Top 585 Prison Quotes

Thieves must sit in prison.
Vladimir Putin
For me, it was the Army or prison. I wanted to make something of myself. The Army gave me that determination, the will to win.
Nigel Benn
Private-sector firms are increasingly active in the prison industry and they and the militantly unionized correctional officers, almost all unskilled labor, constantly lead public demands for more criminal statutes and more draconian penalties.
Conrad Black
Wrong believing puts people in a prison. Even though there are no physical shackles, wrong believing causes its inmates to behave as though they were incarcerated in a maximum-security penitentiary.
Joseph Prince
Even with me going to prison, it could have put a bad stigma on my name. But you keep going. When people see you in a low situation, when people see you fight, they respect you for it.
J Hus
I realized that I got problems bigger than anything that can happen in prison. So I started reading books, talking to people who had a head on their shoulders, sold my TV and just got a whole bunch of books.
Tee Grizzley
His tenacity is unmatched in my opinion. Incredible how someone could have suffered that long and come back out of prison with such a good heart and positive things to say and do.
Maurice Ashley
My main dream – and I’m trying to get ‘Living TV’ to do it – is to go into prison and interview serial killers, rapists, murderers, psychopaths.
Katie Price
When I was a child, I had an intense fear of going to prison. I wasn’t on the run or anything – my crimes were small and they were all against fashion. But I had nightmares about accidentally killing someone, or being falsely accused.
Sara Pascoe
Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage.
Richard Lovelace
Sometimes, promoting economic development means accepting the Herculean task of moving and modernizing a prison.
Gary Herbert
There are many innocent people in prison.
Brian Banks
‘Prison Notebooks’ gives me a basic understanding of how power can influence people through cultural products and intellectual groups, so they will voluntarily support the hegemony.
Okky Madasari
In prison, you have to forget about the world on the outside. You have no Internet, no communications, and you’re cut off from the whole world. Everything is given to you. You have shelter; you have food, a shower, water. You don’t need to spend a dime. You don’t have to worry about bills.
Charlie Shrem
I hated high school. It was a prison.
Alan Alda
Homosexuality in Russia is a crime and the punishment is seven years in prison, locked up with the other men. There is a three year waiting list.
Yakov Smirnoff
Homosexuality in Russia is a crime and the punishment is seven years in prison, locked up with the other men. There is a three year waiting list.
Yakov Smirnoff
I've participated in many demonstrations since I was a

