Top 530 Weird Quotes

Weird Quotes: Embracing the Quirkiness of Life

Unveiling the Eccentricities of Existence

Life is a peculiar journey filled with unexpected twists, peculiar moments, and peculiar individuals. In this article, we dive into the realm of the strange and present a collection of weird quotes that celebrate the quirkiness of life. These quotes capture the essence of the unconventional, the offbeat, and the delightfully odd, inviting us to embrace the whimsical and unusual aspects of our existence.

Amidst the monotony of everyday life, weirdness serves as a reminder that normality is overrated. It is an invitation to break free from societal conventions, embrace our unique quirks, and celebrate the wonderfully weird tapestry of human experiences. Weirdness invites us to see the world through a different lens, to question the status quo, and to revel in the beauty of eccentricity.

Embracing the Weirdness: Quotes that Inspire

Throughout history, individuals who dared to defy norms and embrace their peculiarities have gifted the world with words that challenge our perception of reality. Their quotes provoke laughter, curiosity, and introspection, inviting us to venture into the realm of the peculiar. Below, we present a collection of thought-provoking weird quotes that celebrate the strange, ignite our imagination, and encourage us to revel in the joy of the unconventional.

I'm in a weird band. We've done very well. The American

I’m in a weird band. We’ve done very well. The American Dream is alive and well.
Gene Simmons
I’ve discovered writers by reading books left in airplane seats and weird hotels.
Lee Child
I used to be quite a big video game player at university and post-university in that weird moment in life before you have a proper job and you’ve got a lot of idle time.
Stephen Merchant
I know, it’s weird that I’ve never done a musical. I turned down two of them. ‘The Lion King’ and ‘The Producers.’ I turned two of the biggest Broadway musicals down, am I a mess?
Mario Cantone
I was not a cool kid. There was no reason for me to be marginalised. I was just a nerd. I was kind of weird, and I found solace in video games.
Kumail Nanjiani
There are so many little places I want to play, sometimes weird places I think would be fun to play… a bar that’s half full.
Julian Casablancas
Language is political. That’s why you and me, my Brother and Sister, that’s why we supposed to choke our natural self into the weird, lying, barbarous, unreal, white speech and writing habits that the schools lay down like holy law.
June Jordan
Well it is certainly the case that the poems – which were in fact published during Shakespeare’s lifetime – are weird if they began or originated in this form, as I think they did, because the poems get out of control.
Stephen Greenblatt
It is so weird to be on this side of that, because when you’re starting out, and it seems like you’re starting out for so long, you look up to the people who have made their mark. And you sort of want to be that.
Bob Odenkirk
I’ve been trying to find women writers for my staff for a while now and I have three women on my staff and three guys so it’s pretty equal. I don’t know why that is. It’s been the same thing for a while. It’s hard for female comedians to stand out. That’s weird. That’s a shame.
Ellen DeGeneres
It’s not weird to look at yourself in the mirror at the gym – that’s why they’re there! You have to make sure that you’re doing things right.
Alison Sweeney
Nothing is more bothersome to me than retiring. Weird things happen when you disengage; first you get negative, then you start telling people about your latest surgeries, and eventually you lose touch. I want to stay in touch.
Charles R. Swindoll
In a weird way, I like to find the quirkiness in ordinary things. I like to find what is ordinary in quirky people.
Paul Giamatti
When I came to New York, I was really awkward. I went to military academy for high school, so I didn’t have the socialization that most kids do. When I got here, I was five years behind everybody. Talking to women was weird for me.
Adam Rapp
I mean one of the weird things about TV and one of the things that some actors don’t like but I kind of dig is that you never know where you’re headed, I mean you never know what the writer might think of next.
Mary McCormack
It’s always been kind of weird to me because when you give someone an autograph, you’re looking down at a piece of paper and once you sign it the person moves on.
Christopher Meloni
Byron Saxton is creepy. He has a relationship between me and him going on in his head. I’m not included in this personally – like, I am, but I’m not. He has a weird fetish with my feet: he loves to call me different kinds of names, like ‘Samoan Sweetcake’ and ‘Twinkle Toes.’ It goes on from there.
Nia Jax
Job’s forthright indictment of the injustice of this world is surely right. The ways of the world are weird and much more unpredictable than either scientists or theologians generally make things look.
Walter Kaufmann
It’s nice having your work recognized but having people follow you around is kinda weird.
Alex O’Loughlin
In the 1950s in Columbia, South Carolina, it was considered OK for kids to play with weird things. We could go to the hardware store and buy 100 feet of dynamite fuse.
Kary Mullis
Well, you know, ‘Spaceballs’ is a weird combination, because it’s a simple, sweet little fairytale, and it’s crazy and out-there and making fun of and taking apart sci-fi, ‘Star Wars’, and ‘Star Trek’.
Mel Brooks
I finally overcame my phobia, and now I approach flying with a sort of studied boredom – a learned habit, thanks to my learn-to-fly-calmly training – but like all former flying phobics, I retain a weird and feverish fascination with aviation news, especially bad news.
Susan Orlean
I have this problem with violence. I’ve only done one movie in almost 20 years where I killed people. It’s called Perdita Durango. It’s a Spanish movie. I’m very proud of the movie, but I felt weird doing that.
Javier Bardem
I think I look really weird with short hair. So I figured if I’ve got a mustache, I think it looks less creepy with long hair. Like a wild look.
Steven Adams
I still feel awkward taking a selfie sometimes; it feels a little weird.
Bella Hadid
At times it’s been weird because for the first phase of my career, I’ve been really well-known for a character that I was so not like and a character I never anticipated doing.
Seann William Scott
It’s been strange and weird watching the other girls at the U.S. Olympic trials just because I was training to be out there myself.
Shawn Johnson
You know, funny is this weird word for me. I hear is so many times it has no meaning anymore.
Bruce McCulloch
The more you embrace the weird crazy things about you, the more you find your tribe.
Jinkx Monsoon
I’m not one of your knockabout, knuckle-scarred, Internet-controversy-courting book critics. Occasionally I stumble into controversy accidentally, but not because I enjoy it. It’s probably just because I’m a weird person.
Lev Grossman
Making films is great. You’ve got 100 people around and you’re all dressing up and making weird art-it’s a fun group activity.
Sean Lennon
It's weird, I never wish anything bad upon anybody, exc

It’s weird, I never wish anything bad upon anybody, except two or three old girlfriends.
Carrot Top
I came to America to become an architect. And somewhere along the line while I was still in school, I was lured into theater, and that’s how I became interested in theater. My first play was something called ‘A Banquet for the Moon.’ It was a weird play.
Weird, but sometimes I feel more like my cartoon character than I do Lizzie because she’s a little more edgy and snappy.
Hilary Duff
There was a scene cut out of ‘Big Fat Liar’ (2002) where I had to wear a dress. This may sound kind of weird, but I really enjoyed shooting that scene.
Frankie Muniz
I think in a weird way that the entertainment industry is strangely more brutally honest than any other.
Donal Logue
Ghost stories always creep me out and weird me out. Those are always interesting to watch.
Jessica Szohr
Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they’re going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.
Sebastian Stan
Twin Peaks was special because it was so groundbreaking. In the early ’90s it really changed television a lot. A bunch of weird shows, like Northern Exposure, came on after that.
Sherilyn Fenn
I just don’t want to stop finding things interesting. I don’t want to ever stop learning. I want to be a weird encyclopedia of bizarre knowledge.
Brie Larson
Britain’s such a twisted, weird little place.
Graham Norton
A woman can laugh and cry in three seconds and it’s not weird. But if a man does it, it’s very disturbing. The way I’d describe it is like this: I have been allowed inside the house of womanhood, but I feel that they wouldn’t let me in any of the interesting rooms.
Rob Schneider
I had been watching ‘Home and Away’ for quite a while, so joining the cast was quite weird. The show is so fast-paced, and at first it was overwhelming, but at the same time was quite laid back.
Indiana Evans
On ‘Honeybabysweetiedoll’ I used a Whammy, a Boss OC-3 octave box, a Sustainer and a Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler. That’s only on the intro, where all those weird noises are happening.
Eddie Van Halen
It’s a bit loose and the people in my group have got other groups. They don’t have to have a total allegiance to me. I think that’s really a bit weird and showing some weird insecurity.
Graham Coxon
It’s a weird thing. Rick Springfield wrote ‘Jessie’s Girl,’ and he probably gets sick of talking about ‘Jessie’s Girl.’ The thing is, I didn’t write ‘Blurred Lines.’ I didn’t direct the music video. I’m really happy for the success, but it is kind of a funny thing to follow me around.
Emily Ratajkowski
I don’t know if I can relax. Relax, I can’t do. My brain, on idle, is a bad thing. I just get weird. I mean, not weird. I get, I get antsy.
Johnny Depp
As I went through ‘This Progress,’ one of two performance pieces by Tino Sehgal that transform Frank Lloyd Wright’s emptied-out spiral into a dreamy Socratic-purgatorial journey, the museum literally fell away. I was suspended in some weird nonspace.
Jerry Saltz
Sci-fi has never really been my bag. But I do believe in a lot of weird things these days, such as synchronicity. Quantum physics suggests it’s possible, so why not?
John Cleese
I always felt it was weird, that retro thing where guys showed up in zoot suits and tried to talk as if they were from some other time.
Michael Buble
In America, they don’t need to look outside their country for anything, so they definitely don’t need to look elsewhere for rappers with weird accents that they have to get accustomed to, which is like homework to them.
AJ Tracey
But I want people to understand that poker’s not all glamorous, it’s not all being on TV and making tons of money. It’s a hard life. It’s a lot of travel. It’s a lot of weird hours.
Chris Moneymaker
I actually think of being funny as an odd turn of mind, like a mild disability, some weird way of looking at the world that you can’t get rid of.
Calvin Trillin
The Catholic Church is a weird church. Much mysticism is sown broadspread from its ritual mysteries till it extends into the very lives of its constituents and parishoners.
Jack Kerouac
Anyone who has that weird volition to become an actor probably has a weird volition to do lots of other creative things – to write, to play music, to paint, to cook.
Minnie Driver
There’s a lot of crazy, weird people out there. It’s an ugly world.
Ben Affleck
I followed Evan’s career through the ’90s and went to many Lemonheads concerts in N.Y.C. Since he was my best friend’s family, he always felt like my family in a weird way.
Adam F. Goldberg
I do, too, most recently while I was singing karaoke in some weird bar.
Radha Mitchell
I did telemarketing for years, starting at the age of 16, just selling steak knives to old people. Old people go through a weird amount of steak knives. I also sold straight meat over the telephone.
Adam DeVine
I’m troubled by how much I like Rowan Williams. I think it reveals character flaws in myself that I’d rather not think about. The softly spoken soon-to-be-former Archbishop of Canterbury is my secret crush, my weird pash, and my guilty pleasure.
Robert Webb
I guess the biggest thing I had to get used to was people staring. At first it was like, ‘Am I wearing something odd? Is there something on my face?’ It was kind of weird because when I go to the grocery store, people, they’re not necessarily coming up to me asking for a photo, they just… look at me.
I keep saying the word ‘weird’ over and over again, but it’s the only way I can describe it.
Chuck Klosterman
I've been asked about this constantly, and I compare it

