Top 510 Coffee Quotes

I wear my pajamas. That’s the thing I love most about writing. I don’t get changed until I actually have to go out of the house. I’ll write and take a late lunch or go to a coffee shop when I get where I can’t stand the four walls anymore.
Kimberly Willis Holt
When writers stop to sharpen pencils or get up and make coffee to procrastinate, they still stay in their heads with their characters. But when you zip over to read email or check your Facebook page, you get zapped out of the fictive dream. It’s brutal on my writing.
M. J. Rose
I’ve been kind of a journeyman. My five-year stint at TNA. My short cup of coffee in WWE. The last eight-and-a-half years in Japan. I wanted to prove to the world that I absolutely belong as a singles competiton.
Lance Archer
The only projects that excite me have to be tied to some aspect of social change. No matter how beautiful, a coffee book doesn’t exactly move you to change the way you cook or eat.
Homaro Cantu
The only time I’ll use a microwave is to warm up a cup of coffee I’ve left too long before drinking.
Mary Berry
My career has worked out exactly how I like, and I am just happy to go to a coffee shop and nobody knows me, or when they do, they are complimenting me on the work they have seen, and it feels very genuine.
Jason Clarke
I love pop R&B. Thats my first love. Ive been singing since I was in diapers, and I used to host shows for my family and I would get on the coffee table and ask everybody to be quiet and I would sing.
Renee Rapp
I pretty much only drink water, Tazo passion tea, or coffee with half and half, and it’s an ongoing joke in the office that I never have less than three glasses of water and some form of tea or coffee in front of me.
Ivanka Trump