Top 600 Assume Quotes

Companies in every industry need to assume that a software revolution is coming.
Marc Andreessen
Religious speech is extreme, emotional, and motivational. It is anti-literal, relying on metaphor, allusion, and other rhetorical devices, and it assumes knowledge within a community of believers.
Amy Waldman
Traditional science assumes, for the most part, that an objective observer independent reality exists; the universe, stars, galaxies, sun, moon and earth would still be there if no one was looking.
Deepak Chopra
It is hard to think of practical applications of the black hole. Because practical applications are so remote, many people assume we should not be interested. But this quest to understand the world is what defines us as human beings.
Yuri Milner
I guess people assume I have some sort of totally magical life, but I’m a working musician, fortunately. I’ve worked on my craft, and I’m very fortunate I’ve been able to survive in a very competitive industry and enjoy my success. It’s not easy.
Debbie Harry
I think it’s true for men and for women, if you are even remotely attractive, people will assume you’re just another pretty face and you don’t have the work ethic or the talent to put in the time to flesh out a career.
Erin Cummings
My friends back from the East Coast jokingly call me ‘Hollywood,’ and they assume I’m out at Hollywood parties, but I’m a domesticated guy with 3 kids.
Bill Lawrence
The industry is starting to be more open to what we do. I just don’t want us to be boxed in whatever people assume Christian rap should be. We’re dudes who love hip hop, and we love Jesus, and that’s going to be apparent in our music.
Trip Lee
Well, let’s assume the world is linear. If we required a certain amount of troops per 25,000 population in the Balkans, if the world is not radically different, something of the same extent is going to be needed in Iraq.
Eric Shinseki
Everyone assumes that novelists are smarter and more interesting. They’re generally smarter and more interesting, but they’re often very short. So it kind of cancels all the smart and interesting stuff out.
Liev Schreiber
I think a lot of people make a big misstep when they assume what an artist is going to be interested in, so I try to just take that out of the equation and make sure whenever I’m talking to people about their music, I’m getting all my context clues from that – and then we go to work.
Kenny Beats
I think every organization needs to assume that they are compromised.
Dmitri Alperovitch
I've always believed that the fundamental, driving stra

