Top 60 Folded Quotes

I was signed by L.A. Reid on Arista Records when I was 16. He understood me and believed in me. Arista folded and I got put on RCA or whatever, then there were new people there, and every six months it changes and more new people come in.
Avril Lavigne
Vietnam and Iraq are part of the same national trauma and delusion; we folded the war up when Reagan became president and unpacked it with Bush.
David Means
The Yardbirds folded in 1968, and within a handful of months, Led Zeppelin was not only a band but also a very successful one.
Jimmy Page
For several years before I began ‘The Folded World,’ I worked at an urban college campus and had a job in a tutoring center, and people would come into the tutoring center, and for some reason, they just kept telling me their life stories.
Amity Gaige
I feel lucky I didn’t become that newspaper cartoonist I wanted to be because in the U.S. so many newspapers have suffered circulation declines, and some have folded. What’s fun about being an author is I reach a much bigger audience, and there is something special about launching a book you’ve penned.
Jeff Kinney
The IIP had to be folded up by the Harper Conservatives after it became clear – and as it took the ‘South China Morning Post’s Ian Young to reveal – that Canada’s ragged refugee-class immigrants had contributed more to Revenue Canada than the IIP’s big-spender immigrant investors did over the life of the program.
Terry Glavin
My first course came and I put down my book, and I just happened to put up my hand to scratch my head and discovered that my toupee had been blown by the wind and was folded over backwards on the top of my head!
Derek Jacobi
The IIP had to be folded up by the Harper Conservatives after it became clear – and as it took the ‘South China Morning Post’s Ian Young to reveal – that Canada’s ragged refugee-class immigrants had contributed more to Revenue Canada than the IIP’s big-spender immigrant investors did over the life of the program.
Terry Glavin
Very few players want to go home wondering if they’ve folded the best hand. They feel humiliated when they’re bluffed out of a pot. As a result, these players make calls with marginal hands that put their entire tournament at risk.
Phil Hellmuth
I don’t really go on what people say so much; I go on their voice. I go on their energy at the time. I go on how close their arms are folded into their chest.
Jeff Buckley
Make a stir-fried rice dish with some cut-up chicken and any vegetables folded into the rice for a ‘one pot’ meal lunch that has it all – protein, starch and vegetables.
Alex Guarnaschelli
I have always loved westerns… supernatural westerns in particular. One of my first professional short story sales was a horror/western story. It wasn’t so great, though, so I’m glad the magazine folded before it saw print.
Cullen Bunn
The foundation of the house of civil rights is in the voices of all the great civil rights leaders and the soul of every person who heard them. It’s in the hands of every person who folded a leaflet for change, and it’s in the courage of every person who changed.
Cheryl Mills
Make a stir-fried rice dish with some cut-up chicken and any vegetables folded into the rice for a ‘one pot’ meal lunch that has it all – protein, starch and vegetables.
Alex Guarnaschelli
I don’t think I would have been able to stick with it and been proud of who I am and be feminine out on the court. I think I would have folded to the peer pressure if I didn’t have my mom to encourage me to be me and be proud of how tall I am.
Lisa Leslie
I remember what it feels like to be fourteen or sixteen, to have the world folded out in front of you, and to have a million choices ahead. I also remember what it feels like to be so open and impressionable and to want something so badly it’s impossible to see that maybe it isn’t the best thing for you.
Rebecca Serle