Top 505 Companies Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Companies Quotes from famous people such as Harry Reid, Sam Graves, Michael O’Rielly, Muqtada al Sadr, Sundar Pichai, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Some said he couldn't take on the insurance companies t

Some said he couldn’t take on the insurance companies that were ripping us off. But President Obama made the tough and right call to save lives, save Medicare and ensure no one goes broke just because they get sick.
Harry Reid
Small companies need capital to invest, expand, and create jobs. And the economy needs a healthy small business community to bolster and sustain its recovery.
Sam Graves
From commercial companies to political campaigns, advertising dollars are increasingly being spent on the web, rather than on traditional media. Jeopardize this arrangement and a vast number of free Internet features and functions will evaporate in short order.
Michael O’Rielly
What if the invasion forces will not leave our lands? What if the U.S. forces and others stay in our beloved lands? What if their companies and embassy headquarters will continue to exist with the American flags hoisted on them? Will you be silent? Will you overlook this?
Muqtada al Sadr
Good companies do whatever it takes to make sure apps are great and don’t hesitate to add features.
Sundar Pichai
Big media companies have lots of money and content, but they have no way to tap into a good base of users.
Michael King
I think the growing interest in stakeholder capitalism stems from companies genuinely invested in doing good for our world, because it’s the right thing to do and because businesses who take this approach are stronger.
Doug McMillon
You have to ask what is going to happen to a lot of companies when there is not a lot more money to be gotten. That changes everybody’s perspective, I think.
Jerry Yang
Years ago when you’d go to a working group most of the people in the working group would be from universities. Now most of the people are from companies who are building internet products and care what the standards turn out to be.
Jon Postel
Many of the mainstream agricultural scientists, especially at the agricultural schools, but at all of our major universities, are tied into all sorts of contractual relationships and consulting relationships with the life science companies.
Jeremy Rifkin
But maybe because the dot-com world gives people positions at a younger age, and many women are prominent in this business, it will help change the view about who can run big companies.
Christie Hefner
In the Second World War, they’re talking about the Japanese traitors and putting them into concentration camps. But companies like DuPont had factories in Germany turning out stuff for the German Army.
Rob Walton
As long as designers want to dress me, photographers want to take my picture and companies think my face will help their products, then I won’t go anywhere until they’re done with me.
Linda Evangelista
Certainly there are bubble-like valuations of certain companies, but I don’t think anyone out there believes that we’re going to go back to doing business the way we used to do business.
James Daly
The question about those aromatic advertisements that perfume companies are having stitched into magazines these days is this: under the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment, is smelling up the place a constitutionally protected form of expression?
Calvin Trillin
In fact, ballet companies did not exist in the Midwest when I was a child.
Suzanne Farrell
I envisage there being absolutely no regulation whatsoever – no minimum wage, no maternity or paternity rights, no unfair dismissal rights, no pension rights – for the smallest companies that are trying to get off the ground, in order to give them a chance.
Andrea Leadsom
I admire companies that give back to communities. It is an absolute essential for organizations to watch, mitigate, and improve their impact on the environment, people, communities, their health and overall well-being. But this is a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition.
Shiv Nadar
Most companies target women as end users, but few are effectively utilizing female employees when it comes to innovating for female consumers. When women are empowered in the design and innovation process, the likelihood of success in the marketplace improves by 144%!
Indra Nooyi
Insurance companies want to make sure that you stay on your medicine.
Rick Smolan
I deal with guys in their 20s and early 30s who are presidents of companies, who are movie directors.
Peter Criss
There’s 20 companies that I have investments in – some batteries, some solar-thermal, one big nuclear thing. We need hundreds and hundreds of companies like that, so that in a 20-year time frame we really are starting to change the energy infrastructure.
Bill Gates
The Macau casinos have a wonderful business, it’s taking in money from Chinese businessmen elsewhere who send it through junky companies to casinos to gamble. The growth continues and they have basically western managers and western accounting, so we trust the numbers a little bit more.
James Chanos
Whether it was turning around failing companies, rescuing the Olympics, or improving the business climate in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney has proven that he is ready to be president on Day One.
Tim Griffin
There are very few dance companies in the world and you have to be phenomenal. You have to not be injured. You have to have a really strong mind to deal with the dance world. People who can do it are amazing to me. You cannot have a life outside of dance.
Neve Campbell
I thought I’d be wasting my time to go to commercial record companies and make demos for them, because don’t forget, I was doing what I was doing and nobody understood what I was doing.
John Fahey
There’s no better place in the world for technology start-ups than Silicon Valley; there’s such an incredible well of talent and capital and resources. The whole system is set up to foster the creation of new companies.
Elon Musk
Entrepreneurs or international conglomerateurs, or large financial institutions buy or create mutual fund management companies to create a return on their own capital. It’s capitalism at work, where the rewards tend to go to the managers rather than the investors.
John C. Bogle
For most of the 20th century, we didn’t just enjoy economic success in Michigan, we defined it. Our innovators and entrepreneurs created the world’s most productive companies, and our unions made sure that productivity led to broad middle class prosperity.
Jennifer Granholm
Dell’s a company that has changed the IT landscape in making PCs and servers more affordable. There’s enormous opportunities to make IT more accessible to tens of millions of companies, kind of democratizing the ability for companies to gain access to IT.
Michael Dell
The cell phone companies add to the problem. Every one they give out, they get money for from the federal government. So they have an incentive to give as many away as possible. And that’s exactly what they’re doing, and they’re making a killing.
Tim Griffin
Net neutrality is the principle forbidding huge telecom

Net neutrality is the principle forbidding huge telecommunications companies from treating users, websites, or apps differently – say, by letting some work better than others over their pipes.
Marvin Ammori
Well, actually, I had been working as a consultant to former companies of Enron, or predecessor companies of Enron and, so, I joined in 1990 to really start our wholesale merchant business.
Jeffrey Skilling
I have been quoted saying that, in the future, all companies will be Internet companies. I still believe that. More than ever, really.
Andy Grove
He’s a family man and a businessman. He spent his career building successful companies. Then, he saved the 2002 Olympics and brought pride to our nation. As governor, he balanced the budget, cut taxes, and created jobs. The president America needs is Mitt Romney!
Reince Priebus
Sustainable development is a fundamental break that’s going to reshuffle the entire deck. There are companies today that are going to dominate in the future simply because they understand that.
Francois-Henri Pinault
The only thing I have no control over is the politics that goes on within the record company. It’s always been the same, but it’s far tougher now, because record companies are run by financial people; before, they were run by creative people.
Enrique Iglesias
It’s hard to tell with these Internet startups if they’re really interested in building companies or if they’re just interested in the money. I can tell you, though: If they don’t really want to build a company, they won’t luck into it. That’s because it’s so hard that if you don’t have a passion, you’ll give up.
Steve Jobs
Big companies are reliant on institutional investors on a punishing schedule which leads to ruthless behaviour. This form of capitalism with this structure and incentives will never deliver sustainability.
Tim Jackson
Companies are the first to see the costs of climate change.
Paul Polman
Once the smoke of the market crash clears off, you know, the Internet will pick back up and go. Take a look at what’s happening to some of the big companies like eBay and Yahoo, the publicly traded stocks. You know, they’re all coming back up off the mat now.
Michael Nesmith
Our belief is that it is a basket of well-diversified companies that are playing the Internet, but are not direct Internet companies.
John Zimmerman
I love what the Valley does. I love company building. I love startups. I love technology companies. I love new technology. I love this process of invention. Being able to participate in that as a founder and a product creator, or as an investor or a board member, I just find that hugely satisfying.
Marc Andreessen
After I joined Toyota, there was a period when I drove more than 200 cars in one year – different types, other companies’ cars. I want to be able to tell what distinguishes one car from the next.
Akio Toyoda
First of all, I’m in favor of making price gouging a crime, and in fact, one the reasons I didn’t vote for the Republican House version was because there were too many breaks for the oil companies.
Marty Meehan
You have record companies that sign acts that they think are great, and then they never do anything. Acts that they don’t think are really going to do much end up having a career. I don’t think anyone really knows what it is that drives somebody to get on their computer and want to download a song.
Jason Aldean
Mostly what I’m focused on is finding people who are younger who haven’t built companies before but have a good idea.
Chris Hughes
It may be that everything the life science companies are telling us will turn out to be right, and there’s no problem here whatsoever. That defies logic.
Jeremy Rifkin
I can assure you that I have never used my media companies for propaganda, and I will never do so.
Youssou N’Dour
The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization.
Jack Ma
I think Wall Street is very important, especially to tech companies. Wall Street will get in their rhythm and go fund tech companies, and tech companies will go create jobs and employ a lot of people, so there’s that aspect of Wall Street.
Daymond John
I’m going to start a lot of companies. These are not sham companies. These are great businesses.
Eric Lefkofsky
In a couple of years, the Chinese will be seen as regular participants in international industry. Their companies have to report to shareholders as well as to the Chinese authorities. They need to make money, they have to be efficient.
Daniel Yergin
What the insurance companies have done is to reverse the business so that the public at large insures the insurance companies.
Gerry Spence
We need to work together, on a bipartisan basis, to create new jobs, increase job training, enact real and substantive middle class tax relief, and reward companies that create jobs at home.
Ruben Hinojosa
The big advantage that we have as a venture capital firm over a hedge fund or a mutual fund is we have a 13-year lockup on our money. And so enterprise can go in and out of fashion four different times, and we can go and invest in one of these companies, and it’s okay, because we can stay the course.
Marc Andreessen
I’ve been inspired by some new people, I can say, from different companies and from just different walks of life, who’ve said so many beautiful and kind things to me. The very least I can do, is to do the same for others. Kindness begets more kindness. I want to see more of that.
Big E
I started trading stocks, options and futures while I was at UCLA, using my earnings from working summers at the old IBM plant on Cottle Road. I never lost interest in how companies work. It’s fundamental to who I am.
Michael Burry
VMWare, as you know, remains a public company, and Secure Works is also a public company. And it’s possible in the future that within the group, we could have other public companies.
Michael Dell
In Globalization 1.0, which began around 1492, the world went from size large to size medium. In Globalization 2.0, the era that introduced us to multinational companies, it went from size medium to size small. And then around 2000 came Globalization 3.0, in which the world went from being small to tiny.
Thomas Friedman
Immigrants play a huge role in the founding and value creation of today’s tech companies. We wonder how much more value could be created if it were easier to get a work visa.
Aileen Lee
Many entrepreneurs that made their fortunes by founding successful technology companies want to give back and solve the world’s biggest problems on a grand scale. There is tremendous opportunity in this approach.
Peter Diamandis
We have some worse scenarios for which we need to prepa