I’ve been asked about this constantly, and I compare it to how if you’re walking down the street and some schizo guy comes up to you and vomits on you: You wouldn’t be hurt by that, you’d just think it’s weird.
Chuck Klosterman
I kind of live in this weird world where I am exposed to a lot of stuff, but then again I am not exposed to a lot of stuff.
Scott Ian
If I was to go to sleep before midnight, I would feel weird about myself, like I wasted a day. My most productive hours are between midnight and five.
J. Cole
I use sunscreen every single day, even if I’m not going outside in the sun, because I’m near a window. I can always get those UV rays on my face, so I always apply sunscreen on my face and neck. It’s like brushing my teeth: I feel weird if I don’t apply sunscreen.
Michelle Phan
I had to take driving lessons in New York, which were really weird because it’s not the safest thing in the world.
Jordana Brewster
I’m light skinned, and I used to lean on that because that’s something a lot of black people pride themselves on, and it’s weird.
Chance The Rapper
I used to think that anyone doing anything weird was weird. I suddenly realized that anyone doing anything weird wasn’t weird at all and it was the people saying they were weird that were weird.
Paul McCartney
I’ve always loved horror, I’ve always loved collecting, I’ve always loved weird and macabre things, and I’ve always loved conventions. So what could be better than having your own Fear FestEviL where all those great and crazy things can be enjoyed by like-minded people under one pretty cool roof? Nothing!
Kirk Hammett
My son always says I like very weird music.
Cornelia Funke
I remember being in Atlantic City once when I was 18 or 19, and a sea of people were screaming and pulling their hair because I was there. It was weird. Nobody deserves adulation like that. I tried to explain it to my kids once. I said, ‘Mommy used to be kind of cool, kind of like a Britney Spears.’
Genie Francis
If you’re a human being walking the earth, you’re weird, you’re strange, you’re psychologically challenged.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
I think probably the scariest thing, as weird as it sounds, was ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and the flying monkeys with the witch. I remember seeing that – it still seems freaky.
Rob Zombie
In New York, just standing still on the sidewalk is a weird feeling. You have this incessant need to do things. Los Angeles is about kicking back, relaxing, your inner child, peace.
Esai Morales
I have worried about getting pigeon-holed, but now I think I’ve done enough weird, offbeat stuff not to be. And I also know that I do things for the right reasons: I’ve made my money, so I don’t have to say yes to anything.
Christopher Meloni
I met Matt when he was in Busted. I was working at MTV and I’d see him wearing baggy jeans, waddling around like a duck so they didn’t fall down. He used to wear makeup and have weird hairstyles. But I remember thinking underneath all that was a really cute guy.
Emma Willis
It’s weird… people say they’re not like apes. Now how do you explain football then?
Mitch Hedberg
It’s a very weird thing. When you see your house naked, you feel very protective of it and of the people who lived here before.
Emily Procter
I write about love, but it’s me wanting to be in love. I’ve never been in love. I love my mom, my dad. I want to be in love. I think I have to allow myself to get there. I’m just so in love with music. It’s weird. I’m at a crossroads because I want to be in love.
Charlie Puth
I started writing when I was 9 years old. I was like this weird kid who would just stay in my room, typing little funny magazines and drawing comic strips.
R. L. Stine
It’s really weird to be playing chords again. Haven’t played chords for a long time. I realised I haven’t played chord changes since OK Computer and stuff like that.
Ed O’Brien
We take people to the threshold of religion. Our aim is to induce immediate experience that is beyond the odd, beyond the strange, and beyond the weird. It verges on the wholly other.
Larry Harvey
I hate to admit it, because it makes me sound weird, but I’m Mr. Shoes. I own over 30 pairs.
Bill Pullman
It feels kinda weird being back in a high school cause I haven’t been in a high school for about a year. So um, it’s kinda interesting coming back, and y’know seeing the lockers, with all the signs, the handmade signs, so being in high school again is a little bit strange but in a good way.
Taylor Swift
I’ve been watching anime for a minute, so I know like real weird deep anime that people probably don’t care about.
As an actor, to have achieved financial stability is amazing. But I always have this weird fear that I’m not going to get any more work; it’s about not having enough money.
Paul Giamatti
I began to use my sensitivity. And I realized I wasn’t weird because I cried a lot.
Sherilyn Fenn
I’m legally blind in one eye, and one eye is a totally different size than the other, and I have, like, a weird crossed-eye thing.
Grace Potter
I did an interview once where I was asked who I found attractive and I went on about cartoons and Nala from ‘The Lion King’ – and it’s a bit weird but various of my ex-girlfriends actually did look like Nala.
Eddie Redmayne
It’s weird to make new friends, but we’re three seasons in with ‘The Exes,’ and now it feels a lot like ‘Scrubs,’ where I’m very lucky because I get to work people like Wayne Knight, who I really like.
Donald Faison
It was so weird that I would end up directing ‘The Greatest Game Ever Played,’ because, y’know, I’m not a big golfer myself. But I grew up around the game. My mom and dad kind of built their dream house off the 11th fairway of Shady Oaks Country Club in Fort Worth.
Bill Paxton
I have a weird definition of family; it’s not the same as everyone else’s.
Lil Peep
I've just grown a little disappointed with 'Muppets in

I’ve just grown a little disappointed with ‘Muppets in the Old West’, ‘Muppets Under Water’ and all these weird concept movies. I just want to go take it back to the early 80’s, when it was about the Muppets trying to put on a show. That’s what I’m trying to bring back.
Jason Segel
It’s a little weird exchanging pictures for money. You know what I mean. It makes me a little uncomfortable.
Noah Hathaway
I was a weird animal in high school, doing no work and getting straight A’s.
Ezra Miller
Like, that was weird in ‘Hamlet 2,’ because I played myself there, fully myself, but then I realized, ‘Oh, I’m not playing myself. I’m some weird version of myself.’ So as an actress, you’re always playing something, I don’t even know who I am, how could I become me? I don’t know what that is.
Elisabeth Shue
I wasn’t some weird loner in school, but I definitely wasn’t invited to any of the cool parties.
Paul Wesley
A weird sort of awareness set in, like, ‘Wow. My standup isn’t just separate from everything else I do anymore.’ With Twitter and Face book, everything is universal that everything everybody says gets seen.
Colin Quinn
I’ve never paid too much attention to what other people have said or to what other people have tried to make me be. I’ve always just tried to be myself, which is such a weird thing to say.
Sabrina Carpenter
The scientists at the end of the 19th century had people coming to them with this weird behaviour, and they didn’t know what was going on but there seemed to be a similarity. They needed an answer, so they made up one.
Chester Brown
Celebrity is very weird.
Javier Bardem
How weird it was to drive streets I knew so well. What a different perspective.
Suzanne Vega
Being on your own would be sad, sick and weird. I don’t trust myself. I need that balance.
Daniel Craig
I think I could drink my own blood. Is that weird?
Jessica Biel
Let’s keep the Internet weird. Let’s keep the Internet free.
Al Franken
The characters do have a life of their own; it’s weird.
Julie Walters
I’m quite sarcastic, and I’m funny, but not kind of funny. It’s a weird funny, and some people don’t get me, and some people do.
Millie Bobby Brown
There’s this weird game called ‘Blueberry Garden.’ For that game an artist recorded some piano music, but evidently he only had a really terrible microphone on top of the piano, and I really liked it and wanted to experiment with that. So, I made piano recording and really mangled it, and kept experimenting with the technique.
I think the British audience might be more open-minded with some of my imagery and weird choices.
Adam Lambert
I only box. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane. I can’t just go to the gym and run. I’d rather die. I played volleyball and rode horses my entire life, so just, like, moving to a city and having to go the gym was just, like, so weird for me.
Gigi Hadid
I feel weird without lipstick. Even after the first time I wore a really neon pink or a really bright red, I felt really strange without it there. My lips are a main feature, so I feel naked without them.
Marina and the Diamonds
It’s been super weird because you have zoom meetings and then it’s like high school again, I’m stuck at home with my parents and the only time I get out of the house is to workout. Let’s just say it’s not been how I envisioned my pre draft process going.
Joe Burrow
I’m weird, I do crazy things, it’s not like the average norm.
I love rap, and part of hip-hop culture is being excessive and absurd, and I can’t be excessive and absurd without sounding corny. So I have to do it in a very truthful, weird way.
Lil Dicky
Athletes and actors do really crazy things, and we do them under weird circumstances because we love what we do and because we take things in an extreme manner.
Anika Noni Rose
When I was in first grade, everyone made fun of my name, of course. I think it’s kind of a big name to hold up when you’re nine years old. It seemed goofy. I used to tell people I wanted to change the world and they used to think, ‘This kid’s really weird’.
River Phoenix
Once a year my back will go out and it’ll be… it’s like a sciatic thing and it’s the smallest thing. Like I could be leaning over the sink to brush my teeth in a weird way and it happens.
Kevin James
Heaven, for me, is one focused project – it’s like a weird form of autism.
Jon Krakauer
The go-to reflex all over Hollywood is still likeability. I’ve always had a problem with it because I think I have a weird barometer in the sense that some of the characters I’ve cared about the most in movies are characters that are often thought of as despicable.
Damien Chazelle
Democrats are people who raise your taxes and spend your money on weird stuff. They steal your guns, and they spit on your faith.
Grover Norquist
Drag is great way to get people to pay attention to me, but it’s a difficult way to get people to take me seriously as a musician. So it’s a weird Catch-22. It’s like a gimmick that gets them to pay attention, but when they see my image, they’re like, ‘There’s no way this is going to have any legitimacy to it.’
Trixie Mattel
I don’t take any photographs. I travel a lot by myself, and I feel weird taking photos on my own.
Jamie Bell
It’s weird how America works. Healthy food costs way more than crap.
Shayna Baszler
I was trying to make my name just Artist in the beginni

