Top 520 Able Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Able Quotes from famous people such as Mary Kay Ash, Madison Cawthorn, Bill Gates, Brene Brown, Tom Stoppard, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fl

Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.
Mary Kay Ash
If I had a son, I want him to be able to grow up in a world where he would not be called a sexual predator for trying to kiss someone.
Madison Cawthorn
Security is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers – organizing your lives, staying in touch with people, being creative – if we don’t solve these security problems, then people will hold back.
Bill Gates
When we’re looking for compassion, we need someone who is deeply rooted, is able to bend and, most of all, embraces us for our strengths and struggles.
Brene Brown
The House of Lords, an illusion to which I have never been able to subscribe – responsibility without power, the prerogative of the eunuch throughout the ages.
Tom Stoppard
Belief is nothing but a more vivid, lively, forcible, firm, steady conception of an object, than what the imagination alone is ever able to attain.
David Hume
Sometimes I believe that the reason I have been able to do such exemplary work on the screen is because this is the only place I can be free, neither censured nor judged.
Louis Gossett, Jr.
The mountain climbing, I just want to be able to have a real cardio-intense event, and the payoff is you get the top.
Jared Isaacman
The idea, as a director, is to be able to bring everybody on board and to inspire and give energy to everybody and to explain specific color, specific ambience. I need to be very precise, but I think I’m a better director when I’m more a channeler than a dictator.
Denis Villeneuve
The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment.
Elbert Hubbard
There’s nobody that’s ever really been able to take care of me. Johnny did for a bit. I believed what he said. Like if I said, ‘What do I do?’ he’d tell me. And that’s what I missed when I left. I really lost that gauge of somebody I could trust.
Kate Moss
My mother would beat me so bad, I wouldn’t be able to sit down. And I would never snitch.
Hip-hop originated from the Bronx specifically; that means everything. I’m down the block from where hip-hop was born and raised, so I’m glad I am here and I’m able to represent New York the way I am.
A Boogie wit da Hoodie
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’
Eleanor Roosevelt
Broadband access is the great equalizer, leveling the playing field so that every willing and able person, no matter their station in life, has access to the information and tools necessary to achieve the American Dream.
Michael K. Powell
I don’t think the majority of people – to be quite honest – care. I think they see me as someone who was at one stage of my life in the IRA, but they see me in the round, as someone who was able to make peace.
Martin McGuinness
I can’t save the world, but if I can share some ideas, people might be able to save themselves.
I really would like to be involved in things and to understand things, and in some ways you’ve got to be careful what you wish for because I feel very, very blessed to have such an interesting life and to be able to have little snapshots of lives of people from many different parts of the world.
Yo-Yo Ma
It’s always nice to be home and be able to see my family. It’s the best feeling.
Isabeli Fontana
When you have new people coming in and you sort of want to show them the ropes, it’s always easier to have people that know the process and are able to sort of just do their thing, and then everyone can kind of follow their lead.
Jeff Baena
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.
Mother Teresa
Pitt will always be my school and I’m honored to be able to support the Blue and Gold.
Aaron Donald
I’m not a huge party girl. When I turned 18, the thing I was most excited about was being able to vote for the first time.
Dove Cameron
I really don’t like not being able to help my teammates.
Sadio Mane
It’s definitely a privilege to be able to do what you love to do; it’s not something that everyone gets to do, so I feel really good about that.
To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to say what the experiment died of.
Ronald Fisher
I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this.
Eric Idle
Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.
Thomas Jefferson
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I hate jump scares. I really hate them. I think there’s nothing special about being able to startle someone – that’s an involuntary reflex, and it makes people laugh.
Mike Flanagan
As men are not able to fight against death, misery, ignorance, they have taken it into their heads, in order to be happy, not to think of them at all.
Blaise Pascal
Education... has produced a vast population able to rea

Education… has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. Trevelyan
I feel like dreams are always a little tricky, you know? But if you just push through the struggles and the hard times, it’ll be so worth it in the end because you will be able to get to your dreams.
Chloe Kim
We are one people; we are only family. And when we finally accept these truths, then we will be able to fulfill Dr. King’s dream to build a beloved community, a nation, and a world at peace with itself.
John Lewis
There is only one real deprivation… and that is not to be able to give one’s gifts to those one loves most.
May Sarton
Our dreams are a second life. I have never been able to penetrate without a shudder those ivory or horned gates which separate us from the invisible world.
Gerard De Nerval
I think the whole world has been able to utilize the Internet. I feel like you don’t have to be from a certain soil.
Poetry seems to be the only weapon able to beat language, using language’s own means.
Joseph Brodsky
Being able to feel free and comfortable in your character’s skin is so important.
Lily-Rose Depp
Remember to reach for the stars, and they won’t be able to resist flying into your hands!
Katherine McNamara
I just want to be happy. You know what I’m saying? I just want to be happy, and I want to be able to make somebody else happy.
Sean Combs
I was able to find myself spiritually by realizing that my happiness started with me.
NLE Choppa
I never thought I’d get to the point where I’d be able to release a proper album, and I absolutely never thought that when I did, I would give it a name as stupid I have, but here we are.
Lewis Capaldi
The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
Albert Einstein
Unless one is able to live fully in the present, the future is a hoax.
Alan Watts
The English people, a lot of them, would not be able to understand a word of spoken Shakespeare. There are people who do and I’m not denying they exist. But it’s a far more philistine country than people think.
Colin Firth
Conscious of not being able to separate myself from my time, I have decided to become part of it.
Albert Camus
What I think I’ve been able to do well over the years is play with pain, play with problems, play in all sorts of conditions.
Roger Federer
So the bodhisattva saves all beings, not by preaching sermons to them, but by showing them that they are delivered, they are liberated, by the act of not being able to stop changing.
Alan Watts
When you’re a second- or third-generation migrant, your ties to your heritage can feel a little precarious. You’re a foreigner here, you’re a tourist back in your ancestral land, and home is the magpie nest you construct of the bits of culture you’re able to hold close.
Ash Sarkar
In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics.
John F. Kennedy
For kids, it’s best to teach them how to fold their clothes first. Kids will be able to fold their clothes at about three years old. You don’t want to teach them how to put away toys first because it’s difficult. Clothes are something kids wear every day, so it’s easy for them to have a sense about their belongings.
Marie Kondo
I’m just blessed, man, to be able to represent solidarity with the small schools I went to.
Stephen Curry
I’ve gotten very good at scheduling my life, scheduling the scene and preparing myself for knowing, saving the energy, consuming the energy, knowing when to go for it and having the available reserves to be able to do that. You have to think about that, because it’s endurance.
Tom Cruise
Hiding, secrets, and not being able to be yourself is one of the worst things ever for a person. It gives you low self-esteem. You never get to reach that peak in your life. You should always be able to be yourself and be proud of yourself.
Grace Jones
If I’d not been a coal miner in the past, getting up very early, I wouldn’t have been able to have done what I’ve been doing.
Dennis Skinner
It takes a long time to free oneself from chatter – goals, social media, image, persona. And if you’re able to move through in that way, you can actually start trying to create from a different place.
Sandra Oh
The day I am not able to fly will be a sad day for me.
Ratan Tata
God’s given me a gift to be able to put people in the right position, where their strengths are!
Mike Lindell
I never, ever thought I would be able to grow a beard like I have now. I think it’s gonna be here for a little minute. Fear the beard, hopefully.
Odell Beckham, Jr.
Failure can teach you something, and as long as you’re moving very, very quickly, you’re going to start piling up the wins. Speed gives you the luxury to be able to fail.
Dara Khosrowshahi
Truth is a pain which will not stop. And the truth of this world is to die. You must choose: either dying or lying. Personally, I have never been able to kill myself.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Obviously, there are moments that you look back at and

