Top 534 Universe Quotes

The sunlight ranges over the universe, and at incarnation we step out of it into the twilight of the body, and see but dimly during the period of our incarceration; at death we step out of the prison again into the sunlight, and are nearer to the reality.
Annie Besant
If everybody thinks of something, then it will happen. Your mind is part of the universe. It is connected, you can use its energy.
Yoko Ono
We ought to teach kids more about the Big Bang and entropy and particles. Every high school graduate should know that everything in the universe is made of a handful of particles. That’s not a hard thing to know. But that’s not what’s emphasized.
Sean M. Carroll
Raider Klan was crazy because we all had our own person

Raider Klan was crazy because we all had our own personalities and our own little worlds when it came down to this music. It was the first step to creating your own weird little universe.
Denzel Curry
It is my hope that during my brief passage through this universe, that I may share with you the joy of hearing the music of the stars… knowing that the composer was from a distant place and the songs were written eons ago, which now fall gently on this place for all to hear.
Richard Baker
The universe has a much greater imagination than we do, which is why the real story of the universe is far more interesting than any of the fairy tales we have invented to describe it.
Lawrence M. Krauss
I think masculinity is bravado against the mystery of the universe of women. It’s just a fear of not knowing what women have that’s so powerful. It’s this shield they put up to try to get closer.
K. D. Lang
I’m off to save the universe again. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it, and I’m glad it’s me.
Lexa Doig
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.
John Muir
One likes to think one grows as a writer as one ages, else all you get is an ‘old’ young writer. Beyond that is the changing landscape of the universe and the stories I choose to tell.
Raymond E. Feist
The universe is hilarious! Like, Venus is 900 degrees. I could tell you it melts lead. But that’s not as fun as saying, ‘You can cook a pizza on the windowsill in nine seconds.’ And next time my fans eat pizza, they’re thinking of Venus!
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Epic science fiction game, that’s always been on my mind. Post-apocalyptic, ‘Fallout,’ was our first choice. Sci-fi was our second at the time, when we got the ‘Fallout’ license. We were going to do our own post-apocalyptic universe if we didn’t get ‘Fallout.’
Todd Howard
I don’t think I’m inherently feminist. I think the universe wants me to be feminist, and I think I resonate with that. I think it just chose me to be this female energy… thing. And I’m very drawn to female energy, but I don’t really have any prerequisites in feminism. I just roll with it.
The path up is the path down. The way forward is the way back. The universe inside is outside but the universe outside is inside.
Robert Anton Wilson
We may have a tacit understanding of how our solar system works, but watching the sun disappear behind the moon reminds us of the vastness of space and the enduring mysteries of the universe we inhabit.
Jenna Wortham
Special effects movies have taken over the universe. That and scary movies.
Jami Gertz
It would be difficult to discover the truth about the universe if we refused to consider anything that might be true.
Richard Morris
Debt can be the most addictive thing in the universe, and it can kill you. You get used to living high off the hog. It was intoxicating.
Harvey Weinstein
Books change us. Books save us. I know this because it happened to me. Books saved me. So, I do believe through stories we can learn to change, we can learn to empathize and be more connected with the universe and with humanity.
Elif Safak
Near the sun is the center of the universe.
Nicolaus Copernicus
The universe is one of God’s thoughts.
Friedrich Schiller
You know George M. Steinbrenner III is the center of all evil in the universe.
Ben Affleck
My next book is Scene by Scene: as Seen by Fay Wray. It’ll be about different incidents. Just my feelings about quite a few people. Attitudes. My thoughts about the universe and simple things like that.
Fay Wray
The cyclic universe theory predicts no gravitational waves from the early universe.
Stephen Hawking
I want to show the world, the universe rather, that I am confidently beautiful with a heart.
Pia Wurtzbach
A sense of the universe, a sense of the all, the nostalgia which seizes us when confronted by nature, beauty, music – these seem to be an expectation and awareness of a Great Presence.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
It’s difficult to believe in yourself because the idea of self is an artificial construction. You are, in fact, part of the glorious oneness of the universe. Everything beautiful in the world is within you.
Russell Brand
I think; therefore, I am the center of the universe.
Craig Bruce
As the universe accepted our show, more people began to accept me.
Jai Rodriguez
I think that the future of the human race is to spread through the universe, and now is the time that we should be laying the foundations for that.
Kip Thorne
‘No words – action’ was the lesson my mother taught me: as artists, we have the privilege of holding a mirror to the world, to engage, to question, to bring beauty to a complex universe.
Mira Nair
Those who see the cosmic perspective as a depressing outlook, they really need to reassess how they think about the world. Because when I look up in the universe, I know I’m small but I’m also big. I’m big because I’m connected to the universe, and the universe is connected to me.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I guess real maturity, which most of us never achieve, is when you realize that you’re not the center of the universe.
Katherine Paterson
I’m astounded by people who want to ‘know’ the universe when it’s hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.
Woody Allen
When people really understand the Big Bang and the whol

