Top 599 Store Quotes

We speculate as to what is in store for us. But we not only undergo events, we in part cause them or at least influence their course. We have not only to study them but to act.
Emily Greene Balch
In the 1950s in Columbia, South Carolina, it was considered OK for kids to play with weird things. We could go to the hardware store and buy 100 feet of dynamite fuse.
Kary Mullis
I don’t know what’s in store for me, but I know that I want to create work, and I want to create an environment where I can bring in my favorite people and collaborate with them, and do something that is so much weirder and so different from what you’d see in commercial film.
Lucas Hedges
When I was a kid, I was really into the shows my older brothers were into. I got all the action figures handed down to me, but I couldn’t go to the store to buy new ones because they were discontinued; they didn’t exist anymore.
Kyle Mooney
Part of the excitement of doing independent film is the complete unknown of what lies in store for the film’s future.
Rachel Miner
Wal-Mart is an amazing success story. What I particularly admire very much about the late Sam Walton was his policy of valuing his employees. Giving value to employees is very rare in the retail industry. I also admire the strategies Walton used to build up his discount store concept.
Tadashi Yanai
A pet store is a celebration of dogs’ existence and an explosion of options. About cats, a pet store seems to say, ‘Here, we couldn’t think of anything else.’ Cats are the Hanukkah of the animal world in this way. They are feted quietly and happily by a minority, but there’s only so much hoopla applicable to them.
Sloane Crosley
When I went back to visit my native Berlin after World War II, I noticed that the only thing I really remembered from my childhood Berlin days is the shoe store.
Lukas Foss
I was pulling in $80 a week after taxes working in a frozen yogurt store.
Judge Reinhold
I worked at a hot dog place, a bagel place, the Jersey Store and the hottest fashion joint around. I was getting too famous to work there anymore. I was almost showing up as a joke. I made $2,000 on my show the previous night and I’m going to go shopping during my five-hour shift.
In response to the making of DSMNY, a change in the Chelsea store became necessary. My flagship stores always have to lead the way.
Rei Kawakubo
I babysat kids in a ShopRite, which is a grocery store. They had a babysitting center so that parents could bring their children while they shopped. It was awful. I also was not very good at keeping the kids calm.
Kate Micucci
Japan is brilliant for vinyl. There’s all this rare stuff that I’ve been looking two years for, and you walk into a store, and you find it straight away.
Mike D
It was easy for me in my bathrobe to provide really great customer service. As an introvert, it’s really much easier to do than when standing in a retail store.
Sophia Amoruso
I want President Obama to want to take your guns away.

