Top 499 Treated Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Treated Quotes from famous people such as Isabel Allende, Derek Jeter, Leandra Medine, James Forman, Jr., Jamshyd Godrej, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My mother is a great artist, but she always treated her

My mother is a great artist, but she always treated her paintings like minor postcards. Had she pursued it, she would have been a great artist. Instead, she looked down on her art.
Isabel Allende
I always have tried to treat people with respect, the way I want to be treated.
Derek Jeter
I never borrowed money from Mom. I lived at home, but my parents never helped me. I worked hard and moved out. I treated my blog like a business; hard work is important.
Leandra Medine
Our system never treated the failure of prison as a reason not to try more prison.
James Forman, Jr.
Our CII building in Hyderabad has zero discharge of water. Every drop of water is treated and reused.
Jamshyd Godrej
Ray had so much love of life and the music. He had so much integrity. He treated the music with so much dignity and respect. I spent four and a half years as a sideman with Ray Brown’s trio. Music was his life, more so than anyone I could mention.
Benny Green
It’s amazing that this is still news to people, but that affects the final outcome of the film. When people are treated well, and they’re made to feel valued, they give 110 percent.
Adam Arkin
If caught early, Lyme is easily treated with antibiotics. But activists, and many researchers, have long contended that tens of thousands of people remain unaware that they have been infected – sometimes for years, during which the bacterium can spread to the heart, nervous system, and brain.
Michael Specter
When you make that crossover from life to real life, when you’re not treated as a child anymore but as a man, and you are no longer given the benefit of the doubt, it takes some courage to face that.
Ricky Williams
I began to fear that Mos Def was being treated as a product, not a person, so I’ve been going by Yasiin since ’99. At first it was just for friends and family, but now I’m declaring it openly.
Mos Def
My parents were divorcing, and I think at certain times of your life you do attract the wrong type of person. You don’t know any better, and you don’t know how you’d like to be treated.
Lisa Snowdon
I want to know why we exist and what I can do while I’m existing. Basically. it’s learning how to exist, wholely, consciously. Growing up on fast food and television shows, you can easily forget to exist. You can even be treated as if you don’t.
Jason Mraz
The proposal that men and women should be treated equally under the law is hardly a controversial concept.
Carolyn Maloney
What I can say is that for may years jazz musicians had to go to Europe, for instance, to be respected and to be sort of treated not in a discriminatory way. I don’t think there is anything controversial about me saying that. This is just a fact.
Sonny Rollins
I had been playing for a while, and I asked Louisville Slugger to send me a dozen flame treated bats. But when I got it, I realized they had sent me a box of ashes.
Bob Uecker
The Home Guards are required to come in at once and deliver up their arms, those who fail to do so will be regarded as enemies of the Government and treated accordingly.
John Hunt Morgan
You drive past your old high school, and even if everybody treated you terribly, you still go take a look, don’t you?
Patti Scialfa
I’m tired of being treated like a second-class citizen.
Rosa Parks
I used to be obsessed about how I presented myself. I didn’t want other people dressing me because I didn’t want to be treated like a clothes horse.
Annie Lennox
It’s a shame how a lot of actors use theater as a stepping stone to film and television work; I think it shouldn’t be treated that way. Maybe it’s narcissism or something. I think we should always go back to it. I try and do a play a year, and I think that’s really helped me.
Peter Dinklage
The difference between me and American-born actors is that I came here with the expectation of not being treated fairly.
Joan Chen
We’re going to be treated very poorly, I think that goes with the territory, and you have to get over it, get beyond it and know who you are among your peers and especially among your family when you look in the mirror.
Vince McMahon
God was treated like this powerful, erratic, rather punitive father who has to be pacified and praised. You know, flattered.
John Cleese
I treated as few patients as I could as a medical student, and I never practiced medicine.
Severo Ochoa
I want to treat people the way I like to be treated and be very straight with them.
Denise Morrison
There’s something about being in Manchester: everyone is so chilled out, people here accept me for me, no one here judges me, and everyone is treated the same. I love that.
I fight to prioritize black mothers and black children because we deserve to live in a world where our healing is centered and our lives are treated with dignity, respect, and care.
Patrisse Cullors
I’ve never treated anyone in my band like they’re not on the same level as me. I’m not that kind of person.
Marilyn Manson
In 2001, I was being treated for breast cancer, and I was pretty sure I was going to recover.
Barbara Ehrenreich
Why should guns be treated different than toasters? If your defective product injures somebody, you’re responsible for it.
Blake Farenthold
I rise today in support of Bill C-38, the Civil Marriage Act. I rise in support of a Canada in which liberties are safeguarded, rights are protected and the people of this land are treated as equals under the law.
Paul Martin
As many times as I've seen 'The Merchant of Venice,' I

As many times as I’ve seen ‘The Merchant of Venice,’ I always take Shylock’s side. For all the hatred that guy is shown, he has a reason to hate in return. He’s treated cruelly. And it’s tragic that he learns to be intolerant because of what others do to him.
John Irving
Stepping back, just being in my little Stoicism Susan bubble, if what people know you for is bringing light to an issue about bad behavior, about bad stuff going on and laws not being followed and people being treated inappropriately, why wouldn’t I want that? That’s a badge of honor.
Susan Fowler
People from different backgrounds may not have natural affinity, but when the Word of God is treated right and the Holy Spirit is allowed to engage, it can bring together things, people, backgrounds, histories, races, colors, and cultures and hold them together in a way that natural affinity may not be able to do.
Tony Evans
If you decide you want to be treated good, and you treat someone else good, or you want to learn something, it’s information. It’s getting the right, good information.
Ornette Coleman
Navient/Sallie Mae treated student loan borrowers unfairly from start to finish.
Lisa Madigan
I believe women who are supported by men are prostitutes; that is that, and I am heartbroken to live through a time where Wall Street money means these women are not treated with due disdain.
Elizabeth Wurtzel
I try to treat all of them the same; I try to be a friend to the ballplayers. I treat them like human beings, like I would want to be treated.
Gene Autry
A key part of our democracy is having a marketplace of ideas, open forums where people with diverse viewpoints can be heard and treated with respect.
Mikie Sherrill
While prosperity and longevity arrive together, they cannot be treated the same. With greater wealth, people in Asia may not have to work as many hours as they do now. But living longer means they will have to work more years, not fewer.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
A man who graduated high in his class at Yale Law School and made partnership in a top law firm would be celebrated. A man who invested wisely would be admired, but a woman who accomplishes this is treated with suspicion.
Barbra Streisand
I’ve learned over the years that big-name writers might be treated fairly by the media conglomerates that dominate publishing today. But the average author isn’t.
Thomas Hauser
I’m quite sensitive to women. I saw how my sister got treated by boyfriends. I read this thing that said when you are in a relationship with a woman, imagine how you would feel if you were her father. That’s been my approach, for the most part.
Orlando Bloom
Churches, synagogues, and mosques should be treated the same.
Chris Gibson
Over 17 years, I took on banks, landlords, real estate firms, local governments, anybody who treated anybody unfairly.
Tim Kaine
I do think there are some big questions here about approach, about how people are treated. I was brought up in very challenging areas.
Sajid Javid
I began to fear that I was forever going to be living in a hot desert cage, living as and being treated as a male, disappearing from the world into a secret prison, and never facing a public trial.
Chelsea Manning
I’ve seen people that don’t treat their animals well and yet their animals are still just as loving to them even though they’re not treated that well. It’s very hard to find that kind of loyalty and love and affection in human beings.
Dick Van Patten
I am a loyal American. I am extremely proud of the work I have done for the United States and for my country and her people. I expect to be treated as such by the representatives of my government and those who report its work.
Steven Hatfill
Canada has treated abortion as just another medical procedure since 1988, when the Supreme Court struck down the old criminal law. Most Canadians seem to think that’s fine.
Neil Macdonald
Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don’t just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding.
Mary Lambert
If you’re a Kennedy and you go to Italy or you go to Argentina, you’re treated as royalty. And in the United States, we’re endlessly fascinated by the family.
Douglas Brinkley
There are certain people that are marked for death. I have my little list of those that treated me unfairly.
Jennifer Lopez
It’s important for me to treat a girlfriend with respect. My mum would be horrified if I behaved any differently – and I have sisters, and would hate for them to be treated badly by guys.
Louis Tomlinson
I don’t like being treated differently.
Josh Hutcherson
I’ve always wanted to treat people the way I want to be treated.
Cole Swindell
Over the course of my entire Wolverine career, I went from being a single guy to getting married and having kids, and I think you can see that progression in the way that I treated Wolverine.
Jason Aaron
I had such a lack of respect for women that I just treated them as a hobby, trying to live up to the supposed image of Jack Nicholson and all those guys who were womanizers.
Christian Slater
I will always be grateful to Madrid. I never said a bad word about anybody there. Everyone there, even the president, treated me really well always.
Alvaro Morata
Just practice hard and stay grounded. Treat people like you want to be treated and work hard.
Bo Bice
I didn’t want to be treated like a ‘star.’ I fought it constantly, and I think I was rude.
Barry Manilow
One of the main points everywhere in my life is fairness. Coming from South Africa and being treated unfairly all your life because of your skin colour, that’s been a huge point.
Motsi Mabuse
Racism was a big part of our community. I'm not going t

