.
Moshe Katsav
It takes a lot of energy to be negative. You have to work at it. But smiling is painless. I’d rather spend my energy smiling.
Eric Davis
The criminalization of marijuana did not prevent marijuana from becoming the most widely used illegal substance in the United States and many other countries. But it did result in extensive costs and negative consequences.
George Soros
I just push away everything negative. Just do what you want to do and believe that you can do it and you will do it.
Maryse Mizanin
I’ve always had bizarre, negative feelings about anything traditional, like marriage and family. I never thought something like that worked.
Gerard Way
I don’t know myself why directors are offering me negative roles, although I did ‘Yaddein’ after ‘Mission Kashmir’ in which I played a very positive character, but people don’t remember that.
Jackie Shroff
When they put me on ESPN and they talk about negative things, or when they put me on TMZ and they talk about negative things, I’m just glad that I’m relevant; to have lasted this long being relevant.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Sexism is part of every industry and must be addressed. But I try not to focus on the negative but the positive side of what we can bring.
Angelina Jolie
You look up to your parents and you want them to accept you, and you don’t want them to look at you in a negative light. So you do things to make them proud and accept you.
Adepero Oduye
Oscar is the exact opposite of how I think you should behave. I just think of it as a negative view of the positive mind I have. Big Bird is sweet and nice and also sympathetic, as kids can identify with him even though he looks like such a bizarre character – great 8 feet 2 inches, a beak 18 inches long.
Caroll Spinney
I don’t want to be linked to anything negative. I don’t want negative energy. I want everything positive around me.
Kendra Wilkinson
I think that the majority of messages are validating messages to confirm the survival of conscious. And many times that validation message is negative or sad.
John Edward
I have walked away from friendships when I’ve realized that someone smiles to someone’s face and talks about them the minute they walk out of a room. I have no room in my life for that kind of negative energy anymore.
Sophia Bush
I believe that when you think of the negative, and you get up discouraged – ‘There’s nothing good in my future’ – I really believe it almost ties the hands of God. God works where there’s an attitude of faith. I believe faith is all about hope.
Joel Osteen
You have to listen to the people who have a negative opinion as well as those who have positive opinion. Just to make sure that you are blending all these opinions in your mind before a decision is made.
Carlos Ghosn
Trauma survivors have a deficiency in their capacity to regulate emotions – they’re too prolonged and too intense and too negative. As a corollary to affect regulation, self-esteem, sense of self and inter-personal functioning all goes downhill. And that’s a chronic thing that’s solved in an-inter personal context.
Drew Pinsky
I think that we have strayed into very dangerous territory where people are not allowed to express a negative opinion.
Lady Colin Campbell
My ‘Glee’ experience taught me – to a certain degree – not to listen too much to fan backlash, at least to negative things. Once you have the job, you have the job, and you’ve got to do it.
Grant Gustin
Disruption is a critical element of the evolution of technology – from the positive and negative aspects of disruption a typical pattern emerges, as new technologies come to market and subsequently take hold.
Steven Sinofsky
Until the company believes in itself, AOL didn’t have its own space and identity in the marketplace. The opportunity is to get out from under the negative history and figure out the value AOL offers for consumers and for publishers and advertisers.
Tim Armstrong
The stubbornness I had as a child has been transmitted into perseverance. I can let go but I don’t give up. I don’t beat myself up about negative things.
Phylicia Rashad
My Botswana books are positive, and I’ve never really sought to deny that. They are positive. They present a very positive picture of the country. And I think that that is perfectly defensible given that there is so much written about Africa which is entirely negative.
Alexander McCall Smith
People are so involved with immediate care, but at the same time there needs to be investment in educating people as adolescents when they’re still HIV negative.
Charlize Theron
I try to keep away exterior events that are going to make me do something negative internally to myself.
Lin Shaye
People do not realise that if they say something negative about someone, it turns into positivity for the person they are speaking badly about because they get sympathy.
Shehnaaz Gill
It’s unbelievable that people have the time and inclination to be as negative as they are on a public platform about people who accomplish whatever they do in the public eye.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Tax increases appear to have a very large sustained and

Tax increases appear to have a very large sustained and highly significant negative impact on output.
Christina Romer
When there’s so many haters and negative things, I really don’t care.
Kim Kardashian
Everyone has that inner voice, the one that’s a Negative Nancy. I’d say to ignore that voice and to be confident and follow your heart.
Katharine McPhee
Negative books can be bestsellers, but seldom classics.
