Top 565 Improve Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Improve Quotes from famous people such as Sam Houston, Manly Hall, Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, Ben Bernanke, Erma Bombeck, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of othe

A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under.
Sam Houston
The end of science is not to prove a theory, but to improve mankind.
Manly Hall
This is our bottom line: The ways we give should and will evolve to enable us to achieve greater impact to improve the health and health care of all Americans.
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
The best solution to income inequality is providing a high-quality education for everybody. In our highly technological, globalized economy, people without education will not be able to improve their economic situation.
Ben Bernanke
Onion rings in the car cushions do not improve with time.
Erma Bombeck
We all know business financial performance improves when more women are in senior levels of management and leadership.
Beth Brooke
The reason why I’m a conservative is because conservative policies work and they improve opportunities. They are the avenue for climbing the economic dream.
Ted Cruz
I try to stop and take a 10-second break and ask myself before I do something: One, is this going to improve my life for my children, or two, will there be a potential for something to go wrong here?
Tom Sizemore
I’ve seen people be effective, even among local teams, by offering something that improves wellbeing in a small way – people who get passionate about smart investment strategies and managing finances for retirement, for example.
Tom Rath
I feel like I’ve progressed, but of course you can always improve and do more.
Aaron Mooy
Checking the results of a decision against its expectations shows executives what their strengths are, where they need to improve, and where they lack knowledge or information.
Peter Drucker
Action leads to Attention. that in the short-term releases Rewarding brain chemicals and in the long term improves reproductive success.
Keith Henson
In sport, there is always room for improvement. Whenever I see my innings against the West Indies or Australia, I think, ‘Maybe, I could have done this better or should have changed that.’ See, cricket is a skill game, and one can always improve upon the impact one has on an innings.
Yuvraj Singh
I’m very interested in working with nonprofits, people in education, medicine, people who are doing things to improve the world and who don’t have the money to come to Siegel+Gale for help.
Alan Siegel
There’s always something in the game you wish you would have done different. That’s why players improve, because they learn from what they did before. They might have been guessing before, but now they know.
Gordie Howe
You can have the power to destroy, but it doesn’t give you the power to reform, or improve, or build.
George R. R. Martin
After ‘Njandukalude…’ I had gone for an acting course in Mumbai as I felt the need to improve my acting skills.
Aishwarya Lekshmi
In this post 9-11 world we live in, it is critical we take steps to improve the safety and security of the Trucking Industry which has proven to be our most mobile and flexible mode of transporting goods.
Zach Wamp
The corporate world has the resources to improve the world. It’s where people live and work.
Douglas Conant
In almost every area of human endeavor, the practice improves over time. That hasn’t been the case for teaching.
Bill Gates
The only reason for using another cut is to improve the scene.
Edward Dmytryk
The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can’t improve your lie.
George Deukmejian
In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability.
Bertrand Piccard
Most companies target women as end users, but few are effectively utilizing female employees when it comes to innovating for female consumers. When women are empowered in the design and innovation process, the likelihood of success in the marketplace improves by 144%!
Indra Nooyi
I want to create something like Sony. Not in terms of manufacturing products but creating something that is innovative, makes money, improves peoples’ lives.
Richard Li
Yoga is at the core of my health and wellness routine; even if it’s only for 10 to 15 minutes I find it helps me to re-center and to focus as well as improve my overall core strength.
Miranda Kerr
Our healthcare system should seek to improve the health of the most people possible.
Ralph Northam
Throughout my life, I’ve always believed that the sole purpose of public service is to improve the lives of the people around us. From the Freeport Town Council to serving as Speaker of the State House, I’ve kept that sense of purpose close to my heart – consistently and passionately asking myself how we make progress.
Sara Gideon
When governance improves, there will be less have-nots and more haves.
Kiran Bedi
There’s nothing magic about working with franchisees. What you have to do is help them improve their business.
Greg Brenneman
We must keep looking for ways to improve the game.
Marco van Basten
I am persuaded, that if any attempt is made to improve

I am persuaded, that if any attempt is made to improve the education of the poor, and such an unmanly spirit should guide the resolution of a society or committee for that purpose, it would render the design abortive.
Joseph Lancaster
When trust improves, the mood improves.
Fernando Flores
It is always possible to improve.
Bill Toomey
I work every day to improve and reach my top.
Antoine Griezmann
The combination of a workable basic formula and the capacity to improve over time is what one hopes for in any aspect of society: business, government, the non-profit sector.
Michael Spence
I have spent more than a decade trying to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people on earth, and they’ve taught me countless lessons.
Howard Graham Buffett
In the short run, using militias might be the quickest and easiest way to improve order on Iraq’s streets and uproot the terrorists and guerrillas who routinely attack American troops and civilian targets.
Alex Berenson
Head Start’s ability to improve the educational skills and opportunities of Latino children will be an important component of America’s future success.
Joe Baca
And that’s the great thing about living the Christian life and trying to live by faith, is you’re trying to get better every day. You’re trying to improve.
Tim Tebow
Generally I finish a first draft in 2-6 months, then I set it aside for a while so that when I come back to it I can read it with fresh eyes and figure out how to improve it.
Margaret Haddix
We give antibiotics to people when they’re dying or when they’re not well; that’s acting God. I mean, acting God is using the tools of creation to try and improve human life, human existence. I don’t think that that’s a huge problem.
Robert Winston
Played tennis for years. But you can’t improve at tennis after you’re 50. You get to be in your 40s, and suddenly you’re a doubles player.
Jack Nicholson
One may as well be asleep as to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his conduct.
Laurence Sterne
Everything is a learning experience, both good and bad that happen to you. You take what happens and learn from it. That’s how I look at everything, the good and bad. You learn about it, and you improve.
Markelle Fultz
One needs to constantly read up, practice and work, irrespective of your profession. If I feel as an actor that I know everything, then how will I to grow? How will I improve? I’ll be stuck in a rut, and eventually I’ll grow complacent.
Sonam Kapoor
I think I’m always a little bit under construction. I’m a project that I’m trying to improve upon.
Nick Nurse
Nutrition is also a valuable component that can help athletes both protect themselves and improve performance.
Bill Toomey
Experience has taught me that you have to improve all the time-little bit by little bit-and not keeping starting everything from new.
Jean Alesi
Being honest with myself is something I like. I am happy that I don’t make excuses when I make a mistake. This is a good way to improve in the fastest way.
Charles Leclerc
I think that, in principle, a workshop is such a beautiful idea – an environment in which writers who are collectively apprenticed to the craft of writing can come together in order to collectively improve.
Eleanor Catton
My philosophy is my learning process. Until you die, you must evolve and improve.
Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life.
Nathan Deal
Keep writing, because not only does practice improve skill, it gives you more chances to score on the market. I did that for eight years before making my first sale.
Piers Anthony
We have to improve life, not just for those who have the most skills and those who know how to manipulate the system. But also for and with those who often have so much to give but never get the opportunity.
Dorothy Height
My longing to improve my looks via The Body Shop is being replaced by my longing to improve my looks via Photoshop.
Gina Barreca
We want a system that will improve consistency and steadiness in the quality of government.
Ferdinand Mount
Fundamentally, I believe that the U.S. can improve its international standing and its national security by expanding trade and strengthening its relationships with moderate Muslim countries.
Richard Neal
Though I have worked in Bhojpuri films and had been introduced to the culture of the area, it was on visiting that region that I came to know that a lot needs to be done to improve the living conditions, and an initiative has already been made with the help of the Pardesiya Kala Sangam and Jagriti, both NGOs.
God can cause opportunity to find you. He has unexpected blessings where you suddenly meet the right person, or suddenly your health improves, or suddenly you’re able to pay off your house. That’s God shifting things in your favor.
Joel Osteen
To a certain extent, I enjoy failure. It’s part of the game. There’s always room to grow; there’s room to improve.
Aaron Judge
New vaccines are being developed all the time, which could save many more lives and dramatically improve people’s health. And this goes beyond the traditional burden of childhood infectious diseases.
Seth Berkley
Do you know what the overhead is of the Medicare system

