Top 535 Movement Quotes

I, personally, am trying to get more and more involved with the gay and lesbian movement, very much so.
A. J. McLean
Know how weather, especially humidity, can affect the movement of doors and windows.
Marilyn vos Savant
We are held up by the radical Muslims as the enemy. So every time we go into one of these countries to do – we think – the right thing, we become propaganda for this radical movement.
Lois Frankel
The unsung heroes of the civil rights movement were always the wives and the mothers.
Andrew Young
No faction is better or worse than any other. All come from the same mould; they are all products of capitalist influence in the working class movement. And they are a poison that destroys our Party and the working class movement in Korea.
Kim Jong Il
When it comes down to dance, dance is about movement to

When it comes down to dance, dance is about movement to music.
A. J. Pritchard
We are seeing a great awakening. A national movement of We the People, brought together by what unites us – a shared love of liberty, and an understanding of the unlimited potential of free men and free women.
Ted Cruz
Whether it’s a leaf from a tree, the supermarket or person, everything is art and movement, it’s all inspiration.
Adriano Zumbo
Ethical religion can be real only to those who are engaged in ceaseless efforts at moral improvement. By moving upward we acquire faith in an upward movement, without limit.
Felix Adler
The evidence points to central Asia as man’s original home, for the general movement of human migrations has been outward from that region and not inward.
Ellsworth Huntington
A system of cameras and censors are used along the border and interior to help detect the movement of illegal immigrants crossing through the dense brush.
Timothy Murphy
You must take the first step. The first steps will take some effort, maybe pain. But after that, everything that has to be done is real-life movement.
Ben Stein
My parents met in Kenya. My father is African, is Kenyan. The Kenyan side of my family was involved in the anti-colonial movement.
Tom Morello
Without prayer, without faith in the Almighty, the civil rights movement would have been like a bird without wings.
John Lewis
The Occupy movement found places where people who were feeling that anger could come and share it – and that is, as we all know, extremely important in any political movement. The Occupy sites became a way you could gauge the levels of anger and discontent.
Arundhati Roy
Rehab is endlessly repetitive. And it’s never easy, because once you’ve mastered some movement or action or word, no matter how small, you move on to the next. You never rest.
Gabrielle Giffords
The women’s movement burst forth when I was fifteen. That was when I began to believe that life might semi-work out after all. The cavalry had arrived. Women were starting to say that you got to tell the truth now, that you had to tell the truth if you were going to heal and have an authentic life.
Anne Lamott
I’m going to do anything I can do – whether that’s being part of FIFA or creating some sort of movement that can actually impart real equality across all lines – in every country, every city, every sector all over the world, that’s what I’m going to do.
Abby Wambach
Every musical movement that is big enough has to produce some good musicians who wouldn’t have had the incentive to start playing without it.
Alexis Korner
We have to thank the members of the Romantic movement for the sober colours of suits. It was their love of the Gothic that put us in grey and black but the suit stuck.
A. A. Gill
When I joined the Communist movement in 1935 it was based upon the belief that mankind’s future was to be found there. Certainly, millions who joined it the world over, like myself, didn’t join it for profit.
Albert Maltz
It takes leadership to improve safety. And I started off the movement in my time, but the person who has done more over the past 20 to 30 years and who has led it is Professor Sid Watkins.
Jackie Stewart
You may see the emergence of a new political party from the body of the trade union movement which represents a very clear-cut socialist alternative policy and which gives expression to the views of the trade union movement in parliament.
Arthur Scargill
A picture story just doesn’t run like a film. It doesn’t have 24 frames per second. It doesn’t deal with this illusion of movement.
Ben Katchor
Young people have been at the forefront of every great social movement in our country’s history.
Sherrod Brown
Movement is a fantastic privilege… but it ultimately only has meaning if you have a home to go back to.
Pico Iyer
When somebody grabs a movement, you’re kind of locked into it. It’s all par for the course.
John Cale
Abstract Expressionism – the first American movement to have a worldwide influence – was remarkably short-lived: It heated up after World War II and was all but done for by 1960 (although visit any art school today and you’ll find a would-be Willem de Kooning).
Jerry Saltz
I don’t harp on the negative because if you do, then there’s no progression. There’s no forward movement. You got to always look on the bright side of things, and we are in control. Like, you have control over the choices you make.
Taraji P. Henson
The movement for the environment really only started in the mid 1970’s.
Anita Roddick
Young feminists have been sold a bill of goods about American feminism. The enormous changes in women over the past 40 years are constantly and falsely attributed to the organized women’s movement of the late 1960s and ’70s.
Camille Paglia
At the same time the folk boom was happening, the civil rights movement was happening, the anti-war movement was happening, the ban the bomb movement was happening, the environmental movement was happening. There was suddenly a generation ready to change the course of history.
Arlo Guthrie
One hardly knows where, in the history of science, to look for an important movement that had its effective start in so pure and simple an accident as that which led to the building of the great Washington telescope, and went on to the discovery of the satellites of Mars.
Simon Newcomb
Bahaism gives you a pluralistic view, and a lot of aspects of Hinduism give you a moral framework with no accountability other than the karmic system. There’s no linear movement or point of accountability toward God.
Ravi Zacharias
I’m a Christian, a wife, a mother, a homeschooler, a conservative, a citizen journalist, a talk radio host, an insatiable music nerd who plays a poor rhythm guitar, a blogger, a proud granddaughter of a sailor, and a proud tea partier in awe of the potential and the people in this movement.
Dana Loesch
When psychical phenomena have been as much investigated as physical, love will also receive its cumatology – that is, its science of waves. We shall follow the curves of the emotions through the ages, their movement of rise and fall, the oppositions and side-influences by which they have been determined.
Ellen Key
Because Katrina put it out there, no one can play the p

