Top 55 Dusty Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Dusty Quotes from famous people such as George Meredith, Mike Epps, Gail Z. Martin, Sean Waltman, Christopher Daniels, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul when hot for cert

Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul when hot for certainties in this our life!
George Meredith
I used to be a dusty little child.
Mike Epps
My father loved antique shops and shows, and quite a bit of my childhood involved outings to dim, dusty places packed with cast-off treasures.
Gail Z. Martin
Damn sure Dusty Rhodes is never gonna be forgotten, ever.
Sean Waltman
I grew up in Fayetteville, North Carolina where Fort Bragg is, basically where the Mid Atlantic territories were sort of based out of the Carolinas. So I grew up watching guys like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and the Road Warriors.
Christopher Daniels
Dusty Rhodes play good-man gimmick. He party with me long, long time in the Florida.
The Iron Sheik
All theological lore is growing distasteful to me. All my recent excursions into such fields proves it to be a shifting, hypothetical, doubt-fostering, dusty, and unprofitable study.
Wilfred Owen
Walk, run, cycle – When you live inside your head for such long periods of time, you have to open the windows, air it out a bit, let sunlight stream into all the dark and dusty corners of your mind.
Twinkle Khanna
It was when I got to NXT with Dusty Rhodes, being the creative force he was, and told us to bring our most creative side every single week. One of those weeks, I brought the guitar and started telling stories while I played, and it just evolved from there.
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express and the ’80s NWA crew; Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen, Magnum TA, Dusty Rhodes – that was a great crew of talent and they were all so great to work with.
Jim Cornette
For me, the Mount Rushmore of greats would be Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino or Lou Thesz. You can do either one of them in that fourth spot. But I think Ric Flair is the greatest of all time. He’s the greatest I’ve ever seen… on the mic and in the ring.
Darius Rucker
Every life has its years in which one progresses as on a tedious and dusty street of poplars, without caring to know where he is.
Max Muller
I have this little, tiny Dusty Rhodes figure they make in Japan that people always give me in my bag. I set it next to the title and took a picture of it in my bag. That was my big goal in the industry. I wasn’t able to achieve that in his lifetime, but he always believed.
Cody Rhodes
I hate flatscreens. I don’t want to see anything in that much pixilation. I don’t need to see the pimple on someone’s face. I love the world through glass. The more old, dusty and tainted that glass is, the prettier and more impressionistic that is to me. I don’t need to see everything perfectly. I don’t like it.
Drew Barrymore
Dusty Rhodes was really good to me and helped me and started me.
Scott Hall
I think people have this hang-up from school that maths is this dusty old textbook that was finished hundreds of years ago, and all the answers are in the back. Whereas in my job I struggle to find anything that maths can’t offer an interesting perspective on.
Hannah Fry
The village of Polgardi is a dusty roadside settlement northeast of Lake Balaton, a resort area in western Hungary popular with German tourists.
Peter Landesman
For as long as I can remember, my nickname was Dusty. I remember my dad naming me that because of the streets where we lived.
Dusty Rhodes
Without Dusty Rhodes, there is no Diamond Dallas Page. He took me under his wing and believed in me when nobody did – nobody.
Diamond Dallas Page
Dusty Rhodes was a great athlete. Actually, he was a baseball player as well. He played football but he played baseball. That was his number one sport. He wasn’t always heavyset like he is. But Dusty Rhodes, The American Dream he just gets charisma.
Ted DiBiase Sr.
We all ran barefooted on the dusty roads in our past, but now the Emperor wears shoes, and it is our responsibility to ensure that the barefooted child and the doting mother are afforded a holistic environment to realise their dreams and ambitions.
Anthony Carmona
Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Shawn Michaels, The NWO, The Invasion, the wild stories, and the Attitude Era. All the crazy stories – you love them, and you get addicted to them and the lifestyle. But you have to separate them and toe the line and separate yourself from what is real and what is not.
Enzo Amore
I always polish my shoes and clean the bottom of them before I go out. I also wipe my handbags. I keep them in little bags to stop them getting dusty. You have to keep your accessories looking smart and clean.
Jerry Hall
I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton.
Dorothy Malone
The early universe was a dusty place, and the UV radiation from the hot, young black holes and stars would get enshrouded by dust, re-radiated, and scattered into red wavelengths like infra-red, causing these objects to remain obscured.
Priyamvada Natarajan
Dusty Rhodes was never Virgil Runnells, Dusty Rhodes was always Dusty Rhodes.
Arn Anderson
I come to the America to live America dream like the Dusty Rhodes. I come to America and I become most famous Iranian in the world.
