Top 570 Spend Quotes

The obvious rule of efficiency is you don’t want to spend more time organizing than it’s worth.
Daniel Levitin
As far as I’m concerned, Cate Blanchett is a goddess, but she’s really down to earth. She’s got all those Oscars, she’s made all those amazing films and she could spend her whole life doing that, but what does she also do? She gives birth to three boys and creates her own theatre in Sydney.
Sylvester McCoy
Kung fu: You’ve got to spend your whole life at it before you’re kung fu.
David Carradine
I was lucky to spend so long on ‘Blue Peter’ and ‘Newsround’ and if you are a bit giddy, like I am, a bit daft, like I am, and you are the kind of person who makes lots of public mistakes, like I do, then it’s sometimes hard for people to take me seriously.
Helen Skelton
It doesn’t seem expected for us to do something like that, but I love electronic music. I spend a lot of my time listening to that and just trying to understand what makes it work – what makes it move people the way it does and why they have some of the best-selling festivals in the world.
Zac Brown
A man – hairy or not – should still spend time on personal hygiene.
Gregg Wallace
I’m quite concerned that if I spend time in the office, someone will always find something for you to do. There’s always a crisis that needs your urgent attention.
Jeremy Corbyn
Instead of hating, I have chosen to forgive and spend all of my positive energy on changing the world.
Camryn Manheim
Editing is the only process. The shooting is the pleasant work. The editing makes the movie, so I spend all my life in editing.
Garry Marshall
Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.
Michael Ende
The world is so competitive, aggressive, consumive, selfish and during the time we spend here we must be all but that.
Jose Mourinho
You are wise, witty and wonderful, but you spend too much time reading this sort of stuff.
Frank Crane
When I ask people how much time they spend not doing their job – time spent on ‘work-about-work’ or phone calls or e-mails – people regularly tell me 60, or even 90 percent. So if Asana could take that down closer to zero, we could potentially double the effectiveness of humanity.
Justin Rosenstein
Many of us spend the first part of our adult lives becoming – stepping into the roles we take on so that they come to define our lives. But I’ve learned that we don’t really grow up until we unbecome.
Glennon Doyle Melton
I don’t attend parties. After the day’s shoot, I go home and spend time with my family. I never take my work home, and neither do I involve my family in work.
Ravi Teja
Having worked on ‘The Hour,’ I now feel like I spend my whole time interrogating history.
Abi Morgan
In my case, my videos are zero-cost productions. I don’t spend a single penny on them. I take 15 to 16 days to come up with a video and do one or two videos a month. That’s a long time.
Bhuvan Bam
I go to the studio every day, but I don’t paint every day. I love playing with my architectural models. I love making plans. I could spend my life arranging things.
Gerhard Richter
The boy I was crazy about was super into photography, so I weaseled my way into AP Photo to impress him and spend more time with him. He never liked me back, but I ended up spending most my senior year in the darkroom – it became a sort of safe haven for me.
Diana Silvers
I like to spend time in the past, with the things that have been important to me.
John Wooden
Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.
Denis Waitley
I don't think you should spend your life praying for th

