Top 500 Along Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Along Quotes from famous people such as Beth Hart, Carl Jung, Suzi Quatro, Rick Wagoner, Ken Griffey Jr., and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

'Better Than Home,' the song, is about getting out of y

‘Better Than Home,’ the song, is about getting out of your hiding place and having the courage to live as loud as possible. It is about feeling the life that has been given and has been waiting for you all along.
Beth Hart
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
Carl Jung
The bass player’s function, along with the drums, is to be the engine that drives the car… everything else is merely colours.
Suzi Quatro
A lot of other things come along with Chapter 11, which basically end up in a lot of pain.
Rick Wagoner
I enjoy photography. It’s a lot of fun. It keeps me on my P’s and Q’s and, when you think about it, most people think photography is just going to a game. But you start to think, dang, that would be a good picture. Or you’re driving along and see something and think, ‘that would be nice.’
Ken Griffey Jr.
I’ve made three musical movies which is pretty good considering that not many are made but I was lucky in other ways. I came along when independent movies were starting to boom.
Christopher Walken
The best way to get along is never to forgive an enemy or forget a friend.
Walter Winchell
To be happy, we must be true to nature and carry our age along with us.
William Hazlitt
Animals praise a good day, a good hunt. They praise rain if they’re thirsty. That’s prayer. They don’t live an unconscious life, they simply have no language to talk about these things. But they are grateful for the good things that come along.
Mary Oliver
Harvey never had an original idea or thought in his life. I was out wandering around the country doing charity benefits, mainly, when I asked him to come along.
Tim Conway
My father was a police officer before he retired. One of my brothers is also a police officer, and I think they kind of expected I would do something along those lines, like become a fireman or something.
Ryan Reynolds
When I first started all this, it was mostly music fans that came along, Stones fans. But now, I’m being taken seriously. I’ve got highfalutin’ art collectors and everything!
Ronnie Wood
When I write stories I am like someone who is in her own country, walking along streets that she has known since she was a child, between walls and trees that are hers.
Natalia Ginzburg
Some of us are turtles; we crawl and struggle along, and we haven’t maybe figured it out by the time we’re 30. But the turtles have to keep on walking.
John B. Goodenough
I don’t have to sit around and wait for the next movie to come along, I can go out and sing.
Diana Ross
Error is acceptable as long as we are young; but one must not drag it along into old age.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In terms of Ray Liotta, when I was a teenager growing up in Colorado, I didn’t have pictures of girls on my wall. I had pictures of Ray Liotta on my wall. Along with Mike Patton, he was one of my heroes.
Derek Cianfrance
What I always wanna tell young people now: Pay attention. This isn’t gonna happen again. Rather than try to understand it as it’s going along, have it go along for a while and then understand it.
Carrie Fisher
Pride is an independent, me-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and hard to get along with. When our heart is prideful, we don’t give God the credit and we mistreat people, looking down on them and thinking we deserve what we have.
Joyce Meyer
Work takes different forms. I can spend two or three days without completing anything, and it’s choppy: it’s filled with all kinds of irrationalities and stupid actions. I have some notion, and then I drop it because something else comes along. I’m forever darting from one side of the room to the other.
Edward Ruscha
What I care most about is representing my constituents. If that ruffles a few feathers along the way, so be it.
Jared Polis
The traveller who aspires to reach the highlands of Tibet from Kashmir cannot be borne along in a carriage or hill-cart. For much of the way, he is limited to a foot pace, and if he has regard to his horse, he walks down all rugged and steep descents, which are many, and dismounts at most bridges.
Isabella Bird
You can be in terrible shape, and if you take a three-hour walk through the forest and along the river, you’re simply not the same as when you started out.
Jim Harrison
I don’t see a benefit in accepting every single little morsel of work that comes along because I think, in essence, what you’re doing is you’re raping yourself really.
Karl Urban
We all have so much more power to make our dreams a reality – and love life along the way – than we think we do!
Rachele Brooke Smith
During three decades, along all the highways of my youth, Frank had always been there for me.
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Creative people who can’t help but explore other mental territories are at greater risk, just as someone who climbs a mountain is more at risk than someone who just walks along a village lane.
R. D. Laing
Climate change is threatening ecosystems in South Carolina, while making it less safe and more costly to live along our coastline.
Jaime Harrison
The stuff I did in ‘Rescue Me’ was great. It gave me the opportunity to play comedy, and Denis Leary was the first one to take a chance with me. And from that experience, we had a comedy pilot that we did that I was going to play the lead in. And then ‘Person of Interest’ came along. They’re all new experiences.
Kevin Chapman
I found that part of it towards San Salvador extending from north to south five leagues, and the other side which we coasted along, ran from east to west more than ten leagues.
Christopher Columbus
Obama was elected by the people, and I was glad that barrier was broken down. I did, along with my wife, campaign for him in Ohio because that was a key state. If I had to say does he rate an ‘A’ or does he rate a ‘D,’ it would be very difficult. I give him a ‘C.’
Jim Brown
L.A. still ranks as one of my guilty pleasures, along w

L.A. still ranks as one of my guilty pleasures, along with butter-pecan ice cream and Coldplay albums.
Damian Lewis
I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.
Walt Disney
I gravitated to economics because I’m interested in how people coordinate and collaborate with each other. Economics studies all the ways people get along with each other.
Alvin E. Roth
As a kid, I’d watch MTV and think how great it would be to have my own music videos on those shows. Now I turn on MTV and, along the bottom of the screen, it often reads, ‘Coming next… Pixie Lott.’ That’s so strange that I can’t even begin to make sense of it.
Pixie Lott
I’m just easy to get along with.
Rules help govern and steer a relationship along, so they’re good things. But they become bad things when they become the narrow gate though which the relationship must always pass. When this happens, the rules become the basis for the relationship and, in a sense, become a substitute for the relationship.
Miroslav Volf
I began these clinics because I want to share my years of experience in around the ring, in addition to my proven winning methods. I have seen the good and the bad. I have learned valuable lessons, which I want to pass along to those truly interested in the sport.
Emanuel Steward
The women of my generation and my daughter’s generation, they were very active in moving along the social change that would result in equal citizenship stature for men and women.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
In my life I’ve learned that true happiness comes from giving. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. I think that love is what we’re all searching for. I haven’t come across anyone who didn’t become a better person through love.
Marla Gibbs
Those men get along best with women who can get along best without them.
Charles Baudelaire
NASA needs to decide, along with Congress, what our destination is going to be, whether it’s going to be the moon, an asteroid or on to Mars. And we’re building a heavy-lift vehicle to get us there and building the capsules that’s going to be needed to carry the crew.
Shannon Walker
I tend to give to those who have helped me along the road of life: Blair Academy, Princeton University, our church, and several hospitals that got me here in one piece. On the community side, I’ve always been a big supporter of the United Way.
John C. Bogle
The white spruce forest along the banks is most inspiring, magnificent here. Down the terraced slopes and right to the water’s edge on the alluvial soil it stands in ranks.
Ernest Thompson Seton
I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me.
Anna Quindlen
The threat and use of violence is stimulating nuclear proliferation along with jihadi terrorism.
Noam Chomsky
There will always be a replacement coming along very soon – a newer version, a crazier version, a louder version. So if you haven’t got a long-term plan, then you are merely a passing phase, the latest trend, yesterday’s event.
Grace Jones
I was a pretty delinquent little kid. My folks and I didn’t get along, so I basically moved out… put myself through high school and then college by working. I’m only a half-year short of a degree in history.
Al Jourgensen
My grandfather, along with Carnegie, was a pioneer in philanthropy, which my father then practiced on a very large scale.
David Rockefeller
The way you can be careful of the catastrophe that success can bring is by paying attention to something else that comes along with success – responsibility.
El DeBarge
There is still need to think and plan, but on a different scale, and along different lines.
C. S. Forester
A few months into my research, General Petraeus, who was then leading Central Command, invited me to go for a run with him and his team along the Potomac River during one of his visits to Washington. I figured I could interview him while we ran.
Paula Broadwell
My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.
Denise Van Outen
Can we all get along?
Rodney King
I started writing a journal, and I was learning so much along the way. How to deal with your family, how to deal with your friends.
Tom Brokaw
Along with never having got round to writing down our constitution and having a monarch who legally owns all the swans, one of the things that makes the UK a bit of an outlier is our university admissions system.
David Olusoga
I am convinced that the best service a retired general can perform is to turn in his tongue along with his suit and to mothball his opinions.
Omar N. Bradley
All musicians practice ear training constantly, whether or not they are cognizant of it. If, when listening to a piece of music, a musician is envisioning how to play it or is trying to play along, that musician is using his or her ‘ear’ – the understanding and recognition of musical elements – for guidance.
Steve Vai
If I had rolled along with the strip’s popularity and repeated myself for another five, 10 or 20 years, the people now ‘grieving’ for ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ would be wishing me dead.
Bill Watterson
I can’t imagine wanting to be famous just for the sake of being famous. I think fame should come along with success, talent.
Kat Dennings
Don’t look at the downside of everything that comes along. It helps life move along so much smoother and nicer.
George Smathers
For there to be communication within a couple, it is enough for there to be only one person who communicates or who really wants to communicate. Even though a couple consists of two people, if one of the people in a couple puts all their effort into moving a couple along they will move along.
Pedro Almodovar
The old Court you and I served so long will not be wort