Do you know what the overhead is of the Medicare system? One-point-zero-five percent. Do you know what – private insurance is 30 percent in overhead and profits? Given a choice how I’m going to improve health care, I’m going to take it away from private insurance profits and overhead. Wouldn’t you?
Anthony Weiner
If you have to improve your fuel efficiency every year, it leads to innovation.
Alan Mulally
The only way to win tournaments is with the short game. Over half your shots out here are within 30 or 40 yards. Ballstriking is where I’m trying to improve, yes, but more to eliminate big numbers than make birdies.
Phil Mickelson
Each and every day you have to perform, whether it’s on the practice ground or off the practice ground. I just want to improve each and every day.
Alphonso Davies
I consider it top priority to improve water quality and increase water quantity in my community.
Joe Baca
We were also able to do a great deal of work to improve highways, airports and airways, waterways, and railways, all of which are important and have provided a better quality of life and economic development opportunities for my constituents.
Nick Lampson
You can always get better. The day you stop getting better is the day you shouldn’t be living. Gotta constantly improve and continue to grow within yourself.
Antonio Brown
So the only way we’re going to improve fuel economy or appliance efficiency swiftly and to the maximum extent practicable is if the government requires it.
Sherwood Boehlert
I want players who are always striving to improve.
Gordon Strachan
Luxury has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. I would define it as something that isn’t needed but improves your life.
Dan Bilzerian
After the Challenger accident, NASA put in a lot of time to improve the safety of the space shuttle to fix the things that had gone wrong.
Sally Ride
I am of a healthy long lived race, and our minds improve with age.
William Butler Yeats
When you can’t stop what you’re doing long enough to improve it, you will never stop what you are doing.
Mike Hawkins
You hear peewee coaches teaching the ‘trap’. What the heck are we doing teaching the ‘trap’? Let the kids go, let them have fun; that’s how you improve.
Bobby Orr
If we can reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical technology through advances in nanotechnology, we can more widely address the medical conditions that are prevalent and reduce the level of human suffering.
Ralph Merkle
The batting coach does his job. He tells them the basic faults and helps them improve their technique. But if the batsman is in form then he has to carry that form.
Sarfaraz Ahmed
In the final analysis, finding a way to do clean business and not to pay bribes actually improves your bottom line.
Mo Ibrahim
I try to watch the show every week and improve upon myself. I’ve become a fan.
Elisabeth Rohm
Tonight Illinois has set a tone for the nation, that we won’t stand idle hoping that our economy improves. This is a brand new day for the Illinois Republican Party.
Adam Kinzinger
I’ve studied Spanish, but I need to improve. I’ll probably improve when I work in the country one day. For most people, when they travel to a country, their language becomes better.
Brendan Rodgers
It’s inevitable that you find out about your true self. There was so much I realized I had to work on, to try to improve.
Gianluca Vialli
Asset managers have different approaches, and I don’t wish to suggest there is only one way to run money. There are many ways one can attempt to reduce risk, improve performance, lower drawdowns and reduce volatility.
Barry Ritholtz
I’ve tended to work at fast-growing companies that improve the way business gets done.
Jim Barksdale
The abortion industry can try to improve its ‘messaging’ all it wants. But unless abortion advocates change their devotion to abortion-on-demand, the only message Americans will receive is that the abortion industry is only really interested in improving its bottom line at the expense of the most defenseless among us.
Gary Bauer
As people do a task, they improve at it.
Emily Oster
We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.
Joyce Meyer
Every season is a new challenge to me, and I always set out to improve in terms of games, goals, assists.
Cristiano Ronaldo
If you stand at an election and put a manifesto in front of people saying you’re going to improve health care, you have to stick by that.
Bob Ainsworth
We weren’t put here to be miserable. We were put here to do the best we can, and we should take our energy and improve our state of being.
Lenny Kravitz
It’s good for Brazilian football to have idols, stars, big stars coming back to Brazilian clubs. The tournaments become much better, more interesting. Ze Roberto, Juninho Pernambucano, Ronaldinho Gaucho, and other players who have returned to Brazil strengthen the league and improve the tournaments.
Priest organizations around the country, both local and national, should realize that their membership has a serious image problem and undertake programs to improve it.
Andrew Greeley
In Europe, a writer is supposed to improve up until he'

In Europe, a writer is supposed to improve up until he’s about 75.
Irwin Shaw
It’s actually very surprising how little we think about the quality of our decision-making and how we could improve it. How absent decision-making classes are from educational curricula. How little we think about how it is we think.
Noreena Hertz
The truth is women use contraception not only as a way to prevent unintended pregnancies, but also to improve their health and the health of their families. Increased access to contraception is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality.
Felicity Huffman
There’s huge opportunities to continue to improve efficiency in the way the government operates and improve the way government provides services to its citizens.
Steve Daines
I just try to work harder and harder every day to improve and get better and better.
Sadio Mane
It is incumbent upon each of us to improve spending and savings practices to ensure our own individual financial security and preserve the collective economic well-being of our great society.
Ron Lewis
My fitness is good. I hope to improve it even further during training.
Andriy Shevchenko
If you decide you need a secured card, use it to charge small items every month, then pay the balance off in full. If your credit score improves, and the bank doesn’t offer to upgrade your card within 12 to 18 months, give them a call. If they refuse, try another lender.
Jean Chatzky
America offers the most amount of people the best opportunity to pursue happiness on the planet. That’s why millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the country – most of them poor. They believe they have a shot to improve themselves economically.
Bill O’Reilly
The best success, for me, is not one trophy. It’s not harmony. It’s when players improve and grow.
Unai Emery
Bad news isn’t wine. It doesn’t improve with age.
Colin Powell
Humankind would improve if we concentrated less on being human and more on being kind.
Ashwin Sanghi
What I learned from Rockefeller that’s off-the-hook important is: You need to know exactly where you stand in a business at all times. Measure everything, because everything that is measured and watched improves.
Bob Parsons
In the next decade, I see Spanx going worldwide. Everywhere. No butt left behind. It’s going to be all over the world and it’s going to be an aspirational brand that transcends categories. There’s so many things we can improve upon and make better.
Sara Blakely
The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 would consolidate and eliminate dozens of ineffective or duplicative programs, enhance the role of job creators in workforce development decisions, and improve accountability over the use of taxpayer dollars.
John Kline
As a young boy, I had strange dreams of affecting people and somehow being instrumental in changing the makeup of Africa and helping to improve life there.
Djimon Hounsou
Not only should we be giving Amtrak the money it needs to continue to provide services; we should be providing security money to upgrade their tracks and improve safety and security measures in the entire rail system.
Corrine Brown
I’m clear that we do need to improve what’s happening in our schools.
Michael Gove
First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst.
Dale Carnegie
Each of us has about 40 chances to accomplish our goals in life. I learned this first through agriculture, because all farmers can expect to have about 40 growing seasons, giving them just 40 chances to improve on every harvest.
Howard Graham Buffett
We started Kotter International to improve leaders’ ability to deal with big, important transformations in organizations – and in their lives.
John P. Kotter
Lake Wobegon, the little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve.
Garrison Keillor
Child labour may be distasteful to westerners, but does boycotting goods made with child labour improve or exacerbate the lot of third world children? Trusting the market to regulate may not ultimately be in our interest.
Noreena Hertz
During World Immunization Week, we must celebrate our shared results and redouble our efforts to improve the health and lives of people everywhere.
Tedros Adhanom
I guess when there is room to improve, and where there is the desire to improve, improvement comes.
David McNeill
As southeast Texas’s only Member of the House Transportation Committee, I’m especially proud of being able to help bring hundreds of millions of dollars to the region to create jobs and improve the area infrastructure.
Nick Lampson
Velano Vascular has developed a simple, game-changing innovation that will improve the way medicine has been practiced for decades.
Mitch Kapor
Know yourself to improve yourself.
Auguste Comte
I think with racing, you never stop improving. If you want to improve, you will.
Valtteri Bottas
There’s always ways to improve.
Connor McDavid
We must do all we can to help improve the deplorable human rights situation of the North Korean people.
Evan Bayh
On a regular basis, I conduct work in the Amazon, estab

On a regular basis, I conduct work in the Amazon, establishing trade for medicinal plants, and working with small communities to improve their economies and to help protect forest acreage.
Chris Kilham
Musharraf is a good man and wants to improve relations with India.
Lalu Prasad Yadav
I put so much pressure on myself to raise the bar with each and every project. I treat it like every film is my last, and I make sure I pour everything I have into every film I make because if I’m not trying to improve, someone else will.
Scott Adkins
You can teach all sorts of things that improve the practice of management with people who are managers. What you cannot do is teach management to somebody who is not a manager, the way you cannot teach surgery to somebody whose not a surgeon.
Henry Mintzberg
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Winston Churchill
Whether it’s by helping us search for health-related information, connecting us with doctors through online portals, or enabling us to store and retrieve our medical records online, the Internet is starting to show the promise it has to transform the way people interact with and improve their own health and wellness.
Dean Ornish
History offers no evidence for the proposition that the assignment of women to military combat jobs is the way to win wars, improve combat readiness, or promote national security.
Phyllis Schlafly
The only way we can reduce the number of these endangered species is to improve and provide additional habitat where they can live and reproduce.
Lorne Greene
I published in 1978 a report on dreams in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. It was the first study of its kind to demonstrate that it is possible for people to make constructive use of their dreams to improve their lives.
Henry Reed
Free agency, given us through the plan of our Father, is the great alternative to Satan’s plan of force. With this sublime gift, we can grow, improve, progress, and seek perfection.
James E. Faust
I think I know how to try to play the best, and to play the best sometime is to improve.
Gael Monfils
Negative thinking patterns can be immensely deceptive and persuasive, and change is rarely easy. But with patience and persistence, I believe that nearly all individuals suffering from depression can improve and experience a sense of joy and self-esteem once again.
David D. Burns
Big data in education has huge potential to improve learning materials.
Jose Ferreira
I am hopeful for the American people that we can actually improve the outlook for bringing down costs in health care.
Eric Cantor
Every training session, I work hard to improve my weaknesses and build on my strengths.
Antoine Griezmann
Look for what’s missing. Many advisors can tell a President how to improve what’s proposed or what’s gone amiss. Few are able to see what isn’t there.
Donald Rumsfeld
Empowering small farmers to increase productivity, improve crop quality and access reliable markets is critical to addressing global hunger and poverty.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
I have come to the conclusion that it’s a waste of time to have too much pride in anything. Perhaps it’s good to have a sense of duty, a jealous zeal to protect or improve, but pride ultimately is only that which stands vulnerable to offense and degradation.
Henry Rollins
Technologists provide tools that can improve people’s lives. But I want to be clear that I don’t think technology by itself improves people’s lives, since often I’m criticized for being too pro-technology. Unless there’s commensurate ethical and moral improvements to go along with it, it’s for naught.
Jaron Lanier
I jumped at the chance to be a part of Stroke Recovery Canada. I want to help March of Dimes Canada in its efforts to support stroke recovery and improve the quality of life of all Canadian stroke survivors.
Bret Hart
I work hard to improve myself as a person – as a father, as a husband, as a manager. I’m always on that mission.
Michael Johnson
My grandad gives me an honest opinion on the games and my performance. I really respect him for that. He’s really helped me develop as a person and a player, and he’s always been honest with me, whether I’ve had a good or bad game, where I need to improve.
Millie Bright
I am here just to learn, to improve, to help my team improve.
Pep Guardiola
I don’t think a system or a government should fear critical opinions or views. Only by heeding those critical views would it be possible for us to further improve our work and make further progress.
Wen Jiabao
I write the paragraph, then I’m crossing out, changing words, trying to improve it. When it seems more or less OK, then I type it up because sometimes it’s almost illegible, and if I wait, I might not be able to read it the next day.
Paul Auster
Wars of aggression are popular nowadays with those nations convinced that only victory and conquest could improve their material well-being.
Ludwig von Mises
Some people are inherently likeable. If you’re not – work on it. It may even improve your social life.
Antonin Scalia
The same thing I did in 2013 is what I’m trying to do in 2014, which is continue to improve, continue to shock people. You know, I have several projects coming up between 2014 and 2015, and hopefully by 2015, I’ll have another hour of stand-up material where I’ll be able to go on the road and tour again.
Kevin Hart
You don’t need a big close, as many sales reps believe. You risk losing your customer when you save all the good stuff for the end. Keep the customer actively involved throughout your presentation, and watch your results improve.
Harvey Mackay
Lenny Bruce is a very moral man trying to improve the world and trying to make audiences think.
Dorothy Kilgallen
Even if I see myself playing very well in one thing, I try to improve to do it better and better.
Mohamed Salah
Save the Children is also working to improve accommodat

