Top 505 Dark Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Dark Quotes from famous people such as El-P, James Wolcott, Connie Chung, Emily Bronte, Oliver Cromwell, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

A lot of people thought 'Funcrusher' was super dark and

A lot of people thought ‘Funcrusher’ was super dark and hopeless, and I don’t think it was hopeless in any way.
Many questions torment America in its dark night of the soul, questions more urgently pressing, and yet it must be asked: How did we get stuck with Piers Morgan? Who is he, why is he here, is he returnable?
James Wolcott
I don’t know when network executives will get out of the Dark Ages.
Connie Chung
Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, but which will bloom most constantly?
Emily Bronte
Who can love to walk in the dark? But providence doth often so dispose.
Oliver Cromwell
I’ve been through some dark times but I’ve experienced joy too. Now that joy can’t be suppressed.
Michelle Shocked
We were on the dark side of the Earth when we started to see outside the window this soft pink glow, which is a lot of little angry ions out there going very fast. We were hitting them very fast.
Robert Crippen
Rihanna has guts and she always seems to be singing from someplace honest, dark and fierce.
Carrie Brownstein
I like movies about longing and desperation, and dark and light things, stories about people struggling to raise children, and to have relationships and be intimate with each other.
Laura Dern
‘Dark Blue’ is ultimately a gritty crime drama, at its core. I don’t think that is ever going to change.
Dylan McDermott
North America was ready for something other than a vanilla cooking show and we were providing the double dark chocolate fudge.
Nadia Giosia
A strong hatred is the best lamp to bear in our hands as we go over the dark places of life, cutting away the dead things men tell us to revere.
Rebecca West
I have a very dark sense of humor.
Andy Dick
Unless people can be kept in the dark, it is best for those who love the truth to give them the full light.
Richard Whately
My dream date is a tall, dark, handsome, blue eyed man with a bubble butt who will whisk me away to Paris in a hot air balloon to wine me, dine me and.
Karen McDougal
There was a time when pop music and rock music were really reaching for the stars and were not ashamed to be experimental. You think of a song like ‘Shout’ by Tears for Fears. That’s a massive global No. 1 hit, and yet the subject matter is very dark.
Steven Wilson
All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Charles A. Beard
Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or the so-called negative aspects of our life to the side… we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.
Jeff Bridges
They were heading out to the middle of the bay – the Gulf – that’s another thing that became kind of standard practice, we didn’t hurry the destroyers around the beach any more, when it got dark, we’d take ’em out thirty or forty miles out in the middle of the Tonkin Gulf.
James Stockdale
Among the questions we have in mind: dark matter, antimatter, and matter symmetry.
Fabiola Gianotti
Nobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has their flaws; everybody has their dark secrets and vices.
Juice Wrld
I’m intrigued by the dark. Out of darkness comes creation.
Famke Janssen
I was ordered not to go out to Abu Ghraib after dark early on, because Abu Ghraib was extremely dangerous.
Janis Karpinski
A dark house is always an unhealthy house, always an ill-aired house, always a dirty house. Want of light stops growth and promotes scrofula, rickets, etc., among the children. People lose their health in a dark house, and if they get ill, they cannot get well again in it.
Florence Nightingale
Out in the lonely woods the jasmine burns Its fragrant lamps, and turns Into a royal court with green festoons The banks of dark lagoons.
Henry Timrod
As in the rankest soil the most beautiful flowers are grown, so in the dark soil of poverty the choicest flowers of humanity have developed and bloomed.
James Allen
I’m just kind of odd. There are dark forces in the world, and if you pay attention to what’s going on around you, you end up incorporating it into the storytelling. Maybe it’s some aspect of myself that’s coming through that people are seeing, that I am in fact a quiet psycho.
Michael Shannon
I was sad and in a dark place, and I turned to a hobby to sort of take me out of that.
Cole Sprouse
The courage of very ordinary people is all that stands between us and the dark.
Pam Brown
‘The Dice Man’ is an anti-establishment cult novel, and you don’t normally make studio films from such dark comedy material.
Luke Rhinehart
Perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own.
Georg C. Lichtenberg
I've always been attracted to things that are taboo. I'

I’ve always been attracted to things that are taboo. I’ve never been afraid to go to that dark place.
Ricky Williams
‘Zero Dark Thirty’ raised the stakes. It raised the stakes in cinema, man. I don’t think people really know how to grasp what type of film this is.
Jason Clarke
Open your refrigerator door, and you summon forth more light than the total amount enjoyed by most households in the 18th century. The world at night, for much of history, was a very dark place indeed.
Bill Bryson
If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.
Kris Carr
I’m playing dark history. It’s beyond black. I’m dealing with the dark things of the cosmos.
Sun Ra
Tintinnabulation is an area I sometimes wander into when I am searching for answers – in my life, my music, my work. In my dark hours, I have the certain feeling that everything outside this one thing has no meaning.
Arvo Part
A child’s fear is a world whose dark corners are quite unknown to grownup people; it has its sky and its abysses, a sky without stars, abysses into which no light can ever penetrate.
Julien Green
I love chocolate. I like milk and dark chocolate, but definitely not white.
Alicia Sacramone
An audience is never wrong. An individual member of it may be an imbecile, but a thousand imbeciles together in the dark – that is critical genius.
Billy Wilder
Darkness is important. If you were having fun all the time, you wouldn’t know what dark is.
Denzel Curry
Roll on, deep and dark blue ocean, roll. Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain. Man marks the earth with ruin, but his control stops with the shore.
Lord Byron
Dark energy is perhaps the biggest mystery in physics.
Steve Allen
I acquired a hunger for fairy tales in the dark days of blackout and blitz in the Second World War.
A. S. Byatt
Like all designers, sometimes my mood can be very flashy, but sometimes it can be dark. Or happier. It all depends on my mood.
Gael Monfils
We’ve always lived in dark times. There has always been a range of human experience from the sublime to the brutal, and stories reflect it. It’s no less brutal now; each age has its horrors.
Terri Windling
The delusion of entertainment is devoid of meaning. It may amuse us for a bit, but after the initial hit we are left with the dark feeling of desolation.
Arthur Erickson
My darlings, if I can’t write dark, epic music, I can’t live!
Amy Lee
We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.
Henry David Thoreau
Death is staring too long into the burning sun and the relief of entering a cool, dark room.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost
There was a reason my first substantial role after rehab was to play a maniac whose personal story ended badly. I knew what it was like to go those dark places. I played a guy who died as a result of his abuse.
Charlie Sheen
Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased by tales, so is the other.
Francis Bacon
Barack Obama would not be President if he were dark skin. You know what I mean? That’s just the truth. I might not be as successful as I am now if I was dark skin.
J. Cole
However dark, however demanding the realities of existence are, artists provide the lift, the light, the ways to make it through. They help us find the joys and delights, the hopes we need for our days and hours. I am grateful for their gifts.
Agnes Gund
I’ll cough up the bitter truth right now, at the risk of losing my Feminism Club Decoder Ring: I didn’t go see ‘Inside Out’ for Amy Poehler, though she’s terrific. I went to see my dark prince, Lewis Black.
MaryJanice Davidson
In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o’clock in the morning, day after day.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
My favorite actress of all times is Bette Davis in Dark Victory. I have seen it six or seven times, and I still cry.
Bettie Page
Wit is the only wall between us and the dark.
Mark Van Doren
Yes, I’m blonde. When I started as an actor, because of the accent and my body and my personality, it was not what the stereotype of the Latina woman in Hollywood is, so they didn’t know where to put me. The blond hair wasn’t matching. The moment I put my hair dark, it was better for my work.
Sofia Vergara
Digging down and finding out where your head is at when a fight is about to come, I used to get to a dark place and that’s not really a place I want to go anymore. I got kids, I enjoy my life and I’m having a good time. I don’t feel like I need to go there anymore.
Cub Swanson
Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense.
Robert Greene
Lots of people expect 'Andhadhun' to be a dark film, gi