Obviously, there are moments that you look back at and cringe – things in the past involving violence or disrespect to women or disrespect to other people that are so far away from what I want to put out there now. But it’s actually a privilege to be able to change and be making records that reflect that change.
Mike D
Sometimes it takes looking at the past to really be able to move forward and learn from it.
Danica Patrick
There are one hundred men seeking security to one able man who is willing to risk his fortune.
J. Paul Getty
You know what? I’m not always in a positive, happy place. But I’m able to concentrate enough to come up with a really good song.
Brian Wilson
The thing is to be able to outlast the trends.
Paul Anka
I do believe it is important to be future-ready with a portfolio to be able to deal with however the market evolves. This is better than just forecasting accurately but in having the weapons ready to deal with the uncertainties.
Anand Mahindra
The supreme satisfaction is to be able to despise one’s neighbor and this fact goes far to account for religious intolerance. It is evidently consoling to reflect that the people next door are headed for hell.
Aleister Crowley
Let the people decide whom to vote for, who has more authority. And only people, only our citizens, are able to place the final emphasis, voting for this or that person or political force, or rejecting it. That’s democracy.
Dmitry Medvedev
I’m able to do motivational speaking all over the world and do so many positive things with my life because of my journey and the battles I’ve fought. Without cancer, I would have never had some of these opportunities, and I wouldn’t be the man I am today.
Daniel Jacobs
One of the secrets of a successful life is to be able to hold all of our energies upon one point, to focus all of the scattered rays of the mind upon one place or thing.
Orison Swett Marden
Be able to delegate, because there are some things that you just can’t do by yourself.
Meghan Markle
I’ve always enjoyed traveling and having experience with different cultures and different people. But it’s also a wonderful thing to be able to benefit and enable research, not only in our country but around the world.
Laurel Clark
One of the most important things in the digital world is being able to story-tell and help people envision the art of the possible with respect to different technologies.
Jamie S. Miller
Once every lunar eclipse, you should be able to see me smile!
Sophie Turner
Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty.
Stephen Hawking
Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion.
Marilyn vos Savant
My comeback was not about winning or losing; it was about the feeling of being able to compete at top level again.
Thomas Muster
What’s cool about Twitter is that you can make a joke about something very of-the-moment or random that I wouldn’t be able to joke about in stand-up.
Aziz Ansari
I still take a lot of pride in being able to write my own songs. My story’s coming from me.
Dua Lipa
Suspense is my thing. I think I am able to make people want to keep turning pages. They want to know what happens. So I can do that.
Ruth Rendell
You have to go through the ups and downs to really be able to root yourself and focus on what’s important.
To become an able and successful man in any profession, three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.
Henry Ward Beecher
People that are able to think in terms of concepts and offer us valuable forms of art are very exciting to me.
Virgil Abloh
The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’
Maria Montessori
I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.
Anne Frank
For us, genocide was the gas chamber – what happened in Germany. We were not able to realize that with the machete you can create a genocide.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
You may be able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere.
Donella Meadows
I spent a lot of time protecting myself. I mean, I’ve met a lot of extraordinary people over the years – and I just wish I had been able to open myself up to them more.
Diane Keaton
Any cook should be able to run the country.
Vladimir Lenin
We don’t believe that you should ever replace physical education. Even in a thousand years, a computer will never be able to do so.
Sal Khan
If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.
Daniel Goleman
There is nothing that man fears more than the touch of

There is nothing that man fears more than the touch of the unknown. He wants to see what is reaching towards him, and to be able to recognize or at least classify it. Man always tends to avoid physical contact with anything strange.
Elias Canetti
Striving for success is healthy – but believing you need to succeed the first time around may backfire. Mentally strong people believe failure is part of the process toward a long journey to success. By viewing failure as a temporary setback, they’re able to bounce back and move forward with ease.
Amy Morin
When I played Robert Howard in ‘The Whole Wide World’, I was struggling with it. There’s this dual thing where you feel real good about being able to play this juicy part, and then there’s constant shame: ‘Who am I to pretend to know who this guy was? Who am I to represent this guy for people who never knew him?’
Vincent D’Onofrio
If you’re never able to tolerate a little bit of pain and discomfort, you’ll never get better.
Angela Duckworth
One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.
Anton Chekhov
The only place I’ve felt was really my home is my cabin up north. There’s something in the water there that connects me to that place. There’s also this sense of isolation and loneliness about it that I’ve never been able to shake.
Jessica Lange
Let me say this on a personal note. Without the United States of America, I would in all probably not be able to stand here before you today.
Angela Merkel
Jay-Z called me onstage during my song that I produced for ‘Watch the Throne?’ That was surreal, man. One of those situations I’ll never forget. I’ll be able to show my kids the footage of when Jay-Z brought me onstage.
In all my life, I have never been free. I have never been able to do anything with freedom, except in the field of my writing.
Langston Hughes
Relationship humour gets the most laughs. If I’m able to get the women laughing, men will have to laugh along because they would be scared to death.
Vir Das
At the end, we’re kind of observers – creative people, I mean. I feel like an observer, and I’m pretty much able to step out of things and see how things are playing out.
Nick Cave
Personally, I really enjoy sci-fi. I watch it, I read comic books, and I play video games. I love this kind of world, so to be able to work in it is a dream. I enjoy it.
Aaron Ashmore
Like many other people, I grew up with so much adversity and negativity, it would have been easy to get overwhelmed and give in. But by turning negatives into positives, losing into a journey to winning, I have been able to overcome the odds that were against me and change them into motivation for my success.
Bobby Bones
I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.
Alan Turing
The things that make me happiest in the whole world are going on the occasional picnic, either with my children or with my partner; big family gatherings; and being able to go to the grocery store – if I can get those things in, I’m doing good.
Kate Winslet
I remember being young in the 1960s… we had a great sense of the future, a great big hope. This is what is missing in the youth today. This being able to dream and to change the world.
Bernardo Bertolucci
It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.
Lucille Ball
Music was the one thing that was just mine, and no one could take it from me. I created it, dictated it, and it made me not able to let go of it.
Sober up, and you see and hear everything you’d been able to avoid hearing before.
Sammy Davis, Jr.
In hospital, people should be able to have time to themselves.
Zaha Hadid
I would love to see women be able to be powerful, complex, smart, opinionated and taken seriously, even if they are beautiful. Even more, I would love to see women held to different standards, other than the superficial ones that we’re held to.
Amber Heard
For myself, anyway, I think that recurring has been such a gift, because I’ve been able to work on a lot of shows that I’ve really had a lot of respect for before I went in, shows like ‘Friday Night Lights’ and ‘Nip/Tuck,’ for example.
Jessalyn Gilsig
I always think part of success is being able to replicate results, taking what is interesting or viable about yourself as a professional person and seeing if you bring it into different situations with similar results.
Robert Downey, Jr.
On a good day, when you have a clear plan, you are able to execute whatever you wanted.
Jasprit Bumrah
Fragrance is important to me because of its emotional dimension. I feel like fragrances are able to transport, stir emotion, and bring up memories. You can wear makeup, you can dress yourself up, but fragrance gives a powerful aspect to how you can present yourself that you can’t necessarily get any other way.
Hari Nef
When you don’t manage your life well, you become angry and frustrated as things don’t go as intended, and our bad mood is a sign showing we were not able to resolve the conflict.
Jorge Bucay
Obviously I wouldn’t be able to do it without the support of so many people.
I don’t think I’m a great singer myself. I’m all right. I’ve worked with different writers, different producers… I’ve just been blessed with the caliber of people I’ve been able to work with.
Melanie Chisholm
I may not be able to run around the block anymore, but I love my life.
Teri Garr
True luxury is being able to own your time – to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.
Ashton Kutcher
I just feel like it’s a blessing to be able to represent Compton.
Roddy Ricch
I'd rather be able to face myself in the bathroom mirro