Racism was a big part of our community. I’m not going to revisit history, and I’m not going to call out those communities, but the communities we grew up around, we were treated like second- or third-class citizens.
Kelvin Sampson
Growing up in a brand-new country, coming from the Philippines, was hard. I was treated differently and felt like people thought less of me because I was Asian.
Bella Poarch
Startling, and alarming to many, is the conclusion that follows from these data that if all people were treated the same, most average race differences would not disappear.
J. Philippe Rushton
My parents would always say, ‘It doesnt’ matter if it’s a guy picking up the garbage or the President of the United States, treat everybody as you would want to be treated.
Dan Marino
‘The Hollywood Reporter’ was always in. You always got great tables. You always got great seats at screenings. You always got treated well if you were at the paper.
Robert Osborne
I believe that… every one of God’s creatures was created equal. I believe that everyone should be treated equal, that’s the way I was raised and that’s the way I live my life.
Paula Deen
Our laws are a reflection of our culture. Our culture does not condone the torture of innocent and defenseless creatures. And we as a society believe all God’s creatures should be treated humanely.
Joe Moore
Somebody once told me I treated my smart phone like Wilson, the volleyball Tom Hanks turns into a friend when he’s stranded on a desert island in that movie ‘Castaway.’ It’s an apt comparison: parenting a toddler occasionally feels like being marooned, and your phone is your only connection to the rest of the world.
Rachel Simmons
For some of Britain’s most powerful people, hunting and shooting are primordial rights, and any challenge to them is treated as illegitimate. They assert ownership not only of the land but also of the social relationships surrounding it.
George Monbiot
That is the next step for out trans actors – to just be treated as actors and not ‘trans actors.’
Trace Lysette
I just want to be treated like an average guy.
John Fahey
The Internet is the most democratic communication platform in history, largely because we’ve had network neutrality rules that make sure all web traffic is treated equally, and no voices are discriminated against.
Patrisse Cullors
For in every particular of the Word there is an internal sense which treats of things spiritual and heavenly, not of things natural and worldly, such as are treated of in the sense of the letter.
Emanuel Swedenborg
I hear the way people talk about the children of famous people. They’re not treated very well. The presumptions are usually quite awful. So I tried to establish myself with a couple of movies. After ‘Juno’ I thought: ‘I think I’ve defined myself enough as my own director that I’d love to work with my father.’
Jason Reitman
The U.K. should be treated with respect because it deserves respect.
Miroslav Lajcak
The world’s treated me awfully well, and I guess it’s crept into my work.
Sloan Wilson
I don’t really think much about how I would have fared in the Second World War. It’s a topic that has to be treated with respect and subtlety, and you can’t just go in all guns blazing and make an epic action film.
Fionn Whitehead
I’d like to win an Oscar and then refuse it so I can protest the way they’ve treated Marlon Brando.
Michael Horse
I hated to be treated as a child. I thought it was the worst situation.
Karl Lagerfeld
Black history is part of American history, and it should be treated as such.
Janelle Monae
When journalism is treated as just another widget in a commercial enterprise, the focus isn’t on truth, verification or public good, but productivity and output.
Heather Brooke
We found that the most exciting environments, that treated people very well, are also tough as nails. There is no bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo… excellent companies provide two things simultaneously: tough environments and very supportive environments.
Tom Peters
On the landscape crew, I learned a lot from the other workers. We treated everybody equally, and we worked hard.
Jack Dangermond
We should have a system of licensing and registration, we should treat firearms the same way that automobiles are treated so that people have to pass a safety test.
Michael D. Barnes
Many people in this world are not raised to understand the concept of consent, in all walks of life, and it’s important that abusers of consent not be treated as victims when they are rightfully exposed.
Emma Gonzalez
I want my music to be treated as a book or a movie. It’s not about the one single: it’s about the bigger picture.
Melanie Martinez
I do have, like, a regular childhood. I mean, I’m treated the same.
Paris Jackson
I want to make sure that people understand that, behind this national conversation around transgender rights, there are real people who hurt when they’re mocked, who hurt when they’re discriminated against, and who just want to be treated with dignity and respect.
Sarah McBride
I would never want to be treated as a prop, to be looked on as an object just because of my gender.
Shweta Tripathi
The press are animals, and they need to be treated that way.
David Brock
I was a supporter of the desire, in my section of Nigeria, to leave the federation because it was treated very badly with something that was called genocide in those days.
Chinua Achebe
Yes, Marvel Entertainment has treated me very well and

Yes, Marvel Entertainment has treated me very well and generously. Them, I like.
Jim Starlin
Animals used for food are treated like unfeeling machinery.
Peter Dinklage
The Americans will never solve the Indian problem till the Indian is extinct. They have treated them after a fashion which has intensified their treachery and ‘devilry’ as enemies, and as friends reduces them to a degraded pauperism, devoid of the very first elements of civilization.
Isabella Bird
I think Dad didn’t really treat us like children; he treated us more like little adults. We were good kids.
Willie Robertson
My goal is to see that mental illness is treated like cancer.
Jane Pauley
In the little hall leading to it was a rack holding various Socialist or radical newspapers, tracts, and pamphlets in very small print and on very bad paper. The subjects treated were technical Marxist theories.
Agnes Smedley
After all the work I’ve done, why should I suddenly be treated as a bona fide actress?
Eva Gabor
If you know people with Type 2 diabetes, there’s a high likelihood they will have different medication regimes and different lifestyle options. When we label all these various types as the same thing, we treat them the same way, and they should not be treated the same way.
Gurjeet Singh
Throughout history, women have often been treated as second-class citizens and their voices silenced.
Abby Johnson
We weren’t your mainstream ’50s family. Both my parents had wonderful, eccentric, artistic friends who treated us as friends as well. How your mind worked was considered important.
Melissa Mathison
I treat everyone how I would like to be treated, and I try to treat this industry and this job with the respect it deserves.
Drew McIntyre
It’s a special club, and everybody opened their arms to me from the first day. The fans and my team-mates treated me wonderfully since the day I arrived, and that warmth has made a madridista. Whatever happens, Real Madrid will always be in my heart.
Emmanuel Adebayor
I loved the gentlemanly way they treated each other. It was unlike anything I was used to. I started helping them strike the set and, at 11, began taking acting classes privately.
Jeffrey Tambor
A big part of my life is music education because it changed my life – but arts, academics and athletics should all be equally treated in the school.
I would like to put forward a simple thesis that should no longer be at all controversial: it is now objectively the case that our national interests are increasingly affected not just by what happens between states, but also by how people are treated within states.
Samantha Power
When a man is treated like a beast, he says, ‘After all, I’m human.’ When he behaves like a beast, he says ‘After all, I’m only human.’
Karl Kraus
When I finally got the chance to do ‘The People v. O.J. Simpson,’ my peers embraced me with the same attitude. They didn’t make me feel small or insignificant. They treated me as a peer. It was a wonderful experience.
Sterling K. Brown
Broader social concerns within Muslim communities, such as discrimination, integration or socio-economic disadvantages, should be treated distinctively and not as part of counterterrorism agenda, which has been counter-productive.
Maajid Nawaz
Black players had an issue with Joe Torre. They weren’t treated like everybody else. Even I got called out in a couple of meetings that I thought was unfair.
Gary Sheffield
I am one of millions who have been treated for depression and gotten well; I was lucky enough to have a psychiatrist well versed in using lithium and knowledgeable about my illness, and who was also an excellent psychotherapist.
Kay Redfield Jamison
I think that if you’re going after large banks and large financial companies to try to make sure people are being treated fairly, you’re going to make some enemies, and you’re going to make people uncomfortable.
Richard Cordray
On a film set, there are runners who are 19, it’s their first job, but to me they’re as important as anybody else because if they don’t do their job then nobody else can. So I don’t think anybody should be treated disrespectfully or as if they’re of a lower status.
Jim Carter
A woman’s decision to carry a baby to term knowing that she will not reap the fruits of motherhood should be treated as an act of bravery and selflessness – the ultimate standards of good motherhood.
Nina Easton
When I came to M.I.T. in 1960, only 4 percent of the students were female. Today, it’s about 40 percent of undergraduates. At Lincoln Lab, they had 1,000 men and two women. But we had a very good boss, and he treated us just like everybody else.
Mildred Dresselhaus
We lived on a farm in the English countryside, where we wrote a lot of our music. You really were treated like an artist during those days-not like product, which is now the mode.
Gary Wright
My dad treated Marilyn Monroe more like his daughter than me.
Susan Strasberg
What I learned is that how we present ourselves to the world is really how we get treated. So if you want to be treated really well in a restaurant, you really have to dress up. You cannot just show up.
Ruth Reichl
Nobody would take checks from Indians, nobody would give them any credit, and nobody would let them drink in the bars. There was a rudeness, a brusqueness, with which the Indians were treated constantly. At a very young age, that had entered my consciousness.
James Welch
I’m kind of used to being around guys on set, and I grew up with a brother who treated me like I was a boy.
Katee Sackhoff
I remember Mr. Mayer very well. He sort of liked to be the father – no, he liked to be treated like you thought he was Daddy, but he didn’t treat you like Daddy at all.
Jackie Cooper
I will stay in Impact as long as the fans want me there. They were so happy to have me there and treated me with a lot of respect. The office, talent, and staff are treated with respect by everyone, regardless of your position in the business.
Alberto Del Rio
I'm in the public eye. I know I'm not going to be treat

