Top 606 Duty Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Duty Quotes from famous people such as William Styron, Margaret Cavendish, Patti Smith, Jack Keane, Paul Tillich, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The writer's duty is to keep on writing.

The writer’s duty is to keep on writing.
William Styron
And though my Lord hath lost his estate and been banished out of his country, yet neither despised poverty nor pinching necessity could make him break the bonds of friendship or weaken his loyal duty.
Margaret Cavendish
It’s taken me other places, but it was the impulse to write that led me to singing. I’m not a musician. I never thought of performing in a rock n’ roll band. I was just drawn in. It was like being called to duty – I was called to duty, and I did my duty as best as I could.
Patti Smith
‘Duty’ is a refreshingly honest memoir and a moving one. Mr. Gates scrupulously identifies his flaws and mistakes: He waited too long, for example, for the military bureaucracy to fix critical supply issues like the drones needed in Iraq and took three years to replace a dysfunctional command structure in Afghanistan.
Jack Keane
The first duty of love is to listen.
Paul Tillich
City of Los Angeles is my home, and it is my duty to lead by example, contribute all that I can, and help make the world a better place with the tools and resources available to me.
Walter O’Brien
To vote is like the payment of a debt, a duty never to be neglected, if its performance is possible.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Every member of the Senate has a constitutional duty to follow the Constitution and to uphold the Constitution.
Cory Gardner
Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I love trying to give some flesh to rather naked bones sometimes. I’ve always felt it my duty and to try and bring on the character’s off-stage life, what happened that is not revealed.
Christopher Plummer
It is a duty of everyone to cooperate and help each other.
Bhumibol Adulyadej
Promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners; it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness; a little attention and energy will form the habit, so as to make it easy and delightful.
Charles Simmons
The driving force of any profession includes not only the special knowledge, skills and standards that it demands, but the duty to serve responsibly, selflessly and wisely, and to establish an inherently ethical relationship between professionals and society.
John C. Bogle
We still have people in the active duty, and if people are feeling ill, if they’re experiencing various symptoms and they’re still in the active duty, they’re less likely to come forward because that could result in their medical discharge.
Bernie Sanders
When I feel that burden of representation in public spaces, it helps to recognize that it’s a duty – a job, really. As with any job that you want to do well, you have to ensure that first and foremost you are energized and in the right head space to take on that task.
Janet Mock
It was my duty to shoot the enemy, and I don’t regret it. My regrets are for the people I couldn’t save: Marines, soldiers, buddies. I’m not naive, and I don’t romanticize war. The worst moments of my life have come as a SEAL. But I can stand before God with a clear conscience about doing my job.
Chris Kyle
It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Today nearly every combat brigade located within the United States would report that they are not ready for duty. They are at the lowest levels of readiness.
Ike Skelton
Courage that grows from constitution often forsakes a man when he has occasion for it; courage which arises from a sense of duty acts; in a uniform manner.
Joseph Addison
Leadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means character, and it means listening from time to time.
George W. Bush
Remember that you have to be happy to make other people happy. Don’t get weighed down by duty, guilt, and responsibility all the time.
Swara Bhaskar
That’s the duty of the old, to be anxious on behalf of the young. And the duty of the young is to scorn the anxiety of the old.
Philip Pullman
You can be brilliant in some ways and despicable in others. You can be a clean, upright, moral individual in your private life who never swears, treats women with respect, and speaks highly of duty and honor – and go out every day and dedicate yourself to a cause that makes the world worse.
Alexandra Petri
The day after we had pitched a game, it was our duty to stand at the gate, and afterwards to count the tickets. I remember counting 30,000 tickets one day at the Polo Grounds in New York.
Kid Nichols
I know of only one duty, and that is to love.
Albert Camus
I think that the press has a duty and an obligation to report on local government, state government, federal government – to be aggressive, to do its job. And its job is to report on whatever it’s covering.
Mark McKinnon
The government, both state and federal, has a duty to be reasonable and accommodating.
John Lewis
The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.
John Dalberg-Acton
The great jazz radio stations have a duty to continue evolving their format just as audiences ask the musicians to evolve. How do you do that with a form of music that has 100 years of recorded history? How do you also keep it contemporary so you don’t isolate your listeners? These are major questions.
Jason Moran
Freedom is not a gift nor does it simply exist for us to have, but rather it is a sacred duty, and its blessed yield of hope is born from none other than the blood of the innocent.
Bryant H. McGill
To me, families are puzzles that take a lifetime to work out – or not, as often is the case – and I like to explore how people within them try to connect, be it through love, duty, or circumstance.
Khaled Hosseini
I think the first duty of society is justice.

I think the first duty of society is justice.
Alexander Hamilton
‘Fairness’ can be an important quality for legislators to consider when they are passing public policies. But it is a subjective standard. And it has no place among judges on a court – whose duty is to dispassionately judge a law’s constitutionality.
Gary Bauer
Steady, firm, and kind government of prisoners is the truest humanity and the best exercise of duty. It is with convicts as with children: unseasonable indulgence, indiscreetly granted, leads to mischiefs which we may deplore but cannot repair.
Dorothea Dix
As citizens of a free society, we have a duty to look critically at our world. But if we think we know what is wrong, we must act upon that knowledge.
Tony Judt
My father instilled attention to detail and a sense of duty and responsibility.
Ronnie Corbett
The only duty an artist has is in the quality of the art. There is no moral obligation to denounce. An artist confronted with a tremendous injustice sometimes feels inclined to say something. Denouncing the situation is the artist’s choice.
Fernando Botero
The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society – more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A key to McMaster’s thinking is his 1997 book, ‘Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Lies that Led to Vietnam.’
Peter Bergen
As a writer you have a duty to be a messenger.
Jay Griffiths
In some ways, I had a traditional ‘old South’ upbringing, meaning that I spent some time in a military school, and acquired an inoculum of the military ethic that is still with me today: honor, duty, loyalty.
E. O. Wilson
Turgenev’s achievement lies in how he succeeded, in spite of himself, his country, and his time, in exempting his work from public duty. This has given it that unnameable quality that makes every sentence true, every silence trustworthy.
Hisham Matar
It’s my damn duty and obligation to do everything possible for Europe to find a united path.
Angela Merkel
Justice is the sum of all moral duty.
William Godwin
How can we say we’re for family values when so many women in the United States have to jeopardize their livelihood to take a few weeks off from work after giving birth? Should a man have to sacrifice his economic security to take care of his sick mother or his wife returning wounded from active duty?
Tom Perez
He has no right to his life when his duty calls him to resign it. Other men are bound… to deprive him of life or liberty, if that should appear in any case to be indispensably necessary to prevent a greater evil.
William Godwin
It is the duty of the Defence Ministry and the forces to keep India safe.
Nirmala Sitharaman
The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world. In this long vigil he often has to vary his methods of stimulation; but in this long vigil he is also himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep.
Marc Chagall
There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world.
Robert Louis Stevenson
In most places in the country, voting is looked upon as a right and a duty, but in Chicago it’s a sport.
Dick Gregory
I consider myself fortunate that in my home, acting or the creative arts were a good option. This was a respected tour of duty in my family. Acting wasn’t something that was left to tragic bohemians. But we weren’t a family that obsessed on cinema.
Sean Penn
It’s come to the point where you have people saying it’s our Christian duty to embrace the homosexual movement. This is absurd.
Randall Terry
I believe it is my duty as a performer to raise issues in the world of things we’re afraid to look at.
Samantha Morton
It can sometimes feel like the commercials for Activision’s ‘Call of Duty’ series are always on. If the publisher has its way, the games will be, too.
Jason Schreier
Having immigrated here when I was 3, I was grateful for the opportunities America provided and felt a duty to defend the ideals that make us the strongest nation in the world. I can’t imagine turning away anyone who shares that vision and has the drive and ability to serve.
Ted Lieu
It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.
Nathan Hale
I know I am not only the bad conscience of the Nazis. I am also the bad conscience of the Jews. Because what I have taken up as my duty was everybody’s duty.
Simon Wiesenthal
An artist’s duty is rather to stay open-minded and in a state where he can receive information and inspiration. You always have to be ready for that little artistic Epiphany.
Nick Cave
The greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.
Florence Nightingale
I’ve experienced racism and run-ins with the law, and it’s a real thing, and it happens where I grew up. It’s something that not a lot of people want to talk about. I feel like I have a duty, and I wouldn’t be honest or true to myself if I didn’t speak about it.
Little Simz
We must differentiate between guilt and duty. The soldier on the front, like the common man, who does his duty everywhere, should not be held responsible for the actions of a few who also called themselves Germans.
Oskar Schindler
I feel it is my duty to help the migrants, the heartbeats of our country. We have seen migrants walking on the highways with their families and kids. We just can’t sit in the AC and tweet and show our concern till we don’t go on the roads, till we don’t become one of them.
Sonu Sood
Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest rig

Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good.
I’ve thought for years, sometimes against my will, about what kind of son I’m supposed to be, what’s expected. Being Korean, that’s a particularly charged question. Is your duty to your culture or to your parent? Is your life your own, or the second half of your parents’ life? Who owns your life?
John Cho
Being really likeable all the time is just not real life, so it’s your duty to make a well-rounded character.
Claire Foy
If co-operation is a duty, I hold that non-co-operation also under certain conditions is equally a duty.
Mahatma Gandhi
For this is our most perfect duty and yet least known to us by nature: Whatever we conceive or will should be joined with the good of our neighbor.
William Ames
You always have certain strengths and certain weaknesses, and you want to compensate for your weaknesses… I have a real duty to earn the trust of the faculty. I don’t just deserve it. I have to earn it.
Erskine Bowles
Those who have enjoyed the benefits of our system more than ever now owe a duty to protect the system that has created the greatest nation on this planet.
Kenneth C. Griffin
We are all one – or at least we should be – and it is our job, our duty, and our great challenge to fight the voices of division and seek the salve of reconciliation.
Roy Barnes
Having said that, I believe we must not compound the natural disaster of Katrina by creating a fiscal disaster in Congress – it is our duty to ensure that we reign in other government spending in any event, and especially in this time of national emergency.
Chris Chocola
Caring for our veterans is the duty of a grateful nation. Unfortunately, the Bush administration and congressional Republicans have not lived up to this duty.
Patty Murray
A common currency imposes on us a duty to cooperate more on policy.
Gerhard Schroder
Vision looks inward and becomes duty.
Stephen Samuel Wise
I can’t spell or do grammar, but I’m smarter and more serious than people think. I’m no featherweight when it comes to digging deep and being involved. So many stars I know do so much. It’s our duty to give back.
Economic, social, and other kinds of regional cooperation are not possible so long as there is apartheid. Therefore, it seems the duty of all mankind to destroy it.
Samora Machel
The rule of joy and the law of duty seem to me all one.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.
George S. Patton
As a former board member for Teach For America, I understand that every child has the ability to learn and that, no matter their circumstances at home, we have a duty and a responsibility to educate them and to do it well.
Doug Ducey
Anything’s possible in ‘Line of Duty.’
Adrian Dunbar
Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical.
John Fowles
I grew up in a time when people believed in duty, honor and country. My grandfathers were both officers. My father was a General in the Air Force. My brother and I were both in the Army. I’ve always felt a kinship with soldiers; I think it’s possible to support the warrior and be against the war.
Kris Kristofferson
Remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom. It should be the first duty of those who are happy to let others know of their gladness.
Maurice Maeterlinck
In all disputes between conflicting governments, it is our interest not less than our duty to remain strictly neutral.
Zachary Taylor
Having now reached a point where danger might be reasonably apprehended from strolling war parties of Indians, spies were kept in advance and strict diligence observed in the duty of sentinels.
William Henry Ashley
Love can do much, but duty more.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I could have easily carved out a niche, but I realised that Saira Banu the actress can be replaced, but nobody can substitute my duty towards my family.
Saira Banu
When I was younger, I felt it was my duty to wake people up. I thought poetry was asleep. I thought rock ‘n’ roll was asleep.
Patti Smith
I don’t really put on makeup when I’m on mom duty at home.
Lily Aldridge
I’m the best PlayStation player you’ll ever see. I’ll play anything. ‘Call of Duty,’ ‘NBA2K,’ ‘Grand Theft Auto.’
Ben Simmons
The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.
George Eliot
Because of ‘Line Of Duty’s proper adherence to police procedure, by definition we end up doing some very long interrogation scenes which are difficult to learn, and require lots of concentration to sustain them across shooting.
Adrian Dunbar
Good luck is the willing handmaid of a upright and energetic character, and conscientious observance of duty.
James Russell Lowell
Duty is the great business of a sea officer; all privat

Duty is the great business of a sea officer; all private considerations must give way to it, however painful it may be.
Horatio Nelson
Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.
Ronald Reagan
I feel it’s a person’s duty to participate in the governing of the country in which he lives.
David McCallum
We find ourselves in a difficult situation in Europe. There’s a crisis, weak growth, unemployment… my duty is to ensure that by the end of my mandate France is in a better state than it was at the beginning.
Francois Hollande
From a very early age I had imbibed the opinion that it was every man’s duty to do all that lay in his power to leave his country as good as he had found it.
William Cobbett
To my mind, it is the duty of the younger Negro artist, if he accepts any duties at all from outsiders, to change through the force of his art that old whispering ‘I want to be white,’ hidden in the aspirations of his people, to ‘Why should I want to be white? I am a Negro – and beautiful!’
Langston Hughes
The state has a duty to protect all its citizens.
Deeyah Khan
Let everyone regulate his conduct… by the golden rule of doing to others as in similar circumstances we would have them do to us, and the path of duty will be clear before him.
William Wilberforce
I believe scientists have a duty to share the excitement and pleasure of their work with the general public, and I enjoy the challenge of presenting difficult ideas in an understandable way.
Antony Hewish
Every American has the duty to obey the law and the right to expect that the law will be enforced.
Robert Kennedy
I think we have a duty to maintain the light of consciousness to make sure it continues into the future.
Elon Musk
Most reporters who come to me get their stories directly from press releases. Very few do what one would consider to be their professional duty.
Joey Skaggs
I like stirring the pot – I think it’s part of my duty, to shake people up a bit – make them look at things in a different way.
Nina Bawden
Everyone has to have a sense of duty. A duty to society, to their family. I mean, you name it.
Prince Philip
You can’t, in sound morals, condemn a man for taking care of his own integrity. It is his clear duty.
Joseph Conrad
All the things I’ve done are about duty and guilt: trying to do your best to better other people’s lives.
Jonathan Powell
We need to recognize our agreements and disagreements with whomever is chosen as president, but we can’t continue to just stall out in Washington just because it’s not who I voted for. We have still an obligation and duty to challenge and to work through.
Matt Mead
Every government has as much of a duty to avoid war as a ship’s captain has to avoid a shipwreck.
Guy de Maupassant
My dear, the duty that devolved wholly on you in my absence of guiding and expanding the minds of our dear children is a laborious one and a responsible one.
Ezra Cornell
The financial crisis of 2008-09 was in large part the result of the so-called ‘success’ of people who did not understand their fiduciary duty. This kind of ‘success’ is extremely harmful to all of society.
Li Lu
The physician’s duty is not to stave off death or return patients to their old lives, but to take into our arms a patient and family whose lives have disintegrated and work until they can stand back up and face – and make sense of – their own existence.
Paul Kalanithi
No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.
Barbara Ehrenreich
I expect that on the 1st of August, the SA will be once more ready for duty.
Ernst Rohm
The little people must be sacred to the big ones, and it is from the rights of the weak that the duty of the strong is comprised.
Victor Hugo
When an incident is reported, HR almost always starts from a place of disbelief. They request evidence and ask for proof. But if HR is investigating a sexual harassment case within the company, it is their duty as HR to protect their employees. That is the sentiment that has to shift.
Cheryl Yeoh
I’d be derelict in my duty if I didn’t go and continue to use every advantage that I can to promote New York’s cause.
Michael Bloomberg
Learn the duty as well as taste the pleasure of original work.
Robert James Graves
Your position never gives you the right to command. It only imposes on you the duty of so living your life that others can receive your orders without being humiliated.
Dag Hammarskjold
The poverty of a man of benevolence is not to be considered as poverty but only as his temporary inability to exercise his inherent duty.
Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.
George Haven Putnam
After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul’s indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer.
William R. Alger
When the United Nations consistently fails in its duty

When the United Nations consistently fails in its duty to act collectively, there are times in the life of states that we are compelled to take our own action.
Nikki Haley
Our duty was to try and find the Japanese fleet. We never did find the Japanese fleet and I am awfully glad, because they had attacked us there with six carriers, three battleships, 10 or 15 cruisers, and about 20 destroyers.
Barney Ross
The chief duty of government is to keep the peace and stand out of the sunshine of the people.
James A. Garfield
It is the duty of man to raise up man.
Jose Marti
I did not expect to encounter what has beset me since my elevation to the presidency. God knows, I have endeavored to fulfill what I considered to be an honest duty, but I have been mistaken; my motives have been misconstrued and my feelings grossly betrayed.
Zachary Taylor
Each had defended his own country; the Germans Germany, the Frenchmen France; they had done their duty.
Ernst Toller
When officers’ actions violate their duty, justice should be served in accordance with our legal system.
Thom Tillis
No nation ought to keep a navy larger than is necessary to do police duty.
George William Norris
In the absence of honesty from the Conservative party leadership, it is Labour’s duty to spell out the very real consequences of a no-deal Brexit. It is also our duty to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent it.
Keir Starmer
Love exercised while duty is neglected will make children headstrong, willful, perverse, selfish, and disobedient. If stern duty is left to stand alone without love to soften and win, it will have a similar result. Duty and love must be blended in order that children may be properly disciplined.
Ellen G. White
The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none.
Andrew Jackson
The real duty of man is not to extend his power or multiply his wealth beyond his needs, but to enrich and enjoy his imperishable possession: his soul.
Gilbert Highet
I’ll spend time playing ‘Call of Duty’ and ‘Medal of Honor.’
Kevin Dillon
IN trying to recall my impressions during my short war duty as an officer in the Austrian Army, I find that my recollections of this period are very uneven and confused.
Fritz Kreisler
If it is the duty of the State to educate, it is the duty of the State also to bear the burden of education, namely, the taxation out of which education is provided.
Edmund Barton
As the Bible inculcates upon man but one duty in respect to sin, and that is immediate repentance, abolitionists believe that all who hold slaves, or who approve the practice in others, should immediately cease to do so.
Elijah Parish Lovejoy
Great love, like great genius, can never be a duty: both are life’s gracious gifts to its elect.
Ellen Key
Once you create this thing between duty and reading, it’s over. Reading’s over.
Nick Hornby
Writers seem mesmerized by the state – the temporal entity. The word ‘perestroika’ is impressed somehow on our minds. But that is not the duty of a writer.
Joseph Brodsky
Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.
Mahatma Gandhi
We in the Jewish community must ask ourselves what role we are going to play in changing policies and practices that discriminate against LGBT Americans. We have a special responsibility and civic duty to ensure that all Americans are treated with dignity and equality.
Lynn Schusterman
It’s not Neom’s duty to create jobs for Saudis. Neom’s duty is to be a world hub for everyone in the whole world.
Mohammad bin Salman
Every state has not only the right but the duty to make adequate provision for its own defense in the way it thinks best, providing it does not do so at the expense of any other state.
Lester B. Pearson
Let me make this clear: it is our duty to adopt a policy barring the wearing of niqabs in these public buildings.
Maajid Nawaz
The wretched have no compassion, they can do good only from strong principles of duty.
Samuel Johnson
Law enforcement officers are never ‘off duty.’ They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.
Barbara Boxer
The one predominant duty is to find one’s work and do it.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
It’s the government’s job to encourage entrepreneurialism and investment. Most importantly, it’s the government’s duty to inspire confidence.
Simon Cowell
In the current climate motorists have a long list of issues from which to choose to raise on the doorstep. Policies aimed at reducing emissions – like the changes to Vehicle Excise Duty or here in Manchester the proposals for congestion charges – are not without controversy.
Lucy Powell
I say that no man can be greater than the man who bravely and heroically sacrifices his life for the good of others. No man can be greater than the one who meets death face to face, and yet will not shrink from what he believes to be his highest duty.
Robert Green Ingersoll
Moses Montefiore loved Jerusalem, lived for Jerusalem, and even made it our family motto. A Zionist before the word was invented, he believed in the sacred idea of Jewish return as a religious Jew’s duty, and in Jewish statehood.
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Waterpolo is my life. Our relationship is that of prede

