Top 55 Jason Reitman Quotes

Really, it’s the director’s job to disappear and allow the movie to just feel.
Jason Reitman
I want my audiences to be as open-minded as my characters.
Jason Reitman
Yeah, I was born in Montreal and I go back to Vancouver and Toronto a lot, so I have a sense of being Canadian, and I was raised by two Canadians, and my wife is Canadian, so yeah, I feel it.
Jason Reitman
I’ve always had an underdog perspective.
Jason Reitman
I’m equally guilty of using technology – I Twitter, I text people, I chat. But I think there’s something strangely insidious about it that it makes us think we’re closer when in fact we’re not seeing each other, we’re not connecting.
Jason Reitman
What I do feel is that ‘Up in the Air’ is the most indicative film of 2009. It is the portrait of 2009.
Jason Reitman
I think, through comedy, sometimes we’re allowed to discuss things that you’d never be able to talk about in a drama.
Jason Reitman