Top 600 Degree Quotes

At the start of high school, I looked like a girl… to a very major degree. I had really long hair and a really round face with no facial hair. And I went to a very rough high school.
By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.
Tabatha Coffey
At the same time we overlap, because, I do linguistics, and Ben did a first degree in Linguistics at Lancaster University, so he knows some of my subject.
David Crystal
There are certain pressures and things that change your life to a degree that, in the cost benefit analysis that constantly goes on, sometimes makes you think, ‘Maybe I should just leave.’
David Schwimmer
Things that go on at Happy Times are very funny this year, and if you were watching last year, some of the people you saw then as basically extras emerge as real characters in their own right this season, at least to some degree.
Ellen Muth
I went to UC Berkeley. I graduated in 1976, immediately moved to L.A. with a degree in English – which did no more for you then than it does for you now – then sold real estate and did theater for nine years.
Kurt Fuller
I am a person who believes in the good of people and who may have had things influence them to a certain degree, but deep down I think most people are good and would like to be good.
Nolan North
I played college basketball in West Virginia for two years, and then I graduated from NYU with a sports management degree because I realized the NBA’s not going to happen.
Ramon Rodriguez
Whenever I’ve had success, I never learn from it. Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. When you fail, that’s when you learn.
Bone is one of the hardest structures of the animal body; it possesses also a certain degree of toughness and elasticity.
Henry Gray
I kinda liked ol' Shakespeare and them guys, you know.