Waterpolo is my life. Our relationship is that of predetermination I’ll never be better at anything than waterpolo and that is why it is my duty to pursue this sport as long as I can, and to the best of my abilities.
Tibor Benedek
We need a pope to usher in a new era of inclusion, the end of a sinful clericalism, and a strong sense of duty to those on society’s margins. The 1 billion faithful long for a leader who is fearless and driven – not by terror but by love.
Greg Boyle
Of course I’ve had a bunch of broken bones, sprains and I’ve had five or six concussions, with three serious ones. I also got a real heavy duty blood clot and internal bleeding from where I was shot in the stomach with a beanbag bullet that the police use for crowd control. I’ve also had six stitches in my head.
Johnny Knoxville
Joseph Smith was true to his calling and fulfilled his duty even in the face of severe persecution and great personal sacrifice.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
She had her reward! – that reward of which no enemie could deprive her, which no slanders could make less precious – the eternal reward of knowing that she had done her duty.
Ernestine Rose
Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt complexes, but is a reward in itself.
Simone de Beauvoir
Little children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty.
George Eliot
Transitioning out of the military after a decade or more of service can be exciting and scary. Even more so when you have a family to support and are not experienced with the challenges of transitioning from active duty to civilian life.
Brandon Webb
The American public should simply accept no distractions. In our democracy, it is our duty to hold our elected leaders accountable. We do it at the ballot box.
Wesley Clark
Ask yourself if these Democrats still speak for you. When they say we have a duty to grow government even when we can’t afford it, does it sound like compassion to you – or recklessness?
Artur Davis
I tend to agree with those who say that a justice’s duty is to the Constitution and that it is thus more legitimate for her to enforce her best understanding of the Constitution rather than a precedent she thinks is clearly in conflict with it.
Amy Coney Barrett
The greatest want of the world is the want of men – men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.
Ellen G. White
It is the duty of the law-giver to deliver to the many the instructions of whose truth he has persuaded himself.
Apollonius of Tyana
I think carrying moral baggage is very dangerous for an artist. If you have a duty, it’s to be true and not cover up the cracks.
There is no such thing as luck. It’s a fancy name for being always at our duty, and so sure to be ready when good time comes.
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
All humanity share a common future, and we must work to try and shape it together. This is our duty, and it is our responsibility to our children and grandchildren.
Reuven Rivlin
As a patriotic American, I am reluctant to leave my post as director of the National Economic Council because I feel a duty to fulfil my commitment to work on behalf of the American people.
Gary Cohn
Duty is not collective; it is personal.
Calvin Coolidge
Presidents are always also storytellers, purveyors of useful national mythologies. And surprisingly enough, Richard Nixon, this awkward man who didn’t even really like people, had not been so bad at this duty – at least in the first four years of his presidency.
Rick Perlstein
But clearly the fact that we’ve gone from zero Iraqi security forces on duty in May to up to 200,000 today is an enormous accomplishment, but it’s not enough.
John Abizaid
Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.
Bruce Lee
Whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
I served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I won the Bronze Star. I won the Purple Heart.
Ron Kovic
The work of many of the greatest men, inspired by duty, has been done amidst suffering and trial and difficulty. They have struggled against the tide, and reached the shore exhausted.
Samuel Smiles
Seeing your name on the list for KP or guard duty when you’re in the Army is like reading a bad review.
Robert Duvall
We educated, privileged lawyers have a professional and moral duty to represent the underrepresented in our society, to ensure that justice exists for all, both legal and economic justice.
Sonia Sotomayor
The queen and I always got on well, still do; I uphold everything Her Majesty represents, has given up her life for. It’s her duty. For her country, she’s selfless to the grave.
Sarah Ferguson
I think that when you’re making a story… that’s based on somebody, the filmmaker has his duty to do his research.
Ryan Coogler
I felt that it was my duty not to senselessly waste my time. And since I didn’t want to waste my time, I tried to accomplish as much as possible.
Aung San Suu Kyi
I always tell people that being the mayor of an urban city for eight years was like getting run over by a truck every day. There’s inner satisfaction, but 24 hours a day, every day, I’m on duty.
Lois Frankel
It’s the duty of the federations to make sure that the funds reach the athletes properly. They need to make sure that the athletes get proper facilities so that they can win the medals for the country.
Virender Sehwag
We have to be thankful to the Czechs that they did thei

We have to be thankful to the Czechs that they did their duty. The Czech Republic won, I can’t believe it. It was a huge party with all the people here.
Ruud van Nistelrooy
It is the duty of the President to propose and it is the privilege of the Congress to dispose.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
I have done what I felt to be my duty.
Thomas Francis Meagher
Vampires are handy characters, as they can do double duty as monster/villains and the classic, misunderstood romantic hero.
Nancy A. Collins
I don’t think we have a right to enjoy our neuroses; in fact, I believe that we have a duty not to. But we cannot walk away from ourselves. Who else is there to become?
Colm Toibin
God gave me a great body and it’s my duty to take care of my physical temple.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
I think I’m basically a liberal Conservative – I believe in low tax, spirit of free enterprise, and in making sure that we as politicians create the framework for business to produce the dosh that we’re going to need to pay for the poorest. And the longer I live, the more I think that we all have a duty to each other.
Boris Johnson
From my early school days, I was brought up with the belief that we have a duty to use our talents, to volunteer and to make a contribution.
Michael Hintze
If I have been fortunate enough to have risen to a level in this business where people would actually listen to me, then I think I have a duty to convey all truths that I encounter.
Ashleigh Banfield
My duty is to make probable the improbable. If I tell you how I did it, I will ruin your experience.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist.
Robert Schumann
The troops are therefore empowered and are in duty bound in this war to use without mitigation even against women and children any means that will lead to success.
Wilhelm Keitel
In should be the duty of every soldier to reflect on the experiences of the past, in the endeavor to discover improvements, in his particular sphere of action, which are practicable in the immediate future.
B. H. Liddell Hart
Writers and intellectuals have a duty to humanity. It is to insist that the human entity remains the primary asset in overall development; thus, it must be safeguarded.
Wole Soyinka
The duty of the individual farmer, at this time, is to increase his production, particularly of food crops.
David F. Houston
The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.
Kurt Cobain
We may take it to be the accepted idea that the Mosaic books were not handed down to us for our instruction in scientific knowledge, and that it is our duty to ground our scientific beliefs upon observation and inference, unmixed with considerations of a different order.
Asa Gray
Activate yourself to duty by remembering your position, who you are, and what you have obliged yourself to be.
Thomas a Kempis
It is made the duty of every Commanding Officer in the Department, to arrest and send to these Headquarters, under guard, every officer or soldier who may be found absent from his command, without the regular leave in writing, prescribed by Regulations and General Orders.
John Hunt Morgan
We have, all of us, our duties. Every action of our lives, and every word that we utter, will either conduce to or detract from the discharge of our duty.
William Godwin
There was very little suicide among the men of the North, because every man considered it his duty to get killed, not to kill himself; and to kill himself would have seemed cowardly, as implying fear of being killed by others.
Lafcadio Hearn
A duty is to be chosen from what is virtuous, and from what is useful, and also from the comparison of the two, one with the other; but nothing is recognized by Christians as virtuous or useful which is not helpful to the future life.
Saint Ambrose
When something like ‘Line of Duty’ happens, your profile is such that you’re asked to do different things. I’m careful not to spread myself too thinly or it just goes mad.
Adrian Dunbar
We have the duty of formulating, of summarizing, and of communicating our conclusions, in intelligible form, in recognition of the right of other free minds to utilize them in making their own decisions.
Ronald Fisher
Once we as doctors are entrusted with the well-being of our patients and their children, it is our duty to take action, to be selfless, and fulfill our obligation to the service of others. I did so willingly, and it brought me great joy throughout my professional career. However, I always had a desire to do more.
Phil Gingrey
I have never, ever slept through my child crying unless I have had a sleeping tablet; and I only take a sleeping tablet when I know Steve, my husband, is on duty. We take turns: he does one night, I do the next.
Deirdre O’Kane
I’m careful about speaking about this, but I believe it is only natural to accept the mandatory military duty, and I will go when I receive a draft notice, no matter when that is.
Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.
George Orwell
I have a special interest in children who have lost a parent or loved one in the line of duty as they served their country as a police officer, firefighter, federal agent or member of the military, but children all over the word need help and an opportunity to flourish.
Larry Wilcox
Employers will work you longer for less money and under questionable safety conditions because it is their duty to prioritize the bottom line. As individuals, we cannot complain. That’s why we need a union to speak for us, certainly when our safety, our health, and our very lives are at stake!
Haskell Wexler
If Europe does not advance, it will fall or even be wiped out from the world map… My duty is to bring Europe out of its lethargy.
Francois Hollande
I think very poorly of United Russia. United Russia is