Lots of people expect ‘Andhadhun’ to be a dark film, given it’s from Sriram Raghavan. But this film is fun, entertaining, thrilling, and while it has moments of darkness, overall it’s not a dark film.
Ayushmann Khurrana
Heckling is an act of cowardice. If you want to speak, get up in front of the microphone and speak, don’t sit in the dark hiding. It’s easy to hide and shout and waste people’s time.
Billy Connolly
There is something dark and wintry about the atmosphere of the later Middle Ages.
Lytton Strachey
I looked along the San Juan Islands and the coast of California, but I couldn’t find the palette of green, granite, and dark blue that you can only find in Maine.
Parker Stevenson
A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he’ll never crow. I have seen the light and I’m crowing.
Muhammad Ali
If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.
C. S. Lewis
You don’t always have to sing dark things to be thoughtful.
Robert Smith
Music took me from a real dark place to a real bright one.
Trippie Redd
Dark comedy is very difficult. You have to bring the audience in and push them away at the same time.
Pierce Brosnan
Popeye was right about spinach: dark green, leafy vegetables are the healthiest food on the planet. As whole foods go, they offer the most nutrition per calorie.
Michael Greger
It is absolutely necessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, that some of earth’s dark, dead corners and unplumbed depths be let alone; lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life, and blasphemously surviving nightmares squirm and splash out of their black lairs to newer and wider conquests.
H. P. Lovecraft
In a democracy, citizens pass judgment on their government, and if they are kept in the dark about what their government is doing, they cannot be in a position to make well-grounded decisions.
Peter Singer
For someone who is rarely on time, my body clock always knows when it’s too early to go to bed and I just lie there in the dark like I’m hiding.
Sarah Millican
The Comedy Store in LA, it’s a really loose room and it’s really dark and creepy and a great place to explore your own thoughts onstage.
Joe Rogan
There’s a bright spot in every dark cloud.
Bruce Beresford
If you look closely, there is no book more visual than Three Trapped Tigers, in that it is filled with blank pages, dark pages, it has stars made of words, the famous magical cube made of numbers, and there is even a page which is a mirror.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
I like all films whether it’s dark or light, love, hate, whatever it is, I enjoy it.
Tom Felton
We’re just kind of dark as humans, generally.
Jim Root
Fantastic! Right in the middle of that long stretch between Christmas and Spring Break, your coats are getting dirty, everything’s dark, dingy – what a great time for a movie!
John Hughes
This whole acting thing was always just for me and was always an absolute shot in the dark. If it didn’t pan out, I had my hammer and tool belt, banging nails again tomorrow if I had to.
Matt LeBlanc
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.
Stephen Hawking
I imagine there’s a market for total depression. I grew up on George Jones and that really dark stuff.
Brad Paisley
I have long thought that anyone who does not regularly – or ever – gaze up and see the wonder and glory of a dark night sky filled with countless stars loses a sense of their fundamental connectedness to the universe.
Brian Greene
I don’t think of reflection on dark things as necessarily dark.
C. K. Williams
It’s quite hard to find a ballsy or complex character. So the roles I’ve taken are those. Lot’s of people put me in the dark category.
Eva Green
One of the most exciting things about dark energy is that it seems to live at the very nexus of two of our most successful theories of physics: quantum mechanics, which explains the physics of the small, and Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which explains the physics of the large, including gravity.
Adam Riess
What, but the rapacity of the only men who exercised their reason, the priests, secured such vast property to the church, when a man gave his perishable substance to save himself from the dark torments of purgatory.
Mary Wollstonecraft
So while it is true that I find really dark stuff funny sometimes, it’s also true that as a writer of books I want to have the whole range of human emotions.
Rick Moody
The pond-lily is a star and easily takes the first place among lilies; and the expeditions to her haunts, and the gathering her where she rocks upon the dark, secluded waters of some pool or lakelet, are the crown and summit of the floral expeditions of summer.
John Burroughs
A dark poem is meant to redeem the dark part.
C. K. Williams
When we settled our country, the dark forest was considered in some ways evil and something that you needed to plow or, later, bulldoze. We now have a new understanding of the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the need for bird flyways and why all species matter.
Douglas Brinkley
My deep dark secret is that I was a nerd in school. I l

My deep dark secret is that I was a nerd in school. I liked the theater. I liked to study. I wasn’t very good at sports.
Rob Lowe
My Dad was such an incredible person, and you have the option of just curling up in a dark corner and letting it all go or you have the option of standing strong, sticking together and carrying on what he lived and died for. And I think that’s what’s so important – to be able to carry on where he left off.
Bindi Irwin
The house burned an hour before midnight on the last day of April. The wild, distant ringing of the fire bells woke George Hazard. He stumbled through the dark hallway, then upstairs to the mansion tower, and stepped outside into the narrow balcony.
John Jakes
I’m into horror pictures because I love the fear of being alone in the dark, and I’d recommend that to any composer who wants to work in this genre.
Christopher Young
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
I’ve got no dark secrets, I wasn’t beaten up, my parents were kind to me and there was a low crime rate where we lived. Maybe that’s where the comedy comes from, as some sort of reaction to the safe, boring suburbs.
Will Ferrell
They call me the Magic Man because I’m a classy fighter, a master of my craft, a good-looking Italian kid from Brooklyn who came through a dark and gritty life to find something magical.
Paulie Malignaggi
I’m such a horror geek, comic geek and action figure geek. I’m inspired by so much – from Hunter S. Thompson and Quentin Tarantino to ‘The Dark Knight’ and ‘Halloween’. Just show me something that doesn’t suck, and I’m happy.
Corey Taylor
I went through a whole phase when I was younger of being obsessed with Tolstoy and Kafka and Camus, all those really, beautiful, dark depressing books.
Jessica Pare
I’m probably going to get in trouble for this but ‘American Dad’ is one of my favourite shows. It gets very dark in places but the jokes are there.
Donald Glover
What started it all was the Kanye album, ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.’ We started listening to that and just fell in love with it, fell in love with his production style.
Andrew Dost
Eventually, when the universe expands enough, all that will be left is the dark energy.
Leonard Susskind
Hope is not a form of guarantee; it’s a form of energy, and very frequently that energy is strongest in circumstances that are very dark.
John Berger
Sometimes my life opened its eyes in the dark. A feeling as if crowds drew through the streets in blindness and anxiety on the way towards a miracle, while I invisibly remain standing.
Tomas Transtromer
If I write when I’m low, it will be a dark song, but I don’t care. I want to be honest with myself at all times.
Ayumi Hamasaki
What other people call dark and despairing, I call funny.
David Sedaris
Down the mine I dreamed of cricket; I bowled imaginery balls in the dark; I sent the stumps spinning and heard them rattling in the tunnels. No mishap was going to stop me from bowling in the real game, especially this one.
Harold Larwood
I read ‘Rebecca’ when I was a teenager and was swept away by the powerful voice, the gut wrenching suspense and the dark, twisted love story at its center.
Lisa Unger
Man, ‘Hill Street Blues’ was on when I was 12, and I remember feeling I’d never seen anything like it. It was that far ahead of its time, with dark characters you loved. I remember Ed Marinaro, the football star.
D. B. Weiss
Granted, there are times when, for business reasons, you do something that’s more mainstream. But even then, I try to find something that has a dark or subversive aspect.
Ryan Phillippe
All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience.
Henry Miller
It’s all about the light. Always face it, because that’s how you give your face good angles. If you’re outside when the sun is overhead, you’re going to have dark circles from the sun creating shadows on your face. So no outdoor pictures between 12 and two!
Gisele Bundchen
I adore dark chocolate.
Diane von Furstenberg
I do love a good dark guy. Maybe a beard – some sister scruff?
James Charles
There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.
Charles Dickens
We have become aware of the responsibility for our attitude towards the dark pages in our history. We have understood that bad service is done to the nation by those who are impelling to renounce that past.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
It’s time to pull the bandage off America’s foreclosure problem. The economy is ready to emerge from its recent dark period, but to make it happen soon we need to speed the resolution of millions of troubled home loans. Six years have passed since the crisis began, yet instead of accelerating, foreclosures have slowed.
Mark Zandi
George Bush looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his soul in the first meeting he had in Slovenia. And then in the next meeting, he realized his soul was very dark.
Bill Browder
It’s time to commit to finding the answer, to search for life beyond Earth. Mankind has a deep need to explore, to learn, to know. We also happen to be sociable creatures. It is important for us to know if we are alone in the dark.
Stephen Hawking
Certain periods in history suddenly lift humanity to an observation point where a clear light falls upon a world previously dark.
Anne Sullivan
My sorrow, when she’s here with me, thinks these dark days of autumn rain are beautiful as days can be; she loves the bare, the withered tree; she walks the sodden pasture lane.
Robert Frost
I definitely have a dark side of me that can be pretty