We have some worse scenarios for which we need to prepare as companies. For the moment, we’re planning for the worst, and the worst is now, and the car market is down more than 15 percent in France. There is so much uncertainty.
Carlos Ghosn
Without having to ask anyone’s permission, innovators everywhere used the Internet’s open platform to start companies that have transformed how billions of people live and work.
Ajit Pai
Obama sees everything backward. Where Americans see individual achievement, he sees government’s work. Where we see failing companies, he sees innovation worth subsidizing. Where we see the need for economic growth, he sees a need for higher taxes.
Reince Priebus
The public relies on the advice of doctors and leading researchers. The public has a right to know about financial relationships between those doctors and the drug companies who make the pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors.
Chuck Grassley
Companies don’t get rich hurting their customers.
John Stossel
Our success at Cisco has been defined by how we anticipate, capture, and lead through market transitions. Over the years, I’ve watched iconic companies disappear – Compaq, Sun Microsystems, Wang, Digital Equipment – as they failed to anticipate where the market was heading.
John T. Chambers
Some makeup companies have really good recycling policies, and it’s worth finding out whether your favourites are among them. With MAC, for instance, you can take any of your old makeup containers into its shops, and the sweetest deal is that, once you’ve racked up six containers, you get a free lipstick or lip gloss.
Beth Ditto
People used to think that private equity was basically just a compensation scheme, but it is much more about making companies more efficient.
David Rubenstein
I have been given a list of 35 white farmers in Mashonaland West alone. We say no to whites owning our land, and they should go… They can own companies and apartments… but not the soil. It is ours, and that message should ring loud and clear in Britain and the United States.
Robert Mugabe
The Internet Governance Forum – which brings together NGOs, government officials and companies – needs to do a better job of including representatives from Africa, Latin America, and Asia and addressing their issues.
Ory Okolloh
Unbeknownst to most American investors, significant portions of their public pension, mutual fund, life insurance and private portfolios are comprised of stocks of privately held companies that partner with state sponsors of terror.
Frank Gaffney
I plan to eliminate regulations that hinder domestic companies, particularly large conglomerates from investing in other companies.
Lee Myung-bak
The hardest obstacles for Bitcoin companies are banking and regulation.
Charlie Shrem
I characterize myself as a retired hacker. I’m applying what I know to improve security at companies.
Kevin Mitnick
Whether it is salt farmers in India embracing solar power or wind companies creating tens of thousands of jobs in America, people are providing a vision for the clean energy future.
Frances Beinecke
We have to do more than keep media giants from growing larger; they’re already too big. We need a new set of rules that will break these huge companies to pieces.
Ted Turner
The success, or failure, of a CEO to implement AI throughout the organization will depend on them hiring a leader to build an organization to do this. In some companies, CIOs or chief data officers are playing this role.
Andrew Ng
The spy boom has been a beautiful windfall for architects, construction companies, IT specialists, and above all defense contractors, enriching thousands of private companies and dozens of local economies hugging the Capital Beltway.
Rachel Maddow
When there were not very many Internet companies, the supply of Internet companies to the market was small and the appetite for them was large. Therefore, if you were in the business of creating Internet companies in 1996-98, you had a market that provided massive demand for that.
Fred Wilson
I have inherited two of the most important brands in hip-hop, Def Jam and Roc-A-Fella. Reid and Universal Music Group have given me the opportunity to manage the companies I have contributed to my whole career. I feel this is a giant step for me and the entire artist community.
The way companies hang on to their marketshare is by being scared.
Trip Hawkins
Pond scum stinks. And so do the Obama administration’s enormous, taxpayer-funded ‘investments’ in politically connected biofuel companies.
Michelle Malkin
There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those who don’t know they have been hacked.
John T. Chambers
But if you look at WorldCom, which is the biggest failure to date, they grew dramatically, they were buying companies that were bigger than they were and they were doing it off inflated stock.
Don Nickles
Employers need to recognize that the world has changed and there are people who would like to help them provide solution in ways that are new, modern and that add value to companies.
Andy Stern
President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Starting a company and being a founder is really hard, and most companies fail. You really have to have a deep commitment and belief in it and be willing to see it through many ups and downs.
Aileen Lee
Folks, you’re the reason that the automobile industry is back. Whether it was the wage freezes, the plant closures, folks, you sacrificed to keep your companies open. Because of your productivity, the combined auto companies have committed to invest another $23 billion in expansion in America.
Joe Biden
Interestingly, the oil companies know very well that in less than 30 years they will not only be charging very high prices, but that they will be uncompetitive with renewables.
Paul Hawken
Indeed, American companies make three times as much profits from their investment in one E.U. country, Ireland, than they do from all their investments in China.
John Bruton
Now is not the time to give greater protections to pharmaceutical companies that put unsafe drugs like Vioxx on the market. Such protections have nothing to do with the liability insurance crisis facing doctors and should be stripped from this bill.
Dennis Cardoza
Most companies that go through layoffs are never the sa

Most companies that go through layoffs are never the same. They don’t recover because trust is broken. And if you’re not honest at the point where you’re breaking trust anyway, you will never recover.
Ben Horowitz
Companies and managers that find a way to harness social media stand to gain.
Ryan Holmes
Some companies out there quote a start of production that is substantially in advance of when customers get their cars.
Elon Musk
It’s the company itself, but most of these mutual fund companies, the guy who runs the company is just a fact totem and the guy who runs the money is the power. But we really don’t know who they are.
Jim Cramer
I’m surprised at the extent of the bigotry. But it really plays out when companies or schools take a side and prohibit the other platform at all. We Mac users should be good even when the other side is bad. We should do what we can to accept the other platforms.
Steve Wozniak
The growth of a company like ours tends to be a relatively steady because, like some of the other successful mixed signal companies, we have a wide range of products servicing a wide range of end applications.
David Milne
The best thing that ever happened to me is that nothing happened in writing. I ended up working for engineering companies, and that’s where I found my material, in the everyday struggle between capitalism and grace. Being broke and tired, you don’t come home your best self.
George Saunders
My friends are people who like building cool stuff. We always have this joke about people who want to just start companies without making something valuable. There’s a lot of that in Silicon Valley.
Mark Zuckerberg
Most companies that are great at something – like AOL dialup or Borders bookstores – do not become great at new things people want (streaming for us) because they are afraid to hurt their initial business.
Reed Hastings
All the best companies quickly go downhill after the departure of people like Bill Gates – even when such very able people have tried very very hard to avoid exactly this problem.
Dominic Cummings
There’s a whole generation of young people who are faced with the so-called ‘jobless recovery.’ Necessity is the mother of invention. They are out there, all around the world, creating new companies.
Don Tapscott
Companies in Europe should stop trying to do the U.S. version of a European idea.
Guy Kawasaki
The securities laws of the 1930s were so important because it forced companies to file registration statements and issue prospectuses, and it remedied the imbalance of information.
Ron Chernow
The Oscars are a lot different when you are a nominee. You walk around with this big smile on your face, and everyone, even people who work for rival film companies, tells you they voted for you.
Samuel Goldwyn
And looking at today’s music scene, I think it’s cool that there are a lot of consumers and fans not limited by what radio and the record companies tell them to buy.
Juice Newton
When President Obama passed health care reform, it was personal! And when Governor Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and put insurance companies back in charge of a woman’s health, that’s personal too.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Mergers are like marriages. They are the bringing together of two individuals. If you wouldn’t marry someone for the ‘operational efficiencies’ they offer in the running of a household, then why would you combine two companies with unique cultures and identities for that reason?
Simon Sinek
Companies that pollute should be taxed so that a product’s cost to society is reflected in the price of that product.
Eliot Spitzer
Men still get a lot more opportunity. It is still a big part of the old boy network. They have more companies they can get money from.
Billie Jean King
We have witnessed the most educated, successful, and monied professionals in the country put their companies – not to mention their own liberty – at risk by engaging in flagrant and foolhardy illegal conduct.
Preet Bharara
Most larger companies now see that for the market to grow, Web infrastructure must be royalty-free.
Tim Berners-Lee
You’re starting to see new record companies and business models taking shape, but it takes time.
Simon Le Bon
All the old great companies were run by guys who knew what an animator meant, and guys who knew how to draw. All the companies today are run by executives.
Ralph Bakshi
The key is not to figure out what the best people are doing and try to emulate it – rather, figure out what causes people and companies to be successful.
Clayton M. Christensen
Big companies do not want to disrupt themselves. All they want to do is improve themselves. They see the blockchain as another IT project. It’s going to save money; it’s going improve a process here and there. It’s not going to change their business.
William Mougayar
With tech companies, whoever’s the leader is always questioned, you know. They say, ‘Is this the end of them?’ And – there’s more – more times people think that’s the case than it really is the case.
Bill Gates
Its pretty rare for companies to have a snooping policy, although it is getting more common.
David R. Ellis
I could go insane if I obsessed over every little detail of all of my companies. My management philosophy is to pay attention to the vital few and ignore the trivial many.
John Paul DeJoria
American workers won’t be able to compete fairly for jobs until companies have to pay higher wages in countries like China and India.
Andy Stern
We’ve grown from 18% of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry to 23% of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry over the last five years. Profits are up over 70%, where the industry profit is up about 35%. Pretty good.
Steve Ballmer
I don’t think that a mutual fund that invests exclusively in biotech start-ups or invests exclusively in companies in Thailand offers any great safety or diversification.
Ron Chernow
Successful companies obviously have people with ideas a