Save the Children is also working to improve accommodation for refugee families living outside settlements. I met a family which had been living in a substandard building without windows, doors or a toilet.
Gemma Chan
We taped all this and then got it transcribed and picked the best lines or ideas or ways to take a scene. I’ve done that many times, and it can improve the script but also wreck a perfectly good scene.
John Schlesinger
While I support initiatives to improve quality and efficiency in Medicare, I do not believe that these efficiencies should come at the cost of patient well being.
Shelley Berkley
I was raised to believe that we all have a civic duty and a responsibility as Americans to improve our neighborhoods and our nation.
Paul Cook
God calls us to care for our fellow man, especially the neediest. I feel that call to lift up the less fortunate; the call to improve our communities and our state. It drives me to serve Louisiana as governor.
Kathleen Blanco
One of the ironies of a conference dedicated to all things digital and virtual is that the best ways to connect with people are surprisingly old-school. Social media tools can improve the odds of a serendipitous encounter at SXSW, but old-fashioned hustle, palm-pressing and – above all – creativity go a long way.
Ryan Holmes
Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance.
Henry Ward Beecher
Sportspersons have to reinvent themselves every day. It helps them improve.
Vijender Singh
If you listen to Giuliani, it’s like nobody did anything to improve the city except him. I’m not part of the history. Bloomberg’s not part of the history. It’s like, he did it. He’s the only one. That’s why he’s a little crazy.
Ed Koch
Many of those who argue for vouchers say that they simply want to use competition to improve public education. I don’t think it works that way, and I’ve been watching this for a longtime.
Jonathan Kozol
I believe that I have such a vanilla life. But maybe I come with a different perspective. I’m always trying to improve myself.
Jen Lancaster
Scientific research and other studies have demonstrated that arts education can enhance American students’ math and language skills and improve test scores which in turn increase chances of higher education and good jobs in the future.
Thad Cochran
We will use political power as a tool to improve the lives of the people.
The bottom line is that it’s the NFL, and there’s going to be competition wherever you go. That’s the way I look at it. I’ve had competition in high school. I’ve had competition in college, and that’s part of the game. That’s part of how you improve as a quarterback.
Scott Tolzien
The college that takes students with modest entering abilities and improves their abilities substantially contributes more than the school that takes very bright students and helps them develop only modestly.
Derek Bok
We’re trying to bring improved seeds to rural villages to increase yields. We’re also trying to improve the roads to make it easier for people to get their produce to the market.
Augustin Matata Ponyo
We have got to go out there and deliver, go on the streets and find athletes, improve facilities around the country and find coaches. We have got to go out there and search for a star.
Linford Christie
It’s about working hard, resting when you need to, leading a healthy life, and having a support structure around you. These factors help you improve.
Adama Traore
I cannot improve on those spoken for many years by a true legend who preceded me at CBS News. He would say, simply, ‘good night, and good luck.’
Mike Wallace
Fact: If standard of living is your number one objective, quality of life almost never improves. But if quality of life is your number one objective, standard of living invariably improves.
Zig Ziglar
Every race is not perfect; there are obviously a lot of things I can improve on at the end of the race.
Maurice Greene
Common sense tells us that the government’s attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down, one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy.
Sarah Palin
By increasing productivity and becoming more competitive, we will be able to offer better opportunities and improve the standard of living for all Mexicans.
Enrique Pena Nieto
In terms of intellectual property, so many of the job creators I know are start-ups. In the IP setting, we can meaningfully improve on the status quo, and in so doing, we can help small businesses, large businesses, and those in between.
Tom Perez
If we boost productivity, we can improve economic growth.
Tony Abbott
Renewable energy could reduce emissions but also create jobs and improve public health.
Paul Polman
The moral case for individual initiative in a free economy holds that people have a God-given right to use their creativity to produce things that improve our lives.
Paul Ryan
I think that was one of the things that happened, especially in Ireland, that you left in order to improve yourself, and you couldn’t write home and tell people, ‘Look, I’m really lonely,’ because you’d realize how much those letters were going to matter, that you needed to put good news or uplifting news into them.
Colm Toibin
Democratic leaders, whose power is ultimately dependent on popular support, are held accountable for failing to improve the lives of their citizens. Therefore, they have a powerful incentive to keep their societies peaceful and prosperous.
Natan Sharansky
Working on a sitcom and improv improves your comedic chops. If you do it long enough, the one thing you learn to do is listen to the other characters.
Diedrich Bader
I had the option of building a career in the U.S. Many of my friends who went at the time did not come back, but for me, building the family business and being with family was worth it. I became a general manager within four months, as I used my education to improve productivity and output.
Baba Kalyani
By providing memorable social media customer service, c

By providing memorable social media customer service, companies not only create deeper connections with consumers, but they glean valuable insights on how to improve their products or services.
Amy Jo Martin
Antivirus systems need to strike a balance between detecting all possible attacks without causing any false alarms. And while we try to improve on this all the time, there will never be a solution that is 100 percent perfect.
Mikko Hypponen
It is becoming clear that the old platitudes can no longer be maintained, and that if we wish to improve our morals we must first improve our knowledge.
Havelock Ellis
It’s not all about talent. It’s about dependability, consistency, and being able to improve. If you work hard and you’re coachable, and you understand what you need to do, you can improve.
Bill Belichick
If wearing the Spanx helps you get looks, and you feel that energy and response, and you’re rocking your body with confidence, that’s still how you’ll feel about yourself when you get home and take the Spanx off… If your attitude improves from the Spanx, wear the Spanx!
Lisa Ann Walter
I think I would like the sort of job where you can work away in obscurity to try and improve things, without being caught up in the political maelstrom.
Samantha Power
I was a crown attorney in my home town in Nova Scotia, and I learned that victims of crime needed better laws to better protect them. I saw politics as a means to improve this protection for them.
Peter MacKay
My books are very few, but then the world is before me – a library open to all – from which poverty of purse cannot exclude me – in which the meanest and most paltry volume is sure to furnish something to amuse, if not to instruct and improve.
Joseph Howe
With proper governance, life will improve for all.
Benigno Aquino III
It’s critical that states improve how teachers are trained, recruited, evaluated, compensated, advanced, and retained.
Eli Broad
Brain power improves by brain use, just as our bodily strength grows with exercise. And there is no doubt that a large proportion of the female population, from school days to late middle age, now have very complicated lives indeed.
A. N. Wilson
Most people don’t want to change. They’re comfortable and set in their ways. But in order to change, you have to be able to agitate people at times. And I think that’s something that’s very necessary for us to improve as a country.
Colin Kaepernick
I learnt since I was a child growing up in a small village in the Czech Republic that I had to be like that to compete, to be the best and then to compete against the best. There has not been a second, a minute, an hour, a day that I have missed because I always wanted to improve.
Pavel Nedved
The job of the government – and my responsibility – is to help people live healthier lives. The framework is about giving local authorities the ability to focus on the most effective ways to improve the public’s health and reduce health inequalities, long-term, from cradle to grave.
Andrew Lansley
If you accept failure, then you can improve on it. It’s funny though, because, on the flip side of the coin, I’d say that if you don’t accept failure, there is no failure.
Subhash Chandra
I’m not easily satisfied with things. I always want to do better. I always want to improve. I always want to grow.
Little Simz
No innovation in the past 200 years has done more to save lives and improve health than the sanitation revolution triggered by invention of the toilet. But it did not go far enough. It only reached one-third of the world.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Anything that we can do to improve the lives of elderly people is welcome so far as I am concerned.
Judi Dench
In the underdeveloped countries, we have young men and women, many of them of capacity but without opportunity to improve themselves. They cannot do so without help.
Gordon B. Hinckley
So that we focus not on competing visions for Europe but on what Europe can do to improve economic growth, to give us a cleaner environment, to create more jobs, to make us more secure.
John Hutton
I’d like to improve on running plays. I want to see if I can hurt some more people. To me, I don’t think I’m out there hurting enough people.
Brian Bosworth
There’s always things to improve, you can’t be satisfied with what you have.
Virgil van Dijk
I am only trying to improve as a player with each tournament, each game, each opportunity.
K. L. Rahul
As Irving Good realised in 1965, machines with superhuman intelligence could repeatedly improve their design even further, triggering what Vernor Vinge called a ‘singularity.’
Stephen Hawking
Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer.
Rick Pitino
It’s just nice to see people enthusiastic about their tennis and want to learn and improve – for me that’s the most important thing – I still love my tennis.
Jo Durie
We can pay teachers a hundred thousand dollars a year, and we’ll do nothing to improve our schools as long as we keep the A, B, C, D, F grading system.
William Glasser
We are made in the image of God, and we need to put Spirit back into the equation when we want to improve our physical and our mental health.
Bruce Lipton
The 76ers currently play very good basketball, and we don’t. However, we are still only one win behind them. If we continue to improve, we should be on the top of our division at the end of the regular season.
Jason Kidd
I am quite sure that a little man who braves ridicule to improve the lot of his fellow men, and is thanked by their jibes, is an interesting character.
Preston Sturges
I want to be the strongest player in the world and score a lot of goals. To do that, I have to improve in every area.
Mario Balotelli
If you improve or tinker with something long enough, ev