I think very poorly of United Russia. United Russia is the party of corruption, the party of crooks and thieves. And it is the duty of every patriot and citizen of our country to make sure that this party is destroyed.
Alexei Navalny
Without the Guard and Reserve, our active duty troops could hardly deploy.
John Spratt
Doctors have an ethical duty to follow the practices and standards of care.
Bob McDonnell
We all have a fundamental right to live free from fear, free from crime, and free from disorder – but while we share that right, we also share the duty to secure it.
William Bratton
It is wonderful what strength of purpose and boldness and energy of will are roused by the assurance that we are doing our duty.
Walter Scott
I kiss the soil as if I placed a kiss on the hands of a mother, for the homeland is our earthly mother. I consider it my duty to be with my compatriots in this sublime and difficult moment.
Pope John Paul II
There’s no bigger gaming franchise on the console than ‘Call of Duty’, and we can’t wait to see what the community can create with this new tool.
Emmett Shear
It is the duty of Her Majesty’s government neither to flap nor to falter.
Harold MacMillan
Thanks to modern technology, we now can deliver every text in every research library to every citizen in our country, and to everyone in the world. If we fail to do so, we are not living up to our civic duty.
Robert Darnton
I took every chance I could to meet with U.S. soldiers. I talked with them and read the books they gave me about the war. I decided I needed to return to my country and join with them – active duty soldiers and Vietnam Veterans in particular – to try and end the war.
Jane Fonda
I owe my discovery of the Hot Club of Cowtown to Kinky Friedman, leader of the Texas Jewboys. When I saw that Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys were headlining the 2003 Santa Clarita Cowboy Poetry and Music Festival, I thought it my duty to check out the band that had inspired the Texas Jewboys.
Clive Sinclair
I believe in commitment to duty. That’s how I’ve lived my life.
Jesse White
Consult duty not events.
Walter Savage Landor
The sexual abuse and exploitation of children is one of the most vicious crimes conceivable, a violation of mankind’s most basic duty to protect the innocent.
James T. Walsh
Presidents have the right to nominate their own cabinet secretaries. But their nominees don’t have a right to confirmation. Senators have a constitutional duty to advise and consent to the appointment of all Cabinet officials. They should take that duty seriously.
Gary Bauer
I can’t get enough of ‘Call of Duty.’ I’m the oldest guy who plays on PlayStation.
Steve Jones
Let the grassroots turn on the hate because that’s the only thing that will make them do their duty.
Steve Bannon
I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.
Davy Crockett
It’s ‘Line of Duty’ – you can’t second-guess anything!
Adrian Dunbar
A foundation representing firefighters who die in the line of duty is calling for Congress to strip the Centers for Disease Control of its role investigating firefighter deaths.
Bill Dedman
If we are striving, if we are working, if we are trying, to the best of our ability, to improve day by day, then we are in the line of our duty.
Heber J. Grant
The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams
I love the line of Flaubert about observing things very intensely. I think our duty as writers begins not with our own feelings, but with the powers of observing.
Mary Oliver
I directed the men in our barque to approach near the savages, and hold their arms in readiness to do their duty in case they notice any movement of these people against us.
Samuel de Champlain
About 100 firefighters a year die in the line of duty in the U.S. Heart attacks on the job and vehicle accidents on the way to the fires account for about half. The other half are traumatic deaths while fighting fires.
Bill Dedman
The statesman’s duty is to bridge the gap between his nation’s experience and his vision.
Henry Kissinger
Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you’re prejudiced against all races.
Dan Castellaneta
We are being tough in saying it is a duty on the unemployed in future not only to be available for work – and not to shirk work – but also to get the skills for work. That is a new duty we are introducing.
Gordon Brown
The maternal duty of suckling her own children, prescribed to mothers by hygienists, is based on a physiological principle: the mother’s milk nourishes an infant more perfectly than any other.
Maria Montessori
Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward.
Carol Channing
No more duty can be urged upon those who are entering the great theater of life than simple loyalty to their best convictions.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin
The duty of a historian is simply to understand and the

The duty of a historian is simply to understand and then convey that understanding, no more than that.
Antony Beevor
When we have lost everything, including hope, life becomes a disgrace, and death a duty.
W. C. Fields
No matter how you hire, ensuring the systems are in place to manage the process will be critical in allowing you to find the right people to carry the standards you set. Don’t neglect that duty!
Michael Gerber
For a young person, it is almost a sin, or at least a danger, to be too preoccupied with himself; but for the ageing person, it is a duty and a necessity to devote serious attention to himself.
Carl Jung
I don’t think a reporter necessarily becomes an arm of law enforcement. I think a reporter is like any other citizen. If a citizen can do his or her duty as a witness, if they have information about a crime, or if they have information about a criminal group, I think that there’s a duty on the part of the citizen.
Edwin Meese
Last year, the Assembly of the League, as a result of the initiative taken by the Scandinavian nations, further limited and clarified all the provisions of the clause prescribing the duty of states to participate in sanctions.
Hjalmar Branting
Every American soldier wants as much public support as he can possibly have. That’s the soldiers on duty in Iraq, and that’s me, as well. We fight better knowing that our people back home support us, back us, and understand what we’re doing. It’s hugely important.
John Abizaid
The divine wisdom which requires a division of labor has sown different abilities and tendencies in human nature and has enabled human beings to carry out the duty of establishing sciences and developing technology. The fulfillment of this duty is obligatory upon humanity as a whole, though not on every individual.
Said Nursi
An insuperable obstacle to rapid transit in Africa is the want of carriers, and as speed was the main object of the Expedition under my command, my duty was to lessen this difficulty as much as possible.
Henry Morton Stanley
When I was hired to write and direct a movie, my Christian duty suddenly became quite clear: My primary duty as a Christian in Hollywood is to do my job well.
Scott Derrickson
The duty of helping one’s self in the highest sense involves the helping of one’s neighbors.
Samuel Smiles
The first duty to children is to make them happy. If you have not made them so, you have wronged them. No other good they may get can make up for that.
Charles Buxton
Spiritual practice should not be confused with grim duty. It is the laughter of the Dalai Lama and the wonder born with every child.
Jack Kornfield
The first duty of an historian is to be on guard against his own sympathies.
James Anthony Froude
I took upon myself to enact the part of a poor, unfortunate crazy girl, and felt it my duty not to shirk any of the disagreeable results that should follow.
Nellie Bly
As God has not made anything useless in this world, as all beings fulfill obligations or a role in the sublime drama of Creation, I cannot exempt from this duty, and small though it be, I too have a mission to fill, as for example: alleviating the sufferings of my fellowmen.
Jose Rizal
Anyway I will go same road because I, I was born in gymnastics. This is my, how to say, my life and my duty.
Olga Korbut
The history of soccer is a sad voyage from beauty to duty. When the sport became an industry, the beauty that blossoms from the joy of play got torn out by its very roots.
Eduardo Galeano
My time in war zones have been fleeting and infrequent. I’ve been to Iraq. I’ve been to Afghanistan. I’ve been to other places where I’ve collected hazardous duty pay.
Michael Hayden
But we live in a modern world, you know, and, and also it does seem to me that if you – that whatever talents you have, it… I mean it may sound a bit absurd but I, I think it’s your, absolutely your duty to resolve them, you know?
Tim Curry
There’s no rest when you’re on planetary duty.
Paul Watson
To comprehend the Wisdom of this Injunction the better, and explain the Duty before us, it should be considered, that Government is the only Means by which human Happiness can be attained.
Charles Inglis
The sad duty of politics is to establish justice in a sinful world.
Reinhold Niebuhr
To the American people I say, awaken to what is happening. It is the duty of each citizen to be vigilant, to protect liberty, to speak out, left and right and disagree lest be trampled underfoot by misguided zealotry and extreme partisanship.
Robert Byrd
Force is the duty of the state, not Hizbullah.
Hassan Nasrallah
When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.
George Bernard Shaw
I hold that while man exists, it is his duty to improve not only his own condition, but to assist in ameliorating mankind.
Abraham Lincoln
I just got my phone back yesterday. My mom had it for two days. I was supposed to read a book and I really wanted to play Call Of Duty.
Chloe Grace Moretz
Our duty is to believe that for which we have sufficient evidence, and to suspend our judgment when we have not.
John Lubbock
My experience is that prose usually equals duty – last minute, overdue-deadline stuff or a panic lecture to be written.
Seamus Heaney
Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves.
George Haven Putnam
Being raised Catholic in a pressure-cooker household be

Being raised Catholic in a pressure-cooker household besieged by alcohol and bill collectors enforced and heightened a sense of sentry duty in me, the oldest of five children and the one most responsible for keeping everything from capsizing. Wild indulgence was for other people, the non-worriers.
James Wolcott
Your duty is to treat everybody with love as a manifestation of the Lord.
Swami Sivananda
It is our duty still to endeavor to avoid war; but if it shall actually take place, no matter by whom brought on, we must defend ourselves. If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it.
Thomas Jefferson
My grandfather had been on the New York City force with his 11 brothers around the turn of the century. He was killed in the line of duty. My father, who was 16, was the oldest son, so he had to quit school and go to work to support his mother.
Bonnie Bedelia
We all have the duty to do good.
Pope Francis
While we must condemn any misuse of their authority, let’s not forget that, by far, police are fulfilling their duty to protect and serve.
John Fleming
Self-development is a higher duty than self-sacrifice.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Infinite striving to be the best is man’s duty; it is its own reward. Everything else is in God’s hands.
Mahatma Gandhi
My father passed away in 1942, and three-four months after his death, I had to start working. There was a responsibility on my shoulders to run the household. It was my duty as the eldest child in the house.
Lata Mangeshkar
I’m a huge ‘Call of Duty’ fan, ‘Minecraft’ and all those kinds of video games. I’m constantly playing video games every day.
Olivia Holt
The door might not be opened to a woman again for a long, long time, and I had a kind of duty to other women to walk in and sit down on the chair that was offered, and so establish the right of others long hence and far distant in geography to sit in the high seats.
Frances Perkins
And one cannot discharge the duty of loyalty without the patient and an open minded study of the institution that marked the country and defined its character.
Bainbridge Colby
I feel that it’s my duty to persuade more people to take part in relevant causes.
Lee Min-ho
I think it is our duty towards the people of Lebanon to stabilize the country.
Saad Hariri
In doing what we ought we deserve no praise, because it is our duty.
Saint Augustine
You can’t divorce religious belief and public service I’ve never detected any conflict between God’s will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.
Jimmy Carter
Priests, she insisted, could not sin. It was a thing impossible. Everything that they did, and wished, was of course right. She hoped I would see the reasonableness and duty of the oaths I was to take, and be faithful to them.
Maria Monk
It’s an artist’s duty to reflect the times in which we live.
Nina Simone
I fall in love with contradictions without understanding. I can’t really portray them unless I do. So in a roundabout way I have to fall in love, it’s my duty. If love is about understanding and understanding is compassion and compassion is love, I have to have compassion towards the world.
Joseph Fiennes
He who is false to the present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and you will see the effect when the weaving of a life-time is unraveled.
William Ellery Channing
It is the duty of the Umpire to determine all questions submitted to him according to these laws, when they apply, and according to his best judgment when they do not apply.
Howard Staunton
Seek happiness for its own sake, and you will not find it; seek for duty, and happiness will follow as the shadow comes with the sunshine.
Tryon Edwards
It is not easy to be sure that being yourself is worth the trouble, but we do know it is our sacred duty.
Florida Scott-Maxwell
My topics are timely. When an event is happening is when I want to be there… I think it is our duty to challenge the status quo.
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
Once we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our mind, our duty is to furnish it well.
Peter Ustinov
Painting is a faith, and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.
Vincent Van Gogh
It is the duty of the followers of Islam to spread through the civilised world, a knowledge of what Islam means – its spirit and message.
Annie Besant
No duty the Executive had to perform was so trying as to put the right man in the right place.
Thomas Jefferson
It is the duty of government to make it difficult for people to do wrong, easy to do right.
William E. Gladstone
It is our duty, to ourselves and to our children, to see the new world as it is now.
Yitzhak Rabin
I’ve achieved ‘the American dream.’ I feel it’s my duty to help others achieve their vision, too – especially the youth.
Joe Frazier
When most people come in from work, 95 percent of them