I was trying to make my name just Artist in the beginning, but it was weird at first, because I wasn’t an R&B singer or nothing. Not an R&B singer. I didn’t do no melodic songs, none of that yet.
A Boogie wit da Hoodie
Oh yeah people recognize me, but the craziest thing? I mean I’ve had the normal autographs… but I had to sign a baby’s carriage once. I thought that was weird, so yeah, I guess that’s the craziest thing.
Terrence J
This is kind of weird, but I eat lemons with salt as snack. They’re so good!
Becky G
We didn’t have a TV in the living room and all my friends thought we were kind of weird. When they’d come over, my mom wanted to talk to them about current events.
Eliza Dushku
I think, in a weird way, the reason I was drawn to screenwriting and the reason I really love doing it is because I love writing dialogue.
David Benioff
I don’t know if I was born weird. I think it’s just that I was exposed to very strange things from a very early age by my brothers.
Dave Franco
It’s a weird scene. You win a few baseball games and all of a sudden you’re surrounded by reporters and TV men with cameras asking you about Vietnam and race relations.
Vida Blue
But I was feeling quite down at the time. I was living in L.A., which was kind of weird for me.
Bryan Ferry
My first taste memory is pickle. Even as a kid, I was really weird. I liked chillis. I used to climb up the shelves in my grandmother’s pantry. The pickle jar was kept right at the top. One time, I dropped the jar and it broke. I was totally busted.
Padma Lakshmi
I have kind of a weird technique with zucchini. I cut it into small cubes; sweat it in olive oil, adding just a little oil at time so it crisps. Then I cover it with boiling water, not stock, which really brings out the flavor of the zucchini, add lemon, thyme, and serve it with burrata and a fried zucchini flower.
Tom Colicchio
It is what it is, and it’s a crazy job – I literally touch letters and wear pretty clothes, and how do you describe that job? It’s weird, but I’ve been doing it for a long time, and I’ll be first to make fun of it – I really will – but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in world.
Vanna White
The human longings that are deep inside of us never go away. They exist across cultures; they exist throughout life. When people were first made, our deepest longing was to know and be known. And after the Fall, when we all got weird, it’s still our deepest longing – but it’s now also our deepest fear.
John Ortberg
Because I get nervous all the time. It’s weird but I think it’s fun and it’s refreshing. It’s always good to be that way. That keeps me appreciative of everything.
Christina Milian
I’m really not that weird. I’m a combination of a lot of different things. Maybe it’s just easier to make me look weird than another model who is specifically Caucasian.
Devon Aoki
Being a bass player in a band without a drummer for seven, eight years has been kind of weird.
Ted Dwane
I guess I worry about weird existential things, like how do we spend our final act. This is a very emotional question. I can’t answer it without crying. I think, You’re 56 years old, what did you do? You raised two good kids. What am I going to do now that is as meaningful as that? I don’t know the answer yet.
Ellen Barkin
Is it spoken word? Kinda, but that’s a weird area. Is it comedy? Well, it’s funny but no, it’s not comedy.
Bruce McCulloch
I write small and weird. Romcoms are not in my skill set.
Diablo Cody
It seems a bit weird to call someone your girlfriend when you have a child.
Jason Isaacs
I go through major crises every few months, but then I have great peaks of belief and creativity. I’m a weird kind of animal.
Brian May
Eeew, I’d be a little uncomfortable Googling myself. People sit there – and Google themselves? That’s kind of weird.
Kobe Bryant
It’s weird to sit as a comedian. Being still drives me crazy.
Seth Meyers
You go through different emotions when you’re in captivity. On the one hand you say, my career is over. On the other hand, you say, my career’s just started. See with these weird extreme ideas of where you are based on this capture.
James Foley
It’s a little weird thinking I’m going to be an Atlanta Falcon – just saying that.
Tony Gonzalez
I read a lot of bad scripts and weird television shows. I don’t know. There’s a lot of work out there I was reading at 14 years old and noticing this lack of thought. And then, reading ‘Afterschool,’ that’s full of thought. It was bursting with ideas.
Ezra Miller
I love hearing about bad behavior. It’s just so funny to me. Especially, grown ups acting like weird, inconsolable babies over really stupid things, to me, is really funny.
Adam Scott
To do a sequel is so weird, you don’t really think about it.
Seann William Scott
When we started I wasn’t the singer. I was the drunk rhythm guitarist who wrote all these weird songs.
Robert Smith
The only time it gets weird is which bathroom do I go into sometimes.
EJ Johnson
New Zealand was such a weird place in the 1980s. For instance, we used to have this commercial in the late 1970s where this guy drives this car and stops outside a corner store. He goes in to buy something, and when he comes out, his car is gone. He’s like, ‘Huh?’ Then a voice says, ‘Don’t leave your keys in the car.’
Taika Waititi
At my very core, I’m pretty shy. I just happen to have a weird job.
Johnny Depp
I don't feel like a dream girl, but I think it's really

I don’t feel like a dream girl, but I think it’s really nice. I guess a part of me wishes I got that sort of attention in my real life. Because in my real life, I’m this weird, dorky girl who just hangs out with her dog.
Alicia Silverstone
I know I have this level of celebrity, of fame, international, national, whatever you want to call it, but it’s a pretty surreal thing to think sometimes that you’re in the middle of another famous person’s life and you think to yourself, ‘How the hell did I get famous? What is this some weird club that we’re in?’
Kevin Costner
I was at a Thai restaurant when ‘i hate u, i love u’ hit the million-listen mark. It was weird because nothing else I released before had gotten that high at all.
To confront those fears, in a controlled environment, where there’s 300 people around you going through the same thing, it’s this weird sort of yin and yang.
Adam Arkin
You know Hollywood is a weird and wonderful place, I didn’t know I Dream of Jeanie had been cancelled after 5 years until I went back to go on the lot to pick up some clothes and things I had in my dressing room.
Larry Hagman
I got so used to using chopsticks that using a fork and knife is weird.
Stephon Marbury
In their heyday, the Pet Shop Boys were the Interpol of the Eighties, dressing up to sing really weird pop songs about lust and loneliness in the big city. They’re low-pro now, not retro-worshipped in the manner of Depeche Mode, New Order, or The Cure, but you can hear the reason why – these guys are too sad.
Rob Sheffield
I know it sounds weird, but my definition of ‘sexy’ has changed as I’ve gotten older. And being smart and informed makes me feel sexier than any outfit.
Sarah Shahi
I’m not entirely comfortable saying I’m an actor, because it seems like a very weird, almost dorky thing to say you are.
Seth Rogen
I have a box of awards in the closet. I think it is weird to put them out. I might if I had an Emmy or Oscar, but I don’t.
Margaret Cho
The greatest hits in some weird way marks the end of something.
Sheryl Crow
I don’t know, monogamy is a weird thing for me.
Sienna Miller
I know it sounds weird, but how bad, how hard can dying be?
I’m a weird guy. I’m practically albino. What about me isn’t weird?
Mike White
Sure, ‘Twilight’ is really huge right now and everybody’s freaking out over it, but it will go away soon and I will be back to doing what I’m used to doing: weird little movies that nobody sees.
Kristen Stewart
I really am not that hairy on my body. It’s weird.
Brett Gelman
If you do things out of time you’re weird.
Robyn Hitchcock
Carloads of tourists would photograph the family mailbox, and there was weird mail, death threats.
Henry Thomas
It’s weird when you stop being a person to a lot of folks and just become a weird talking point. It’s like you become a meme, and you’re not a person anymore, and people don’t mind stealing your life.
Zoe Quinn
Sometimes confidence can lead you to accept the first decent idea instead of to really strive to even discard that and go for the ultimate great idea. So in a weird way, I think confidence is overrated sometimes.
Vince Gilligan
Ultimately, it has been a struggle- but I was in Minneapolis and Austin a couple of weeks ago, sitting in theaters with complete strangers watching this weird movie that Kirk and I thought up and I was excited to be making film.
Donal Logue
That’s a rule in the business. No tongue. You can’t really get into it, otherwise, it’s weird. I think that particular scene made his (Adam Brody) girlfriend jealous. There were issues.
Rachel Bilson
I’m strange! I have a weird sense of humor! I look crazy!
Trixie Mattel
After having done this whole slew of press for ‘Big Love’, now I’ll have anxiety dreams for like a week and a half about all the stupid things I said. I can’t even imagine being in front of the cameras all the time. I had a weird dream the other night that I was on ‘Jersey Shore.’
Chloe Sevigny
After this whole acting thing is over and done, you eventually have to be human. Some people are never human. It’s very weird.
Joe Rogan
It’s weird when you see pieces of choreography that were done for you 15 or 20 years ago and now they are being done by another dance company.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
We actually flattened my putter 1.5 degrees. I have a long-neck putter and it was weird because they flattened it, but it got my hands more vertical and into the position I wanted them to be in.
Collin Morikawa
My mom decided that she wanted to put the mirror ball trophy on the coffee table in the center of our living room. When people walk in, it’s kind of like, ‘Uh.’ It’s a little weird. Maybe we should put it in the corner or something.
Laurie Hernandez
It’s interesting trying to make something as truthful as possible, but playing someone who is still alive is quite a weird thing.
Chloe Pirrie
When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it’s a point of pride in a weird way.
J. J. Abrams
Everybody always says that I’m the girl next door, which makes me think that y’all must have a lot of weird next-door neighbours.
Kelly Clarkson
The thing that nobody really said about Rebecca Adlingt

