Top 535 Administration Quotes

Poor people and working people have not been the focus of the Obama administration. That for me is not just a disappointment but a kind of betrayal.
Cornel West
The chaos and confusion during the waning days of the Kitzhaber administration, as well as the ensuing federal investigations into allegations of misconduct, caused Oregonians to question their faith in their governor and state government.
Kate Brown
Donald Trump is talking about the failed leadership of the Obama Administration.
Paul Manafort
I have directed all of my cabinet to work to prepare a transition plan for the incoming administration.
Scott McCallum
The worst day of my political life was when President George W. Bush signed McCain-Feingold into law in the early part of his first administration.
Mitch McConnell
The examples of the Obama Administration ‘stimulating’ jobs everywhere on the planet except here in America are endless.
Bob Beauprez
Under the administration of George W. Bush, you will recall, federal spending grew pretty significantly. At the same time, the number of people directly employed by the federal government shrank. One of the factors that explained the difference was contracting.
Thomas Frank
It seems clear to me that the Obama Administration has no human rights policy. That is, while in some inchoate sense they would like respect for human rights to grow around the world, as all Americans would, they have no actual policy to achieve that goal – and they subordinate it to all their other policy goals.
Elliott Abrams
I’m hoping that the administration and other thought leaders will succeed eventually in bringing the country back to the older idea that the American dream is having a career, getting a job, and getting involved in it, and doing well. That was the core of the good life.
Edmund Phelps
The Israeli lobby has clout in the U.S., which means that re-arranging the region and controlling its resources one way or another, will serve Israel through its control over the American administration.
Bashar al-Assad
One of the banners I would put up in front of any American president and new administration is ‘Do not overreact to your predecessors’ policies.’
Jack Keane
Chicago’s privatization mania began during Mayor Richard M. Daley’s administration, which ran from 1989 to 2011. Under his successor, Rahm Emanuel, the trend has continued apace. For Rahm’s investment banker buddies, the trend has been a boon. For citizens? Not so much.
Rick Perlstein
During my administration, our desire has been to strengthen the civilian spirit of our people. Thus, we have eliminated military ranks and salutes from our civil guard.
ร“scar Arias
It is criminal to put our servicemen and women in harm’s way and to put the lives of so many civilians on the line for the misguided frustrations of the Bush administration.
Dave Matthews
‘The End of America’ details the 10 steps that would-be dictators always take in seeking to close an open society; it argued that the Bush administration had been advancing each one.
Naomi Wolf
Pharmaceutical companies are enjoying unprecedented profits and access with this Administration. Yet the Republicans’ prescription drug plan for seniors has been a colossal failure, and over 43 million Americans wake up every morning without health insurance.
Jim Clyburn
Why would you pass another law when the administration fails to enforce the current laws that are on the books. Why pass another one that’s not going to be enforced either?
Jeff Duncan
The Obama administration has already imposed burdensome regulations – for instance, the sprawling Clean Power Plan aimed at wiping out the coal industry – that will raise the cost of energy and put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work.
John Barrasso
Canada is currently the only major industrialized count