If you improve or tinker with something long enough, eventually it will break or malfunction.
Arthur Bloch
Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
In my column series ‘The Main Thing’, I often talk about how Internet technology can improve the way people communicate – both within a business and between a business and its customers and partners.
Jim Barksdale
The ultimate test of the value of a political system is whether it helps that society to establish conditions which improve the standard of living for the majority of its people.
Lee Kuan Yew
Users are trying to discover apps; we are trying to improve the app discovery process, and developers are trying to reach users. If you step back, it’s a problem we solved with search and ads in search.
Sundar Pichai
I reflect back 35 years ago, and look how far we have come in America with our environmental policy to improve the conditions of our air and water, and we have had some real successes.
Jay Inslee
Pep is the best manager in the world. He’s always looking to help me get better and improve my game.
Aymeric Laporte
When I was younger, I thought that everything would just come to me eventually, but now I see I have to take the initiative and practise to improve myself.
The man is distinguished from the youth by the fact that he takes the world as it is, instead of everywhere fancying it amiss and wanting to improve it, i.e. model it after his ideal; in him the view that one must deal with the world according to his interest, not according to his ideals, becomes confirmed.
Max Stirner
I’m an optimist. My own fiction, while it has its own dark warnings about pitfalls ahead, depicts the potential of science to improve society by networking human minds.
Ramez Naam
The fact is I still have quite a few good years in front of me. I still improve.
Caroline Wozniacki
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank
I improve on misquotation.
Cary Grant
In particular, I want to set a challenge to public bodies and private companies to improve gender balance on their own boards.
Nicola Sturgeon
If you don’t improve the lives of the poor, it’s not charity.
Manoj Bhargava
I like to take a little bit from every midfielder I have played against, whether it’s physically, technically, tactically, just to try to improve my game.
Harry Winks
I don’t want to run around and look at a shot through a monitor. That doesn’t improve what I’m trying to do. I figure, once I’ve done my job, it’s none of my business.
Johnny Depp
To honor our national promise to our veterans, we must continue to improve services for our men and women in uniform today and provide long overdue benefits for the veterans and military retirees who have already served.
Solomon Ortiz
Technology has changed, and we need to figure out how to improve the archaic way of what makes a hit, or how to determine how many viewers are watching beyond some people with Nielsen boxes in a small percentage of homes in random areas.
Jim Rash
I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
E. B. White
If I’m in the car after a bad game, I may think about ways I need to improve. But the second I reach home, the game’s over. Work doesn’t come inside with me. Same thing in reverse – I don’t bring my personal life into the ballpark. Learning to keep it all separate has made life easier.
Matt Kemp
And as we continue to improve our understanding of the basic science on which applications increasingly depend, material benefits of this and other kinds are secured for the future.
Henry Taube
I feel like going to class every morning is so humbling. You’re always working to improve, and you’re always being critiqued on your next performance. It’s not about what you’ve done. There’s always room to grow.
Misty Copeland
A woman caring for her children; a woman striving to excel in the private sector; a woman partnering with her neighbors to make their street safer; a woman running for office to improve her country – they all have something to offer, and the more our societies empower women, the more we receive in return.
Queen Rania of Jordan
Knowing ourselves and how we feel can help us improve.
Anne Wilson Schaef
The proud do not change to improve, but defend their position by rationalizing. Repentance means change, and it takes a humble person to change.
Ezra Taft Benson
The easiest ways to improve your appearance is with a really good moisturizer that will plump up your skin, a bit of concealer and a creamy blush on your cheek and lip. It’s quick and easy and you’ll look so much better.
Bobbi Brown
Walk rate is probably the area in which a pitcher has the most room to improve, but a rate that high is tough to overcome.
Nate Silver
Most innovation is not done by research institutes and national laboratories. It comes from manufacturing – from companies that want to extend their product reach, improve their costs, increase their returns. What’s very important is in-house research.
Vaclav Smil
In fact, allowing immigrants to have licenses actually improves homeland security by allowing our government to track who is in our borders.
Joe Baca
For me, whether we win or lose, every match is giving me a lot of information about how to improve.
Unai Emery
It takes leadership to improve safety. And I started of

It takes leadership to improve safety. And I started off the movement in my time, but the person who has done more over the past 20 to 30 years and who has led it is Professor Sid Watkins.
Jackie Stewart
Although the ICRC and the World Economic Forum have separate missions, they both are centred on collaboration across sectors and between various actors in order to improve the state of the world.
Peter Maurer
Nothing improves your confidence and brings a team together more than winning a cup.
Gary Neville
We must constantly learn, adjust, improve, and strive to be better.
Gina Haspel
The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.
Frank Herbert
We are all really working hard to improve our batting.
Babar Azam
Research shows that if patients believe they are taking the real drug, they are more confident of improving and, so, improve even if they are actually on the placebo. Conversely, if they suspect they are taking the placebo, their expectancy of improvement declines, and so does their improvement.
John Cornwell
If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but deteriorate the cat.
Mark Twain
I like to improve all the time and never let complacency creep into my system.
Sandeep Singh
Self-awareness is a trait – or maybe ‘practice’ is the more accurate way to put it – that everyone can always improve at. It is part emotional intelligence, part perceptiveness, part critical thinking. It means knowing your weaknesses, of course, but it also means knowing your strengths and what motivates you.
Neil Blumenthal
Sam Walton’s values are: treat the customer right, take care of your people, be honest in your dealings, pass savings along to the customer, keep things simple, think small, control costs and continuously improve operations.
Michael Bergdahl
It is my belief that no matter how advanced man may become in science, technology, systems, and knowledge, he can never improve on the foundational precepts of marriage as the bedrock of social development.
Myles Munroe
Every day I am trying to improve my life.
Alicia Machado
Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.
Bo Bennett
A good athlete always mentally replays a competition over and over, even in victory, to see what might be done to improve the performance the next time.
Frank Shorter
West Virginia has consistently been ranked at or near the bottom amongst all states for our regulatory environment by publications such as Forbes and CNBC. This is an area where we need to improve.
Jim Justice
I really think that you have to find a partner that compliments you and is somebody that pushes you and is better at some things than you are, so they can push you to improve yourself as a person. That’s my take.
Ashton Kutcher
I think all good writing is a struggle. To write as well as you feel you can has to be a struggle, almost by definition, because you could always improve.
Jane Asher
Every little opportunity and chance that I get to be on a set, to be a director, to utilize the skill sets that I already have and to learn what I don’t know, and to see how I can improve upon that is just a really great opportunity for me.
Eric Balfour
Beginning players are predictable and rarely bluff. They tend to focus only on their own hand and simply hope to catch the one card they need to improve.
Daniel Negreanu
The Libertarian position on immigration is to have, not open borders with no restrictions, but to have controlled borders that allow hard-working people to come into America to help raise their standard of living and improve the American economy.
Michael Badnarik
Men are like wine – some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.
Pope John XXIII
When you get to play with the big boys, your game improves drastically.
Ajay Naidu
Social-impact partnerships address our moral responsibilities to ensure that social programs actually improve recipients’ lives, and to do so in a fiscally prudent manner.
Todd Young
Education is among the most important problems we face because it’s the ultimate ‘gateway’ problem. That is, it drives virtually every global problem that we face as a species. But there’s a flip-side: if we can fix education, then we’ll dramatically improve the other problems, too.
Jose Ferreira
Involvement in the arts engages kids in their community, improves self-esteem, reclaims at-risk youth, and builds the creative skills that are required of a 21st century workforce.
Gavin Newsom
One of the reasons that I’m still in the military – or I stayed in the military – is because I think the military has been a place where certainly people could improve, advance, and were treated fairly.
Michael Mullen
Teachers know how to improve education.
Charles Best
I am just as ordinary as anyone else, and I also have my problems, but I also am responsible for my own health. So I’ll be on that exercise bike, I’ll be out there walking and try to improve my health and diet as much as I’m expecting of other Tasmanians.
Lara Giddings
Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I think whenever you have a product you are always trying to improve it. Whether it is a commercial project out on the market or it’s a creative collaboration, you are always looking to keep you audiences more engaged.
Brenda Strong
A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, t

