Top 60 Outrage Quotes

Stupidity, outrage, vanity, cruelty, iniquity, bad faith, falsehood – we fail to see the whole array when it is facing in the same direction as we.
Jean Rostand
Anti-Semitic insults by ‘Svoboda’ have caused outrage on number of occasions both in Ukraine and in Israel.
Avigdor Lieberman
What better way to attract an audience than to get everyone to shout ‘Outrage!’ at the size of your advance?
Harry Enfield
A decision by Germany’s highest court that banned the display of crosses or crucifixes in classrooms has sparked widespread outrage and protest.
Stephen Kinzer
Internet outrage can seem mindless, but it rarely is. To make that assumption is dismissive. There’s something beneath the outrage – an unwillingness to be silent in the face of ignorance, hatred or injustice. Outrage may not always be productive, but it is far better than silence.
Roxane Gay
When I was in college, my school newspaper accepted an ad from a Holocaust revisionist organization. This would have been offensive on most college campuses across the country, but I went to a school with a very large Jewish population, so the ad, as you might expect, stirred absolute outrage.
Simon Sinek
The vast majority of murdered whites are murdered by other whites. That’s why there’s no national outrage when a white person is killed by a black person: it’s not evidence of some underlying black violence problem directed against white people.
Ben Shapiro
Each year Citizens Against Government Waste releases the ‘Congressional Pig Book.’ Outrage over spending for shrimp on treadmills, combating Goth culture studies, bridges to nowhere, etc. ensues for about a week, and then the waste continues.
Katie Pavlich
I remember in the spring of 1971, a hundred thousand people converged on the Pentagon in June of 1971. They threw blood; I guess it was goat’s blood or something, on the steps to the Pentagon. People were being accused of being murderers and baby killers. You just can’t imagine the civic outrage.
Wesley Clark
In the old days, people would pick up the phone and complain or they’d write a letter. But now they go to Ofcom and they must be sick to death of all of this. Any minor outrage that anyone’s got, they go to Ofcom. They must be inundated with minor complaints.
Phillip Schofield
Now because the film industry is what it is, if people are expecting a certain film genre and they’re not getting it, there are howls of outrage.
Steven Knight
Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you’re on the front lines.
Carl Hiaasen
In a novel, my feelings and sense of outrage can find a broader means of expression which would be more symbolic and applicable to many European countries.
Antonio Tabucchi