I definitely have a dark side of me that can be pretty vicious… as we all do.
Dave Gahan
If you’re gay, that doesn’t mean I want to discriminate against you, belittle or bully you, abuse or offend you. Not at all. I don’t want to go back to the dark days of criminalisation and the imprisonment of gay men and women; of Section 28 and legalised discrimination.
Mehdi Hasan
The missing link in cosmology is the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
Stephen Hawking
‘The Oath’ seems like the perfect project for me, coming off the back of a big-scale adventure film like ‘Everest.’ I want to delve into an intimate, dark and psychological world where the characters are claustrophobic.
Baltasar Kormakur
Fluency can be a sign that nothing is happening; fluency can actually be my signal to stop, while being in the dark from sentence to sentence is what convinces me to go on.
Philip Roth
The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.
Felix Adler
In my life, I was always floating around the edge of the dark side and saying what if take it a little bit too far, and who says you have to stop there, and what’s behind the next door. Maybe you gain a wisdom from examining those things. But after a while, you get too far down in the quicksand.
Trent Reznor
I’m not interested in parts where they are looking for a good-looking guy. I want to be a weird little sidekick in a crazy comedy and then play like a dark drama or a thriller.
Alexander Skarsgard
Songwriting is a mysterious art. When I sit down to write a song, the end result should be mysterious and have this dark quality.
Martin Gore
I do love a dark movie.
James Watkins
Sometimes Queens’ music is dark, but somehow it’s ok to deliver it with a smile on your face because thing’s are still going to kick in.
Josh Homme
A key purpose of journalism is to provide an adversarial check on those who wield the greatest power by shining a light on what they do in the dark, and informing the public about those acts.
Glenn Greenwald
I’m a big believer in small, dark, cozy bedrooms. I would describe myself as introspective – I feel things first, and then I think them through – and I need the enveloping comfort of a little squirrel’s nest when I have to retreat from the world to recharge.
Michael Bastian
Virtually all of Darfur’s six million residents are Muslim, and, because of decades of intermarriage, almost everyone has dark skin and African features.
Samantha Power
My father taught me photography. It was his hobby, and we had a small darkroom in the fruit cellar of our basement. It was the kind of makeshift darkroom that was only dark at night.
Sam Abell
I don’t want to make music alone in a dark studio and make me feel awful and depressed. I want to make music and feel happy and get to share it with people.
Benny Blanco
‘Basra’ is high on content, but a good dose of action sequences will make it edgy and pretty dark as well.
Abhay Deol
The sound of colors is so definite that it would be hard to find anyone who would express bright yellow with base notes, or dark lake with the treble.
Wassily Kandinsky
I’m always going to do whatever I think is funniest. If something’s dark, I’ll do it.
Tig Notaro
I have always been fascinated by dark and mysterious stuff. I guess I have a pretty dark and gloomy side. Writing songs saves me from going completely gonzo.
Gavin Rossdale
I have an internal protectiveness where it’s like, if it comes to just me, as frightened as I am of losing someone I love or things going sour or simply being alone, there is a dark place in my brain where I’m like, It could happen and I’m okay, I’m prepared.
Lena Headey
I’ve been reading scripts where they’ve been doing a lot of singing now, but within the dark, realistic story line. I would love, love, love, love to do that. But not a musical on Broadway, I don’t have that kind of energy or stamina.
Alia Shawkat
Courtesy is a silver lining around the dark clouds of civilization; it is the best part of refinement and in many ways, an art of heroic beauty in the vast gallery of man’s cruelty and baseness.
Bryant H. McGill
We say God and the imagination are one… How high that highest candle lights the dark.
Wallace Stevens
I’ve had some dark nights of the soul, of course, but giving in to depression would be a sellout, a defeat.
Christopher Hitchens
I don’t even know where to start in terms of people having such an issue about color, especially being dark. I just think on different levels it’s ignorance; it’s no belief, no confidence, it’s insecurity, so you want to inflict it on somebody else.
Alek Wek
Sometimes I wake up before dawn, and I love sitting up in the middle of the bed with all the lights off, pitch-black dark, and talking to the Father, with no interruptions and nothing that reminds me that there’s anything in life but me and Him.
Charles R. Swindoll
Man, I hate to get depressing on you, but I don’t have a game. I’m so alone, so depressed, so dark, no.
Jason Schwartzman
Down below the broad, roaring waves of the sea break against the deep foundation of the rock. But high above the mountain, the sea, and the peaks of rock the eternal ornamentation blooms silently from the dark depths of the universe.
Rudolf Otto
I used to have this Mercedes, a dark blue 450SLC, which was the most beautiful car. I’d like to have another unusual, beautiful car.
Andrew Davies
Somewhere along the line I made the switch and was able to look at the bight side rather than the dark side all the time. Now I look at everything I have and think how lucky I am.
Michelle Pfeiffer
It is a dark, unspoken truth that the powerful - the 'r

It is a dark, unspoken truth that the powerful – the ‘ruling class’ – make up the rules as they go along.
Marilyn Ferguson
I like playing dark, offbeat, quirky characters.
Mischa Barton
I get a blood test every six months to narrow down what could be causing fatigue, exhaustion, dark thoughts, and obviously, eventually, how to be in my top shape. Blood doesn’t lie. From vitamins that I’m lacking to natural foods, it’s an educated guide to connect my physical internal and external look.
Eiza Gonzalez
My music is a little dark, and my lyrics are a little darker. Every day, I’m fighting towards the light.
Bebe Rexha
I am a candid interview and I have a dark and dry sense of humor – a very Canadian sense of humor and I am only learning now stupidly that you can’t read tongue. When I say something funny in a newspaper and I meant it to be funny, it doesn’t read that way.
Michael Buble
‘War on Everyone,’ I think… the script was hilarious to me, but it’s very dark, dark humor. It’s super dark.
Michael Pena
I’ve always had this in a kind of worst-case dark imagination. I want to know what the dark form in the window is. I want to know what the noise under the staircase is.
Lisa Unger
The water in a vessel is sparkling; the water in the sea is dark. The small truth has words which are clear; the great truth has great silence.
Rabindranath Tagore
I just love movies, so suddenly, you’re political about movies, and that’s dark. It’s just not fun when something you love becomes calculated.
Kevin Smith
Dark witches focus on dark magic, black magic and all kinds of horrible things. I don’t believe white witches have warts on them either, or pointy noses.
Gemma Collins
When I was doing research on the M.C.s and spending time with these cats, one of the things that struck me and made me realize that I could deliver this world to an audience was their really dark and acute sense of humor.
Kurt Sutter
When I write, I am not giving a lecture, I am speculating on behavior. Sometimes this is dangerous, but it should be. As I say often, theatre is a dark place and we should keep the light out of it.
Howard Barker
I’ve lived through a lot of dark environments one way or another while growing up and that has influenced my songwriting.
Aimee Osbourne
Whatever I’m feeling, whatever I’m going through, whatever mood I’m in… If I’m feeling like dancing or clubbing, then it will be reflected in the music. If I’m feeling dark and vulnerable, then it will reflect in the music, too.
The dark shadow we seem to see in the distance is not really a mountain ahead, but the shadow of the mountain behind – a shadow from the past thrown forward into our future. It is a dark sludge of historical sectarianism. We can leave it behind us if we wish.
David Trimble
The future is hidden by a dark impenetrable veil, and yet we struggle to pierce through it.
Joseph Barber Lightfoot
Every country has a dark side of their history.
I call it dark energy. If you are unreliable, customers just disappear.
Travis Kalanick
Sometimes, a novel is like a train: the first chapter is a comfortable seat in an attractive carriage, and the narrative speeds up. But there are other sorts of trains, and other sorts of novels. They rush by in the dark; passengers framed in the lighted windows are smiling and enjoying themselves.
Jane Smiley
We’re trying to say that if you, in love, when you’re not true to yourself, the love won’t last. Because love is complex, and we always have the dark sides and the sad sides.
I went to Cyprus with a friend and her family when we were about 16. She was riding on the back of a scooter we’d hired when we got surrounded by local boys on their scooters down a dark country lane. They tried to get us to pull over.
Sara Cox
More information is always better than less. When people know the reason things are happening, even if it’s bad news, they can adjust their expectations and react accordingly. Keeping people in the dark only serves to stir negative emotions.
Simon Sinek
I went through a soul-searching period. I went to a place that was a little bit more reflective and dark. I began to look at who I am, who I was, where I come from, what my culture is, and who I am as an African-American person in America.
One thing rap and rock have in common, a lot of it is focused on negativity. I like dark stuff.
Lil Uzi Vert
The dark side is when you are with family and friends, and you have paparazzi screaming at you – that’s been hard to deal with.
Dev Patel
This season is a lot funnier, not as dark, mainly because, well, she has accepted the fact that she is dead. She knows she cannot go back to where she was when she was alive.
Ellen Muth
It’s unfortunate when people say you can’t wear skirts or do item numbers, or a girl can’t dress in a certain way. Are we going back to dark ages?
Sonam Kapoor
I keep sailing on in this middle passage. I am sailing into the wind and the dark. But I am doing my best to keep my boat steady and my sails full.
Arthur Ashe
Readers respond to every genre intensely, if it’s a genre that appeals to them. Again, who can say why anyone enjoys horror and dark fantasy? If I can’t answer the question for myself, I wouldn’t dream of trying to answer it for others.
Laurell K. Hamilton
I like dark places.
James Gandolfini
Sometimes in the dark of night I begin to think. And I wonder if Lee started all this violence.
Marina Oswald
I just hope that theaters remain. I think there's somet