I’d rather be able to face myself in the bathroom mirror than be rich and famous.
Ani DiFranco
If you always think about your dreams or goals, work steadfastly towards them and continue to challenge yourself, you will definitely be able to realise those dreams or goals.
Tadashi Yanai
The less the camera is able to capture what you’re seeing in a scene, the more editing it needs.
Tom Anderson
My name is Leland Tyler Wayne. My mom wanted to give me a name where, no matter what I wanted to do, I’d be able to do it. An astronaut. President. Whatever.
Metro Boomin
The absolute transformation of everything that we ever thought about music will take place within 10 years, and nothing is going to be able to stop it. I see absolutely no point in pretending that it’s not going to happen. I’m fully confident that copyright, for instance, will no longer exist in 10 years.
David Bowie
People think your success is just a matter of having a pretty face. But it’s easy to be chewed up and spat out. You’ve got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.
Kate Moss
Hear the birds? Sometimes I like to pretend that I’m deaf and I try to imagine what it’s like not to be able to hear them. It’s not that bad.
Larry David
To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Women are the only ‘oppressed’ group that is able to buy most of the $10 billion worth of cosmetics each year; the only oppressed group that spends more on high fashion, brand-name clothing than its oppressors; the only oppressed group that watches more TV.
Warren Farrell
I do think that same gender partners should be able to be married. Why not? If you share a life together than who in the world should have anything to say about it?
Eartha Kitt
My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.
Winston Churchill
I have the responsibility of over four million people, and I am in a position to do good, to be able to bring about a new life for my people, and I will continue to move in that direction. It’s a burden, but it needs to be done, and you have to have the courage and wisdom to see it through.
Abdullah II of Jordan
We have to prepare our students so that they become able to face any challenge rising in any environment and anywhere in the world.
Abdul Qadeer Khan
The writer must earn money in order to be able to live and to write, but he must by no means live and write for the purpose of making money.
Karl Marx
Maturity: Be able to stick with a job until it is finished. Be able to bear an injustice without having to get even. Be able to carry money without spending it. Do your duty without being supervised.
Ann Landers
Electronic medical records are, in a lot of ways, I think the aspect of technology that is going to revolutionize the way we deliver care. And it’s not just that we will be able to collect information, it’s that everyone involved in the healthcare enterprise will be able to use that information more effectively.
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
I’ve been able to look at the world differently from three continents practically. I’ve always lived between India and the U.S. When I married Mahmood I became a daughter-in-law of Africa. That really changed my worldview. I can see it from so many perspectives.
Mira Nair
I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one.
Mark Twain
Be able to correctly pronounce the words you would like to speak and have excellent spoken grammar.
Marilyn vos Savant
I’ve always felt that as long as I was able, I was supposed to give all I’ve got to ensure a healthy and loving legacy for those still to come, and especially for those with no voice.
Julia Butterfly Hill
A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives.
Albert Schweitzer
It’s always great to see old friends, especially those I have not been able to see in 15 months.
William Regal
In the summer of 1902, I was able to erect two experimental stations on two forts at Strasbourg for the purpose of closer study.
Karl Ferdinand Braun
To me, the American Dream is being able to follow your own personal calling. To be able to do what you want to do is incredible freedom.
Maya Lin
I was able to accomplish a lot as a tag team wrestler in one of the greatest factions of all time – The New Day – but I also want to see how much I can do as a singles competitor.
Big E
Some days, I’ll be very down and out, but you won’t be able to tell, really, because I don’t express that side of myself on social media. That’s the side of myself that I express through music.
Lil Peep
The Conservative party believes Canada is stronger for being able to welcome people from all over the world.
Andrew Scheer
Ethics or simple honesty is the building blocks upon which our whole society is based, and business is a part of our society, and it’s integral to the practice of being able to conduct business, that you have a set of honest standards.
Kerry Stokes
I have never been able, really, to figure out where my life begins and where it ends. I have never, never been able to figure it all out, what it’s all about, what it all means.
Jonas Mekas
To be able to look back upon ones life in satisfaction, is to live twice.
Khalil Gibran
Talent is being able to please people.
Marty Robbins
I've often noticed that we are not able to look at what

I’ve often noticed that we are not able to look at what we have in front of us, unless it’s inside a frame.
Abbas Kiarostami
I write all my own raps myself, 100 percent. And it feels good to be able to say that.
Chanel West Coast
If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.
George Washington
I want my kids to be able to live comfortable and go to school and to be into sports.
Lil Durk
I like for jewelry to tell a story and to be able to talk about what I’m wearing. That’s more important to me than a name, brand, or label.
Nikki Reed
To have what we want is riches; but to be able to do without is power.
George MacDonald
The problem of the minimum dwelling is that of establishing the elementary minimum of space, air, light, and heat required by man in order that he be able to fully develop his life functions without experiencing limitations due to his dwelling, i.e. a minimum modus vivendi in place of a modus non moriendi.
Walter Gropius
Once your computer is pretending to be a neural net, you get it to be able to do a particular task by just showing it a whole lot of examples.
Geoffrey Hinton
When something happens – good, bad or ugly – you find a way to be able to do your part for your community. How do you better the lives of Indigenous people, how do you give back to the land, how do you stay connected? All of this is the same question.
Patty Mills
One may no more live in the world without picking up the moral prejudices of the world than one will be able to go to hell without perspiring.
H. L. Mencken
The Fox God created Babymetal by coming to us in a dream and telling the three of us to form the band. It is because of the Fox God that we are able to be who we are and perform all over the world.
Suzuka Nakamoto
I had a lot of adversity that kind of tested my maturity and things I was able to learn from and were put in my way for a reason, to make me a mature person and more experienced person.
Marcus Smart
Being able to breathe underwater would be sweet.
Cameron Bright
Most of those coming from the mainland are very destitute, almost naked. I am trying to find places for those able to work, and provide for them as best I can, so as to lighten the burden on the Government as much as possible, while at the same time they learn to respect themselves by earning their own living.
Harriet Tubman
For death is not the worst, but when one wants to die and is not able even to have that.
Character, in great and little things, means carrying through what you feel able to do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You gotta be able to take criticism if you want to be anything close to great. Even if it’s not true. You use that as an advantage for yourself. You can use that negative energy and turn that into an energy that drives you to be something more than you thought you could be. That’s one thing I did.
DeMar DeRozan
Freedom is what everyone wants – to be able to act and live with freedom. But the only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline.
Jocko Willink
I was always kind of serious. It’s nice to be able to play a complete bad boy who’s the polar opposite to who I am.
Colin O’Donoghue
I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate.
Elbert Hubbard
Being able to breathe underwater would be sweet. There is so much life underneath the water that we don’t know about. I would love to check out the bottom of the ocean to see what’s going on down there.
Cameron Bright
It’s a real roller-coaster ride if you’re lucky to have longevity in this business – you have to be able to ride those waves.
Jennifer Lopez
People with success are less able to cope because you’re used to being on Mount Everest and when it’s gone, what do you do?
Ricky Hatton
Beauty is in the strangest places. A piece of garbage floating in the wind. And that beauty exists in America. It exists everywhere. You have to develop an eye for it and be able to see it.
Alan Ball
A great life is to be able to ebb and flow.
Robin Wright
Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude, and the society of thyself.
Thomas Browne
Never give up. There are always tough times, regardless of what you do in anything in life. Be able to push through those times and maintain your ultimate goal.
Nathan Chen
I’m one of the luckiest people in the world that I was able to do what I fell in love with and be able to make a living doing it.
Scott Weiland
We have to be able to grow up. Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be.
Lauren Hutton
‘Movement is life;’ and it is well to be able to forget the past, and kill the present by continual change.
Jules Verne
I realized I love motivating and I love empowering and I love inspiring people. I did that as an athlete for 18 years, and I am able to do that as a motivational speaker now as well as doing work on television.
Dominique Dawes
Healthcare is a human right. No one should face bankrup

Healthcare is a human right. No one should face bankruptcy or death because of lack of healthcare. All Americans – regardless of their health or residential status – should be able to access the healthcare they need, whenever they need it.
Deb Haaland
If you don’t embrace who you are and accept who you are, you won’t be able to live a happy life.
My father sort of relented. He saw Rajiv, and he said he is a good man. But his more worried about his daughter, because I was going far to a place completely different… with completely different customs. He felt that perhaps I would not be able to accustom to these new ways.
Sonia Gandhi
I was proud of working 18 hours a day and sleeping three hours a night. It’s something now that has turned into a problem for me: not being able to sleep… having insomnia.
Sean Combs
To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.
John Wooden
Being able to afford everything you desire is not, by any means, the worst thing that can happen to you. But, depressingly, and more profoundly, neither is it the best.
A. A. Gill
Pray that success will not come any faster than you are able to endure it.
Elbert Hubbard
All you need is lots and lots of data and lots of information about what the right answer is, and you’ll be able to train a big neural net to do what you want.
Geoffrey Hinton
Everything in life is about timing. I’ve been able to have my experiences and learn from them and kind of figure out the thing that works for me and is best for me, and that’s all I can really say.
In terms of being able to renew my nation, to be able to be able to bring back a devastated country, to restore hope to our people, to lift women and to give them a new horizon, a new ambition and new dreams, in respect of all of that, I think we’ve accomplished it, and I feel very good about that.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
What’s that line from TS Eliot? To arrive at the place where you started, but to know it for the first time. I’m able to write about a breakup from a different place. Same brokenness. Same rock-bottom. But a little more informed, now I’m older. Thank God for growing up.
Alanis Morissette
Man’s ultimate concern must be expressed symbolically, because symbolic language alone is able to express the ultimate.
Paul Tillich
We are farmers, nobody in the family has a government job and my family has been supporting me with difficulty. But it is a sort of relief now that I am able to support my family financially besides continuing with my training.
Neeraj Chopra
It’s great to be able to work on some science fiction. I love the genre.
Aaron Stanford
With genetic engineering, we will be able to increase the complexity of our DNA, and improve the human race. But it will be a slow process, because one will have to wait about 18 years to see the effect of changes to the genetic code.
Stephen Hawking
There should not be a question of legal or illegal immigration. People came and immigrated to this country from the time of the Indians. No one’s illegal. They should just be able to come.
Linda Ronstadt
Comfort rules. You want to be able to sit in a good chair comfortably for a few hours and be able to talk and enjoy a glass of wine. There’s nothing worse than sitting in an uncomfortable chair.
Amanda Pays
Everyone should be able to express themselves in the way that best suits them – life is too short to spend it unhappy.
Jinkx Monsoon
I can’t stand being late. I try to be professional. I try not to let people down. But people let me down. That’s why I don’t rely on anyone to call me. That’s why I have clocks as well as people. I have to be able to call myself; it’s the only way to be sure.
Spike Milligan
The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?
David Attenborough
As a Democrat, I would just hate to be in a position of only being able to accomplish what Mitch McConnell allows us to.
John Fetterman
To be able to look back upon one’s past life with satisfaction is to live twice.
John Dalberg-Acton
A miracle is really the only way to describe motherhood and giving birth. It’s unbelievable how God has made us women and babies to endure and be able to do so much. A miracle, indeed. Such an incredible blessing.
Jennie Finch
You may be able to read Bernard Shaw’s plays, you may be able to quote Shakespeare or Voltaire or some new philosopher; but if you in yourself are not intelligent, if you are not creative, what is the point of this education?
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The close of my studies with a degree of a Dr. Ing. in 1929 coincided with the great economic crisis, and I was not able to find an academic position. I was therefore very grateful for a position in the newly created laboratory of G.J. Driza in Prague where rare chemicals were produced on small scale.
Vladimir Prelog
If not now, then when? If not you, then who? If we are able to answer these fundamental questions, then perhaps we can wipe away the blot of human slavery.
Kailash Satyarthi
Listen, I’ve been pretty fortunate. And if I’ve been underrated, it’s actually been something I’ve been able to work with; I can surprise people. It sets me up to exceed expectations, so I don’t mind.
Brad Pitt
When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways – either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength. Thanks to the teachings of Buddha, I have been able to take this second way.
Dalai Lama
I realize how fortunate I am to have been able to make a life and career out of skiing.
Gus Kenworthy
Being able to live without having to be defined by your skin color is the hallmark of privilege.
Luvvie Ajayi
To be able to travel the world, especially to places I