When people really understand the Big Bang and the whole sweep of the evolution of the universe, it will be clear that humans are fairly insignificant.
George Smoot
A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man’s life as in a book. Haste makes waste, no less in life than in housekeeping. Keep the time, observe the hours of the universe, not of the cars.
Henry David Thoreau
My view is that you don’t tell the universe what to do. The universe is how it is, and it’s our job to figure it out.
Brian Greene
The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.
Steven Weinberg
I learned to make my mind large, as the universe is large, so that there is room for contradictions.
Maxine Hong Kingston
In some sense, what you might have suspected from the first day of high-school chemistry is true: The periodic table is a colossal waste of time. Nine out of every 10 atoms in the universe are hydrogen, the first element and the major constituent of stars. The other 10 percent of all atoms are helium.
Sam Kean
There is no reason that the universe should be designed for our convenience.
John D. Barrow
We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and we know that we are reaching into space, farther and farther, until, with the faintest nebulae that can be detected with the greatest telescopes, we arrive at the frontier of the known universe.
Edwin Powell Hubble
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
Carl Sagan
Scientists are slowly waking up to an inconvenient truth – the universe looks suspiciously like a fix. The issue concerns the very laws of nature themselves.
Paul Davies
Huge props to Brian Michael Bendis for sort of shaking up the Marvel universe and just saying ‘there need to be people of colour in these comics otherwise it’s not representing the true world the way it should be.’
Lenny Henry
I like being from a city that is not entrenched in show business. When you’re in New York City or Los Angeles, even if you’re not dealing with show business, there’s still this sense that it’s the center of the universe.
Ed Helms
Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.
Wayne Dyer
Sometimes I write about things that never happened to me that wind up happening to me. When you put things out in the universe, sometimes they wind up coming true.
Chad Kroeger
The brain builds a version of the universe and projects this version of the universe like a bubble all around us. So I can say with some certainty, ‘I think therefore I am.’ But I cannot say, ‘You think therefore you are,’ because you are within my perceptual bubble.
Henry Markram
Although one soul lives in the whole body, and all the body’s members are controlled by one soul, still the whole body and the whole soul and the parts of the universe are vivified by a certain total spirit.
Giordano Bruno
We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The most watched programme on the BBC, after the news, is probably ‘Doctor Who.’ What has happened is that science fiction has been subsumed into modern literature. There are grandparents out there who speak Klingon, who are quite capable of holding down a job. No one would think twice now about a parallel universe.
Terry Pratchett
The marvelous thing is that even in studying linguistics, we find that the universe as a whole is patterned, ordered, and to some degree intelligible to us.
Kenneth L. Pike
After all, the universe required ten billion years of evolution before life was even possible; the evolution of the stars and the evolving of new chemical elements in the nuclear furnaces of the stars were indispensable prerequisites for the generation of life.
John Polkinghorne
Everything is perfect in the universe – even your desire to improve it.
Wayne Dyer
The universe is wider than our views of it.
Henry David Thoreau
The universe, it balances. It makes sure you don’t get a head that’s too big. I love it.
Sandra Bullock