I’ve participated in many demonstrations since I was a child. When I was at medical college, I was fighting King Farouk, then British colonization, against Nasser, against Sadat who pushed me into prison, Mubarak who pushed me into exile. I never stopped.
Nawal El Saadawi
I hadn’t worked for a year when I had my Prison Break audition and it was the easiest audition I’ve ever had. I got the script on Friday, went to the audition on Monday and got the part on Tuesday. I was shooting the pilot a week later. I didn’t have time to be nervous – it happened so quickly.
Wentworth Miller
I have much to say about the pain I’ve felt and seen inside of prison. It has been an eye-opening and harrowing experience.
Lane Garrison
When I wrote ‘The World Is Flat,’ I said the world is flat. Yeah, we’re all connected. Facebook didn’t exist; Twitter was a sound; the cloud was in the sky; 4G was a parking place; LinkedIn was a prison; applications were what you sent to college; and Skype, for most people, was a typo.
Thomas Friedman
Prosecution I have managed to avoid; but I have been arrested, charged in a police court, have refused to be bound over, and thereupon have been unconditionally released – to my great regret; for I have always wanted to know what going to prison was like.
Laurence Housman
There’ll be moments when I’m out in the prison yard, chatting with the cast and the crew, getting ready to shoot a scene. And then I’ll remember if I were actually an inmate, I’d only be out there an hour. The other 23 hours of the day, I’d be in my cell. It’s kind of a downer.
Wentworth Miller
I came out publicly as transgender and began hormone replacement therapy while in prison. When I was released, however, there was no quantifiable history of me existing as a transwoman. Credit and background checks automatically assumed I was committing fraud.
Chelsea Manning
Do you realize, when Mandela was inaugurated president, he invited as his special guests the white jailers from his Robben Island prison? He literally did forgive everybody.
Rush Limbaugh
Tony Judt’s remarkable ‘The Memory Chalet’ was written from the prison of mute immobility.
Edith Pearlman
Some prison officials are determined to keep the people they lock in cages as ignorant as possible about the racial, social, and political forces that have made the United States the most punitive nation on earth. Perhaps they worry the truth might actually set the captives free.
Michelle Alexander
When I played, the owners had the power. The prisoners are running the prison now, not the warden. The warden is strong and he has say so but, the balance of power is definitely with the players.
Julius Erving
I didn’t realize how famous I got since I went to prison. I got fan letters, but I didn’t realize it blew up like that.
Ronnie Radke
That kind of thing happens to black people every day in this country, and they don’t receive that kind of sentence he did, which was to go to prison on the weekends; I think he lectured there-an outside lecturer.
Ishmael Reed
America should meet its obligations in the form of Social Security, Medicare, our ability to pay our military, legally binding legislation that allows unemployment compensation, the judiciary, the federal court system, the federal prison system, all those kinds of things have to be paid for.
Bill Johnson
When I was in prison, a lot of my friends blew me away. But Stephen Fry wrote to me. It was very humbling.
Boy George
I remember the people I knew in prison; I was very fortunate to know them – they came from 1910, 1920, 1930.
Gregory Corso
There are people who went to prison, died, gave their life so Obama could be president of the United States.
Lela Rochon
I existed in a world that never is – the prison of the mind.
Gene Tierney
I lost years of my life to prison because of two-dimensional and misogynist stereotypes.
Amanda Knox
Holloway Prison is a very old place, and it has the disadvantages of old places which have never known enough air and sunshine. It reeks with the odours of generations of bad ventilation, and it contrives to be at once the stuffiest and the draughtiest building I have ever been in.
Emmeline Pankhurst
I was separated from my wife at the time. A lot of people think I wrote it about prison.
Freddy Fender
If I’d written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people – including me – would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.
Hunter S. Thompson
I went to prison; therefore, I’ve been rehabilitated, and now I want to get on with my life. I have paid for what I did, end of story.
Boy George
In my view, it was no accident that Nelson Mandela was chosen by God to lead the people of South Africa. There are very few people who could be imprisoned, kept away from their family and loved ones, and exit that same prison with such a powerful spirit of love and a desire for reconciliation.
Bernice King
The White House is the finest prison in the world.
Harry S Truman
I always tell people, anger is like liquid. It’s fluid, it’s like water. You put it in a container and it takes the shape of that container. So many people you see in prison, unleashing war on their people, they are angry, and they take their anger and put it into a violent container.
Leymah Gbowee
Nelson Mandela sat in a South African prison for 27 years. He was nonviolent. He negotiated his way out of jail. His honor and suffering of 27 years in a South African prison is really ultimately what brought about the freedom of South Africa. That is nonviolence.
Coretta Scott King
Blacks were more likely to be sentenced to prison following a conviction, but that result reflected their past crimes and the gravity of their current offense.
Heather Mac Donald
America is the greatest nation ever founded. The ideals are the greatest ever espoused in human history, and we just need the country to live up to them. But what I worry about are the 1 million black men in the prison system.
Henry Louis Gates
I know what it’s like to be ignored, and I think that is the big problem about the prison system: These people are being thrown away. There is no sense of rehabilitation. In some places, they are trying to do things. But, in most cases, it’s a holding cell.
Lee Tergesen
Going away to prison was nothing, I’m just saying, compared to losing my mom.
Teresa Giudice
Keeping a guy in prison costs 50,000 bucks a year. Exec

Keeping a guy in prison costs 50,000 bucks a year. Executing one costs a couple million.
John Grisham
Prison’s a walk in the park compared with being sectioned, mate, it really is.
Adam Ant
Backstage at the Apollo isn’t a fun place to be. It’s a bit like a prison: small rooms filled with warm Diet Coke.
Sara Pascoe
In prison, inmates sometimes use Cheetos and grape juice as makeup. I wouldn’t use that beauty regimen around Britney Spears – she might lick your face off!
Joel McHale
We really just live our life. We rap about our life, where we from, our city, what we’ve been through, from the streets to losing people to being in prison. Everything you hear is reality for us.
Westside Gunn
For me, prison is a necessary step towards achieving the right to self-determination.
Jordi Cuixart
I’ve wanted somehow to convey to you the sensations – the atmospheric pressure, you might say – of what it is to be seriously a long-term prisoner in an American prison.
Jack Henry Abbott