To be able to travel the world, especially to places I never thought I’d be… it’s really, you know, still fascinating for me.
Beyonce Knowles
I think people should be able to have at their behest, like, four hours of music, entertainment, visual knowledge, different pathways. That’s what I’m trying to do with modern technology, not just another song and another song.
Jon Anderson
I worry about putting food on the table, paying for my kids needs, their college fees in years to come. It’s about earning enough to have a living to be able to look after your children.
Shane Filan
When you use your faith, it gives you energy. It gives you the ability to be able to see beyond where you are right now and see into the future.
Victoria Osteen
I just feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world being able to do what I love and be able to do it all day every day if I like, you know, I mean it’s great, I love it.
Faith Ringgold
Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.
Franz Kafka
I long for the countryside. That’s where I get my calm and tranquillity – from being able to come and find a spot of green.
Emilia Clarke
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.
H. L. Mencken
Normal social behavior requires that we be able to recognize identities in spite of change. Unless we can do so, there can be no human society as we know it.
Kenneth L. Pike
I’ve tried to incorporate new ways of playing the game. That’s why you hear people call me a ‘hybrid goalie’ and say I adjust to the situation, never doing the same thing over and over like a butterfly goalie. I try to see what works and hopefully with my talent I’m able to play it and make it happen.
Martin Brodeur
Love him or hate him, no one has been able to figure out Donald Trump.
Ronald Kessler
If they had rankings in baseball, maybe I would have been able to do the math and figure out my chances of being a professional baseball player versus a tennis player. But that was the decision-maker for me, I just thought I was better in tennis.
Jim Courier
I have never been able to read Agatha Christie – the pleasure is purely in the puzzle, and the reader is toyed with by someone who didn’t decide herself who the killer was until the end of the writing.
A. S. Byatt
I have to be able to have music at all times – to shower to, to listen to, to warm up, to dance.
Gavin Creel
I think being able to age gracefully is a very important talent. It is too late for me.
Clint Eastwood
I realised that success and pure creativity are not very compatible. The more successful you become, the more you become a product of something that generates money. Instead of being able to move forward freely and do what you really wish, you find yourself stuck and obliged to repeat yourself and your previous success.
I grew up in Chillum Heights in the Washington, D.C. area., and it was never a garden spot. When guys go, ‘Hey, when I grew up, my neighborhood was tough, and it was this and that’… the reality is that it was just a terribly sad place. And thank God, I was able to escape it.
Jonathan Banks
As a little girl growing up in Southside Jamaica Queens, if anyone would’ve told me I’d have my own perfume one day, and be able to inspire young black girls everywhere, to go into Macy’s or Nordstrom’s and see their face staring back at them – I wouldn’t believe them.
Nicki Minaj
There have been women who have pioneered and paved the way for me to be able to sit here and to have a platform. And it’s my job and my duty to continue to push the boundary for equality on all spectrums.
Ashlyn Harris
I just feel like you should be able to have a respectful work environment, because if you do, you’ll be your best self.
Peggy Johnson
What was earth, we made into filth. We must at least be able to transform it back to earth.
Jaggi Vasudev
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mahatma Gandhi
A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men) that wise men only should be able to commend him.
Thomas Hobbes
Can I remember exactly when I ‘lost’ my husband? Was it the moment when I had to start tying his shoelaces for him? Or when we stopped being able to laugh with each other? Looking back, that turning point is impossible to pinpoint. But then, that’s the nature of dementia.
Judy Parfitt
If I have to make a self-portrait, I would put poetry and rebellion on the list. To be able to walk on a wire, to be able to juggle six hoops, you need focus, another word for tenacity, which is passion.
Philippe Petit
I lived in constant terror of being asked a question in class. Even if I knew the answer, I was never able to tell it before the class.
Frederick Banting
I think – I don’t know, maybe it’s nostalgia. But the choice, losing the choice to be able to use film is going to be – it’s gone. It’s going to be gone.
Keanu Reeves
I race six events. I specialise in butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle, and it’s not impossible, but it is hard to be able to race every single race, and day after day as well.
Sophie Pascoe
I’m not able to make amazingly perfect, precious pieces of content, but I get to make awesome spontaneous content that’s frequently ephemeral.
Casey Neistat
I hold a lot of things in. I’m always making sure everybody is okay. I usually don’t rage; I usually don’t curse. So for me, it’s a great thing to be able to scream and say whatever I want.
Beyonce Knowles
Excellence is being able to perform at a high level over and over again. You can hit a half-court shot once. That’s just the luck of the draw. If you consistently do it… that’s excellence.
We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Ea

We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.
R. Buckminster Fuller
An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don’t.
Anatole France
We shall never be able to remove suspicion and fear as potential causes of war until communication is permitted to flow, free and open, across international boundaries.
Harry S Truman
Heaven is long-enduring, and earth continues long. The reason why heaven and earth are able to endure and continue thus long is because they do not live of, or for, themselves.
Lao Tzu
The purpose of getting power is to be able to give it away.
Aneurin Bevan
I love going one-on-one with someone. That’s what I do. I’ve never lost. It’s a whole different game, just to have them right in front of you and be able to do whatever you want.
Kobe Bryant
I believe that a trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand. You see, when you let go and learn to trust God, it releases joy in your life. And when you trust God, you’re able to be more patient. Patience is not just about waiting for something… it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.
Joyce Meyer
The more closely you get in touch with your dreams, the more able you are to make them real. The more vividly you consider how you want your world to be, the more real and effective tools you will have for making it so.
Ralph Marston
Being able to live my life transparently does empower me to feel like I can be myself more. It’s easier for me to flirt with girls now that girls know that I’m gay. It almost makes it a sexier encounter than if I was trying to pretend that I was straight.
Neil Patrick Harris
I think the biggest misconception is that people think deaf people are not able to do things.
Nyle DiMarco
We don’t seem to be able to check crime, so why not legalize it and then tax it out of business?
Will Rogers
It is far more important to be able to hit the target than it is to haggle over who makes a weapon or who pulls a trigger.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I’d like my grandchildren to be able to see that their grandmother stood up for something, a long time ago.
Claudette Colvin
Human beings are the only creatures who are able to behave irrationally in the name of reason.
Ashley Montagu
The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.
Joseph Campbell
Being a defender of Real Madrid means being able to make very few mistakes.
Raphael Varane
I think Dr Dre really evolved and really is a great role model for young people that have had to survive and thrive against all odds. He was able to turn his life around and create an empire and become a successful family person.
Aja Brown
I tour with a piano, actually. Luckily I am able to hire people that deal with it completely and magically a piano appears on stage and then magically disappears when I leave.
Vanessa Carlton
To be able to throw one’s self away for the sake of a moment, to be able to sacrifice years for a woman’s smile – that is happiness.
Hermann Hesse
It’s really cool to just be able to do what you love alongside the person that you love.
Bianca Belair
Now, people have said that somebody told them that they saw somebody on the railroad bank or saw somebody going over the bank, but no one has ever been able to show any cartridges, any rifle, any pistol, no one has ever found anything other than the evidence about Oswald.
John Sherman Cooper
Sites need to be able to interact in one single, universal space.
Tim Berners-Lee
Gospel music to me has always been a balm for the soul. It has been able to usher in the spirit, usher in worship, true worship and praise, healing. I find the music to be very good at healing and the passion, you know, which is a testimony being told in song.
Kim Fields
I am happy being able to play roles with people my age because once you do something really mature there is no turning back.
Lindsay Lohan
Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.
Napoleon Bonaparte
I think it’s important to move people beyond just dreaming into doing. They have to be able to see that you are just like them, and you made it.
Sonia Sotomayor
Being able to express yourself is one of the hardest things in the world.
Roisin Murphy
God can cause opportunity to find you. He has unexpected blessings where you suddenly meet the right person, or suddenly your health improves, or suddenly you’re able to pay off your house. That’s God shifting things in your favor.
Joel Osteen
Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.
Helen Keller
I am excited to bring elements of my lifestyle to the masses with the Rich Gang, and with Lil Wayne to be able to share the feel of our labels with the YMCMB Apparel brand.
Every single day, I wake up and take a glimpse of where I am now compared to where I was before, and the work that we have all put in to be in this space. I think of that, and being able to express myself through my art and show up and be present – that’s activism, advocacy, and artistry in itself.
Mj Rodriguez
The start-up life kept me busy and surfaced the problem

