Top 50 Meghan McCain Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Meghan McCain Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Gimmicks belong almost anyplace except a Republican pre

Gimmicks belong almost anyplace except a Republican presidential primary.
Meghan McCain
I love tattoos.
Meghan McCain
I don’t go to journalists’ houses and start dishing about anything private.
Meghan McCain
I want to say that since my dad has been diagnosed, I really feel like I understand the meaning of life, and it is not how you die: it is how you live.
Meghan McCain
My father’s legacy is going to be talked about for hundreds and hundreds of years.
Meghan McCain
There are only a handful of politicians who are truly great on Twitter – the rest rely on their account to release press releases.
Meghan McCain
When people tell me that I must get my maverick gene from my father, they are only half right. My father and I both have inherited our rebellious personalities from Nana. She has always lived her life on her own terms, something that was once considered quite scandalous, given the times she grew up in.
Meghan McCain
In most red states, country music is a major way of life.
Meghan McCain
I was raised in an open-minded home. I was raised a Christian, but I was raised open-minded Christian – one to accept people, love people, not pass judgment.
Meghan McCain
It’s no secret that the blogosphere is more vicious on women than it is on men.
Meghan McCain
I don’t think I suffer from Trump derangement syndrome in a sense that I can separate the man from the White House.
Meghan McCain
I am often invited to speak at colleges, and whenever I do Q and A’s, a question that inevitably comes up is, ‘How do you put up with the blogosphere?’ It’s a valid question, and I don’t really know what answer to give. The truth is that I don’t know what to do.
Meghan McCain
This should be the message of Occupy Wall Street: We just want a chance; our government needs to give us a chance.
Meghan McCain
There are people I know who love President Trump and think that he’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to America. I understand those people. I’m not shocked by them. I defend their right to love him. But I do think character and rhetoric matter.
Meghan McCain
I’m friends with people that probably would describe themselves as socialists and people that are much more conservative than I am. I can always find a middle ground.
Meghan McCain
A bad Tweet can cause scandal, shame, even possibly end a politician’s career.
Meghan McCain
Campaigns are weird animals and innately bring out bizarre road stories.
Meghan McCain
The America of John McCain is generous and welcoming and bold.
Meghan McCain
My favorite thing about my grandmother is her lust for life and how much she has shown me about living every day to the fullest. To say my grandmother has paved the way for me and so many women out there like me is an understatement.
Meghan McCain
I just think I’m the average all-American girl.
Meghan McCain
I spend a lot of time dancing in gay bars and want my gay friends to be able to get married, but I don’t know if I ever want to get married and have kids. And I think that’s a common struggle.
Meghan McCain
As I watched on TV the nest of reporters and groupies surround Palin at the Iowa State Fair, I couldn’t help but sit back and wonder if she’s become the ultimate party crasher for the Republican Party.
Meghan McCain
My family is really good at letting go of things and moving on.
Meghan McCain
We all know that Sarah Palin loves attention.
Meghan McCain
As a general rule, I wouldn’t put anything in a text or e-mail or on social media that I wouldn’t want the whole world to see.
Meghan McCain
I’m a nonstop extrovert, a people person who loves mingling and gabbing and getting out in the world.
Meghan McCain
The infamous political ads like Carly Fiorina’s ‘Demon Sheep’ and Christine O’Donnell’s ‘I Am Not a Witch’ are so confusing, it’s almost like they were paid for by Democrats.
Meghan McCain
My experience is authenticity and honesty always works best with people my age and younger, and even older. Millennials specifically really respond to keeping it real about your opinions.
Meghan McCain
What do I predict with the HBO ‘Game Change’ movie? I expect my family and Sarah Palin to be nothing short of crucified.
Meghan McCain
Much like the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street’s message has gotten wrapped up in stereotypes. The Tea Party was weighed down by the birther movement, and Occupy Wall Street has gotten looped in with hippie culture.
Meghan McCain
I am pro-life, but because life is complicated, that choice is between a woman and her idea of a higher power.
Meghan McCain
I'm not private about anything.

I’m not private about anything.
Meghan McCain
I am a person of great faith and idealism and have been in too many situations too many times to become an eternal pessimist regarding politics.
Meghan McCain
I make my living talking about serious subject matter, but I’m a weirdo.
Meghan McCain
When people don’t like my politics, I am happy to have a political discussion with them.
Meghan McCain
My father is gone, and I miss him as only an adoring daughter can.
Meghan McCain
Twitter is the most impulsive form of social media, but it’s still the most celebrated among politicians and pundits within the Beltway, which is curious, since it can destroy any sense of privacy.
Meghan McCain
It’s because of women like my grandmother Roberta – women who have lived their lives fearlessly, on their own terms – that I am who I am. I’m grateful to have such an inspiring woman as a grandmother.
Meghan McCain
Whatever historical or ideological relevance the Iowa caucus has will more than likely not get you to the White House, but it will probably get you a sweet gig at Fox News.
Meghan McCain
I can’t really regret things; you just have to move on and live your life.
Meghan McCain
You’re nobody unless you have a gay rumor about you. I’ve been hit on by women from time to time, and it might simplify my life if I were gay, but no.
Meghan McCain
Aside from the likability factor, I can criticize Hillary’s politics all day long, but I never question her intelligence. I have never doubted that she is a strong, capable, smart leader.
Meghan McCain
When I was a little girl, and we would visit my grandmother whenever we were in D.C., she would always greet us at the door in elegant suits or gowns with matching pearls and earrings.
Meghan McCain
The idea of the celebrity politician is nothing new, and depending on one’s perspective, either President Obama or Sarah Palin are the country’s first celebrity politicians.
Meghan McCain
I care more about my economy, national security, and fiscal conservatism than I do about what other women do with their bodies. It’s not my place, and I don’t believe it’s the government’s place, to make such decisions.
Meghan McCain
People expect me to live in a picture-perfect Pottery Barn kind of place, but I don’t like anything traditional.
Meghan McCain
I hate to rain on anyone’s parade or burst the enthusiasm bubble, but talk is especially cheap during an election season.
Meghan McCain
If you’re a public figure, and if you’re working in the White House, you should expect everything you’re saying in any context to be leaked.
Meghan McCain
I’m the daughter of one of the most long-standing senators in politics, and I have been given every opportunity that anyone could possibly dream of. I was given those opportunities as a result of the hard work from both sides of my family.
Meghan McCain
My generation grew up in the heyday of the ’90s, with the Internet boom and the birth of overnight millionaires. But our politicians seem to be pushing personal agendas over the idea of making the world a better place for their children.
Meghan McCain