Top 55 Domination Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Domination Quotes from famous people such as Lydia Millet, Rosa Luxemburg, John Landgraf, Serj Tankian, Paulo Freire, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The male domination and chauvinism of the comics form i

The male domination and chauvinism of the comics form is either being wittily lampooned in ‘Watchmen’ or handily perpetuated, depending on whom you ask.
Lydia Millet
Bourgeois class domination is undoubtedly an historical necessity, but, so too, the rising of the working class against it. Capital is an historical necessity, but, so too, its grave digger, the socialist proletariat.
Rosa Luxemburg
I’m not interested in world domination. I’m interested in running a nice little brand that takes care of its own and does really good work.
John Landgraf
We first fought… in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.
Serj Tankian
Manipulation, sloganizing, depositing, regimentation, and prescription cannot be components of revolutionary praxis, precisely because they are the components of the praxis of domination.
Paulo Freire
China never had good intentions. Since the late 1980s, its stated aim has been world domination, technologically and militarily.
Steve Hilton
Our purpose in Vietnam is to prevent the success of aggression. It is not conquest, it is not empire, it is not foreign bases, it is not domination. It is, simply put, just to prevent the forceful conquest of South Vietnam by North Vietnam.
Lyndon B. Johnson
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism.
George Washington
It makes sense for Japan to pursue a more independent role in the world, following Latin America and others in freeing itself from U.S. domination.
Noam Chomsky
Many can argue that it is our power of intelligence that is the key to the human domination of our planet. I suggest that it is the ability to put our thoughts into words that can be communicated to others.
Yehuda Berg
I say this as a Democrat, for whom the Republican domination of government threatens many values that I hold to be important to America’s role as a light among nations. But there are no values that matter to me that will not be gravely endangered if we lose this war.
Orson Scott Card
If anyone comes along, I’m more than happy to welcome them, but I’m not interested in world domination.
Nick Lowe
The first, and overarching, count in the new indictment is that slavery permitted one group of people to exercise unrestrained personal domination over another group of people.
Robert Fogel
I believe this uranium business will give the Anglo-Saxons such tremendous power that Europe will become a bloc under Anglo-Saxon domination. If that is the case, it will be a very good thing. I wonder whether Stalin will be able to stand up to the others as he has done in the past.
Werner Heisenberg
Basically, I’m working on global domination. I plan to have members globally. What I’m looking to do is expand in a way that allows us to provide more access and take advantage of the sort of ‘world is flat’ technology platform, where it doesn’t matter where you’re located.
Angelica Ross
We have to overcome the practice of male domination – even though it’s changing, and changing in Liberia quite drastically.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
I’m very type-A, and many things in my life are about control and domination, but eating should be a submissive experience, where you let down your guard and enjoy the ride.
Anthony Bourdain
We whites who position ourselves as liberal often opt to protect what we perceive as our moral reputationsrather than recognize or change our participation in systems of inequity and domination.
Robin DiAngelo
The concept of industry domination of regulatory agencies was well known and documented in the literature by the 1960s.
Nick Johnson
Incompatibility. In matrimony a similarity of tastes, particularly the taste for domination.
Ambrose Bierce
I don’t tend to set out on huge world domination goals or have anything in mind. I just like to play. I like to gig a lot; I like to write music.
Imelda May
Fascism is itself less ‘ideological’, in so far as it openly proclaims the principle of domination that is elsewhere concealed.
Theodor W. Adorno
Domination and monopoly is the name of the game in the web marketplace.
David Byrne
The people of Nicaragua were suffering oppression. This made us develop an awareness which eventually led us to commit ourselves to the struggle against the domination of the capitalists of our country in collusion with the U.S. government, i.e. imperialism.
Daniel Ortega
The world is not uni-cultural. We must live together rather than seeking to dominate each other. The people in the world cannot accept domination anymore.
Mohammed Morsi
Before being humans with morals, people are mostly animals, fighting for domination and survival.
