Words matter. These are the best Prestige Quotes from famous people such as Judy Holliday, Kenny Omega, Bibi Bourelly, Azzedine Alaia, Sade Adu, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
We gained a great deal of prestige, but not much money. We liked to work so much we couldn’t hide it and the club owners paid us accordingly.
The WWE belt means nothing; it means absolutely nothing. They pass around that belt like a hot potato. I probably have a neighbor on my block who held that belt at one point. There is no prestige to that belt whatsoever.
My dad is Jean-Paul Bourelly, a really prestige guitar player in Europe, and he toured with Miles Davis. I was always surrounded by the most prestige kind of musicians from Senegal, Trinidad, Poland, Nigeria, and all around the world.
I have total confidence in Beaute Prestige International to accompany me in creating a perfume that interprets my work and my world.
There isn’t a class structure in Nigeria; there’s a tribal structure and prestige as far as money is concerned.
If you had the most prestige and you were the network that everybody turned to in times of a crisis, that that was the most important position, in the news business, to hold.
When I came into the NFL, there were three things that were very important to me: money, power and prestige. I was powerful now because I was a famous athlete. I had prestige because I was doing what everybody wanted to do. And I had a lot of money.
I’m in love with low-rated shows. That’s true of ‘Men of a Certain Age,’ ‘Thief,’ ‘Gideon’s Crossing.’ I fall in love with projects that are almost freighted with prestige.
To advance science is highly honourable, and I believe the institution of the Nobel Prizes has done much to raise the prestige of scientific discovery.
The essential argument in the book, ‘Art as Therapy,’ is that art enjoys such financial and cultural prestige that it’s easy to forget the confusion that persists about what it’s really for.
I thought I should have a Rolls, for prestige, so I ordered one. But when it came, I realized that I didn’t really need it.
We were the outliers: my mother was the only Western woman (khawagayya, in Egyptian Arabic) to have married into the family, and during my childhood, we were the only members living outside of Egypt. So between my father’s prestige as the eldest son and my own exotic pedigree, I basked in the spotlight.
There are so many demands on your time, on your resources, and on the prestige of the government.
So most days I don’t wear makeup, but I do like this liquid eyeliner from Prestige Cosmetics in Icon that I think you can get at any Rite Aid.
When you win a Grammy, it links a certain prestige and importance to you, you know? People want to talk to you.
There’s some aura about a Nobel Prize, there’s a prestige, that gives me a responsibility that I didn’t have before, that goes beyond my own work, as a spokesman for science.
In an age where television is viewed as the best medium to ‘tell stories,’ narrative often stands in for substance on would-be prestige shows.
I have to admit that the empty prestige and the stupid glory – yes, the horrible rush, the deadly sense of importance that war brings to life – are hard illusions to shake off. Look at me, a war correspondent.
Prestige podcasts, like prestige television shows, tend to have an audience that believes itself literate, well-informed, and reasonable. Listening to podcasts, in this model, is a form of virtue.
If you’re just interested in the prestige of banking, that’s not what’s going to sustain you. You have to be interested in what we do: managing and originating capital, helping issuers and investors come together is great, bringing these companies to life.
Hong Kong never had prestige. It’s gone from fishing village to where it is today.
To be honest, prestige is probably the last thing I focus on.
Sometimes it is easy… to enhance your prestige by not exercising your responsibility, but that’s not been the tradition of the court.
In a bid for change, we have to take off our coats, be prepared to lose our comfort and security, our jobs and positions of prestige, and our families… A struggle without casualties is no struggle.
I’m certainly not into money and prestige. For me there is simply nothing more exciting than people involved in the creation of great products. That is what drives me.
When I started in the business, you did television, and then when you got lucky, you got a prestige project of a film.
The Nobel prize is unquestionably the most famous prize in the world, and very often, the prize is an object of prestige not only for a person but also for a research center, a country, or for a particular area of interest.
It is well known that the Nobel Committees bring world opinion to a focus, and that fact still further enhances the prestige attaching to the Prizes.
The dangers of an Afghan collapse are many: Afghan deaths, a loss of American prestige, a loss of NATO prestige, a moral blow to U.S. troops and veterans, a Taliban resurgence, huge setbacks for women, and greater power for Pakistan and Pakistani extremists.
Winning domestic tournaments like leagues, cups, and super cups adds to your standing in your country, but once you take a step forward in Europe and lift that European Cup, I think that prestige extends to the global stage.
There is no other prize in any country that carries the prestige that a Nobel bestows.