I’m in the public eye. I know I’m not going to be treated like a normal person walking down the street.
Nicole Appleton
You become tyrannized by this notion that women must not only be treated equally, but they must never fail.
David Duchovny
Bin Laden was intelligent, well-informed, and low key. The people around him treated him with great deference, calling him ‘sheikh,’ a term of respect.
Peter Bergen
I think a lot of the source of how people are treated depends on the fact if someone recognizes them as a human being or not, you know what I mean?
Ryan Coogler
I’ve always believed certain things: You treat everybody nicely because, more than anything, it’s the right thing to do. And then you also never know when someone will be in position to help you or hurt you. I know I’ve gotten help from a lot of people who said good things about me because I treated them well.
Jerry Reinsdorf
Once my family was taken, I became fully aware that my community matters less to some people. That we are treated differently because of the color of our skin or where our parents were born.
Diane Guerrero
My advice on firing is simple: Treat that person the same way you’d want to be treated if you were in that situation. They’re still a good person, just not the right fit. So how do you help them move on in a productive way that allows them to maintain their dignity?
Mary Barra
As we continue to fight the War on Terror, it is imperative that we protect America’s fallen heroes by ensuring that they are treated with respect, while being laid to rest.
Jon Porter
When ‘Safe’ came out, it was treated respectfully but kind of forgotten. Then, by the end of the ’90s, it somehow made it onto all these best-of-the-decade lists.
Todd Haynes
For me, it’s common sense to treat other people like you would like to be treated. Empathy is a broad concept, but how do you get there? People get there differently. I get there by truly building a little trust and connection. You’ll tell me something, I’ll act on it, and then that builds on itself.
Oscar Munoz
Kids and adults are treated differently on sets. Being a kid, you can get away with anything, and it looks cute. But as an adult, it’s a whole new journey.
Fatima Sana Shaikh
Roger Clemens is one of the most wonderful men I’ve ever known. I loved him very much… still love him to this day. He treated me like a princess.
Mindy McCready
Barcelona has always had issues with Brazilian players: Neymar, Romario, Ronaldinho, and me. We were all treated badly by the club in the end, despite all our contributions and dedication.
I’m interested in what happens to people when they get into that publicity machine. We tend to think things have changed, but there’s still a deep sexism underlying the way women are treated publicly.
Erica Jong
There is some brilliant pop music and some very poor classical music. And why shouldn’t comedy be treated as seriously as drama?
Melvyn Bragg
I’m being treated like a sex object, cried the lady. No matter. I will take care of it, said Time soothingly.
Mason Cooley
I grew up thinking I was going to change the world, but not because I was treated like a special snowflake. It’s a silly label. People are starving. We need to feed them. That’s the end of the conversation.
Rupi Kaur
When you’re bullied in high school, even if it’s the smallest amount, or you’re actually tortured, I feel like everybody carries that with them. They always think of that one person who treated them badly in high school.
Odette Annable
I had met many wounded veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center when I was researching my 2009 novel ‘The Turnaround,’ and I continue to be very interested in how returning servicemen and women deal with their new lives back home and how they’re treated by America.
George Pelecanos
I’ve often said there’s no such thing as a track record in TV. I seen people who created things much more successful than mine treated like dirt.
Joss Whedon
Fortunately I can say that social media has treated me pretty well. I’ve been exempt from a lot of the mean comments.
Yara Shahidi
People don’t understand that that’s really what it is. They’re looking for a magic phone number or something. And to a certain extent, I understand that, because comedy is treated so much as a stepping stone by a lot of people.
Todd Barry
My father and mother treated us children as intellectual equals, thus greatly bolstering our self-confidence and our interest in ideas of all kinds.
David Gross
Like a good general, I treated everyone who wasn’t with me as against me.
Michael Dukakis
Women live lives of continual apology. They are born and raised to take the blame for other people’s behavior. If they are treated without respect, they tell themselves that they have failed to earn respect. If their husbands do not fancy them, it is because they are unattractive.
Germaine Greer
Cricket pays well, so a lot of people are naturally drawn towards the game. But to carve a niche in non-cricket sports is not easy. So state governments need to be proactive. Indians need to be made aware of the power of an Olympic medal. It should be treated at par with an Oscars or a Nobel Prize.
Gagan Narang
I like to be treated as a lady.
Sharon Stone
The thing we found out was, when you get to a Super Bowl, both teams are treated the same, talked about in glowing terms. But when the game is over, only the team that won matters.
Don Shula
There’s a snobbery at work in architecture. The subject is too often treated as a fine art, delicately wrapped in mumbo-jumbo. In reality, it’s an all-embracing discipline taking in science, art, maths, engineering, climate, nature, politics, economics.
Norman Foster
Burroughs was never really that pleased with the way popular culture and society treated his character. He tried to make a few movies of his own as a result, but they weren’t very good.
Brendan Fraser
My mother, she made sure all of us were treated the same and had the same opportunity to grow and develop, so that when we left the house, we could fly on our own. And she also knew when we got out into the world, we’d treat others that we came across with that same treatment and respect.
Michael Franti
I know it sounds cliched, but if we just treated each o

I know it sounds cliched, but if we just treated each other as we’d like to be treated ourselves, we’d all be doing a lot better.
Marsha Thomason
Because they are so humbled by their creations, engineers are naturally conservative in their expectations of technology. They know that the perfect system is the stuff of science fiction, not of engineering fact, and so everything must be treated with respect.
Henry Petroski
Sometimes it just doesn’t translate to people. You just move on, and you feel bad because people worked so hard on it and everyone loved it… Everybody was treated so well and was going for something and trying to do the best work possible.
Catherine Keener
I go home and don’t get treated any differently. People have known me all my life and are interested and very supportive but because they have known me forever I don’t get any diva treatment. My mum still tells me off if I haven’t loaded the dishwasher for her.
Katherine Jenkins
Terrorists need no excuse to attack us here. They’ve shown that for decades and decades. We should be proud for the way we treated these savages at Guantanamo Bay and the way our soldiers conduct themselves all around the world to include the people doing the very hard work at Guantanamo Bay.
Tom Cotton
I’m really grateful to my parents for having the confidence in me to let me go. I was terrified I might have to slink back to the village with my tail between my legs, and treated every job as though it were my last – I still do – but fortunately, I got work and things seemed to slot into place.
Sheridan Smith
I’m at Miramax now, where I’ve actually been treated like a Prince.
Ted Demme
We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races.
Robert Mugabe
Traditionally, scientists have treated the laws of physics as simply ‘given,’ elegant mathematical relationships that were somehow imprinted on the universe at its birth, and fixed thereafter. Inquiry into the origin and nature of the laws was not regarded as a proper part of science.
Paul Davies
No citizen is a second class citizen in the city of Chicago. If my children are treated one way, every child is treated the same way.
Rahm Emanuel
In days gone by, short-statured people were not only labelled as ugly, stupid and freakish, they were often owned by aristocrats and treated, at best, as entertainment and, at worst, as pets.
Stella Young
A part of me feels like I was an animal in my past life that wasn’t treated very nicely.
Leona Lewis
I have received so many messages of support from across the country – women and men speaking out because they agree that contraception needs to be treated as a basic health care service.
Sandra Fluke
I’m not worried about state parks. I’m worried about people who can’t be treated because they have schizophrenia or other mental illnesses out there. I’m worried about people.
Robert J. Bentley
I’ve treated so many adults who are desperate – desperate – to get off tobacco. They all started as kids. I see the industry getting another generation of our kids addicted.
Tom Frieden
To me, it’s about the Golden Rule, really at the end of the day. Treating people as you want to be treated. I just don’t feel like it’s that hard to do. It’s not that much to ask of someone to treat everyone with the respect they would want to be treated with. No matter what you look like or where you’re from.
Chase Elliott
PETA has a proven track record of success. Each victory PETA wins for the animals is a stepping stone upon which we build a more compassionate world for all beings – and we will never give up our fight until all animals are treated with respect and kindness.
Bea Arthur
The whole drive of western culture, the part of it which is serious, is towards an extreme objectification. It’s carried to the point where the human subject is treated almost as if it’s dirt in the works of a watch.
Henry Flynt
It is a hallmark of the American system of justice that anyone who appears as a litigant in an American courtroom is treated with dignity and respect.
Maryanne Trump Barry
I belong to a family where I think we’re all fairly treated, boys or girls. Although I have to work doubly hard just to be able to be recognised. That meant long hours, but the hard work paid off.
Teresita Sy-Coson
My first job was with an auto plant, Kansas City – they treated you like slaves. From there I went back to Chicago, worked in steel mills, drove a cab, stuff like that.
Ed Asner
The Justice Department is staunchly committed to ensuring that all Americans are treated in a fair and just manner.
Janet Reno
Well, I don’t want to say mad, but there was ‘heated’ exchanges back in the closing days of OVW when I said that I was running our own business there in OVW and they said, no, we are running their storage closet. They didn’t actually say that, but that was how they treated it.
Jim Cornette
I don’t think well of people who are prejudiced against people because of race. The only way for prejudiced people to change is for them to decide for themselves that all human beings should be treated fairly. We can’t force them to think that way.
Rosa Parks
European nations began World War I with a glamorous vision of war, only to be psychologically shattered by the realities of the trenches. The experience changed the way people referred to the glamour of battle; they treated it no longer as a positive quality but as a dangerous illusion.
Virginia Postrel
I regard the theater as a woman I loved dearly who treated me like dirt.
Michael Caine
More than anything, I think as our country matures, we recognize that women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
Barbara Boxer
If there are violent lawbreakers who want to rob the livelihoods of honest hard-working Canadians in the energy sector, then those lawbreakers should be treated like lawbreakers.
Pierre Poilievre
It’s difficult, because when you’re a popular singer who makes money, you’re basically a race horse. And that’s how you’re treated by the people around you.
Johnny Colt
In some cases, some people do get depressed in the middle of their grief, and they really need to be treated for depression.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Nobody can deny but religion is a comfort to the distressed, a cordial to the sick, and sometimes a restraint on the wicked; therefore whoever would argue or laugh it out of the world without giving some equivalent for it ought to be treated as a common enemy.
Mary Wortley Montagu
Streaming is a really big market for me. We've been doi