The old Court you and I served so long will not be worthy of its traditions if Nixon can twist, turn and fashion If Nixon gets away with that, then Nixon makes the law as he goes along – not the Congress nor the courts.
Earl Warren
If your child marches to a different beat, a different drummer, you might just have to go along with that music. Help them achieve what’s important to them.
Sonia Sotomayor
I’ve said all along that God is in control.
Tony Dungy
I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil.
Michelle Shocked
We fill our lives with all sorts of things that make it easier for us to get along in the world: wheelchairs, crutches, grabber sticks, hearing aids, canes, guide dogs, modified vehicles, ramps, as well as other kinds of services and supports. Disability does not necessarily mean dependence on other people.
Stella Young
It would have been an interesting run if we hadn’t gotten along! It was good casting, I suppose.
Dominic West
Everyone is really getting along with each other and we enjoy each others company and love playing live.
Billy Sherwood
I joined Twitter in 2009 and tweeted along which was amazing. It completely elevated my viewing of ‘Big Brother’ because to be able to watch it in real time and all of us discussing what was going on.
Davina McCall
Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.
Johnny Carson
My main concern is if this composer has been made aware of the fact that I’ve come clean in all of my cases. I killed in pure hate, robbing along the way. So if this person hasn’t, then I’d sure appreciate it if someone would inform him or her of it.
Aileen Wuornos
Along came a police lieutenant named Columbo, and my life would never be the same.
Peter Falk
‘Flip’ is an anthology of four short films, and I am in the one called ‘Massage,’ along with Sandeepa Dhar and Viraj Patel.
Jim Sarbh
I work in a small study on the top floor of a brownstone in Brooklyn – it’s about 75 square feet, 11 taken up by book shelves along one wall.
Kathryn Harrison
I was always on the go, and thought I was too busy to develop something like this. I thought at the time that diabetes went along with bad habits, but I was the last one in my family to eat junk food.
Angie Stone
Not long ago, a hat was a conformist accessory. Then the 1960s came along, and young people didn’t want to wear hats.
Philip Treacy
To devise an information processing system capable of getting along on its own – it must handle its own problems of programming, bookkeeping, communication and coordination with its users. It must appear to its users as a single, integrated personality.
Cliff Shaw
For me it’s absolutely necessary to start from the very beginning. I can’t think of coming and contributing something anywhere along the line other than the very start.
George Stevens
Statesmanship is harder than politics. Politics is the art of getting along with people, whereas statesmanship is the art of getting along with politicians.
Fletcher Knebel
I exercise about 40 minutes a day, and I’ll run one day and do circuit training the next day. I live in an area where there are brilliant hills and mountains, so I get a good hill run with my dog. At home, I’ll do the circuit training with old weights, along with pull-ups in the trees and that sort of stuff.
Bear Grylls
If something happened along the route and you had to leave your children with Bob Dole or Bill Clinton, I think you would probably leave them with Bob Dole.
Bob Dole
During the dot-com days, one could take just about any company public and reap fortunes. All you had to do was to make sky-high projections for growth, say you were in the Internet space, and go along with unscrupulous investment bankers and their analysts.
Vivek Wadhwa
I was the seventh in the family. By the time I came along, one brother and two sisters had already become teachers, and this was the sort of path carved out for the rest of the family.
Henry Moore
It’s like Forrest Gump said, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates.’ Your career is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. But everything you get is going to teach you something along the way and make you the person you are today. That’s the exciting part – it’s an adventure in itself.
Nick Carter
If you see something is going wrong within politics and the world today, then some Hip Hop artist is gonna come along and get straight with it. If they think that there’s a lot of racism going on then there’s another Hip Hop artist who’s gonna come out and speak their mind.
Afrika Bambaataa
The fact that I was going to be the first American woman to go into space carried huge expectations along with it.
Sally Ride
I want to be where I’m wanted, and that’s what I’ve said all along. When a team is willing to step up and commit to me fully for the long haul, then why would I want to be anywhere else?
Kirk Cousins
Crispin Glover is unusual, but not as unusual as he sometimes presents himself. We got along nicely.
Thomas F. Wilson
I like to move forward and notice things along the roadside that indicate where I should go.
Josh Homme
We desecrated the traditional values, but new values didn’t come along.
Rocco Buttiglione
Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, look like the only attitude acceptable to today’s standards.
Pope Benedict XVI
The Giraffe took the horse’s head and led him along on the most level parts of the road towards the railway station, and two or three chaps went along to help get the sick man into the train.
Henry Lawson
One of the things I have always said about the man-woma

One of the things I have always said about the man-woman relationship is that I don’t want anybody to walk ahead of me, and I don’t want anybody to walk behind me. I want a man who will walk along beside me. And that’s how I feel about equal rights.
Cicely Tyson
Along the borders to Ethiopia and Somalia, anarchy reigns, the police and military have retreated quite some distance.
Richard Leakey
At the time I came along, Hollywood’s idea of teen movies meant there had to be a lot of nudity, usually involving boys in pursuit of sex, and pretty gross overall. Either that or a horror movie. And the last thing Hollywood wanted in their teen movies was teenagers!
John Hughes
If all the ways I have been along were marked on a map and joined up with a line, it might represent a minotaur.
Pablo Picasso
When you’re onstage and the audience is smiling and singing and bopping along and you’re all on the same level, it’s the best feeling in the world. It may sound dumb and corny to say it, but it’s like pure love.
Joan Jett
The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher.
Elbert Hubbard
I like the platform to show your art and everything that goes along with that. To show your voice and hopefully find films that are more politically driven, films that maybe inspire.
Antoine Fuqua
The typical journalist’s typical lead for the typical Canadian story nowadays is along this line: that Canadians are hard at work trying to gain a reputation as a nation of rapid social change.
Stockwell Day
A guitar player goes on the road, and he misses his girlfriend for a while, but he manages to get along. A horn player gets out on the road, plays two or three towns, and then he’ll get lonely, and next thing you know, he’s packed up and left. It’s better not to hire him in the first place.
Albert King
I get along with guys; most of my friends are guys. It’s easier to trust men sometimes. I only have a few close girlfriends that I trust.
Paris Hilton
I was involved in the robbery for a purpose, and that was because I knew somebody who could drive a diesel train. I was responsible to take along this old guy who could drive the train.
Ronald Biggs
Joe Wright called me and I also had some trepidation along those lines but he said no, it would work. He had a very clear and specific idea of what he wanted to do.
Donald Sutherland
Acting was something that just came along. But I made good money, so it wasn’t something I was just going to put aside and pretend it didn’t exist.
Kurt Russell
It took five days to drive to Los Angeles by myself. I listened to Abbey Road for six hours at a time and watched the desert open up before me again and again. I saw the sun set and rise at the Grand Canyon, and I sang out over the cliffs, picked up tumble weeds along the way and threw them in the back of my car.
Madi Diaz
My sister is an opera singer. I grew up going to her recitals. This whole time, I’m like, ‘She’s the singer. I’m just strumming along and yelling.’
Benjamin Booker
I could never describe it to anyone how I knew, but there was no mistaking it. One moment, I was walking along undecided – and the next moment, I knew that it was God’s will for me to go to America. I don’t think I could describe it any more accurately.
Peter Marshall
It comes from the likes of you! Take what you can get! Grab the chances as they come along! Act in hallways! Sing in doorways! Dance in cellars!
Alexander Woollcott
I just loved the guitar when it came along. I loved it. The banjo was something I really liked, but when the guitar came along, to me that was my first love in music.
Doc Watson
Well, when Joe Biden is president you will no longer see this separation of families along the border. We welcome these families to enter into the United States.
Jill Biden
Since I’m a contrarian, I don’t want to go along with what everyone else thinks.
Akira Toriyama
Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea, God Bless, keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and paid forward for the next kid who comes along.
Elizabeth Warren
Obviously, the genes of women are flawed. They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.
Cenk Uygur
I had a gig in Sweden. There were thousands of people there, and when I launched into ‘I’m Yours,’ they were all singing along. It was as if I was singing the Swedish national anthem. I was stunned.
Jason Mraz
You do things when the opportunities come along. I’ve had periods in my life when I’ve had a bundle of ideas come along, and I’ve had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I’ll do something. If not, I won’t do a damn thing.
Warren Buffett
I’m an enormous admirer of Christopher Lee. He’s somebody, along with Vincent Price, who I celebrate, and I wanted my movies to show that celebration and that honoring of these great film stars that were unafraid to go into horror and Grand Guignol and the macabre.
Nicolas Cage
You want to hire great people and give them the opportunity to fail. You need to let them figure things out as they go along. If they fail repeatedly, then you probably have to find a different person, but if you don’t let people have that opportunity to fail, they don’t get to learn and grow and try things.
Dave Goldberg
My mother would take me to Tirumala right from when I was 7 years old. I used to go along with her every time.
Akkineni Nagarjuna
‘The Wizard of Oz’ is my favourite. It explains what life on this planet is about. Although Dorothy reaches Oz, she finds she had what she needed to go back to Kansas all along, but the Good Witch tells her that she had to learn it for herself. All of the answers to the meaning of life are there.
I knew one thing: as soon as anyone said you didn’t need a gun, you’d better take one along that worked.
Raymond Chandler
Everything on my body turned real dark. My toes, under my feet, inside my mouth, under my tongue – I just turned really dark. I’m still here, but it’s gonna take a while to get back to normal. Chemo kills all the good cells along with the bad.
Sharon Jones
Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.
William Allingham
My journey has been a very fun one because I've chosen