Mark Skousen
I have hundreds if not tens of thousands of fans… The people who have negative things to say are typically loser-type people who are probably in some cases mentally ill.
Jason Calacanis
We must look not to the negative (the misery, the bestial in life), although we undergo it and sympathize with it, but rather to the burgeoning life around us, which is strengthened by the negative.
Piet Mondrian
I don’t do anything malicious or anything in a negative manner. I’m all about positivity and making people smile is positive.
JaVale McGee
My family’s support and the negative environment of the day toward blacks in South Carolina became the forces that led me out of the South – first to New York, then to Philadelphia, where I found opportunity in the form of a PAL gym and my trainer, Yank Durham.
Joe Frazier
Once upon a time, I was really lost. I was 18 going on 19, and I was shy. All I want to do is get money, and the way I was thinking I was going to do that was a negative route.
Lil Durk
When somebody throws something out the car window, honk at them, but don’t give them the finger. We’ve got to temper our negative feelings about people who desecrate the environment.
Letitia Baldrige
Negative thinking patterns can be immensely deceptive and persuasive, and change is rarely easy. But with patience and persistence, I believe that nearly all individuals suffering from depression can improve and experience a sense of joy and self-esteem once again.
David D. Burns
Are you used to entertaining everyone with your tales of drama and conflict? Do you get attention and feel important every time you complain about how awful this man is? Stop settling for attention for the negative stuff in your life.
Karen Salmansohn
My pranks have never been about getting a negative reaction. They’ve always been a tolerance test for the person I’m engaging with.
Kayvan Novak
Luckily I’ve got family and friends to keep me grounded because there are a lot of negative people around who can suck the energy out of you.
Danny Ings
Being positive is like going up a mountain. Being negative is like sliding down a hill. A lot of times, people want to take the easy way out, because it’s basically what they’ve understood throughout their lives.
Chuck D
I try to look on all the great things God’s done, and not focus on the negative. It’s a perspective.
Joel Osteen
So was it a political mistake for Obama to put so many eggs in the health-care-reform basket? Well, a negative decision from the Supreme Court will certainly make it appear so.
Eric Alterman
Being able to put your blinders on, ignore negative opinions, and follow your strong intuition is what’s validating to me. It’s a great feeling to know you can trust your gut.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
It’s true that humanity has seen a succession of crises, wars and atrocities, but this negative side is offset by advances in technology and cultural exchanges.
Abbe Pierre
There are over 200 million illiterate women in India. This low literacy negatively impacts not just their lives but also their families’ and the country’s economic development. A girl’s lack of education also has a negative impact on the health and well-being of her children.
Sachin Tendulkar
I don’t know why people don’t feel like being positive is much more powerful than being negative.
Shonda Rhimes
I don’t really look at myself as a role model. And I just am the way I am and if people want to look up to me, they do. By no means do I like to give a negative image either.
Jordan Knight
The truth, Prime Minister, is that you have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British child is born owing around 20,000 pounds. Servicing the interest on that debt is going to cost more than educating the child.
Daniel Hannan
Every person gets negative things, they learn from those negative things, and you become a positive person.
Kapil Dev
I have a very negative attitude toward business and businessmen.
Tom Anderson
There’s so much negative imagery of black fatherhood. I’ve got tons of friends that are doing the right thing by their kids, and doing the right thing as a father – and how come that’s not as newsworthy?
Will Smith
My philosophy is never start talking about ‘if,’ ‘and,’ ‘but’ or the past, because 90 percent of what follows will be negative.
Gordie Howe
Everything that’s written about me has such a negative taint. It just has a life of its own, like an avalanche, and I don’t think there’s anything I can do to stop it.
Roseanne Barr
I think that you’re always going to have some people who are negative or view you in a certain way.
Craig Kilborn
You must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on any kind of negative thought.
Emmet Fox
Christianity takes this beating that I really don’t understand and yet you can’t say anything negative about the Muslims because that’s horrible, you can’t say anything negative about other faiths.
Kevin Sorbo
I'm on JetBlue and United. So I spend a lot of time on

I’m on JetBlue and United. So I spend a lot of time on airplanes with other people and in terminals or just traveling around and going to restaurants or whatever. The interaction I get on a daily basis is always positive. I’ve never had a negative interaction.
Lance Armstrong
You don’t want to love – your eternal and abnormal craving is to be loved. You aren’t positive, you’re negative. You absorb, absorb, as if you must fill yourself up with love, because you’ve got a shortage somewhere.
D. H. Lawrence
Music is therapy for me. It’s my outlet for every negative thing I’ve ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.
