Words matter. These are the best Credit Card Quotes from famous people such as Paula White, Geoff Mulgan, Jerry Doyle, Suze Orman, Harper Reed, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
I want you to hear from God. God already spoke to me what I’m going to write out. You’re going to write your checks to Paula White Ministries. If God tells you to give $12.99, do it. Whatever the Holy Spirit speaks to you. If you need to give by credit card, do so.
L’Oreal’s slogan ‘because you’re worth it’ has come to epitomise banal narcissism of early 21st century capitalism; easy indulgence and effortless self-love all available at a flick of the credit card.
When you’re 23, 24 years old and somebody’s given you a credit card and jets and limos and you don’t have to pay the bill when it comes in – that’s a pretty nice deal.
The world does not need another credit card.
We were orbiting around the idea of intent and context. We would take the bus into work, and if you said, ‘Here’s a shirt you might like,’ and I open it on my mobile phone, I’m not going to pull out my credit card and wallet. We thought, ‘How does someone do this? An e-mail to yourself, or you try to remember?’
Companies that make keys, credit card companies, any company in the service business – anything to do with a consumer is probably a software company.
People internalize, from the jail to student loan debt, to credit card debt, to unemployment to the whole collective. It manifests itself in many ways, in people’s home lives, domestic stuff.
There’s more student debt than credit card debt! Everywhere I go, I run into young people trying to build careers while they keep shelling out money on their education loans. If the economy is looking for a new generation of home-buyers, I can’t imagine they’ll get it from these folks.
Former Senator Al D’Amato in 1991 offered an amendment to cap credit card interest rates at 14 percent.
Consumers get used to reading and understanding their credit card contracts, their mortgages, their check overdraft agreements, those are good things. That puts power back in the hands of consumers.
I use debit cards for everyday purchases, as I don’t believe in credit cards. But this has caused problems, especially with American touring, because I refuse to have a credit card – and in America you can’t pay for anything on a debit card.
I’m constantly amazed that owners and managers of all businesses don’t train their people to call the person who pays by credit card by name. It definitely makes the customer feel good and will be a factor in bringing them back to your place of business.
When I turned fifteen, I remember my father gave me a credit card which I was allowed to use for two things: emergencies and books.
Credit card companies pay college students generously to stand outside dining halls, dorms, and academic buildings and encourage their fellow students to apply for credit cards.
We cannot put Connecticut’s future on the credit card. The state has had a problem putting costs on Connecticut’s credit card that it simply can’t afford to pay.
Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.
Bad debt is debt that makes you poorer. I count the mortgage on my home as bad debt, because I’m the one paying on it. Other forms of bad debt are car payments, credit card balances, or other consumer loans.
Whenever I’ve been well-known or hitting the press, I’ve always had to get my credit card out to prove I’m Damien Hirst.
I ain’t got a credit card, a mobile phone or a computer. Call me sentimental. I think that’s a whole world of trouble I ain’t got no business setting foot in. And you know what? It feels good.
First, pay off your high-interest-rate debt. If you have student loan debt – that’s low interest rate; that has a tax benefit – you can leave that out. A mortgage can be an OK one. Credit card debt is poison. That needs to be paid off right away.
Nobody had a credit card when I was a kid. No one had credit card debt. But these big companies and banks wanted to know how to get more money out of people – get them charging things.
In 1973, a woman could not get a credit card without her husband or father or a male signing off on it.
Quite often I can be in a bookshop, standing beneath a great big picture of myself and paying for a book with a credit card clearly marked John Grisham, yet no one recognises me. I often say I’m a famous author in a country where no one reads.
Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.
Money is just the poor man’s credit card.
At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things.
The most important loan to pay is your student loan. It’s more important than your mortgage, car and credit card payments. You cannot discharge student loan debt in the majority of cases.
What this country needs is a credit card for charging things to experience.
Simply calling your credit card issuer and asking them to lower your interest rate may yield immediate savings.
My illness is one often characterized by dramatic overspending – in my case through frenzied shopping sprees, credit card abuse, excessive hoarding of unnecessary material goods and bizarre generosity with family, friends and even strangers.
A cash advance on a credit card is one of the worst types of borrowing because the interest rate is typically 21 percent or more.
You don’t realize how much you use your credit card not even to buy things. It’s a card you get so you can navigate society.
After we have put our intimate secrets and credit card numbers online, what can prevent us from putting our elections there as well?
There are many random, unprotected sites online that appear safe to use and are ready to accept credit card information. You wouldn’t give a stranger off the street your credit card information, so be extra cautious about who you are sharing it with online.
If the only way you can build an emergency fund is to pay the minimum due on your credit card, that is what you need to do.
Being on food stamps can be demeaning. Cashiers know the difference between the new plastic SNAP cards and a credit card. Some food stamp recipients say some cashiers have made them feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.
A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live.
What Wall Street and credit card companies are doing is really not much different from what gangsters and loan sharks do who make predatory loans. While the bankers wear three-piece suits and don’t break the knee caps of those who can’t pay back, they still are destroying people’s lives.
I’m a neurotic Jew who doesn’t want loans. I can’t even carry a balance on my credit card without having a nervous breakdown.
It is imperative that we make consumers more aware of the long-term effects of their financial decisions, particularly in managing their credit card debt, so that they can avoid financial pitfalls that may lead to bankruptcy.
Credit card issuers and HELOC lenders are like fair-weather friends: They cozy up to you in good times, but when the economy heads south, they abandon you faster than Usain Bolt runs the 100 meters.
By working toward a financial objective, you’ll start to see the money add up for retirement or the credit card balance go down. But it doesn’t have an immediate impact on your day-to-day life, and when it does – like when you’re pinching pennies to save more – the immediate impact could feel negative.
Money is a poor man’s credit card.
I try to use my debit card rather than a credit card, but I will use a credit card for big purchases because I bank with Coutts and I get points.
For merchants, it is an amazing opportunity. Compared to Paypal, crypto has no credit card fees, no charge backs, no ‘Oops, we decided to hold your cash for 3-12 months while we investigate something we can’t disclose.’
I’m the worst customer for a credit card company because I always pay my balance off every month.
I don’t use a debit card. The safest thing is a credit card because you’re using the bank’s money. If someone accesses your information, they are stealing the bank’s money, not yours.
It wasn’t until I stood in my truth and told everybody that I had $250,000 in credit card debt. At that point, everything turned around for me. I had to reveal the truth about what I didn’t have, more than pretend about what I did. That was interesting.
I can walk into Tower Records, go get my box set, take out my Steve Miller credit card, and the clerk will look at me and go, ‘Thanks, next.’
Pizza made me who I am. In the summer of 1998, I dropped out of college and started a pizza restaurant called Growlies in my hometown in rural Canada. My seed money: a credit card with a $20,000 limit.
Physical money, whether it’s checks or cash or credit card, are digitizing in front of us.
I am president of Russian Standard Company, biggest luxury vodka in Russia. My bank, Russian Standard Bank, issues biggest number of credit cards in Russia. I want for Russian people to have their own best vodka, their own best bank, their own best credit card.
My friend Paul Ryan talks about fiscal responsibility, but voted to put two wars on a credit card.
When I purchased my home, it was very strict underwriting standards. I had to provide two pay stubs, two years’ tax returns, three months of bank statements, all sorts of credit card information.
No other facet of American business is more corrupt, more intoxicated with illegality, more weakly regulated, and has a greater impact on poor and working people than debt collectors; not credit card companies or subprime mortgages, not even payday lenders.