A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman.
Edmund Burke
I want to improve my bunker, fairway and putting status because that’s been my weakness over the last three years. If I can just focus on this, then everything else will come.
Yani Tseng
I think it’s always great to not be the smartest person in the room because I don’t want to ever feel like I can’t improve upon what I’m doing. I just want to surround myself with people that are better actors than me and better singers and dancers and see what happens.
Drew Seeley
I like to be buttoned onto tradition. The thing is to improve it, twist it and mold it; to make something new of it; not to deny it. The riches of history can be plucked at any point.
Philip Johnson
We have to improve our ability to deliver tangible results, namely sales, not simply awareness or change of attitude among opinion formers.
Richard Edelman
Anybody that I can work with that will help improve the lives of New Yorkers, I will work with that person.
Christine Quinn
A company can set off in one direction, figures out that it’s not the right way to go, and then go in an entirely new direction. Over time, the product or service improves, and the company gets better at executing and delivering.
Andrew Yang
Modern genetic engineering makes producing GMO food products relatively easy. GMOs can improve crop yield and greatly enhance the nutritional value of those same crops.
Richard J. Roberts
If you have ability in a certain area, why not capitalize on it and improve it and use it?
Wilt Chamberlain
Our healthcare system has seen some of the greatest achievements of the human intellect since we started recording history: We’re developing incredible devices and implantables to improve the quantity and quality of people’s lives.
Dean Kamen
The privileged Victorians who did most to improve the lives of the poor were not ashamed of their pious intent: they were superiors seeking to help inferiors.
Michel Faber
I have always been a bit of an introvert. In fact, my dad used to force me to meet people so that my interpersonal skills improve. As an individual, I was happiest when left alone.
Ashwin Sanghi
The most important advice I can offer is that writing is a craft that you can learn by practicing. If you keep writing, you will improve.
Lauren Tarshis
In order to improve healthcare, we’ll have to spend more on it, increase accountability and decentralize services, enforce standards and reinstate people’s faith in it.
N. R. Narayana Murthy
Being a quarterback, the way I believe is there’s always so much room to improve. Any little detail. I always cut up the film and try to watch what I can improve on, whatever little detail it is.
Russell Wilson
The function of journalism is, primarily, to uncover vital new information in the public interest and to put that information in a context so that we can use it to improve the human condition.
Joshua Oppenheimer
Europe would be well advised to pay more attention to Latin America. The emerging economies are the engines of the global economy. Colombia has done too little to improve its reputation in Europe.
Juan Manuel Santos
My goal is to improve my game, stay healthy and be competitive. If I have that, I know I can be able to win tournaments, which in the end is what it counts.
Rafael Nadal
Wine lovers have known for centuries that decanting wine before serving it often improves its flavor. Whatever the dominant process, the traditional decanter is a rather pathetic tool to accomplish it. A few years ago, I found I could get much better results by using an ordinary kitchen blender.
Nathan Myhrvold
If men were basically evil, who would bother to improve the world instead of giving it up as a bad job at the outset?
Van Wyck Brooks
The idea is to improve somebody’s day. That’s how I’ve always viewed my job. I’m a distraction therapist. I make people’s problems go away for just a little bit.
I’ve slipped on occasion into the realm of irresponsible invective, but I try to avoid it and generally recant when I fall short. Because name-calling does nothing to improve understanding or move the political debate forward.
Mark McKinnon
Some minds improve by travel, others, rather, resemble copper wire, or brass, which get the narrower by going farther.
Thomas Hood
I’ve spoken several times with Prime Minister Erdogan about relations between Turkey and Israel. I’m pleased that, following President Obama’s visit to Israel, talks between Israel and Turkey are again taking place and hope that relations between them will further improve in the interest of both countries.
Angela Merkel
Normally when I work with bands I’m trying to refine and improve what’s already there.
Jerry Harrison
If someone feels afraid to tell you honest criticism, then you’re never going to improve.
Cole Sprouse
Baseball is all about pitching, and we know we have to improve our pitching.
Tom Hicks
If you’re not striving to improve, you’ll end up going backwards.
Owen Farrell
I think that the lady who is waiting on me at the local diner, who has kids in school and the mouths to feed, I think she probably has as nice a life as I have. And she only wants to improve her life, her lifestyle.
Martha Stewart
You have to want to improve all the time.
Clarence Seedorf
All this time I lived with my parents, and wrought on the plantation; and having had schooling pretty well for a planter, I used to improve myself in winter evenings, and other leisure times.
John Woolman
We are at the very beginning of time for the human race

We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on.
Richard P. Feynman
You can learn more from the lows than the highs. The highs are great but the lows make you really look at things in a different way and want to improve. Every player will have both in their careers and I have, but what you get is that experience which is so important to perform at your best.
Wayne Rooney
Every year I try to grow as a player and not get stuck in a rut. I try to improve my game in every way possible. But that trait is not something I’ve worked on, it’s part of me.
Lionel Messi
Although awareness of cancer’s prevalence in the United States improves and medical advances in the field abound, pancreatic cancer has largely been absent from the list of major success stories.
Chris Van Hollen
People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy.
Oliver Goldsmith
Very often, I recognize many, many defects, so I try to improve myself every day. I think my voice is very communicative.
Andrea Bocelli
And we have abundant natural energy resources in the country. We haven’t been taking adequate advantage of them, and we can burn coal in a clean way; we could improve the grid.
John W. Snow
Your job, as a head coach and general manager, is to listen and not bypass any opportunity to help your team improve.
Josh McDaniels
I take the view that anything you can do to relieve suffering or improve human health will usually be widely accepted by the public – that is to say, if cloning actually turned out to be solving some problems and was useful to people, I think it would be accepted.
John Gurdon
If you improve education by teaching for competence, eliminating schooling, and connecting with students, the test scores will improve.
William Glasser
It is likely that we need more radiation to improve our longevity.
John Cameron
We are going to secure this country. We are going to manage it properly. We will continue to improve the situation, security, economy, and fighting corruption.
Muhammadu Buhari
Amazon thrived because it implemented the online bookstore idea better than any of its early rivals did, not because it was the only company to have the idea or the first company to have the idea. It continues to grow only because it keeps trying to improve on the details of the idea and the way it puts it into practise.
Max McKeown
As a tennis player, you have to get used to losing every week. Unless you win the tournament, you always go home as a loser. But you have to take the positive out of a defeat and go back to work. Improve to fail better.
Stan Wawrinka
There was a time when nails were high-tech. There was a time when people had to be told how to use a telephone. Technology is just a tool. People use tools to improve their lives.
Tom Clancy
I focus on how to improve my fitness level.
Jasprit Bumrah
Filipino talents and skills are becoming ubiquitous in many parts of the world. Returning Filipino workers have helped improve our skills and technological standards.
Ferdinand Marcos
Being Christian towards poor people means trying to improve their lives and give them back some self-respect.
Jo Brand
There’s nothing so improves the mood of the Party as the imminent execution of a senior colleague.
Alan Clark
That’s my hunger. If I start to relax, and I lose that, then I had better stop my football. I need that hunger. I still feel I need to do things 10 times better than other players. Just to be accepted and to improve myself.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Hard things make me happy. You get upset, but you mature and improve: the quicker you reach your best level, the longer you stay there. They say players peak at 28; I wanted to be there at 22, 23.
Saul Niguez
If you mingle with real people, only then your craft can improve. I spend most of my time outside the vanity van, speaking to people. You never know what you can pick from a person.
Bhumi Pednekar
Engineering or technology is all about using the power of science to make life better for people, to reduce cost, to improve comfort, to improve productivity, etc.
N. R. Narayana Murthy
I want to thank the efforts of the American Public Health Association and its 200-plus partners who have organized events around the Nation that serve to raise everyone’s awareness of the need to improve public health.
Lois Capps
I wanted to improve the suburban office building; to create a great urban space in a suburban environment with all that implies about interaction, collaboration and creativity.
Helmut Jahn
When you’re younger, it’s about, ‘How can I get better? How can I become the player that I want to be?’ As you get older, it’s, ‘How can this football team improve?’ While all along getting better along the way.
Tony Romo
I always try to improve, to find new ways of expressing myself, to keep looking for truth and originality.
Burt Lancaster
With tens of thousands of patients dying every year from preventable medical errors, it is imperative that we embrace available technologies and drastically improve the way medical records are handled and processed.
Jon Porter
Technology continues to bring us wondrous advances in filmmaking to improve how we view movies.
Ridley Scott
I was motivated to improve the U.S. strategy of going back to the moon in 1985. That’s a long time ago. Going back to the moon would be a great achievement for tourism adventure flights.
Buzz Aldrin
Do we talk about the dignity of work? Do we give our students any reason for believing it is worthwhile to sacrifice for their work because such sacrifices improve the psychological and mental health of the person who makes them?
Sargent Shriver
I am proud to represent these men and women who empower

I am proud to represent these men and women who empower people in developing nations and promote the Peace Corps mission of peace and friendship. These volunteers are making major strides to improve the lives of people and communities around the world.
Kenny Marchant
Things began to improve when I went to Rangoon. To begin with, my father was promoted, which meant he was at home more. The matriarchal society was ended, and for the first time, I went to a boys’ school.
Spike Milligan
What I try to do is improve as much as I can so I can be the best bowler I possibly can.
James Anderson
We need to have a regulatory budget in America that limits the amount of regulations on our economy. We need to repeal and replace Obamacare, and we need to improve higher education so that people can have access to the skills they need for 21st century jobs.
Marco Rubio
With all the media attention, all the love from the fans, I felt I needed to prove myself. Prove that I’m not a marketing tool, I’m not a ploy to improve attendance. Prove I can play in this league. But I’ve surrendered that to God. I’m not in a battle with what everybody else thinks anymore.
Jeremy Lin
While we believe there are fruitful opportunities to update and improve old rules, we do not want to set up a review process that could create a litigation morass.
Fred Thompson
I’ll continue to try to make changes to better improve the team.
Isaiah Thomas
Humans have always used our intelligence and creativity to improve our existence. After all, we invented the wheel, discovered how to make fire, invented the printing press and found a vaccine for polio.
Naveen Jain
I felt impelled to write. It felt demonic, and I wanted to improve, the way some people habitually pick up a guitar and get better at playing it and making up songs.
Sarah Hall
Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills.
Tom Peters
We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.
Bill Gates
If your concentration is getting bad, take up bass fishing. It will really improve your ability to focus. If you aren’t ready when that fish hits, you can’t set the hook.
Lee Trevino
Scientists do stand on the shoulders of giants, just as do writers. Conversely, in the arts we do make discoveries. We do refine our tools. So I am arguing with, or at least playing with, the idea that art never improves.
Ian Mcewan
There was never any effort made out there to improve the artist.
Jackie Cooper
I’m always looking forward and trying to improve.
Santan Dave
Any surgery done to improve one’s looks is not really something someone wants to talk about.
Joe Buck
The financial crisis and the Great Recession demonstrated, in a dramatic and unmistakable manner, how extraordinarily vulnerable are the large share of American families with very few assets to fall back on. We have come far from the worst moments of the crisis, and the economy continues to improve.
Janet Yellen
Always remember those things that tend to strengthen and improve your understanding. You cannot learn without attention, neither retain those lessons that you have once learnt without frequently reflecting upon and reviewing them in your mind; by this means, things long past will remain impressed upon your memory.
Dorothea Dix
Intelligence is our first line of defense against terrorism, and we must improve the collection capabilities and analysis of intelligence to protect the security of the United States and its allies.
Saxby Chambliss
Intervals and other types of speed work are essential to improve running speed.
Frank Shorter
I’m most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, in my life. He’s given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down, but you can still get back up. Hopefully I’ll learn from my mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do.
Martin Lawrence
It’s not that the system is broken, but clearly there are ways to improve the system, strengthen it, to make sure that we can put together the various bits and pieces of information in a way that allows us to stop every single terrorist out there.
John O. Brennan
There is the view that poetry should improve your life. I think people confuse it with the Salvation Army.
John Ashbery
We can help show data on how much the kids can improve when their home life changes a little bit.
Zac Brown
Writers are a product of where we come from, but by looking at alternatives to the culture in which we live, we can find ways to change and hopefully improve it.
Sara Sheridan
Almost everything The Beatles did was great, and it’s hard to improve on. They were our Bach. The way to get around it may be to keep it as simple as possible.
T Bone Burnett
I’m extremely competitive, extremely ambitious, and always looking for ways to improve and move up, to do things better.
My motivation was an idea of being able to improve the conditions of life, to try to find a remedy to many of the problems facing the world. That’s what led me into economics. I saw it as a way of helping people.
Maurice Allais
There are no ultimatums for Renault other than we want to improve as quickly as we can.
Christian Horner
Abortion politics have distracted all sides from what is really essential: a major aid campaign to improve midwifery, prenatal care and emergency obstetric services in poor countries.
Nicholas Kristof
In China, going public has a cachet from a branding standpoint. It will improve our image to ad agencies, government regulators.
Victor Koo
As the bill requires, any terror alert system must give