I just hope that theaters remain. I think there’s something very wonderful about getting into a dark room with a bunch of people. There’s something cool about that. Brings us all together in one room where we can experience all those emotions.
Jeff Bridges
My whole life, baseball was my first love. I was gonna go play college, but during my senior year I tore my ACL, and college kind of faded away with their offer, which I understand, obviously. That was a dark time in my life.
Morgan Wallen
She was not a white woman. She was not a Greek… Until the emergence of the doctrine of white superiority, Cleopatra was generally pictured as a distinctly African woman, dark in color.
John Henrik Clarke
As a child, I felt that Hallowe’en was a time when creatures of the night suddenly came to life – we would turn off all the lights in the house and let flickering candlelight conjure up scary shadows and create the effect of imaginary figures lurking in dark corners.
Pippa Middleton
The most astonishing subset of the Deep Web is a collection of dark alleys called the Dark Web. The Dark Web is generally thought of as a collection of criminal elements intent on subverting the law, stealing our money, and possibly kidnapping our daughters.
John McAfee
Afflictions are but as a dark entry into our Father’s house.
Thomas Brooks
Now that I think about it, maybe my own literary exploration of the dark secrets held by families could be traced back to V.C. Andrews.
Alafair Burke
The heart hid still in the dark, hard as the Philosopher’s Stone.
Paul Celan
I just went to see too many movies and I sat in too many dark matinees watching those old serials.
Sam Elliott
Memories have huge staying power, but like dreams, they thrive in the dark, surviving for decades in the deep waters of our minds like shipwrecks on the sea bed.
J. G. Ballard
I’m afraid of the dark. I’m not kidding.
Tom Sizemore
We have to bring out the truth about how dark and dangerous and evil the taxi side is.
Travis Kalanick
Angels are not complete, they need their counterparts, the dark needs the bright, the hidden needs the open, and vice versa. Sometimes they meet and recognise each other. Sometimes, as with Horatio and me, the pairing occurs over spaces of time and distance.
Barry Unsworth
Dark Souls is in some ways an incomplete game, and I like to think that it has been completed by players, by their discoveries, as they moved along. I’d love to say that the nature of this incompleteness was completely deliberate, but it is both deliberate and by accident in different ways.
Hidetaka Miyazaki
I was called the ‘Ugly Duckling’ of Hindi films because of my dark complexion and south Indian features.
I’m not sure how to describe my style. A lot of my work is dark and looks a bit sad, which is strange because I’m such a smiley, over-the-top positive guy who wears gold shoes most days.
Aaron Huey
The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
Helen Keller
Humans have a light side and a dark side, and it’s up to us to choose which way we’re going to live our lives. Even if you start out on the dark side, it doesn’t mean you have to continue your journey that way. You always have time to turn it around.
Taraji P. Henson
If you’re in a dark place, you’re there for a reason. And the only way to get through to those kids or to other people going through the same thing is really to meet them in that dark place and then slowly bring them to the light.
Bebe Rexha
The inventory process and stepping back in your life can sometimes be a very dark process. But it also can be extremely funny and surprising.
Craig Charles
The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage. Birthed out of shame, fear, and denial, it misdirects our good intentions and drives us to unthinkable acts of self-destruction and not-so-unbelievable acts of self-sabotage.
Debbie Ford
I want to know what dark matter and dark energy are comprised of. They remain a mystery, a complete mystery. No one is any closer to solving the problem than when these two things were discovered.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I like the dark, mysterious, maybe even gothic type girls. They have to have a good personality too! I’m very picky!
Shia LaBeouf
Does a black person make them an African American? No. There are Hispanics that are very, very dark skinned so the word has lost its meaning, it’s not a very concise or proper word to use even today and it wasn’t then.
Pam Grier
My journey through life has led me through both light and dark places, and it’s because of those experiences that I have learned how to work through my character defects and to help others do the same.
Jessie Pavelka
‘Leave It To Beaver’ is a fairly famous show in America, but I don’t think it travelled. It was one of those typical ’50s family comedies. I was in the pilot episode as sort of the dark presence: my character was called Eddie Haskill.
Harry Shearer
To my mind, there is no doubt that this Gandhi age is the dark age of India. It is an age in which people, instead of looking for their ideals in the future, are returning to antiquity.
B. R. Ambedkar
But when you hear the complete album, it gets dark, really straight-up rock, with some really intimate moments with just me and the piano. It’s not completely me because there are parts of me that aren’t on that song, that are on the album.
Vanessa Carlton
All the ancient classic fairy tales have always been scary and dark.
Helena Bonham Carter
Self-knowledge is essential not only to writing, but to doing almost anything really well. It allows you to work through from a deep place – from the deep, dark corners of your subconscious mind.
Meg Rosoff
It is a good idea to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought.
James Douglas
Everyone has a dark cloud hovering over them at some po

Everyone has a dark cloud hovering over them at some point, but then there is sunshine.
Nikita Thukral
Death at times seems like a dark tunnel to be traveled, and the future seems bleak.
Mother Angelica
Natural DNA is a tractless coil, like an unwound and tangled audiotape on the floor of the car in the dark.
Kary Mullis
I understand why creative people like dark, but American audiences don’t like dark. They like story. They do not respond to nervous breakdowns and unhappy episodes that lead nowhere. They like their characters to be a part of the action. They like strength, not weakness, a chance to work out any dilemma.
Leslie Moonves
When it’s time to make music, that’s about getting lost for me. To be a control freak is not half as good as being a freak who’s casually in control. You’re feeling around in the dark for something that feels good.
Josh Homme
I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a manmade world.
Helen Keller
I just want to be clear, I am a very dark and bitter person, but I think on some level, everything really does come when it’s meant to come.
Martha Plimpton
Political consultants are pugilists, masters in the dark art of negativity. Which is why it’s surprising to hear Democrats such as Steve McMahon and Republicans like Rich Galen urging their presidential candidates to be more, well, positive.
Ron Fournier
I sometimes have a tendency to walk on the dark side.
J. K. Rowling
When we look back on all the perils through which we have passed and at the mighty foes that we have laid low and all the dark and deadly designs that we have frustrated, why should we fear for our future? We have come safely through the worst.
Winston Churchill
I woke up one morning to find I was famous. I bought a white Rolls-Royce and drove down Sunset Boulevard, wearing dark specs and a white suit, waving like the Queen Mum.
Peter O’Toole
French horn can be very epic, and at the same time, very dark and moving.
Alexandre Desplat
From my childhood I had been intended for the clergy. This prospect hung like a dark cloud on my mind.
Nikola Tesla
In primary school when I was 6-7 years old, I always go to theater with my uncle, and I don’t know why I like the atmosphere, dark only. The screen has some lighting, that kind of things, you can see the movie star and so that’s why I like movies.
Andrew Lau
The desktop computer industry is dead. Innovation has virtually ceased. Microsoft dominates with very little innovation. That’s over. Apple lost. The desktop market has entered the dark ages, and it’s going to be in the dark ages for the next 10 years, or certainly for the rest of this decade.
Steve Jobs
I think I have a dark view of the world. I have to make everything funny, otherwise it all seems so sad.
Moon Unit Zappa
My inner strength comes from my friends. I have a very close group of friends and family, and we all help each other through our dark times.
Kathy Bates
I think life without spirit is in the dark, it is absurd.
Ang Lee
I’ve never been a huge sweets eater, and I’ve always loved a Mediterranean diet. We eat a lot of dark leafy greens, and a couple meals each week are meat-free. We enjoy eating a balanced diet.
Rachael Ray
The dark outside world of Paris under German occupation exerted a strong containing pressure.
Gerard Debreu
Still falls the rain – dark as the world of man, black as our loss – blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails upon the Cross.
Edith Sitwell
We’re in the dark ages if J-Lo can have a music career because of her ass. And let’s face it, that’s it.
Jack Black
I’m not at all funny. I can do dark comedy pretty well, but straight-up comedy, I don’t know. I’m much darker. I’ve been like that since I was 3 years old.
Rooney Mara
I went to Brooklyn College and met this beautiful Jewish girl named Merle, with dark hair, exotic looking and brilliant. So we got married and had three children.
Dominic Chianese
There’s some kind of dark symbiosis between lunatics and the Postal Service.
Don Novello
I’m not a dark person at all, so those roles are the most challenging. I don’t think I’m necessarily drawn to dark things. It just seems to work out that way.
Camilla Belle
I feel like the so-called bad guys are never totally bad. I guess it’s the closest thing I can do to reality: people act nice but nobody really is nice. We all have to balance that with something dark.
Vincent Cassel
Exploring the dark side of my characters’ personality is my forte.
Vijay Deverakonda
So is the savage buffalo, especially delighting in dark places, where he can wallow in the mud and slake his thirst without much trouble; and here also we find the wild pig.
John Hanning Speke
Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock do romantic comedies. I do dark dramas. I do these movies well.
Jodie Foster
I like dark humor. My favorite movie of all time is ‘Harold and Maude.’
Leslie Mann
Many miles away there's a shadow on the door of a cotta