The thing that nobody really said about Rebecca Adlington is that she looks pretty weird. She looks like someone who’s looking at themselves in the back of a spoon.
Frankie Boyle
I’m pretty sure my mom is the only person on the planet who thinks that she got cancer so that I could find my calling in life, but as I started to build this company, all my years of useless education, random jobs, and weird interests merged into this serendipitous moment.
Yael Cohen
My private life… Nobody should care. I think it’s weird.
Alison Lohman
I’m not afraid to have a really weird idea or, you know, take a really bad guitar solo.
Phoebe Bridgers
Yeah, I’m a little weird. I’m definitely a little eccentric.
Bryce Dallas Howard
I’m just abnormal. I’m a weird dude.
Victor Oladipo
Our talent and skill as rappers is clearly the first thing you notice. I don’t know what we were thinking. We just really love rap and wanted to be rappers. Is that weird?
I hate the natural sound of the trumpet, but I think I’m naturally set up to be a trumpet player. I know that sounds weird. But pretty much anytime I play a note, I’m uncomfortable in a general sense.
Christian Scott
The Aztecs believe they started up in what’s now New Mexico, and wandered for 10,000 years before they got down into where they are now, in Mexico City. That’s a weird legend.
Jerry Pournelle
When I got a lap dance, because I was 17, they had to put a massive pillow between me and the girl when she was grinding me. It was weird, yet pleasurable.
Emile Hirsch
I believe art is a way to attune to what reality is, which is a weird reality.
Timothy Morton
It’s not an act. I love it. It’s totally original. People go, ‘What’s going on with this guy? Why does he sound so weird? What is going on in his brain. I don’t know. Just one day I suddenly woke up with a new brain.
Charlie Sheen
I don’t pretend to be captain weird. I just do what I do.
Johnny Depp
The weird thing is, if I’d made ‘The Incredibles,’ shot-for-shot – exactly the same script, same timing, same shots – in live action, it would be perceived very differently, and somehow more adult than me doing it in animation. I find that fascinating and frustrating.
Brad Bird
I really enjoy what I do, and who I’m with and where I am. Having said that, I’m not really a person of habit, because what I do in my job is travel around the world and play concerts to people, and occasionally do very weird things.
Robert Smith
I always felt as a kid that I was underappreciated, invisible or weird, but I’ve always secretly thought people would one day appreciate what is different about me. I’m always putting that message out there.
Judd Apatow
It’s so weird that I play this woman who pretty much deals with violence on a daily basis, and I’m such a wimp in who I am.
Katey Sagal
As a kid, I felt really weird.
Mayim Bialik
It’s a weird sensation to be mad and learning at the same time.
Jeff Foxworthy
I’m not on Twitter, and I don’t read the papers day to day, so I am somewhat protected. There’s this weird separation between your private and public persona.
Samantha Cameron
My father was a Catholic, but my mother wasn’t. She had to do that weird deal you do as a Catholic – they deign to sanction your marriage and you have to bring your children up as Catholics.
Jared Harris
Even though I am in this weird position of being a semi-recognizable screenwriter, which isn’t that common, at the same time, I’m not an actress. I’m pretty isolated.
Diablo Cody
Sometimes it’s really weird being an artist, and I deal with that best by being myself.
The weird thing is that working within an established story was actually kind of liberating. You know the beginning and middle and end, more or less, so there’s less pressure to figure all that out.
Dave Eggers
For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norms, even our cultural ideal.
Carl Bernstein
Just having the internet is a weird and dangerous thing because people become accustomed to knowing things when they want to know them and not having to work for it. I definitely see the value in not knowing everything and having mystery in life and mystery in people.
Adam Driver
The most amazing thing is when you find yourself watching someone in the cafe or something doing something weird. It’s amazing what people do, isn’t it, when you just look at them, when you take the time to look.
Ben Whishaw
You love all your characters, even the ridiculous ones. You have to on some level; they’re your weird creations in some kind of way. I don’t even know how you approach the process of conceiving the characters if in a sense you hated them. It’s just absurd.
Joel Coen
I’m obsessed with shopping. I’ll get these urges to buy, like to shop for stuff on the Internet. I search for all kinds of weird gizmos I could get.
Tom Felton
I’m insanely optimistic. For odd, weird reasons, things always work out.
Richard Jefferson
‘The Good, the Bad, the Weird’ is about individuals fulfilling their desires and just going the distance to fulfill that desire.
Kim Jee-woon
I've got lots of weird illustrations of me from Japanes

I’ve got lots of weird illustrations of me from Japanese fans.
Jamie Bell
I’m in a position where whatever I do, I can get my head handed to me. I’m in a position to fail because there is a whole group of people out there who want me to fail. It’s a weird vibe.
Kevin Costner
Social media is a weird thing. People have their keyboard and no face… they can say whatever they want.
Christina Anstead
I feel like there is this weird thing where celebrity involvement in political campaigns kind of goes together like peanut butter and chocolate. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad.
Rashida Jones
I love strange things; my favorite movies are weird, eclectic, and intriguing.
Gemma Arterton
The weird thing was that Soft Cell was supposed to have come and gone before I started the album.
Marc Almond
I don’t remember my dreams. I’m one of those weird people. I know there are tricks and things you can do, but I never remember my dreams.
Jayma Mays
Markets do very weird things because it reacts to how people behave, and sometimes people are a little screwy.
Alan Greenspan
There’s actually a song called ‘Vegas Lights,’ which I wanted to be an anthem for Vegas, that represented how I felt when I went to the clubs. I felt this weird energy where everybody was having a good time, and it didn’t matter. Dancing like nobody’s watching. It was kind of beautiful.
Brendon Urie
It was weird. Like, people came up to me and knew me as Daredevil before any footage had come out. I remember a guy on the subway being like, ‘You’re Charlie Cox. You’re Daredevil.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah…?’ I was barely Daredevil. I hadn’t even signed the contract, you know?
Charlie Cox
We have to understand how the extremists got the way they are. Without that kind of understanding, we’d never really get to know them. I put in nothing about their childhoods. But what I have put in is stuff about the weird symbiotic relationship between us and them.
Jon Ronson
I feel like everybody’s always out to get me, and that’s a weird feeling.
Jessica Simpson
It’s weird, because usually if you’re British and you go to America you play baddies; but I play naughty people here and goodies in America.
Paul Bettany
It was weird because I’d only been in L.A. for about six months and I had my first feature.
Matthew McGrory
I had a weird dream the other night that I was on ‘Jersey Shore.’
Chloe Sevigny
I’ve never been a fan of directors who clutter a piece with all sorts of crazy preconceptions or weird ideas.
Dan Stevens
I don’t think of myself as offbeat and weird. As a kid, I saw myself as the type of guy who would run into a burning building to save the baby.
Christian Slater
I will say a lot of dancers do such beautiful things for their body and then they smoke a cigarette. I’ve never been a smoker, but I realized after taking yoga . . . in ballet you’re not encouraged to do a lot of breathing. I think in a weird way, a lot of dancers find relief in actually breathing.
Elizabeth Berkley
Every weird thing about you is beautiful and makes life interesting.
I remember being four or five, not understanding how to be funny, so just going around the house and my mum and dad’s friends, confusing adults by saying weird things.
James Acaster
When I was young, I really wanted to be a part of the end-of-year awards shows, but now that I’m actually there, it feels weird. I used to go to church and ended the year with a prayer, but now I spend it with people I’m not very familiar with at an award show, and I wonder if it’s something I should be doing.
Park Bo-gum
It’s so weird that I went to rehab. I always said that I would die before I went to rehab. But I thought, ‘I’m going to stay here tonight.’ And I stayed there for a month. It was great.
Lindsay Lohan
I’ll always be playing shows. Even when I’m a crazy granny wearing weird old granny clothes and wandering around with dementia, I’ll still be playing. Whether anyone else will turn up is another question.
Kate Nash
It’s weird, I actually like doing interviews now.
Noah Wyle
My career’s been a steady, interesting, weird, frustrating, fun journey at all different times.
Elizabeth Reaser
Nowadays when I walk around, I get noticed, which is kind of weird.
Azealia Banks
You can’t compete with hip-hop. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be as big as a rap star. I do – I’m always competitive. But there’s this weird perception of me as someone who’s sitting around plotting like a devil. It’s not like that.
Brandon Flowers
It’s totally weird to see myself on a billboard!
Kimberly Caldwell
I tell my staff, we’re riding a tour bus around, and we’re going to stop and look at some weird stuff – but we’re taking our viewers around safely. They’re just looking out the window at it. I’m trying to create a sense of comfort for my center audience.
Chris Matthews
The problem with cosmetic surgery is that people who have it can only see how they look in the mirror. They don’t realise how weird they look from other angles. I particularly hate the injections that puff out the face, which are hideous.
Jerry Hall
I support Democrats and Republicans. And I’m telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs.
Steve Wynn
Serve the dinner backward, do anything - but for goodne