Amy Lee
I think that we live in a time where it’s easier to be suspicious of dedicated men and women, people dedicated to their craft, because the world around them inspires them to be lazy. It inspires them to be negative. It inspires them to be snarky.
Ryan Adams
I think all recent music sucks, and that includes Type O Negative.
Peter Steele
The media loves negative spin.
Chloe Sevigny
The negative side of the American Dream comes when people pursue success at any cost, which in turn destroys the vision and the dream.
Azar Nafisi
Look, I worked with American Republican presidents and Democratic presidents, all of them, and each of them has shown a deep and profound friendship to Israel, you know? I can’t remember anybody who was in that sense negative as far as Israel is concerned.
Shimon Peres
I always thought ‘plus-size’ wasn’t a term that was negative – it wasn’t something that I felt was something that was making me any different or making me feel like I was lesser than – and I found a community through it.
Barbie Ferreira
Sometimes negative news does come out, but it is often exaggerated and manipulated to spread scandal. Journalists sometimes risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia: which is a sin that taints all men and women, that is, the tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive aspects.
Pope Francis
When a buyer leaves a negative review, it is a great opportunity to connect and find out why they did and how to make your business better.
Chris Gronkowski
I like to challenge myself not to be negative, because it’s easy to take comedy to a negative place and criticize the outside world. Trying to praise something through comedy or be appreciative and making jokes about it is more challenging than cutting things down.
Kyle Kinane
As an African-American, I know all too well the negative thoughts and feelings hatred and bigotry cause.
Tim Hardaway
I am concerned if 25 percent of Americans think that President Obama is a Muslim. I mean, it’s obviously a lack of knowledge. But also, it’s for the Muslims as well, you know, because a small numbers of Muslims have really painted a very negative image of Islam.
Najib Razak
Even if someone does say something negative, it does not give us a reason to retaliate; just take the high road and don’t say anything.
Catriona Gray
I avoid social media and articles written about me, because I’m human and negative comments pollute my head and make me feel confused about myself.
Camila Morrone
Even if a woman is abused a very long time ago, it comes out in her life in a negative way.
Catherine Deneuve
We are all products of our experiences, good and bad. Sometimes you learn as much from the negative experiences as you do from the positive.
Brad Garlinghouse
People like you in negative roles, they want to see you only in negative roles and thus you get typecast. At the end of the day, what matters is whether the audience loves you or not.
Sudha Chandran
The biggest thing I’ve had to overcome was clinical depression. Your mind is the most powerful weapon you have once you can get control of your mind… I had to stop hearing the negative voices where Jennifer was not worthy of love or living.
Jennifer Holliday
When I do negative characters on screen, people love it. In fact, people look forward to it.
Sudha Chandran
If recycling is the future, then we must focus our efforts on mitigating negative impacts to our community while protecting our environment.
Tony Cardenas
If you write a lovely story about India, you’re criticized for selling an exotic version of India. And if you write critically about India, you’re seen as portraying it in a negative light – it also seems to be a popular way to present India, sort of mangoes and beggars.
Kiran Desai
I had a couple come in with a negative amortization mortgage on a house that costs way too much relative to their income. They’re consuming real estate, not investing in it.
Chris Cooper
‘Hello’ was a niche film with no high levels of energy. It had no much happiness, no much dance in its screenplay. But it did a lot of good for me. I was in a negative space before it happened.
Akhil Akkineni
The only thing that I know how to do as an actor, as a trained actor, is you can’t villainize the character you’re playing. Whether it’s a fictional character or a real character. Because then you operate from that sort of negative point of view, and you can’t humanize him.
Corey Hawkins
When I’m on my own, I can be negative. I need my friends and family around to help pick me up if I’ve had a bad qualifying session. I think insecurity plagues a lot of sportspeople.
Jenson Button
We must keep prices under control to ensure that price increases do not exert a major negative impact on people’s lives.
Li Keqiang
I’d be so fascinated to talk to a psychologist or sociologist about the deep psychological impact of seeing oneself represented. I don’t think we’ve really touched the surface of what it does to the psyche of a people if the only image of you out there is negative. Or if it’s never out there.
Sandra Oh
I will never say anything negative about WWE.
Drew McIntyre
More information is always better than less. When people know the reason things are happening, even if it’s bad news, they can adjust their expectations and react accordingly. Keeping people in the dark only serves to stir negative emotions.
Simon Sinek
I can still love an ex as a person, regardless if the b

I can still love an ex as a person, regardless if the breakup was bad. I would never wish anything negative on them. It takes more energy to hate them than to wish them well.