As the bill requires, any terror alert system must give people and organizations some indication about what steps they must take to improve their own security and assist in the Nation’s security.
Patrick J. Kennedy
Poetry can do a lot of things to people. I mean it can improve your imagination. It can take you to new places. It can give you this incredible form of verbal pleasure.
Billy Collins
Hopefully my books are improving. One of the ways I find motivation to improve is looking at someone who is already at a high level and continues to get better with each book. That’s really what you want to emulate.
Michael Koryta
Variety improves the things that we do too often, but it rules the things that we don’t do often enough.
Daniel Gilbert
Mushrooms are miniature pharmaceutical factories, and of the thousands of mushroom species in nature, our ancestors and modern scientists have identified several dozen that have a unique combination of talents that improve our health.
Paul Stamets
I want all Egyptian people to follow my way to improve themselves. We are a huge country. We have many children. I want everyone to dream and feel they can do something.
Mohamed Salah
Gritty people train at the edge of their comfort zone. They zero in on one narrow aspect of their performance and set a stretch goal to improve it.
Angela Duckworth
I really think that you have to find a partner that compliments you and is somebody that pushes you and is better at some things than you are, so they can push you to improve yourself as a person.
Ashton Kutcher
Jamie Oliver, quite rightly, was talking about trying to improve the diet of children in schools and improving school meals, but the net effect was the number of children eating school meals in many of these places didn’t go up, it went down.
Andrew Lansley
Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family.
Bo Bennett
Here we spent so much time together – eight months of our lives almost – and it was so great because we all got so close and that really made us not afraid to improve with each other.
Emmy Rossum
I am working to make sure we don’t only protect the environment, we also improve governance.
Wangari Maathai
Building infrastructure is our most powerful tool to create jobs and improve the playing field for all businesses.
Conor Lamb
While it’s not obvious to people now, in the long-run, the permissionless innovation that Bitcoin enables will ultimately improve the lives of billions of people.
Nick Tomaino
Job training empowers people to realize their dreams and improve their lives.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Thanks to the digital and big data revolution, we can start to do what was previously unthinkable – to improve patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs while delivering personalized care to each individual.
Frans van Houten
Since I’ve been a part of this league, I can’t recall when they’ve actually made rules that have actually helped to improve the game of basketball.
B. J. Armstrong
Be able to resign. It will improve your value to the President and do wonders for your performance.
Donald Rumsfeld
Maintaining a consistent platform also helps improve product support – a significant problem in the software industry.
Bill Gates
The giant fraud that is Britain’s education system strides ever onwards, messing up many more lives than it improves.
Peter Hitchens
So much of our lives is given over to the consideration of our imperfections that there is no time to improve our imaginary virtues. The truth is we only perfect our vices, and man is a worse creature when he dies than he was when he was born.
Edward Dahlberg
The point of my job is to entertain and make it look easy, so I guess it’s the parts you don’t often see which make me feel proud. All the behind the scenes work, the fears and insecurities I have to face and overcome to improve myself as a person and performer, all of the people who believe in me and encourage me.
Kylie Minogue
An organisation is always a very dynamic situation, you always need to improve yourself and organisation is one of the tools you’ve got.
Mattia Binotto
I believe we are put here to improve civilisation.
Seamus Heaney
I think there are many faces to everyone. I also have my bad sides. Also I think everyone is trying to improve their shortcomings to become more wholesome.
Zhou Xun
Just think of the opportunities we can unlock by making education as addictive as a video game. This type of experiential, addictive learning improves decision-making skills and increases the processing speed and spatial skills of the brain. When was the last time your child asked for help with a video game?
Naveen Jain
I wouldn’t change myself for anybody. I am who I am; people accept me, or they don’t. I have my strengths and my weaknesses, which I can try to improve upon, of course. I’m still not the finished product.
Granit Xhaka
Life improves slowly and goes wrong fast, and only catastrophe is clearly visible.
Edward Teller
In a sensibly organised society, if you improve productivity, there is room for everybody to benefit.
Geoffrey Hinton
If liberty has any meaning it means freedom to improve.
Philip Wylie
A community is a group of people who have come together, and they work and they live to try and improve the standard of living and quality of life – and I don’t mean money.
William Baldwin
The instinct to improve oneself materially is necessary

The instinct to improve oneself materially is necessary for growth. It is at the fountain of the enterprising spirit which drives private enterprise.
Said Musa
A product is usually created to improve people’s lives; otherwise, why buy it? I’m no genius, but I am an American, and gosh-darnit, I consume, so I know what I’m talking about.
Steven Weber
Many American Muslims are peaceful and define jihad primarily as an internal struggle to improve.
Marvin Olasky
People have to realize that just because you’re a Christian, it doesn’t mean that you’re perfect, because every once in a while everyone stumbles. Living by faith is about when you do mess up, getting back up, brushing yourself off, and keep trying to improve where you mess up or where you have temptation.
Tim Tebow
There is no better teacher than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.
Malcolm X
Energy has become a national security issue and as technology continues to improve, there will be more debates like the one on Keystone.
Ed Royce
I can always improve.
Gabriel Jesus
Time is valuable, and telework is a viable component to help improve quality of life in many ways.
Rob Wittman
Just as we Liberal Democrats opposed the flawed logic of that war in Iraq – we will oppose the flawed government claim that we have to surrender our fundamental rights in order to improve our security.
Charles Kennedy
President Obama is a utopian at heart. He wants to improve the lives of the downtrodden, which is a good thing. But, he doesn’t understand that damaging the free marketplace in pursuit of ‘social justice’ will eventually harm those whom he wants to help. The nation’s crushing debt is a tsunami brewing off shore.
Bill O’Reilly
When I was at Cambridge in the early fifties, there was a school nearby for training Army officers in Russian, and some imaginative genius came up with the idea of putting on Russian plays with the students to improve their language skills.
Robert Gottlieb
I am so sick of being exhorted, as a writer, to improve the world by representing it in a more hopeful way.
Russell Smith
I know a lot of actors don’t watch themselves on TV, but I think it’s good to see how else you can improve.
Michael Welch
I believe that the role of limited government should be looking after the needs of veterans, the elderly, children and those institutions that improve the quality of life for struggling families – I don’t believe that government should bend to serve the needs of subsidized multi-national corporations and entitled billionaires.
People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher or better than themselves.
Tryon Edwards
An education system where student selection is based on credit capacity and not merit capacity and where graduating students are no longer indebted to the nation, but increasingly indebted to the Australian Taxation Office – that’s no way to improve the quality of education.
Gough Whitlam
When you compare individuals, rather than countries, you find that education improves both income and the quality of life.
Abhijit Banerjee
If people ask me, ‘What do you think could improve in Toronto dining,’ I’d say there’s nothing to improve on.
David Chang
Tart cherries lower the levels of inflammation in the body, which may be particularly useful for those who suffer from gout. They have also been used to improve sleep.
Michael Greger
Of course I am doing a good job, but you can always improve, and I just leave it up to people outside, around me or whatever, to judge on that.
Max Verstappen
I admire companies that give back to communities. It is an absolute essential for organizations to watch, mitigate, and improve their impact on the environment, people, communities, their health and overall well-being. But this is a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition.
Shiv Nadar
I find writing extremely difficult. I usually have to drag myself to my desk, mainly because I doubt myself. And it’s getting harder because I want to improve with every book.
Markus Zusak
Just as people have long believed that strengthening ties of trade improves the prospects for peace and the free exchange of ideas, Facebook friendships or Twitter followings already transcend national borders.
Douglas Alexander
Trees will improve property values, take pollutants out of the air, help with water runoff.
Michael Bloomberg
I’ve become increasingly fascinated with social media to improve on traditional ways of preparing for and predicting the future.
Noreena Hertz
China will stay firmly committed to the basic state policy of opening-up. We will actively and effectively use foreign investment, improve its structure, diversify its form and open up more channels and sectors so as to facilitate investment.
Hu Jintao
There are great disciplines from being a sportsman that you can transfer into being an artist. The preparation, the sacrifice, the constant desire to improve.
Matt Smith
Studying design has made me a much, much more astute observer of this aspect of business. And I’m working mightily to improve my empathic skills. I’ve dramatically improved my ability to read facial expressions – and I’m trying to be a better, more attentive listener.
Daniel H. Pink
Everything is perfect in the universe – even your desire to improve it.
Wayne Dyer
If we invest in logistic centers, improve on infrastructure and create a facilitative environment, we can easily turn Dar es Salaam into another Dubai of its kind.
Jakaya Kikwete
As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women’s mental health: employment improves it.
Susan Faludi
I am passionate about singing, and I strive to improve