Serve the dinner backward, do anything – but for goodness sake, do something weird.
Elsa Maxwell
It will sound quite weird but I actually watch TLC as I love to travel. It’s like sitting in your drawing room and traveling to a new world.
Vishwajeet Pradhan
Why is it so weird that somebody didn’t recognize me?… The fact is that whenever I meet somebody, I say, ‘Nice to meet you. I’m Julia.’
Julia Roberts
To realize that your mother’s love life has been far more interesting than one’s own is a weird thing to discover.
Anderson Cooper
The ‘punch’ of a truly weird tale is simply some violation or transcending of fixed cosmic law – an imaginative escape from palling reality – hence, phenomena rather than persons are the logical ‘heroes.’
H. P. Lovecraft
It’s weird because horses kind of come and go in my life.
Danny Bonaduce
There are a thousand weird untold stories in the Australian film industry, this has been one of them.
Yahoo Serious
I never set out to be weird. It was always other people who called me weird.
Frank Zappa
You know, God has some really weird kids, and I find it hard to be in their company most of the time.
To get recognized in New York is weird because that’s definitely a place you shouldn’t be recognized.
Hannah Gadsby
A great amount of good is always evened out by a great amount of bad. I find it’s best to acknowledge that weird balance.
Garrett Hedlund
My favorite albumn ever is Jeff Buckley’s GRACE. I feel a weird unexplainable connection to him.
Rachel Bilson
I think I ‘turn off’ women. I’ve a kind of a weird personality. Women may think that I’m a mess.
Ed O’Neill
Art imitates life and, sometimes, life imitates art. It’s a weird combination of elements.
Bruce Willis
It was more like having unwanted attention as a child – if you’d walk around, people would recognize you, and it would be in a weird, almost making-fun-type manner.
Anna Chlumsky
I know this sounds weird, but I honestly believe music comes from the universe. Inspiration comes from the universe, and you drag it into your mind.
If I could sing, that would be cool. But I can’t. I mean, I physically can, but I’m awful. It’s weird to be really bad at singing.
I think most human beings go through some sort of depression in their life. And if they don’t, I think that’s weird.
Kirsten Dunst
I like to be able to come and go as I please, and I don’t really like having my face and name plastered around. I think it’s a bit weird to have your name plastered on every page in a magazine, where in each case you’re using a different piece of equipment.
Geddy Lee
I have met some very strange people and some very strange cats – and I’m not talking about jazz greats. I’m talking about animals that people claim have come from outer space, and boy, they’re weird!
Robin Leach
When I tour, it’s like, well, like a food tour as much as a comedy tour. I try to eat at all the weird places, the obscure barbecue joints, burger places. There are a few spots in L.A. that I’m obsessed with – one of them is the Taco Zone taco truck on Alvarado. There are secret off-menu items that are amazing.
Aziz Ansari
I was one of those kids who tended to stay in on Saturday nights. My mother used to come and say, ‘Why don’t you go to the dance with the boys?’ And I’m going, ‘No, I’m perfectly happy.’ I think my parents thought I was definitely weird.
Ridley Scott
He helped make Living Things even more crazy than I wanted it to be. He added old-fashioned piano and classical folk music – that weird otherworldly vibe – all these elements got onto the record.
Matthew Sweet
I’m still very much an atheist, except that I don’t necessarily see religion as being a bad thing. So, that’s a weird thing that I’m struggling with that seems to be offending both atheists and people that are religious.
Patton Oswalt
Well, there’s this culture on Instagram where everyone uses filters and lighting, or people smooth their skin out. It’s this weird thing. We all know it’s not real and we all complain about it, yet we all do it.
Nina Nesbitt
Science to me is sufficiently weird and interesting, and stranger than fiction.
Leonard Susskind
Spiritual life can certainly follow the pattern one sees in the fake martial arts, with most teachers making nebulous and magical claims that never get tested, while their students derange themselves with weird ideas, empty rituals, and other affectations.
Sam Harris
I find it weird the way people get so excited about celebrity. If my friends are on the phone, their friends will say: ‘Is that kid from ‘Love Actually’ there?’ And the phone gets passed round and I have to speak to this stranger asking: ‘Are you famous?’ I don’t know how to answer.
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Certainly I was a very religious child, a deeply weird and very emotional child, an only child with lots of imaginary friends and a very active imagination. I loved Sunday school and Bible camp and all that. I had my own white Bible with Jesus’ words printed in red in the text; I even spoke at youth revivals.
Lee Smith
At first it was exhilarating but when I realized it wasn’t going away, it became scary and claustrophobic. Fame is a weird thing.
Sharon Stone
When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore.
Sometimes you hate villains, but you love that you hate

Sometimes you hate villains, but you love that you hate them, and it finds this happy medium where you enjoy the process of loathing them so much that you want them to be there. It’s such a weird, twisted thing that our minds do.
Chris Wood
I never fail to find it weird when people recognise me.
Mollie King
I actually found ‘We’re the Millers’ one of the toughest, if I’m honest, least fun experiences of my life, which is weird. It was such a huge opportunity for me to work with the people I worked with and I feel grateful to be a part of that, but it kind of messed me up.
Will Poulter
When dubstep was big, Ubisoft told the composer for ‘Far Cry 3’ to make dubstep and to me that was really weird.
I used to live next door to a farm, so every day for awhile, I used to walk over and fed the cows, when I was in school. This was weird because I lived in sort of a subdivision, but this one holdout in our neighborhood in Kansas still had a farm.
Paul Rudd
You know, it’s weird being interviewed! Because the weird thing about being interviewed is you get asked these questions that you’ve never thought about, and you find out what you think as you answer.
Neil Gaiman
As I said, men value their independence in a weird way, above practically everything.
George Weinberg
It’s weird to have leisure – to have time off. I’m not used to it.
Sutton Foster
For artists of my caliber, we’re not played on the radio, so we don’t really get a chance to get involved in that debate at all. We don’t get a chance, because this weird kind of ageism exists in pop music. If you’re past a certain age, you’re not relevant. That’s the kind of cliched term.
Boy George
People who are more than casually interested in computers should have at least some idea of what the underlying hardware is like. Otherwise the programs they write will be pretty weird.
Donald Knuth
What we’re always looking for is weird social issues and weird connections to make. Luckily for them, there’s no shortage of material.
Trey Parker
I want to keep Flume kind of experimental, weird, melodic, pretty.
I’m not perfect. I’ve made mistakes. I’d do a lot of things different if I could. I’d never, ever, get involved with surrogacy again. It’s so weird.
Mary Beth Whitehead
It’s a weird league in the sense that sometimes you get goals when they definitely shouldn’t have gone in, and sometimes you’re doing everything right and it’s just not going in. It’s the way it goes. I think every player who’s ever played in this league has gone through it.
Connor McDavid
I get to actually experience what it would be like to be a psycho, which is not a fun one, or to be a cowboy, or to be a weird character of some sort. For me, it suits me. It suits my personality. I’m an emotional kind of person anyway.
Josh Holloway
You can almost judge how screwed up somebody is by the kind of toilet paper they use. Go in any rich house and it’s some weird coloured embossed stuff.
Captain Beefheart
I don’t know if I was a funny kid. I would say I was a loud and weird kid.
Will Forte
The most bizarre thing I’ve ever read about myself is that I was dead. That was kind of weird to read that I’m dead – mostly because I was reading it.
Lil Wayne
If you have an impulse, not if you’re going to ruin someone elses’ scene, if you have an impulse of a funny little add-on or taking something in a weird direction, try it.
Rachel Dratch
The Japanese fans always send weird things.
Tom Felton
My most prized possession is my pillow. I can’t travel or sleep without it. And it’s, like, this really thin down pillow that really doesn’t do anything, but it’s weird: if I don’t have it, I’m constantly thinking about not having it.
Sam Mikulak
In New York there isn’t that weird palpable competitive thing where it’s friendly but everyone isn’t trying to top one another with jokes when you’re just hanging around.
David Cross
It’s great that people are basically spending their two weeks of vacation to come out and be with us in some weird part of the world. And I think we owe it to them to take ’em to some cool places.
Jeff Ament
Then there was Clark Ashton Smith, who wrote for Weird Tales and who had a wild imagination. He wasn’t a very talented writer, but his imagination was wonderful.
Jack Vance
I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.
Paul McCartney
I am a still friend with Dave Crosby, he’s a weird duck but I like him a lot.
Peter Tork
Life is a weird thing because it puts roadblocks in front of you, sometimes you gotta go through it, sometimes you gotta go around it, sometimes you gotta take a pause and look back at what you’re gonna do, have a plan.
Jamal Murray
I exist in agreement with all the weird chaos, destruction, and agony that is undoubtedly part of the texture of being alive.
I only drive in movies. I know that’s very weird to hear for an American. I have a weird relationship with it. I know how to drive, but I never went to take the test.
Penelope Cruz
I have taken taking my music to labels for years, and everyone just thought it was creepy. They thought the images with the music were weird and verging on psychotic.
Lana Del Rey
Initially with The Butcher Boy, there was this kid growing up in this strange, weird environment that I remember from when I was a kid. And Patrick’s vision was so complete there.
Neil Jordan
I love weird science. I learned in an article in 'Natio

I love weird science. I learned in an article in ‘National Geographic’ that there are trillions of bacteria in our guts that help us digest food. These are non-human creatures.
Will Hobbs
Stand-up is a weird animal. There are people who really want to know what you think about things, your opinion on life. But then there are people who think you’re just that beautician in ‘Legally Blonde,’ who doesn’t have opinions on anything. Or that I’m Stifler’s mom and hot for it all the time.
Jennifer Coolidge
The day I showed up to South Carolina to work, I was with my kid and my ex and our dog and Kirk was hanging with this weird guy and I kind of defined the two of them by his friend and made a vow to avoid him.
Donal Logue
There is part of me that will always feel wrong for any leading man-type, charming guy or whatever. I am not that guy. I am so weird. I say inappropriate things, and if I have any charm at all, it’s in my utter lack of charm.
Nick Wechsler
It was really weird to have a hit. Of course, we had a certain level of fame in the Pixies, but nothing I had ever done had been mall-kid friendly.
Kim Deal
I just saw a copy of a cover of a magazine that I’m on, and it’s very weird and unusual.
Mia Kirshner
In a weird way, I never wanted – I don’t consider myself a very good writer. I consider myself okay; I don’t consider myself great. There’s Woody Allen and Aaron Sorkin. There’s Quentin Tarantino. I’m not ever gonna be on that level. But I do consider myself a good filmmaker.
Sam Esmail
People think being famous is fun. It’s not. Even a little bit of fame. It’s bizarre. It’s weird.
Steve Lukather
I like to do weird things in the shower, like drink my coffee, brush my teeth and drink a smoothie. It’s good time management.
Michelle Williams
I’m not a political comic at all, so it would be weird if I just turned into a preachy, sort-of political commentator.
Lisa Lampanelli
Sarcasm is weird. Even not in acting, in life I feel like ‘sarcastic’ is a word that people use to describe me sometimes so when I meet someone, it’s almost like they feel like they have to also be sarcastic, but it can sometimes just come off as mean if it’s not used in the right way.
Aubrey Plaza
I don’t pay attention to the number of birthdays. It’s weird when I say I’m 53. It just is crazy that I’m 53. I think I’m very immature. I feel like a kid. That’s why my back goes out all the time, because I completely forget I can’t do certain things anymore – like doing the plank for 10 minutes.
Ellen DeGeneres
I never know if it’s the right choice I’m making. It’s always weird going from one place to another.
Selena Gomez
Perhaps my favourite story is ‘Le Passe-Muraille’ by Marcel Ayme. It’s about a guy who wakes up with a weird faculty that means he can walk through walls. He’s a very shy clerk, and he uses it to get revenge, or vent his frustration.
Michel Gondry
It’s one thing for the people in the industry to know who you are, because they’ve heard about you earlier. I have friends calling me from the Christian bookstore because there’s a poster on the wall. It’s just weird.
Stacie Orrico
Life gets weird enough without having to worry about whether you are covered for this or have to have a deductible for that, so the less stress when you are in need, the better.
Finn Wolfhard
When you have parents that come from a country that you weren’t raised in, you feel this weird sense of familiarity, like you’ve returned to something.
Roy Choi
I think any band we played with would be a weird match. We’re on our own, a little out there, but it’s a good thing. I think we’re complimentary to each other.
Jon Crosby
I always was a weird child. My mother told me the story that, in kindergarten, I would come home and tell her about this weird kid in my class who drew only with black crayons and didn’t speak to other kids. I talked about it so much that my mother brought it up with the teacher, who said, ‘What? That’s your son.’
John Waters
I was looked at as weird, odd, not fitting in with the Hollywood crowd.
Morgan Brittany
You don’t know when you’re being watched. That’s one of the weird things about celebrity. It’s my least favorite part of acting, celebrity.
Denzel Washington
Everyone has a childhood, everyone had awkward years and weird stages. Mine were broadcast for eight years.
Tina Yothers
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.
Rita Rudner
I won some genetic lottery. I always happened to be strangely good at mathematics in my head. I just popped out weird.
Rodney Brooks
I found myself compelled – like this weird, shameful compulsion – to draw cute animals.
Lynda Barry
I made odd noises as a child. Just did weird things, like turn off light switches twice. I think my parents thought I had Tourette’s syndrome.
Johnny Depp
Kicking is a weird thing. You can go stretches and stretches of just doing really good, then you could have one or two kicks that can derail you. You’ve just got to learn to ride the wave.
Stephen Gostkowski
Weird Al is not gonna do a parody of your song if you’re not doing it big.
It was very weird when my classmates were getting hundred-thousand-dollar cars because that was so not my reality.
Camila Morrone
I talk about weird stuff. What I do only works at night, only on the radio.
Art Bell
I’ve been working straight since 2003, so I might just want to take an improv or theater class. That excites me. I can’t wait to do different characters – not necessarily the leading chick who gets the guy, but the weird, freaky cousin.
This year, when I turn 65, I thought, 'So weird;' when

