Top 50 Whisper Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Whisper Quotes from famous people such as Dean Potter, Helen Baxendale, Hamish Bowles, John Cooper Clarke, Charles Caleb Colton, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I'm not saying take your dog wingsuit flying. But if we

I’m not saying take your dog wingsuit flying. But if we can take Whisper BASE jumping or climbing, maybe you can take your dog places you didn’t consider. Just find better ways to take your dog with you. They just love to be with their people and their pack.
Dean Potter
After I’d been on Friends, people would whisper as I went past. I no longer had proper dialogues with people.
Helen Baxendale
My obsession with accumulation, which at times has taken on the whisper of a psychic illness – as anyone who has experienced the ode to the Collyer brothers that is my ‘Vogue’ office will concur – began in infancy.
Hamish Bowles
If you want to know why the coast is such an inspirational place, ask Herman Melville, Jack London, Nordhoff and Hall, Robert Louis Stevenson or Joseph Conrad. It’s a glimpse of eternity. It invites rumination, the relentless whisper of the tide against the shore.
John Cooper Clarke
The two most precious things this side of the grave are our reputation and our life. But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the other.
Charles Caleb Colton
All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.
Rudolf Steiner
I do talk to myself, just not in a whisper. But I have caught myself sometimes.
Atticus Shaffer
It isn’t what they say about you, it’s what they whisper.
Errol Flynn
I just cannot imagine why anyone would want to be really famous. You go to a restaurant and people are pointing at you and they talk about you and they whisper and it is very disconcerting; it is a very odd feeling.
Jack Horner
Sounding like a toned-down Sufjan Stevens – or an even more toned-down Arcade Fire – Seabear’s quiet execution gives its music a breezy quality. It’s a sonically lush whisper, sharing secrets with anyone curious enough to listen.
Anthony Fantano
Censorship is saying: ‘I’m the one who says the last sentence. Whatever you say, the conclusion is mine.’ But the internet is like a tree that is growing. The people will always have the last word – even if someone has a very weak, quiet voice. Such power will collapse because of a whisper.
Ai Weiwei
Darren Aronofsky is on another level. You get lost in a scene, and he’ll come over and whisper something in your ear, and suddenly everything makes sense.
Douglas Booth
If I hear an interesting turn of phrase on TV, I’ll repeat it back – I just like to roll it around on my tongue. The same goes for dialog: I’ll either speak it aloud or whisper it. I definitely sit in front of my computer and mutter. People have mentioned it.
Terence Winter
When you hit a groove, it’s not you; it’s the spirit world. The spirits whisper the ideas in your brain and prod you along. They’re the ones that are really happy.
Tommy Chong
I love readings and my readers, but the din of voices of the audience gives me stage fright, and the din of voices inside whisper that I am a fraud, and that the jig is up. Surely someone will rise up from the audience and say out loud that not only am I not funny and helpful, but I’m annoying, and a phony.
Anne Lamott
In this age of communications that span both distance and time, the only tool we have that approximates a ‘whisper’ is encryption. When I cannot whisper in my wife’s ear or the ears of my business partners, and have to communicate electronically, then encryption is our tool to keep our secrets secret.
John McAfee
Speech is a very important aspect of being human. A whisper doesn’t cut it.
James Earl Jones
Sometimes the books most restrained about sex, even deeply scandalized by it, can whisper to us with the greatest hidden force. I am a huge admirer of the recently deceased, always underranked Evan S. Connell.
Allan Gurganus
The best servants of the people, like the best valets, must whisper unpleasant truths in the master’s ear. It is the court fool, not the foolish courtier, whom the king can least afford to lose.
Walter Lippmann
I never imagined ‘Catwoman’ would be part of my ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ journey. But when I turned up to the first of my top secret meetings about joining the show in April, that was the codename I had to whisper to hotel staff, just in case anyone found out that I was set to be a part of it.
Emma Weymouth
When you whisper about something, it’s too big, and you can’t get it under control and take control of it.
Joan Rivers
As virtuous men pass mildly away, and whisper to their souls to go, whilst some of their sad friends do say, the breath goes now, and some say no.
