Top 60 Congressman Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Congressman Quotes from famous people such as Darryl Glenn, Michael Wolff, Mike Hughes, Brad Schneider, Gary Ackerman, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I have nothing negative to say about Congressman Lambor

I have nothing negative to say about Congressman Lamborn.
Darryl Glenn
Cable television is basically now the business of former political professionals. Joe Scarborough, a former Florida Congressman, is a far more successful cable host than he ever was a politician.
Michael Wolff
I just want people to question everything. Question what your congressman is doing, your city council. Question what really happened during the Civil War. What happened during 9/11.
Mike Hughes
I have a world of respect for Congressman Dold and the service he’s given to our country.
Brad Schneider
As a state senator and then a congressman, I’ve had the privilege of trying to do good things for people to whom I owe so much and can never fully repay.
Gary Ackerman
The seminal right of the modern civil rights movement was the right to vote. My father fought so diligently for it. Certainly Congressman John Lewis and many others, Hosea Williams, fought for it as well.
Martin Luther King III
One congressman asked ‘I just want to know if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior. The minister looked stunned, and he said ‘no.’ The whole table almost fell on the floor. The congressman was quite serious. That was his litmus test.
Jim Sasser
A democratically elected congressman of the United States of America should not be talking of an ethnic divide in Afghanistan, should not be interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.
Hamid Karzai
I had visited Congressman Deal before, but I never thought I’d be sitting on the other side of the desk.
Tom Graves
What the voters told us in the 2010 election was that they wanted a change. And I believe a moderate approach with a dedication to working across the aisle, something I know is important to both me and Congressman Shuler, is the best way forward.
Joe Donnelly
There was nothing exceptional about growing up as the son of a congressman.
Duncan D. Hunter
It should scare every voter in the 5th District that a powerful D.C. lobbyist is trying to install a personal congressman in our part of Connecticut.
Elizabeth Esty
The Congressman ascertained that the consulate in Havana had numbers to feed the pigs.
Erich Leinsdorf
As your congressman, I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington D.C.
Paul Broun
So, when I saw Congressman Bishop smiling at the White House after voting to gut protections for pre-existing conditions, something inside me broke.
Elissa Slotkin
Congressman Heck says Donald Trump is the candidate he trusts on national security and changing our economy. Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Donald Trump anywhere near our nuclear launch codes.
Catherine Cortez-Masto
I remember Congressman Conyers voting against the PATRIOT Act, voting against the Iraq War when it was unpopular to. That tremendous amount of courage that comes with that kind of leadership, I mean, that’s what we need.
Rashida Tlaib
Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a liquor company. Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a bar.
Jon Taffer
The people of New Hampshire want someone in the U.S. Senate with clear, concise views on terrorism. They’ll judge a congressman based on the people he associates with, his voting record, and his campaign contributions.
Corey Lewandowski
Women should be able to ‘friend’ a married – or unmarried – congressman on Facebook or follow him on Twitter without fear of being the recipient of lewd talk or behavior.
Kirsten Powers
I think people often think of me as very intense. I’m a congressman and all, but I’m actually very laid back.
Seth Moulton
If I can go from burglar for the government to talk show host, you can go from entertainer to congressman.
G. Gordon Liddy
Our dad was just a congressman for 27 years, and if you live in Washington, D.C., everybody’s dad works for the government. We grew up just like everyone else.
Steven Ford
The real Representative McDermott said Jason McDermott is no relation. The Congressman does have a son, but his name is James and he does not live in the Midwest.
Bill Dedman
What kind of government is this? This is a human being. This is not right, and I’m telling everybody you better call your congressman, because they’re going to run your life.
Michael Schiavo
My focus has been on being a good congressman, and there is so much other work to do.
Tony Cardenas
I am a lawyer and 22 years the mayor of Davao City. I served as congressman of the first district for one term, and I was vice mayor to my daughter, Inday.
Rodrigo Duterte
I have been a lot of ‘firsts’ on the national political stage, including the first African American congressman from the Bay Area and one of the first Democratic Socialists in Congress.
Ron Dellums
I think Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan are living in a fairly tale land on their energy policy.
Ken Salazar
I am looking forward to working with Congressman Hobson and Vorys Advisors to help Ohio businesses and organizations achieve their goals and objectives.
Zack Space
I grew up with a very privileged background. My father served as one of the cabinet ministers in Arroyo’s government, and he’s been a congressman for many years, and he’s running again.
Miguel Syjuco
You think your congressman is working all day to get yo

You think your congressman is working all day to get you a job? He may want to. He or she is probably not a bad person. They probably want to do the right thing. But they can’t.