Successful companies obviously have people with ideas and energy.
Hasso Plattner
We need to recognise that the whole edifice of our fifth estate, of our journalism, has been built on a foundation of newspaper journalism and that that foundation is crumbling. The management of the media companies will deny that the end is nigh. I hope they are right.
Malcolm Turnbull
The golden recipe for creating jobs is learning what kinds of people companies need and feeding them with training programmes.
Alain Dehaze
Unfortunately, bureaucratic problems at the federal level are causing many other small Washington companies to be denied federal funding that would help transfer their ideas from their laboratories into our homes and hospitals.
Jay Inslee
Cloud computing offers individuals access to data and applications from nearly any point of access to the Internet, offers businesses a whole new way to cut costs for technical infrastructure, and offers big computer companies a potentially giant market for hardware and services.
Jamais Cascio
Joint-stock companies are yet in their infancy, and incorporated capital, instead of being a thing which can be overturned, is a thing which is becoming more and more indispensable.
William Graham Sumner
Democrats believe we must have comprehensive health care reform that includes giving the federal government authority to negotiate lower prices with drug companies.
Jim Clyburn
Be true to yourself, and, um, don’t worry about some large companies’ quarterly profit index.
Natalie Merchant
Reference to the territory and total disregard for the nationality of the companies is of course the best guarantee that competition assessment remain just that and doesn’t get affected by trade or other considerations.
Mario Monti
The best companies will build culturally diverse leadership teams and workforces with divergent backgrounds, perspectives, and ideas.
Denise Morrison
So far, Indian companies have focused more on customer application. This needs to shift to packaged software for sectors such as banking and financial services.
Sanjay Kumar
At many companies, business development is treated as a sales tool for incremental growth, but I believe that business development can bend our growth curve in a big way. It should accelerate our ability to grow, helping us quickly close gaps or leap ahead of competitors.
Peggy Johnson
We now assume that when people turn on the evening news, they basically already know what the news is. They’ve heard it on the radio. They’ve seen it on the Internet. They’ve seen it on one of the cable companies. So that makes our job a bit different.
Bob Schieffer
There’s no substitute for experiencing ups and downs – seeing how it’s okay that things are overwhelming or broken sometimes and how companies recover from mistakes.
Joe Lonsdale
The majority of companies using BitPay to accept bitcoin are small businesses that are benefitting from lower transaction fees, faster service, and increased security for fraudulent transactions.
Perianne Boring
The hardware manufacturers, game designers, cable companies and computer companies and, in fact, film studios are going to ensure that this thing marches on. They know that they are going to make an enormous amount of money from it.
Thomas Dolby
I reckon I closed down at least two films companies, one of which was in Ealing in the mid 1950s.
Nigel Kneale
I once called construction companies to bid on an addition to the school library so that there would suddenly be people outside, measuring the building. ‘Who authorized this?’ the principal would ask. The answer: ‘Howie Mandel.’
Howie Mandel
I would hope that the Government would still support those small, struggling independent theatre companies and also maybe look to the built architecture of the theaters because we can’t let them get into disrepair. They are part of the fabric of the country.
Adrian Dunbar
We have been successful in buying and selling companies because we have a reputation of fulfilling deal terms in letter and spirit.
Ajay Piramal
Our criteria is that it’s okay to invest in companies so long as they stop lobbying in Washington, stop exploring for new hydrocarbons, and sit down with every one else to plan to keep 80 percent of the reserves in the ground.
Bill McKibben
We are also fortunate in being in quite a sheltered environment, in terms of people moving on to do other things, because there are relatively few companies in Scotland that are looking for the skill set that we’ve developed.
David Milne
The turning point for me was realizing that I would learn more at Google, trying to build a company, regardless of whether we failed or succeeded, than I would at any of the other companies I had offers from.
Marissa Mayer
All companies of any size have to continue to push to make sure you get the right leaders, the right team, the right people to be fast acting, and fast moving in the marketplace. We’ve got great leaders, and we continue to attract and promote great new leaders.
Steve Ballmer
Bankruptcy laws allow companies to smoothly reorganize, but not college graduates burdened by student loans.
Robert Reich
The 1st Congressional District contains almost half of the biotech and biomedical companies in Washington, and my job often allows me to meet the people responsible for this exciting research.
Jay Inslee
The characteristic of great innovators and great companies is they see a space that others do not. They don’t just listen to what people tell them; they actually invent something new, something that you didn’t know you needed, but the moment you see it, you say, ‘I must have it.’
Eric Schmidt
For technology companies, information about what people do online is extremely valuable – it can be used to sell targeted advertising or sold to data clearinghouses.
Adam Cohen
Great companies in the way they work, start with great leaders.
Steve Ballmer
The problem was the journalists who also did not understand much of my music, but they wrote about it. I think you fell into the usual trap laid out by parts of the press and other writers: that the poor musician has always to fight the evil companies and managers.
Klaus Schulze
About half the people at Valve have run their own companies, so they always have the option not just to take a job at another game company, but to go start their own company. The question you always have to answer is, ‘How are we making these people more valuable than they would be elsewhere?’
Gabe Newell
If you look at space companies, they've failed either b

If you look at space companies, they’ve failed either because they’ve had a technical solution where success was not a possible outcome, they were unable to attract a critical mass of talent, or they just ran out of money. The finish line is usually a lot further away than you think.
Elon Musk
I was in Fiji for some years. From there I went over to New Zealand to work as a store manager. But I was modeling for various companies at the same time.
Mukesh Rishi
There is a higher degree of operational excellence and rigor demanded of Stripe than of most companies.
Patrick Collison
There was a point in the late ’90s where all the graduating M.B.A.’s wanted to start companies in Silicon Valley, and for the most part they were not actually qualified to do it.
Marc Andreessen
I always try to find companies I see eye to eye with. It was an easy collaboration with Hyland. They’re a well-rounded player and always try to find certain strategies to give their clients a competitive edge.
Xander Schauffele
It has been proven through studies by the World Bank and others that companies participating in international trade are more competitive.
Arancha Gonzalez
Half of Google’s revenue comes from selling text-based ads that are placed near search results and are related to the topic of the search. Another half of its revenues come from licensing its search technology to companies like Yahoo.
Eric Schmidt
It’s often taken for granted that the most dominant tech companies control the world’s most important technology and communications platforms. Instead, the truth is that these giants run on top of the world’s most important platform: the mobile communications networks.
Borje Ekholm
Critics of consumer capitalism like to think that consumers are manipulated and controlled by those who seek to sell them things, but for the most part it’s the other way around: companies must make what consumers want and deliver it at the lowest possible price.
James Surowiecki
Managers in all too many American companies do not achieve the desired results because nobody makes them do it.
Harold S. Geneen
The one thing people seem to forget is the more oil we have, the lower the price and the lower the profits the oil companies make.
David Pratt
If I collected all the diamonds in the world, I’d have no ‘income’ but I’d have a lot of ‘assets’. Would my company be worth nothing because I have no income? A lot of Net companies are collecting assets. They have to be measured with a new set of metrics.
Vinod Khosla
Companies that support sports developmental programs in our communities should also be applauded.
Mary Lou Retton
Entrepreneurs say in an economic boom it’s actually hard to build a company because everybody’s too excited and there is too much money funding too many marginal companies.
Marc Andreessen
When investors, particularly investment bankers, talk about splitting up companies, there’s a lot of discussion about multiple expansion, and the reality is multiple expansion is an outcome, not a strategy.
Irene Rosenfeld
China has legally purchased high performance computers, advanced machine tools, and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment from several American companies.
Charles Bass
Unlike my opponent, I will not let oil companies write this country’s energy plan, or endanger our coastlines, or collect another $4 billion in corporate welfare from our taxpayers.
Barack Obama
Mitt Romney understands free enterprise, he has worked in it. He has seen companies succeed and he has seen them fail, too. He knows what people think about when they invest their money.
Marco Rubio
As both a local resident and a parent with a CF-afflicted child, I’m thankful for companies like Canon, Chase and Outback who believe that giving back to the community is critical to their role as corporate citizens.
Boomer Esiason
Today, many companies are reporting that their number one constraint on growth is the inability to hire workers with the necessary skills.
William J. Clinton
What’s different here is that we have now technologies that allow these life science companies to bypass classical breeding. That’s what makes it both powerful and exciting.
Jeremy Rifkin
The early idealists and companies and governments have all assumed that the Internet will bring freedom. Yet China proves that this is not the case.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Pride is the first step in people unraveling and companies unraveling and relationships unraveling.
Jeff Foxworthy
Lots of companies don’t succeed over time. What do they fundamentally do wrong? They usually miss the future.
Larry Page
One of the greatest challenges companies face in adjusting to the impact of social media, is knowing where to start.
Simon Mainwaring
Some investors may grumble about entrepreneurs wanting ‘unicorn valuations.’ But let’s be honest: most investors want them, too, and are supporting the massive capitalization of these companies.
Aileen Lee
Companies like GE and Procter & Gamble have been in business for a long time. Over decades or a century you’re bound to figure out a management structure that works.
Barry Diller
Working with people from all walks of life, from full-time moms to CEOs at large companies, I’ve distilled many universal truths about success. There’s a secret I’ve learned that works quite well at helping you to achieve what you want: Decide what you want.
Jack Canfield
Trump bankrupted six companies but succeeded on the biggest of stages. He is the champion of failures.
Timothy D. Snyder
Atari showed that young people could start big companies. Without that example it would have been harder for Jobs and Bill Gates, and people who came after them, to do what they did.
Nolan Bushnell
Wall Street, in the main, hates uncertainty, which manifests itself in depressed share prices of companies whose prospects lack ‘visibility.’ But where the market can err is in confusing uncertainty with risk.
Whitney Tilson
Amsterdam lives and breathes creativity. One moment you