John Donne
I spend more time with Whisper than I do with anybody else. I chose her when she was three or four days old, I’ve had her since she was nine weeks. She’s a mini Australian cattle dog; cattle dogs need to have a job, and her job is just walking after me.
Dean Potter
My mum will not speak above a low whisper in public because she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself.
Richard C. Armitage
In a world that wants women to whisper, I choose to yell.
Luvvie Ajayi
I’ve gone on in a wheelchair. Another performance I did with no voice – and I had to apologize to the audience and whisper.
Carol Channing
Every night, whisper ‘peace’ in your husband’s ear.
Andrei A. Gromyko
If you want your kids to listen to you, don’t yell at them. Whisper. Make them lean in. My kids taught me that. And I do it with adults now.
Mario Batali
It is impossible that the whisper of a faction should prevail against the voice of a nation.
Lord John Russell
With true free speech has to come an understanding of when and when not to use it. But you can’t legislate that. It must be voluntary – especially in a world where a whisper can reach a million people in an eye blink.
Nick Harkaway
It is harder to kill a whisper than even a shouted calumny.
Mary Stewart
You can't please everyone. When you're too focused on l

You can’t please everyone. When you’re too focused on living up to other people’s standards, you aren’t spending enough time raising your own. Some people may whisper, complain and judge. But for the most part, it’s all in your head. People care less about your actions than you think. Why? They have their own problems!
Kris Carr
My mom told us never to reveal that we were Shia in school. You would find out that some other kid was Shiite, and you would whisper, ‘Hey,’ or you would see someone at the mosque, and you’d be like, ‘Hey, that kid’s Shiite!’ There was a lot of tension, a lot of violence in Karachi between Shiites and Sunnis.
Kumail Nanjiani
Are whisper networks good? That question itself is a little flat. Whisper networks arise in a vacuum of justice. They alleviate an untenable condition; they do not actually address it.
Sarah Jeong
Mind you, I’ve always been musical… Mother used to sit me on her knee and I’d whisper, ‘Mummy, Mummy, sing me a lullaby do,’ and she’d say: ‘Certainly my angel, my wee bundle of happiness, hold my beer while I fetch me banjo.’
Les Dawson
My wife said, ‘Take me in your arms and whisper something soft and sweet.’ I said, ‘chocolate fudge.’
Tommy Cooper
For many years, I thought a poem was a whisper overheard, not an aria heard.
Rita Dove
A secret is not something unrevealed, but something told privately, in a whisper.
Marcel Pagnol
Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can’t just say, ‘hi’. You say hi and people whisper’ man did you see the way she said hi? What an attitude.
Juliette Lewis
From the moment you say ‘action,’ this is the fun part – things should happen that surprise you, excite you, scare you, turn you on, make you laugh. If things aren’t surprising you, when you say ‘cut,’ whisper things to the actors that will make them do things that do surprise you.
Jill Soloway
For the participants of whisper networks – often women – these networks hum below the surface. Whispers are take it or leave it. Whispers are a defense, not an offense.
Sarah Jeong
All the working-class people could feel a Malcolm X. They could hear Malcolm X, and two weeks later they could whisper back what he said. Verbatim. They could remember the way he put it, and he put it so well.
John Henrik Clarke
I would hope it’s better, but I’m actually acknowledging now that I want to explore all these levels from a whisper to a scream with this gift I’ve been given.
David Coverdale
I don’t outline; I listen to a kind of whisper inside the material.
Jayne Anne Phillips
But I now entered on my fifteenth year – a sad epoch in the life of a slave girl. My master began to whisper foul words in my ear. Young as I was, I could not remain ignorant of their import.
Harriet Ann Jacobs
We cannot be kind to each other here for even an hour. We whisper, and hint, and chuckle and grin at our brother’s shame; however you take it we men are a little breed.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.
Thomas Carlyle
Our demo tape we got signed on was composed of three songs, ‘Wham Rap,’ half of ‘Club Tropicana’ and a verse and the chorus of ‘Careless Whisper’ and we thought that was good enough.
Andrew Ridgeley
Some people will believe anything if you whisper it to them.
Miguel de Unamuno
Just as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when they are able to breathe forth their love for each other, to let their souls blend in a soft whisper, so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he can, as it were, creep into God.
Soren Kierkegaard