The Iron Sheik
People tell me how great it must have been to ride horses and stuff. Well, do it for two days straight on dusty days when the cows and horses were really tired.
Arthur Slade
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.
T. E. Lawrence
I was a Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes guy. Ric Flair continues to be my favorite wrestler of all time. I loved Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel and all of those guys, but I’m a big Flair guy.
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Lilac Rose Collection isn’t just about purple. It features dusty pinks and heather grays, which are more natural shades of purple and are perfect for creating a feminine smoky eye.
Bobbi Brown
As far as Dustin or Dusty, neither of them contributed

As far as Dustin or Dusty, neither of them contributed to me wanting to be in the industry as far as encouragement. They didn’t discourage it, but I think they both were indifferent as far as it had to be my decision.
Cody Rhodes
Diana became a superstar when she became a part of the Royal Family because she brought youth and glamour and fun into a staid and dusty institution, and at times she eclipsed the Prince of Wales. It was one of the early problems within their marriage.
Penny Junor
I grew up on Loretta Lynn and Dusty Springfield. I remember lying about it; it wasn’t cool to listen to country when I was 12.
Jenny Lewis
One of the most exciting intellectual moments of my career was my 1948 discovery of Knut Wicksell’s unknown and untranslated dissertation, ‘Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen,’ buried in the dusty stacks of Chicago’s old Harper Library.
James M. Buchanan
I like hair each and every way. I like to give scalp massages – to pull and tug on it. But my favorite style is long, real hair in a dusty blonde-brown color.
Trey Songz
The trails in South Africa are completely different to Europe: dusty and loose surface.
Nino Schurter
The risk of any great luxury brand that has its history in the past is that it can get dusty.
Maureen Chiquet
There are a lot of things that I remember about Dusty Rhodes. There are so many things that stick out about him. He used to work at my father-in-law’s gas station pumping gas.
Terry Funk
But the customer is the final, final filter. What survives the whole process is what people wear. I’m not interested in making clothes that end up in some dusty museum.
Marc Jacobs
Be bored and see where it takes you, because the imagination’s dusty wilderness is worth crossing if you want to sculpt your soul.
Nancy Gibbs
I couldn’t come back to gymnastics because the floors were too dusty for my health.
Sergei Polunin
Let a man walk ten miles steadily on a hot summer’s day along a dusty English road, and he will soon discover why beer was invented.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
I was the kind of reader in smudged pink harlequin glasses sitting on the cool, dusty floor of the Arrandale public library, standing at the edge of the playground, having broken a tooth in dodge ball, and lying under my covers with a flashlight.
Amy Bloom
The truth of the matter is that Dusty Rhodes helped put more money in my pocket than anybody I’ve ever wrestled. In his time he was the most charismatic and talented performer in the business, and I know he doesn’t look like it, but he was a pretty good athlete too.
Terry Funk
The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes – or it prospers; and anon, Like Snow upon the Desert’s dusty Face, Lighting a little hour or two – is gone.
Omar Khayyam
Bath was dusty and a little shabby when we moved here. It did look its age and you felt its history in its streets and buildings and little alleyways. The sense of the past was palpable. There were some bad modern buildings but there was a patina of age.
Ken Loach
I excelled in finding and acquiring secret information that I obtained in brush passes, dead drops, or in meetings in dusty alleys of third world capitals.
Gina Haspel
There is a special sensation in getting good wood on the ball and driving a double down the left-field line as the crowd in the ballpark rises to its feet and cheers. But, I also remember how much fun I had as a skinny barefoot kid hitting a tennis ball with a broomstick on a quiet, dusty street in Panama.
Rod Carew
I like to believe that I play bass like Dusty Hill, and that’s something nobody else can do as well as me. I’m the best Dusty Hill I know.
Dusty Hill
I was notorious at NXT for having constant pitches and ideas. I was that girl who would come in every day to Dusty Rhodes with a 10-page pitch for characters and posters of character development.
The clothes chosen for me as a child had a strong element of the Pre-Raphaelite, muted greens and ivories, dusty rose, what seems in retrospect an eccentric amount of black.
Joan Didion
I still recall the first time I laid eyes on Ric. Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch were wrestling, at the time, in Minnesota, and they took a liking to this kid who’d been hanging around the matches. That kid was Ric Flair, and they brought him to my ranch in Amarillo, Texas.
Terry Funk
I’ve always loved Dusty Springfield and Martha Reeves.
Solange Knowles
I’m more inclined towards old churches and dusty museums.
Sunny Ozell