Gaspar Noe
To counter the avoidance of intellectual challenge and responsibility, we must reduce the domination of certainty in education.
William Glasser
Sure, I’d love to have children some day. But world domination comes first.
Aimee Mullins
The strongest and most effective force in guaranteeing the long-term maintenance of power is not violence in all the forms deployed by the dominant to control the dominated, but consent in all the forms in which the dominated acquiesce in their own domination.
Robert Frost
Party domination and State leadership are concepts incompatible with one another.
Franz von Papen
There is a threat of Russian energy domination, especially when Russia mentions that it’s going to build more pipelines – Nord Stream III, Nord Stream IV.
Andrzej Duda
The system of domination is founded on depriving nation

The system of domination is founded on depriving nations of their true identity. It seeks to deprive nations of their culture, identity, self-confidence and in this way dominate them.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
If you have to control people, you have to have an administrative force that does it. So in U.S. industry, even more than elsewhere, there’s layer after layer of management – a kind of economic waste, but useful for control and domination. And the same is true in universities.
Noam Chomsky
Some photographers take reality… and impose the domination of their own thought and spirit. Others come before reality more tenderly and a photograph to them is an instrument of love and revelation.
Ansel Adams
And this fear that US models are replacing everything else now spills over from the sphere of culture into our two remaining categories: for this process is clearly, at one level, the result of economic domination – of local cultural industries closed down by American rivals.
Fredric Jameson
Power is domination, control, and therefore a very selective form of truth which is a lie.
Wole Soyinka
South Africa was to evolve into the most pernicious example of the criminal practise of colonial and white minority domination.
Thabo Mbeki
In fact, the fast-changing, dynamic character of London makes perpetual Labour domination unlikely. Things are so fast-moving it would be impossible to say what the situation might look like in five years, let alone 10 or 15.
Kwasi Kwarteng
Look in the mirror, and don’t be tempted to equate transient domination with either intrinsic superiority or prospects for extended survival.
Stephen Jay Gould
I think in the wake of the domination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everyone is now looking for a grand plan.
Kenneth Branagh
Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Domination delegates the physical violence on which it rests to the dominated.
Theodor W. Adorno
Our European allies need to be able to buy our fuel, or they will fall to enemy domination.
Robert Zubrin
But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon.
Adam Weishaupt
The love of domination and an uncontrolled lust of arbitrary power have prevailed among all nations and perhaps in proportion to the degrees of civilization.
Mercy Otis Warren
But I can tell you what your folly and injustice will compel us to do. It will compel us to be free from your domination, and more self-reliant than we have been.
John H. Reagan
The C.E.O. of Google doesn’t look like a Dick Cheney World Domination sort whom we should worry about as Google ogles our houses, our oceans, our foibles, our movements and our tastes.
Maureen Dowd
In Venezuela, we either accept domination, total oppression and torture… from Maduro’s regime, or we choose freedom, democracy, and prosperity for our people.
Juan Guaido
The 1898 annexation of the Hawaiian Islands merely formally recognized what had long been American domination.
Margaret MacMillan
In spiritual direction there is absolutely no domination or control.
Richard Foster
The East India Company’s domination of the Indian economy was based on its private army.
Robert Trout
Amin is the shame of the whole world. The fact that he managed to rule so long and commit so many crimes was only possible thanks to the hypocrisy of the East and the West who were waging the Cold War for world domination.
Ryszard Kapuscinski
The age of the rock star ended with the passing of physical product, the rise of automated percussion, the domination of the committee approach to hit-making, the widespread adoption of choreography, and, above all, the advent of the mystique-destroying Internet.
David Hepworth
Of course the barbarians’ aim of world domination has not escaped the attention of the Europeans, perhaps because unlike us they are closer to the walls.
Barbara Amiel
The world domination plan goal is that I would love Veronica Mars to become a brand like Sherlock Holmes is a brand, like Nancy Drew, in a way, is a brand. When people start listing who are the great fictional detectives, I want Veronica Mars to make that list. That would be the dream scenario.
Rob Thomas