The start-up life kept me busy and surfaced the problem of not being able to stay on top of my personal finances, which led me to invent I was working 80-hour weeks, and had done enough preliminary work and research to know I had a big idea: To make money management effortless and automated.
Aaron Patzer
Sometimes you will think you can’t take it another day. But if you hang in there, one step at a time, you will be able to accomplish more than you ever imagine.
Taya Kyle
It’s very exciting to have a festival in the heart of Boston. It’s an amazing experience to be in a city and to be able to walk in and out of a festival. I think that’s part of what’s going to make Boston Calling really special.
Aaron Dessner
Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It is boring. Unlike love, it has always had a bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things.
E. M. Forster
I got a lot of great life lessons from the entertainment industry. The first was being able to feel comfortable taking risks.
Jesse Itzler
I love being able to take a nap in the afternoon.
Edie Falco
Being polite, being respectful, having manners, and being a socialite – they’re key life skills that people take for granted. Being able to communicate with all people on all levels is what’s got me so far.
Ant Middleton
Every man’s dream is to be able to sink into the arms of a woman without also falling into her hands.
Jerry Lewis
I guess I’d like people to be able to forget a lot of things and just enjoy the beauty of harmony and melody for a moment.
Caroline Shaw
I hope that all new filmmakers see that the Internet and social media are helpful tools in establishing a fan base as well as being able to interact with your fans.
Lloyd Kaufman
Redemption and rehabilitation for formerly incarcerated individuals is best achieved when they are able to reintegrate back into the community as productive members.
Alex Padilla
Playing Mark Antony in ‘Rome’ will always be a favourite of mine because he was such an outrageously big and interesting character to play. Also, the fact that we were able, with that character, to find out and present the public with a biography of that man that had not been really seen before.
James Purefoy
I love being able to come in every single day and work out and watch film and practice with guys who are all striving for the same goal.
Patrick Mahomes
I’ve taken a lot of risks through the years, but I always followed my instincts and always explored new opportunities. The biggest reward has been having an idea and being able to make it a reality. My passions always lead the way – travel and adventure, fitness, art, and home.
Cynthia Rowley
A person who can’t pay gets another person who can’t pay to guarantee that he can pay. Like a person with two wooden legs getting another person with two wooden legs to guarantee that he has got two natural legs. It don’t make either of them able to do a walking-match.
Charles Dickens
Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. But to be able to trick people year in and year out the way I did, I think that was a much greater feat.
Bob Uecker
When you’re able to be honest with yourself about who you are and finally can present your authentic true self to the world, you feel so much better about yourself, and it makes it easier for everyone else to feel better about you.
Gus Kenworthy
That the divided but contiguous particles of bodies may be separated from one another is a matter of observation; and, in the particles that remain undivided, our minds are able to distinguish yet lesser parts, as is mathematically demonstrated.
Isaac Newton
I feel as though, if you’re able to control your dreams, you have more power and control over your mind, like you could reach more areas of your mind. Therefore, I feel like it creates the ability for you to achieve more things in reality.
Juice Wrld
In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept constructive criticism. Without one-hundred percent dedication, you won’t be able to do this.
Willie Mays
It’s challenging to take on something else that is not you and make it very real and have others be able to associate with it. It’s wonderful to provoke thought.
Dash Mihok
The greatest injustice in the world is to bring a child into the world, and not be able to offer it peace.
Nafisa Joseph
Everybody has to be able to participate in a future that they want to live for. That’s what technology can do.
Dean Kamen
Many people – and I think I am one of them – are more productive when they’ve had a little to drink. I find if I drink two or three brandies, I’m far better able to write.
David Ogilvy
I grew up in East Germany, so we had to learn Russian in school… everybody hated it. I never thought it would come in handy… And being an actor, I’ve been able to use it quite a bit.
Tom Wlaschiha
I also became close to nature, and am now able to appreciate the beauty with which this world is endowed.
James Dean
There may or may not be a God or gods; the Siblings do not concern themselves with proving or disproving such a thing. By definition, gods are more powerful than men, and thus quite able to fend for themselves without help.
Steve Perry
We need to be able to answer not yesterday’s challenges but to tomorrow’s challenges.
Frans Timmermans
In 20 or 30 years, you’ll be able to hold in your hand as much computing knowledge as exists now in the whole city, or even the whole world.
Douglas Engelbart
The more aware of your intentions and your experiences you become, the more you will be able to connect the two, and the more you will be able to create the experiences of your life consciously. This is the development of mastery. It is the creation of authentic power.
Gary Zukav
A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience.
Elbert Hubbard
Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes

Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes away from everybody and all you have in the end is to be able to look back and like the choices you made.
Matt Damon
I do not know that any writer has supposed that on this earth man will ultimately be able to live without food.
Thomas Malthus
The real metric of success isn’t the size of your bank account. It’s the number of lives in whom you might be able to make a positive difference.
Naveen Jain
White liberals are the most racist people I’ve ever met in my entire life. They define everything by race. They want people to be able to get into college with lower grades and lower school scores simply because they are African American. That’s insane.
Madison Cawthorn
We tell them that we believe it will be beautiful because that is our specialty, we only create joy and beauty. We have never done a sad work. Through the drawings, we hope a majority will be able to visualize it.
It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.
Miguel de Unamuno
Thinking is one thing no one has ever been able to tax.
Charles Kettering
The best solution to income inequality is providing a high-quality education for everybody. In our highly technological, globalized economy, people without education will not be able to improve their economic situation.
Ben Bernanke
If I’m in a political argument, I think I can, with reasonable accuracy and without boasting, put the other person’s side of the case at least as well as they could. One has to be able to say that in any well-conducted argument.
Christopher Hitchens
It is your passion that empowers you to be able to do that thing you were created to do.
T. D. Jakes
You should be able to voice your opinion and respect the voice of the other side. You should be willing to educate yourself and know what it is you’re dealing with.
Steve Nash
I despise people who revel in the ignorance of not being able to play their instrument.
Robert Smith
Neil and I are most thrilled that we were able to bring musical theatre to the enormous audience that ‘The Sound of Music’ reached.
Craig Zadan
I think my mom and dad both wanted to get across to me that… I obviously grew up with great privilege and was very lucky and was able to afford college and not have student loans, and they would pay for college, but beyond that, it would be up to me to make a living.
Anderson Cooper
Life is short. You have to be able to laugh at our pain or we never move on.
Jeff Ross
My dad lived a good life. He was a simple guy. His family had been poor, and he joined the Marines to be able to send money home to his mom and dad and brothers and sisters. He genuinely had the intention to live a good life and to respect other people.
Brendon Burchard
Life is about challenges and how we face up to them and the attitude we take into every day life so hopefully we’ll be able to motivate people to do more with their life.
Martina Navratilova
Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day.
Jurgen Klopp
To be able to feel the lightest touch really is a gift.
Christopher Reeve
Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. It’s being able to take it as well as dish it out. That’s the only way you’re going to get respect from the players.
Larry Bird
I think that, if anything, the pageant is great for people who suffer from body issues. It’s all about being comfortable with what you’re given and what you have and being able to flaunt it without being insecure. It’s about empowering women, not making them feel weak or less.
Olivia Culpo
There is no need for me continuing unless I’m able to improve.
Knute Rockne
I simplify the spices. I’m the same way as everybody else: if I look at a recipe and there’s ten spices in it, I’m going to have to think long and hard about when I’m going to be able to make that… so I try to simplify the spices to three or four.
Aarti Sequeira
Children should be able to live a life free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.
Katherine Jenkins
We don’t create a fantasy world to escape reality. We create it to be able to stay.
Lynda Barry
You don’t have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight.
Barry Goldwater
I met my wife in Latvia 17 or 18 years ago, moved over to Norway in 2003 or 2004 and after a couple of years living there, I was able to represent Norway as a snooker player.
Kurt Maflin
I think same sex couples should be able to get married.
Barack Obama
To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching. To attain it we must be able to guess what will interest; we must learn to read the childish soul as we might a piece of music. Then, by simply changing the key, we keep up the attraction and vary the song.
Henri Frederic Amiel
Gun control means being able to hit your target. If I have a ‘hot button’ issue, this is definitely it. Don’t even think about taking my guns. My rights are not negotiable, and I am totally unwilling to compromise when it comes to the Second Amendment.
Michael Badnarik
Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory.
Sun Tzu
You got to be able to reinvent yourself and come up wit