Streaming is a really big market for me. We’ve been doing great in the streaming market, so it’s not something I want to alienate at all. Streaming counts now. They’re treating artists the way we deserve to be treated.
I always thought I should be treated like a star.
Madonna Ciccone
I was in high school after 9/11 happened. I didn’t get bullied. I didn’t get treated differently, but I definitely felt people looked at me differently.
Mustafa Ali
Nothing in your past is in your present making you do anything you don’t choose to do. You are not your past history! You are not your past failures! You are not how others have at one time treated you! You are only who you are and what you do now in this moment.
Karen Salmansohn
Before I started a company, I was an employee with a bad attitude. I was always felt like, bosses are stupid, and people weren’t well treated.
Mitch Kapor
I’ve been in some situations where people have treated me like a fascinating toy. You know, it’s just like an interesting kind of fun thing to have a play with. It’s very weird for me. I feel like a tiny baby.
I’d always been treated like an object, not like a human.
Bijou Phillips
Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can’t be treated just where it’s visible – every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.
David Hackworth
My mom brought me up by herself, so I was a latchkey kid. I would walk myself back from school and spent a lot of time at home alone, watching TV. There weren’t a lot of Latinas – or any women of color. And the ones I saw were usually presented as stereotypes or treated like jokes.
Sara Ramirez
The particular article ought in my opinion to be treated with absolute contempt. It is too vile to touch.
Emma Lazarus
If the press really thinks Obama is Lincoln, they ought to treat him like they treated Bush, ’cause that’s how they treated Lincoln. His critics compared Lincoln to an ape; they called him an illiterate baboon.
Ann Coulter
You hear these horrible stories about the FBI just doing all these nasty things to people. And you know what? In my case, I didn’t experience any of that, probably because the way I treated them. I was like, ‘Okay, what do you want to know?’ So I kept going back to their offices on a regular basis.
Hasan M. Elahi
Certain things happened in the early church. Women who had never had any freedom suddenly have the ability to stand up and speak and be treated as equals within the life of the church.
Tony Campolo
We’ve taken on the major health problems of the poorest – tuberculosis, maternal mortality, AIDS, malaria – in four countries. We’ve scored some victories in the sense that we’ve cured or treated thousands and changed the discourse about what is possible.
Paul Farmer
Every woman I have known has actually deepened my spiritual awareness. Even if I have been a selfish man and treated them badly… There were two women, I won’t name them, who had a powerful religious effect on me. The ancient idea of a muse is there.
John Tavener
When I did ‘Grease,’ I took good care of myself. I treated it like a job. I approached it very professionally because I wanted to make a good reputation and hopefully continue on in the Broadway community and continue to do shows.
Laura Osnes
In a relationship you want to treat people the way you want to be treated.
Bradley Cooper
I hate to be treated as if I’m invisible. I get incensed when people talk across me or refuse to catch my eye in a restaurant or shop.
Lynne Truss
Loneliness is a huge issue for both individuals and for society. It’s taken a long time for the issue to be treated seriously and for us to begin to understand the impact it can have.
Gail Honeyman
You shouldn’t be ashamed of your pain. You have the right to have your pain treated.
Naomi Judd
Our company wouldn’t exist and wouldn’t be around without our warehouse employees and our call center employees. And these employees – not just at Rent the Runway but at tens of thousands of other companies throughout the country – are treated unequally.
Jennifer Hyman
I’m always interested in talented or odd people, and my whole life I’ve written about geniuses who society has treated badly and they strike back – or not.
David Lagercrantz
I have a very intimate knowledge of the world of the mentally ill and of life inside of, especially, public hospitals and the way people are treated in there and the way that they try to survive in there.
Victor LaValle
Like any organizer worth their salt, I’m open to critique, but I won’t be bullied or treated badly. I’m an imperfect human, and as such, I have a proclivity to make mistakes. And while I make mistakes, I am not my mistakes.
Patrisse Cullors
Home is where you feel at home and are treated well.
Dalai Lama
The thing I will say is that probably culturally, women are treated differently, which means, I think, you’re criticized more, you have to listen a little bit more, you have to justify yourself.
Lisa Randall
For a long time I felt like I was fighting my age, like I was constantly trying to prove to people that I was a savvy peer, and I felt them viewing me as a kid. I was a cocky kid, and I felt like I was an adult at, like, 9, you know? I think that’s because my parents always treated me as an adult.
Ezra Miller
I don’t want to criticise my country, but there are times I feel Sting and myself have been treated unkindly.
Trudie Styler
What this denomination stands for is, really, is the universal vision of all people being treated fairly under the law as God sees us in His sight.
Clementa C. Pinckney
But my father also supported human rights, freedom and self-determination for all people, including Latino agricultural workers, Native Americans, and the millions of impoverished white men and women who were treated as second-class citizens.
Martin Luther King III
The thing about the Nobel ceremony is that for a whole week, you get treated like a superstar. You get driven everywhere. You have minders who always make sure you get where you’re going. And you always get into the back seat of the limo.
Jack W. Szostak
This whole fuss did not only damage Fischer's image, bu

This whole fuss did not only damage Fischer’s image, but that of the USA as well. The way the Americans treated one of their most popular citizens did not make a positive impression worldwide.
Anatoly Karpov
Every single American deserves to be treated equally by their fellow Americans and under the law.
Tulsi Gabbard
Your mortgage shouldn’t have been treated as a wager – it should be a way to provide a home and financial stability for you and your family.
Lisa Madigan
The belief that we are what the media says we are, what people perceive we are, is soon to be what we think we are. We are treated based on this warped perception. It is hard to get away from it.
Kevin Eubanks
When no one knew who Dana White was… Dana White used to run around with me, hang out with me, and I treated him just like anyone else in my camp.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
The catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons require that it be treated as a top priority. Disarmament will work better than any alternative in reducing the risk of use.
Ban Ki-moon
Even in war, everyone deserves to be treated humanely.
Peter Maurer
At one point, in one of the kitchens where I worked, I was the only American pastry cook. They treated me poorly. ‘You’re stupid. You’re American. You don’t get it.’ They’d speak French all day. At one point, my boss said to me, ‘You learn French or get out right away.’
Johnny Iuzzini
My friends hated going out with me because people think they can grab you and talk to you how they want. At the end of the day, you’re still a human being, and I don’t like being treated that way – I prefer to live a quiet life.
Sean Maguire
My job at the CFPB, as President Obama told me when he interviewed me, was to stand on the side of people in the financial marketplace and see that they were treated fairly.
Richard Cordray
To me, race is not all about grievance. It is also about pride and empathy and humanity and understanding the value of difference. But along with that, there are also expectations that we should set for ourselves and for others. We should expect to be treated as equal citizens.
Gwen Ifill
Until 1956, America treated Israel not much differently from other friendly states.
George Ball
The whole of nature cries out at our mistreatment of her. If the planet were a patient, we would have treated her long ago.
Prince Charles
Always treat people the way you would like to be treated. My mum told me that, and it often comes into my mind.
Romy Madley Croft
I liked Jackie as an individual. I felt bad about how he was treated. He’s a better man than me by far.
Vernon Law
The United States treated Gaddafi as an enemy due to his support for terrorism against us, until a rapprochement of sorts began under Pres. George W. Bush at the very end of 2003.
Elliott Abrams
There are times when I’m super-overwhelmed, and everything feels like it’s hitting me in the face at once, but I think what’s keeping me calm, and who I am by staying true to myself, is my whole family being so supportive and keeping me grounded. They treat me the exact same way they treated me years and years ago.
Shawn Mendes
As a physician, I treated hundreds of patients who needed long-term care, including ones with Alzheimer’s.
Charles Boustany
I meet with retired football players. Some are well-dressed, some are well-spoken, but when you talk to them personally, they will admit to you that they are having problems. But they are managing their problems. They have impaired memory, they’re having mood problems. They are being treated by their psychiatrists.
Bennet Omalu
Ever since the kids were babies, we have treated them with respect. We are the mom and dad for sure, but we look for opportunities for us to sit down and say, ‘How are things going for you? Is there anything that we can do as parents to help you? Let’s all come up with a solution together.’ We work better as a team.
Jodi Benson
I’m the youngest of four siblings and the baby of the family. My family just treated me like anyone else growing up. They taught me that everyone has a special and unique trait about them, and that mine is that I have a girl brain and a boy body.
Jazz Jennings
We were not treated by our own government as proper human beings and consequently, some outsiders did not regard us as the same kind of humans as themselves.
Jung Chang
A woman, like a man, should be treated with human decency, according to the rule of law, and free of the abusive, unjust exercise of power. And you don’t need to have plumbed the depths of the female or male psyche to live in accord with these principles of civilized life and the maxims of a free society.
Bill Kristol
Public intellectuals are often put in the position of having their words, no matter how off-the-cuff, treated as doctrine.
Roxane Gay
I called all adults by their first names, and my mum was just another adult. I was the firstborn of my generation in the family, but because I was so close to my parents in age, they treated me with a kind of adult respect. They talked to me as an equal.
Nile Rodgers
I’ve been treated really well for ‘Stick It.’ There was this cop and he pulled me over and he was like, ‘Oh my God, you’re in ‘Stick It.’ I said, ‘Yes. Yes. You’re the last person I would think would be pumped up by this movie’. He let me go, so that was nice.
Missy Peregrym
Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries – for heavy ones they cannot.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Solutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions.
Malcolm Fraser
My parents were never condescending to us. They treated us like adults from a very young age.
Isaac Hanson
When I talk football with my friends, I don’t talk about Tom Brady’s hair. I talk about how he handles the blitz, or how he runs his offense. I talk as a fan. I don’t want pink jerseys, and I don’t want dumbed-down content. I want to be treated as a real fan – because I am proud to be one.
Indra Nooyi
When I came to UFC, I was treated like a king.
Mirko Cro Cop
All very successful commanders are prima donnas and mus