I kinda liked ol’ Shakespeare and them guys, you know. I went back and got my master’s just in case. I thought, if I ever needed it, I’d have the sheepskin to show people no matter how dumb I looked, actually I was about half intelligent. I got the degree to let ’em know I wasn’t as dumb as I acted.
Phil Robertson
In a memoir, I think, the contract implies a certain degree of truth. I think you have to be as true to your memory and your experience as you possibly can.
David Leavitt
Years of standing in the limelight portraying other people for large amounts of money does not usually lead to a high degree of self-examination, let alone self-criticism.
Michael Korda
‘Friends’ was an education in intelligent comedic banter; in intelligent vernacular. It was an education in scene study. It was an education in group dynamic. I came out of there with a master’s degree in comedy.
Matt LeBlanc
Yes, your kids should go to school. No, you shouldn’t bankroll their degree whatever the cost. You’ve spent your life creating a sound financial plan; don’t upend it by suspending your retirement savings or taking out a home equity line of credit to pay for a pricey college.
Suze Orman
Goodness means the highest degree of popularity.
Heinrich Mann
The real world is far too complex and unpredictable to make something like the idea of humanity controlling its own evolution or engineering itself – well, I wouldn’t say impossible but it should be approached with a degree of caution.
Ken MacLeod
I think that part of being a good journalist, part of being an awake member of the world you’re in, is to view yourself as an outsider, and I always have, to some degree.
Mark Leibovich
I think there’s a stigma to some degree about the outer boroughs and Jersey, and whether their stories are worth telling.
Vincent Piazza
Music pulled me like a gravitational force. I entered college as a physics major but left as a Bachelor of Music, a degree with the same practical application as, say, one in the History of Chinese Poetry.
Marshall Brickman
Every soul and spirit has some degree of continuity with the universal spirit, which is recognized to be located not only where the individual soul lives and perceives, but also to be spread out everywhere in its essence and substance, as many Platonists and Pythagoreans have taught.
Giordano Bruno
I don’t really think about the degree of difficulty or the possibility of making a mistake. I just try to relax and let my preparation and training take over.
Simone Biles
When I came to MIT, there were four rubrics: science, art, design, and technology. And as you entered your degree, whether it was a master’s or a Ph.D., if you were a citizen in one domain, you were a traveler in the other.
Neri Oxman
The idea of ‘advice,’ in terms of telling people advice or asking people for advice, has become not comprehensible to me, to a certain degree, due to feeling, like, for something to be accurately defined as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ I would want to know the context, goal, perspective for it.
Tao Lin
I blush easily. I have difficulty meeting people’s eye, difficulty with public speaking, the normal afflictions of the shy, but not to a paralysing degree.
Nicholson Baker
Getting a degree, being on Sesame Street… those were like real accomplishments to me.
Chaka Khan
Things may not be immediately discernible in what a man writes, and in this sometimes he is fortunate; but eventually they are quite clear, and by these and the degree of alchemy that he possesses, he will endure or be forgotten.
Ernest Hemingway
Humans are possessed, to some degree, with the power of foresight. Yet we so often learn things the hard way, through disaster.
David Grinspoon
A lot of musicians aren’t proud; they’ll do other work, just to be able to play music. I guess that’s the way it’s always going to be – musicians will have to suffer to a certain degree in order to obtain their outlet.
Chico Hamilton
I graduated from college with a 3.92 GPA with a degree in computer programming and a BFA in fine arts and animation. My first job was painting a mural in the Grimaldi’s in Queens.
Having lived a full and stimulating life before I had my kids, I’ve relished every minute I’ve had to spend with them and felt a degree of confidence in dealing with their trials and tribulations to date.
Mariella Frostrup
An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life: it names, it characterizes, it passes judgment, in that it creates.
Thomas Mann
That the God-man died for his people, and that His death is their life, is an idea which was in some degree foreshadowed by the older mystical sacrifices.
William Robertson Smith
The close of my studies with a degree of a Dr. Ing. in 1929 coincided with the great economic crisis, and I was not able to find an academic position. I was therefore very grateful for a position in the newly created laboratory of G.J. Driza in Prague where rare chemicals were produced on small scale.
Vladimir Prelog
I think, to a great degree, we humans still divide ourselves into two species, even though we are monotypic. There are males and females. We see them as different and not equal.
Henry Rollins
The white man’s blood and bones have begotten this bronze race, and bequeathed to it in some degree qualities, tendencies, capabilities, such as are the inheritance of the highest order of human animals.
Fanny Kemble
The great weight of the ship may indeed prevent her from acquiring her greatest velocity; but when she has attained it, she will advance by her own intrinsic motion, without gaining any new degree of velocity, or lessening what she has acquired.
William Falconer
The idea of winning a doctor’s degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle, and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me.
Elizabeth Blackwell
A college degree is the key to realizing the American dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity.
Dan Rather
Even if you look at the ‘Paranormal Activity’ movies, at the end of the movie things get really crazy and nutty, but they all start in a very mundane situation that people can relate to, and that’s also to some degree what we tried to do in ‘Chernobyl Diaries.’
Oren Peli
After an extensive interview he arranged for my weaknesses in foreign languages to be over-looked and so I started a Biology degree at Birmingham in 1967.
Paul Nurse
There's something advantageous about being a woman in r

There’s something advantageous about being a woman in rock versus, say, a woman in chemistry or construction. There’s definitely a built-in sexism across the board, but I think you’re afforded a degree of freedom in rock because, historically, the rules have been flexible.
Amanda Palmer
Before ICE, we had Immigration and Naturalization Services, but it wasn’t until about 1999 that we chose to criminalize immigration at all. And then, once ICE was established, we really kind of militarized that enforcement to a degree that was previously unseen in the United States.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
All unemployment compensation should be tied to a job training requirement. Now the fact is, 99 weeks is an associate degree.
Newt Gingrich
I never like to think that I design for a particular person. I design for the woman I wanted to be, the woman I used to be, and – to some degree – the woman I’m still a little piece of.
Diane von Furstenberg
I don’t have to get up in the morning and go beat up my body like I used to. I don’t have to be out there in August in 108 degree weather down in Texas.
Emmitt Smith
To some degree it matters who’s in office, but it matters more how much pressure they’re under from the public.
Noam Chomsky
All of us, consciously or unconsciously, set out to have the best possible love life. Valentine’s Day simply shines a light on the degree to which that didn’t – or hasn’t yet – materialized.
Tracy McMillan
Let me ask you: Should only children of the wealthy have access to quality early education? Should only children of the wealthy have access to a college degree? The answer – the only answer – is: no.
Lincoln Chafee