Steven Van Zandt
I was introduced to Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson. The young Congressman was very friendly.
Erich Leinsdorf
If you’re self-employed, between jobs, or can’t get insurance through work, you’ll have access to affordable health insurance as good as Congressman Paul Ryan’s.
Kathleen Sebelius
Congressman Bridenstine’s legislative record and his own testimony during his nomination hearing show that he rejects NASA’s role in earth science, adopts industry perspectives without critical analysis, and embraces extreme and divisive social views. NASA deserves better.
Brian Schatz
Tom McMillen was a three-term congressman from Maryland. He is the tallest member of Congress. Period. He’s 6’11”.
Luther Strange
You can’t take a congressman to lunch for $25 and buy him a hamburger or a steak or something like that. But you can take him to a fund-raising lunch and not only buy him that steak, but give him $25,000 extra and call it a fund-raiser – and have all the same access and all the same interactions with that congressman.
Jack Abramoff
It is hard to miss the irony in the fact that the very same week that Republicans were publicly heralding Congressman Paul Ryan’s plan to inject market forces into the American health care system, they were crafting a budget deal to strip them from the health reform law.
Ron Wyden
It takes time for 700,000 people to get to know their congressman.
Chuck Fleischmann
I have the greatest respect and admiration for Congressman Issa, but I don’t intend to be Darrell Issa-like.
Jason Chaffetz
Shame on Congressman Brooks for his lack of faith in President Trump’s and Attorney General Sessions’ commitment to work together to make America great again.
Luther Strange
It’s amazing to me that people have any interest in such a low-level sex scandal. If I were sleeping with a congressman, maybe, but I’m a nobody and the people I’m writing about are nobodies.
Jessica Cutler
Congressman Engel had a reputation quite frankly for being absent from the community, being disengaged and not being a leader or fighter on the issues that matter most, and that’s not just rhetoric.
Jamaal Bowman
I am the only Republican Congressman who represents a borough within New York City, a city of 8.5 million people.
Michael Grimm
I’ve worked since taking a newspaper route at age 9 and served as a prosecutor, a planning commissioner, a city councilman, and a congressman to pay back some of what my community and nation gave me.
Eric Swalwell
When I was a congressman, I had occasion to talk to this group of students who were taking their seat. There were about 80 of them and I asked them, ‘How many of you will be serving in the country once you graduate?’ And, out of the 80, there were two that raised their hands. The rest were thinking of leaving.
Benigno Aquino III
Issue by issue, if I were a Congressman, I would receive the highest rating from liberal think-tank Americans For Democratic Action.
Alan Colmes
My constituents say, ‘Congressman, have you balanced the budget?’ And I’m going to say, ‘Well, we’re working on it.’ And they are going to say, ‘Well, Congressman, did you get rid of Fannie and Freddie?’ And I’m going to say, ‘Well, we’re working on it.’
Stephen Fincher
If I were a congressman who had voted for the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, I’d claim it was forced on our country by a sinister international organization.
P. J. O’Rourke
President Gerald Ford was no intellectual, but he had served with distinction in combat as a naval gunnery officer and then as Congressman for a quarter century.
Nigel Hamilton
No person, not even a congressman, is above the law.
Dana Boente
I am excited about being a part of the Whip Team, and I am grateful to Congressman Steve Scalise for his appointment.
Ronny Jackson
In addition, there is one title I cherish a great deal more than Congressman and that is the title of… Dad.
J. C. Watts
I’ve had a tough time learning how to act like a congressman. Today I accidentally spent some of my own money.
Joseph P. Kennedy
Let’s help take back our country with our wallets, and don’t forget to contact your senators and congressman to let them know that you don’t want amnesty for illegal aliens, that you want them to restore our borders and our sovereignty.
Ken Cuccinelli
Former Congressman Aaron Schock was applauded for his fitness when he flaunted his six pack on the cover of ‘Men’s Health.’ Using his sweet pecs didn’t end his career, although using taxpayer money to lavishly decorate his office did.
Ana Kasparian
Democrats like Congressman Elijah Cummings say they care about how migrants are treated at the border. What about the families and people in their own district?
Jedediah Bila
In Washington, if you’re a congressman or a senator or the President, you make much more money than the average American, but you’d think that if you were the leader of the free world you’d be making major bank, and you don’t.
Beau Willimon
It is more profitable for your congressman to support the tobacco industry than your life.
Jackie Mason
I just want to be a really good congressman. You should look at what you are today and be the very best you can.
Ryan Zinke