My journey has been a very fun one because I’ve chosen to make the best of every challenge that I’ve had along the way no matter what.
God made me the way I am for a reason and I would never change that. I lead a normal life as much as possible and deal with the bumps in the road as they come along with my head held high and a smile on my face!
Lizzie Velasquez
Epic started out with scripting languages in the first generation of the Unreal engine in 1998. I wrote that. There’s a place in my heart that comes along with the simplicity of programming in a scripting language.
Tim Sweeney
So if I keep making mistakes on Broadway or tape or film, producing, directing or acting, I can go along and do it – so long as I’m not investing too much capital in these things.
Jackie Cooper
The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.
It is to TV that I owe my freedom from bondage of the Latin lover roles. Television came along and gave me parts to chew on. It gave me wings as an actor.
Ricardo Montalban
If you really want to get along with somebody, let them be themselves.
Willie Nelson
For every LeBron James that jumps onto the scene, or every Derrick Rose that does really well in year one, you have a lot of others that take time to transition. Those guys are just brilliant in their own way, but a lot of other guys need a little help along the way.
B. J. Armstrong
The soul, which is spirit, can not dwell in dust; it is carried along to dwell in the blood.
Saint Augustine
If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.
Roger Staubach
I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him, he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I’m the kind of person who can hear that stuff. If you sing along to the radio and you’re not going to sing unison with the melody, but find the harmony, I find that pretty easy to do.
Art Garfunkel
I feel there are two people inside me – me and my intuition. If I go against her, she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.
Kim Basinger
When I walked to school in the mornings I would start out alone but would pick up four other boys along the way. We would set out together after school across the village green.
Roald Dahl
High-speed rail would revolutionise interstate travel and would also be an economic game-changer for dozens of regional communities along its path.
Anthony Albanese
Let a man walk ten miles steadily on a hot summer’s day along a dusty English road, and he will soon discover why beer was invented.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
To teach a child an instrument without first giving him preparatory training and without developing singing, reading and dictating to the highest level along with the playing is to build upon sand.
Zoltan Kodaly
The origins of my career as a peace mediator can be found from my childhood years. I was born in the city of Viipuri, then still part of Finland. We lost Viipuri when the Soviet Union attacked my country. Along with 400,000 fellow Karelians, I became an eternally displaced person in the rest of Finland.
Martti Ahtisaari
If somebody comes along and says, ‘OK, Benny Hinn, I’m gonna help you financially so you can pay your own bills,’ or if I can do it on my own and get a job and do something on the side like I’m doing now, it would be a pleasure.
Benny Hinn
Title IX came along and changed a lot of things for the better, but nevertheless, it meant that money became more important.
Dan Jenkins
The only people who have control over their careers are the ones you see on the covers of magazines. Everyone else is just plodding along making a living. The key is not to live over your means and overdo it.
Adam Baldwin
I was exposed to Grace Jones and highlife music at a young age. I would sing along and as I grew up, music was the only thing that felt like a safe haven for me.
Bree Runway
We are paying the price for living longer, collecting degenerative diseases along the way. Cancer is only one. Others are heart and brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons.
Aaron Ciechanover
A lot of wasted energy in my life has been spent on sorting out problems and issues at Yorkshire cricket. Of course, I know I made mistakes along the way, but I care passionately about the club – I always have done and always will.
Geoffrey Boycott
A friend of mine said something powerful at his grandfather’s funeral. He said that the greatest lesson from his grandfather’s life was that he died empty, because he accomplished everything he wanted, with no regrets. I think that, along with leaving a legacy, would be the greatest sign of success.
Marvin Sapp
When you play on a team, you learn that there will always be five guys you like, a bunch of guys who are OK, and five you despise. The trick to getting along in any system is not to worry about the five you despise.
D. B. Sweeney
I’ve been offered guest spots on the TV shows ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ and ‘Martial Law,’ along with others.
If I could talk to my younger self, I would just say that the path to great things is filled with a lot of stumbles, suffering, and challenges along the way. But if you have the right attitude and know that hard times will pass – and you get up each time – you will reach your destination.
Jonny Kim
Up until like five seconds ago, I just took what jobs came along.
Paul Bettany
You hope that some day a part will come along and you can do your stuff and people will go, ‘oh that’s good.’ I just got very lucky.
Adrian Dunbar
I love children and I get along with them great. It's j

I love children and I get along with them great. It’s just that I believe if you’re going to be a parent, there has to be something inside you that says, ‘I want a family.’ I don’t feel that sense of urgency.
George Clooney
Great images take you on a journey via a single photograph. The depth and layers pull your eye all over the frame, causing you to pick up interesting pieces along the way, ultimately coming to a climax.
Jimmy Chin
All in all, for someone who was immersed in, fascinated by, and dedicated to flight, I was disappointed by the wrinkle in history that had brought me along one generation late. I had missed all the great times and adventures in flight.
Neil Armstrong
With a definite, step-by-step plan – ah, what a difference it makes! You cannot fail, because each step carries you along to the next, like a track.
Scott Reed
If I were not able anymore to come to the lab, that’s retirement. Or if I had no more ideas of things. Every year, there’s something new that comes along that’s too exciting to quit.
Mildred Dresselhaus
It is a dark, unspoken truth that the powerful – the ‘ruling class’ – make up the rules as they go along.
Marilyn Ferguson
I make mistakes daily, letting generalizations creep into my thoughts and negatively affect my behavior. These mistakes have taught me that the first step to successfully choosing kindness is being more mindful about it, letting go of impatience and intolerance along the way.
Daniel Lubetzky
I’d like to be remembered for being a fairly pleasant person and for having gotten along for the most part with a lot of the people I’ve worked with. And for having a wonderful life and for having enjoyed practically every minute of it… I think I’m one of the luckiest people in the world.
Harry Morgan
You can get along very well in this world by simply coming up with a quantity of reasonably valid statements.
B. F. Skinner
For many people, the age of 20 is when they first reach adulthood, and it’s a time full of ideals and dreams. But when I was 20, a lot of misfortune came along. I spent a year in the hospital and couldn’t move, and I was forced to think a lot.
Lee Min-ho
One must know the so-called ‘lesson of a downpour.’ A man, caught in a sudden rain en route, dashes along the road not to get wet or drenched. Once one takes it for granted that in rain he naturally gets wet, he can be in a tranquil frame of mind even when soaked to the skin. This lesson applies to everything.
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
When the ideas are coming, I don’t stop until the ideas stop because that train doesn’t come along all the time.
Dr. Dre
The aspects of patriotism that hush dissent, encourage going along, and sanction comfortable distancing and compliance with what is indecent and unacceptable… those aspects are too fundamental to ignore or gloss over.
Bernadine Dohrn
We live in a dancing matrix of viruses; they dart, rather like bees, from organism to organism, from plant to insect to mammal to me and back again, and into the sea, tugging along pieces of this genome, strings of genes from that, transplanting grafts of DNA, passing around heredity as though at a great party.
Lewis Thomas
Although I believe that scripture is divinely inspired and infallible, I have a hard time going along with the belief that the whole creation process occurred in six twenty-four hour days.
Tony Campolo
‘Tis easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows along like a song; But the man worth while is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’
Eleanor Roosevelt
Uncontrolled, the hunger and thirst after God may become an obstacle, cutting off the soul from what it desires. If a man would travel far along the mystic road, he must learn to desire God intensely but in stillness, passively and yet with all his heart and mind and strength.
Aldous Huxley
People take the longest possible paths, digress to numerous dead ends, and make all kinds of mistakes. Then historians come along and write summaries of this messy, nonlinear process and make it appear like a simple, straight line.
Dean Kamen
I remember thinking, ‘I can’t act.’ Pretending to be someone else is a terrifying thought. The thing was that, along with other people, I could create a whole world. I felt absolutely right directing.
Garry Hynes
I got along with people very well at every job I had, people liked me and I liked them and I loved being on my feet.
Barbara Corcoran
I wasn’t interested in having to live with a camera – I have a hard enough time getting along with myself. I don’t need cameras around and all that action.
John Trudell
The original idea of being anonymous – it was a great, naive idea on paper in 2008, not knowing to what degree we’d be touring or to what extent this was going to be a professional operation. That regimen is very hard to live by. What I hadn’t foreseen was the fans and their willingness to embrace that and play along.
Tobias Forge
As you go along the way, you learn new things, but my basic game has remained the same. You learn about the mental aspect of the game as in how to disturb the flow of the bowlers. You get matured with experience.
Shikhar Dhawan
That’s one of the things that is hardest about being the Bachelor. You often have to end relationships that are actually going quite well, just because your time together is up. If other relationships are further along, you have to go with your gut and follow your heart.
Chris Harrison
PM Modi has provided visionary leadership with his focus on the welfare of the poor and inclusive nature taking along his whole team, including states, parties, all schools of thought, all sections of society.
Piyush Goyal
In fact, jazz has such a great feeling and great emotional content that it really doesn’t require you to have technical understanding of it. I think you just have to allow your feelings to go with the music and you will find yourself carried along by it fairly quickly.
Dave Holland
I’m a romantic and will only marry for love where there’s respect and compatibility. I’d like to be with someone if the right person came along. I really like male company. I like the male mind.
Cherie Lunghi
I really tried out for the part of Harry Potter, but they ended up picking me for the part of the enemy of Harry. Actually it is really fun playing the bad kid because it just has so many interesting qualities to it. And Daniel Radcliffe and I get along really well off set so it’s really fun filming.
Tom Felton
On Tuesday 26 July 2011, I was arrested in front of the White House along with a dozen other pro-immigrant advocates and clergy. We sat down on the sidewalk in front of the White House with a banner that read ‘One Million Deported Under President Obama’ and refused to move when the police ordered us to.
Luis Gutierrez
I prefer the smaller budget versus the bigger budget because the mentality that goes along with big budget filmmaking doesn’t really suit me; the mind-set that money is the answer.
Keenen Ivory Wayans
Sometimes they keep us in the dark, but it's TV, so som