Ashley Greene
When you buy into the cultural idea of what’s acceptable and unacceptable, you reinforce negative stereotypes and prejudices. That wouldn’t work for me. I don’t love to give advice to anyone, because we all have to make our own choices, but I’d want to live my life in truth.
Kerry Washington
Information: the negative reciprocal value of probability.
Claude Shannon
I was ‘Little Ty,’ ‘Little Tyrone.’ I always got this negative feedback from the game of basketball.
Muggsy Bogues
There are things that people say that hurt my feelings or whatever, especially with social media right now. It can be the most amazing thing, and it can also be the most negative and detrimental thing.
I don’t waste any time at all. I have no time at all for people who are being very negative or people who are very whiny or people who feel sorry for themselves. I tend to go to them and just say, you don’t understand how incredible life is and how precious it is.
Jane Seymour
Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.
Joel Osteen
It’s weird that the world sees modeling as a negative. It just blows my mind how many people think that because I was a model, I think I’m pretty and that I can use my looks to get ahead. I’m not pretty!
Kellan Lutz
One of the negative sides of a really intense arc as a touring band is there are big gaps in your memory because you’re so exhausted.
Aaron Dessner
I can’t get caught up in the negative because that destroys you.
Jenni Rivera
The smartest thing I did was to stop going online. I’m the sort of person who will just look for the negative – Michael really can’t understand it, but that’s just the way I am. And with my bipolar thing, that’s poison. So I just stopped. Cold turkey. And it’s so liberating.
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Maybe it’s the buildings, maybe it’s the weather, but you can see it affects us – that Scottish gallows humour; our tendency towards bleakness, to look at things in a negative way. Those definitely come out in my writing.
Allan Guthrie
I believe in ‘business has a force for good.’ You know, business has an impact on society. Of course, it creates jobs. It creates prosperity, but on the other hand, we also leave a negative footprint behind.
Jochen Zeitz
I’m an incredibly negative person, so any form of success is only ever going to be a relief to me and set my default position back to neutral.
Catherine Tate
I hate negative ads in general.
Ed Rendell
If you embrace ‘positive thinking,’ you are – by definition – spurning ‘negative thinking.’ So it’s as if you were on a teeter-totter and are trying desperately to put all your weight on one side – the ‘positive thinking’ side.
Srikumar Rao
I think that you are what you speak a lot of times, and there’s power in the tongue. I feel sorry for the people who always have something negative to say. If something happens bad in my day, I don’t tweet about it – I pray about it, or talk to my husband about it or my mother about it, and get it off of me and move on.
We retell our favorite stories. That’s what we’ve done since we were sitting around campfires. It’s a part of the human spirit. It doesn’t have to be negative to creativity. It can be completely opposite. That’s how you can break new ground: by rethinking something that’s already been done.
Joel Kinnaman
I have never, ever focused on the negative of things. I always look at the positive.
Sonia Sotomayor
I’ve come to understand that there’s always something positive, even in a negative situation.
Leif Garrett
Sometimes the most negative voices in the room are the loudest and it’s easy for them to drown out the rest.
Annamie Paul
Whether it’s positive or negative press, it’s all good. I do understand the game.
Lisa Lopes
As far as vanity and wrinkles and things like that, that’s a part of life I don’t worry about. I put on creams, you know, but don’t go mad, and I don’t have any kind of treatments. I just live a healthy lifestyle. And staying happy, not getting negative and angry, I think that helps, looking at the positive of everything.
Jerry Hall
One of the strange things about violent and authoritarian regimes is they don’t like the glare of negative publicity.
Salman Rushdie
I have… been disturbed by the negative tone of the debate over immigration… there is a rising crescendo of opinion from columnists and politicians saying we should reduce our immigration intake.
Frank Lowy
Women can really be who they are. I’m about to say the F word, feminist. Often that word has such a negative connotation.
Laura Kightlinger
I think what ‘Saw’ did was really open up a huge branch of lots of these other movies that ultimately retroactively gave the first ‘Saw’ somewhat of a negative reputation.
James Wan
Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons.
Travis Bradberry
Haters never win. I just think that’s true about life, because negative energy always costs in the end.
Tom Hiddleston
I used to be quite negative about going back to Greece and making something, but there is a certain kind of freedom that I’ve experienced while I was making films in Greece that is hard to replicate elsewhere.
Yorgos Lanthimos
If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a nonissue.