I’ve always believed that the fundamental, driving strategic ethos of the Republican House leadership has been, ‘What do we do to get through the next caucus or conference without getting yelled at?’ We should never assume they have a long game.
Daniel Pfeiffer
I assume that we are all limited by our own brains and experiences and can only understand other people and other creatures through a kind of translation that brings them closer to us.
Karen Joy Fowler
The British, I have discovered, assume that Americans are more religious than they are.
Stanley Hauerwas
It is always incorrect to assume you can know what someone’s moral convictions are based on their philosophical theories.
Stanley Fish
Most psychiatrists assume that mental illnesses such as depression are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, which can be treated by drugs. But most psychotherapy doesn’t address the social causation of mental illness either.
Mark Fisher
I hadn’t performed by myself in a while. It feels very natural to me, and I assume people come for the very same reasons as they do when I’m with the band: to be moved, for something to happen to them.
Bruce Springsteen
When I’m on that stage, I assume honor. I assume compensation, and I should.
Nina Simone
You can never squash something and assume it’s not going to come back in some fashion. It’s going to bubble up until it explodes. Society evolves to find a better way.
Barry Levinson
I always assume that a chick is not into me. So it’s never natural for me to be like, ‘Check out that girl in the corner. She’s waiting for me to come up to her. I’m gonna to work my six-step process…’
Dylan O’Brien
Before the war is ended, the war party assumes the divine right to denounce and silence all opposition to war as unpatriotic and cowardly.
Robert M. La Follette
It is a significant gamble to assume that troops in our U.K. Armed Forces would volunteer for a Scottish Defence Force.
Philip Hammond
After Leaving Las Vegas I did assume that things would get a lot easier than they’ve been. But it’s just been a mirror of the way my career’s been from the beginning, so for it to have changed would have been strange. My career has never been perfect.
Elisabeth Shue
If you assume away most or all of the questions or difficulties, you can persuade yourself of just about anything.
Richard N. Haass
Whenever a film has three different release dates, people understandably assume that there must be something wrong with it.
John Lee Hancock
If I get the idea, and I get some clarity on how I feel about that idea, then I can safely assume I’ll find the right words. I do have that confidence.
Philip Schultz
I wish you could see some of the girls I have genuinely had crushes on in my life. They’re not the girls you would assume.
Chris Evans
When I got to filmmaking, the most democratic of environments where anybody could say anything, those were the best environments, but what you don’t want to assume is that you know what the audience is thinking.
Rick Moranis
I realize that as the quarterback, you have to assume some sort of leadership role because you have to talk in the huddle on every play, and you’re essentially giving out orders to the team. But in my mind, I have to prove myself on the field before I can start asserting a leadership role.
Andrew Luck
Because 9/11 was carried out by 19 foreign-born Arab hijackers, many assume that all terrorists who attack the West are foreigners.
Peter Bergen
It’s a phobia I have. I never assume I’m going to be able to write another album after I finish one.
Bruce Cockburn
I’ve never been very successful in a monogamous relationship, but I’m looking forward to the day when I can assume that responsibility.
Don Johnson
As a makeup artist, I learned quickly that the color of your lips affects the way a lipstick looks. If you see your friend wearing a great color, don’t assume it will be right for you.
Bobbi Brown
It’s interesting because people assume that because I’m famous I know all famous people.
Daniel Radcliffe
If an adult uses violence on a child, the child will naturally assume that he too, has the right to use it on one smaller or weaker.
Dora Russell
When you talk about kicking racism out of football, people automatically assume you are talking about on the terraces and on the football field. But all racists have to do is keep their mouth shut for 90 minutes and they’re fine.
John Barnes
It’s an interesting thing about being a ‘fem.’ People automatically assume that I’m straight.
Mary Lambert
The world’s most successful tournament competitors – like me, Phil Ivey, Erick Lindgren, Phil Hellmuth, and countless others – like to play small ball poker. It’s a style that we use to steadily increase our stacks in no limit hold’em tournaments without having to assume significant risk.
Daniel Negreanu
France now has a new president and he must be respected. I assume full responsibility for this defeat.
Nicolas Sarkozy
When you do acoustic shows, there’s always a more intimate vibe. I go into them with lowered expectations and assume that people don’t want to hear me.
I love colors, but I also love rich sounds. And I feel like when it comes to colored ukuleles, people assume they’re cheap or that they’ll have a tinny sound. And I feel like it would be really beautiful to have a rich color but also to have a rich sound.
Grace VanderWaal
Fame changes everything. When you’re well-known, you’re expected to be different. Some people assume you must have a yacht and four homes. Or that you’re famous because you are ‘A Decent Man’.
Michael Palin
We now assume that when people turn on the evening news

We now assume that when people turn on the evening news, they basically already know what the news is. They’ve heard it on the radio. They’ve seen it on the Internet. They’ve seen it on one of the cable companies. So that makes our job a bit different.
Bob Schieffer
Our morality is based on so many factors: of where we were born, who we were born to, what values were instilled in us, what values we chose, the way that our lives have shaped us. That dictates so much of what we assume is our morality, and also the culture, all of these things.
Oscar Isaac
I’ve always thought of myself as a role model even before being a ‘celebrity.’ I’ve always been doing charity work and volunteering in the community since I was 8, so when you do that, I think you just assume that role when you put yourself out there.
Eva Longoria
Going to any place that you view as more politically oppressed than your own country, there’s a weird tendency to assume that the whole existence is determined minute by minute by the political reality, but of course, that’s not the case for any of us.
John Jeremiah Sullivan
You don’t automatically assume everyone will fall for a period drama.
Jessica Brown Findlay
People just assume that if you’re famous, you’re in Hollywood.
Megan Fox
You have a specific, defined audience-at MTV, they assume the audience to the news is 15 to 30 years old and they do a lot of research about the things they’re interested in.
Tabitha Soren
There is sometimes a tendency to assume that everyone in this great country has adequate housing. But when you go to certain places, certain neighborhoods, both urban and rural, you find out that’s not the case, and I think we have to do much more.
Jack Reed
TV is all about learning to write in someone else’s voice, so if you do it long enough without selling your own project, they assume you don’t have your own voice; you’re just a good mimic.
Noah Hawley
It always surprises me when donors who operate successful businesses assume that just building a school structure means that a community now has access to education. When creating a business, does renting an office space now mean that you’re producing goods, training staff and generating revenues?
Adam Braun