Many miles away there’s a shadow on the door of a cottage on the Shore of a dark Scottish lake.
Walter Scott
The woman’s perspective is like the dark side of the moon: it always exists, but it is never exposed, at least not in my culture.
Ang Lee
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity.
William Wordsworth
I have Nineties music oozing out of my pores. What made rock & roll back then is that it was uncensored. It was raw and dark. Think of ‘Something in the Way,’ by Nirvana – he was telling everyone how he felt.
Machine Gun Kelly
I snack on sauteed peanuts, a whole fruit, lots of cheese – especially goat cheese – with multi-grain crackers and dark chocolate. These are my weaknesses. I make it a point to eat every two hours.
As soon as I go into a dark subject, like discussing the people I’ve loved and lost, I off-road into absurdist comedy perversion. It’s both a means of protection and a kind of denial, a blessing and a curse. Wait, it’s not a blessing at all. I guess it would be a bad habit and a curse.
Bob Saget
I get people to this day – I won my title 25 years ago – saying how wonderful a time they had during that dark period in our history when they came to watch me fight.
Barry McGuigan
Forget all the bars and schmoozing and everybody checking out everybody else. My ideal date would be to park in a dark place, check out the stars, and have a great conversation. When all else fails, you can just make out.
Brooke Burke
As a kid, I was a Hitchcock lover; I cared about the dark side of things.
I definitely have a dark sense of humor, and in ways I think that comes from having a lot of childhood trauma – a little bit, not fully.
Patti Harrison
I was having such a hard time when I made Sylvia. I gave everything I had for that role. It’s one or two or three things I’m most proud of in terms of my work. But it was very dark.
Gwyneth Paltrow
When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of the dark. I would stand at my door, turn the light off and dive into bed.
Brian Krause
A good many things go around in the dark besides Santa Claus.
Herbert Hoover
Twice I had been stopped by these jobs, and I thought the role on Dark Shadows would go on for about three or four weeks. And then, the phenomenon began, the role caught on, the mail started to flood in.
Jonathan Frid
I would always have been the geek who’s your friend. I will never be the dark guy with a sensitive side, as much as I yearn to be.
Jon Cryer
The heart of man will always be dark. There will always be evil people. The problem is that there is nothing we can humanly do to change them.
Leon Bridges
Sound is often talked about in a very subjective way, as if it had a colour. This is a bright sound, this is a dark sound. I don’t believe in that because I think that is much too subjective.
Daniel Barenboim
Yes, and I had pimples so badly it used to make me so shy. I used not to look at myself. I’d hide my face in the dark, I wouldn’t want to look in the mirror and my father teased me and I just hated it and I cried everyday.
Michael Jackson
When I was working on the first ‘Dark Souls’ – as far back as ‘Demon’s Souls,’ actually – I didn’t expect the player community to come up with speedrun contests or any of the strange new ways to play the games.
Hidetaka Miyazaki
I never thought being famous would be wonderful, but my limited exposure to celebrity has shown me the dark side big-time.
Marianne Williamson
In a dark time, the eye begins to see.
Cavett Robert
I like a movie that brings out many discussions. From my experience, every time I have done movies, they create this kind of situation. Like ‘Irreversible,’ ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ ‘Malena’; it’s so interesting. I like to explore the dark side of humanity. That’s why I’m an actor.
Monica Bellucci
Being a nocturnal creature myself, I often find myself in dark alleys or strange places late at night. If there were werewolves around, I’d be likely to run into them, being the night owl that I am.
Dean Ambrose
Harriet Washington, in ‘Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present,’ documents the smallpox experiments Thomas Jefferson performed on his Monticello slaves. In fact, much of what we now think of as public health emerged from the slave system.
Greg Grandin
I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark.
Thomas Hobbes
I did a couple songs with this hip-hop guy named Tim Dark. He was working in the same studio I’ve been working in, he heard my music and he said, aw man, I’ve got to do something with you.
Alan Vega
There are places you go, and they say, ‘Take off your dark glasses so we can see your beautiful blue eyes.’ And you just want to… you just want to… I dunno, um… thump them.
Paul Newman
Everyone asks me about why I care about anime and football so much, but that’s because anything dark that happened in my life, those two things would make me feel better. I just used to sit in front of the TV and watch football and breathe a sigh of relief. You know what I mean? It’s another world. An escape.
AJ Tracey
‘Avengers’ was a great comic-book movie. ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ is a great epic.
Neal Adams
Your soul is a dark forest. But the trees are of a particular species, they are genealogical trees.
Marcel Proust
Evil is a source of moral intelligence in the sense that we need to learn from our shadow, from our dark side, in order to be good.
John Bradshaw
I think we present extreme aspects of human behavior an

I think we present extreme aspects of human behavior and hopefully get at times, messages across or bring issues to the table or as we so often say, shed light into the dark crevices of human nature.
Christopher Meloni
All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.
Swami Vivekananda
If you look at life with any honesty and intelligence, it’s clear that human nature is dark, vile, selfish, and despondent. But I also see a force in human nature, namely grace, that sometimes works against our natural moral entropy.
Scott Derrickson
I definitely like taking the dark horse approach and picking people you should not be getting behind, and you figure out a way to get behind them.
Danny McBride
Every man’s closet should be dark pair of blue jeans, a black jean, and a mid wash jean.
Tan France
Even the dark places are places. You’re still somewhere.
K. Flay
It’s great to have the chance to play a character before he goes to the dark side, or the yellow side if you will. Normally, you don’t get that opportunity. The narrative of a movie usually demands that you are that guy from the start.
Mark Strong
The next film I’m making is a horror film, and I’m making it with A24. It’s a dark break-up movie that becomes a horror film, set in Sweden. That’s all I can really say now. It’s called ‘Midsommar.’ Everybody’s been spelling it wrong. It’s ‘midsummer’ in Swedish.
Ari Aster
I’m a dark blonde, yes. I dyed my hair blue, then black, when I was 14. I thought the colour was more flattering and matched my skin tone. I don’t think I’d ever change back unless it was for a film.
Eva Green
I went through two pretty dark years being fed up with the system and frustrated with my own party after two disastrous elections in 2006 and 2008.
Jim DeMint
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.
Anne Lamott
A writer should express criticism and indignation at the dark side of society and the ugliness of human nature, but we should not use one uniform expression.
Mo Yan
The perfect antidote to dark, cold and creepy is light, warm and cozy.
Candice Olson
Everybody has a dark side. It’s just we are very in touch with it.
Jeff Hanneman
Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.
Kenneth Grahame
I guess I have an affinity towards darkness, the dark side.
Betty Gabriel
I like all sorts of chocolate. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, anything.
Freddie Highmore
Flamenco is dark – it’s about tragedy and intensity.
Ballet Beautiful is about finding balance and making fitness a part of your life in a happy, healthy, rewarding way where you get to feel pretty and look beautiful. It’s not about beating yourself up in the gym and locking yourself in a dark room with blasting music.
Mary Helen Bowers
Our records, if you have a dark sense of humor, were funny, but our records weren’t about comedy. They were about protests, fantasy, confrontation and all that.
Ice Cube
I love my complexion, but like so many of us, in the early years at primary school, I grew up thinking that my dark skin wasn’t a great thing. I’ve found freedom in music and songwriting, which has given me a freedom in how I present myself. I’m glad I’ve got makeup to celebrate that with.
Laura Mvula
Being Southern and being the guy I’ve been all my life, I’ve lived more on the lighter side of life. I have a dark side, but that’s not where I come from. A lot of artists like to come from that.
Josh Holloway
Most people go, I wish for world peace. But chaos has a place in balancing out the light and the dark in the world. I don’t know if I would wish for world peace.
Brendan Fraser
Originally, I wanted a pop career and formed a girl-band ‘Genie Queen’ managed by Andy McClusky from ‘Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark’, but it didn’t work out. My brother John is the talented singer and song-writer with ‘The Razz,’ while my other brother Sean is a footballer for Telford United.
Abbey Clancy
I’m afraid of the dark, so I have a lot of night-lights.
Lara Flynn Boyle
You’ll go down a dark road if you just dwell on every time you screw up. We play a very fickle position. If I make nine kicks out of 10, people are going to talk about the one I missed.
Stephen Gostkowski
Well, all I can say is, it’s a day-by-day program, and so I’m very worried about relapsing, but I don’t know. I don’t want to use. I don’t want to go back to that place because nothing good came of it. It was super dark; it’s not nice.
Jack Osbourne
The prejudice was so bad in the United States at that time that a dark person with a white person would not be served in a restaurant. My father, mother, and I would try it occasionally. We would sit there, and the food would never come.
Amar Bose
It is normal for me to wake and find myself writing in the dark… or to be out of my tomb, caught in an unearthly world, alive with the images that haunt me.
Kim Elizabeth
We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light.
Earl Nightingale
If you’re puzzled by what dark energy is, you’re in good company.
Saul Perlmutter
Perhaps naively I thought people understand what humor