When most people come in from work, 95 percent of them reach for the remote control. Then they read before they go to sleep, to get off to sleep. They do that because reading feels like a duty, and TV feels like fun.
Nick Hornby
Spreading the news is your duty as a Christian, and there are many ways to do this.
Nicholas Sparks
Now a slave is not ‘held’ by any legal contract, obligation, duty, or authority, which the laws will enforce. He is ‘held’ only by brute force. One person beats another until the latter will obey him, work for him, if he require it, or do nothing if he require it.
Lysander Spooner
It is every one’s sacred duty to keep himself in a condition to do the biggest thing possible to him.
Orison Swett Marden
I just finished Narc, which was a really heavy duty, raw, independent.
Ray Liotta
And though I might have learnt more wit and advanced my understanding by living in a Court, yet being dull, fearful and bashful, I neither heeded what was said or practised, but just what belonged to my loyal duty and my own honest reputation.
Margaret Cavendish
In the priesthood we share the sacred duty to labor for the souls of men. We must do more than learn that this is our duty. It must go down into our hearts so deeply that neither the many demands on our efforts in the bloom of life nor the trials that come with age can turn us from that purpose.
Henry B. Eyring
We have a duty to show up in the world with meaning and purpose and commitment to doing good. And to use any privilege that we have to make positive change and to disrupt oppressive systems.
Meena Harris
We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child.
Ronald Reagan
If you’re in a situation where someone’s mistreating you, I think it’s your duty to speak out.
Anjelica Huston
Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat.
John Morley
Deeply consider that it is your duty and interest to read the Holy Scriptures.
Adam Clarke
The duty of responsibility placed on any MP is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed and I for one don’t believe the Conservative Party would abuse that trust by selecting someone who did not have the goods to do the job, just for the sake of media coverage.
Adam Rickitt
I see it as my duty in some way is to be out in the world as an Australian putting forward what I consider to be authentic Australian music.
Nick Cave
I love getting dressed up. Being a pop star is the most brilliant job for that. A lot of girls love shopping, but they might see the most amazing outfit and think, ‘When am I going to wear that?’, so it’s my duty to exploit the fact I do have events I can wear these things to.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor
If you’re going to educate the public and tell them how things happen in the courtroom, then you really owe them the duty to do it right. Don’t misinform.
Marcia Clark
Family is so central to Afghan life that all Afghan stories are family stories. Family is something I simply can’t resist because all the great themes of human life – duty, grief, sacrifice, love, envy – you find all those things within families.
Khaled Hosseini
With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
The risk to be perceived defines the duty to be obeyed.
Benjamin N. Cardozo
By liberty I mean the assurance that every man shall be protected in doing what he believes is his duty against the influence of authority and majorities, custom and opinion.
John Dalberg-Acton
I think coercive taxation is theft, and government has a moral duty to keep it to a minimum.
William Weld
I love ‘Call of Duty;’ I’m a huge fan, but I started off with ‘Medal of Honor’ and I stuck with what I knew. I never got into the online play with people, across the world, across the country.
Mehcad Brooks
Vanity is not having facelifts if you’re ugly. Those people who say: ‘Oh, I’d never dream of having anything done!’ That’s rude. It’s rude, to other people, to not try and look your best; to not try and stir things up, to not reinvent… or just invent… it’s one’s duty to not get stuffy.
Nicholas Haslam
Unquestionably, it is the duty of every master to watch over the religious and moral culture of his slaves, and to give them every comfort and privilege that is not incompatible with the continued existence of the relations between them.
Roger B. Taney
It is the soul’s duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion.
Rebecca West
He was scarcely then a year old, and knew so little of herding that he had never turned a sheep in his life; but as soon as he discovered it was his duty to do so I can never forget with what anxiety and eagerness he learned his different evolutions.
James Hogg
The great and important duty which is incumbent on Christians, is to guard against all appearance of evil; to watch against the first risings in the heart to evil; and to have a guard upon our actions, that they may not be sinful, or so much as seem to be so.
George Whitefield
Each director is different. Clint Eastwood and Chris Nolan are completely different, and I need to adjust to the story and character and the director and just my duty as an actor.
Ken Watanabe
It is better to do one’s own duty, however defective it may be, than to follow the duty of another, however well one may perform it. He who does his duty as his own nature reveals it, never sins.
Lao Tzu
As Christians, it’s our duty to stand up for what we believe – that’s called testifying.
Johnny Van Zant
Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.
Madame de Stael
At the end of October 4 in 1957, when I was coming back

At the end of October 4 in 1957, when I was coming back from sea duty in the South Pacific, Sputnik went up. I realized that humans would be right behind robot aircraft or spacecraft even though I really had no plans of being in aviation or a professional aviator and certainly not in the military.
Edgar Mitchell
Beside all this I think there was something personal, being Muslim myself who lived in the west I felt that it was my obligation my duty to tell the truth about Islam. It is a religion that has a 700 million following, yet it’s so little known about it which surprised me.
Moustapha Akkad
I feel it’s my duty, my job, now to allow people to hear the dance to different genres of music, to ensure audiences have the chance to listen to tap dancing up against all these other styles.
Savion Glover
Looking back, it puzzles me that my parents decided to stay in Shanghai when they must have known that war was imminent. But the cotton works were my father’s responsibility, and duty then counted for something.
J. G. Ballard
The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.
Lois McMaster Bujold
Soldiers, when committed to a task, can’t compromise. It’s unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to others, not letting the task go until it’s been done.
John Keegan
A duty to the public must be to stop prisoners reoffending through successful rehabilitation.
Sadiq Khan
Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty.
Simone Weil
I am classified as a disabled veteran. The reason I’m disabled is because I have wounds and injuries that I got while on active duty… from parachute jumping to combat to gunshot wounds, all that stuff.
Richard Carmona
What is your duty to a country? Do you follow it blindly? Or do you challenge your country to be better and stand up to the ideals that all men are created equal and everyone deserves equity, not just equality?
Winston Duke
Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Up until ‘WWE 2K15’ came out, I was primarily a ‘Call of Duty’ guy. So a lot of ‘Call of Duty’and also a little bit of ‘Destiny’ as well. But I’ve always been a big fan of the COD franchise.
Roman Reigns
It is not only our duty to America, but also to Ireland. We could not hope to succeed in our effort to make Ireland a Republic without the moral and material support of the liberty-loving citizens of these United States.
Thomas Francis Meagher
Our leaders must hear us speaking on behalf of our brothers and sisters in South Sudan. If the moral duty to save lives and work toward peace is not compelling enough to drive decision-makers, we must remind them that we care and will hold them accountable.
Forest Whitaker
I believe musicians have a duty, a responsibility to reach out, to share your love or pain with others.
James Taylor
Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.
Kate DiCamillo
As an MP, my first duty is to act in the national interest, regardless of party affiliation.
Dominic Grieve
The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.
Abbie Hoffman
So often, we leave the selfless side of ourselves for nights and weekends, for our charity work. It is our duty to inject that into our day-to-day business, into the work that we do, to improve corporations, to improve civil society, and to improve government.
Leila Janah
We played hard and we partied hard. I’m not ashamed of that. I was no angel – I did some things I shouldn’t have done, lived a lifestyle I shouldn’t have lived. I had a blast at times; other times, I probably compromised my job, my duty to do my job, to be ready as a professional.
David Cone
Our duty is to be patient.
Hamza Yusuf
The biggest waste of time of my life was playing ‘Call of Duty.’ But I got really good at ‘Call of Duty’ – a little bit too good at that time.
Jason Day
You can not divorce religious belief and public service. I’ve never detected any conflict between God’s will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.
Jimmy Carter
What we need is congressional action to establish a federal principle of fiduciary duty – encapsulated by the phrase ‘no man can serve two masters.’
John C. Bogle
My Catholic faith is the foundation of my worldview, and my judicial duty is governed, from beginning to end, by the law.
William H. Pryor
My duty as a teacher is to train, educate future programmers.
Niklaus Wirth
We require from buildings two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it.
John Ruskin
Never had there been such an attempt to make conquest the servant of civilization. About keeping India there is no question. England has a real duty there.
Goldwin Smith
Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty.
John D. Rockefeller
Of all the games I’ve done, the only time I’ve ever lost my voice was on ‘Call Of Duty 2,’ playing a rasping Russian captain on the Stalingrad level.
Nolan North
All Nigerians of voting age are free to vote based on their convictions. It is our duty to defend and protect that basic right, and – let no one be in doubt – we will.
Goodluck Jonathan
One piece of advice I often give young singers, includi