What gives the artist real prestige is his imitators.
Tradition has it that whenever a group of people has tasted the lovely fruits of wealth, security, and prestige, it begins to find it more comfortable to believe in the obvious lie and accept that it alone is entitled to privilege.
Politics is the attempt to achieve power and prestige without merit.
I’m a Christopher Nolan fiend. I love ‘Inception,’ ‘Interstellar,’ ‘The Prestige,’ ‘Memento’ and of course the Batman trilogy. I love all his movies.
Sophistication might be described as the ability to cope gracefully with a situation involving the presence of a formidable menace to one’s poise and prestige (such as the butler, or the man under the bed – but never the husband).
Psychopaths are social predators, and like all predators, they are looking for feeding grounds. Wherever you get power, prestige and money, you will find them.
Often times, the more power and prestige a person achieves, the more arrogant a person can become.
The prestige of the Nobel Prize is such that one is suddenly promoted to a new status.
Realism implicated that imperialism and imperialist conquests or prestige can be pursued as part of the animus dominandi, the desire to dominate, which is the social force that determines political activity.
If you’re a Supreme Court justice, the American people have elevated you to one of the highest offices in the land out of the goodness of their heart and out of deference to your legal wisdom. You get a lifetime appointment, limitless prestige, a great office, and what I have to assume is a very comfortable chair.
What holds an Arab leader in power is a mixture of violence and prestige. Both President Assad and King Hussein were felt to have defended Arab interests against the world. That, in the end, is more important than what they wear on their head.
I was a screenwriting major at Georgetown, and I was in class with some really strong writers like Jonathan Nolan, who co-wrote ‘The Dark Knight’ with Chris, his brother. He wrote ‘The Prestige,’ the story for ‘Memento.’
At one point in my life, I thought getting old was a bad thing. Then I realized that the prestige, the respect, and the honor that people hold you at for being able to do anything for 20 years is well worth it.
It is still fashionable to believe that how you organize yourself religiously in this life may matter for eternity. Unless we can erode the prestige of that kind of thinking, we’re not going to be able to undermine these divisions in our world.
It’s okay to be a fat man. It’s prestige and power and all of that. But fat women are seen as just lazy and stupid and having no self-control.
My Government has not only enhanced the credibility and prestige of the passports held by the Indian diaspora but has also stood by them in their hour of need.
The bar for a chief executive of a public corporation to repudiate a United States president is extraordinarily high. Corporate leaders aren’t given their power, prestige, responsibility, and nine-figure pay packages to use the corner office as their personal soapbox.
He who is honest in his dealings simply because of the social prestige and position it secures will never develop his higher nature, but will always live along the lower lines.
The demise of Reconstruction had made it hard for blacks to acquire capital or to pass on property to their children. As blacks were driven from all but the most limited spheres of business and political life, the prestige of the professional rose in the black community.
Once a film is selected at Cannes, the crossover becomes very easy, thanks to the prestige and dignity it gains at Cannes.
Even the people who have had success and made money writing these books of fiction seem to feel the need to pretend it’s no big deal, or part of a natural progression from poetry to fiction, but often it’s really just about the money, the perceived prestige.
Berluti, we manufacture wonderfully successful sneakers, which I’m proud of. But I certainly don’t forget the beauty we have to cultivate, the prestige of Venezia leather bespoke shoes, because this is a unique know-how that does not exist anywhere else.
In Venezuela, which doesn’t have thousands of prestige universities like the U.S., people usually stay at home while attending to college. After they graduate, they move for a job or get married.
Since 1989, public alarm at the prospect of atomic Armageddon has quietened, but the number of nuclear-armed states has increased, arsenals are being modernized, and powerful states remain convinced that a nuclear security umbrella is vital to national defense, domestic prestige, and geopolitical clout.
I felt that I shouldn’t be an actor who just makes movie after movie in a quest for prestige and money.
France cannot be destroyed. She is an old country who, despite her misfortunes, has, and always will have, thanks to her past, a tremendous prestige in the world, whatever the fate inflicted upon her.
Even the building of a second British empire in the 19th century never fully healed the wound of losing America, and the end of Britain’s imperial prestige after the second world war has cut deeper.
The line between winning and losing is very thin, and wins give you prestige, stability, and continuity.
David Ben-Gurion understood that the public’s trust is given to a leader in order to lead, determine clear goals and make difficult decisions. The fate of the people and the good of the state guided him, not polls, media treatment or measures of prestige.