Perhaps naively I thought people understand what humor was, that it was invented by the human race to cope with the dark areas of life, problems and terrors.
Bill Forsyth
This possibility bothered me as I thought it was not advisable to remain in one academic environment, and the long dark winters in Edinburgh could be rather dismal.
Paul Nurse
Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.
Henri Frederic Amiel
The torch needs to be held by somebody that’s great. Because champions are made in the dark, baby. We don’t need the lights and the spotlight. That stuff is for everybody else, man.
Tony Ferguson
Ah, Hope! what would life be, stripped of thy encouraging smiles, that teach us to look behind the dark clouds of today, for the golden beams that are to gild the morrow.
Susanna Moodie
Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.
Ingmar Bergman
The woman with dark hair, wide hips, and a few extra pounds has always been the essence of beauty in Morocco.
Fatema Mernissi
It’s always been said that comedy comes mostly out of the dark side anyway.
Alan Thicke
The great thing about Showtime is that they really give us leeway and the range to explore the real dark side of stuff.
Dash Mihok
I hate this quality, but I can go to dark levels when we lose. It’s not a panic attack, but there’s anxiety. I’m inconsolable. I’m a train wreck. I’m being myself. Then I get this crazy, intense focus, where I get desperate not to be embarrassed again. That dark spot is what I tap into. Creativity comes from there.
Erik Spoelstra
I’ve had my share of dark days of the soul. I try not to focus on it too much so it doesn’t get to me.
Annie Lennox
I have a big personality, and I think big personality plus blond hair makes me come across as glib. With dark hair, people look at your face more. Before, it was all about the hair.
Brooke Burns
God is waiting to be gracious, and is willing to make us happy in religion, if we would not run away from him. We refuse to open the window shutters, and complain that it is dark.
Adoniram Judson
I guess I do have a childlike sense of fun, and although I still have my dark days, I’m generally an optimistic person. The way things have gone in my life, sure, I could have been a bitter person. But I just find bitter people really un-fun, you know? And who wants to be that person?
Drew Barrymore
We have been travelling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began.
Black Kettle
There is a dark side of me – it’s the side people don’t really get to see. I think everyone has that.
Bishop Briggs
An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it.
James A. Michener
There is a dark side in all of us. And for us ‘bad’ people, the bad side dominates. I think there is a great sadness in villains, and I have tried to put that across. We cannot stop ourselves doing what we are doing.
Christopher Lee
I’m a big fan of Courtney Love. I love Hole and I love her acting and I love her attitude. I just hope I never meet her in a dark alley.
Jeff Ross
As an actor, I tend to enjoy going to the dark side.
Dean Winters
When you lose everything, and I mean everything, you sit there in this empty room in the dark, and the only person who can get you out is you.
Mickey Rourke
Every mistake you make allows you to be honest because what’s in the dark will come to light, so it’s better to be truthful about it.
I don’t want to talk about negative, dark things. The only thing I’ve got against stuff like Marilyn Manson is, they make unbelievable videos and unbelievable images.
Sammy Hagar
Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
The promos with all of the beautiful women probably attracted some men, but the mystery story line is pretty cool. It’s got that dark edge, and people will watch anything funny.
James Denton
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.
Carl Sagan
A dark cloud is no sign that the sun has lost his light; and dark black convictions are no arguments that God has laid aside His mercy.
Charles Spurgeon
Fear is the dark room where the Devil develops his negatives.
Gary Busey
You get to thinking that because you’ve written 50 or 100 songs, you think maybe you know how to do it. But when they’re not coming along, you’re just as in the dark as you ever were. When they’re coming along, there’s nothing to it. Sometimes it’s so easy, it’s like you’re a court stenographer.
John Prine
When I was little, I didn’t like being left on my own in the dark.
John Terry
When you have a dark side, nothing is ever as good as it seems.
The point about hope is that it is something that occur

The point about hope is that it is something that occurs in very dark moments. It is like a flame in the darkness; it isn’t like a confidence and a promise.
John Berger
It’s just interesting that people don’t really know about the roles that I play that are darker. I kind of do a huge blend of really big light things but also really dark indie things, and it just sort of happens to work out that way.
Brittany Snow
The purposeful restriction of knowledge has been at the heart of untold misery and hardship in this world. Serfs were kept illiterate so as to not jeopardize the feudal system. Slaves were kept in the dark on a variety of subjects so as to not provide them the possibility of escape.
Niger Innis
The thing I like about astronomy is being outside at night and seeing the stars in a dark sky. It makes you feel small.
Jimmy Walker
We fought during ‘The Wall,’ which was an album Waters wrote, based on his family story, we clashed long before that, during the period of the Dark Side and ‘Wish You Were Here.’ Actually, we never got along.
Rick Wright
Fairy tales to me are never happy, sweet stories. They’re moral stories about overcoming the dark side and the bad.
Joe Wright
We work in the dark – we do what we can – we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.
Henry James
You know, usually with movies there are periods, dark areas, where I might not be getting what I wanted out of a theme. I’ll have to go over and over it again.
Trevor Rabin
This proving of such and such I found to be almost like cheating. You start somewhere, and then you go into a dark tunnel, and then you come out at another place. You find that you have proved what you wanted to prove, but in the tunnel, you don’t see anything.
Werner Heisenberg
I’m doing something called ‘Olivia Twisted,’ that will start next year. There may be something in between, but right now, that’s the one that I’m slated to do next year. That’s a very ultra-modern version of ‘Oliver Twist,’ and it’s female-driven. It’s an action film, and it’s kind of dark and gritty.
Ashley Greene
And I learned a lot from working with this kid, and I think he’s gonna be a big star. Remember the name, Tim Dark, because he has something about his voice that’s different from all the other rappers, even though his style is similar.
Alan Vega
Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark.
Germaine Greer
Look, I happen to still like really dark, dramatic, fractured characters.
Nicolas Cage
My father has fair skin, and my mother is dark, and I’m kind of cafe au lait.
Lela Rochon
Everybody thinks that this civilization has lasted a very long time but it really does take very few grandfathers’ granddaughters to take us back to the dark ages.
Gertrude Stein
I wanna buy vinyl and I want to listen to records on it. I want to put on ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ in the dining room while I’m eating pasta or whatever. You know what I mean.
Jim Root
I loved being in the film called ‘Carnal Knowledge’ – the one with Jack Nicholson, which was very dark but a really brilliant movie. I loved being in ‘The Ritz.’ ‘The Ritz’ I think is just hilarious. I just saw it again recently and by God, it’s still funny!
Rita Moreno
Teen authors love to flirt with taboo, to grapple – sensitively – with dark and frightening issues, and there is nothing darker and more frightening than cancer.
Mal Peet
You can’t have a light without a dark to stick it in.
Arlo Guthrie
I think Alone in the Dark was too much an action creature movie than a horror creature movie.
Uwe Boll
I never liked sleeping in the dark. I have, like, twinkle stars around my bed, so it’s not so bad.
Millie Bobby Brown
Storms and darkness scared me, but somehow it encouraged me to learn about nature and I think nothing’s dark, dark is beautiful too.
Bai Ling
O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.
Saint Augustine
Some people ask why people would go into a dark room to be scared. I say they are already scared, and they need to have that fear manipulated and massaged. I think of horror movies as the disturbed dreams of a society.
Wes Craven
Some people are too prideful to go out and reach out to people to help them in that situation because it’s just such a dark time.
Terrell Owens
A movie like House of the Dead with around $7 million budget or Alone in the Dark with around $16 million budget are much easier to make profit than the typical $50 million major motion picture.
Uwe Boll
By acknowledging, accepting, and embracing our dark side, we create natural steam vents within ourselves. By providing an opening, we eliminate the worry about an explosion because we are allowing the pressure to be released in a safe and appropriate way.
Debbie Ford
In the American ‘melting pot,’ identity politics wants to smash that pot – to bring us back to the Dark Ages, when collaboration was sparse.
Greg Gutfeld
Sometimes the times were dark and the outlook was lonesome, but where there is a will, there is a way. I pitched in and dug at my work until now I am where I am.
Edmonia Lewis
‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ it turns out, is a classic Batman epic.
Neal Adams
My stepfather is a baron. He has a castle in Belgium that’s been in his family for hundreds and hundreds of years. It’s not fancy; it’s really sort of brimstone and dark. It’s got a moat and a drawbridge.
Caroline Polachek
Because there is that sort of feeling that people don't