I am passionate about singing, and I strive to improve with every song and keep getting better.
Guru Randhawa
Theater is, of course, a reflection of life. Maybe we have to improve life before we can hope to improve theater.
William Inge
Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
James Allen
Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance.
Arthur Ashe
I think there’s no higher calling in terms of a career than public service, which is a chance to make a difference in people’s lives and improve the world.
Jack Lew
Every off-season you look at what you can improve on. So you come in for the new season fresh and ready to go again.
Mason Mount
Encouraging wellness and prevention helps improve quality of life and can lower costs, too. I saw too many patients who had poor health because of their decisions, but too often, all they needed was a doctor to help point them in the right direction.
Charles Boustany
I responded that we needed a private sector to improve the market situation and make peoples lives easier.
Alexander Dubcek
Every year I try to keep in excellent shape and improve some part of my game. I play in the offseason overseas to keep my game tuned up and hopefully improve a little in some area.
Sue Wicks
It is my goal as governor to steady the ship of state and improve the image of Alabama, part of that entails ending unnecessary duplication of services within state agencies.
Kay Ivey
The possibility of divorce renders both marriage partners stricter in their observance of the duties they owe to each other. Divorces help to improve morals and to increase the population.
Denis Diderot
Our culture is intent on taking the lines out of people’s faces – surgically, with costly creams, and with fear and trembling – when, in fact, the opposite should be the case. As artists know, if there is anything behind a face, that face improves with age.
Karen DeCrow
A person like Carole King could make up something, change it, and actually improve it.
Jules Shear
I think this is one of the greatest strengths of this school. Not only do the students go on to achieve great milestones in their own lives, they never forget their roots and the school that gave them the chance they needed to improve their lives and their families’ lives.
Michael N. Castle
Like I said, I’m just trying to continue to improve and get better.
Karrie Webb
There’s a lot we can do to improve American’s retirement security, but it’s wrong to replace the guaranteed benefit that Americans have earned with a guaranteed benefit cut of forty percent or more.
Harry Reid
I am not trying to bring down the NSA, I am working to improve the NSA. I am still working for the NSA right now. They are the only ones who don’t realize it.
Edward Snowden
When I decide to score, I score. I know I am strong, but I believe it is not enough yet. I can kick fine, dribble very well, but I still have to improve.
Mario Balotelli
Buying an aggregator and calling it a content play is a little like a company’s announcing plans to improve its cash position by hiring a counterfeiter.
Bill Keller
To the extent societal rules or the wiring of your brains make it easy to acquire a lot of assets, then to the extent you can, you should try to improve the world.
Mohnish Pabrai
I can improve it a little bit. But it’s my head, it’s the way I am. So at the end of the day, I will be who I am and I will win how much I can win.
Marat Safin
I hold that while man exists, it is his duty to improve not only his own condition, but to assist in ameliorating mankind.
Abraham Lincoln
Money can’t buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.
Christopher Marlowe
I went to a seminar early in my career on the craft of storytelling by Robert McKee. It was really life altering. There are basic principles on how to craft an engaging story and he covers them well. He’s got a book out, ‘Story,’ that I would highly recommend to anyone interested in improve their storytelling.
Jane Jensen
There will come a time when the public will tire of me and let me know it. That’s when I retire. But so far, I’ve continued to grow. I keep pushing myself to improve.
Barbara Mandrell
I like to be able to control which players I’m working with. Because it doesn’t matter how good a coach you are if the guys you’re working with think they already know it all. You need a response, you need to feel they’re trying. I want players who are always striving to improve.
Gordon Strachan
I don’t know driving in another way which isn’t risky. Each one has to improve himself. Each driver has its limit. My limit is a little bit further than other’s.
Ayrton Senna
As for the French language, it’s probably one of the most beautiful in the world. I speak a little bit and I can follow conversations, but I think it will take time to improve myself.
Charlene, Princess of Monaco
Thanks to the rise of cloud computing, collaboration tools are becoming increasingly affordable, allowing even the smallest firms to implement enterprise-grade solutions that can significantly improve communication lines between employees and customers.
Jean-Philippe Courtois
The real solution is to improve the incomes of the poor and provide their children with decent education.
Carol Bellamy
If you could take a subway from the suburbs in Boston, where I live, to downtown in 10 minutes, that improves your life over sitting in a traffic jam. People should see that.
Noam Chomsky
We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There

We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contest, and we must win.
Edward Gibbon
My philosophy from day one is that I can sleep better at night if I can improve an individual’s knowledge about food and wine, and do it on a daily basis.
Emeril Lagasse
Having no competition is a bad thing. Competition makes you try to improve yourself all the time.
Shu Qi
Enhancing revenues will help us improve education and solve our infrastructure problems.
Roy Barnes
I’ve made some films for the military that are teaching things like cultural awareness and leadership issues, that sort of stuff. And try to, in essence, look at what training they’re doing and say, ‘This is how you can improve the training from a humanistic point of view.’
Carl Weathers
The United States should encourage Israel to take further steps to improve the Palestinian economy.
Elliott Abrams
By creating useful job descriptions and making clear what qualifications should be expected, the Department aims to help improve schools’ ability to recruit the right people.
Estelle Morris
When I was a teenager, I did a lot of pull-ups and push-ups. Every night before bed, I’d do 150 – in sets of 30 or so. Looking back on it now, I’m not totally sure that’s the best way to improve as a climber. But it did make me a lot better at doing pull-ups and push-ups.
Alex Honnold
We need leadership in this country, which will improve the lives of working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. We need leadership which brings our people together and makes us stronger.
Bernie Sanders
I think anything which improves services is in principle a good thing.
Tony Abbott
I think you can improve on everything; you’re never perfect.
Max Verstappen
We can change who we are. We can improve ourselves in various ways, and we can give ourselves possibilities.
James Heckman
Because of lower life expectancy in Scotland – something that we are working hard to improve – the average woman will get £11,000 less in pension payments than counterparts in the rest of the U.K., even though she will pay exactly the same in contributions.
Nicola Sturgeon
By supporting all the links in the building chain and giving them an easy, intuitive tool for sharing model-based project information, GTeam enhances workflows and improves communication from design through to fabrication and assembly.
Greg Lynn
It is the inspiration of the Olympic Games that drives people not only to compete but to improve, and to bring lasting spiritual and moral benefits to the athlete and inspiration to those lucky enough to witness the athletic dedication.
Herb Elliott
I have an almost complete disregard of precedent, and a faith in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things have always been done. I defy the tyranny of precedent. I go for anything new that might improve the past.
Clara Barton
We live in a world where, for whatever reason, the conversations that tend to stick are the ones where ‘if it bleeds, it leads.’ But we’ve always been afraid of new technologies in spite of the fact that they’ve helped improve our lives in countless ways.
Jason Silva
Improv training allows you to get out of your head a little bit and take more risks, which is something I would like to continue to improve upon.
Allison Tolman
My transformation represents more than what is just skin deep; it represents my motivation, drive, and willingness to constantly improve.
Jinder Mahal
I will tell them that you can work hard, you can improve your life and the lives of your children in one day when you deliver your youngest child to the university, you will look her in the eye and say, ‘You will give back.’
Mia Love
The use of drones to improve public safety, agriculture and other uses will only increase.
Cindy Hyde-Smith
There’s always room to improve in a restaurant. A restaurant is better or worse every day than it was the day before. It’s impossible not to be, because it’s human.
Michael Mina
Aid can work where there is good governance, and usually fails where governments are unable or unwilling to commit aid to improve the lives of their people.
Lee H. Hamilton
Sometimes I try to improve the language, the lines, or the delivery, but I don’t ad-lib because I think that makes it really hard for everybody else involved.
Harrison Ford
Several amendments should be made to the primary and general election laws to improve them, but such changes must in no way interfere with a full and free expression of the people’s choice in naming the candidates to be voted on at general elections.
Arthur Capper
He who improves an opportunity sows a seed which will yield fruit in opportunity for himself and others.
Orison Swett Marden
Charlie and I discovered at a really young at that we had a passion for figure skating, and I think that passion drives us to work every day to improve and grow. We have really learned to love our sport more and more, year to year. And the hard work really pays off.
Meryl Davis
Normally, I focus on my job and focus on trying to help my team and trying to improve every training session and try to be as a good as I can.
David de Gea
Human bodies are designed for regular physical activity. The sedentary nature of much of modern life probably plays a significant role in the epidemic incidence of depression today. Many studies show that depressed patients who stick to a regimen of aerobic exercise improve as much as those treated with medication.
Andrew Weil
The truth is that contraception saves lives, prevents unplanned pregnancies, improves outcomes for children and reduces the number of abortions.
Ann McLane Kuster
I’m not anti-middle-class in the slightest. Look at me! I am very pro people putting time and money and effort into trying to improve the world.
J. K. Rowling
Jiu Jitsu is probably the No. 1 activity that I could r