Amsterdam lives and breathes creativity. One moment you walk into a building from the 17th century, and the next you find yourself in a hub of creative start-up companies.
Marcel Wanders
To me, a New Yorker is someone that has general disdain toward landlords, mass-transit authorities, electric companies, sports-team managers, NYU and its students, and anything new.
President Bush’s mercury rule is a gift to the big energy companies that helped put him in office.
Tom Allen
A lot of companies make diversity a part of the performance goals against which an executive gets paid. Just as you have to make a certain sales number, you have to make a diversity number to get your bonus.
Vernon Jordan
The record labels used to spend money on advertising, and social media has replaced that entirely – it’s putting magazines out of business. It’s put big companies into completely reinventing their strategies.
Steve Aoki
So many dot-com companies were formulated on air.
William Shatner
We’ve managed to have a long career that is still quite vibrant, yet we’ve never had to kow-tow to record companies who said we weren’t commercial enough.
Alex Lifeson
You need people who can walk their companies into the future rather than back them into the future.
Warren Bennis
We’re long past having to defend or explain why women should be on boards, given all the data that shows how companies with female as well as male directors perform better. It’s unfortunate when companies with a large percentage of women constituents don’t reflect that in their boardrooms.
Anne M. Mulcahy
Well, as I understand it, the main supporters are beer companies and the pharmaceutical companies. I’d like them to show me the dead bodies from marijuana. But they can’t because there aren’t any.
Jack Herer
The list of companies that have added their own financial metrics is not a savory group.
Andrew Mason
Western record companies haven’t always dealt with African musicians in the best way. Giving them a lot of money and telling them they’re going to be bigger than Phil Collins is the wrong way to do it!
Youssou N’Dour
I am convinced that there are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be. And even they are converging into one category: companies that have been hacked and will be hacked again.
Robert Mueller
I think it’s good politics to beat up on big companies and rich people.
Sam Wyly
You know we’re going to control the insurance companies.
Joe Biden
Companies that are design-led understand that design is not a deliverable; it is a profound manifestation of the human spirit.
Debbie Millman
If employed by employee stock ownership plan companies, working Americans can spend less time worrying about job security and retirement savings and enjoy a clearer path to prosperity.
Charles Boustany
And it’s very hard to do this stuff too because there are so many effects movies being done, so many companies busy doing this work and the public just wants to see it. Good work is being done all over the world.
Dennis Muren
The fact is… our doors have not exactly been knocked down by companies willing to defend Microsoft’s business practices.
Orrin Hatch
I did audition a lot. One’s agent is keen to get you into film and TV because there’s more money. I was always getting myself into commitments to theatre companies.
Mark Rylance
The Secure 5G and Beyond Act is a clear step toward developing a nationwide gameplan to mitigate the threat posed by foreign-based 5G companies.
Abigail Spanberger
If troubled companies want to explain away 2008 as a ‘black swan,’ then someone should take responsibility for creating the oil slick that seems to have tarred the entire flock!
Andrew Lo
What we want as an economy is companies and people, you know, working hard to come up with creative ways to be more productive. We don’t want companies and people working hard to lobby government for special tax cuts.
Adam Davidson
Big companies are like marching bands. Even if half the band is playing random notes, it still sounds kind of like music. The concealment of failure is built into them.
Douglas Coupland
The massive migration from dumb phones to smart phones is a great opportunity for young companies to take advantage of.
Adam Dell
The software industry has to become better in componentization. That’s a clear focus for most of the software companies. How components look, how they are maintained, the ability to maintain them separately.
Hasso Plattner
There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second.
Jeff Bezos
People weren’t buying as many records. My record company did not want me. I went through three record companies, went on tour at the wrong time. It destroyed me.
Adam Ant
We have a rich and vibrant partner ecosystem with several thousand formal business partners. Some of them are very large companies that we collaborate with in many ways.
Jack Dangermond
It’s typical of record companies. They sign you because you’re unique, and then they want to put you in a mold so they can sell records.
Al Jourgensen
So companies have to be very schizophrenic. On one hand, they have to maintain continuity of strategy. But they also have to be good at continuously improving.
Michael Porter
A company is a group organized to create a product or s

A company is a group organized to create a product or service, and it is only as good as its people and how excited they are about creating. I do want to recognize a ton of super-talented people. I just happen to be the face of the companies.
Elon Musk
Today, our economy is divided: fifty percent is the public economy and fifty percent is the private economy that includes small companies employing from 4 to 200 workers.
Ibrahim Rugova
I will never turn Medicare into a voucher. No American should ever have to spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies. They should retire with the care and dignity they have earned.
Barack Obama
One of my top tips for aspiring entrepreneurs: Tell everyone you know about your idea. This runs contrary to the instinct that most people have, because they’re afraid someone is going to ‘steal my ideal.’ Ideas alone are worth very little; it’s in the execution and market feedback that companies are made.
Aaron Patzer
My own theory is that we are in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies are poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Marc Andreessen
Companies operating in urban communities have a tremendous ripple effect.
Michael Porter
Everywhere in Africa, you see Indian, Chinese, Brazilian businesses. Other than Coca Cola and the oil companies, it is very rare to see American businesses.
Mo Ibrahim
Executives can no longer hide behind the corporate veil. They need to be accountable for what their companies do, because entities are responsible for socially irresponsible behavior.
Simon Mainwaring
Colombia has a huge variety of plant and animal species, and we have enormous potential. Small and mid-sized companies should come to Colombia. From here, they have access to the entire Latin American market.
Juan Manuel Santos
There’s definitely some sort of dissent brewing between labels, publishing companies and artists. A lot of it has to do with older licensing schemes.
Sean Parker
Like other antitrust agencies we make our assessment of a merger or antitrust case based on its impact on our jurisdiction, and not on the nationality of the companies. This is exactly what the U.S. antitrust agencies, the Justice Department and the FTC, do.
Mario Monti
U.S. companies earn more from their investments in the EU than in the rest of the world combined.
John Bruton
I hope there will be some good news and some good profits, and people will realize we have a lot of outstanding executives, and a lot of companies that are doing a good job, and those are good companies to invest in.
Don Nickles
The record companies are interested in the kind of sales they can get from the rock groups.
Norman Granz
My actions constituted pure hacking that resulted in relatively trivial expenses for the companies involved, despite the government’s false claims.
Kevin Mitnick
Innovation requires resources to invest, and you can see many companies pulling back and going into an intense protective mode in a major extended period of financial distress.
Peter Senge
There is a reason companies raise money from investors, which is to invest in growth.
Bhavish Aggarwal
Illegal immigrants are beginning to comprise a black market class of workers in our society, jeopardizing the financial health of companies which play by the rules, while themselves vulnerable to the exploitation by those willing to take advantage of their illegal status.
Spencer Bachus
Which editor? I can’t think of one editor I worked with as an editor. The various companies did have editors but we always acted as our own editor, so the question has no answer.
Joe Simon
Tech companies tend to do tech best.
Sam Altman
Unlike the objective of far too many companies, manufacturing is not about a quick ‘exit.’ It is centered on long-term value creation.
Hamdi Ulukaya
In the ’70s and ’80s, what private equity did is it changed corporate America. It started holding companies accountable, and for the first time managers started thinking like owners.
Henry Kravis
If you have good songs and a real desire to make music, the next thing to do, instead of approach record companies, is to get yourself a really good manager because then it allows you to focus on your profession of being a musician. Then they can focus on the darker art of the record label and the music industry.
James Blunt
Ed Miliband rails against energy companies and says the market isn’t working. But wasn’t he Britain’s first secretary of state for energy and climate change in 2008?
Ed Davey
Chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa.
T. Boone Pickens
Let’s hold insurance companies accountable the right way by making them put their whole customer base on the line.
Ron Wyden
I’m a very active angel investor in a number of different companies.
David Draiman
The increase in salaries at private companies has exploded, and Romania also faces a labor shortage, especially in construction. We believe that the Romanian market will remain an incentive, so that migration will not be an issue.
Traian Basescu
The German export successes are not the result of some sort of currency manipulation, but of the increased competitiveness of companies. The American growth model, on the other hand, is in a deep crisis.
Wolfgang Schauble
Finally, I would like to remind record companies that they have a cultural responsibility to give the buying public great music. Milking a trend to death is not contributing to culture and is ultimately not profitable.
Tony Visconti
Records used to be documents, but now record companies want product.
Stan Getz
A lot of the best technologists live and work in Canada