Because Katrina put it out there, no one can play the pretend game anymore that there isn’t poverty and inequality in this country. The Millions More Movement – Katrina gives it added significance.
Marc Morial
We now have the Black Lives Matter movement. I find that curious because this country is not quite the melting pot it’s purported to be. Black lives are unknown in some pla’ces.
Jonathan Majors
We can make black lives matter in the labor movement by building the kinds of movements that black women need to shape a new economy and a new democracy that don’t force them to choose between making a living and being a part of a healthy democracy.
Alicia Garza
In communism, we never had any freedom – of movement, of speech, of press. We didn’t even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots.
Lee Hyeon-seo
The movement towards radical transparency and accountability has been gaining steam for several decades.
Heather Brooke
When movement isn’t enough, you dance, or when speaking isn’t enough, you sing. When it’s organic, and it’s earned like that in a musical, that’s when it works, and then there’s nothing like it because it’s this thing that takes you to a whole ‘nother level, you know?
Rob Marshall
The polls show that concern over inequality among the general public rose pretty sharply after the Occupy movement started, very probably as a consequence. And there are other policy issues that came to the fore, which are significant.
Noam Chomsky
Once you play County cricket, you get strong in the mind and get used to different methods… If it’s swinging or seaming in overcast conditions, it’s all about how positive you are mentally and if your body movement is in the right direction… You can then always bat better.
Ajinkya Rahane
The modern labor movement that began around the mid-19th century has given us many of the basic working rights that we now take for granted.
Mike Quigley
The biggest misconception about Black Lives Matter is that BLM is just one entity; Black Lives Matter is an organization and a network. We are a part of the movement, but we are not the movement.
Alicia Garza
This country must be governed, and can be governed, simply on questions of policy and administration and the French Canadians who have had any part in this movement have never had any other intention but to organise upon those party distinctions and upon no other.
Wilfrid Laurier
My political views have since I was a kid someway or another reflected the concerns of Tea Party movement.
Mike Lee
The ‘peace movement’ exists only in the fantasies of the paranoid.
Noam Chomsky
The writer may very well serve a movement of history as its mouthpiece, but he cannot of course create it.
Karl Marx
In the beginning I thought, and still think, he did great good in giving support and encouragement to this movement. But I did not believe then, and have never believed since, that these ills can be settled by partisan political methods. They are moral and economic questions.
Ray Stannard Baker
What created democracy was Thomas Paine and Shays’ Rebellion, the suffragists and the abolitionists and on down through the populists and the labor movement, including the Wobblies. Tough, in your face people… Mother Jones, Woody Guthrie… Martin Luther King and Caesar Chavez. And now it’s down to us.
Jim Hightower