This year, when I turn 65, I thought, ‘So weird;’ when I was a kid, people who were 65 either retired or died. I’m so nowhere near that.
Suzanne Somers
We started playing music from an early age and so we wasn’t really aware of that side of it, the weird thing is the more successful you get the more free booze and drugs you get, they should be given to the bands who don’t have the money.
Ville Valo
But don’t get caught out there looking goofy. It’s weird. When you do something that stinks, it’s going to last forever on the Internet. There’s always someone in the audience with a camera phone and if you’re not 100%, you’re going to be watching yourself on YouTube.
Jamie Foxx
The music is at this weird intersection of dance music and indie music. It’s not quite dancey enough to do a full-blown DJ set, and it wasn’t quite rock enough for a rock band. But I guess it’s what makes us unique – drawing from a lot of different influences.
Washed Out
I get really weird when I’m not working. I have to keep working.
Aubrey Plaza
I think that Zappa intentionally made his music weird, but did it with intelligence.
Yngwie Malmsteen
There’s something distinct and interesting about a live performance. There’s this weird immediacy that’s, for me, really invigorating, and it just feels really rewarding.
K. Flay
I would just randomly blurt out things like, ‘What if a man showed up today and was carrying an umbrella, but it wasn’t raining?’ Eventually, people started to call me weird.
Lynn Coady
Is that weird, taking my Louis Vuitton bag camping?
Jessica Simpson
It’s so bizarre, I’m not scared of snakes or spiders. But I’m scared of butterflies. There is something eerie about them. Something weird!
Nicole Kidman
It never gets boring for me because there’s so many different things to explore in the studio. The studio’s become the sanctuary that people have come in and found new things out about themselves, as weird as that sounds. But it’s true, I’m no different. I’ve made some crazy hard records, and I’ve made a jazz album.
Mac Miller
I know what I look like – a weird, sad clown puppet. I’m fine with that.
Rainn Wilson
It’s just so weird that some people recognize me from TV and then other people say, ‘Get away from me, you drunk!’
Josh Blue
I wanted to do a weird book and reestablish my independent, small-press roots.
Sherman Alexie
I don’t know why I do what I do. I tend to go for the really weird, bizarre stuff. I actually have to tone it down for the show.
Andy Milonakis
It’s the weird thing Eton does – you’re at school next to lords and earls and, in my case, Prince William, so you end up being used to dealing with those sorts of people.
Eddie Redmayne
The way I write is that I’ll actually have a conversation out loud with myself. In a weird way, I just kind of get schizophrenic and play two characters.
Zach Braff
Everybody reads for me. I was never weird about that. I never minded coming in and reading. They should know if I’m the right person, and I should know if I want to do a movie.
Jodie Foster
I feel weird when I go to the movies and everybody’s faces are perfect.
Melanie Lynskey
I don’t know that I have a fascination with witches per se – well, maybe I just have a fascination with everything that’s weird.
Rob Zombie
I’ve got weird conflicting feelings about my generation.
Adam Driver
A lot of people think I must be weird because of the films I’ve done. I get that.
Paul Dano
My first film is coming out, and it’s in 3D, and it’s ‘The Hobbit,’ so it’s a bit weird.
Adam Brown
People would look at me weird. You know, like, ‘Why is this guy’s hands always in his pockets?’ But I was embarrassed by the size of my hands.
Jerry Rice
I didn’t finish college, which is really weird because they awarded me the Alumni of Distinction recently.
Joely Fisher
I know I have sex appeal, but I’ve never felt like an actual sex symbol. Fans sometimes think I am. The majority of them are sweet about it, but occasionally somebody weird becomes totally fixated upon me.
Teena Marie
I think to close half of Magic Kingdom for the purpose of a White House invitation town hall meeting on a phony main street on behalf of a phony president just strikes me as weird.
Newt Gingrich
When I’m home on a break, I lock myself in my room and play guitar. After two or three hours, I start getting into this total meditation. It’s a feeling few people experience, and that’s usually when I come up with weird stuff. It just flows. I can’t force myself. I don’t sit down and say I’ve got to practice.
Eddie Van Halen
I’m viewed as this weird, crippled character. But you got to take your lumps.
Billy Corgan
15 people in a room looking at you with no clothes on – that’s a little weird.
Callum Turner
I think a lot of my work has been a weird attempt to liberate myself, but it’s not altogether successful.
Helen Mirren
I made some games, but I'm pretending like I didn't bec

I made some games, but I’m pretending like I didn’t because they all turned out weird.
Shigeru Miyamoto
People build up a picture of Johnny Depp as being some sort of weird pirate character. In reality he’s incredibly nice… one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.
Freddie Highmore
I don’t know why we sold a lot of records or why so many people came to see us. Like ‘Sabotage’ – would you put that song on, like, ‘I’m gonna listen to that right now?’ It’s a weird choice.
I think the most important thing about the Emmys stuff is just to enjoy it. It can get really stressful in weird ways, and I have definitely experienced that. This year, I really just want to have it be a fun celebration!
Connie Britton
The weird thing about grief, for me at least, was when each of my parents died, for a year or two afterwards I was pretty wildly brave – just willing to take life on.
Mike Mills
It was a sort of weird, troubled road into acting because I had been a bit naughty in school until I did my Highers, and then I was like, ‘Oh, I think I’m going to apply myself and surprise everyone.’
Chloe Pirrie
After things started to happen here, my choice of material was extremely limited. It was a weird situation.
Nancy Sinatra
I smell of sweat. I don’t like people smelling of all these weird things. I think deodorant is disgusting.
Rupert Everett
Sometimes I think our problems are made worse by the kind of business we’re in. Playing these road shows is a weird experience.
Loretta Lynn
I’ve always felt so different from how I look. I meet so many pretty girls who are like, ‘Here I am! Don’t you want me because I look good?’ That concept is so weird to me. I want to know, ‘What else do you have going on?’
Malin Akerman
I suppose I had my rock star fantasies while I was singing into my hairbrush in the bathroom mirror, but I never really consciously said, ‘OK, this is what I’m going to do for a living and I’m going to be Weird Al.’
Al Yankovic
The thing that all sports have in common is that they have no fantasy elements, which is a little weird.
Jesse Schell
I’m the weird poet who has paid her dues in the experimental world for 30 or 40 years.
Eileen Myles
The last show we played, I was straight as a die. It did feel weird not to be hiding behind alcohol or dope, but being focused was… good.
Ronnie Wood
I think part of the reason ideas haven’t come in is that the world of cinema is changing so drastically, and in a weird way, feature films I think have become cheap. Everything is kind of throwaway. It’s experienced and then forgotten.
David Lynch
I like dry-to-the-bone stuff. I don’t know what it is. I was raised on PBS showing weird British comedies.
Jonathan Krisel
Some people are born with a brain that has this weird, magical mathematical thing that makes them an amazing jazz musician.
Andy Richter
I can’t imagine having long hair anymore; it’s weird.
Robin Wright
New York City is home to so many people from so many places and the uniqueness of it is that you never feel a foreigner. English is almost hardly ever heard in the subway. In fact, it’s weird.
Mira Nair
I’m a fan of homeopathy, acupuncture and spiritual healing. In Australia, this is not weird, but when I arrived in the U.K., everyone thought I was a freak.
Natalie Imbruglia
Like, my feelings on religion are starting to morph. I’m still very much an atheist, except that I don’t necessarily see religion as being a bad thing. So, that’s a weird thing that I’m struggling with that seems to be offending both atheists and people that are religious.
Patton Oswalt
Most fears are basic: fear of the dark, fear of going down in the basement, fear of weird sounds, fear that somebody is waiting for you in your closet. Those kinds of things stay with you no matter what age.
R. L. Stine
I think people are turning inward more now cause the world’s got in such a weird, crazy state. I think its making people think more about their life and what it is really that they are doing. And how do we interact with a world that’s going crazy? It’s a very important time.
Dave Davies
Everyone tells me I have a funny accent. It’s because I copy people. I learned English at school but have best friends who are French, Australian, English and American; a very weird mix.
Caroline Winberg
Most of the people I know in comedy are not weird or messed up.
Kristen Schaal
People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It’s really cool and weird as well.
Rupert Grint
‘The River Wild’ was great, with Meryl Streep. That guy was really a bad dude who was ultimately sort of fundamentally impotent in a weird way. That was kind of interesting.
Kevin Bacon
What happens with ‘Mad Men,’ it’s like an Elvis Costello album; I’ll watch it, and then I immediately have to watch it again. AMC will play it back-to-back. I have a tendency to yell at it when my wife’s not around because if she catches me yelling at ‘Mad Men,’ then it gets weird.
Michael Weatherly
Sundance is weird. The movies are weird – you actually have to think about them when you watch them.
Britney Spears
It’s hard to get the downtrodden working-class wifey sometimes because ‘You don’t look like it’. Well, that’s weird because I grew up on a scheme in Paisley. But everyone’s got a viewpoint about what you should look like, and it’s tainted by prejudices and assumptions.
Neve McIntosh
You know sometimes I just want to curl up on stage and lie there for a while – it’s weird.
Michael Hutchence
I'm a weirdo, but everybody's weird in some kind of way