A lot of the best technologists live and work in Canada, and every once in a while, they are aggregated by a Canadian company, and then suddenly, they’re not anymore. But the people are still here – they’re just working for American companies to the benefit of American bottom lines.
Tobias Lutke
When you have energy companies like Shell and British Petroleum, both of which are perhaps represented in this room, saying there is a problem with excess carbon dioxide emission, I think we ought to listen.
James Baker
Whenever one or more components of a company’s business model changes, new business models are created for supporting companies. The changes might involve niches served, new marketing angles or improved value propositions.
Marc Ostrofsky
Whenever I came up against presidents of other companies, I was always smarter, because I was from the streets.
Berry Gordy
Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae West said, ‘Too much of a good thing can be wonderful’.
Warren Buffett
There are going to be questions about what major oil companies are doing with all of the resources they’re accumulating. They can’t escape that.
Pete Domenici
We need to reengineer companies to focus on figuring out who the customer is, what’s the market and what kind of product you should build.
Eric Ries
I think it’s a problem that we don’t have more companies like Facebook. It shouldn’t be the only company that’s doing this well.
Peter Thiel
I’m lucky to have been able to represent different companies over my career.
Tiger Woods
It is very similar to companies like Google and other internet companies. When you go and search on Google you don’t pay for that. But sometimes you click on an advert and Google makes money on that.
Niklas Zennstrom
I strongly believe in the apprenticeship model because we see in a lot of countries the local education system is not providing talent that businesses need. So it is important that there is an alignment between what the companies need and the education system, so the education system can build the right programmes.
Alain Dehaze
Companies are starting to measure how effective their customer service is and trying to understand what they can do to improve the customer service process.
Sanjay Kumar
Corporate executives and business owners need to realize that there can be no compromise when it comes to ethics, and there are no easy shortcuts to success. Ethics need to be carefully sown into the fabric of their companies.
Vivek Wadhwa
I remember flying in, driving down 101 in a cab, and passing by all these tech companies like Yahoo! I remember thinking, ‘Maybe someday we’ll build a company. This probably isn’t it, but one day we will.’
Mark Zuckerberg
Fortunately we’re not a public company – we’re a private group of companies, and I can do what I want.
Richard Branson
I feel that the best companies are started not because the founder wanted a company but because the founder wanted to change the world… If you decide you want to found a company, you maybe start to develop your first idea. And hire lots of workers.
Mark Zuckerberg
Competition makes things come out right. Well, what does that mean in health care? More hospitals so they compete with each other. More doctors compete with each other. More pharmaceutical companies. We set up war. Wait a minute, let’s talk about the patient. The patient doesn’t need a war.
Donald Berwick
All companies can benefit from fostering a more flexible environment (creating a place where the most talented, industrious, and entrepreneurial people want to work) and relinquishing hierarchical control to favor a results-oriented meritocracy.
Maynard Webb
India has long been an exporter of talent to tech companies… But it is India that’s now undergoing its own revolution.
Sundar Pichai
Most young people were getting jobs in big companies, becoming company men. I wanted to be individual.
Haruki Murakami
In my job I meet many outstanding, world class, British based companies. But we need more companies and more jobs in the companies we have.
Vince Cable
Unfortunately, our stock is somehow not well understood by the markets. The market compares us with generic companies. We need to look at Biocon as a bellwether stock. A stock that is differentiated, a stock that is focused on R&D, and a very, very strong balance sheet with huge value drivers at the end of it.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Most Fortune 500 companies began as small start-ups whose entrepreneurial founders slowly developed the infrastructure, hired the staff, sourced manufacturers or built their own factory, and created distribution, sales, and marketing plans.
Lynda Resnick
We have to do a better job of putting some rules on the insurance companies.
Amy Klobuchar
LinkedIn is increasingly becoming a very strong place for companies to develop their talent plans, their recruitment plans, and so there are ways in which we can track some of the momentum there.
Jeff Weiner
It is important to remember the purpose of health care reform: to make sure Americans have access to quality, affordable health care – especially those individuals who were being denied by their insurance companies because they weren’t profitable customers.
Bill Foster
An awful lot of successful technology companies ended up being in a slightly different market than they started out in.
Marc Andreessen
Business chief executive officers and their boards succumb to the pressures of the financial markets and their fears of takeovers and pour out their energies to produce quarterly earnings – at the expense of building their companies for the long term.
J. Irwin Miller
All foreign companies registered in China are Chinese enterprises. Their innovation, production and business operations in China enjoy the same treatment as Chinese enterprises.
Hu Jintao
Here is my general approach to the energy companies. You have already charged the utilities a 50 percent credit penalty for the power they were buying from you. You’re charging us a penalty. You’re not going to get two bites of the apple here.
Gray Davis
The big companies and their short-term bottom line rule this country.
Alexandra Paul
There aren't enough people who are scaring the kind of

There aren’t enough people who are scaring the kind of people who work at these record companies.
Greg Ginn
Imagine if the pension funds and endowments that own much of the equity in our financial services companies demanded that those companies revisit the way mortgages were marketed to those without adequate skills to understand the products they were being sold. Management would have to change the way things were done.
Eliot Spitzer
If life was so easy that you could just go buy success, there would be a lot more successful companies in the world.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
It is clear that a temporary increase in the cap is needed to ensure high-tech companies can hire the specialized personnel they need to continue to help fuel California’s economic growth.
Pete Wilson
I still work hard to know my business. I’m continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I’m always selling. Always.
Mark Cuban
You have to work with the auto industry, the oil companies, you have to work to develop renewable fuel, whether it’s solar or different kinds of fuel or whatever.
Ted Danson
Reverse innovation is an innovation that is first adopted in developing markets and flows uphill to mature markets. This concept directs forward-looking companies to look beyond industrialized nations to draw new ideas, products, and processes from emerging economies.
Dinesh Paliwal
I like to invest in companies where I can really add value from my experience, network, etc., so checking out my portfolio of other investments, and my background, will generally give some guidance there.
David S. Rose
Percentage margins don’t matter. What matters always is dollar margins: the actual dollar amount. Companies are valued not on their percentage margins, but on how many dollars they actually make, and a multiple of that.
Jeff Bezos
I’ve been looking at companies that are on a positive path vs. a negative path and I’ve come to use the language of sports, winning streaks and losing streaks.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
In the coming years, if not sooner, social media will become a powerful tool that consumers will aggressively use to influence business attitudes and force companies into greater social responsibility – and, I suggest, move us towards a more sustainable practice of capitalism.
Simon Mainwaring
Well it’s because the record companies are pumping away with their commercial stuff. I think it’s a shame.
Marian McPartland
A few decades ago, many people didn’t drink water outside of a meal. Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long.
Charles Duhigg
Born of the impossibly varied options we have to amuse ourselves, cutting-edge companies are finding innovative ways to tailor our entertainment choices to who we are, relieving us of the burden of finding the diamond in the rough of 500 TV channels or thousands of movies and music albums released every year.
Marcus Buckingham
Although many seniors are happy with the generous drug coverage they have from their former employers, the number of companies offering that kind of coverage has decreased by one-third since the mid-1980s.
Jim Gerlach
If you look at the global security environment and how challenging and crazy that is, and it’s our products that are going to help with that, I think we’re a great growth story. As I look at companies in our industry, I’d bet on us.
Marillyn Hewson
When giant companies wanted more tax loopholes, Washington got it done. When huge energy companies wanted to tear up our environment, Washington got it done. When enormous Wall Street banks wanted new regulatory loopholes, Washington got it done. No gridlock there!
Elizabeth Warren
Well, there’s no question that the law passed in 1996 was flawed. It deregulated the wholesale market, meaning the price that the utilities had to pay energy companies for power, but not the retail market.
Gray Davis
Record companies are not necessarily interested in you realizing your artistic dream. The bottom line is that they got to sell records.
Mos Def
The first step in securing our cyber future is education, and that means everything from educating individuals to companies to the next generation of IT professionals.
Dan Lipinski
Those record companies don’t know what’s happening at all.
Ritchie Blackmore
Learning to see waste and systematically eliminate it has allowed lean companies such as Toyota to dominate entire industries. Lean thinking defines value as ‘providing benefit to the customer’; anything else is waste.
Eric Ries
A tremendous chief executive in a small market will never be great. All great companies start with great markets.
Douglas Leone
Ferdinand was a gold trader. He was a lawyer for mining companies. When he entered politics in l949, he had tons and tons of gold. When Bill Gates was a college dropout, Ferdinand already possessed billions of dollars and tons of gold. It wasn’t stolen.
Imelda Marcos
When companies get big, they slow down. They’re not as exciting. If you want to get something done, it takes a lot of time and a lot of meetings.
Adam D’Angelo
Know everything about the companies and people you are going to be negotiating with. Insist on getting the names of everyone participating in the negotiations. Leave no stone unturned; find out as much as you can.
Kevin O’Leary
Companies with cultures that celebrate diverse opinions and encourage the exchange of ideas have an advantage when solving difficult problems. A company that doesn’t is at a clear disadvantage.
Doug McMillon
In the past, we spoke of poverty, misery only in the south. Now there is a lot of misery, a lot of bad that creates victims in the north as well. This has become manifest: the global system was not made to serve the good of all, but to serve multinational companies.
Ahmed Ben Bella
The fact of the matter is right now politicians and insurance companies are making decisions. We’re saying we want doctors to be making decisions. And I think that will lead to a higher-quality, lower-cost system over time.
Peter Orszag
Along with Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple, these companies are in a race to become our ‘personal assistant.’ They want to wake us in the morning, have their artificial intelligence software guide us through our days, and never quite leave our sides.
Franklin Foer
Each major wave of technology innovation has given rise to one or more super-unicorns – companies that could change your life to work at or invest in if you’re not lucky/genius enough to be a co-founder.
Aileen Lee
I challenge record companies to show me evidence of a s