You got to be able to reinvent yourself and come up with new ideas because everybody is going to try to copy, which is what you want. You want people to start saying what you say.
You must be independent and able to do for yourself. Then you do not have to marry a rich man; you can marry a poor one. And if it is wrong, you can go.
Zsa Zsa Gabor
And I’ve always said, ‘If two people think the same thing about everything, one of them isn’t necessary.’ We need to be able to understand that if we’re going to make real progress.
Ben Carson
I like to be able to wear something that is appropriate for wherever the day takes me: to work, on a hike and then out to dinner. I like to take the formality out of the day’s schedule and be ready for any off-road detour.
Matthew McConaughey
Good parents, who are able to maintain the affection and respect of their children and whose offspring admire them and value their good opinion, can be reasonably certain that their values and ways of socialized behaving will be adopted by the next generation.
Caterina Fake
Being able to give someone a hug from the heart, it’s healing. It’s healing for yourself and healing for others, and we need a lot of that.
Big Show
If we dare to come closer to our fellow human beings, we will be able to see and understand them better.
Kjell Magne Bondevik
When I realized that my big dream was going to come true – ‘Night Shift’ was a success, ‘Splash’ was a success, I got the job to do ‘Cocoon’ – suddenly, I was underway. And I knew my name was rising up the lists. I was going to have a career. I was going to be able to direct movies until I screwed it up.
Ron Howard
I’ve been in love with people and ideas in several cities and learned that the lovers I’ve loved and the ideas I’ve embraced depended on where I was, how cold it was, and what I had to do to be able to stand it.
Eve Babitz
If I had my way, I’d always be onstage. But I won’t always be able to be onstage.
Paul Stanley
I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.
Susan B. Anthony
If art can be at the service of anything, it’s about letting us see a state of grace for those people who rarely get to be able to be seen that way.
Kehinde Wiley
As you become more clear about who you really are, you’ll be better able to decide what is best for you – the first time around.
Oprah Winfrey
My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
Albert Einstein
There’s nothing wrong with raising venture capital. Many lean startups are ambitious and are able to deploy large amounts of capital. What differentiates them is their disciplined approach to determining when to spend money: after the fundamental elements of the business model have been empirically validated.
Eric Ries
There are days when I still want to be able to do what I want when I want, but there’s also something wonderful about being secure.
K. D. Lang
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
James Herriot
Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others.
Erich Fromm
Pakistan will never be able to match the Indian militarily, and the effort to do so is taking an immense toll on the society.
Noam Chomsky
Don’t talk to me about a man’s being able to talk sense; everyone can talk sense. Can he talk nonsense?
William Pitt
Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate the love of God and family and to create memories that will last forever. Jesus is God’s perfect, indescribable gift. The amazing thing is that not only are we able to receive this gift, but we are able to share it with others on Christmas and every other day of the year.
Joel Osteen
Trading is very competitive and you have to be able to handle getting your butt kicked.
Paul Tudor Jones
Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think.
Niels Bohr
It is, alas, chiefly the evil emotions that are able to leave their photographs on surrounding scenes and objects and whoever heard of a place haunted by a noble deed, or of beautiful and lovely ghosts revisiting the glimpses of the moon?
Algernon Blackwood
They are able because they think they are able.
I am better able to imagine hell than heaven; it is my inheritance, I suppose.
Elinor Wylie
It is good to express a thing twice right at the outset and so to give it a right foot and also a left one. Truth can surely stand on one leg, but with two it will be able to walk and get around.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I am proud of where I came from, and I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.
Wendy Davis
Art, as far as it is able, follows nature, as a pupil imitates his master; thus your art must be, as it were, God’s grandchild.
Dante Alighieri
I’m just delighted to be living, to be able to have a simple conversation, to feel a ray of sunlight on my skin and listen to the breeze move through the leaves of a tree.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
What we call the ‘world’ and the ‘universe’ is only one frequency range in an infinite number sharing the same space. The interdimensional entities I write about are able to move between these frequencies or dimensions and manipulate our lives.
David Icke
Part of being out there, campaigning, talking to people

Part of being out there, campaigning, talking to people, is being able to read body language.
Gary Johnson
A lot of my rhymes are just to get chuckles out of people. Anybody with half a brain is going to be able to tell when I’m joking and when I’m serious.
We are a generation of settlers, and without the steel helmet and gun barrel, we shall not be able to plant a tree or build a house.
Moshe Dayan
Ideas are only lethal if you suppress and don’t discuss them. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s stupid. Banning books shows you don’t trust your kids to think and you don’t trust yourself to be able to talk to them.
Anna Quindlen
When you’re put in a position to really affect young people who are going to run the world one day, if you’re able to be in their life at a young age and make a positive impact, I think that’s a beautiful thing.
I have never been able to renounce the light, the pleasure of being, and the freedom in which I grew up.
Albert Camus
Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.
Darryl F. Zanuck
To be a good citizen, it’s important to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes and see the big picture. If everything you see is rooted in your own identity, that becomes difficult or impossible.
Eli Pariser
Oscar Wilde turned the world upside down and was able to laugh at it, and hopefully by the time I’m 120 and worn out, that’s what I will achieve. I love being alive so much.
John Lydon
It’s really not about what you have. It’s about how you’re able to enjoy life in general.
Kevin Harvick
Whenever I think of how much pleasure I have interviewing scientists, I remember that they’re having the real fun in actually being able to do the science.
Alan Alda
The more centuries that I am able to score, the happier I will be.
Virat Kohli
Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.
Kevyn Aucoin
I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life.
Walter Anderson
Compton looks a lot of different. Residents are now able to go out and grab a bite, go to dinner, go to Target, Best Buy or a gym or Marshall’s. We’re now able to experience more amenities. I want to see that grow.
Aja Brown
To be able to say how much love, is love but little.
I’ve never really been able to open up and record around people.
Rod Wave
Governments will always play a huge part in solving big problems. They set public policy and are uniquely able to provide the resources to make sure solutions reach everyone who needs them. They also fund basic research, which is a crucial component of the innovation that improves life for everyone.
Bill Gates
But I knew if I ran I’d never be able to sing, so I had to take my punishment.
Aaron Neville
Usually, people have a tendency to be caught in the worries concerning the future or in the regret concerning the past. There is some kind of energy that is pushing them to run, and they are not able to establish themselves in the present moment.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I define my life around happiness, being safe, being able to enjoy life and live this life for a long time.
George Hill
If the world’s using bitcoin, governments won’t be able to fund wars through inflation like they do today.
Roger Ver
I like Lil Wayne’s style. His style probably influences me the most. Basically, he’s just wearing exactly what he feels like wearing. He goes to the club, and he’s got shorts and a wife-beater on. That shows you what type of celebrity he is and what he is able to pull off, fashion-wise. I try to be in that same lane.
Von Miller
I’m always going to be able to touch fans and get new fans because everybody goes through something everyday. I just keep touching different subjects by talking to the streets and reaching out to my fans by telling them a story instead of just giving them music to listen.
Lil Durk
Coming from a small town it was tough to dream big. When I grew up in a small town in Georgia, my biggest dream was one day to be able to go to Atlanta.
Herschel Walker
Movie directors, or should I say people who create things, are very greedy and they can never be satisfied… That’s why they can keep on working. I’ve been able to work for so long because I think next time, I’ll make something good.
Akira Kurosawa
Is the modern social pattern of unending change and movement the cause of two modern diseases, insecurity and dissatisfaction? How lucky Thomas Hood was to be able to write, ‘I remember, I remember the house where I was born.’ I don’t even know what mine looked like!
Spike Milligan
To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright.
Walter Benjamin
I would recommend ‘Lesson Of The Evil’ to be given as a DVD gift on a child’s 15th birthday. In Japan, children under 15 are not allowed to watch it. Plus, ‘Lesson Of The Evil’ is one film where the older you get, the more you will be able to understand and enjoy the film.
Takashi Miike
The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way.
Marshall McLuhan
I just want to be known as a very normal person and be treated as that and be able to walk down the street like anyone else.
Michael Schumacher
I do think that we're gonna move towards this world whe