Sometimes they keep us in the dark, but it’s TV, so sometimes they keep us in the dark because even they don’t know yet. You know what I mean? So, it sort of develops as it goes along and according to various needs that arise.
Aaron Stanford
There, in the chords and melodies, is everything I want to say. The words just jolly it along. It’s always been my way of expressing what, for me, is inexpressible by any other means.
David Bowie
I tried to join three gangs, and every single one gave me a different excuse, but it was pretty much along the lines of, ‘You’re too goofy. You’re too cute. You don’t fit in.’
Tiffany Haddish
I learned a lot from my Mom. My favorite lesson: remember there is no such thing as a certain way to parent and to remember that you are learning along with your child – it’s ok to make mistakes.
Regina King
That’s the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they’ve been all along.
Madeleine L’Engle
I’ve been fortunate enough to really work with amazing people and have incredible people lead me along the way.
Mickie James
I was a tomboy right from the time I was a kid and loved to be like that. I’d hate all the girlie things. Well my best friends as a kid have been boys. I get along best with the opposite sex. I guess that’s the case with most people though!
Natasha Henstridge
I’m not big on Champagne, but I’d take along a bottle of Cristal to pop for when the boat comes to the rescue.
Sam Neill
If transportation technology was moving along as fast as microprocessor technology, then the day after tomorrow I would be able to get in a taxi cab and be in Tokyo in 30 seconds.
W. Daniel Hillis
It’s about pursuing it rather than waiting to see what comes along. That’s partly because I found myself getting typecast, as everyone does unless they pursue roles that are very different from what they’ve done before.
Christian Bale
I didn’t know, at 22, that regret is useless. If I could go back and change something – give myself some big break, pass along some secret information, reassure myself that most things would, in fact, work out – I don’t think I would.
Rumaan Alam
We should keep on going along the path of globalization. Globalization is good… when trade stops, war comes.
Jack Ma
I’m still driving along on the pop freeway of life. Thinking even further into the future, I definitely want to make an acoustic record. I want to try lots of different things.
Katy Perry
All quiet along the Potomac.
George B. McClellan
I wanted to be a classical actress. I plodded along. I went to junior college in San Francisco, I was in a Repertory Company. My hero was Eva Le Gallienne, who was a great theater actress at the turn of the century who created her own company, and she wrote these hilarious autobiographies at the time.
Annette Bening
You can’t just coast along. You need to be extraordinary. If you want a promotion or a raise, ask yourself, ‘How can I behave in a way to get my boss to believe I deserve one?’
Megyn Kelly
I’m just smart enough to know what it is I don’t know and try to learn as I go along and accept that you’re going to make mistakes, and there are going to be things that are not going to be perfect.
Ronald D. Moore
But we also believe in taking risks, because that’s how you move things along.
Melinda Gates
We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native language.
Benjamin Whorf
Thanh Hoa itself is a rich agricultural province. Rice fields, a pattern of many shades of green, stretch far into the distance along the road, which also winds through foothills and the fringes of heavy jungle where tigers are said to roam. The vegetation, wild or cultivated, is lush.
Noam Chomsky
China has to go along with world trends. That’s democracy, liberty, individual freedom. China sooner or later has to go that way. It cannot go backward.
Dalai Lama
Read my letter to the old folks, and give my love to them, and tell my brothers to be always watching unto prayer, and when the good old ship of Zion comes along, to be ready to step aboard.
Harriet Tubman
Men are destroyed for being rebellious, and women destroy themselves by failing to be rebellious. Unless you can make that next jump to either getting along with people or resisting people, you are ultimately destroying yourself.
Chuck Palahniuk
We hope that, when the insects take over the world, they will remember with gratitude how we took them along on all our picnics.
Bill Vaughan
You can’t get along without a knowledge of the principles and rules governing the influence of one color upon another. A mechanic might as well try to get along without tools.
Winslow Homer
In 2008, when the real estate market blew up, it principally hurt older people who saw the value of their houses go down, along with their pension plans.
Juan Williams
Some people would view Jackie Robinson as a very safe African-American, a docile figure who had a tendency to try to get along with everyone, and when you look at his history, you learn that he has this fire that allows him to take this punishment but also figure out savvy ways of giving it back.
Chadwick Boseman
In all my fantasies, I always assumed I would get married and have six children along the way with the greatest of ease.
Molly Ivins
I don’t like lyrics that are just thrown together, that were obviously written as you went along, or the song was already written and the guy made up the lyrics in five minutes.
Neil Peart
On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ And Vanity comes along and asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But Conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’ve always been very image prone, along the lines of bands like Black Sabbath and even Devo.
Peter Steele
The whole concept of 'grounding' children is utterly st

The whole concept of ‘grounding’ children is utterly stupid – they just go off and rebel and don’t like you. When my kids eventually come along, I don’t want them to not like me.
Kate Winslet
I’ve never had a clear road map. When things come along, I benefit.
Greg Kinnear
When I write something, I want the best director to direct it. And that’s not going to be me. So when David Fincher comes along and wants to direct ‘The Social Network,’ when Bennett Miller comes along and wants to direct ‘Moneyball,’ or when Danny Boyle wants to direct ‘Jobs’? Hallelujah. I want them directing it.
Aaron Sorkin
Nearly two weeks have passed since Hurricane Katrina made landfall along the Gulf Coast, and while we are still dealing with the tremendous devastation – and will be for quite some time – we are also seeing increased signs of recovery and help in our region.
Jo Bonner
A lot of new dads don’t realise that you can’t take your 5-year-old along to see something like ‘The Avengers.’ Modern superhero films are too violent, and the dialogue is far too convoluted for a child.
Rhys Darby
I grew up in the African bush in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda, which is my thing. I love the smell of the dust as you bump along in a Land-Rover. I go back there often.
Giles Foden
I don’t want to make the same mistakes of being swept along with things, taking on jobs that I’m not passionate about, that I don’t really believe in but that everyone says I should do.
Kelly Brook
I get along with the Democrats, but please – I’m not their hero.
John McCain
Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way.
Vera Wang
The videos have given us a younger audience. You know, our audience grew up with us until the videos, and they were beginning to get a little long in the tooth. Then the videos came along, and now we’ve recaptured the 16-year-old girls. The 16-year-old girls!
Dusty Hill
Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people – your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way.
Barbara Bush
A wave isn’t like a skate ramp or mountain; everything’s moving around and you have to time how to move along with it. That’s easier with a slow wave.
Kelly Slater
That’s the way I got along in life. I don’t ever remember being particularly jealous of anybody, because I figured if I can’t do it myself, I don’t deserve to get it.
Clyde Tombaugh
Nihilism in American comedy came along way before ‘The Simpsons.’ There was a fairly nihilistic point of view to ‘Saturday Night Live,’ for instance, back in the beginning, and a lot of really dark comedy had a really anti-sentimental take on life.
Matt Groening
It’s never crowded along the extra mile.
Wayne Dyer
Along with my teammates, we have a lot more great things to achieve, and we will continue to help PSG grow as a big club internationally. The support of all those that love this club will help us go beyond our own limits and defend our colours with passion and determination.
Angel Di Maria
I want kids to know: Don’t wait for somebody to come along and tell you you’re special. Because that may never happen.
Michelle Obama
The game really started in 1969 with Pot Black, but in 1970, along came Alex Higgins and the game took off.
John Virgo
Looking at the world from other species’ points of view is a cure for the disease of human self-importance. You suddenly realize that consciousness – which we value and we consider the crowning achievement of nature, human consciousness – is really just another set of tools for getting along in the world.
Michael Pollan
There’s a lot of spotlight that comes along with being the best in the world.
Jason Day
Getting along with men isn’t what’s truly important. The vital knowledge is how to get along with a man, one man.
Phyllis McGinley
I happened to come along in the music business when there was no trend.
Elvis Presley
Eventually you can get into the nuts and bolts of reality: nurturing, caring, and getting along.
Jody Watley
I’ve said all along I don’t want to be a number two goalkeeper.
Simon Mignolet
You know as far as diet goes, for a while I was really obsessed with counting fat grams along with the rest of the world.
Jean Smart
I dress some of the most successful women in the world, and meeting these women rubs off on you. A few years ago, the woman was someone I imagined in my head. Now they’re real. It’s important my work evolve along with me and that I show more facets of myself.
Jason Wu
Comrade Kim Jong Il, who was faithful to Comrade Kim Il Sung’s ideas and cause, led our revolution along the glorious road of victory, braving the severe trials and adversities of history by dint of his unique leadership of the Songun revolution.
Kim Jong-un
Along with that ongoing process Sinn Fein took a decision to establish a peace commission which had the responsibility to travel around the country to receive submissions from the general public, also our opponents.
Martin McGuinness
The first thing I wrote was a one-act play that got accepted at a one-act play festival, and I was in it along with Nathan Lane and a couple of other very good actors.
Aaron Sorkin
If you’ve got one bowler – particularly a fast bowler – who is really aggressive, all over the opposition, he brings the rest of the team along with him.
Glenn McGrath
Exercise is really important to me – it’s therapeutic. So if I’m ever feeling tense or stressed or like I’m about to have a meltdown, I’ll put on my iPod and head to the gym or out on a bike ride along Lake Michigan with the girls.
Michelle Obama
Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find

Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You’ll find lovely fighting all along the line.
Philip Kearny
The work environment on ‘Battlestar Galactica’ is unbelievable, and it’s something that doesn’t come along very often.
Katee Sackhoff
When I visited Syrian special forces along the front lines, I was given extraordinary amounts of detail. They gave me the code numbers for the various positions they’ve got, told me where the rebels were – about 800 meters away in a forest. I met soldiers who had been wounded but were still serving.
Robert Fisk
Leadership cannot just go along to get along. Leadership must meet the moral challenge of the day.
Jesse Jackson
Having drive is a big part of success, along with integrity. You need to have a clear vision of what you want and take the steps to achieve it, even if that sometimes means playing gigs in tiny clubs.
Vonda Shepard
I’m very physical. I’m extremely active, and I would love to do something a little more sexy and dangerous, a la Sophia Loren, or funny and humorous, a la Woody Allen. Getting to do things along those lines would be extremely wicked and a dream come true.
Azita Ghanizada
I was shooting a bikini promotion in Mahe in the Seychelles in 1980 when there was a military coup and I, along with a roomful of other people, ended up being kidnapped and held hostage at gunpoint in a windowless room with no ventilation for 36 hours.
Brigitte Nielsen
Do not quit! Hundreds of times I have watched people throw in the towel at the one-yard line while someone else comes along and makes a fortune by just going that extra yard.
E. Joseph Cossman
When ‘Penthouse’ and ‘Hustler’ came along, they confused what I was trying to do. Before they arrived, we were perceived as a sophisticated men’s magazine.
Hugh Hefner
Seasonally ploughing and harvesting crops will mash up a few moles, slice through a burrow of field mice and crush any ground-nesting bird chicks. Far more significant, however, is the creation of the field in the first place: an act that replaces entire ecosystems, along with all their animal inhabitants.
Tristram Stuart
For anybody to say well this is not Hip Hop and that’s not Hip Hop, that is not the way the formula was laid down. It was for the people who were going to continue take anything musically and string it along.
Grandmaster Flash
No matter how love-sick a woman is, she shouldn’t take the first pill that comes along.
Joyce Brothers
Like, I get along with everybody. I respect everybody, but at the same time, I carry myself with an aura that demands respect, too.
Lil’ Kim
The blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It is a tsunami-like phenomenon, slowly advancing and gradually enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression.
William Mougayar
Its a touchy subject, ’cause I never want to take it there, where it seems like it’s all about race. But I feel like that’s something that comes along with the territory of being a black quarterback. When you have success – ‘Oh, you’re a freak athlete.’ Not, ‘Oh, you’re a good quarterback.’
Colin Kaepernick
Most of us really aren’t horribly unique. There are 6 billion of us. Put ’em all in one room and very few would stand out as individuals. So maybe we ought to think of worth in terms of our ability to get along as a part of nature, rather than being the lords over nature.
Herbert A. Simon
You don’t start a company because you want to be an entrepreneur or the fame and glory that comes along with it. You become an entrepreneur, and you create a company to solve a real problem. And by real problem, I mean a problem that is going to exist down the line.
Aaron Patzer
Jeb Bush is the foremost authority on education reform in the Republican Party, and I will look to reform the ballooning costs of our higher education system along the lines that he has advocated.
Ron DeSantis
We all have the same destiny. The difference is opening ourselves up to possibilities to joy, hope, and happiness along the way. Give yourself and others a chance to take advantage of what’s out there and available.
Diane Ladd
Of course, there is no question that Libya – and the world – will be better off with Gaddafi out of power. I, along with many other world leaders, have embraced that goal, and will actively pursue it through non-military means. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.
Barack Obama
I was extravagant in the matter of cameras – anything photographic – I had to have the best. But that was to further my work. In most things I have gone along with the plainest – or without.
Edward Weston
We have to initiate a bio-shield movement along the coastal areas by raising mangrove forests, plantations of casuarina, salicornia, laucaena, atriplex, palms, bamboo and other tree species and halophytes – all that can grow near the sea.
M. S. Swaminathan
As for accomplishments, I just did what I had to do as things came along.
Eleanor Roosevelt
That whole ‘Bo’ Selecta!’ thing was damaging. I played along with it; I said it was cool, I can take a joke, roll with it, so I went on the show. But it was killing me.
Craig David
I will always remember this summer day in Paris, when I was to perform a great acrobatic move. I can still see myself stepping on the ring of a packed circus along real performers.
Tony Curtis
Have you ever walked along a shoreline, only to have your footprints washed away? That’s what Alzheimer’s is like. The waves erase the marks we leave behind, all the sand castles. Some days are better than others.
Pat Summitt
Everybody who know Rick Ross know that, for one, I love creating music, and one of the biggest impacts we have on the game was the fact that when we came into the game, artists was waiting two to three years to put out albums. I was one of the few that put out an album every year along with two or three mixtapes.
Rick Ross
Extraordinary circumstances often bring along with them extraordinary strength. No man knows, till the experiment, what he is capable of effecting.
William Godwin
Every time I think I’m going to take it slow, a good script comes along.
Rajkummar Rao
When ‘Deadwood’ came along, it was totally like Shakespeare. The long speeches were like soliloquies. If one phrase of a monologue was out of whack, the entire one-page speech didn’t work.
Powers Boothe
And then, as the years went on, I just kept moving along, busting into doors and getting roles, until I started to actually believe that what these other people were saying was true.
Vincent D’Onofrio
When I married Marjorie, along with her, I got this ver

When I married Marjorie, along with her, I got this very large family and a bunch of family friends. It’s a dynamic I’ve never been around. I’ve always been kind of a loner, and my attempts at domestic life failed miserably. So the family dynamic is a great thing.
Joe Walsh
I have two main reasons for retiring. The first is I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past. That has been very, very frustrating to me throughout this past year. The second one is realizing my health, along with my family, is the most important thing in the world.
Mario Lemieux
Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom.
Film festivals should also show commercial films along with parallel cinema. This is the only way that it could reach out to more people.
Aishwarya R. Dhanush
Bruce Willis. Pain in my ass, no problem about that. We just didn’t get along. We got along off camera, but shooting we just didn’t get along.
Antoine Fuqua
I think that American women are further along than any other women in the world. But you can’t have peace in a world in which some women or some men or some nations are at different stages of development. There is so much work to be done.
Alice Paul
Just as we could have rode into the sunset, along came the Internet, and it tripled the significance of the PC.
Andy Grove
When I arrived in Laos and found young Americans living there, out of free choice, I was surprised. After only a week, I began to have a sense of the appeal of the country and its people – along with despair about its future.
Noam Chomsky
I just always really wanted to swim. It was always a family thing: dad obviously swam, and my sister did, too. And mum used to come along to meets. They had to drag me out of the pool – so there was never any pressure on me to swim. It was just something I loved doing.
Aimee Willmott
Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the thing you can’t hear, and not bothering.
A. A. Milne
If you want to get along, go along.
Sam Rayburn
At its height, Rome’s empire stretched right along the coast of north Africa and sub-Saharan Africans passed to and fro across its porous southern border.
David Olusoga
My position has always been, along with many other people, that any differences be resolved in a nonviolent way.
Jimmy Carter
As a kid I was short and only weighed 95 pounds. And though I was active in a lot of Sports and got along with most of the guys, I think I used comedy as a defense mechanism. You know making someone laugh is a much better way to solve a problem than by using your fists.
Tim Conway
Your own business growth and success depends on many things, and along that growing path, you are going to have to concede certain responsibilities and activities – whether for your accounting, your production, or day-to-day management.
Michael Gerber
I love driving; driving along the California coastline is the best drive in the world.
Al Jardine
In a big family the first child is kind of like the first pancake. If it’s not perfect, that’s okay, there are a lot more coming along.
Antonin Scalia
I think the existence of zombies would contradict certain laws of nature in our world. It seems to be a law of nature, in our world, that when you get a brain of a certain character you get consciousness going along with it.
David Chalmers
I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.
Denzel Washington
There really is a certain magic that happens when you’re in the studio. And it’s important in life to feel that magic: to feel that there is something greater moving all this along.
Jeff Ament
It’s a small community, the classical music community, along with the excitement of new places and new things and this feeling of being at home wherever you go because that’s where your community is.
Joshua Roman
There’s no question that the gay movement would not be as far along as it is without AIDS. But how can there be any other issue in the face of death, possible extinction?
Larry Kramer
When I was a kid, we didn’t have any blues stations. I never heard Howlin’ Wolf or Muddy Waters or any of those people until the Stones had come along, and I took it upon myself to find out who these people were that they were covering.
Tom Petty
The team has come along slow but fast.
Casey Stengel
If you’re going to help somebody, sneak in, sneak out, do what you can. I just sneak along and do my thing and meet wonderful people, some people I’ve never met, new friends.
Bobby Orr
Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
George Herbert
I have often heard that the novel is dead. But I see novels produced, I don’t know how many a week, in France. I have the impression it’s carrying along quite well.
Nathalie Sarraute
A lot of them have families to feed, and I think it’s a tragic situation where players aren’t comfortable speaking what’s on their mind or what’s right because they’re afraid of consequences that come along with it. That’s not an ideal environment for anybody.
Colin Kaepernick
If the prime directives were followed a little more accurately here on earth, I mean it sounds somewhat Pollyanna, but I think people would certainly get along better.
Jonathan Frakes
I don’t act, anyway. The stuff is all injected as we go along. My pictures are made without script or written directions of any kind.
Buster Keaton
I’d been playing Ted in the show for about a year as well as playing in the group in my spare time. Then, at the ‘Scrubs’ Christmas party, I offered to bring along the band to sing a song. The producers thought we were terrible – but perfect for the show.
Sam Lloyd
I want to be remembered as one of the best entertainers