Wayne Dyer
None can be more negative in its impact than the limita

None can be more negative in its impact than the limitation on human resource capacity.
Said Musa
I have a confession to make. For years, I earned a living – or a sort of living – writing negative book reviews.
Lee Siegel
The positive and negative poles of a battery create an electrical flow. The masculine and feminine poles between people create a flow of sexual energy in motion.
David Deida
For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager, they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.
Ken Blanchard
The negative cost of Lewis and Clark entering the Garden of Eden is that later expeditions regardless of what they were intended to do, later expeditions did not deal with the native peoples with the intelligence with the almost kindly resolve that Lewis and Clark did.
William Least Heat-Moon
The Iraq War marked the beginning of the end of network news coverage. Viewers saw the juxtaposition of the embedded correspondents reporting the war as it was actually unfolding and the jaundiced, biased, negative coverage of these same events in the network newsrooms.
Dick Morris
When people see a negative thing about me on a magazine, they’re gonna buy it. Every time some site writes something bad, all my followers go on there, and it brings them more traffic.
Justin Bieber
When our spelling is perfect, it’s invisible. But when it’s flawed, it prompts strong negative associations.
Marilyn vos Savant
A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it’s better than no inspiration at all.
Rita Mae Brown
The Muslim world is portrayed as a monolith that is consistently scary and negative, and as much as you can be an open-minded person, if the only diet of information you get is scary images of men in beards, that starts to play on you. But you come to find out that the Muslim world is not a monolith.
Davis Guggenheim
Strict conservation of energy in the elementary process had thus been confirmed also by a negative experiment.
Walther Bothe
There must be a positive and negative in everything in the universe in order to complete a circuit or circle, without which there would be no activity, no motion.
John McDonald
Once you start rooting against somebody, you’re always going to look for the negative in everything they do.
Lane Kiffin
You do get certain publications in the States where, if things don’t go according to plan, they flip the story and it becomes very negative.
Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or the so-called negative aspects of our life to the side… we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.
Jeff Bridges
I don’t let negative criticism, for the most part, bother me.
Terry McMillan
The three most dreaded words in the English language are ‘negative cash flow’.
David Tang
Even if I’m talking about something that’s negative, I look at it as putting my mistakes out there for people to learn from it.
Juice Wrld
There’s a lot of administrator and ex-administrators and board of regents from Baylor that say that Art Briles was a scapegoat at Baylor. I’ve had calls from ex-chairmen of the board of regents there, current big booster there, lawyers that represent Baylor. I have not had one negative call about Art Briles.
Tilman J. Fertitta
They ended up spending a total, their campaign plus the independent, about 1.3 million. I only ended up spending about – not only, but I spent about 2 million. But I had no intention of doing that until I was attacked with a negative ad by an independent group.
Rahm Emanuel
The company was ready to close its doors; there was real financial distress. But on the other side, there was high brand awareness, but that was negative because Puma was perceived as low-priced. It had lost its cachet. It was a well-known brand without a presence.
Jochen Zeitz
I want to get away from the social vampires in Tucson. The people who have no lives of their own and meet me and know who I am and feel entitled to say negative things. I have good friends here, especially in the bands. But a lot of it is just like high school.
Neko Case
I don’t pay attention to negative stuff.
Jodie Sweetin
I did ‘Chhoti Bahu’ because I had a negative role in the show.
Hiten Tejwani
I made a conscious decision not to tell anyone in my life. Now I tell people – don’t tell anyone your idea until you have invested enough of yourself in it that you are not going to turn back. When a person has an idea at that conception moment it is the most vulnerable – one negative comment could knock you off course.
Sara Blakely
For the longest time, the Asian-American community would talk about representation, but I think it’s also about the freedom to really shape, create, and explore issues that are important to us, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative, as long as it’s three dimensional.
Justin Lin
The Democratic Party does not want anybody to have a photo ID because that would have a very negative impact on cheating! If you require a photo ID, that pretty much shuts out cheating. Well, it doesn’t shut it out. It just makes it harder, and that’s why they don’t want it.
Rush Limbaugh
I don’t want to walk in the middle. I want people to read what I write and feel strongly about it. If, at some point, whatever I am doing is failing to elicit a response, whether it’s very positive or very negative, then I am going to stop doing it.
James Frey
People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?
Thich Nhat Hanh
Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that’s positive and celebrate that!
Tyra Banks
Something I would have never thought that I could have done before is dancing in front of thousands of people. It changed how people view me in a negative and a positive way.