All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated.
George S. Patton
Things down here in Hawaii are similar to Alabama. We go to church every Sunday. People are treated like family there just like here. There are many similarities there, and you want to be somewhere that feels like home, and that’s what Alabama feels like.
Tua Tagovailoa
If you’re going through friendship issues, I would say, first of all take a step back. How important is the friendship to you? Sometimes, if someone’s not being a good friend to you and isn’t treating you the way you should be treated, then you kind of have to move on sometimes.
Victoria Justice
On the contrary, if they are treated with justice and humanity, proper example and the advantages of education given them, the coming years will be as bright and prosperous to the unfortunate race as the past has been dark and painful.
Nelson A. Miles
I think women don’t grow up with the harsh world of criticism that men grow up with, we are more sensitively treated, and when you first experience the world of film-making you have to develop a very tough skin.
Jane Campion
The profession is never going back to those days when a handful of wealthy people treated publishing like a hobby: one where the business can lose money because the family has lots of it to burn. Frankly, I don’t think that model was ever sustainable, and it really only enriched a small number of writers.
Victor LaValle
Puerto Rico loses out on billions of dollars annually because it is treated unequally under a range of federal programs, including tax credits available to millions of households in the States that do not pay federal income taxes.
Pedro Pierluisi
I don’t actually think I’m treated unfairly or anything. If anything, I sometimes can’t understand why I don’t see myself and the people I know represented more in films. Unless I’m going to go out and write them myself, I don’t feel like I can really complain about it.
Rosemarie DeWitt
It’s commonly said that if slaughterhouses had clear glass walls, nobody would eat meat. I think people go out of their way to remain ignorant about how factory farm animals are treated.
I’m an old, white-haired guy. If I’m not recognized, I’m treated pretty much like every other elderly. But if people recognize me, it’s a whole different thing.
Dick Van Dyke
Engineering is treated with disdain, on the whole. It’s considered to be rather boring and irrelevant, yet neither of those is true.
James Dyson
I really loved animals when I was little – my friend and I had an imaginary vet’s office; we would mime doing surgery on animals. We treated more injuries than illnesses – fixing with a baby bear with a broken leg, removing a tumor. Of course, our surgeries would take about five seconds; that’s how good we were.
Hannah Murray
People feel repressed by their own governments; they feel unfairly treated by the outside world; they wake up in the morning, and who do they see – they see people being shot and killed: all Muslims from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Darfur.
Mohamed ElBaradei
There’s nothing more mundane than sitting across from a celebrity in a sterile gray conference room. But when the star sitting across from you is Taraji Penda Henson, you are being treated to a master class in the art of the hustle.
Janet Mock
I know that one day all transgender individuals will have the freedom to be who they are, no matter what. And we won’t have to face the cruel judgments of society. We can just live our lives and be treated and respected like everyone else.
Jazz Jennings
I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness.
Sofia Vergara
Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human. It’s a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated.
Alveda King
I called the doctor, during writing the book, the psychiatrist who treated me at that time, Dr. Jackson. And I said, Dr. Jackson, whole pieces are missing. I don’t understand what happened to me.
Jim Bakker
Television is a very writer-driven business, and it’s one of the few parts of entertainment where writers are treated with respect, only because they need you. If they didn’t have to treat you with respect, they would be happy to dismiss you.
Mitchell Hurwitz
Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury. If everyday experience hasn’t convinced you of this, there’s research that will.
Martha Beck
Life has always treated me well. I therefore won’t mind leaving it behind.
Dario Fo
I come from a generation which definitely treated anyone older and more successful with reverence. But it’s much more democratic nowadays.
Diana Rigg
Mostly I am sorry for the way I thought of other people. Like a good general, I had treated everyone who wasn’t with me as against me.
Lee Atwater
For almost every interview, I had to have others translate for me, and look for someone to do that. I had a lot of miserable moments. But my teammates treated me well and helped me gain confidence.
Carlos Ruiz
When I am president, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally and protected equally. Every action I take, I will ask myself, ‘Does this make life better for young Americans in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, who have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child America?’
Donald Trump
If we treated politics like more of a profession, like it should be, we would all be a lot better off.
Stephen J. Dubner
I think in daily newspapers, the way comic strips are treated, it’s as if newspaper publishers are going out of their way to kill the medium.
Matt Groening
Any time I saw people treated unfairly because of race, creed, whatever – it struck a nerve.
Robert Redford
It was a very magical upbringing, the quality of feeling special, and people treated us special. You tried real hard to remember all the normal things so you didn’t get twisted.
Edward Albert
Robert Sandler is a child who died when he was three years old, and he is a child who was the first child that we know of to be treated with chemotherapy.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
People from major labels were afraid to go to Black Flag gigs throughout most of the band’s existence. They treated our gigs as something threatening. I’m sure that it probably was. They probably had reasons to be scared.
Greg Ginn
Our government workers should be treated fairly and app

Our government workers should be treated fairly and appropriately. They should have a decent retirement, but not a gold-plated system where they can retire multimillionaires in their 50s.
Bruce Rauner
My mother was gentle and warm. She was the sort of person you could really open up to. I was the eldest and her only boy, so I guess I was treated differently. She did bring me up as a Catholic, and at one time I was an altar boy, but I lost my faith, as did my father, when my mother died at 45.
Stephen Mangan
I’m a natural blonde, but I feel like a brunette. I feel like people treat me now how I should be treated. People used to be shocked, when I was blond, that I wasn’t stupid.
Olivia Wilde
Some referees have to think about treating every player the same, even if it’s Ronaldinho or another player from a Premiership club. It doesn’t matter how good you are: you have to be treated the same.
Arjen Robben
I believe in the law. I think we have a great system of justice. But I do think that system of justice has been corrupted by racism and classism. I think it’s difficult for ‘poor people’ – poor white people, brown people – to be treated fairly before the law in the same way that upper-class people are.
Henry Louis Gates
Window-breaking, when Englishmen do it, is regarded as honest expression of political opinion. Window-breaking, when Englishwomen do it, is treated as a crime.
Emmeline Pankhurst
With the fans and the Toronto Maple Leafs organization, the way I’ve been treated here has been awesome.
Mats Sundin
I see myself in all the people in the world who are suffering and who are very badly treated and who are often made to feel that they have no place on this Earth.
Alice Walker
When Brazil lose, someone has to be guilty, and it’s always Rivaldo. It’s different with Romario. He plays in Brazil, and they love him more. I’m treated like a foreign player.
I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If you’re not careful, you can become used to being treated as though you’re special and begin to expect it.
Anderson Cooper
As great a public speaker as I am, I don’t know have – I don’t – I don’t have the words to describe Cub fans who welcomed me as a rookie, were patient through my 1-for-32 start, and took me into their homes and into their hearts and treated me like a member of their family. You picked me up when I was down.
Ryne Sandberg
My adoption was treated as a celebration.
Michael Reagan
I wasn’t creative when I was depressed. When my depression got treated, I was creative again.
Shawn Colvin
In Saudi Arabia – recognized as one of the worst violators of women’s rights – women outnumber men on university campuses and yet are treated like minors who need a male guardian’s permission to do the most basic things.
Mona Eltahawy
When your life is as precious as all our lives are, then it needs to be kept precious and looked after and treated well. And that is not something we should be sharing with a wider audience.
Saffron Burrows
I get treated like everyone else, and that’s the way it should be.
Owen Farrell
It’s just making sure that everyone is treated equally. Is that so progressive? I don’t think it’s progressive, I think it’s human. And not just gay people – women’s rights, immigrants, people of different ethnic backgrounds.
Kristian Nairn
With the Australian Government paying more of the hospital bills, it will have the incentive to make sure people are treated through less expensive and more appropriate primary care services.
Kevin Rudd
Allowing alternative narrative modes in popular entertainment may seem obvious, yet when you turn a pilot into the people upstairs and the main character isn’t after what she wants by the top of page two, you get treated as if you’ve failed at writing.
Andrea Seigel
I grew up in a time when many people believed that men and women should not always be treated equally.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
I think the most dangerous influence for a young writer is to be treated with cynicism or discouragement.
Jane Gardam
They will always assume that this guy – an upcoming actor, what if he becomes a star tomorrow? He would not work with me then… so I might as well choose to be nice. But women are not treated with the same attitude. Women they treat really badly.
Kangana Ran
Women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently.
Scott Adams
When you are not treated seriously, you develop comically. Its sense of oneself is so fractured and fragile that it’s like the picked-on kid who has to become funny.
Scott Thompson
In real life, women don’t enjoy being degraded and treated like objects/receptacles.
Jackson Katz
Annie Lee Moss was a black woman who worked for the Army as a code clerk in the Pentagon. She was identified by an undercover agent of the FBI as a member of the Communist Party. Moss denied it, the Democrats sprang to her defense, and she has been treated ever since as an innocent victim of McCarthy.
M. Stanton Evans
I think that addiction is a very, very important thing that has to be treated, but has to be treated as a health problem and not as a police problem.
Wagner Moura
John Wayne treated me fine, but that macho stuff turns me off. It’s not real.
Tab Hunter
Growing up, my parents treated my brother and me with absolute equality.
Anushka Sharma
When language is treated beautifully and interestingly, it can feel good for the body: It’s nourishing; it’s rejuvenating.
Aimee Bender
I have treated many hundreds of patients. Among those in the second half of life – that is to say, over 35 – there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life.
Carl Jung
I think Red Sox fans have always been good to me; they'