I want to be remembered as one of the best entertainers that had come along. That is what I’d like fans to talk about when they mention Ricky Steamboat.
Ricky Steamboat
I always have melodies flowing in my head – whether I’m just at home, at the mall, at a restaurant or wherever. I’m always humming along to the random melodies that form in my head. My friends always ask me, ‘What are you singing?’ and I’ll be like, ‘I don’t know!’
At the start of my career, I fought to prevent offshore drilling along the Atlantic Coast.
Frances Beinecke
The Sherpas play a very important role in most mountaineering expeditions, and in fact many of them lead along the ridges and up to the summit.
Edmund Hillary
There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. This would nevertheless require a courageous change of attitude on the part of political leaders.
Pope Francis
I start my day with two eggs and two slices of toast along with juice and take 1-2 chapatis with dal and curd rice at lunch.
Milkha Singh
Some minds remain open long enough for the truth not only to enter but to pass on through by way of a ready exit without pausing anywhere along the route.
Elizabeth Kenny
I was trained classically in violin and voice, which led to musical theater. Then I left the music scene to chase acting, which is when ‘Neighbours’ came along. It was a fantastic playground for actors, and the cast around me taught me a lot.
Jesse Spencer
Life’s like a ball game. You gotta take a swing at whatever comes along before you wake up and find out it’s the ninth inning.
Martin Goldsmith
There’s never been someone like me in history – a fighter like me only comes along every 1,000 years.
Tyson Fury
Like everybody, I’m making up my life as I go along.
Jerry Cantrell
Along with opportunities, there also exist many other tricky and complex issues to be managed in India. These include tackling both policy-level challenges and infrastructure challenges.
Gautam Adani
On a personal level, we all get along fine.
Alex Van Halen
Illegal immigration is not just a matter of interest in states along our border with Mexico. It is having an effect on local economies, schools, health care delivery, and public safety all across the country.
Roger Wicker
I’m so thankful to everyone who has helped me along the way.
Zach Ertz
Especially with a comedy, you’ve got the clear cut goal of trying to make a scene funny. It’s not like drama where you’re trying to achieve some kind of emotion or trying to further the story along. You’re trying to figure out what’s the funniest way to do something.
Luke Wilson
I have a cat and a dog. They don’t really get along, but I think they get along when no one is looking.
Mackenzie Foy
Kids are our future, and we hope baseball has given them some idea of what it is to live together and how we can get along, whether you be black or white.
Larry Doby
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
Terry Pratchett
I covered the Vietnam War. I remember the lies that were told, the lives that were lost – and the shock when, twenty years after the war ended, former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara admitted he knew it was a mistake all along.
Walter Cronkite
As far as our fans are concerned, I’m the only one who counts; along with my teammates, obviously.
Alessandro Del Piero
For me, one of the most beautiful and rewarding aspects of serial reality TV is that characters can move freely along a spectrum of heroism and villainy.
Andrea Seigel
I know some things when I start. I know, let’s say, that the play is going to be a 1970s or a 1930s play, and it’s going to be about a piano, but that’s it. I slowly discover who the characters are as I go along.
August Wilson
No matter what you write, you actually can’t help retelling a fairy tale somewhere along the way.
Catherynne M. Valente
I believe economic growth should translate into the happiness and progress of all. Along with it, there should be development of art and culture, literature and education, science and technology. We have to see how to harness the many resources of India for achieving common good and for inclusive growth.
Pratibha Patil
There are unwanted emotions and pain that goes along with any birth.
John Travolta
Those who tread among serpents, and along a tortuous path, must use the cunning of the serpent.
Thomas Becket
Jim Longenbach, poet, critic, and my husband, is always passing along life-changing books for me to read.
Joanna Scott
I feel that I communicate best when I am not deliberately being linear. Along this same line, I feel some of the best sermons I’ve ever heard were in the theatre rather than the pulpit – as, for example, in the Theatre of the Absurd.
Malcolm Boyd
I certainly have gotten caught up in the music business at various times in my life, mostly because you want to get along with whatever record company you’re dealing with. I don’t want to be flaky. I don’t want to be some temperamental, hard-to-work-with musician.
Frank Black
My youngest brother and I went on a ten-day canoe trip in Bowron Provincial Park in British Columbia years ago. Believe it or not, we took only granola, thinking we’d be eating a lot of lake trout. Well, we neglected to bring along a net, and our fishing line was only 8-lb. test.
Will Hobbs
This is the rock 'n' roll life, and you had to invent i

This is the rock ‘n’ roll life, and you had to invent it as you went along. There was no textbook to say how you operate this machinery.
Keith Richards
If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man’s future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual’s total development lags behind?
Maria Montessori
All along the untrodden paths of the future, I can see the footprints of an unseen hand.
Boyle Roche
I think it just helps to be very aware that fundamentally, there are no adults. Everyone is making it up as they go along. You have to find your own path, picking, choosing, taking and discarding as you see fit.
Naval Ravikant
Lorrie came along, which is the best thing that ever happened to me. Because of her, I straightened up my life.
Keith Whitley
I think when you get older, things come along that you know are a test in some way of your ability to stay with it. And when e-mail came along, I was just going to fall in love with it. And I did. I can’t believe it now – it’s like one of those ex-husbands that you think, ‘What was I thinking?’
Nora Ephron
Steve Fisher did not like me at all. I was hyper-critical of him. I didn’t think he was much of a coach. He just kind of rolled the ball out there and I was pretty outspoken about that. Steve Fisher and I didn’t get along at all.
Jason Whitlock
A lot of people have helped me along the way. But you know the biggest thing for me was when computer animation came along.
Chris Wedge
I hardly knew anything when I first arrived. I had to learn how to act as I went along. After about a year I got a grip on what acting was all about and it started coming straight from my heart; I wasn’t just saying the words any longer.
Melissa George
The goal is never be a copycat of ourselves. It’s more along the lines of taking risks in our music.
Chad Gilbert
Along with Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple, these companies are in a race to become our ‘personal assistant.’ They want to wake us in the morning, have their artificial intelligence software guide us through our days, and never quite leave our sides.
Franklin Foer
I never thought about myself as an activist when we were coming along. I love the people I love. I didn’t care whether they could be a Democrat, Republican, communist… anything but a racist.
Ruby Dee
The most general law in nature is equity-the principle of balance and symmetry which guides the growth of forms along the lines of the greatest structural efficiency.
Herbert Read
I was training to be an electrician. I suppose I got wired the wrong way round somewhere along the line.
Elvis Presley
Most professional women I know – myself included – long since gave up looking for a rulebook or a roadmap; we make it up as we go along. Every day presents a new choice, a new challenge, which makes long-term career planning seem like an especially abstract exercise.
Nancy Gibbs
The desire for attention has become a primal need along the lines of food, water, and clothing.
Alexandra Petri
The family is inclusive of not just your genetic family, but the people that you meet along the way.
Jane Seymour
I had massive admiration for lots of players. Richard Hill would be up there, along with Martin Johnson.
Brian O’Driscoll
I took solace in my relationship with God who, along with my dog, was my best friend growing up.
Lisa Bonet
I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way, but if I have changed even one life for the better, I haven’t lived in vain.
Muhammad Ali
Strengthening the system and spirit of cooperative federalism, my government is taking the states along to achieve national goals.
Ram Nath Kovind
As a professional writer of detective stories, I string along with the ballplayers. I love a ball game.
Rex Stout
As kids, we spontaneously sing and dance and tell stories, and along the way, someone comes and says, ‘No. You shouldn’t be doing that.’ And we slowly begin to unlearn our passions. I think you have to hold on to those things.
J. Michael Straczynski
My grandma said – when I was really young and I’d sing along to the radio – why do you sing in an American accent? I guess it was because a lot of the music I was listening to had American vocalists.
Emma Watson
As a naturally reserved and quiet person, it’s definitely a challenge being thrust into this atmosphere of celebrity and everything that comes along with that. Some parts I’m resisting more than others but can’t for much longer, so I’m just trying to find a way to make sense of it all.
Michael B. Jordan
When I start a picture, I always have a script, but I change it every day. I put in what occurs to me that day out of my imagination. You start on a voyage; you know where you will end up but not what will occur along the way. You want to be surprised.
Federico Fellini
An increased push for energy efficiency, renewable energy technology, electric mobility – along with the growing digitalization movement and a universal carbon pricing structure – would speed up the carbon-free future and the rise of a global middle class we desperately need. We can and must all do our part.
Joe Kaeser
I got along better with the guys than with the girls. Only two girls came up to talk to me. Later I found out they were telling their boyfriends, ‘If you talk to her, I’ll kill you.’ It’s always rough with that high school thing.
Christina Aguilera
If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.
Leonardo DiCaprio
I think that one of the nice things about the Yellow Submarine movie is that it seems to be perennial. People enjoy watching from each generation. And it was like the Beatles themselves. You know the Beatles seem to find new audience each time another generation comes along.
George Martin
Socialism and the woman movement are two mighty streams which drag along with them great parts of the firm formations which they touch.
Ellen Key
I had two passions growing up - one was music, one was