I challenge record companies to show me evidence of a single penny they’ve lost due to Napster.
Dave Rowntree
Companies in the East put a lot more emphasis on human relationships, while those from the West focus on the product, the bottom line. Westerners appear to have more of a need for achievement, while in the East there’s more need for affiliation.
Daniel Goleman
There are 1600 German companies active in India, and some of them are more than 100 years old. Our companies value India as a location for manufacturing and as a market.
Angela Merkel
The key to making money in angel investing is saying no. You meet with 100 companies and say no to 99 of them.
Kevin Rose
Of course, women are free to start any kind of company they want. But women sometimes identify different problems than men do and start different sorts of companies as a result.
Andrew Yang
I started one of the first online video companies way back in 2003.
Burnie Burns
Lenders, including major credit companies as well as payday lenders, have taken over the traditional role of the street-corner loan shark, charging the poor insanely high rates of interest.
Barbara Ehrenreich
I’m trying to get hold of them… the trouble is a lot of the companies that recorded and produced the albums went bust, so I don’t know where to get the masters.
Cy Coleman
I’m not against government involvement in times of need. I am for recognizing that big public companies will continue to cut jobs in an effort to prop up stock prices, which in turn stimulates the need for more government involvement.
Mark Cuban
For decades, media companies have largely controlled the tools through which consumers were told what to buy, wear or think. Now consumers possess the same ability to produce, distribute and curate content and distribute it to their peers in real time across social media platforms.
Simon Mainwaring
I fight for the things that I care about, which are jobs and the economy. I fight for the things I think are important, which are reducing the debt and getting more companies to come to South Carolina.
Nikki Haley
Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me, Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.
Tom Peters
Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations… They now need more, and more expensive clerks even though they call them ‘operators’ or ‘programmers.’
Peter Drucker
When I came out of college, shoe companies can identify marketable people, and I think I was identified as someone who could potentially move some units and merchandise.
Keyshawn Johnson
There’s this thing called compulsory licensing law that allows artists through the record companies to take your music at will without your permission.
We monitor close to 50 companies globally that can be potential investment opportunities. I’d like to see DST as a significant global investment company in the Internet arena.
Yuri Milner
Remember Circuit City? Bear Stearns? Lehman Brothers? Sports Authority? Once, all were billion-dollar companies – then gone in a moment. The fatal problem might be fraud or corruption, but more often, it’s simply that management didn’t see ‘over the other side of the hill.’
Steve Bannon
The role and importance of females in companies can make a big difference.
Aileen Lee
If you look at the Internet, it’s been hard for a lot of the traditional media companies to launch viable brands.
Tom Freston
Leaving Interscope was not a personal thing. These record companies are a certain kind of machine, and we weren’t able to function in it.
Yolandi Visser
When certain bootleg companies started off and they would take maybe ten per cent of whatever they got and help fuel new bands, which I’m cool with, I think that’s a good idea. Most of the record companies are not doing that.
David Coverdale
This constant pressure from record companies to come up with a hit single or something like that, I find completely tiresome.
Robert Wyatt
Not a manager or an executive yet? It’s not too early to practice. Many companies are always looking for people to volunteer to help coordinate happy hours, onboard new employees, or plan the holiday party.
Katrina Lake
Video is moving online in a big way. It’s proven to be a challenging market for some companies that start out as a pure Internet company such as Joost.
Niklas Zennstrom
We help Chinese companies grow their customers abroad. They use Facebook ads to find more customers. For example, Lenovo used Facebook ads to sell its new phone. In China, I also see economic growth. We admire it.
Mark Zuckerberg
We’re very focused on making News Feed really good, making our photos experience really good, making messaging really good, and creating great location apps. That’s the nature of a platform business of our scale. Most companies that are relevant to us will have some overlaps in some competitive way.
Mark Zuckerberg
All the companies I’ve worked for have this deep problem of devolving to something like the hunting and gathering cultures of 100,000 years ago. If businesses could find a way to invent ‘agriculture,’ we could put the world back together and all would prosper.
Alan Kay
The overwhelming majority of my rated wealth consists of investments in companies that produce goods and services.
J. Paul Getty
Over the long term, there will be many more billion-dollar technology companies than there are today.
Aileen Lee
I invested in many companies, and I’m happy this one worked. This is capitalism. You invest in stock, it goes up, it goes down. You know, if you don’t like capitalism, you don’t like making money with stock, move to Cuba or China.
Terry McAuliffe
In winning companies, everybody pulls in the same direction.
Steve Blank
Several other aerospace and defense firms have announce

Several other aerospace and defense firms have announced plans to build facilities in north Mississippi in recent weeks. They join an impressive group of high-tech companies already doing business in our region.
Roger Wicker
Outsourcing and globalization of manufacturing allows companies to reduce costs, benefits consumers with lower cost goods and services, causes economic expansion that reduces unemployment, and increases productivity and job creation.
Larry Elder
While a strong presence on our southern border is imperative, the border cannot be secured unless we enforce our internal laws and stop ignoring the open complicity of U.S. companies and foreign nations to promote illegal activities.
Elton Gallegly
I think there are four or five interesting pockets where a lot of cool technology companies are getting started. Chicago is one of them. New York is certainly another. Silicon Valley really dominates. And you’re seeing some stuff out of Boston and Seattle and down South.
Eric Lefkofsky
It is U.S. workers who lose out when employers cannot get the high-tech graduates they need to compete with foreign companies in the 21st century economy.
Kit Bond
Lawsuits prod companies to make their products safer.
Adam Cohen
I’m a competitive person by nature, and I have been in competitive companies, and I love to compete – joining a company where, certainly, there is a real fire in the belly to compete and bring that energy is something I look forward to.
B. Kevin Turner
In Silicon Valley, where I worked at companies like Facebook and Twitter for the earlier part of this decade, Cuba was generally regarded, when it was regarded at all, as a technological curiosity.
Antonio Garcia Martinez
I like companies that try and break away from the norm.
Lawrence Taylor
I believe the accepted model of capitalism that demands endless growth deserves the blame for the destruction of nature, and it should be displaced. Failing that, I try to work with those companies and help them change the way they think about our resources.
Yvon Chouinard
I was a design ethicist at Google, where I studied how do you ethically steer people’s thoughts? Because what we don’t talk about is how the handful of people working at a handful of technology companies through their choices will steer what a billion people are thinking today.
Tristan Harris
Through their own actions, customers can hold companies responsible to higher standards of social responsibility. Through collective action, they can leverage their dollars to combat the force of those investors who myopically pursue profits at the expense of the rest of society.
Simon Mainwaring
Big companies are often in the process of laying off workers. Small startup companies are the ones that are hiring. The statistics prove that’s where job growth is going to occur.
Jerry Moran
Companies and leaders are role models – not just with the business community – but in the broader world.
Chip Conley
So many technologies start out with a burst of idealism, democratization, and opportunity, and over time, they close down and become less friendly to entrepreneurship, to innovation, to new ideas. Over time, the companies that become dominant take more out of the ecosystem than they put back in.
Tim O’Reilly
As I’ve traveled the country, we visit tech incubators all the time where women are going into their second or third act in their career and learning how to be software programmers, or how to work at startup companies, and learning a completely different skill set. I think it’s never too late.
Reshma Saujani
I think that a lot of companies are still amazingly price sensitive.
Sanjay Kumar
The engineering is long gone in most PC companies. In the consumer electronics companies, they don’t understand the software parts of it. And so you really can’t make the products that you can make at Apple anywhere else right now. Apple’s the only company that has everything under one roof.
Steve Jobs
We as Americans assume that big companies are bad, and big power companies are even worse.
Frank Luntz
We don’t prognosticate macroeconomic factors, we’re looking at our companies from a bottom-up perspective on their long-run prospects of returning.
Mellody Hobson
The biggest profit center for investment banks is the hefty fees they charge for underwriting stock offerings and giving financial advice, and analysts put those profits at risk if they publish negative conclusions about the companies that pay the fees.
Alex Berenson
We built that into a wholesale business that became, really, one of the largest companies in the United States. We had success in building new markets, opening markets for competition, and that takes a personal toll.
Jeffrey Skilling
There will be a lot of competitive and strong companies coming here and even though Kosovo is a small country that undoubtedly has a lot to offer to global trade; one of our main interests is to expose it to the world market.
Ibrahim Rugova
All told, these profit levels have put the world’s five largest publicly traded oil companies on track to earn more than $100 billion before year’s end. Yet, at the same time that Big Oil’s bottom line is going up, so are Americans’ energy costs.
Allyson Schwartz
Globalisation makes it clear that social responsibility is required not only of governments, but of companies and individuals. All sources must interact in order to reach the MDGs.
Anna Lindh
One of the biggest problems of ‘In Search of Excellence’ is that it focused on giant, publicly-traded companies. There are thousands upon thousands of excellent companies. Some of them are two-person accountancies in a community of three thousand people.
Tom Peters
U.S. companies rely on the European market for more than half of their global foreign profits.
John Bruton
P&G started in 1837, Nestle in 1857. These companies have been around for so long because they are in tune with society. They are very responsible companies, despite the challenges that they sometimes deal with, all the criticism they get.
Paul Polman
The culture of tech companies cannot change if women aren’t in the room.
Reshma Saujani
Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan. But if they think Google is too powerful, remember that with search engines unlike other companies, all it takes is a single click to go to another search engine.
Sergey Brin
Challenging unfairly subsidized products, fighting counterfeit goods and intellectual property theft and holding countries accountable for an unfair currency regime will help American companies remain competitive.
Virginia Foxx
Instead of creating new jobs, Republicans gave tax cuts