I think Red Sox fans have always been good to me; they’ve treated me well.
Bill Buckner
I do not believe that the hungry man should be treated as subversive for expressing his suffering.
Óscar Arias
That’s what my mother did. And my father was the first person she’d met who treated her kindly. She was terrified of men, and she married a very meek, kind, dear man. And she had the upper hand. She ruled the roost.
Lynn Johnston
Because standard unemployment reports continue to exclude prisoners, we have been treated to a highly misleading picture of black unemployment.
Michelle Alexander
Since I was drafted by the Blackhawks, the people of Chicago have really embraced me and treated me with nothing but respect.
Patrick Kane
In Connecticut, we have a vibrant history of advocating to ensure our workers are treated fairly and given the rights and protections they deserve. Still, we need to do more to protect all American workers.
Elizabeth Esty
If I look back down the years, how I was treated as a kid, if it wasn’t for the teachers at my school, then I wouldn’t have achieved what I have. You have to look where you came from, and we do need to get more parents involved, more running clubs and more schools. They can make a difference.
Mo Farah
A lot of women have been whistle-blowers in the past, and a lot of them have just gotten torn down and treated terribly. One of the things that kept popping up was this idea that if you do whistle-blow about sexual harassment, then that is what will define the rest of your life.
Susan Fowler
AIDS today is not a death sentence. It can be treated as a chronic illness, or a chronic disease.
Yusuf Hamied
Regardless if what you do in the world, you do it good. You do your best, and you show up on time, and you leave and you do a good job, and you treat people the way you want to be treated.
Scott Eastwood
Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury.
Martha Beck
I have a treasure trove of Baker memories, all of which reinforce my sense of Howard Baker as one of the most decent people with whom I have worked. While I was simply a young staffer, he never treated me or my colleagues as anything else but equals.
John Yarmuth
If an African-American or a recent immigrant – or anyone else, for that matter – can’t feel secure walking into a police station or up to a police officer to report a crime, because of a fear that they’re not going to be treated well, then everything else that we promise is on a shaky foundation.
William Bratton
Just like other illnesses, depression can be treated so that people can live happy, active lives.
Tom Bosley
Democracy needs to be nurtured and treated with care.
Frank Lowy
I’ve been dealing with racism since I was a little kid! My dad’s super black, from Puerto Rico. Then my mom’s super white – she’s Puerto Rican too, but she grew up in Milwaukee. As a Latino in the U.S. I’ve seen how we are treated differently based on the color of our skin.
Anuel AA
I think how veterans are treated in our country is an abomination. We don’t have the draft any more, which is why so many soldiers come from working-class – rather than middle- or high-income families. Those wealthier families aren’t affected, so they’re not agitating for change.
Laurie Halse Anderson
I think in a lot of situations I had got songs stolen from me, or treated badly.
Bebe Rexha
Books are to be distinguished by the grandeur of their topics even more than by the manner in which they are treated.
Henry David Thoreau
I was very, very sick when I was growing up in Russia. The ambulance constantly came to our house. I had horrible asthma that is easily treated in America, but they didn’t even have inhalers back in Russia.
Gary Shteyngart
I just want to grow old with a man who takes care of me, and I want to eventually have kids and want them to be good children to me. Just want to be treated nice and have respect.
If you’re treated a certain way you become a certain kind of person. If certain things are described to you as being real they’re real for you whether they’re real or not.
James Baldwin
Non-proliferation will only work if all states are willing to cooperate, and that will only happen if all feel they are being treated fairly.
John Bruton
My brother and I had a really privileged relationship with my parents… They treated us like adults.
Henry Louis Gates
I genuinely liked all of the cast members very much. Steve had a wicked sense of humor. I remember Russell coming to my rescue, once. I watched Eric evolve before everyone’s eyes. Maurice loved what he did, so. He treated his character with respect, down to the costuming.
Madeleine Stowe
I was someone who grew up obsessed with bands, how they were and how they treated one another, and how they treated fans.
James Murphy
I’m raising three children. I’m teaching my kids what it means, the Golden Rule, to treat people like you want to be treated.
Andrew Gillum
I treat others exactly the way I want to be treated.
Dionne Warwick
I think being on a set where people aren’t being treated as equals, and with just a common level of decency and respect, is really uncomfortable.
Gaby Hoffmann
Rejecting the fundamental provision of the Civil Rights Act is a rejection of the foundational promise of America that all men and women should be treated equally, a promise for which many Americans have lost their lives.
John Yarmuth
I like to be bought flowers and taken out for dinner. I like a man to be a gentleman. I don’t like to be treated as if I am brainless. I like to be respected and to give respect.
Sharon Stone
I believe that any kind of mistreatment of anyone for a

I believe that any kind of mistreatment of anyone for any reason is unacceptable and abhorrent, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect in the workplace and anywhere else.
Casey Affleck
We stay as a team. I might be England captain, but that doesn’t mean I get treated differently.
David Beckham
All women should have the ability to get ahead with hard work, be treated fairly in the workplace, and live free from fear.
Conner Eldridge
Everyone should be allowed to participate in sport, because it helps you to become more confident. That is important for women in India, because we are not always treated as equals.
Geeta Phogat
I have no other network to compare it to, but FOX has treated me lovely.
Katie Nolan
I like L.A., I really do, but I’m really a New Yorker. In New York, there’s a feeling that you’re not praised or treated too preciously. No one ever feels too important because someone on the subway will reassure you that you’re not.
Alex Wolff
That was something that I learned: It’s actually okay if the way that I do my best is when I’m treated well.
Jenny Slate
I definitely have a little attraction to bad guys, but they have to be sweethearts underneath. After all, I like to be treated well.
Carly Rae Jepsen
Older consumers don’t want to be treated like teenagers; what’s more, they don’t want to believe they fall into any niche at all.
Charles Duhigg
Women artists are still treated differently from men.
Yoko Ono
I know a lot of celebrity types go for Kabbalah and Scientology. But why pay 10 per cent of your earnings to someone when it’s all common sense: treat others as you’d like to be treated yourself.
Gail Porter
We don’t want to be treated any differently, and we want to continue with our lives and our careers.
Vanessa Kerry
My father made sure I was treated equally with my brothers.
Joyce Banda
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Lou Holtz
All too often, technology is treated as a silver bullet for perceived problems in education. This sometimes leads to knee-jerk investments, using scarce resources to invest in software or hardware without a clear notion of how either might actually empower learning.
Sal Khan
I think the great thing about religion is it’s there to teach us the good path and that we’re all equal, that we should be treated as such.
Joel Edgerton
If you treat animals how you want to be treated, you’re a lot better off.
Bindi Irwin
I’m making a movie about Wonder Woman, who I love, who to me is one of the great superheroes, so I just treated her like a universal character, and that’s what I think is the next step when I think you can do that more and more and when studios have the confidence to do that more and more.
Patty Jenkins
To be remembered after we are dead, is but poor recompense for being treated with contempt while we are living.
William Hazlitt
I’ve always treated money with respect, but I don’t really think about money – I try to avoid it, because I don’t like what money does to people. I find if you get too much money involved, people get corrupted.
RJ Mitte
You remember what you go through as a kid, what’s going to make you listen, what’s going to make you respond. I held onto that. People who treated me like that when I was younger got every bit of respect and attention I could give them, because I knew that they were coming at me from almost an equal level.
Jesse L. Martin
There was a very serious communist strain among American intellectuals before the war. America was a more tolerant place in those days, and Communists were not treated as pariahs. That ended with the McCarthy era.
Ken Follett
I was treated with a miracle drug, just like Lance Armstrong.
Billy Tauzin
I worked among many famous philosophers, and I tried to observe how they treated students. I knew which ones I wanted to be like, and which ones I didn’t.
Martha Nussbaum
My first encounters with faith came about the time I was a Boy Scout, at about 14 or 15. I made the logical deduction that they operate the same way; I treated my faith like earning a merit badge, and everything about Christianity was about earning merit badges.
Max Lucado
The detainees at GTMO are treated exceptionally well – so well that some have even declined to be resettled, instead choosing to stay at GTMO.
Mike Pompeo
I didn’t want to be discriminated against because of my gender and status. I promised myself I was never going to be treated as a second-class citizen.
Bianca Jagger
I believe gelato is meant to be treated as medicine and taken daily as a prescription.
Betsy Brandt
Tennis was a white, upper-class sport, and I wanted it to be treated like other sports were.
John McEnroe
In general, I’ve been treated well by reviews, and there are times when I haven’t. The truth is that I’ve come to feel like I’m better off without reading them.
Jake Kasdan
It’s about respect and the morals and the value of life. And treat people how you want to be treated. That’s the biggest thing I was brought up on from my parents.
A. J. Green
As human beings, we're powerfully swayed by how much we