I want President Obama to want to take your guns away. I don’t trust you with your guns. I don’t trust you to fire them safely. I don’t trust you to store them safely. I don’t trust your kids not to find them. I don’t trust you not to get them stolen.
W. Kamau Bell
For every R. Kelly or Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein, there’s, you know, the owner of the grocery store, the coach, the teacher, the neighbor, who are doing the same things. But we don’t pay attention until it’s a big name. And we don’t pay attention ’til it’s a big celebrity.
Tarana Burke
The Democratic party, respective to health care, is like a person who was sent into the store to purchase a gallon of milk and some butter for the evening’s meal and instead walked out with a ‘Gladiator’ DVD, a can of Easy Cheese, and some Homer Simpson house slippers because how funny are they?
Dana Loesch
Would you go into a CD store and steal a CD? It’s the same thing, people going into the computers and loggin’ on and stealing our music.
Britney Spears
We really think of Bitcoin as a global, interoperable payment network instead of a store of value.
Jeremy Allaire
Every place in the country you should get a license that shows you know how to safely store it, keep it away from your children or grandchildren. You should have to license it so the police can trace it if it’s used in a crime.
Michael D. Barnes
I tell myself that some names can be mistakes, like Mxyplyzyk, a store in New York that lost customers because few could spell its name to look up the address. I tell myself that lots of writers agonize over titles, and often get them wrong at first.
Caroline Leavitt
My family owns a music store in Claremont, California, called The Claremont Folk Music Center.
Ben Harper
I got a New York designer to build my dream store here, which is a little bit of Florence in New York. It’s like the Duomo on Madison. I got inspired by Santa Maria Novella and all the Renaissance architecture.
Edgardo Osorio
The thing I love most about going to a book store is the self-help section is the biggest section because Americans know we’re screwed up. We know it. But we want to get better.
Hamza Yusuf
We are offering to the American public a line of delicious Italian-American foods. They will be available through the Internet, shopping networks and national store distribution.
Rocco DiSpirito
I used to work in a clothes store, played cricket for money, did photo shoots. It was that period of struggle which gave me the experience to be an actor. The emotions have to come from the raw material of life.
That a majority of the Abolitionists in this place would patronize a free labor store, in preference to others, I do not doubt; but we do not muster money in Cincinnati.
Gamaliel Bailey
No matter how beautiful and loved a cover may be, the jury on it remains uncommitted until the book has been in the world for a while. Perhaps bookstore buyers will be indifferent. Perhaps it will be lost on store shelves. Perhaps there’s another book or two out there using the same or a similar photo.
Nancy Werlin
After a traumatic event, people tend to store a series of memories and arrange them into a meaningful narrative. They remember exactly where they were and to whom they were talking.
David Grann
I haven’t always had the money rolling in. I’m a character actor; it’s not like I’m Gwyneth Paltrow – so I do have hard times still in my life. And that’s even more why it’s like you know what, I’m not that different from people going through it. I struggle; I look for a better deal at the grocery store.
Debi Mazar
We couldn’t get enough Jeremy Lin material in the NBA store fast enough. And when we did, it was just gone in minutes.
David Stern
This is embarrassing and personal, but once a month, since I was twelve years old, I go to my favorite jewelry store and try on my dream ring.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
My dad’s job was to manage apartment complexes, so when people would move out or when people would die or whatever, people left things in their apartments, he would always bring me home people’s collection of music that they left behind. I was excited because I didn’t really have money to go to the CD store all the time.
Kali Uchis
Some people, they feel like they have to change and try to go out and do this or do things for the cameras. I’m myself at all times, whether I’m at a grocery store or I’m speaking to a school. I want to be as levelheaded and down to earth as possible, because that’s who I am.
Torrey Smith
We may not know what each day has in store for us. We could be gone tomorrow. Any minute could truly be our goodbye. But we do have this moment. This time. Today. Right now. It takes way more effort to shell out hate then it does to allow love to flow freely in our lives. After all, it’s what we were born to do.
Grace Gealey
Bargain… anything a customer thinks a store is losing money on.
Kin Hubbard
I remember I was walking through a store, and I saw clothes a 25-year-old would wear. And the conversation in my head was, ‘I’m not young and fabulous anymore.’ But, immediately, there was a voice that said, ‘No, you can be older and fabulous.’ In other words, still just as fabulous, but in a different way.
Marianne Williamson
I went to a general store. They wouldn’t let me buy anything specifically.
Steven Wright
If Jesus Christ came back today, He and I would get into our brown corduroys and go to the nearest jean store and overturn the racks of blue denim.
Ian Anderson
I look at other people’s lives, and some people feel like they’re too old to play with toys. But I still go through the toy section at the store, ’cause there were toys that I wanted when I was little that I couldn’t have. So I still get them.
Kevin Gates
I would run into the corner store, the bodega, and just grab a paper bag or buy juice – anything just to get a paper bag. And I’d write the words on the paper bag and stuff these ideas in my pocket until I got back. Then I would transfer them into the notebook.
I’m an anorak. I’ve always been an obsessive collector of things. Richard Briers collects stamps. I collect cars and guns, which are much more expensive, and much more difficult to store.
Michael Gambon
I can’t say too much about it because I don’t know a lot. We’re not told what’s in store for our characters until we turn up to shoot the episode. But it’s fair to say that Betty and her son bring a brand new mystery to the street and they will be around all season.
Alfre Woodard
When I was 9 or 10, I had a ten-cent business: I would walk your dog for a dime, go to the store for a dime, empty your garbage for a dime – and then I could use the money to buy tricks at the magic store.
Lily Tomlin
My bookshelves have no order. I prune them regularly and sell the books to Myopic Books, a Chicago bookstore. They give me store credit, and then I spend all the store credit, and, presumably, return to sell them back more of the books I bought from them.
Jesse Ball
Content is supposed to be king. But in the world of ele

Content is supposed to be king. But in the world of electronic devices, Apple seems to be placing the crown on its own head, apparently believing that its iPad and iPhone are more important to customers than the books, movies, and music they store on them.
Daniel Lyons