Instead of creating new jobs, Republicans gave tax cuts to companies that send jobs overseas.
Joe Baca
Many companies that become verbs actually end up modifying our behaviors, and companies that modify behaviors end up becoming behemoths.
Om Malik
Twenty years ago, you might have been pessimistic and said there’s no hope. But these days, some of our very biggest companies are acting remarkably cleanly. And in some cases, although not all cases, the CEOs are the driving forces behind that.
Jared Diamond
Local companies don’t have to internalize their costs, and few actually do, but they tend to more often because the owners live there and they have to show their face in town, and their kids play with other kids.
Paul Hawken
This is certainly not the first case in which a merger approved in one place hasn’t gone through in the other. There was a case last year where the merger between two EU companies was approved here and blocked in the U.S.
Mario Monti
Big Internet companies on average are capable of generating revenue of $1 million per employee, and that compares to 10 to 20 percent of that which is normally generated by traditional offline businesses of comparable size.
Yuri Milner
Well, the responsibility for maintaining a reliable transmission grid is one that’s shared by an awful lot of players who have a role in the grid: Companies that either generate and transmit energy or just play the role of being the transmission systems or monitoring them.
Spencer Abraham
Frankly, I don’t know how many companies there are, globally, which are truly global.
Azim Premji
Veteran print editors and reporters at places like the ‘Times’ and ‘The New Yorker’ manage to feed and clothe their families without costing their companies a million bucks a month, and they produce a great deal more valuable reporting and analysis than the network news stars do.
Eric Alterman
Female users are the unsung heroines behind the most engaging, fastest growing, and most valuable consumer Internet and e-commerce companies.
Aileen Lee
You cannot underestimate people’s ability to spot a soulless, bureaucratic tactic a million miles away. It’s a big reason why so many companies that have dipped a toe in social media waters have failed miserably.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Success can breed all kinds of other behavior and cause companies to behave a certain way that isn’t necessarily the ingredients for achieving more success. For instance, with success comes arrogance, and that’s typically the death of success.
Bob Iger
The stock market clearly values companies that can deliver disruptive innovation.
Steve Blank
Today more than 20,000 communities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. More than 90 insurance companies sell and service flood service insurance. There are more than four million policies covering the total of $800 billion.
Gary Miller
Whatever the potential pitfalls, banks are increasingly enthusiastic about venture capital, particularly in new companies with strong prospects in fields like health care and technology.
Alex Berenson
The industry has died as far as modeling has gone, and I’ll tell you why. Magazines are featuring the Halle Berrys and Sarah Jessica Parkers, all the actresses. Makeup companies are featuring all the celebrities. All the models have died.
Janice Dickinson
I definitely think what drives technology companies is the people; because in a technology company it’s always about what are you going to do next.
Marissa Mayer
When the ‘New York Times’ revealed the warrantless surveillance of voice calls, in December 2005, the telephone companies got nervous.
Barton Gellman
For all the popularity of spiritual advisers in South Korea, it still shocks to see the leaders of huge public companies relying on fortune-tellers. A shaman may advise a struggling executive to move a building’s front entrance, tapping the widespread pungsu belief that your luck depends on the direction of your house.
Kim Young-ha
I plan to lower corporate taxes to create an environment that encourages companies to invest more.
Lee Myung-bak
Tech executives have historically been owners of significant portions of their companies’ stock so there is a propensity for them to diversify as a rule.
David Coleman
Most innovation is not done by research institutes and national laboratories. It comes from manufacturing – from companies that want to extend their product reach, improve their costs, increase their returns. What’s very important is in-house research.
Vaclav Smil
Even the government understands that the environmental challenge is so big that no single agency can handle it. It needs collaboration among all the stakeholders – companies, governments, NGOs and the public. Public accountability will be the ultimate driving force.
Ma Jun
One of the things we urge Y-Combinator companies to do is to have profitability in grasp. If you need to get profitable before your A round of money, you ought to be able to do that.
Sam Altman
I’ve probably done more venture capital deals and expansion financings than I have done private equity deals. But both are the same. Private equity companies have also built jobs.
Stephen Pagliuca
When I travel around the country, I see great companies with new ideas and a can-do attitude. But too often they are in hand-to-hand and pen-to-paper combat with officialdom.
Liz Truss
We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
The intentions of record companies are not good, from the musician’s perspective.
Melissa Auf der Maur
Each quarter, Indian IT firms publish their results, and these are broadcast on CNBC. From the comfort of their boardrooms, executives say how many new employees have been added, how many more Fortune 500 companies have been signed up as clients, how many million-dollar companies were added, and so on.
Shiv Nadar
If you’re just interested in the prestige of banking, that’s not what’s going to sustain you. You have to be interested in what we do: managing and originating capital, helping issuers and investors come together is great, bringing these companies to life.
James P. Gorman
The U.S. and Israel probably lead the way in terms of venture investment in technologies companies focused on the security paradigm. That is quite encouraging.
John W. Thompson
My concern is the really great concepts that are featur

My concern is the really great concepts that are features, not companies. There isn’t enough advertising to support all those features, and in compression times, advertisers tend to flock to safe names and sites that have real traction.
Ross Levinsohn
The small companies who feel that the majors are a threat, or are predators, will use that as an excuse for their eventual downfall. Don’t blame others for your own inadequacies.
Greg Ginn
I’ve been a Fellow in a number of companies: Xerox, Apple, Disney, HP. There are certain similarities because all the Fellows programs were derived from IBM’s, which itself was derived from the MIT ‘Institute Professor’ program.
Alan Kay
Great companies are built on great products.
Elon Musk
It’s worth noting that everything – from the Internet to electric cars, genomic sequencing, mobile apps, and social media – were pioneered by startups, not existing companies.
Steve Blank
Nobody had a credit card when I was a kid. No one had credit card debt. But these big companies and banks wanted to know how to get more money out of people – get them charging things.
Michael Moore
At Current, television is all we do – that’s our business. We don’t have amusement parks I have to worry about, we don’t have environmental cases against us, we don’t have a series of outdoor-advertising companies.
Keith Olbermann
Great industries are never made from single companies. There is room in space for a lot of winners.
Jeff Bezos
Whenever people talk about dyslexia, it’s important to know that some of the smartest people in the world, major owners of companies, are dyslexic. We just see things differently, so that’s an advantage. I just learn a different way; there’s nothing bad about it.
Charlotte McKinney
There are many individuals, companies and even countries operating in what I call a ‘me first’ mentality, which is effectively a purely competitive approach to life, treating the planet as if it has infinite resources and pitting one country against another for supremacy.
Simon Mainwaring
Ballet companies have their ups and downs, just like the rest of us.
Robert Gottlieb
Fossil fuel companies and their allies are funding a massive and sophisticated campaign to mislead the American people about the environmental harm caused by carbon pollution.
Sheldon Whitehouse
Unfortunately, several companies are attempting to deceive consumers through the unauthorized use of my image or my name, and my attorneys are pursuing those making these false claims.
Mehmet Oz
My associate director, Lisa Leguillou, is remarkable: flying around, visiting all the companies. She is truly the unsung hero of ‘Wicked’. She has been by my side from day one, and she is invaluable. I frankly don’t know how she does it.
Joe Mantello
The revenues of Cuban state-run companies are used exclusively for the benefit of the people, to whom they belong.
Fidel Castro
Life is short, youth is finite, and opportunities endless. Have you found the intersection of your passion and the potential for world-shaping positive impact? If you don’t have a great idea of your own, there are plenty of great teams that need you – unknown startups and established teams in giant companies alike.
Justin Rosenstein
Why don’t we call on the credit card companies to be accountable? They need to be held accountable for their predatory lending practices.
Paul Wellstone
Large companies and government agencies have a lot to protect and therefore are not willing to take big risks. A large company taking a risk can threaten its stock price. A government agency taking a risk can threaten congressional investigation.
Peter Diamandis
In taking Dell private, we plan to go back to our roots, focusing on the entrepreneurial spirit that made Dell one of the fastest-growing and most successful companies in history.
Michael Dell
My dad is an unbelievable entrepreneur who balanced his life as a father and a president of two very successful companies.
Rachel Zoe
Discussions of health care in the U.S. usually focus on insurance companies, but, whatever their problems, they’re not the main driver of health-care inflation: providers are.
James Surowiecki
I think that companies always become complacent, over time. Or most companies, that is.
Tim O’Reilly
I’m no fan of what I’ve seen health insurance companies do.
Elizabeth Emken
My office in Milan is in an old factory. I have all my companies here, including Italia Independent and Independent Ideas.
Lapo Elkann
I think most of the dramatic new ideas come from little companies that then grow big.
Jaron Lanier
I can understand where the oil company wants to deduct the cost of drilling a well. That’s one of the tax breaks for oil companies – the subsidies – they get to deduct the cost of the well the year you drill.
Dan Benishek
So rather than face the bitter truth, China has placed severe restrictions on the Internet and enlisted America’s high-tech companies as their Internet police.
Tom Lantos
We can’t allow multinational oil companies boasting of record profits to gouge consumers… We must do what we can to fix this problem.
Stephanie Herseth
If we can just take a few companies, and use those as models, as examples, to show the rest of corporate America how they can become more competitive, that’s what I’d like to do and that’s what I hope to do.
Henry Kravis
I think it’s smart to always keep an eye on the companies that sit within incubator communities, which bring together the skills and expertise needed to grow an enterprise.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Small- and medium-sized companies do not know what we have to offer and that needs to be changed. We must react just as strenuously on their behalf as we do for larger companies.
Lawrence Eagleburger
But eventually it's a question of access: Getting acces