Because there is that sort of feeling that people don’t know what to do with gaps in their lives. It’s a scary notion, but actually, if you can stand in space just for a little while, a new door will open, or you’ll be able to see in the dark after a while. You’ll adjust.
Jane Campion
On the contrary, if they are treated with justice and humanity, proper example and the advantages of education given them, the coming years will be as bright and prosperous to the unfortunate race as the past has been dark and painful.
Nelson A. Miles
However dark and profitless, however painful and weary, existence may have become, life is not done, and our Christian character is not won, so long as God has anything left for us to suffer, or anything left for us to do.
Frederick William Robertson
I have dark skin. My nickname is El Negro. They call me El Negro in Mexico because even in my country, the dark skin is evidence of Indian blood, a sign that one technically belongs to a third class. Even my grandmother had some kind of differentiation with me, because I was darker than my siblings.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Gosh, it’s so fun to do a movie where there’s nothing dark happening in it.
Heather Graham
I was raised with the Bible Belt mentality, and by coming to California, I came out of this dark place and unlearned a lot of things I’d been taught.
Edward Ruscha
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one’s steps to the upper air – there’s the rub, the task.
I am not a dark person and I don’t consider myself dark.
Tim Burton
Walk, run, cycle – When you live inside your head for such long periods of time, you have to open the windows, air it out a bit, let sunlight stream into all the dark and dusty corners of your mind.
Twinkle Khanna
Faith means living with uncertainty – feeling your way through life, letting your heart guide you like a lantern in the dark.
Dan Millman
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
Rabindranath Tagore
So important is this dark matter to our understanding of the size, shape, and ultimate fate of the universe that the search for it will very likely dominate astronomy for the next few decades.
Vera Rubin
Poetry operates by hints and dark suggestions. It is full of secrets and hidden formulae, like a witch’s brew.
Anthony Hecht
The dark comedies tend to be in a non-releasable area. There can be romantic comedies. There can be dramas. But there’s no ‘dark comedy’ inbox for the advertising.
Gus Van Sant
There’s certainly a side of me that isn’t completely… sane. Or completely ‘even’ all the time. We all have our dark sides.
Angelina Jolie
I’ve always been misrepresented. You know, I could dress in a clown costume and laugh with the happy people but they’d still say I’m a dark personality.
Tim Burton
I was in a very deep, dark slump, and I needed to find a way to get myself out of it. I had to force myself back out into life, back out into experiencing things.
Shania Twain
What other dungeon is so dark as one’s own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one’s self!
Nathaniel Hawthorne
It was more that his career was going down again and he was tired of the songs. He was tired of the routine. And there was a point where he just kind of gave up. He couldn’t face being 40. And he resorted to stimulants. There’s a dark side there, a really dark side.
Priscilla Presley
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Helen Keller
Appealing workplaces are to be avoided. One wants a room with no view, so imagination can meet memory in the dark.
Annie Dillard
Heath Ledger’s performance in ‘The Dark Knight’ quite simply changed the game. He raised the bar not just for actors in superhero films, but young actors everywhere; for me. His performance was dark, anarchic, dizzying, free, and totally, thrillingly, dangerous.
Tom Hiddleston
What is filmmaking but groping in the dark?
Alexander Payne
I was scared of the dark. Ohhhh, I’d do anything not to have to sleep on my own. I’d get in bed and cover myself with dolls and teddy bears.
Peta Wilson
There’s one disturbing notion throughout India that light skin is more attractive than dark.
Freida Pinto
I don’t personally see my work as being dark. What interests me is a balance between light and dark.
Carter Burwell
When life hits you pretty hard, you can go into a dark corner.
Sylvester Stallone
And then when all around grows dark, when we feel utterly alone, when all men right and left pass us by and know us not, a forgotten feeling rises in the breast.
Max Muller
A lot of women don’t know how to love because there’s deep reasons for them not knowing how to love. And what I mean by deep reasons is deep and dark reasons.
Lil Wayne
We should face reality and our past mistakes in an honest, adult way. Boasting of glory does not make glory, and singing in the dark does not dispel fear.
Hussein of Jordan
I think it’s good to explore it. I don’t feel bad about that… I mean, I think everyone has a sense of – has a dark side, has a – carries some sort of pain with them. And I find it fun to crack it open and go there.
Naomi Watts
I believe in energy like dark energies. I believe that

I believe in energy like dark energies. I believe that when a family moves into a house where six murders took place, there’s going to be some bad juju in that house. But then again what the hell is wrong with you to be moving in that house to begin with?
Ryan Reynolds
I like dark comedies. That’s why I like the Wayans Brothers.
Zach Galifianakis
I think there’s a dark and twisted idea of democracy that everybody is as interesting as everybody else. So we mustn’t make anybody too interesting. There’s an ironing out of edges and eccentricities, idiosyncrasies in people and situations.
Tom Burke
I have been to hell and back. I have seen the edge. I have seen the dark side of life.
Natalie Cole
That justice should be administered between men, it is necessary that testimonies of fact be alleged; and that witnesses should apprehend themselves greatly obliged to discover the truth, according to their conscience, in dark and doubtful cases.
Isaac Barrow
I have this terrible dark side to my personality, which playing tennis keeps at bay.
Monica Seles
During the war, women without nylons drew lines up the backs of their legs to give the illusion of silk stockings. Painting over grey hair with spray-on root touch-up – or even dark eyeshadow – is the Covid-19 equivalent.
Susanna Reid
I went to a Cal Tech party after the ‘Facebook’ movie came out, and there were kids in dark rooms coding because it was cool again. That movie made it cool to sit in a room at a party and write code.
Kerry Bishe
I wanted to portray very, very dark subject matter and a deceptively complex story in the brightest colours and simplest lines possible to leave the readers reeling.
Mark Millar
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.
Ulysses S. Grant
Those who oppressed us described us as the Dark Continent!
Thabo Mbeki
Everybody’s got that split between the beautiful and fragile, the hard and the dark.
You can hit the lowest low and face the darkest dark, but you can always get back up and get in the light. All of this is what actually makes life worth living.
So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds, And wait, and tend our agonizing seeds.
Countee Cullen
Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
When you a darker brunette and have pale skin like I do, it can wash you out a bit, so learning to contour is really helpful. I think you can be a bit more bold with eye makeup to define your eyes, and the same with lip colors – you can go for dark wine colors, which I love.
Olivia Wilde
I just don’t think there are any rules to color. You have a small space with no windows? Put lamps in there, make it dramatic, paint the ceiling black. Do something with it. If it’s dark, accentuate the darkness.
David Bromstad
He that has light within his own clear breast May sit in the centre, and enjoy bright day: But he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts Benighted walks under the mid-day sun; Himself his own dungeon.
John Milton
The girl-next-door image is a sort of joke; for years, I couldn’t get any roles other than as somebody dark.
Felicity Kendal
My imagination completely controls me, and forever feeds the fire that burns with dark red light in my heart by bringing me the best dreams. I’ve always had a wild imagination, a big heart and a tortured soul so I feel that dark fantasy, love and horror are in my blood.
Kim Elizabeth
For example, the opposition between acute and grave phonemes has the capacity to suggest an image of bright and dark, of pointed and rounded, of thin and thick, of light and heavy, etc.
Roman Jakobson
We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark, and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight.
H. P. Lovecraft
I’ve seen a few wild grizzly bears, mostly in Alaska and British Columbia, and always from a distance. But each grizzly I’ve caught sight of was as fearsome and sublime as the last. You never get used to their raw power and massive bodies, or the mysterious intelligence in their dark, close-set eyes.
Lydia Millet
This sweet, blessed, God-inspired place called America is a champion that has absorbed some blows. But while we bend, we don’t break. This is no dark hour; this is the dawn before we remember who we are.
Artur Davis
I regret those times when I’ve chosen the dark side. I’ve wasted enough time not being happy.
Jessica Lange
Flowers grow out of dark moments.
Corita Kent
But with The Dark Crystal, instead of puppetry we’re trying to go toward a sense of realism – toward a reality of creatures that are actually alive and we’re mixing up puppetry and all kinds of other techniques.
Jim Henson
We pledge to fight the dark forces high in the counsels of the Republican Party which have made political capital out of the techniques of character assassination by innuendo.
Emanuel Celler
I see myself and many artists like me as the torchbearers through these dark ages.
John Zorn
I’m supposed to convince you, for two hours, that I’m somebody else. Now if you know everything about my life, if you think you’ve got me figured out and you think you know all my dark secrets, how am I ever going to convince you that I’m somebody else?
Kevin Spacey
This dark diction has become America’s addiction.
Kanye West
Israel is a lighthouse and the only democracy in a dark