One piece of advice I often give young singers, including my son Vijay, is to not get sidetracked from their primary duty of learning music. This is the age of marketing and hard sell. Everybody wants instant results. But no amount of hard sell will prop you up if you don’t hone your craft.
K. J. Yesudas
To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
We did four months on ‘Line of Duty’ from beginning to end, and that would be a long theater run.
Lennie James
I go farther, and say, that it is plainly our duty to desire pastors and teachers to take the care of such congregations, and that God did raise up such in the church as we see it in the word.
John Nelson Darby
Many writers upon the science of political economy have declared that it is the duty of a nation first to encourage the creation of wealth; and second, to direct and control its distribution. All such theories are delusive.
Leland Stanford
For most of us, fidelity is faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty. For the men and women of the FBI, fidelity also means fidelity to country. It means fidelity to justice and the law, fidelity to the Constitution, fidelity to equality and liberty.
Robert Mueller
The soldier is summoned to a life of active duty and so is the Christian.
William Gurnall
This is our job as leaders: to offer positive solutions and empower people. Our duty is to tackle our problems before they tackle us.
Paul Ryan
I believe Britishness is defined not on ethnic and exclusive grounds but through shared values; our history of tolerance, openness and internationalism; and our commitment to democracy and liberty, to civic duty and the public space.
David Blunkett
Inasmuch as there is a useful purpose to what we do as VCs, I tend to think it’s our duty not only to mentor entrepreneurs and executive teams, but also to learn from them and the others involved. We can then pass on lessons to aid the startup ecosystem and help businesses succeed and grow their impact.
Joe Lonsdale
My duty is that of a chronicler; and if I perform that conscientiously, the lessons which my observations suggest will need no pointing out.
Bayard Taylor
It is a high patriotic duty that we support and sustain the men who have been placed in position of difficulty, burden, responsibility, and even danger as the result of our suffrages.
Bainbridge Colby
I have sometimes been haunted with the idea that it was an imperative duty, knowing what I know, and having seen what I have seen, to do all that lies in my power to show the dangers and the evils of this frightful institution.
Fanny Kemble
Defending peace is the duty of all.
Fidel Castro
Avoiding combat duty was and is an unforgivable sin for a professional soldier.
John Eisenhower
Do your duty and leave the rest to heaven.
Pierre Corneille
A good deed is not just a duty, but above all, a privilege.
Shari Arison
When the fabric of the universe becomes unknown, it is the duty of the university to produce weavers.
Gordon Gee
My passion is writing, but it is also a fight because I still see home as a woman’s duty.
Angeles Mastretta
The vow of celibacy is a matter of keeping one’s word to Christ and the Church. a duty and a proof of the priest’s inner maturity; it is the expression of his personal dignity.
Pope John Paul II
The treason of which I stand convicted loses all its guilt, has been sanctified as a duty, and will be ennobled as a sacrifice.
Thomas Francis Meagher
Markets are, in the end, man-made devices for utilitarian purposes, not a force of nature that we should not try to resist. If they end up serving the interests of only a tiny minority, as is increasingly the case, we have the right – and indeed the duty – to regulate them in the interest of greater social good.
Ha-Joon Chang
The whole duty of government is to prevent crime and to preserve contracts.
William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
Lebanon is caught in a cycle of threats. And it is our duty to be strong and capable of defending our country. But we will not clarify or explain what we do or do not possess.
Hassan Nasrallah
I didn’t volunteer; they asked me. I felt a duty to testify.
Ramsey Clark
I believe Congress has a duty to do so as well; not simply as a body of legislators, but more importantly as a community of friends, neighbors, parents and Americans.
Jim Walsh
We are commanded to love God with all our minds, as well as with all our hearts, and we commit a great sin if we forbid or prevent that cultivation of the mind in others which would enable them to perform this duty.
Angelina Grimke
The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts in the hour of danger.
Andrew Jackson
Too many of Montana’s own have fallen in the line of duty fighting radical Islamic terrorists, like 31-year-old husband and father of four, Blackfeet warrior Army Corporal Tony ‘Many Hides’ of Great Falls.
Ryan Zinke
Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.
Swami Vivekananda
The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter – for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way.
Nikola Tesla
Duty is for Kant the One and All. Out of the duty of gr

Duty is for Kant the One and All. Out of the duty of gratitude, he claims, one has to defend and esteem the ancients; and only out of duty has he become a great man.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
If you were summoned for jury duty and you didn’t show up, what would happen? You’d be in jail!
Trey Gowdy
I think that all people who feel that there is injustice in the world anywhere should learn as much of it as they can bear. That is our duty.
Alice Walker
In the beginning of the war, Southern women wanted their men to leave – in droves, and as quickly as possible. They were the Confederate Army’s most persuasive and effective recruitment officers, shaming anyone who shirked his duty to fight.
Karen Abbott
The one word you use in military flying is duty. It’s your duty. You have no control over outcome, no control over pick-and-choose. It’s duty.
Chuck Yeager
It is the government’s fundamental duty to ensure the security of every individual citizen.
Charles Kennedy
I am sure it is one’s duty as a teacher to try to show boys that no opinions, no tastes, no emotions are worth much unless they are one’s own. I suffered acutely as a boy from the lack of being shown this.
A. C. Benson
Do your duty, that is best; leave unto the Lord the rest.
David O. McKay
I just had a really good time when I did my voice work for ‘Call of Duty.’ I’ve had nothing but great interaction with Activision.
Michael Cudlitz
Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
There may sometimes be a mistake, but I think that the citizens of America who are sworn to uphold their duty in a jury setting are going to try to do their best to do that regardless of the consequences.
Janet Reno
That future depends on the values of self-government, our sense of duty, loyalty, self-confidence and regard for the common good. We are a diverse country, and getting more diverse. And these virtues are what keep this great country together.
Jeff Miller
I will leave the U.S. Congress when the term for which I was elected expires in January 2011 and return to the practice of law with a sense of duty fulfilled.
Mario Diaz-Balart
A deep concern of mine is that leaders in the technology sector have not developed a culture that insists upon courage, honor, duty, and humility – what we might call a culture of virtue.
Joe Lonsdale
My mother speaks of my step being a source of life-long pain to her, that it is a living death, etc. By the same post I had several letters from anxious relatives, telling me that it was my duty to come home and thus ease my mother’s anxiety.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
A whole range of things are done to ensure services remain safe and sustainable because that is the absolute paramount duty of the health board.
Nicola Sturgeon
One must remember that the Jews have one, tiny country, the only place they have the right and capability to defend themselves by themselves. And it is our duty and my responsibility to see that we will never compromise about that.
Ariel Sharon
Political systems are run by self-selecting politicians. We don’t draft people; it’s not jury duty.
P. J. O’Rourke
It is idle to waste time and discuss whether it was within our power and duty to see whether we could prepare a Bill better than the Remedial Bill.
Charles Tupper
It is the true duty of every man to promote the happiness of his fellow creatures to the utmost of his power.
William Wilberforce
Liberty is the condition of duty, the guardian of conscience. It grows as conscience grows. The domains of both grow together. Liberty is safety from all hindrances, even sin. So that Liberty ends by being Free Will.
John Dalberg-Acton
Next to upholding the Constitution of the United States, the president’s highest duty is to protect the security of this country – our national security.
Wesley Clark
The reason the government sells the census as your ticket to getting goodies – rather than as your civic duty – is that distributing goodies is now all the government does.
Tom G. Palmer
We have a duty to fight ISIS; air operations alone will not defeat ISIS.
Ryan Zinke
My duty is clear and at all costs will be done.
John Burns
We are confident that just like the American people can, the Senate can also multitask and they can do their constitutional duty while continuing to conduct the business of the American people.
Jen Psaki
Because I remember, I despair. Because I remember, I have the duty to reject despair.
Elie Wiesel
Looking ahead, we see the popularity of eSports exploding as competitive gaming becomes more mainstream and eSports leagues like ‘Call of Duty’ World League and Overwatch League driving greater engagement and viewership.
Bobby Kotick
Christ’s Church is, above all, the spiritual temple where every Christian knows he has his place: he knows he has it, and he is aware of his duty to keep it with honor, dignity, and grace.
Pope John XXIII
Like the old soldier of the ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Goodbye.
Douglas MacArthur
It is undeniably the duty of the opposition party to field a credible slate of candidates for the nation’s highest office.
James Carville
Athletes are given a really special platform. It's our

Athletes are given a really special platform. It’s our duty, as athletes, to be role models.
Adam Rippon
If you have more money than you need, you have to give it away. It’s a duty. I get to choose whom to sponsor, and I like to give to the areas that I know something about.
Gordon Getty
Every child is a gift of Allah, and every child in Pakistan, to me, is like my own child, so I will do my best to take the message to every doorstep in Pakistan. Reaching every child, every time with the polio vaccine is not only necessary, but it is our duty. This disease can’t deter us; we will defeat it.
Shahid Afridi
I’ve worn a lot of humdingers in my time, but as a model it’s my duty – my responsibility – to bring life to any garment. That can be challenging when it comes to high fashion, where the creations can be very eccentric, but I’ve gained a reputation for being the go-to girl who can pull it off.
Erin O’Connor
An artist has every right – one may even say a duty – to exhibit his productions as prominently as he can.
Jacques Barzun
A Failure in this Duty did once involve our Nation in all the Horrors of Rebellion and Civil War.
Charles Inglis
Congress, of course, is not bound to accept the president’s budget figures, but the House has the sole power to appropriate funds for spending, and it is a duty that should not be ignored.
Marsha Blackburn
The 21st century can and must be an American century. It began with terror, war, and economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom, peace, and prosperity.
Mitt Romney
I feel like a tree. A tree doesn’t feel a duty to start doing something about the earth from which it comes. A tree just has to bear fruit, and leaves and blossoms. It doesn’t feel grateful to the earth.
Abbas Kiarostami
For me, growing up, I felt like there was something fatally and tragically flawed in my nature and that it was my duty to try to avoid falling for that vice.
Shyam Selvadurai
For my own part, I abandon the ethics of duty to the Hegelian critique with no regrets; it would appear to me, indeed, to have been correctly characterized by Hegel as an abstract thought, as a thought of understanding.
Paul Ricoeur
I beat Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in one day.
Chloe Grace Moretz
Our military leaders don’t seize power in coups; our soldiers and sailors don’t go on strike for higher pay or benefits; our armed forces don’t weigh in on the political process. In return, Americans have a sacred duty to treat them honorably.
Kathleen Troia McFarland
I was raised to believe that we all have a civic duty and a responsibility as Americans to improve our neighborhoods and our nation.
Paul Cook
If you want to understand Jesus, you have to study the whole Bible. Christian duty is not defined solely by the words in red.
Randall Terry
Our conception of 1950s underwear is a lovely vintage aesthetic, but actually, wearing stockings with no elastic and a girdle was heavy duty.
Romola Garai
The duty of rhetoric is to deal with such matters as we deliberate upon without arts or systems to guide us, in the hearing of persons who cannot take in at a glance a complicated argument or follow a long chain of reasoning.
Besides, I always thought that one of the great attractions of practising law was what I like to call the collegiality of the profession and I think that duty of collegiality applies even when we are retired.
Len G. Murray
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
Helen Keller
Traditional Albanian society was based on a clan system and was further divided into brotherhoods and bajraks. The bajrak system identified a local leader, called a bajrakar, who could be counted on to provide a certain number of men for military duty.
Sebastian Junger
Churchill knew the importance of peace, and he also knew the price of it. Churchill finally got his voice, of course. He stressed strategy, but it was his voice that armed England at last with the old-fashioned moral concepts of honor and duty, justice and mercy.
Suzanne Fields
We have a duty as the state to protect our economy… We are for the protection of intellectual property.
Angela Merkel
Authority is mainly a moral power; therefore, it must first call upon the conscience, that is, upon the duty that each person has to contribute willingly to the common good.
Pope John XXIII
I had served in the Republic of Korea in the early ’80s while I was on active duty as a director of intelligence for U.S. forces Korea, and kind of followed developments on the peninsula ever since.
James Clapper
The line of life is a ragged diagonal between duty and desire.
William R. Alger
I feel a real sense of duty to use the voice and the platform I’ve been afforded by my fame to speak out for those whose voices don’t get a chance to be heard.
I’ve entered politics the moment I marked my finger with the electoral voting mark. So I’ve entered politics, but I am not a politician. I am doing my duty as a citizen of India.
Kamal Haasan
It is our duty, as parents and as teachers, to give all children the space to build their emotional strength and provide a strong foundation for their future.
Kate Middleton
We humans have a powerful instinct to flee from peril. It takes a special kind of courage, a deep sense of duty, and extraordinary character to overcome these impulses and – for the sake of others – to run toward the danger.
William Barr
Each and every one of us who is still lucky enough to have our parents has a duty to them. We do owe them.
Ann Jillian
At least in cities where the Confederate Army established a base of operations, young women were overwhelmed by the number of prospective suitors. Thousands of men flocked to the Confederate capital of Richmond, prepared to work in one of the government departments or to train for duty in the Army.
Karen Abbott
People aren't as stupid as the politicians think. More

