Top 570 Many Quotes

Intersectionality is an analytic sensibility, a way of thinking about identity and its relationship to power. Originally articulated on behalf of black women, the term brought to light the invisibility of many constituents within groups that claim them as members but often fail to represent them.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.
Rene Descartes
If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married.
Katharine Hepburn
Too many choices can overwhelm us and cause us to not choose at all. For businesses, this means that if they offer us too many choices, we may not buy anything.
Sheena Iyengar
Fanatics end by subverting their own argument. For instance, animal rights activists have some point, and many people feel sympathy with them. But animal rights fanatics do not have a point. They are the sort of people who threaten human beings in their effort to ‘defend’ animals.
Douglas Murray
Musicians want to be the loud voice for so many quiet hearts.
Billy Joel
Narcissism and self-deception are survival mechanisms without which many of us might just jump off a bridge.
Todd Solondz
There’s a finite amount of time on this planet for each of us. Sometimes, the only way we figure out how to deal with that reality – knowing that there will be an end to every story, and you don’t know how many chapters are left in your book – is by living in denial.
Eddie Vedder
Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.
Albert Einstein
I’ve been actually really very pleased to see how much awareness was raised around bullying, and how deeply it affects everyone. You know, you don’t have to be the loser kid in high school to be bullied. Bullying and being picked on comes in so many different forms.
Lady Gaga
Once you have a lot of success, you become a target in many ways.
Jennifer Lopez
Perhaps my problem in marriage – and it is the problem of many women – was to want both intimacy and independence. It is a difficult line to walk, yet both needs are important to a marriage.
Hedy Lamarr
There are many roads to prosperity, but one must be taken. Inaction leads nowhere.
Robert Zoellick
Meetings should be like salt – a spice sprinkled carefully to enhance a dish, not poured recklessly over every forkful. Too much salt destroys a dish. Too many meetings destroy morale and motivation.
Jason Fried
People think because I’ve got some success, I’ve made it, but in my eyes it’s like, ‘How long has Jay Z been in the business? How many albums has he got?’ Not that I’m trying to be Jay Z, but I am trying to be around for a long time.
J. Cole
I am a big movie buff. So, I make sure I watch two-three movies a week, not many because I don’t want to get addicted.
Smriti Mandhana
Genius is one of the many forms of insanity.
Cesare Lombroso
We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselv

We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.
Petra Nemcova
If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things that are missing. If you don’t have love in your life, no matter what else there is, it’s not enough.
Ann Landers
Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage.
William Shakespeare
I think exercise tests us in so many ways, our skills, our hearts, our ability to bounce back after setbacks. This is the inner beauty of sports and competition, and it can serve us all well as adult athletes.
Peggy Fleming
Sometimes you don’t want to get married too much to a lot of rehearsing, I feel, when it comes to film, because there’s so many technicalities. So if I’m in my head, I’ve gotten settled on something, I’m gonna have to change it if I get there and something was set that’s completely different.
Sebastian Stan
He who hath many friends hath none.
People need good lies. There are too many bad ones.
Kurt Vonnegut
Arthur Russell is very important to me on many levels, and when I read Tim Lawrence’s biography on him, ‘Hold on to Your Dreams,’ one of the things I took away was: first thought, best thought. I live by that when I make my own music.
The fox has many tricks. The hedgehog has but one. But that is the best of all.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.
Zig Ziglar
In terms of intellectual property, so many of the job creators I know are start-ups. In the IP setting, we can meaningfully improve on the status quo, and in so doing, we can help small businesses, large businesses, and those in between.
Tom Perez
In many ways, human health is the great global connector.
Kathleen Sebelius
In football, I don’t have a lot of friends. The people who I really trust, there are not many… Most of the time, I’m alone.
Cristiano Ronaldo
A state arises, as I conceive, out of the needs of mankind; no one is self-sufficing, but all of us have many wants.
Robotics has already made significant inroads in electronics assembly, with sewing trades – traditionally many countries’ first entry point to the global trading system – likely to come next.
Michael Spence
Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Many intelligence reports in war are contradictory; even more are false, and most are uncertain.
Carl von Clausewitz
Quetzalcoatl is a primal idea of the duality of human nature. The serpent is the embodiment of Heaven and Earth. It scares people in many ways.
Robert Graham
We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations.
L. Lionel Kendrick
Everywhere is nowhere. When a person spends all his time in foreign travel, he ends by having many acquaintances, but no friends.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It’s about making life more fair for women everywhere. It’s not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It’s about baking a new pie.
Gloria Steinem
Yet, despite our many advances, our environment is still threatened by a range of problems, including global climate change, energy dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels, and loss of biodiversity.
Dan Lipinski
Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.
Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang up.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Pervading nationalism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares no one. The challenge that is already with us is the temptation to accept as true freedom what in reality is only a new form of slavery.
Pope John Paul II
Football fans share a universal language that cuts across many cultures and many personality types. A serious football fan is never alone. We are legion, and football is often the only thing we have in common.
Hunter S. Thompson
Man is largely a creature of habit, and many of his activities are more or less automatic reflexes from the stimuli of his environment.
G. Stanley Hall
When I was a kid, nobody in my family had a car. And I didn’t have many toys. The only toys I had were the ones I would steal.
I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.
Martin Luther
If a man reaches the heart of his own religion, he has reached the heart of the others, too. There is only one God, and there are many paths to him.
Mahatma Gandhi
In England, an inventor is regarded almost as a crazy man, and in too many instances, invention ends in disappointment and poverty. In America, an inventor is honoured, help is forthcoming, and the exercise of ingenuity, the application of science to the work of man, is there the shortest road to wealth.
Oscar Wilde
What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of

What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many?
Angela Carter
I always loved hitting a low fade to a back-right pin with the wind howling from the right. Not many guys could get it close in that situation, because they kept it low by just putting the ball back in their stance. You see, playing the ball back turns you into a one-trick pony – you can only hit hooks.
Lee Trevino
Indeed, this life is a test. It is a test of many things – of our convictions and priorities, our faith and our faithfulness, our patience and our resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires.
Sheri L. Dew
Life is designed to knock you down. It will knock you down time and time again, but it doesn’t matter how many times you fall – it matters how many times you get back up.
Lilly Singh
It’s not how many hours you put in with a client or on a project. It’s the quantity and quality of your energy – your focus and force – that determine whether that time is valuable.
Jim Loehr
You must be fast enough – you must have endurance. So you run fast for speed and repeat it many times for endurance.
Emil Zatopek
Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time.
Don Miguel Ruiz
Many of the genetically modified foods will be safe, I’m sure. Will most of them be safe? Nobody knows.
Jeremy Rifkin
If we live a self-directed, self-motivated, self-centered life, always needing to get our own way, then we’re going to be miserable. In fact, many times we believe it’s our problems that are making us unhappy when, in reality, it’s because we’re focused on ourselves!
Joyce Meyer
The way people come into your life when you need them, it’s wonderful and it happens in so many ways. It’s like having an angel. Somebody comes along and helps you get right.
Stevie Ray Vaughan