Charli D’Amelio
Harry Potter represents a much larger wave of cultural

Harry Potter represents a much larger wave of cultural revolution that we’re all immersed in, and I believe it’s a spiritual revolution as well – a negative spiritual revolution.
Michael O’Brien
I had a rough childhood coming up, and I just took all that negative energy and made it very positive for myself to drive me. I’m a very driven person. I have passion that almost scares people, just to be successful and make it no matter what.
David Goggins
The more attention you give to your negative feelings, the more they grow, so I think things just start to blow totally out of proportion.
Gillian Jacobs
When a person listens to a good song, and they can look out at the world and their lives and see the dark and the light, the negative and the positive, all the different elements, all come together in one holistic poem, that is a very healing and very reductive thing, and that’s what my music is about.
I don’t have time to be negative.
Venus Williams
I’m really thankful to God, man. Like now, I’m really making a real comeback with my group. With or without a record, with or without a movie. And behind all the negative press behind this movie.
Ike Turner
Negative feedback effected amplifier performance significantly.
Harold Stephen Black
The word ‘superficial’ comes with such negative connotations, suggesting that whatever it is applied to has no value. But the emotional pull of beauty for its own sake cannot be underestimated.
Robin Givhan
I don’t read reviews if I know in advance they’re negative, because I can’t have my confidence undermined when I’m writing.
Christopher Moore
I don’t like to be negative about math because it really teaches you a lot of great things. You kind of use math every day.
Madison Davenport
I think it takes a strong man to be in a relationship with a strong woman. A lot of people hear the word ‘diva’ and think of it as a negative. I see it as a positive. I want somebody who knows what they want out of life and isn’t afraid to show it.
Nick Cannon
I have always been mainstream. It’s so weird, because I don’t see it as something negative at all. So many people see it as something negative.
I guess the point of that song ‘Troublemaker, Doppelganger’ is trying to navigate the worth of beauty and if it’s hurtful or helpful to value beauty. If it’s a curse or a blessing. Is that something really negative and morbid, like the hearse, or is it the limousine – a glamorous symbol of enjoying life?
Lucy Dacus
People from both political parties have long recognized that welfare without work creates negative incentives that lead to permanent poverty. It robs people of self-esteem.
Mitt Romney
People who take time out to dole out opinion on social media are negative people.
Parineeti Chopra
Yes, I do believe that there is a cause and effect and a ripple effect upon everything everybody does, and they have positive consequences and negative consequences. If you start to focus on the kind of minutia of that, it’s really quite extraordinary.
Kiefer Sutherland
I don’t think it’s good for anyone to be in the public light – for negative reasons.
Gary Cohn
Exceptionally hard decisions can deplete your energy to the point at which you finally cave in. If you mentally crumble and degenerate into negative thinking, you’ll magnify the problem to the point where it can haunt you.
John C. Maxwell
I refuse to give energy to the negative. I’ve got a great fella and two great little girls.
Melissa McCarthy
If things aren’t going so well, I try to stay positive and not give in to negative thoughts.
Rosanna Arquette
Unfortunately, people think I’m negative and bitter all the time, and that’s not the case.
Hope Solo
I was in my late thirties when my eyes were opened to truth in God’s Word that showed me I wasn’t living the abundant life Jesus died for me to have. I had a very negative mindset and was miserable most of the time because of the abuse I had experienced throughout my childhood.
Joyce Meyer
I don’t think nostalgia has to be negative.
Van Morrison
My dad was a very quiet person, and unbelievably tough. But my grandmother gave me my first look at negative thinking to bring about positive results. When I was just a little guy, anytime I came to my grandmother and said I wish for this or that, Grandma would say, ‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’
Bobby Knight
I’m not really seeing pressure as a negative.
Mikaela Shiffrin
Most of the Ten Commandments are negative. The purpose of law is not to mandate good behavior. That concept comes from the French Revolution.
Randall Terry
In our music, in our everyday life, there are so many negative things. Why not have something positive and stamp it with blackness?
Jamie Foxx
I know some of my parents’ friends think ‘Little Britain’ is in incredibly poor taste. But swimming the Channel? You can’t really say anything negative about that, can you? There’s nothing better than making your parents happy. The glee on my father’s face that day was amazing.
David Walliams
I hate putting negative energy out into the world. But it’s either inside or out. I mean, it’s either get an ulcer or have a fight.
Sharon Van Etten
A lot of negative stuff has happened to me – that’s why I’m tough – but I don’t want people to be like, ‘Oh, poor Becky,’ because I’m not a victim.
Rebecca Ferguson