I don’t think you should spend your life praying for things, but I do believe you should thank God for what He’s given you… but I think the scripture teaches us that we can pray for our dreams, pray for the big things… he’s not a small God; this God is incredible.
Joel Osteen
We continue to have this illusion that things outside of us aren’t driving what we think and believe, when in fact so much of what we spend our attention on is driven by decisions of thousands of engineers and product designers.
Tristan Harris
I have no control over what people think, and if I were to spend energy on that, I would be a lifeless, deadened human being.
Chris Pine
There are people who would love to spend their last ten years, or five years, or whatever it is, on the surface of Mars.
Mary Roach
On average, drug prisoners spend more time in federal prison than rapists, who often get out on early release because of the overcrowding in prison caused by the Drug War.
Michael Badnarik
Spotify was one of the first services that actually focuses on the consumer because they don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars a year on music.
Troy Carter
I grew up in San Antonio, Texas, and went to a big high school called Douglas McArthur where there was a lot of track and a lot of football. It was a bit like ‘Friday Night Lights.’ I used to spend a lot of time at the track.
Norah O’Donnell
Family involvement is a valuable thing and playing together actively can be the ’90s version of it. Instead of just watching, you can do it together… something we don’t spend enough time on. We can motivate and excite each other about fitness.
Alan Thicke
If someone decides they’re not going to be happy, it’s not your problem. You don’t have to spend your time and energy trying to cheer up someone who has already decided to stay in a bad mood. Believe it or not, you can actually hurt people by playing into their self-pity.
Joyce Meyer
My time off is usually spent working out and getting better at football. When I come home and spend time with my little brother, we’re out on the football field. We’re working out or playing Madden. We’re spending time with each other, but our quality time is football.
Stefon Diggs
I mean, price is price. It’s just where you want to spend your money.
Rob Walton
Information technology departments must spend enormous amounts of time and money worrying about integrating big computer systems with billions of pieces of customer data.
Alex Berenson
Republicans spend too much time on defense. We have to be on offense. We have to point out the truth. President Obama stole seven hundred million dollars from Medicare. Republicans want to preserve Medicare. Obamacare robs from Medicare.
Rudy Giuliani
You spend five months filming in outer space and saving the world, and suddenly that kind of family unit and story disappears, and you come crashing back down to Earth, and you have to do your own washing… and most actors are insecure that the last job they did will be their last job ever.
Sam Worthington
The record labels used to spend money on advertising, and social media has replaced that entirely – it’s putting magazines out of business. It’s put big companies into completely reinventing their strategies.
Steve Aoki
Exercise is key, of course, and people wrongly think you have to spend hours a day in the gym. Actually, you don’t. All you need is simple equipment, and you can train in your living room.
Tom Daley
I used to spend a lot of time alone as a kid, creating characters and doing voices in my room, and I thought to myself, I’m either going to go absolutely nuts, or I’m going to find something to put that energy into.
Rami Malek
My dad was a big car guy. If you wanted to spend time with my dad, he was working on the car.
Adam Ferrara
I’d like to know what I could do if I really had the time to spend on writing a book, with no columns or shows to do at the same time.
Lewis Grizzard
Happy the man who, like Ulysses, has made a fine voyage, or has won the Golden Fleece, and then returns, experienced and knowledgeable, to spend the rest of his life among his family.
Joachim du Bellay
We spend millions on fitness each year, yet we seem to get fatter.
Mary Pilon
My bookshelves have no order. I prune them regularly and sell the books to Myopic Books, a Chicago bookstore. They give me store credit, and then I spend all the store credit, and, presumably, return to sell them back more of the books I bought from them.
Jesse Ball
I think the big thing is keeping positive energy in the clubhouse. The amount of time we spend in there and spend together carries over into what you do on the field.
Matt Harvey
I want to live life, not just spend it.
Saba Qamar
I am going to spend more time face-to-face with my friends and family. I am going to unplug more.
Shervin Pishevar
The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we’ll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on.
Warren Buffett
I used to work until two in the morning every night, then still get up at six. Now, I have to help my daughter with her homework, spend time with my wife.
Genndy Tartakovsky
As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.
Amy Poehler
The mystery of that damn virus has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it.
Kary Mullis
Whatever you have, spend less.
William Samuel Johnson
I’d rather spend my leisure time doing what some people call my work and I call my fun.
Jared Diamond
I have long known that it is part of God's plan for me

I have long known that it is part of God’s plan for me to spend a little time with each of the most stupid people on earth.
Bill Bryson
Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn’t have to advertise it.
Will Rogers
For those of us who aren’t great with people, we figure that silence is always the safest bet. If you’re an introvert, you spend so much of your time wishing that other people would just shut the hell up that you figure you’re doing everyone a favor.
David Wong