People aren’t as stupid as the politicians think. More and more of us are laughing off our ‘civic duty’ to vote, rejecting the role of compulsory constituent.
Bob Black
Surgeon generals are appointed by presidents, but our work isn’t about politics. Our highest duty to to the public. Our true guide is science. Our job is to speak the truth about public health, even when it’s controversial or perceived as political.
Vivek Murthy
It is our duty to see that our future citizens are well born; that they are properly nourished, and are reared in that environment most likely to develop in them their full capacity and powers.
Arthur Capper
I now add, farther, that the apostle’s argument is so far from proving it to be the duty of people to obey, and submit to, such rulers as act in contradiction to the public good, and so to the design of their office, that it proves the direct contrary.
Jonathan Mayhew
Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellow citizens: I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States. I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity – and I know we can do this.
Paul Ryan
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.
Marie Curie
The word democracy has no meaning. Duty has gone. Only rights remain.
Fiona Shaw
Peace with the Palestinians will open ports of peace all around the Mediterranean. The duty of leaders is to pursue freedom ceaselessly, even in the face of hostility, in the face of doubt and disappointment. Just imagine what could be.
Shimon Peres
IT may be proper to observe further, that this Duty is not confined to those who live under any one particular Form of Government: It extends to the Subjects of all regular States, lawfully established.
Charles Inglis
Every Christian must be convinced of his fundamental and vital duty of bearing witness to the truth in which he believes and the grace that has transformed him.
Pope John XXIII
It is the patriotic duty of every man to lie for his country.
Alfred Adler
I enjoy popularisation and I think I’m reasonably good at it. I also think it’s a duty. It’s just so pedagogically stupid to forget how difficult one found these ideas oneself to begin with.
Terry Eagleton
The first duty of government is to see that people have food, fuel, and clothes. The second, that they have means of moral and intellectual education.
John Ruskin
Brothers in suffering, brothers in resistance, brothers in ideals and conviction. It is now our duty to further strengthen this bond in order to secure this hard-won freedom for future generations.
Guy Verhofstadt
There have been women who have pioneered and paved the way for me to be able to sit here and to have a platform. And it’s my job and my duty to continue to push the boundary for equality on all spectrums.
Ashlyn Harris
As a civilised society, we have a duty to support those among us who are vulnerable and in need. When times are hard, that duty should be felt more than ever, not disappear or diminish.
Justin Welby
Huge numbers of people in London depend on their cars. Fuel duty is becoming a big factor in people’s cost of living. I believe in trying to ease these burdens.
Boris Johnson
I’m not going to talk about Picasso. I have done my duty to those memories. I have had a great career as an artist myself, you know. I’m not here just because I’ve spent time with Picasso.
Francoise Gilot
What we need are not prohibitory marriage laws, but a reformed society, an educated public opinion which will teach individual duty in these matters.
Alfred Russel Wallace
My duty is to call for free elections because there is an abuse of power, and we live in a dictatorship.
Juan Guaido
Our duty was to declare God’s standards to the world: no adultery, no fornication, no gays, no idolatry.
Megan Phelps-Roper
We all have our likes and our dislikes. But… when we’re doing news – when we’re doing the front-page news, not the back page, not the op-ed pages, but when we’re doing the daily news, covering politics – it is our duty to be sure that we do not permit our prejudices to show. That is simply basic journalism.
Walter Cronkite
Families are nothing other than the idolatry of duty.
Ann Oakley
Government lawyers have a duty to disclose evidence of wrongdoing in the government.
Ken Starr
The first duty of a newspaper is to be accurate. If it be accurate, it follows that it is fair.
Herbert Bayard Swope
Now, I do not, on any level, possess the expertise to argue about the science of anthropological global warming. Nor do you, most likely. This certainly doesn’t mean an average citizen has the duty to do the lock step.
David Harsanyi
Since war became a geographically distant but very real way of life after Sept. 11, 2001, no Hollywood star has stepped up to support active duty U.S. military personnel and wounded veterans like Gary Sinise.
Andrew Breitbart
Everybody has a right to be defended, and every lawyer has a duty to defend people accused. And my office is to defend him, to discuss the accusation point by point, as I think this is a normal step in a democracy.
Jacques Verges
There are a number of writers who believe it is their duty to throw as many curve balls at the reader as possible. To twist and twist again. These are the Chubby Checkers of crime fiction and, while I admire the craft, I think that it can actually work against genuine suspense.
Mark Billingham
I don’t think I should penalize people who were doing their duty.
Leon Panetta
I am very grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and feel I have a duty to repay my good fortune through philanthropic endeavors that expand the reach of human possibility and compassion.
Hansjorg Wyss
So far, I've never missed a deadline for a term paper,

So far, I’ve never missed a deadline for a term paper, a review, a manuscript. I perform the mumbo-jumbo of voting with belief in my heart, I’ve not yet won even a jaywalking ticket, and unlike my father, whom I fault in this respect, I refrain from opting out of jury duty; instead, they mostly kick me out.
William T. Vollmann
When the men are silent, it is our duty to raise our voices in behalf of our ideals.
Clara Zetkin
My mother’s studies stopped with the third year of primary school, my father with the first. They taught me a deep sense of duty. But nobody was involved in politics in my family.
Emma Bonino
Duty cannot exist without faith.
Benjamin Disraeli
Lets have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.
Abraham Lincoln
People in positions of power and privilege have a duty to perform at a higher level. If not them, then who?
Kathleen Parker
As a Muslim, I like to watch Fox News for the same reason I like to play ‘Call of Duty.’ Sometimes, I like to turn my brain off and watch strangers insult my family and heritage.
Hasan Minhaj
If my duty does involve heralding His law in every arena, then the Church in America is failing radically today.
Randall Terry
Fear is not a lasting teacher of duty.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Only when the voice of duty is silent, or when it has already spoken, may we allowably think of the consequences of a particular action.
Augustus Hare
The first duty of a leader is to make himself be loved without courting love. To be loved without ‘playing up’ to anyone – even to himself.
Andre Malraux
I will say, nothing in my time in the Senate has more surprised me than senators and House members want to weigh in on everything under the sun, but they do not want to weigh in on a clearly defined constitutional duty to declare war. It just stuns me.
Tim Kaine
In the world of literature, I see prizes as more of a duty to the craft itself, rather than as something for the individual.
Wole Soyinka
My duty to the army and to the republic whose battles we were waging forbade me assuming a position of seeming hostility to any portion of the brave men under my command.
Zachary Taylor
With an open trade in corn and a fixed duty we should have every man in the country fully fed and happy, instead of our present situation in which so much distress exists – distress of our own producing.
Joseph Hume
I always felt that it was never the duty of a person to really stand up for their gender or their race or anything like that – I always felt that was a personal choice. But I do feel now that maybe my opinion is evolving or changing a little bit.
Kumail Nanjiani
May be is very well, but Must is the master. It is my duty to show justice without recompense.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American people. If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch.
George W. Bush
Thrones, dominations, principalities know now with a terrible certainty that mere force of arms has no power which compares with that living word of the crucified Nazarene, that bears with it Eternal Life, and directs the duty of a world of men whom he can lead, but who bend no knee to power.
Edward Everett Hale
I’ve buried six Guardian Angels who have been shot and killed in the line of duty. I was stalked myself, had a gunman go pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, five hollow point bullets, God save me. What do you think this is? This isn’t Zimmerman. But unfortunately, he’s become the face of Block Watch, Crime Watch.
Curtis Sliwa
I want no presidency; I want to do my duty. No denunciations here, or out of this House, can deflect me a single inch from going directly at what I aim, and that is, the good of the country. I have always acted upon it, and I will always act upon it.
John C. Calhoun
The upward revision of import duty, from 1 per cent to over 4 per cent on steam coal imports, will adversely impact the industry, as it will lead to increase in cost of power generation.
Gautam Adani
All cannot rule, nor can all be ruled. All cannot plow, nor can all sow, nor reap. No more can all neglect such employments, else the race would become extinct. Each has his business to perform, his part to act. It is a duty he owes to the rest as well as to himself.
Joseph P. Bradley
Everyone living under the social contract we call democracy has a duty to act responsibly, to obey the laws, and to abandon certain types of self-interested behaviors that conflict with the general good.
Simon Mainwaring
It certainly is the duty of every true Christian, to esteem himself a stranger and pilgrim in this world; and as bound to use earthly blessings, not as means of satisfying lust or gratifying wantonness, but of supplying his absolute wants and necessities.
Johann Arndt
Government’s first duty and highest obligation is public safety.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
It is my duty to voice the suffering of men, the never-ending sufferings heaped mountain-high.
Kathe Kollwitz
World War II really fascinated me because it’s the only time that everybody in this country sat down at the same table, because eating on rations was your patriotic duty.
Ruth Reichl
I believe for some high-technology medicine, like transplants and kidney dialysis, age should be a consideration in the delivery of that technology. In a world of limited resources, we have a larger duty to a 10-year-old than to a 90-year-old.
Richard Lamm
I’m a pathetic haggler and often give more than the original price out of a misplaced sense of duty.
Joanna Lumley
It is our duty and our privilege to keep America moving forward.
Bill Frist
When I'm not thanked at all, I'm thanked enough, I've d