I had two passions growing up – one was music, one was technology. I tried to play in a band for a while, but I was never talented enough to make it. And I started companies. One day came along and I decided to combine the two – and there was Spotify.
Daniel Ek
I would try and sing along with bands that I like but it sounded so atrocious that I couldn’t.
Joaquin Phoenix
Certainly as a director you want to be working with people who are on the same page as you and that you can trust and get along with.
Robert Eggers
It’s one of those weird things where I’m always curious about what’s next. It’s not just an empty restlessness, I try to appreciate things as they’re going along and in the moment, but when things are good, I’m always anxious about how I can better that or take it on further.
David Droga
While I drew, and wept along with the terrified children I was drawing, I really felt the burden I am bearing. I felt that I have no right to withdraw from the responsibility of being an advocate.
Kathe Kollwitz
I came along with that crowd of singer-songwriters who were able to make their own statements in such a personal way that it changed the industry: Laura Nyro, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Sly and the Family Stone.
Al Jarreau
My advice for girls who are waiting for their Prince Charming is to be open for anything. Be open to new experiences, be open to the idea that it may take longer than you want, but if you’re open to meeting new people and new adventures, then love will come along.
Lily Collins
It’s tempting to say the Ph.D. didn’t have an effect, but it’s not so. I think whatever resonance I may be able to achieve is in part simply from the amount of reading and learning that I acquired along the way.
Robert B. Parker
Sometimes people wonder why aeroplanes are so cheap and rockets are so expensive. Even the most superficial comparison shows one obvious difference: aeroplane engines use outside air to burn their fuel, while rockets have to carry their own oxidisers along.
Henry Spencer
Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don’t find out til too late that he’s been playing with two queens all along.
Terry Pratchett
Any sort of major change we want to make in our life is hard. Change is not easy and true change takes time and takes thousands, millions probably, of failures along that path and that’s the interesting thing.
Cory Barlog
This is the thing I’ve learned, after a lot of couch time: There are always red flags. You need to look for those red flags along the way so you don’t continue to make the same mistakes with another person.
Michelle Pfeiffer
The true triumph of reason is that it enables us to get along with those who do not possess it.
When I go to the shore, I take along the poems of Pablo Neruda. I suppose it’s because the poems are simultaneously lush and ripe and kind of lazy, yet throbbing with life – like summer itself.
Tom Robbins
The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.
Earl Nightingale
My party was the only party that opposed the bifurcation of the state in Parliament, and I was suspended from the House along with the other MP from my party. TDP supported and voted for bifurcation, as did the Congress and BJP. Every party barring mine voted.
Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy
New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind. The extent to which that transformation is positive will depend on how we navigate the risks and opportunities that arise along the way.
Klaus Schwab
There’s a belief… in the country that we can cure unemployment by creating opportunity. The skills gap proves that opportunity along is not enough to get people employed.
Mike Rowe
Every time you think television has hit its lowest ebb, a new program comes along to make you wonder where you thought the ebb was.
Art Buchwald
Many go through life afraid of numbers and upset by numbers. They would rather amble along through life miscounting, miscalculating and, in general, mismanaging their worldly affairs than make friends with numbers.
Shakuntala Devi
I first fell in love with music when I was a little boy. When I first heard music, I felt the beauty in it. Then, being able to tap along on a table top and box was great, but my favorite thing to do was to watch records spin. I would almost get hypnotized by it. These things are what drew me in initially.
Narada Michael Walden
Everybody is sitting around saying, ‘Well, jeez, we need somebody to solve this problem of bias.’ That somebody is us. We all have to try to figure out a better way to get along.
Wilma Mankiller
The first riff that I totally mastered was ‘Come As You Are’ by Nirvana. I remember sitting there, plunking along, I remember thinking ‘How do they even do this?’
Nita Strauss
By the time I was six, I made an important discovery that I get along much better with animals than humans.
Glenn Gould
‘Prodigal Son’ actually came along a lot quicker than I was expecting my next job to come. I was prepared to take a while off, but then it was such a good opportunity that I couldn’t turn it down.
Tom Payne
It’s very much up to you, how you shape your life. I mean, I missed out on human relationships. But looking at relationships that I’ve seen along the way, I don’t think I’ve missed much.
You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.
Walter Hagen
I like more the fact that I like to think out of the box. Thinking out of the box goes along with dressing out of the box and living out of the box.
Peter Marino
The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy.
Sam Levenson
I feel an important part of beauty is not only what you do on the outside but also what you put into the inside. Good fresh food with many vegetables along with love and caring for others. I spend way more time serving others than I do on my beauty routine daily.
Kim Alexis
The autumn wind is a pirate. Blustering in from sea with a rollicking song he sweeps along swaggering boisterously. His face is weather beaten, he wears a hooded sash with a silver hat about his head… The autumn wind is a Raider, pillaging just for fun.
Steve Sabol
If you want to grow a giant redwood, you need to make s

If you want to grow a giant redwood, you need to make sure the seeds are ok, nurture the sapling, and work out what might potentially stop it from growing all the way along. Anything that breaks it at any point stops that growth.
Elon Musk
When you’re in the day-to-day grind, it just seems like it’s another step along the way. But I find joy in the actual process, the journey, the work. It’s not the end. It’s not the end event.
Cal Ripken, Jr.
Getting sober was one of the three pivotal events in my life, along with becoming an actor and having a child. Of the three, finding my sobriety was the hardest thing.
Gary Oldman
My mom and dad were divorced, and although they got along very well, my mom thought American television was reprehensible, so I was raised on the BBC. I kind of agreed with her. We watched American news, though.
Joss Whedon
In the literal sense, there has been no relevant evolution since the trek from Africa. But there has been substantial progress towards higher standards of rights, justice and freedom – along with all too many illustrations of how remote is the goal of a decent society.
Noam Chomsky
I had a wife and children. I was mostly working in painting and decorating and then taking the occasional acting job as they came along. At that stage in your life you have to think about your priorities. It looked like I was going to have to take the building more seriously and give up acting.
Charley Boorman
I was hooked on aviation, made model airplanes, and never thought I would be able to fly myself. It cost too much. But then World War II came along and changed all that.
John Glenn
It’s such a great honor to be mentioned along The Beatles.
I think NATO is a Cold War product. I think NATO historically should have shut up shop in 1990 along with the Warsaw Pact; unfortunately, it didn’t.
Jeremy Corbyn
I thought Godzilla was a mess, the monster had no character and the humans didn’t either. They forgot to make the movie that went along with all these wonderful effects.
George A. Romero
Value will always be on top of everyone’s lists now, right along with safety.
David Neeleman
I used to think about how nice it would be to visit the planets. Of course, I didn’t expect to see in my lifetime what has happened. I knew it would happen some day, but it came along faster than I at first thought.
Clyde Tombaugh
Listening to my dad playing guitar along to ‘Sleepwalk’ by the Shadows was probably the first time I discovered emotion in music.
Kevin Parker
When I embarked on creating ‘Shrimp’ a couple of years ago, I never could’ve imagined where this journey would take me or the wonderful people I’d come to know along the way.
Zelda Williams
When I was a child, my father used to take me for walks, often along a river or by the sea. We would pass people fishing, perhaps reeling in their lines with struggling fish hooked at the end of them. Once I saw a man take a small fish out of a bucket and impale it, still wriggling, on an empty hook to use as bait.
Peter Singer
My ideal woman would be someone with both beauty and intelligence. Someone who can hold her own in a conversation, gets along with my family and respects elders, loves children, and have a sense of humour as whacky as mine.
Karan Patel
Each director maintains a different personality. Either you get along, or you don’t.
Jason Statham
I just make it my business to get along with people so I can have fun. It’s that simple.
Betty White
We learned a verse of this and that and we were having fun with the songs. Tommy would make up stories to go along with them and I would yell at him, ‘Hey, stupid, that’s not right,’ and he was like a silly kid trying to impress.
Dick Smothers
A holiday vacation can mean sampling all kinds of new cuisine – whether it’s Uncle Joe’s award-winning chili or the exotic flavors of Nepal. If your little ones are fussy, be sure to ease mealtime hassles by bringing along a supply of the familiar foods they’re accustomed to rejecting at home.
Adam Mansbach
Through shallow intellect, the mind becomes shallow, and one eats the fly, along with the sweets.
Guru Nanak
New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can’t be done. 2) It probably can be done, but it’s not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along!
Arthur C. Clarke
It’s easy. You draw a red line on the ground, right? Then you wait for a chicken to come along. When he arrives, he puts his beak right on the line and he’s hypnotized!
Joey Santiago
I take the harsh criticism along with the compliments.
Matt Lauer
I’ve always been more interested in organisms that can move on their own than in stationary plants. But when I canoe or hike along the edge of lakes or oceans and see trees that seem to be growing out of rock faces, I am blown away. How do they do it?
David Suzuki
I’ve been trying to eat healthier, but sometimes it doesn’t work out when you’re sitting in front of the TV drinking wine, and you realize you really need ice cream to go along with it.
Aja Naomi King
The reason you come to manage Newcastle is to be in front of 50-odd thousand every week, even if you might get a bit of stick along the way.
Steve Bruce
The only people available to change the world are the people now living in it, with all the beliefs they bring along – however retrograde those beliefs may appear to those of us who see ourselves as enlightened.
Todd Gitlin
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help… Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.
Barack Obama
By our Heavenly Father and only because of God, only because of God. We’re like other couples. We do not get along perfectly; we do not go without arguments and, as I call them, fights, and heartache and pain and hurting each other. But a marriage is three of us.
Barbara Mandrell
I’m a guy who is easy to get along with, and I’ll put up with a lot of things. But not dishonesty.
Scottie Pippen
You have to get along with people, but you also have to