Israel is a lighthouse and the only democracy in a dark and tyrannical region. It’s part of us, of our European identity.
Geert Wilders
I would never write stories with only despair and defeat and the dark side of life.
Morris Gleitzman
The Crosby family is sort of legendary for all of its traumas and familial problems, even though it has this appearance of being this perfect world. It had quite a dark side to it.
Denise Crosby
We come from a dark abyss, we end in a dark abyss, and we call the luminous interval life.
Nikos Kazantzakis
Most near-future fictions are boring. It’s always dark and always raining, and people are so unhappy.
Haruki Murakami
I use a toothbrush on my lips as a lip scrub; occasionally, I use a toothbrush with some dark eye shadow on my eye brows if I want to fill them in. And if I want a really thick, textured look with mascara, I put one on my lashes, as well.
Dua Lipa
I’m very protective of my energy. You have to protect your energy around outside sources because your positive energy can be canceled out by someone’s dark energy.
I don’t think of my songs as sad songs. I think of them as vulnerable and honest. I crack jokes in between songs, so people don’t leave feeling too dark.
Mary Lambert
Thanks to my reading, I have never been caught flat-footed by any situation, never at a loss for how any problem has been addressed… It doesn’t give me all the answers, but it lights what is often a dark path ahead.
Jim Mattis
I am attracted to the dark side of life!
Famke Janssen
Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn’t there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything.
Robert A. Heinlein
People sort of imagine Chris Morris and me sitting somewhere dark, with dripping taps and chilling background music. In fact, we like to sit on his roof in the sunshine – and there’s an endless amount of just sitting there, going, ‘So, erm, er, what shall we do?’
Peter Baynham
Los Angeles was great fun because it was the polar opposite of Moscow in 1980. It was sunny and bright, lots of colours around, whereas Moscow was dark and oppressive.
Daley Thompson
Many comedians have a dark side that lets them take a negative thing and turn it funny.
Rachel Dratch
I use the music to vent, and a lot of the stuff that I am writing about or was writing about contained a lot of anger and anxiety, stress and depression, so that’s how the album came out so dark.
Vanilla Ice
I never, ever romanticise life in the pit. It was a hard, dirty, noisy, tiring, dangerous job in a confined space, a very dark world with no toilets or running water to drink or wash with.
Dennis Skinner
We all have dark shadows in our self that come out every now and then.
Jessie Buckley
We can always find something to be thankful for, and there may be reasons why we ought to be thankful for even those dispensations which appear dark and frowning.
Albert Barnes
The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience.
Orson F. Whitney
It’s not like I don’t want to play the guy next door. But sometimes they’re not the best written or the most complicated. But I am very, very particular about my bad boys. There are certain types of characters I will not play. I’ve said no so many times to so many parts that are just way too dark. You have to be careful.
Kim Coates
The 4-year-old me was getting laughed in school at for being too dark.
Saint Jhn
I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark.
Henry David Thoreau
The chief concern of the French Impressionists was the discovery of balance between light and dark.
Stephen Gardiner
Patton was living in the Dark Ages. Soldiers were peasants to him. I didn’t like that attitude.
Bill Mauldin
You know, when we get to a point in this country where dissent is extremism, we’ve turned, I think, a very dark page in our history. And I don’t want us to go there. I encourage Americans and I’m – right now, to go to these town hall meetings, to – to talk to your Congressmen, the people that you elected.
Michael Steele
I wouldn’t like to meet Daniel Craig on a dark night if I’d said anything bad about him.
Roger Moore
I don’t think there’s much point in putting me a deep, dark, heavy, emotional film because there are people who do it so much better than I do.
Hugh Grant
I’m a sinner just like everybody else and I have my faults and I’ve been through my dark times in my life to where I wasn’t walking the walk and talking the talk, or I may have been talking the talk, but I wasn’t walking the walk.
Josh Turner
There is in every true woman’s heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.
Washington Irving
In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.
Dante Alighieri
There is in every woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.
Washington Irving
My wife was afraid of the dark... then she saw me naked

My wife was afraid of the dark… then she saw me naked and now she’s afraid of the light.
Rodney Dangerfield
It’s so ironic – when you finally achieve recognition, you hide behind dark glasses.
Madhuri Dixit
Every once in awhile I like to play dark ladies, crazy ladies, but most often I look for characters that are strong, intelligent, caring – usually earth women, because that’s basically how I see myself.
Erin Gray
It was very natural for me to want to disappear into dark theater, I am really very shy. That is something that people never seem to fully grasp because, when you are an actor, you are meant to be an exhibitionist.
Nicole Kidman
I think it is important to communicate how serious climate change is – it would be a disservice not to. But I’m not sure that emphasizing how scared we should all be is the best way to get people to care – I know it makes me want to crawl into a dark hole and never come out.
Tatiana Schlossberg
These are not dark days: these are great days – the greatest days our country has ever lived.
Winston Churchill
Anything that gets to the more emotional and dark side of music, I always enjoy.
Weather forecast for tonight: dark.
George Carlin
My dark sound could be heard across a room clearer than somebody with a reedy sound. It had more projection. My sound always seemed to fill a room.
Stan Getz
For me, ‘Amy’ is a very dark film about love.
Asif Kapadia
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
Corrie Ten Boom
To me, death is dark, pain, grief.
Mary Roach
Maybe there is something specifically Scandinavian that comes out of the long, dark winters – you have to learn to laugh at misery, in a way.
Stellan Skarsgard
It gives us a look into a world that’s very much like ‘Traffic’ was for drugs, this movie is for gun running. Dark at times, but I think Nic Cage is an incredible person to watch and very entertaining.
Jared Leto
I don’t think Africa gets as much credit as it should have on the world stage. People tend to think of us as coming from The Dark Continent, where nothing good goes on. That’s not true. A huge amount of, as I say, entrepreneurship goes on.
Nicky Oppenheimer
I think it’s imperative of me to advance that theory that you can win your small victories against the dark.
Mark Waid
Life is one long struggle in the dark.
It’s never easy with characters in these dark and grave circumstances but that’s my job.
Patricia Clarkson
I painted with my husband a portrait of a naked Serge Gainsbourg draped with a French flag, and it hangs in our bedroom. I love gritty and dark art like what the German couple Herakut does.
Stephanie Szostak
If you start in the pit of despair with these profane, awful things, even a glimmer of hope or awareness is going to occur that’s much brighter coming from this dark, awful beginning.
Chuck Palahniuk
Through the harsh design of fate, Florida was dealt the unfortunate circumstances of bearing the brunt of not one but two hurricanes, and it appears more dark clouds are poised to visit the Sunshine State.
Ginny Brown-Waite
Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark.
Theodore Parker
Being gay facilitated my capacity for shame. As a child, I carried around this thing that gradually became this big dark secret. When I came out in a newspaper interview at 30 I was expecting the reaction the following day to be like the climax of ‘Dead Poets Society,’ but actually no one really cared.
Derren Brown
And only the photographer himself knows the effect he wants. He should know by instinct, grounded in experience, what subjects are enhanced by hard or soft, light or dark treatment.
Bill Brandt
Certainly I have no attraction to misery. I don’t intentionally go for dark.
Christian Bale
Dark impulses certainly exist in me and, I think, in most people.
Stephen Hopkins
The night I was recognized for ‘Daughters’ at the Grammys was the night this record started. I knew I had bought the time to learn everything I needed before I started this one. ‘Continuum’ is not a shot in the dark, it’s not a guesstimation.
John Mayer
With any luck, Heaven itself will resemble a vast used bookstore, with a really good cafe in one corner, serving dark beer and kielbasa to keep up one’s strength while browsing, and all around will be the kind of angels usually found in Victoria’s Secret catalogs.
Michael Dirda
Christopher Nolan’s astounding third Batman feature, ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ represents the true maturation of the superhero movie – and provides the key to understanding the bottomless craving moviegoers have for these films, 34 years after the Christopher Reeve Superman gave birth to the genre.
John Podhoretz
I want to have an epic life. I want to tell my life with big adjectives. I want to forget all the grays in between, and remember the highlights and the dark moments.
Isabel Allende
I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.
Stephen Hawking
The social object of skilled investment should be to de

The social object of skilled investment should be to defeat the dark forces of time and ignorance which envelope our future.
John Maynard Keynes
I have always liked the contrast between being blonde and having dark features.
Rita Ora
I am a passionate believer that comedy is a way of tackling some of the most dark and difficult aspects of being a human being.
Stephen Mangan
I liked Hans Christian Andersen because the tales were so dark and tragic.
Aimee Bender
I have a dark and sexy side, and I sometimes have a feminine, elegant side.
‘Outlaw Cook’ was a revelation. Folks like Jeff Smith and Marcella Hazan got me interested in cooking, but John Thorne pushed me into the path that I follow to this day. This is the only cookbook I’ve ever read that understands how men really eat: over the sink, in the dark, greasy to the elbows.
Alton Brown
I definitely have my days where I look like I got dressed in the dark.
Mariska Hargitay
People think we’re always dark and gloomy, and we’re not.
Matt Skiba
To me, a staircase looks like a series of dark and light horizontal stripes, which is exactly how you’d draw a staircase. So I know how the image is going to look on the page.
G. Willow Wilson