I’m a weirdo, but everybody’s weird in some kind of way.
Denzel Curry
My favorite song is ‘No Air,’ a duet I did with Chris Brown. I don’t want to sound weird or anything, but I listen to it a lot – it’s always on my iPod!
Jordin Sparks
I think an encore is perfectly acceptable, but I find it so weird when people do two or three.
Florence Welch
The one thing I could do was voices and impersonations and weird characters, and there was really no call for that, except on Saturday Night Live.
Phil Hartman
In writing a weird story, I always try very carefully to achieve the right mood and atmosphere and place the emphasis where it belongs.
H. P. Lovecraft
It is a little weird now, going over to Heath’s place. It’s like, ‘Hi Heath, hi Nomes.’ Very strange!
Martin Henderson
The commercial flight thing, it just gets a little weird when you’re standing in line and suddenly you’re not just a guy standing in line anymore – you become sort of ‘novelty boy.’
Johnny Depp
I bring a lot of energy and passion to what I do. Plus, I’ve had some weird feats of superhuman strength!
John Cena
I had it in my contract with CBS, a very weird clause that was never written before and certainly not since, that if I wanted to do a variety show within the first five years of the contract, CBS would have to put it on for 30 shows.
Carol Burnett
I was hiding behind athletics and all my jockitude, so I didn’t have to deal with being ostracized as the weird art kid.
Barry Jenkins
I’ve done movies that I’ve been advised not to do. ‘Dog Soldiers,’ the movie I did 11 years ago now, I remember my agent at the time was like, ‘You shouldn’t do that. It’s a weird film about werewolves,’ and it became a cult hit.
Kevin McKidd
I had a place to go to university; I was going to study history. I was in New York doing ‘Arcadia,’ and I suddenly thought, ‘It feels a bit weird to go from a New York stage to Manchester University.’ It didn’t quite feel right.
Bel Powley
I like playing weird, kind of shady people.
Paul Giamatti
The weird thing about the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop is that people come on vacation, and they bring stuff here to sell. They come here to see what we’ll give them for it. Mostly, it’s people from out of town.
Rick Harrison
When I run barefoot, I put my shoes on my hands. Running around with shoe-hands looks a little weird.
Danny Pudi
Our music is weird. It’s not pop. I don’t know why so many people buy our records.
My body is weird. I wake up when the sun comes up, and it’s hard for me to go to sleep. My thoughts just take over.
Life takes you down weird paths.
Joey Jordison
When a woman is very, very bad, she is awful, but when a man is correspondingly good, he is weird.
Minna Antrim
For me, I really love ‘Tim and Eric’ and ‘Dr. Steve Brule’ and a lot of the Adult Swim shows, so I like strange, weird, sometimes slightly upsetting humor.
Gillian Jacobs
‘It Girl’ is such a weird term. It implies I go to parties and drink champagne.
Carey Mulligan
There are, I think, four distinct types of weird story: one expressing a mood or feeling, another expressing a pictorial conception, a third expressing a general situation, condition, legend or intellectual conception, and a fourth explaining a definite tableau or specific dramatic situation or climax.
H. P. Lovecraft
The I&B Ministry, at their own convenience, can’t pick and choose content in serials. We have weird commercials with a lot of objectionable content running on TV post 11 P.M., but nothing has been done to stop them?
Vikrant Massey
Raider Klan was crazy because we all had our own personalities and our own little worlds when it came down to this music. It was the first step to creating your own weird little universe.
Denzel Curry
It’s weird, because everywhere I go, people yell, ‘Grasshopper!’ or ‘Bill!’ but down there in Mexico or Colombia or anywhere in South America or most of Europe, people will yell, ‘Serpent’s Egg!’ And I’ll go, ‘Wow, man, these people are really hip.’
David Carradine
I always wanted to be a film-maker when I was younger, not an actor. I was an eight-year-old who dreamed of being a writer on ‘The Simpsons,’ which was a weird dream to have. But I started taking acting classes as a way to learn how to direct actors and I sort of fell in love with it.
Jonah Hill
Success made me self-sufficient, but it also took away my anonymity. I’m just this quiet nobody, and all of a sudden people are nervous around me. That was kind of weird.
Lisa Bonet
If you are being weird or silly you can be excused because you are just playing a character.
Taryn Manning
Golf is a weird sport. Some days you got it. Some days you don’t.
Dustin Johnson
I have my own demons and dark moods. It’s weird.
Chris Rock
We do a lot of scenes like say proposing a girl, but you know it is done technically – you don’t feel anything. But sometimes I feel bad, maybe when my parents see me play this character and shouting at a girl, they might feel weird.
Abhinav Shukla
The weird thing about this business - and I'm sure this

The weird thing about this business – and I’m sure this operates in many other things, but it’s very present and acute in this business – is that a lot of people don’t realize that they have power. Particularly actors.
Lili Taylor
You don’t want to be a gimmick. You don’t want to be a set piece, where people go, ‘Hey, that’s weird.’
Ato Essandoh
I grew up in a little town in Arkansas called Clarksville and it was a weird existence, you know? I grew up white trash; we had holes in our walls.
Ralphie May
I once had a boyfriend who couldn’t write unless he was wearing a necktie and a dress shirt, which I thought was really weird, because this was a long time ago, and no one I knew ever wore dress shirts, let alone neckties; it was like he was a grown-up reenacter or something.
Susan Orlean
I’m just gonna be more weird and unique as possible.
J Hus
I’m just about the best singer I know, and it’s time for everybody to say that. I have total facility with my voice. And for some weird reason, critics don’t talk about it.
Daryl Hall
I think that people have expectations of themselves and other people that are based on these fictions that are presented to them as the way human life and relationships could be, in some sort of weird, ideal world, but they never are. So you’re constantly being shown this garbage and you can’t get there.
Charlie Kaufman
Guilt is a weird thing to me. I don’t have a lot of it.
Andy Dick
I loved Adam Sandler’s early stuff. I thought it was so cool how irreverent and weird he would get.
Adam DeVine
I’m not obsessed with the idea of doing what you’re supposed to be doing when you’re a rapper. Walking around with cash that you haven’t even provisioned for tax. Spending all of your time in the designer store to create some weird impression. I’m not interested, bro. I just like making music, and that’s it.
I have an underdog spirit in me, and now it feels weird to kind of get my own way more often than not.
Mindy Kaling
I just couldn’t get into the high school scene at all. I was fat, ugly and weird. I just couldn’t do the makeup and the hairdos.
Suzi Quatro
I don’t know if this is too weird to say, but this is completely surreal for me. Bizarre. The cover of ‘Teen Vogue’ has been on my bucket list forever.
Lily Collins
I haven’t had to do too many, or many explicit ones. Everybody feels weird, and everybody is trying to tiptoe around and make you think they’re not there. The last time I did a love scene, I couldn’t keep a straight face.
Gretchen Mol
I grew up a little bit in Germany and then in Switzerland, then in France, the United States and in England, and so it is weird.
Alexander Dreymon
Women have that weird way of trying to be feminist. You know, like ‘hear me roar.’ But what they really want is a man to open the door for them.
Leslie Bibb
My father did lots of things. He had an orange-juice factory. He did real estate. He did commercial selling. He was always up and about doing all sorts of weird and wonderful things and being adventurous. I always admired his self-discipline. He was very good at getting everything done. He was very tidy.
John Torode
It’s a weird thing because I’ve been single at the time when I’ve been successful. That’s good and bad. Good, because you meet lots of people, bad because your privacy is infringed, so it’s harder to develop things.
David Walliams
The possibilities that are suggested in quantum physics tell us that everything that we’re looking at may not be in fact there, so the underlying nature of being is weird.
William Shatner
I’m happier on the runway than I am on the red carpet. Because then I am not being myself. I think, on the red carpet, it’s a weird, like, ‘Who am I? Am I me? Am I them?’
Kate Moss
I can rap in a London accent, make weird faces, wear spandex, wigs, and black lipstick. I can be more creative than the average male rapper.
Nicki Minaj
I love my nose! I was so nervous when I got pregnant that I was going to get that weird nose spread that you sometimes see pregnant ladies get.
Busy Philipps
I know for myself, and maybe I’m weird or whatever, but the whole thing is about constantly redefining identity.
Mike D
I think that as soon as you think of yourself as a famous person or anything like that, you’re objectifying yourself in some weird way.
Ethan Hawke
When people start messing with their foreheads and can’t lift their eyebrows, that’s weird.
Courteney Cox
Half of my life, I’ve had people staring at me because they think I’m funny-looking and ugly. The other half of my life, I’ve had people staring at me because they think I’m fascinating. Everything neutralises. It’s more of a statement on society and how weird it is.
FKA twigs
Hawthorne sucks… It’s a crazy place, and I’m happy that I was the weird one that got out.
Tyler, The Creator
I have a weird obsession with wearing not just fashion sneakers, but actual sneakers that have bounce, because I want to feel like I’m in an active state.
Lake Bell
If you look at anyone at the top of their profession, there has to be something a little bit different. Some of the top musicians are quirky aren’t they, to say the least. You have to be driven, cold, hard and mentally tough as iron. My missus thinks I’m a bit weird.
Michael Owen
I had to perform at the White House for the president, That’s always kind of a weird set to try to put together.
Jeff Foxworthy
Maybe love is just about finding the person you can be your weird self with.
Matt Haig
When I was little, I wore shoes that were too small for

