Top 55 Bianca Del Rio Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Bianca Del Rio Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I mean, there's enough people who have a job for years

I mean, there’s enough people who have a job for years and are not good at it, so you should be skilled at what you do.
Bianca Del Rio
I’m fortunate that, in real life, I love what I do and get to celebrate it.
Bianca Del Rio
I’m a worker bee, I like to have a schedule, I like to have a place to be, and a time, and a schedule – it just makes sense to me.
Bianca Del Rio
I don’t know what I want, but I know what I don’t want, which has worked out well for me.
Bianca Del Rio
We live in a world where everybody’s an expert. Everybody’s doing a YouTube video. Everyone’s doing a tutorial of what needs to happen.
Bianca Del Rio
Before Bianca?? I don’t remember that far back! That would’ve been in my teens. I was working in local theater and opera, doing costumes, hair and makeup.
Bianca Del Rio
It’s important for me to get close to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and actually fix her makeup.
Bianca Del Rio
I’ve never been a dreamer.
Bianca Del Rio
I mean, I’m a drag queen, any excuse to wear a costume means it’s going to be a good time.
Bianca Del Rio
It’s very awkward to watch yourself on TV because I hate the sound of my voice. It’s those moments where you’re like, ‘I do that?’
Bianca Del Rio
We live in a country that elected Trump. Clearly you have a sense of humor.
Bianca Del Rio
Things in life just happen and then you make the best of the situation and you keep moving.
Bianca Del Rio
TV’s a pretty powerful thing.
Bianca Del Rio
I try to find humor in everything.
Bianca Del Rio
Back in the day, when a man in a wig had to ‘lip sync for their life,’ they relied on a wig reveal, rose petals or picking up their opponent and twirling them around.
Bianca Del Rio
People have gone down this spiral of cancel culture and the idea that everything is offensive.
Bianca Del Rio
Everything is not a political statement. Everything is not about being an advocate. Sometimes it’s just pure entertainment.
Bianca Del Rio
I live in L.A. so I don’t get to see much theatre anymore. They have a lot of touring shows but it’s not like New York – I lived in New York for 15 years and you can walk out on the street and there’s something to see.
Bianca Del Rio
We all have things we’re ashamed of.
Bianca Del Rio
Most people think they don’t have anything to relate to a drag queen, but shockingly there’s a lot we can talk about.
Bianca Del Rio
I’m not going to do an album. There’s enough horrible drag queens singing – especially when they do that spoken word over music, ‘I’m fierce! I’m fierce!’
Bianca Del Rio
There’s drag queens who lip sync brilliantly. There’s drag queens who sing live brilliantly – none of those are me.
Bianca Del Rio
I think every city and every drag queen has a different aesthetic or set up, but in the end, it’s mutual respect for one another.
Bianca Del Rio
If I’m going in to a competition, I’m going in to do the best I can do.
Bianca Del Rio
Everything that I was ridiculed for as a child – being too feminine or wearing a dress – has made my life fabulous now.
Bianca Del Rio
As a drag queen, you can pick your hair and I’ve made some horrible choices.
Bianca Del Rio
Oh I ain’t going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me.
Bianca Del Rio
I’ve had some great gigs and had horrible ones. I always look at the horrible ones, and think there’s got to be something in this that I can use later in my show. It all pays off in the end.
Bianca Del Rio
For me, call me what you want, as long as I’m working.
Bianca Del Rio
I’m not a person who lives for sympathy.
Bianca Del Rio
Outside of the gay world, I don’t know how many people know me.
Bianca Del Rio
People feel they can just pass judgement with a tweet o

People feel they can just pass judgement with a tweet or with a comment and then you’re supposed to change your life for them. I can’t worry about what some phantom individual online has to say about me.
Bianca Del Rio
To get the opportunities I’ve gotten has been insane. But also interesting. With the Starbucks commercial, I found it fascinating that once it was on the Internet, tons of people, especially gay people, were like, ‘Why did they choose drag queens to showcase our community?’
Bianca Del Rio
I don’t like the Kardashians, but I still live a full life.
Bianca Del Rio
Basically, I want the most unnatural look possible.
Bianca Del Rio
Amsterdam’s my favourite place to visit.
Bianca Del Rio
Rolodex of Hate’ is basically how I ended up being so hateful. It’s a look inside.
Bianca Del Rio
I mean I’m one of those people that laugh at a funeral. And it’s always the worst time, but there’s always a place to find something funny.
Bianca Del Rio
Maybe I’m just nostalgic for the old days when drag was fun, not personal.
Bianca Del Rio
There are friends of mine that I’ve known for years who didn’t like my brand of humor, but once I was on ‘Drag Race,’ they loved it.
Bianca Del Rio
Obviously I have to use makeup remover, which I have my own makeup remover called Bianca Remover, which you can buy online.
Bianca Del Rio
I think it’s great that ‘Drag Race’ is mainstream.
Bianca Del Rio
Well honestly, I do stay away from being political, especially about Trump. It’s just one of those things.
Bianca Del Rio
Have you walked around in heels? That’s a workout. But like all good gay men, I have a gym membership.
Bianca Del Rio
I don’t dream. I’m not a person who makes a list of things that need to happen in my life. It just evolves, and you roll with the punches.
Bianca Del Rio
I’m clown realness!
Bianca Del Rio
The average person assumes that you’re a drag queen so you’re a nelly and you want to be a girl, which is not the case, and I think Drag Race has changed that for us.
Bianca Del Rio
Shockingly, I’m pretty normal.
Bianca Del Rio
I never rule anything out, you never know what’s to come.
Bianca Del Rio
I think for many people, they think that being in drag means you want to be a girl. Being trans and doing drag is completely different.
Bianca Del Rio
I’ll be the first to thank RuPaul, who gave me the money and let me out into the world. RuPaul is an excellent role model. I’m talking about someone who has worked hard in the business for quite some time. RuPaul put gay men in wigs into people’s living rooms. RuPaul is the reason that we’re not threatening.
Bianca Del Rio
When Logo offered me my own comedy special, I said, ‘Let’s make it a double.’
Bianca Del Rio
I see the people who teased me on Facebook, and they look like hell.
Bianca Del Rio
Most humor comes from truth. In the end, if I can laugh about it, who cares?
Bianca Del Rio
I can laugh at anything, there’s humour in all of it and I think the minute you find it, the better life is.
Bianca Del Rio