Canada is currently the only major industrialized country in the world that does not allow any private administration of health care services that are provided by the public system.
Cliff Stearns
Since the beginning of the Bush administration when we were attacked, September 11th, we’ve not had any major terrorist attack in this country. We’ve had individual crazy people, of normally, they look more like me than they look like Middle Easterners.
Sherrod Brown
During the 2000 election, the current administration told our military, help is on the way. That is clearly not the case. The administration has failed to request the funds needed for the defense of this Nation. We must give the Army what it needs.
Ike Skelton
It is no secret that those of us in the Northwest believe the Administration’s proposal to drive up the cost of electricity in our region is not only misguided, but also will not achieve the intended goal of raising money for the treasury.
Greg Walden
The war in Iraq has as much to do with terrorism as the administration has to do with compassion.
Julian Bond
I became a Republican in the summer of 1972. I was involved in running President Nixon’s re-election campaign in California and became part of his administration at the start of his second term.
Ed Rollins
I first came on the scene during the Johnson years and that crowd was out all the time enjoying themselves. Nixon wasn’t particularly social but a lot of the people in his administration were.
Sally Quinn
The police officers, so far as discipline, organization, pay, and orders were concerned, came exclusively under the German Reich police system and were in no way connected with the administration of the Government General.
Hans Frank
One of the tragedies of the Bush administration is that we went back to business as usual, make a deal with the Democrats, let’s all be friends in Washington philosophy.
Pete du Pont
I thought that the administration needed bipartisan support, and I was for our commander-in-chief. Because I felt at that time it was the right thing do. If I knew then what I know now, I would have never voted for the war.
Ken Lucas
Cove is essentially a collaboration, coordination and communication tool for the administration of organizations and communities, from the Stanford Graduate School of Business Entrepreneurship Club to church groups and schools.
Ruchi Sanghvi
Financial regulatory reform is one of the top legislative priorities of the Obama Administration.
Valerie Jarrett
The government’s Small Business Administration reports that small businesses represent 99% of all employers in the U.S. and are responsible for generating well over half of new jobs created.
Ellen Tauscher
Pressed by the Obama administration and consumers, Kraft, Nestle, Pepsi, Campbell and General Mills, among others, have begun to trim the loads of salt, sugar and fat in many products.
Michael Moss
The longer we go without strong leadership from the Administration and until we see significant progress in the day-to-day lives of the Iraqi people, the more difficult it will become to sustain the support of the American people and Congress for the current course.
Dennis Cardoza
I don’t think I’m an angry person. I think I’m a person who’s angry. I’m angry at the Bush administration; I’m angry at the right wing media. And by that I don’t mean the media is right wing. I mean, there is a part of the media that’s not the mainstream media. That’s Fox, that is ‘The Wall Street Journal’ editorial page.
Al Franken
Lacey said if he wanted to read a daily or regular critiques of the Bush administration, he would read the New York Times, and that’s not what he wanted in the Village Voice.
Sydney Schanberg
The Bush administration will go down in history as the Torture Team.
Alex Gibney
I’m pleased the administration is endorsing the need for legislation dealing with the chemical sector. In the past, the administration’s position has been ambiguous.
Susan Collins
The President’s announcement sounded less like a national energy plan than like a page from an election-year play book. This Administration’s plan to reduce obscene oil company profits is to regulate them less.
Nick Rahall
I would say that every pope has had people within his administration who have had difficulties one way or another with his administration.
Blase J. Cupich
Over the last five years, the Administration and the majority in Congress have appropriated less than $900 million for port security grants – despite the Coast Guard’s determination that $5.4 billion is needed over 10 years.
Solomon Ortiz
The Bush administration staunchly opposed legislation which would preserve overtime pay for all workers.
John Sweeney
I do not espouse the unitarian position. President Clinton’s assertion of directive authority over administration, more than President Reagan’s assertion of a general supervisory authority, raises serious constitutional questions.
Elena Kagan
I ask the American people to consider the legacy this administration has handed us in the defense budget as we spend billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars without the tools and ability to track these dollars.
Rick Larsen
Politics, to a degree, is about legislation, administration. You can’t be there in the trenches.
Diane Paulus
We live in a very dysfunctional society, and this is a very, very dysfunctional Administration.
Martin Sheen
Violent crime rates fell steadily from 1993 to 2002, and this nearly coincides with the establishment of the community policing program known as the COPS program under the Clinton administration.
Alan Mollohan
American nuclear reactors are well into middle age. The median age of an operating reactor in the U.S. is 34 years, placing start-up in midst of the Carter administration.
Bill Dedman
I told the President, I told Rahm Emanuel and others in the administration that I thought the policy they took to try to bring about negotiations is counter-productive, because when you give the Palestinians hope that the United States will do its negotiating for them, they are not going to sit down and talk.
Chuck Schumer
A central claim of the Bush administration’s foreign policy is that the spread of democracy in the Middle East is the cure for terrorism.
Timothy Garton Ash
Russia is emerging as an essential diplomatic and secur

Russia is emerging as an essential diplomatic and security partner for the U.S. in Syria, despite the Obama administration’s opposition to Moscow’s support for President Bashar al-Assad.
David Ignatius