As human beings, we’re powerfully swayed by how much we feel we’re being respected. People comply with agreements if they feel they’ve been treated fairly and lash out if they don’t.
Christopher Voss
If the practice is torture for the al Qaeda operative who masterminded the killing of three thousand Americans, why weren’t there court-martials in the cases of those thousands of servicemen similarly treated as part of their training?
Jose Rodriguez
I have some wigs at home just for fun. Throughout my years, my hair has been treated in a not very nice way, so I have to be careful.
Carice van Houten
I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated like cattle.
Alfred Hitchcock
We have a lot of people that are oppressed. We have a lot of people that aren’t treated equally, aren’t given equal opportunities. Police brutality is a huge thing that needs to be addressed. There are a lot of issues that need to be talked about, need to be brought to life, and we need to fix those.
Colin Kaepernick
Mood disorders are terribly painful illnesses, and they are isolating illnesses. And they make people feel terrible about themselves when, in fact, they can be treated.
Kay Redfield Jamison
The way the elderly are treated, and in some cases warehoused and medicated, rather than nurtured and listened to, is distressing.
Bill Nighy
The women putting their lives at risk for our country deserve better than to be treated as second-class citizens.
Tammy Duckworth
The point of feminism is you shouldn’t have to be a man to be treated with equal respect.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
In 1976, divorce could still raise eyebrows, as could a woman’s decision not to have children. Dyslexia wasn’t as commonly recognized then, and thus not treated as it is today.
Stacey D’Erasmo
I’ve never had a dislike for men. I’ve been badly treated by some. But I’ve been loved greatly by some. I married a lot of them.
Maya Angelou
Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.
Wayne Dyer
The athlete is not treated like he deserves. We deserve better. I’m not speaking only about the UFC, but about the media as well. The fans treat us really well.
Jose Aldo
It demonstrates to his simple mind in the most positive manner that we have no prejudice against him on account of his race, and that while he behaves himself he will be treated the same as a white man.
George Crook
I’ve been really vocal about my disappointment about how the WNBA athletes get treated like second-class citizens in relations to the NBA when they’re a subsidiary.
Jalen Rose
I always had the most fun going to the beach on the weekends with my friends. In a way, we treated our beach style the way New Yorkers treat their street style, so I was always conscious of how I looked.
Izabel Goulart
It is the press that has taken these charges and accusations and blown them up without any kind of skepticism whatsoever – blown them into realities and treated them as if they were true.
Dixie Lee Ray
I treated the first few books as a very long journalistic exercise. I thought of every chapter as an article that needed to be finished.
Jane Green
As I got older, I learned about how some people treated their transgender children, and I was shocked. I couldn’t understand how someone would leave their child and throw them on the street. I was always taught you give your kid unconditional love and if you don’t, something’s wrong with you, for real.
Jazz Jennings
Everywhere I go, I find that writers are treated as if they are invisible, as if they don’t matter.
Harlan Ellison
We found on our journey, as well as in the place where we stopped, that they treated us with as much confidence and good-will as if they had known us all their lives.
Junipero Serra
In Mumbai, life is always on the go, but in Delhi, I get a break; it gives me a lot of peace. Here I feel like I am on a pampered holiday, and I am treated like a princess.
Nikita Dutta
Whenever some kind of mass shooting or any other kind of violent activity takes place, we kind of hold our breath until we are sure that no Muslim was involved, because we know that these incidents will be treated differently if a Muslim is involved versus if somebody of another background is involved.
Ibrahim Hooper
I had this belief that I couldn’t just accept to be treated as an object. It was a problem of dignity.
Ingrid Betancourt
Your life story is a gift, and it should be treated as such.
Emily V. Gordon
I’ve been really very fortunate with the men I’ve been involved with. They’ve always really treated me very, very wonderfully. And whenever anything broke up, I was always the one to leave. So I think I’ve been really very, very lucky.
Gloria Vanderbilt
All sports must be treated on the basis of equality.
Pierre de Coubertin
Every night I go over what I did in the day, in ethical or moral terms. Have I treated people properly? Did I tell the truth?
Jeanne Moreau
When I was born in 1970 with a rare genetic disorder called spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SED), medical science wasn’t what it is today and my mum and dad were treated terribly by the medical profession.
Warwick Davis
I only ask of the government to be treated as all other men are treated.
Chief Joseph
Everybody has his place; everybody is equal. Treated equally, equal standing, equal rights and status.
Lee Hsien Loong
I don't want to be a historical action figure or treate

I don’t want to be a historical action figure or treated like I’m dead. Like one of those people where they go, ‘Oh, isn’t she dead?’ And then I walk up, and they’re like, ‘Whoa.’ I can’t really complain… because I’ve made myself into a historical action figure. I was like, ‘Yeah, come on in!’
Kathleen Hanna
I want to be happy. We all want to be happy. I want to be treated like a normal human being, but I also want to be on stage in a fancy dress, so I’m trying to find a happy medium.
Lauren Alaina
I don’t think my dad really knew what to do with me, as a daughter. He treated me like a boy; my brother and I were treated the same. He didn’t do kid stuff. There were no kid’s menus; you weren’t allowed to order off the kid’s menu at dinner – we had to try something from the adult menu.
Emma Watson
The Veterans Administration is a scandal. It’s corrupt, and what’s going on is a disgrace. And, believe me, if I win, if I become president, that will end. The veterans will be treated properly.
Donald Trump
In the case of ‘Zero Dark Thirty,’ about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, an issue that is central to the film – torture – is so important that I feel I must say something. Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow have been irresponsible and inaccurate in the way they have treated this issue in their film.
Alex Gibney
In my childhood I always felt that I was treated unjustly, without a mother, sick, and with the threat of punishment in Hell hanging over my head.
Edvard Munch
More reforms will give more impetus to German industries to invest in India. German companies want to be treated on par with Indian companies, and creation of an equitable market is crucial for investments.
Angela Merkel
Even when I was very small, my mother treated me like a great novelist. She was like: ‘Oh, I’m sitting at the breakfast table with Flaubert,’ and would say, if she burned some food or was late arriving, ‘Don’t put this in your novel!’
Elif Batuman
I can definitely be tough when pushed. In relationships, you have to take a stand for who you are and how you’re willing to be treated.
Maggie Grace
Japan took me in as one of their own and treated me like one of their own.
Finn Balor
Simple ingredients, treated with respect… put them together and you will always have a great dish.
Jose Andres
I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen.
Sheila Jackson Lee
Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated.
Hank Aaron
At many companies, business development is treated as a sales tool for incremental growth, but I believe that business development can bend our growth curve in a big way. It should accelerate our ability to grow, helping us quickly close gaps or leap ahead of competitors.
Peggy Johnson
Northern Ireland has treated me well, you know?
James Nesbitt
My parents raised me to treat people the way you would want to be treated and to be polite. Sometimes, when I get nervous or insecure, I might overcompensate and might not be totally true to what I am feeling inside. But I get nervous and maybe too smiley and polite.
Paul Rudd
If I really treated business like a businessman, I wouldn’t have done what I have done – opposing China. No businessman in their right mind would do this because you know that there will be repercussions.
Jimmy Lai
Men and women aren’t the same. And they won’t be the same. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be treated fairly.
Jordan Peterson
My parents treated my height as a wonderful thing to be celebrated, but also normal.
Gwendoline Christie
Because technically actors are just public servants really. They just tell stories because people need to be told stories. That’s all it is. And yet we get treated as though we’re important.
James McAvoy
USDA says pink slime, which is made of cow connective tissue and other scraps and then treated with ammonia to kill the salmonella, e Coli, potentially, the U.S. Government says it’s totally safe.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
I don’t care if you’re Christian, you’re Muslim, you’re gay, you’re straight – I am here to fight for your equality. Because I believe that we are all born equal, but we are not treated equally, and that is why we must fight.
Well, teachers have been profoundly demoralized in recent years and are often treated with contempt by politicians. There’s a great deal of reckless rhetoric in Washington about the mediocrity of the teaching profession – and I don’t find that to be true at all.
Jonathan Kozol
It’s not a giant thrill to hear someone give you the label ‘manic-depressive,’ but to me I was so relieved. What I was suffering from had a name and could be treated.
Patty Duke
I want to be treated like a musician.
I’ve stood up to producers before, and even a director. I saw them being abusive. A lot of people on the set are scared to say stuff when they’re not being treated right.
Natalie Portman
At PETA, we often say that the issue of how animals are treated isn’t just about them; it’s about us, how we behave.
Ingrid Newkirk
He who confesses magic or sorcery shall do penance for the time of murder, and shall be treated in the same manner as he who convicts himself of this sin.
Saint Basil
I feel more and more, every day of my life, how much my dear mamma has done for my establishment. I was the youngest of all her daughters, and she has treated me as if I were the eldest, so that my whole soul is filled with the most tender gratitude.
Marie Antoinette
I didn’t write my book, ‘I Don’t Care About Your Band,’ in order to give women a brand-new set of dating rules they need to feel terrible about not abiding. I wrote my book to make the women who read it feel good about themselves, and a little more entitled to be treated well by the guys they go out with.
Julie Klausner
I don’t think that left to its own devices, capitalism moves along smoothly and everyone gets treated fairly in the process. Capitalism is like a child: if you want the child to grow up free and productive, somebody’s got to look over the shoulder of that child.
Tavis Smiley
That was really so upsetting when you are trying to pas