I do think that we’re gonna move towards this world where eventually you’ll be able to capture a whole experience that you’re in and be able to send that to someone.
Mark Zuckerberg
I’m a suck-it-up-and-move-on kind of person. Every day is a new day, and you’ll never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on.
Carrie Underwood
I think BTS is able to shine because we have fans.
If your heart is large enough to envelop your adversaries, you can see right through them and avoid their attacks. And once you envelop them, you will be able to guide them along the path indicated to you by heaven and earth.
Morihei Ueshiba
A good song should give you a lot of images; you should be able to make your own little movie in your head to a good song.
Tom Petty
For me, collages manage to – it satisfies all of my madness, like I’m able to make these obsessive things, but then I’m also able to make these very strong statements. I don’t know what they mean to other people, but in my mind, they have a very strong particular resonance; there’s sort of a power.
Wangechi Mutu
Is the system going to flatten you out and deny you your humanity, or are you going to be able to make use of the system to the attainment of human purposes?
Joseph Campbell
To be a more efficient, faster, and cheaper way to send money around the world, you have to be able to get in and out of Bitcoin. You need to have a liquid exchange on either end of the corridor.
Barry Silbert
Being able to go into Wimbledon and be part of an amazing atmosphere is special.
Kate Middleton
Not everyone is able to show courage, but human decency must be demanded of every person.
Andrzej Duda
I consider myself lucky to be an only child because if I had other siblings, my mother would not have been able to take me to every audition and be so supportive of my career.
Lea Michele
You want to strike that happy medium: the balance of being able to find creative satisfaction in your profession, be able to afford a roof over your head, but still have the freedom to live a relatively normal life.
Chris Evans
I’ve been able to carve out spaces for myself. At Sundance, I’m in the mountains – my property is private. I get on a horse and ride for three, four hours. Sometimes five. I get lost. But when I’m in, I’m in.
Robert Redford
I used to get very angry as I was getting older, because my voice was breaking. So I’ve trained my voice so religiously through my teenage years, because I wanted to be able to hit the notes that those females hit. And I can, which is great.
Sam Smith
During a negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leave personalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities more objectively.
Brian Koslow
If you want to break through, your mind should be able to control your body. Your mind should be a part of your fitness.
Eliud Kipchoge
‘Frozen’ definitely isn’t about a man, but about the relationship between two sisters. At different times in our lives we find ourselves either more connected to or disconnected from the people in our family, and I think audiences will really be able to relate to that.
Idina Menzel
To be able to love and live in freedom means to be able to make godly decisions. To make godly decisions we have to surrender our egos and all the falsity and shame that goes with it.
James McGreevey
Be able to meet any deadline, even if your work is done less well than it would be if you had all the time you would have preferred.
Marilyn vos Savant
I like being able to go grocery shopping and not feel that I’m fighting a thousand people.
Roz Chast
The most difficult quality is to make the right decision. Because you can be quick, you can be strong, you can jump incredibly, you can have the best shots and you can be able to score goals from 50 yards, but if you don’t know when to shoot, when to run or when to jump, you’re lost.
Ander Herrera
You can’t speak for the people unless you’re able to walk amongst the people. And how many of these rappers out here actually hang out with regular people?
I was an undergraduate at Princeton, and I was pressed by the math department to go on to graduate school. Actually they gave me fellowships that paid my way, otherwise I would not have been able to continue.
Alonzo Church
Music is able to make a person dream. When you dream, you dream of something good, something beautiful, and when you dream, you always dream of yourself better than you are.
Andrea Bocelli
Especially for those of us who lived in single cells, you had the time to sit down and think, and we discovered that sitting down just to think is one of the best ways of keeping yourself fresh and able, to be able to address the problems facing you, and you had the opportunity, also, of examining your past.
Nelson Mandela
If companies are able to raise equity from the market, then their problems for financing incomplete projects will come to end. Investment cycle in the capital market can kick-start with the money of savers and investors.
Uday Kotak
With DNA, you have to be able to tell which genes are turned on or off. Current DNA sequencing cannot do that. The next generation of DNA sequencing needs to be able to do this. If somebody invents this, then we can start to very precisely identify cures for diseases.
Elon Musk
In my experience, it’s quite an empowering thing to forgive someone because you take control and take ownership of that feeling, of that resentment, and that power that they have taken from you, and in some way, you end up being able to turn it around.
Alex Roe
It is together that we will be able to save our biodiversity. This is a principle of effectiveness. But it is also a principle of humility; none of us can act alone.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
There isn’t really any Common Core any more. Each state is able to set the standards for their state. They may elect to adopt very high standards for their students to aspire to and to work toward. And that will be up to each state.
Betsy DeVos
It’s very exciting to be able to just work in this business, let alone on stuff you are extremely proud of. So it does make me a little nervous, because ‘Breaking Bad’ is so special. It’s great being part of something so great because people pay attention to you, hopefully because you’re doing good work.
Aaron Paul
Cameramen are among the most extraordinarily able and c

Cameramen are among the most extraordinarily able and competent people I know. They have to have an insight into natural history that gives them a sixth sense of what the creature is going to do, so they can be ready to follow.
David Attenborough
The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.
Thomas Hobbes
It is the failing of youth not to be able to restrain its own violence.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The most important thing in our war preparations is to teach all our people to hate U.S. imperialism. Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the U.S. imperialists who boast of their technological superiority.
Kim Il-sung
You have to be able to risk your identity for a bigger future than the present you are living.
Fernando Flores
It is as a free French woman who has been able to enjoy, her whole life, the very precious freedoms fought for long and hard by our mothers and grandmothers, that I want to warn about a new form of social, human, and moral regression imposed on us by the migrant crisis.
Marine Le Pen
The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one’s appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.
Amelia Earhart
I’ve never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a ‘fat cat’ and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a ‘public-spirited philanthropist’.
Ronald Reagan
Practice self-awareness, self-evaluation, and self-improvement. If we are aware that our manners – language, behavior, and actions – are measured against our values and principles, we are able to more easily embody the philosophy, leadership is a matter of how to be, not how to do.
Frances Hesselbein
I am blessed to be able to work at a job I love and also give back in the most vital way – to people in need.
Teri Hatcher
It is any day better to stand erect with a broken and bandaged head then to crawl on one’s belly, in order to be able to save one’s head.
Mahatma Gandhi
I’ve got nothing against L.A. I think it is a really beautiful place. To be able to surf and get out in the Pacific Ocean every once in a while. The hiking, all of that is amazing. I love it there.
Liev Schreiber
Men are able to trust one another, knowing the exact degree of dishonesty they are entitled to expect.
Stephen Leacock
But by reading them again and again finally I was able to grasp the essential part. What emotion, enthusiasm, enlightenment and confidence they communicated to me! I wept for joy.
Ho Chi Minh
By 2020, we’ll be able to live without oil.
Mohammad bin Salman
Rahul Gandhi himself doesn’t have any vision or the political acumen to be able to differentiate between sycophancy and sincere advice.
Vivek Agnihotri
This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many.
Barack Obama
I tell you, ‘Firefly’? Best job I ever had. Heartbroken when it was canceled, but had it not been canceled, I never would have gotten ‘Serenity’. I think ‘Serenity’ is the most incredible thing I’ve ever been able to actually get my hands on and do. I can’t even tell you how much love I have for that project.
Nathan Fillion
Love shouldn’t be about jealousy or anything like that. It should be about commitment and being able to trust that person. If you can’t have that from the get-go, there’s a problem.
Aaron Carter
That’s the true meaning of being a leader: being able to deal with the consequences and take the responsibility for it. That’s who I want to be.
Devin Booker
My take is, privacy is precious. I think privacy is the last true luxury. To be able to live your life as you choose without having everyone comment on it or know about.
Valerie Plame
One of the things I was taught in law school is that I’d never be able to think the same again – that being a lawyer is something that’s part of who I am as an individual now.
Anita Hill
What can be more foolish than to think that all this rare fabric of heaven and earth could come by chance, when all the skill of art is not able to make an oyster!
Anatole France
I think I have told you, but if I have not, you must have understood, that a man who has a vision is not able to use the power of it until after he has performed the vision on earth for the people to see.
Black Elk
Nuclear power is a young technology – there’s so much more to be discovered. That’s what makes it so exciting to me. Yes, there are problems, but innovative people are going to be able to come up with solutions and bring the technology to its full potential.
Leslie Dewan
People do bad things in their lives. And those sort of things are forgivable. That’s half the point of having confession in church – you need to be able to fess up to what you’ve done.
Macaulay Culkin
Ultimately, I hypothesize that technology will one day be able to recreate a realistic representation of us as a result of the plethora of content we’re creating converging with other advances in machine learning, robotics and large-scale data mining.
Adam Ostrow
As an actor, what you dream of is being able to portray people that people empathize with and understand and really feel for.
Daniel Sharman
One of my greatest fears is not being able to change, to be caught in a never-ending cycle of sameness. Growth is so important.
Matt Dillon
There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.
Christopher Morley
To be able to look life in the face: that’s worth living in a garret for, isn’t it?
Edith Wharton
I think it's a travesty that the NBA can't just tell th