When I was little, I wore shoes that were too small for me for years, so my feet grew weird, so my little toenails grow and then they just fall off and then they grow again.
Sara Pascoe
I was on the cover of a lot of newspapers. I was on the cover of USA Today for every single day for a month. I was on the masthead, so I tend to get recognized a lot, and in weird places. It’s always flattering, and it’s always odd. It’s always at the worst possible time.
Augusten Burroughs
I have this weird musical thing I do: I play violin, and I even went on tour with Tim Robbins. We did a bunch of Canadian cities, and then went down to the States, and then we ended up in Japan.
David Alpay
It’s weird, but I don’t feel like think I deserve any of the attention. There’s really nothing but one audition for a Disney Channel movie that separates me from 2,000 other brown-haired, blue-eyed guys in L.A., you know?
Zac Efron
I don’t know if I get recognized necessarily, though I do get looked at a lot – but I don’t know if it’s because of who I am, or if people just think I look weird.
Joan Jett
It’s just so weird when an entire nation knows what you are going through.
Sienna Miller
Diet is weird. It’s elusive. I just try to listen to my body.
Laura Dern
When you start becoming really successful, the demons start to tempt you – the demons of vanity and self importance, drug abuse, the feelings of fraudulence. But, it’s also a thrill. That’s what I found weird.
Ethan Hawke
I think you have to be weird to swim breaststroke.
Eric Shanteau
I was scared I was going to have some weird shape to my head and I was pleased that I didn’t.
Edward Furlong
I have a weird life because I live on songwriting royalties, which are a strange income. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it doesn’t.
Joe Strummer
It’s weird: The leader of the Conservative Party in England is two years younger than me, and I still don’t really feel like a responsible adult.
Jarvis Cocker
I’m not an American, but I have this weird connection to America in different ways through my dad living here for five years, my godfather being an American who I’m very close to.
Damian Lewis
If I’m wearing the wrong clothes I can’t think. It sounds so weird but it just has to be the right fabrics and like the right feeling on my body.
Zawe Ashton
What’s weird is that I work with these directors and then I start channeling them. I kind of turn into them a bit – which is cool when you’re working with Clint Eastwood.
Jamie Bell
It feels so weird to be able to just kind of buy things when I want them or need them.
Amanda Hocking
Everyone, it’s okay to say the word ‘bitcoin’ and acknowledge that it is the actual platform that is driving this innovation that we’re all building on. It’s also okay to say ‘the bitcoin blockchain,’ or ‘the blockchain,’ if you’re afraid that people will think you’re weird.
Jeremy Allaire
There are these showcase clubs where 14 guys will go on in a row and people are laughing at everything, and I’m like – ‘I can’t laugh that much. That’s so weird to me.’
Norm MacDonald
Being Puerto Rican, born and raised on the streets of New York, you go, ‘Wow, you’re still friends with your ex, man? Really? That’s weird.’ I don’t play that.
Marc Anthony
The mixture of weird textures and organic surfaces creates an interesting dialogue.
Kelly Wearstler
I love my hair. When I was young it had weird kinks and cowlicks in it, but I just grew into it. You grow into a lot of things.
Sandra Oh
The whole thing for me is that I did ‘Full House’ and ‘America’s Funniest Home Videos,’ and I look like a dentist, and I’m a dad. Being known as a dirty comedian turned into this weird thing. It’s people’s image of me.
Bob Saget
Songwriting’s a weird game.
Keith Richards
I’ve always felt that if something is polarizing, that’s usually the stuff I like the most. If something is taking a chance and is willing to be weird, that’s my favorite thing. I know there’s somebody out there who hates it.
Andy Samberg
When I was younger, I went through a lot of different phases. One day I’d be punk rock, and the next I would be tomboyish, and then I would be really girly. I was so weird. My two best friends and I were just crazy and goofy!
Ashley Benson
You can’t nap with just anyone. It’s weird. I can honestly say I’ve only napped with six people.
Sarah Millican
I should think just about every young writer – which I was at the time – would be influenced by HPL. As an American writer of weird fiction, he was at the top of the class.
Brian Lumley
You can pick almost any field, and there’s going to be weird people.
Christopher Guest
I think a lot of stuff like people’s emails getting hacked or that an email you sent is stored on a hard drive somewhere, that kind of stuff worries me a little bit. It’s a weird thought that someone else could get into my information that easily. That stuff’s pretty scary.
Liam Hemsworth
I was not particularly bright, I wasn’t very athletic, I was a little too tall, odd, funny looking, I was just really weird as a kid.
Uma Thurman
I mean, families are weird.
Gordon Ramsay
I don't really have any gimmicks. I don't actually do a

I don’t really have any gimmicks. I don’t actually do anything that’s strange. I don’t even wear weird things.
Lana Del Rey
I think there are barriers, but I think for me specifically, my barrier is being rejected from the kind of hip-hop elitists that think I’m not appropriating it, but just not serious about it. They think I’m a Lonely Island, Weird Al, you know – like a parody rapper. So that alienates me from a lot of things.
I feel like I’m in my own head a lot; it just feels amazing, but scary, weird and confusing.
Alessia Cara
Well, I think, I certainly used backward music in Sea of Monsters. I can’t remember in the Sea of Time. I would tend to do that all the time, you know? I tended to do all sorts of weird things. Just to get effects.
George Martin
For me, I can’t see Liverpool without him because he’s just been there since I was a kid. I had him on the back of my shirt. He’s always been on the team every time I’ve watched Liverpool. It’s going to be really weird next season, a Steven Gerrard-less Liverpool side.
Katarina Johnson-Thompson
Shopmas now begins on Thanksgiving Day. Apparently, escaping the families you cannot stand to spend another minute with on Thanksgiving Day to go buy them gifts is how some Americans show their affection for one another. Weird.
Barry Ritholtz
We love playing music but we’re too weird to play music.
Wayne Coyne
Music is just such… it’s not therapy, but it’s a release, it’s a joy, it’s a pleasure. And it’s a job – which is weird, because I don’t think of it as a job.
Bryan Adams
Often, people think that individual data is the most valuable thing they can collect. But it’s not useful to know what I am doing or where I am, unless you’re particularly interested in me, which is weird. But it is very useful to know what a population of people are doing.
Hilary Mason
Think how weird profit margins are: We’ve got high unemployment and financial crises – and world record profit margins. People think the American market is very cheap. We don’t. The market quite incorrectly gives full credit to today’s earnings.
Jeremy Grantham
I like to mimic accents. I don’t even know if that’s a talent. That’s just a weird thing that I do.
Alessia Cara
Though beauty gives you a weird sense of entitlement, it’s rather frightening and threatening to have others ascribe such importance to something you know you’re just renting for a while.
Candice Bergen
Comedy is a weird thing.
Martin Short
I’m an artist and an engineer, which is, increasingly, a more common kind of hybrid. But I still fall into this weird crack where people don’t seem to understand me.
Golan Levin
I think all diets are kind of weird. The word ‘die’ is in it.
Khloe Kardashian
We were doing the dance routine and I dislocated my knee. I’ve been doing stunts for a long time and it’s kind of weird that I’d dislocate my knee just dancing.
Verne Troyer
I’ve had some weird experiences.
David Bailey
People have always had these weird things about how you have to be really good looking to be a singer.
Kathleen Hanna
The people I grew up around who I really liked were quick on the draw. It always just wowed me. And my mum would make weird funny comments. I can see in myself her self-deprecating, hippie humour. I can’t take myself too seriously.
Drew Barrymore
My mustache has become this weird iconic representation of a certain era.
John Oates
The last thing I want is to walk into my house after a long day and see all the Grammys and awards. It would make me feel weird.
Alicia Keys
The weird thing about having an alligator on set is that you can’t be in the direct line of sight, or they might start charging at you.
Hiro Murai
We are a weird bunch, we are very disparate.
Ed O’Brien
I have been a big guy all my life, I am not going to lose a bunch of weight, because then you’re like that weird fat person that got skinny but still has a big head. I don’t want to do that. So I’m just trying.
Billy Gardell
It’s funny – before, I would say I’m not sure I can change a diaper in my life and now it’s, ‘I got this, I’m a mom, I got this, I know what to do.’ It’s weird, you just get into this protective mode.
Maryse Mizanin
Know what’s weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything’s different.
Bill Watterson
All of a sudden, those few pages of script that he had shown me with the weird images I could visualize all of that in my brain, and I knew that there was this mad little genius at work here and I really wanted to do the film.
Jack Nance
I’ve got Asperger’s syndrome and I’m not a very good people person, so I’ve always been more comfortable around machinery. Not in a weird way – I don’t want to marry my car or anything stupid like that!
Gary Numan
I’m not very materialistic – I don’t have a whole lot of stuff. But I do always like a pair of really weird socks.
Taylor Kinney
I’m so quirky and weird, so I need a weirdo to hang out with!
Samara Weaving
To go from not being recognised at all to literally, the next day, having people stop you in the street was very, very weird. I had to buy myself a great baseball cap.
Natalia Dyer
It makes me feel kind of weird, but obviously the Man U

It makes me feel kind of weird, but obviously the Man Upstairs gave me something and it touches people, and I’m just so blessed.
Eddie Van Halen
I love cleaning, weird but true. It really relaxes me.
Jessie J
One of the things I figured out was that I was having good gigs when I wore jumpers. It was because I looked more like an outsider, so they expected me to talk about weird stuff rather than normal stuff.
James Acaster

In conclusion, weird quotes serve as a delightful reminder that life is meant to be enjoyed, explored, and celebrated in all its eccentric glory. They remind us to embrace our quirks, revel in the peculiarities, and find beauty in the unconventional. May these quotes inspire us to unleash our imagination, challenge the boundaries of normality, and embrace the wonderfully weird adventure that is life.