You have to get along with people, but you also have to recognize that the strength of a team is different people with different perspectives and different personalities.
Steve Case
I found a great many pieces of punctuation and typography lying around dormant when I came along – and I must say I had a good time using them.
Tom Wolfe
As a father and grandfather, I have witnessed firsthand the joy of new life entering the world. I know the pain and apprehension that goes along with premature births and birth defects.
Solomon Ortiz
Bishop Frederick Henry of Calgary is facing at least two official objections to his public statements along with expensive hearings before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for expressing his biblical views on same sex marriage.
Stockwell Day
I found out when I was 18 that Dad had left my mother and the family before he realised he was ill and then died. When I asked Mum about it, she just sort of shrugged it off and said she’d thought I knew about it all along. Of course I hadn’t, though I’m sure she must have been desperately unhappy at the time.
Martin Clunes
Basketball is a lifelong game. You continue to learn from the game day in and day out, and all along the way, you get better.
Scottie Pippen
Every industrial revolution brings along a learning revolution.
Alexander De Croo
The real existential challenge is to live up to your fullest potential, along with living up to your intense sense of responsibility and to be honest to yourself about what you want.
Fei-Fei Li
I’m so grateful for all the experiences I’ve had; the life lessons I’ve learned along the way are just completely invaluable.
Gretchen Bleiler
Time scoots along pretty fast when you grow up.
Alan Ladd
Once – many, many years ago – I thought I made a wrong decision. Of course, it turned out that I had been right all along. But I was wrong to have thought that I was wrong.
John Foster Dulles
If you don’t know what to do with many of the papers piled on your desk, stick a dozen colleagues initials on them and pass them along. When in doubt, route.
Malcolm Forbes
Your parents leave you too soon and your kids and spouse come along late, but your siblings know you when you are in your most inchoate form.
Jeffrey Kluger
Music is a passion of mine, so I also want to continue along that path, creating with my friends.
Sasha Grey
The people that live in my hometown do not walk along the street with smiles on their faces. It is a desperate place, but I got out.
Natalia Vodianova
Reinforcement learning is the idea of being able to assign credit or blame to all the actions you took along the way while you were getting that reward signal.
Jeff Dean
My mom and dad were ‘helicopter parents,’ literally. Meaning, I didn’t have a nanny, so I went up in the helicopter. My entire early childhood education consisted of tagging along while they reported on car accidents, multiple-alarm fires, and shootouts.
Katy Tur
I was a slow starter. I didn’t really make any dazzling impressions. But I don’t really regret that because I learned a lot along the way. I always kept busy – I found my way my way, and I’m happy about it.
Christopher Lloyd
When you are in the infrastructure sector, you’ve to work along with the government.
Gautam Adani
What’s been nice is that I’ve been able to direct from a very idealistic place. I’ve never had to make my living as a director, which gave me a chance to choose material I feel passionate about. The directing allows me to not have to grab any acting role that comes along. I can pick and choose a little bit.
Bill Paxton
The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker.
Helen Keller
The heart of our relationship, this natural environment that has blessed us really all along the west coast of North America, on both sides of the border we’ve realized that this incredible natural wealth comes with a price.
Dan Miller
I’m a very outgoing person. I’m always happy, I’m one of those people who are always smiling. If somebody described me to somebody else, they’d say the kid with the curly hair with the big smile on his face. I get along with everybody.
Corbin Bleu
Dance, theatre, etc. as art, will disappear along with the dominating ‘expression’ of tragedy and harmony: the movement of life itself will become harmonious.
Piet Mondrian
You don’t have to hit perfect shots all the time here. The variety of shots you get to play, the shots you sometimes have to hit along the ground, it’s just a lot of fun to me.
David Duval
An object in motion tends to remain in motion along a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.
Isaac Newton
Sometimes, when life moves along, you’re presented with situations where you find it necessary to speak because so many people either seem to be afraid to or, more sinister, are unwilling to face things and let things go and worry about their own situations.
Gregg Popovich
I always feel like it’s two key ingredients when it comes to following your dreams, making something happen that the average person deems difficult. If you truly believe it, that’s step one. Step two, is, you know, the hard work that goes along with it.
J. Cole
Timing is a very important part of being a father. You should never show your kids things before they’re ready. Especially with movies. Toys like Lego are okay because the fact that your 3-year-old can’t understand the instructions ultimately leads you to constructing it yourself… the secret plan all along.
Rhys Darby
Trump’s behavior is deeply disturbing but hardly surprising. His mercurial nature is not the product of a post-inaugural adder sting at Mar-a-Lago. It’s been there all along. And the American electorate chose him nonetheless.
Charles Krauthammer
As the artist picks his way along, rejecting and accepting as he goes, certain patterns of enquiry emerge.
Bridget Riley
Moana is such an amazing character. She's brave; she is

Moana is such an amazing character. She’s brave; she is so empowered. She knows what she wants, and she’s not afraid to get it, and I think that’s something that I can relate to as well. I just love watching how she goes along in this wonderful movie and grows as a person and helps her culture along the way.
Auli’i Cravalho
The plunder of black communities is not a bump along the road, but it is, in fact, the road itself that you can’t have in America without enslavement, without Jim Crow, terrorism, everything that came after that.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
I am honoured to be taking part in the Diamond Jubilee flotilla along the Thames in my 20-foot rowing boat. The energy levels will be high, partly because I’m planning to ply the crew with thermos flasks filled with Typhoo!
Ben Fogle
I may have hurt some people along the way, but I would like to be seen as somebody who has done his best to do the right thing for any situation and not compromised.
Ratan Tata
Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
In my prime, I was the ruler. Simple as that. I understand there’s a lot of great fighters who’ve followed me already since I was the champ – and I hope there’s another who comes along does even better because want to see that – but I haven’t seen anyone do what I did yet.
Roy Jones Jr.
I am a big advocate of female entrepreneurs. I do what I can to advise and help them along in their careers.
Blac Chyna
Along with the lazy man… the dying man is the immoral man: the former, a subject that does not work; the latter, an object that no longer even makes itself available to be worked on by others.
Michel De Certeau
I did spend a lot of my childhood playing out movie scenarios in my head. I’d walk along the road, pretending like I was in the army, talking on the radio, and doing maneuvers. I dreamt a lot about performing in movies and living in fantasies.
Gerard Butler
I’m the age now that Rock was when he picked me up, so I can understand how he felt – how his fame limited his freedom. You get kinder as you go along.
Armistead Maupin
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
When you hit a groove, it’s not you; it’s the spirit world. The spirits whisper the ideas in your brain and prod you along. They’re the ones that are really happy.
Tommy Chong
When ‘Romeo and Juliet’ came along, I fell in love with the way that it was written and how innocent and vulnerable it was and how different it was from ‘True Grit.’ I really liked that.
Hailee Steinfeld
When someone comes along and expresses him or herself as freely as they think, people flock to it. They enjoy it.
Joe Rogan
I consider myself to have been the bridge between the shotgun and the binoculars in bird watching. Before I came along, the primary way to observe birds was to shoot them and stuff them.
Roger Tory Peterson
When I first started making ambient music, I was setting up systems using synthesizers that generated pulses more or less randomly. The end result is a kind of music that continuously changes. Of course, until computers came along, all I could actually present of that work was a piece of its output.
Brian Eno
To get along with me, don’t increase my tension.
Ty Cobb
Each reader projects their own version of the experience inside their skull as they go along. It’s probably true that no two people read exactly the same book.
Katherine Dunn
I liked ‘Making A Murderer,’ ‘Master of None.’ ‘Stranger Things’ I watched along with everyone else in the world. ‘Narcos,’ I really liked ‘Narcos’ a lot.
Charlie Brooker
There’s a way I could have done things differently. I know that. If I offended anyone along the way, I do apologize.
Alec Baldwin
The United States is much further along because its financial crisis struck three years before Europe’s, in 2008, causing headwinds that have pressured it ever since.
Roger Altman
My late mother moved back to her parents’ homeland in the 1990s when Ukraine and Russia, along with the thirteen other former Soviet republics, became independent states. Drawing on her experience as a lawyer in Canada, she served as executive officer of the Ukrainian Legal Foundation, an NGO she helped to found.
Chrystia Freeland
It’s in the nature of Italians to live life with a positive tone and to celebrate the invitations that come along in life. Italian food is so conducive to all of that.
Lidia Bastianich
Like I’ve said all along, whatever’s good for the team is good for me.
B. J. Armstrong
I never want to be like somebody but be my own person, but follow along those lines like a Matt Millen, Michael Strahan. There’s so many players that have transitioned to being an anchor or a broadcaster, and it kind of just goes hand-in-hand.
Saquon Barkley
David and Dad didn’t get along too well growing up. I mean we all got along, but it was harder on David, because David wasn’t going to be the son that Dad wanted. But now they’re like best friends.
Amy Sedaris
One thing I can take credit for, along with the rest of show business, is when the red ribbons were out, we cured AIDS. Any advancements that came towards fighting AIDS were not done by scientists or doctors – it was people with little ribbons on their lapels.
Gilbert Gottfried
Community stuff is always important to me, it’s very important to the New Jersey Devils and the organization, so along with not just myself but the rest of the players on the team, it’s always a priority to be able to give back in the best way possible.
P.K. Subban
I’ve never guided my life. I’ve just been whipped along by the waves I’m sitting in. I don’t make plans at all. Plans are what make God laugh. You can make plans, you can make so many plans, but they never go right, do they?
John Hurt
Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most measures, narcissism is one of the worst, if only because the narcissists themselves are so clueless.
Jeffrey Kluger
I was totally dominated and revered my father. I admired everything he did. He was a great sports person. He loved me. I was his only boy at that time, before my brother Billy came along.
Jimmy Carter
In the case of Apple, they did originally do production

In the case of Apple, they did originally do production internally, but then along came unbelievably good outsourced manufacturing from companies like Foxconn. We don’t have that in the rocket business. There’s no Foxconn in the rocket business.
Elon Musk
I always wanted to be somebody. If I made it, it’s half because I was game enough to take a lot of punishment along the way and half because there were a lot of people who cared enough to help me.
Althea Gibson
If you have learned how to disagree without being disagreeable, then you have discovered the secrete of getting along – whether it be business, family relations, or life itself.
Bernard Meltzer
We read advertisements… to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always ready – even eager – to discover, from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it.
Daniel J. Boorstin