That was really so upsetting when you are trying to pass on some very serious knowledge and be basically, treated worse than a student coming off the street because his father pays the tuition. Come on. Give me a break. This is no school. This is a joke.
Miroslav Vitous
And my parents’ separation was tricky. But my mum had always been really honest with me, and treated me like an adult even when I was really young, so I knew they hadn’t been getting on.
Lisa Snowdon
In the same way ‘Lord of the Rings’ was an interpretation of the book, ‘The Hobbit’ is being treated the same way. It will be faithfully represented with a fresh interpretation.
Andy Serkis
Madonna is an athlete; she has to be treated like a professional athlete. She doesn’t work out for six hours a day, though, like some of the press says. She never works out for more than two hours a day, and then only when she has the time.
Tracy Anderson
I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be treated differently because of the color of my skin.
Mike Gallagher
In 2004, President Bush gave Prime Minister Sharon certain guarantees about American policy, but the Obama administration treated those as a kind of private letter having no binding policy impact.
Elliott Abrams
I had that extroverted energy, and I always involved myself in quite adult conversations. My mum never hid us from that. There was never a kids’ table; we were never treated as kids, per se, because I don’t think she believes in that.
Billy Howle
I’ve come to the conclusion that players want to be treated alike.
Tom Landry
I’ve always felt the man is king of the house and should be amused and treated well.
Jerry Hall
I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here. People started calling me that, and I started being treated in a specific way.
The Mohawks have on all occasions shown their zeal and loyalty to the Great King; yet they have been very badly treated by his people.
Joseph Brant
I’ve always treated my career like independent. Everything that I got is because of myself, my own endorsements, my own touring myself.
I took my uniqueness and treated it like a horn.
Billy Paul
Children who are treated as if they are uneducable almost invariably become uneducable.
Kenneth Clark
I really worry about the way in which you, as a celebrity, are disproportionately treated. Frankly, the industry is almost single-handedly designed to interfere with people’s moral chemistry.
Robert Rinder
When you have a limited resource and you have a lot of people wanting that resource, then those who get more justify as to why they got more, and those who get less say they have been treated badly.
Kapil Sibal
I realise that women don’t want to get treated differently but just equally. I don’t know what feminism is all about, but I understand that women should be treated equally, and I endorse that thought.
Varun Dhawan
If people are worried, if they’re fearful, if they feel a sense of grievance or that they’re not being treated properly or that they’re not being paid fairly, what you’re going to have is you’re going to have people doing the minimum amount of work necessary to not get fired, and not a peppercorn more.
Daniel H. Pink
I was an aspiring astrophysicist, and that’s how I defined myself, not by my skin color. People didn’t treat me as someone with science ambitions. They treated me as someone they thought was going to mug them, or who was a shoplifter.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
We sign $1 million contracts in Asia and Russia and get treated like royalty but when we are here in America we are flying in the back of the plane in economy, playing back-to-backs.
Liz Cambage
Some readers tell me, ‘We always treated our maid like she was a member of the family.’ You know, that’s interesting, but I wonder what your maid’s perspective was on that.
Kathryn Stockett
My links to WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden mean I am treated as a threat and can’t return to the U.K.
Sarah Harrison
I do not like the way oppressed Filipinos are being treated now. They are oppressed and have no one to turn to.
Rodrigo Duterte
First Avenue is one of my favorite places to play. All along, they’ve treated me with respect.
Who asks who out on the date? Who’s supposed to pay for dinner? Who chooses where you go? Both partners should be involved in these discussions. If we want to be treated as equals, don’t put yourself in a position where you set yourself up to not be equal.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I liked the way they treated the first, second, and third place finishers equally. It was an amazing year. I only entered two song contests this year; I won one and placed second in the other. And I entered each of them a day or two before the deadline.
Arthur Godfrey
I’m just waiting for the first #MeToo moment to happen from a salon because the culture of how assistants are treated, especially in salons in L.A. and New York, is, like, truly unbelievable. You’re expected to clock out for lunch and never get paid. You’re expected to be there an hour early, stay two hours late.
Jonathan Van Ness
And the whole thing is that you’re treated like a step-child. Here it was down here, everything in the black, because they were stealing, basically. Stealing from us old country boys down here.
Waylon Jennings
In a law enforcement situation, black people are not always treated the same as white people would be.
Ato Essandoh
Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated… this can be applied to any situation.
Dante Hall
If someone feels they’re being maliciously treated, then they should sue for libel. And if someone is malicious, if they are reckless, they will have no defence in law at all.
Simon Singh
The writer in movies is about as low as you can get and

The writer in movies is about as low as you can get and you really are a hired hand. You are paid a lot of money to be treated like dirt.
Andrew Davies
We all want recognition and validation to an extent for our art, but greatness as a trade for decency is a risky proposition. In my life, I try to leave the people I encounter with the feeling that they have been respected and treated with warmth and appreciation.
For the most part, I think of PC as meaning Plain Civil. You treat people the way you’d like to be treated yourself, and that means not using language that is demeaning.
Jay Parini
I’m a forgiver. I might not forget, but I forgive. My mother, father and older brother always told me: ‘Don’t hold grudges. If you do that, you don’t lower yourself down to your adversary. Just treat people the way you want to be treated.’ I honestly think that’s why I was able to survive and have some success.
Monte Irvin
You have to deal with the fashion egos. You know, there is a lot. It shouldn’t be treated that seriously because fashion is only making dresses to make women look beautiful. We’re not inventing anything new.
Carolina Herrera
Musical theater has sort of always been there for me, but I haven’t always treated it with the same reverence as it’s treated me.
Gavin Creel
I try to live joyfully and the by the rule of treating others how you’d want to be treated – that’s a good one to stick by.
Chris Pine
My mum taught me to treat people the way I want to be treated.
Adam Goodes
Leaving Impact was a very difficult decision, as I had six months left on a very lucrative and talent-friendly contract. Anthem lived up to that contract and always treated me with the utmost respect as a businessman and a person.
Ethan Carter III
You just try to be nice to everybody and treat them all the same. Treat them how you would want to be treated.
Tim Tebow
Chicago is the greatest of all baseball cities. I make no exception, although I have been treated well wherever I have been. It is the greatest city because the fans will stick to a loser season after season. I have had my share of defeats, so I should know.
Charles Comiskey
My voice has been very, very produced, and very treated – but then, also, it hasn’t.
Ellie Goulding
The American taxpayer should not be treated more shabbily than debtors from other nations and we should be encouraging other nations to help rebuild Iraq’s economy.
Hillary Clinton
Whoever it is who’s filtering stuff makes it seem like women want to be more than men. My understanding… is that we’re asking to be treated the same.
Alexa Chung
When you’ve been out for five months, it takes a while to get everything straight in your head. Luckily, my coach and team-mates have treated me extremely well, because that’s important when you’re finding your way back.
Iker Casillas
Making movies has become such a golden ring, and it’s all such a big business, that the rewards system has gotten totally out of whack. Suddenly, you’re treated in a manner befitting someone who is actually an important person.
Ben Affleck
Black patients were treated much later in their disease process. They were often not given the same kind of pain management that white patients would have gotten and they died more often of diseases.
Rebecca Skloot
I came from Yale, where you get an extracurricular degree in self-importance because you went there. When AIDS happened, I was treated like an outcast. And I don’t like that feeling.
Larry Kramer
I would dare say that most anyone in public life, if they stay in public long enough, is not treated fairly.
Vince McMahon
If we’re going to be getting treated like that, why can’t we treat the clubs like that? I just want to see the game and the players looked after the way they should be because the crowds don’t turn up to watch David Gallop play… they turn up to watch the players play.
Sonny Bill Williams
When I arrived in America, I experienced serious culture shock. For someone with a religious upbringing, the 1960s were an extremely difficult time. Even though religion was a big part of the civil rights and peace movements, in my college religion was treated as irrelevant, hopelessly stodgy, and behind the times.
Feisal Abdul Rauf
Mary doesn’t want to be treated as Mary J. Blige: she just wants to be Mary.
Cameron Britton
Since the web is totally worldwide, we need a set of behavioural rules, laws they are commonly called, that are accepted worldwide. There is a big difference as to how things are treated in the U.S. and Europe and Asia.
Robert Cailliau
Bollywood has always pampered heroes and treated actors as second class citizens. But, of late, it has realised that there has to be space for actors who can connect with people.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Most people aren’t familiar enough with what actually goes on in professional wrestling to know just how badly women are treated in WWE narratives.
Jackson Katz
Our society demands that women be treated equally and that we not discriminate against them.
John McCain
As a judge, I have always treated colleagues and litigants with the utmost respect.
Brett Kavanaugh
I didn’t have a problem with myself or my skin. I had a problem with the way people treated me because of my skin. They tried to define me.
Winnie Harlow
Shanghai is an amazing city. The fans were so nice to my family and to myself and just treated us as their own. I’m extremely grateful to the Sharks for that opportunity.
Jimmer Fredette
I wasn’t embarrassed that I’d had a stroke, but I just didn’t want people to think I was milking it or looking for sympathy. It happened, and I dealt with it. Afterwards, I tried to do what I could for other people who had strokes, speaking at hospitals that treated stroke victims.
Rod Laver
The uncomfortable reality we must face is that California, like the nation as a whole, has treated generations of African Americans and Latinos as largely disposable.
Michelle Alexander
You know, sometimes you fall in love and you get treate

You know, sometimes you fall in love and you get treated badly, sometimes you get treated well.
As much as I was encouraged by the number of female-centric shows being bandied about, it feels like we’re being treated like a trend or a quota to be filled.
Betsy Beers
It is time Australian Muslims stop being treated as negotiable citizens in their own country. It is time people stop ‘tolerating’ us, presuming some right to decide if we have a place in our own home.
Randa Abdel-Fattah