Jiu Jitsu is probably the No. 1 activity that I could recommend to someone to improve their lives overall.
Jocko Willink
I’m a computer scientist by training. I’m also the author of three books, all of which endorse the use of biotechnology to improve the human condition. In the most recent of these, ‘The Infinite Resource,’ I talk about the power of innovation to save the world.
Ramez Naam
Anybody who can improve the business in the long run is a good buyer.
Rajeev Suri
We support every effort to combat international terrorism through the formulation of international conventions and hope that the international community will take further steps to improve the anti-terrorism international legal framework.
Li Peng
Underperforming hospitals or units should accept that they have to improve the service they offer or that patients, quite properly, will go elsewhere.
Andrew Lansley
It is an honor to serve as the Ad Council’s next Chair of the Board of Directors. I am deeply committed to its mission of creating campaigns that improve everyday lives. I look forward to working with the Ad Council team and Board to continue to shine a light on the most important social issues of our day.
Margo Georgiadis
If Indonesia improves governance of the fisheries sector and invests in large-scale maritime transport, it can double fish production by 2019.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
We believe widespread adoption of home solar will significantly improve life in cities by phasing out polluting coal plants, eliminating miles of ugly new transmission lines, and ensuring cleaner, healthier lives.
Lynn Jurich
I think English is very important for tennis players. To be on the tour, it’s much more easier if you speak English. So that’s why I knew that I have to improve my English.
Petra Kvitova
I want to improve as a player, but it’s all about the team.
Kyle Walker
A good man should be on the PM’s chair. The country’s condition should improve. Only because of this I have supported Modi. You may call it a masterstroke or anything else.
Raj Thackeray
I always see things that I can improve. But frankly with Stripes, I’m surprised at how effective it is, even today, and how vibrant that movie is and how juicy the performances all are.
Ivan Reitman
Playing live is everything. Sometimes being on the road is hard, and it’s a lot of work, and tiring. From a musical point of view, you improve all the time. Not only that, but you learn how to deal with people and deal with energy in a live setting.
Xavier Rudd
Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to the 9/11 Commission members for their valuable service and important recommendations to improve homeland security.
Jim Ramstad
I would not advise people to buy a car or house without making a list. You will probably improve your intuitions by making a list and then sleeping on it.
Daniel Kahneman
I’m thrilled to be joining Gap Inc., a company that understands the importance of integrating technology and retail in ways that improve the lives of its customers.
Padmasree Warrior
I don’t think that it’s ever irrelevant to know where you came from, to know your history, and to improve upon your history.
Rege-Jean Page
Until we all start to take responsibility, until we do all we can to improve the character of our communities, we’ll never break the cycle of violence and indifference.
Carrie P. Meek
Our lives improve only when we take chances – and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.
Walter Anderson
If we want to improve American food and make it much cheaper, we should deregulate the food trucks and the other street vendors, provided they meet certain sanitation standards. Many cities have already moved down this path, and people are not keeling over with salmonella.
Tyler Cowen
Infrastructure is the backbone of economic growth. It improves access to basic services such as clean water and electricity, creates jobs and boosts business.
Alok Sharma
When Department of Health and Human Services administrators decided to base 30 percent of hospitals’ Medicare reimbursement on patient satisfaction survey scores, they likely figured that transparency and accountability would improve healthcare.
Alexandra Robbins
If you improve your education system, there’s no telling what kind of businesses you’ll be able to attract.
Shelley Berkley
No tennis player is perfect. Even if you’re world #1, I don’t think, you still have things to improve on, and I’m not even close to that. So I am going to have weaknesses in my game; I am going to have strengths in my game, but I still have time to develop a lot of things, hopefully, and we’ll see how it goes.
Sania Mirza
Despite the painful changes we have had to make, we continue to believe in the St. Louis market. And we are hoping to add flights, in a careful way, as the economics of our business improve and the demands of the traveling public in St. Louis become clear.
Gerard Arpey
You can always improve your fitness if you keep training.
Pastor Maldonado
Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.
Bette Davis
I’m always trying to improve my skills as an actor. I think it shows in ‘El Gringo;’ it shows in the new ‘Universal Soldier.’ You can’t rest on your laurels; you’ve got to keep improving.
Scott Adkins
I’ve written a lot of books now; I’ve been published for over 30 years. I hope with every book I learn something new, and with every new novel I try to improve the process of writing.
Charlaine Harris
Every single match, win, lose or draw, there’s something that we can improve on, and it’s about us addressing that straight after the match.
Ashleigh Barty
During consideration in the Education and the Workforce Committee this year, Democrats and Republicans worked constructively together to improve the delivery of Head Start services to the target populations.
Lucille Roybal-Allard
My search for ways to improve my touch has never ended.

My search for ways to improve my touch has never ended. We players tried a lot of different things and compared notes. Little fads would set in.
Arnold Palmer
Done right, a performance review is one of the best opportunities to encourage and support high performers and constructively improve your middle- and lower-tier workers.
Kathryn Minshew
I believe that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act must be reformed. We must improve the American public’s confidence in, and perception of, our national security programs, by increasing transparency, strengthening oversight, and safeguarding civil liberties.
Dutch Ruppersberger
By themselves, genetically engineered crops will not end hunger or improve health or bolster the economies of struggling countries. They won’t save the sight of millions or fortify their bones. But they will certainly help.
Michael Specter
Technology has enormous potential to address educational needs more efficiently, help teachers improve their performance, and enrich and individualize student learning.
Wendy Kopp
We need to work together to fairly assess and improve the long-term economic and health value – and affordability – of all components of the healthcare system, including hospitalizations, drugs, devices, and other interventions, to optimize our health investment decisions.
Kenneth Frazier
For me it was perfect, because it wasn’t a very competitive environment, and it was a studio program. They basically send you off, and say, bring us some work, and we’ll help you improve it. It really rewarded self-discipline.
Anthony Doerr
Again and again, universities have put a low priority on the very programs and initiatives that are needed most to increase productivity and competitiveness, improve the quality of government, and overcome the problems of illiteracy, miseducation, and unemployment.
Derek Bok
All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.
Samuel Johnson
We’re in a situation where the solutions that we have are not good enough. The way to improve anything is to have a discussion about its flaws. To understand what the one or two or three things are about it that would help fix it. The DMCA makes it dangerous to have that conversation.
Edward Felten
Things will only improve when the people – all of us – say to authorities, ‘I will hold you responsible.’ We should all be showing up at city council meetings, lighting up every community with activism and mobilization.
Erin Brockovich
Education is the silver bullet to improve this Nation’s standing worldwide… and our teachers know that.
Solomon Ortiz
If a school makes an effort to provide kids the right foods and help them to be more active, this benefits the student and the family’s health. If you embark on a program to improve your health with a church or community group, you are more likely to stick with it over time.
Tom Rath
Over at Barb Bowman, she’s arguing that we should turn off Facebook’s tracking of ads. I totally disagree; those trackers make newsfeed filtering work better and potentially could help bring me better ads, which improves my life.
Robert Scoble
Your credit score takes into account years of information in most cases. It’s not going to improve in a day. But it may improve more quickly than you think. Generally, the last 24 months carry the most weight, so if you can keep clean for that long, you’ll see a boost.
Jean Chatzky
I’m no health care expert, but you’ve got technology that constantly advances the ability to extend life and maybe improve lifestyle. That puts constant upward pressure on health care costs.
Steven Burd
I’m not a huge kind of visual director. For me, it’s all about the acting. There’s no greater buzz than working with actors and seeing what they can do and how much they can improve on what you’d written. That will always be on the top of my list. It’s a real privilege to see it live before anyone else sees it.
Peter Mullan
I’m not looking to step in and make ‘big, bold changes’ – I think reddit is great, and the team has a lot of good features already in the pipeline to improve functionality for users and mods, help with subreddit discovery, improve the API, and help bring reddit to more people.
Yishan Wong
I think that Oprah’s on a mission to improve the lives of the average American in various ways. And one of them is to bring literature to people who would normally not be quite as demanding in their reading tastes, to show them writing that can be more than just entertainment.
Janet Fitch
In ‘Purab Aur Paschim’, Manoj Kumar offered me a meaningful cameo. He directed me efficiently and I was able to improve on my histrionics and appeared more confident in front of the movie camera.
Vinod Khanna
Over two billion people in China and India need commodities to grow their economies and improve their living standards.
Ivan Glasenberg
Governments will always play a huge part in solving big problems. They set public policy and are uniquely able to provide the resources to make sure solutions reach everyone who needs them. They also fund basic research, which is a crucial component of the innovation that improves life for everyone.
Bill Gates
Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live.
David Binder
The most meaningful engine of change, powerful enough to confront corporate power, may be not so much environmental quality, as the economic development and growth associated with the effort to improve it.
Barry Commoner
I’m all for having an empowered first lady who can really use that position to improve conditions, be a role model and make change.
Rory Kennedy
There’s an ancient tension between wanting to savor the world as it is and wanting to improve on the world as given.
Leon Kass
I don’t know whether I want to improve religion or not. I prefer to get rid of it.
B. F. Skinner
Trust your gut feeling about things, listen to what others are saying, and look at the results of your actions. Once you know the truth, you can set about taking action to improve. Everyone will be better for it.
Jack Canfield
As an Ambassador for PSI and a supporter of Nothing But Nets, I have met individuals around the world who are lending their ideas, their voices, and their time to improve their communities and the world at large. And there are millions more that I have not met.
Mandy Moore
How well Shakespeare knew how to improve and exalt little circumstances, when he borrowed them from circumstantial or vulgar historians.
Horace Walpole
I don’t have any health problems, but to keep your health improves your quality of life.
Mary J. Blige
The place to improve the world is first in one's own he

The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.
Robert M. Pirsig
I think the high-tech industry is used to developing new things very quickly. It’s the Silicon Valley way of doing business: You either move very quickly and you work hard to improve your product technology, or you get destroyed by some other company.
Elon Musk
I always work with a goal – and the goal is to improve as a player and a person. That, finally, is the most important thing of all.
Rafael Nadal
Learning from wolves to interact with pet dogs makes about as much sense as, ‘I want to improve my parenting – let’s see how the chimps do it!’
Ian Dunbar
I am proud that we worked so hard to improve seniors’ lives.
Mike Rogers
One thing that helps to stretch me is to listen to other preacher’s sermons. Every year, I will listen to at least ten other preachers, both to hear God speak to me, and also to evaluate their preaching to see what I can learn and how I can improve my own preaching.
Adam Hamilton
Making choices that improve things for all of us on the planet is an act of compassion, a simple act we can do any time we go shopping.
Daniel Goleman