Top 55 Sonja Morgan Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sonja Morgan Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When you're dating a rock star, it's not about commitme

When you’re dating a rock star, it’s not about commitment and marriage.
Sonja Morgan
Luxury and elegance can be affordable, and I think a MUST!
Sonja Morgan
My obvious happiness and open, sharing nature made me vulnerable to people with ulterior motives.
Sonja Morgan
My recipes are simple, easy to do, but elegant. I have no time to fuss around with measuring cups.
Sonja Morgan
I like to be the peacekeeper.
Sonja Morgan
I am sure everyone out there knows what it feels like to have people use them, give nothing back, or worse be ‘on the take.’
Sonja Morgan
Live each day as if you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Sonja Morgan
Me time is so important!
Sonja Morgan
I have had many friends and colleagues for decades, and for better or worse they know they can count on my word and that I say what I do and do what I say.
Sonja Morgan
As far as being a parent, my view is no one is perfect, and what is important is that your children know you are there for them when they need you.
Sonja Morgan
If I were to be stuck in New York, I would be miserable. I love N.Y.C. but it’s not enough.
Sonja Morgan
It is not respectful to dance with people you don’t know when invited to someone else’s home.
Sonja Morgan
I think it’s important to teach kids to entertain themselves and to be entertaining.
Sonja Morgan
I’ve done a lot of wine tastings!
Sonja Morgan
I am a health nut who juices daily, takes vitamins, stays active, works out, does yoga, goes to sweat lodges, eats healthy and reads up on nutrition and spirituality.
Sonja Morgan
I meet people to like them. If they prove otherwise, so be it.
Sonja Morgan
I grew up with a brother racing dirt bikes and me riding my pony around, trying to see what the boys were up to.
Sonja Morgan
I like to laugh at myself and sometimes I put my foot in my mouth, but I don’t mean any harm.
Sonja Morgan
I always look for opportunities to support the arts.
Sonja Morgan
Take care of those who take care of you.
Sonja Morgan
Not everyone gets a reservation in the hot restaurant. You must pay your dues. Like it or not there is a pecking order.
Sonja Morgan
I admit I like drama, but more in the form of glamour and passion.
Sonja Morgan
I adore creating a wonderful environment for people who have an aesthetic sense along with wholesome family values.
Sonja Morgan
As public as I seem with all my charity parties and entertaining, I actually spend a lot time in solitude and need it!
Sonja Morgan
If I can share something that is helpful, enlightening, make someone laugh, and maybe even make someone laugh at themselves, then I am happy.
Sonja Morgan
Lord knows one can use a distraction during divorce, and it’s great to feel you are again successful on your own, with your own identity.
Sonja Morgan
It is a sign of respect when one shows up to an occasion dressed to the nines.
Sonja Morgan
Health is everything.
Sonja Morgan
I lost my second pregnancy.
Sonja Morgan
Film for long enough and you are bound to see good friends have a tiff!
Sonja Morgan
Divorce and moving are on the top ten stress list.
Sonja Morgan
What a tangle marriage can be!

What a tangle marriage can be!
Sonja Morgan
Real Housewives of N.Y.C.’ is the best of the franchise because we EVOLVE!
Sonja Morgan
I have always been a hard worker and pull my own weight in my relationships.
Sonja Morgan
I pay my credit cards in full every month – as well as all my bills and mortgages.
Sonja Morgan
Sometimes siblings do not get along, so there is no guarantee that having another baby is good for the first one.
Sonja Morgan
I have always put my daughter, and our time together, first.
Sonja Morgan
I believe in myself and the goodness in others, and I think anyone who rolls the dice with me has good odds.
Sonja Morgan
My ex and I were devastated in 2004 when I miscarried my second. It was the first of many disappointments to come for me after a life so blessed.
Sonja Morgan
I am a terrible flirt!
Sonja Morgan
It’s nice to have a friend who is also a gracious hostess and who reciprocates.
Sonja Morgan
I’m Chicken Little and always imagine the worse.
Sonja Morgan
I love London, and London loves me! I adore the dry sense of humor there, and the way they live like there is no tomorrow.
Sonja Morgan
I meet people to like them, but some are onions to peel and others just blow up like a bomb!
Sonja Morgan
I am very self-conscious about seeing myself on television but I do feel people relate to me so it’s worth it.
Sonja Morgan
People assume a lot about me and it gets me down at times, but I continue to give back, see the best in people, and hope for the best.
Sonja Morgan
Cesar Gaviria is easy to spend time with and easy to look at!
Sonja Morgan
Nothing makes me happier than putting people or deals together and matchmaking – taking the weight off peoples shoulders for a few moments.
Sonja Morgan
Pinot grigio is a great Italian table wine.
Sonja Morgan
Money cannot give a life back; a child or a parent. I try to cherish every moment for this reason.
Sonja Morgan
Even once Warren Beatty found his Annette Benning, he remained a legend with the women and a best friend to many men.
Sonja Morgan
A 150 foot yacht quickly becomes very small when you are out to sea and someone goes bonkers, for whatever reason.
Sonja Morgan
I always run around in gym clothes, great excuse and you never know when you can catch a yoga class.
Sonja Morgan
No one’s time is more important than anyone else’s.
Sonja Morgan
One’s heritage and roots is something to be proud of and cherished.
Sonja Morgan