But eventually it’s a question of access: Getting access to fields is on top of the oil companies’ agenda. We see a substantial build-up of supply occurring over the coming years.
Daniel Yergin
The insurance companies aren’t covering that. Should Monsanto be liable for these losses? Should the state government? Who’s going to cover the losses? The fact is, here’s an industry with no long-term liability in place.
Jeremy Rifkin
The Medicare Part D prescription drug bill, which might be the most corrupt piece of legislation in history, was a huge giveaway of taxpayer funds to the big pharmaceutical companies.
Al Franken
I don’t create companies for the sake of creating companies, but to get things done.
Elon Musk
Let us build a 21st-century rural economy of cutting-edge companies and technologies that lead us to energy and food security. Such an investment will revitalize rural America, re-establish our moral leadership on climate security and eliminate our addiction to foreign oil.
Tom Vilsack
The shining star in the world is Shanghai. That’s what CEOs from big companies say – ‘if I want mathematical analytical work done, it’s done in China.’
Hans Rosling
I think if progressives stay at this, continue at the grassroots level to make the case that all Americans should have choice, all Americans ought to be able to hold insurance companies accountable, I think we will have 60 votes in the United States Senate for a strong bill.
Ron Wyden
Actually lowering the cost of insurance would be accomplished by such things as making it harder for lawyers to win frivolous lawsuits against insurance companies.
Thomas Sowell
I’m doing my part, building plants at a record rate, having historic conservation levels. The only people not doing their part is the federal government that is siding with the energy companies against the interests of the people of California.
Gray Davis
From my years of work with so many game show production companies and their producers I’m probably no longer eligible to be a contestant on any American game show.
Randy West
Society expects things of leading companies and sometimes we should take a stance on something.
Doug McMillon
It’s clear to me when you do private equity well, you’re making companies more efficient and helping them grow and become more profitable. That success means our investors – such as public pension funds – benefit, which contributes to the economic wealth of society.
David Rubenstein
I’m really happy that I got to work with such fresh talent. In a day when record companies are not particularly good at encouraging young, talented songwriters to come forward and get exposure, I think it’s important to give tomorrow’s songwriters the opportunity.
Robin Gibb
Normally, Indian companies follow the trend set by companies abroad. There is usually a long lag period.
Ajay Piramal
They are imported by companies, controlled as serfs, worked like slaves, and at last go back to China with all their earnings. They are in every place, they seem to have no sex. Boys work, girls work; it is all alike to them.
Denis Kearney
All record companies want big-selling records, and my music is a little too raw for commercial success.
J. J. Cale
The music business has changed incredibly. There used to be 50 record companies. Now there’s only three, and it’s just getting smaller and smaller. But then again, you have the Internet, so anybody who has music can get it out there.
Joey McIntyre
I don’t want to be a lobbyist. I want to provide strategic advice to companies. I said both of those things in the course of the interview, and I made clear this is a matter only for after I had become a private citizen and I was no longer a member of parliament.
Geoff Hoon
Government isn’t that good at rapid advancement of technology. It tends to be better at funding basic research. To have things take off, you’ve got to have commercial companies do it.
Elon Musk
In this most powerful nation in the world, lack of access to health care should not force local and state governments, companies and workers into bankruptcy, while causing unnecessary illness and hospitalization.
John Conyers
The majority of the wealth of human knowledge is owned by a few publishing companies that hoard information and make billions off licensing fees, although most scholarly articles and journals are paid for by taxpayers through government grants.
Abby Martin
Everyone has the idea of owning good companies. The problem is that they have high prices in relations to assets and earnings, and that takes all of the fun out of the game.
Charlie Munger
Dominant companies have a special responsibility to ensure that the way they do business doesn’t prevent competition… and does not harm consumers and innovation.
Mario Monti
The tobacco companies and snooker were as thick as thieves.
Alex Higgins
I don’t like to play anywhere with a banner for Carlsberg or vodka or whatever. I’m not a drinker myself, and I don’t like feeling like I’m working for the liquor companies.
Ian Brown
All economically well-off nations have used what has been dubbed ‘cheque-book diplomacy,’ and China does so, too. Apart from funding government-to-government lending, China has also been able to create global companies and global brands that have contributed to Chinese soft power.
Sanjaya Baru
We’re all vulnerable to social approval. The need to belong, to be approved or appreciated by our peers is among the highest human motivations. But now our social approval is in the hands of tech companies.
Tristan Harris
We invite American companies looking to raise capital to list on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. The region has a liquidity oversupply approximating $1 trillion and this pool of capital can be tapped into by creative American companies. The next Facebook may very well get funded on the BSE.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
I’ve never gone into business to make money. Every Virgin product and service has been made into a reality to make a positive difference in people’s lives. And by focusing on the happiness of our customers, we have been able to build a successful group of companies.
Richard Branson
One startup I dream of funding is the one that kills the record companies.
Paul Graham
More and more, in any company, managers are dealing with different cultures. Companies are going global, but the teams are being divided and scattered all over the planet.
Carlos Ghosn
Sooner or later, you will see a China-based company tha

Sooner or later, you will see a China-based company that really has a global impact, and I think Baidu has a chance to become one of those companies. We should be able to compete on a global basis.
Robin Li
What is more important is that Foreign Service Officers understand business, about the needs of U.S. business and how to help U.S. companies make the right connections abroad.
Lawrence Eagleburger
There was a time when I was wondering about this business of going public, so I visited about a half-dozen companies in the Boston area, all of them formed by MIT faculty and all had gone public.
Amar Bose
From cell phones to computers, quality is improving and costs are shrinking as companies fight to offer the public the best product at the best price. But this philosophy is sadly missing from our health-care insurance system.
John Shadegg
Insider trading tells everybody at precisely the wrong time that everything is rigged, and only people who have a billion dollars and have access to and are best friends with people who are on boards of directors of major companies – they’re the only ones who can make a true buck.
Preet Bharara
It’s happening: Lou Dobbs’ dream come true and Silicon Valley’s worst nightmare. We’re already seeing the reverse brain drain as smart immigrants take their U.S. educations and experience building companies and creating technology back to their home countries.
Sarah Lacy
I don’t invest in companies where my mental model is that they need to get themselves acquired in the next few years – or ever.
Sam Altman
Our Congress passes laws which subsidize corporation farms, oil companies, airlines, and houses for suburbia. But when they turn their attention to the poor, they suddenly become concerned about balancing the budget and cut back on the funds for Head Start, Medicare, and mental health appropriations.
Coretta Scott King
Many entrepreneurs, and the venture investors who back them, seek to build billion-dollar companies.
Aileen Lee
Like the vast majority of my constituents, I continue to be concerned about record profits reported by petroleum companies at a time when consumers are paying record high prices for gasoline.
Mike Rogers
If companies can refuse to provide coverage for women, what other objections to the Affordable Care Act will we see based on ‘religious grounds’? For that matter, will ‘religious freedom’ be used as an excuse to discriminate against other minorities and disenfranchised groups across the board? Where will it end?
Al Sharpton
I love entrepreneurship because that’s what makes this country grow, and if I can help companies grow, I am creating jobs; I am setting foundations for future generations. It sends the message that the American Dream is alive and well.
Mark Cuban
Great companies, I think, are the ones that see what they’ve built and can build on top of it and iterate their product.
Evan Sharp
We need a number of solutions – we need more efficiency and conservation. Efficiency is a big one. I think car companies need to do a lot better in producing more efficient cars. They have the technology, we just need to demand them as consumers.
Daryl Hannah
Not everybody is created equal, and it’s important for companies to identify those high potentials and treat them differently, accelerate their development and pay them more. That process is so incredibly important to developing first-class leadership in a company.
Anne M. Mulcahy
People think that the big companies make songs and their artists just release it. It’s not like that.
Henry Lau
When it all started, record companies – and there were many of them, and this was a good thing – were run by people who loved records, people like Ahmet Ertegun, who ran Atlantic Records, who were record collectors. They got in it because they loved music.
David Crosby
I don’t think that old-fashioned idea of record companies exists any more.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Tobacco companies are legally operating entities in Australia. If the Government thinks that they should not make donations to political parties, well then they should ban them operating as legally structured entities in Australia.
Julie Bishop
I think that if you’re going after large banks and large financial companies to try to make sure people are being treated fairly, you’re going to make some enemies, and you’re going to make people uncomfortable.
Richard Cordray
Companies can’t delegate social media to the new college grad and think they have it covered.
Clara Shih
Here in America we so are for family values, yet insurance companies do not cover all fertility procedures.
Cindy Margolis
The financial capital is being concentrated by corporations, institutional investors, and even our pension funds, and being reinvested in companies that repeat this process because it provides the highest return on that financial capital.
Paul Hawken
Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education, they’re accelerating their numbers in upper management, too.
Suzanne Fields
Several of the energy companies want to do the right thing. It’s a matter of leveling the playing field though for them and that’s why corrective action here is necessary.
Ed Royce
All of us technology companies need to create some tools that help diminish the volume of fake news. We must try to squeeze this without stepping on freedom of speech and of the press, but we must also help the reader.
Tim Cook
My motivation has always been to do technology apps and companies, not making money. Just because the money’s come, nothing’s changed.
Nick D’Aloisio
Insurance companies can no longer refuse to cover Americans with pre-existing conditions.
Kathleen Sebelius
I think, as e-commerce grows as a category, most e-commerce companies are focused on women because they are the decision makers and the consumers. When you think of e-commerce, and fashion is a big part of that, women are much more in tune with what other women are looking for online.
Brian Lee
Companies are communities. There’s a spirit of working together. Communities are not a place where a few people allow themselves to be singled out as solely responsible for success.
Henry Mintzberg
If you want quality service, you have to pay for it. You don’t buy into waste. I have great misgivings about the amount of advertising that we see in the health care field, some by hospitals, a lot by drug companies.
Dave Obey
France has a very important relationship with Germany.

France has a very important relationship with Germany. But that does not mean that we agree about everything or that two of our universities or companies are not going to compete.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
If you thought the advent of the Internet, the spread of cheap and efficient information technology, and the growing fragmentation of the consumer market were all going to help smaller companies thrive at the expense of the slow-moving giants of the Fortune 500, apparently you were wrong.
James Surowiecki
More and more companies are reaching out to their suppliers and contractors to work jointly on issues of sustainability, environmental responsibility, ethics, and compliance.
Simon Mainwaring
The world is changing. Networks without a specific branding strategy will be killed. I envision a world of highly niched services and tightly run companies without room for all the overhead the established networks carry.
Barry Diller
It’s competition that forces companies to get out of their complacency.
John Mackey
China also has moved away from its original status of purely producing basic, what you call, consumer commodities and Chinese companies are moving beyond China to various parts of the world.
Sellapan Ramanathan
The most impactful way consumers can assert their power is to become mindful shoppers, giving their dollars only to socially responsible companies. In today’s world of social media and smart phones, this is easy to do.
Simon Mainwaring
Koch companies employ 60,000 Americans, who make many thousands of products that Americans want and need.
Charles Koch
Even small cults are a serious cost on the world economy, to victims, their families, employers, friends, and credit-card companies.
Keith Henson