I think it’s a travesty that the NBA can’t just tell these guys to play basketball two days in a row. It’s just a joke to me. We flew commercial, and we were able to play back-to-back.
Charles Barkley
Rwanda was considered a second-class operation; because it was a small country, we had been able to maintain a kind of status quo. They were negotiating, they’d accepted the new peace project, so we were under the impression that everything would be solved easily.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
On two occasions I have been asked, ‘Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?’ I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
Charles Babbage
Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time.
Malcolm Muggeridge
I sacrificed a lot. I wasn’t able to be with my mother and father for how many months and years and then of course, training was excruciating.
Hidilyn Diaz
It’s been quite a roller coaster ride, but I’ve grown and learned a lot about myself. The greatest thing is being able to interact with fans and touch people’s lives… for that I give thanks.
Christina Aguilera
The most valuable investment we can make is in our children’s education. When we make education a priority, we give our children opportunity. Opportunity to learn at higher levels than their parents were able to learn; to earn at higher levels than we were able to earn.
Martin O’Malley
A man should be just cultured enough to be able to look with suspicion upon culture at first, not second hand.
Samuel Butler
I’m confident that no matter what game comes out, I’ll be able to play at a top competitive level.
To put on the pinstripe – it’s extraordinary. Just being able to play one game with the Yankees is quite an honor.
Aaron Judge
When you do voiceover it’s such a fun job to be able to do. First of all, you can do it in your pajamas and you don’t have to get dressed up for it.
Kelly Hu
I like to think I’m pretty smart with what I was able to do academically, but whenever I get on the field I turn into the Incredible Hulk and I am unstoppable.
Robert Griffin III
I don’t think you ever stop giving. I really don’t. I think it’s an on-going process. And it’s not just about being able to write a check. It’s being able to touch somebody’s life.
Oprah Winfrey
I would not want to live with a tube in my neck and not be able to move a finger. I wouldn’t – that to me is not life.
Jack Kevorkian
Having an eye is one thing, but you have to be able to execute.
Kelly Wearstler
I want to remind people that the Nazis weren’t able to take the Jews to the crematoriums immediately. The German people wouldn’t have allowed for it. Instead, the Nazis had to change public opinion. They marginalized the Jewish people, disparaged them, and made them objects of contempt.
Robert Jeffress
The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one’s self to others.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In the end, you make your reputation and you have your success based upon credibility and being able to provide people who are really hungry for information what they want.
Brit Hume
Only by planting trees, we will be able to overcome global warming.
A big thing to me was to be able to be in a situation where I could speak my mind freely especially when it came to my character. Get the actual right feedback and not have too many chefs in the kitchen and allow me to be me.
Having caught a glimpse of what I might be able to do with my talent, I feel a tremendous obligation to try to fulfill it.
Simon Callow
I’m learning to accept myself. I’m still in the process of learning to love who I am. And it’s been really refreshing and really nice to be able to do that and be okay. I think my fans have brought that out in me.
Dua Lipa
I love playing guitar. I grew up with my dad playing. But acting is definitely the forefront, I guess I’d say, in terms of career and something that I really enjoy and feel lucky to be able to do.
Jesse Plemons
When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people.
Mark Twain
Who said that looking good is not a task? There are so many girls with a well maintained body, but will they be able to walk the beachside in front of the camera wearing a swimsuit? Carrying your body in a certain manner to look sexy is also an art.
Taapsee Pannu
I kind of wish I would have been able to see the old Yankee Stadium after seeing the new one.
Aaron Judge
To build a truly diverse economy with a pipeline of skilled labor, technical college in Georgia should be free, and students should be able to graduate debt-free from the public institution of their choice.
Stacey Abrams
Low-cost, high-grade coal, oil and natural gas – the backbone of the Industrial Revolution – will be a distant memory by 2050. Much higher-cost remnants will still be available, but they will not be able to drive our growth, our population and, most critically, our food supply as before.
Jeremy Grantham
Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future.
Jim Rohn
I’m almost able to be more honest by lying. By making everything up, I’m able to say what I really want to.
James Acaster
You have to really stretch your imagination to infer what the intrinsic value of Bitcoin is. I haven’t been able to do it. Maybe somebody else can.
Alan Greenspan
No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no p

No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa.
Eugene Ionesco
In order to lead a country or a company, you’ve got to get everybody on the same page and you’ve got to be able to have a vision of where you’re going. America can’t have a vision of health care for everybody, green economy, regulations – can’t have a bunch of piece-meal activities. It’s got to have a vision.
Jack Welch
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way schools function in nearly every capacity, and I am proud of the way Connecticut’s education officials, teachers, and staff have been able to respond in order to ensure that students continue to receive a quality education.
Ned Lamont
If you’re able to grow up in Nigeria and go through certain things, you’re able to tackle anything around the world because you’re able to live wherever, if you can survive in a city like Lagos or Warri or Niger Delta, as far as I’m concerned.
Without my services, Pakistan would never have been the first Muslim nuclear nation. We were able to achieve the capability under very tough circumstances, but we did it.
Abdul Qadeer Khan
The actor should be able to create the universe in the palm of his hand.
Laurence Olivier
Chocolate milk has everything I need in a drink: the carbs, the protein, and the electrolytes. It’s even backed by science, showing how you’re able to recover. I can speak from experience, this is what I drink.
Al Horford
I’m thankful to God for having a family that’s been there for me. He’s been there from the time I was a child to even now with my family helping with my little boy. It’s worth more than words could ever describe. That’s one of the ways I’ve been able to stay grounded is thanks to family and God.
Ashton Shepherd
In the early ’90s, when I really started to find my voice, I was reading a lot of books, and I was moved by the writers, like Chinua Achebe, and I wanted to be able to write rhymes that were as potent as what I was reading.
Mos Def
The best compliment we ever got about the show was from a Korean veteran who was unable to talk about his war experience with his wife until ‘M*A*S*H.’ While watching the show, he was able to lean over to his wife and say, ‘See, honey, that’s the way it was.’
Gary Burghoff
We have a choice about how we take what happens to us in our life and whether or not we allow it to turn us. We can become consumed by hate and darkness, or we’re able to regain our humanity somehow, or come to terms with things and learn something about ourselves.
Angelina Jolie
I am able to play monsters well. I understand monsters. I understand madmen.
Anthony Hopkins
If you are able to enjoy what you do and doing it the best that you can, then you’re on the right track.
Johanna Konta
My parents, my family, that’s the biggest inspiration in my life. I’ve been in a lot of dark spots in my life, and if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be able to get out of it, but they are who they are. They followed me. They yelled at me. They screamed at me. They loved me.
J. R. Smith
Thank you, Occupy Wall Street. With your vivid example of anticapitalist squalor, I’ve been able to convince all three of my children to become investment bankers.
P. J. O’Rourke
You need to be able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through.
Marie Osmond
It’s one thing to know your lines, another to be able to deliver them. The taste of the pudding is in the delivery.
Jeffrey Wright
It’s never happened in history that every region in the world could affect every other region simultaneously. The Roman empire and the Chinese empire didn’t know much about each other and had no means of interacting. Now we have every continent able to reach every other.
Henry Kissinger
Anthropology demands the open-mindedness with which one must look and listen, record in astonishment and wonder that which one would not have been able to guess.
Margaret Mead
What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.
Thomas Merton
I owe everything to my mom. She definitely got me to where I’m at today. Without her I wouldn’t be able to do the things that I do. She and I are very close.
David Lambert
A documentary film is a great way of helping people understand because, somehow, when one is able to see the people involved, it lends a certain immediacy and understanding that is hard to get on the page.
Lawrence Wright
To be able to make statements, you need to be confident about what you think. You need to have a sense of right and wrong.
Sushant Singh Rajput
Really, when you take a step back and you really know yourself, you’re able to make better decisions.