When I’m not thanked at all, I’m thanked enough, I’ve done my duty, and I’ve done no more.
Henry Fielding
Unfortunately, military servicemen and servicewomen often have a difficult time transitioning to jobs in the private sector once their duty is complete.
Tae Yoo
One of the hardest things I do as FBI Director is call the chiefs and sheriffs in departments around the nation when officers have been killed in the line of duty. I call to express my sorrow and offer the FBI’s help.
James Comey
The consequence was, that the most sudden and visible good effects were perceived from the use of oranges and lemons; one of those who had taken them, being at the end of 6 days fit for duty.
James Lind
For me, in a world full of armies of stylists and makeup artists, what I think truly makes a fashion icon is how a girl dresses when she’s off duty and she has to put her own looks together – no small challenge!
Derek Blasberg
The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the Pope has the duty, in Christ’s name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them.
Pope Francis
He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
Thomas Paine
‘Anna Karenina’ is just a story about a woman falling in love with a bloke who is not her husband. It’s gossip, rubbish – on the other hand, it’s the deepest story there could be about social transgression, about love, betrayal, duty, children.
Hanif Kureishi
I took a trip in 2004, a year after the war started in Iraq. I played music on the streets of Baghdad for Iraqi civilians. I’d also play for U.S. soldiers at night when they were off duty in the bars. Then I would talk to people, and I would film them and ask them about their life and the conflict.
Michael Franti
People thought I was trying to say that women had no say, no rights. I was not saying that. I was saying that women had a role, a duty. When they want to have a say in government – though in Africa they are not expected to do that – they are not discouraged. They can do what they want to do.
Fela Kuti
The duty of the media is to observe truth and social responsibility.
Salva Kiir Mayardit
I buy all my perfumes duty free – I think people are fools not to.
Leandra Medine
When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery.
Maxim Gorky
Fiction is burdened for me with a sense of duty.
John Updike
We are to learn our duty from the Lord, and then we are to act in all diligence, never being lazy or slothful. The pattern is simple but not easy to follow. We are so easily distracted.
Henry B. Eyring
It is not only our duty to pray for others, but also to desire the prayers of others for ourselves.
William Gurnall
I write because something inner and unconscious forces me to. That is the first compulsion. The second is one of ethical and moral duty. I feel responsible to tell stories that inspire readers to consider more deeply who they are.
David Guterson
It is time for someone as powerful as Barack Obama to compare the girls of Chibok to his own daughters. These girls are a symbol of our own message to girls that they should be educated, that we would go beyond the call of duty for you.
Obiageli Ezekwesili
Because my father was often absent on naval duty, my mother suffered me to do much as I pleased.
John James Audubon
I don’t regard James Bond precisely as a hero, but at least he does get on and do his duty, in an extremely corny way.
Ian Fleming
Professional reviewers read so many bad books in the course of duty that they get an unhealthy craving for arresting phrases.
Evelyn Waugh
You look at driving down the road, night after night, tryin’ to make a town, getting $25 – that’s hard times. It’s our duty to make it good times for the fans that pay their money to see us perform each and every night.
Dusty Rhodes
The right to life is guaranteed to all Americans in the Declaration of Independence, and ensuring this is upheld is the Constitutional duty of all members of Congress.
Rand Paul
It is very clear from the text of the Geneva Conventions that families have the right to know about the whereabouts of their missing and that belligerents have a duty to inform families if they have indication and if they are detaining people.
Peter Maurer
I promised never to let the Rwandan Genocide die because I knew the Rwandans didn’t have much power internationally and certainly didn’t have the resources. I felt it was my duty having witnessed it, and having stayed to witness it, that I had to talk about it and keep it going.
Romeo Dallaire
Character is made of duty and love and sympathy, and, above all, of living and working for others.
Robert Green Ingersoll
I have a reputation for drinking a lot. Indeed, I drink quite much. However, I give it up when I wish to do so. I never, ever drink while on duty. The drinking is only for my pleasure. I do not remember neglecting my duties because of drinking even once.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
There’s a generation of people I think without a strong connection to family, to religion, to civic duty. They have a real disassociation from the problems of the world.
Tim Heidecker
We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it.
Robert Baden-Powell
With acting, when you’re reading a script, you’re regurgitating someone else’s words. There’s a whole part of your brain that’s off duty.
Vanessa Lachey
I did ‘Call of Duty Modern Warfare’ as Gaz, then I did Ghost in ‘Modern Warfare 2,’ which has become one of the most iconic figures in the history of computer games.
Craig Fairbrass
Never mind your happiness; do your duty.

Never mind your happiness; do your duty.
Peter Drucker
Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty.
Oscar Wilde
While the women of the older generation were thankful if only they succeeded in obtaining ‘a work and a duty,’ however monotonous and wearing it might be, the will of the younger generation for a pleasurable labour has fortunately increased.
Ellen Key
Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail.
Thomas Jefferson
Animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.
Michael Morpurgo
I am sick and tired of hearing that it is our moral duty to serve the state, because conservatives believe that it is our moral duty to serve our fellow man regardless of race, sex, affiliation or creed, and when we serve, we believe that it is the state’s duty to get out of the way.
Allen West
Every duty is a charge, but the charge of oneself is the root of all others.
For more than a quarter of a century on active duty, my house has been my tent, and my home the battlefield.
Zachary Taylor
I was a fan of ‘Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2,’ and I got into ‘Call Of Duty: Black Ops,’ which was my favorite ‘Call Of Duty’ game of all time.
M. Shadows
You have to be true to what you believe in and do your duty.
Wesley Clark
Tis a sort of duty to be rich, that it may be in one’s power to do good, riches being another word for power.
Mary Wortley Montagu
As a militant troublemaker, I once wrote that it was the duty of every woman worthy of the description to upset men at least three times a day, on principle.
Julie Burchill
I got to do something I never do, which is go to Starbucks and read ‘The New York Times’ until 7 a.m. I took my daughter to school on the East Side, which was a lot of fun. And I admit I played Call of Duty, one of those war video games.
Joe Scarborough
The sexes were made for each other, and only in the wise and loving union of the two is the fullness of health and duty and happiness to be expected.
William Hall
The march to our duty here, not merely to ourselves, but to our surroundings, must proceed. God wills it.
William H. O’Connell
I would like to work with my mate Gary Oldman again. I think Gary would be an interesting person to bring into ‘Line Of Duty.’
Adrian Dunbar
Love is a better teacher than duty.
Albert Einstein
‘Call Of Duty’ initially cut its teeth on World War II simulation stuff, and then we gradually advanced to the end of the Cold War, but you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again. And I think that because ‘Call Of Duty’ cut its teeth on presenting ‘realism,’ in quotes… verisimilitude.
David S. Goyer
As a film-maker and a poet, I feel it’s my duty to be an eye and an antenna to what’s happening around me. I always felt a solidarity with those who are desperate and confused and misused and are seeking a way out of it.
Jonas Mekas
For it is the duty of an astronomer to compose the history of the celestial motions through careful and expert study.
Nicolaus Copernicus
For a man who has done his natural duty, death is as natural as sleep.
George Santayana
Do the duty which lies nearest to you, the second duty will then become clearer.
Thomas Carlyle
The duty of a toastmaster is to be so dull that the succeeding speakers will appear brilliant by contrast.
Clarence Budington Kelland
I am quite sure that from America will come the greatest help for the cause of peace, and I consider it my duty to inform the people of Europe as to the feelings and intentions of the friends of peace in Europe.
Bertha von Suttner
I love the royal family. I even got up in the middle of the night to watch Kate and William’s wedding. And I never miss the Queen’s speech on Christmas Day. I feel it’s my duty as an English-born woman to watch.
Lily Collins
The legions of reporters who cover politics don’t want to quit the clash and thunder of electoral combat for the dry duty of analyzing the federal budget. As a consequence, we have created the perpetual presidential campaign.
Hugh Sidey
When they see you on the street, I was at the bottom of Highgate West Hill the other day and the police came down the hill with blue lights and screeched to a halt and went, ‘Oi, ‘Line Of Duty!’
Adrian Dunbar
Your first duty as a writer is to write to please yourself. And you have no duty towards anyone else.
Iris Chang
I saw this cool interview with Amy Adams from when she did ‘Enchanted’ and played a princess, and when kids came up to her with no make-up and ripped jeans on, she said, ‘I’m off duty. I’m an off-duty princess’, and I thought that was quite sweet.
Lily James
Man is a living duty, a depository of powers that he must not leave in a brute state. Man is a wing.
Jose Marti
Under the common law, one of the more controversial rules is the ‘no duty to rescue rule’ that says that, if you were not responsible for placing someone in danger or risk, you have no obligation to help them, even when it would cost little to save their life.
Jonathan Turley
The country voted to leave the European Union, and it i

The country voted to leave the European Union, and it is the duty of the Government and of Parliament to make sure we do just that.
Theresa May
There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so.
Jose Marti
I still held fast to my determination to become a minister; it still seemed to me that that was my duty. I had pledged myself, in my prayers I had given my word to God. How could I therefore break my vow?
Pierre Loti
At the end of the day, I think you’re on high moral ground when you respect Montana and you respect the Constitution and you do your duty as a Senator. We need to put Americans’ and Montanans’ interests in the front seat and politics in the back.
Ryan Zinke
The duty of man is the same in respect to his own nature as in respect to the nature of all other things, namely not to follow it but to amend it.
John Stuart Mill
This nation has given the world an object lesson in the whole duty of neutrals, which is to furnish an outlet for the wrath of a belligerent who is annoyed because he cannot defeat his opponent.
Elmer Davis
I like having a duty. I’m a terrible cook, but when people come over, if I’m falling between the cracks socially, I can always run away to my job.
Adam Scott
If you have problems of conduct that are difficult and hard to settle, I will furnish you with solutions, for I not only know matters of practice and duty, but I even know them beforehand.
Apollonius of Tyana
I think it would be difficult to explore some aspects of Ted’s past, because ‘Line of Duty’ investigates fictitious police forces – you never know, and you should never know, who it is we might be investigating.
Adrian Dunbar
He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done.
Charles Mackay
I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demanded the best that I could bring to it.
Rose Kennedy
Since the German people, with unparalleled heroism, but also at the cost of fearful sacrifices, has waged war against half the world, it is our right and our duty to obtain safety and independence for ourselves at sea.
Bernhard von Bulow
It is long overdue for parents to realize they have the right and duty to protect our children against the intolerant evolutionists.
Phyllis Schlafly
I see this rise in rough sleeping and homelessness – in one of the wealthiest cities in the world – as a growing source of shame. And as Londoners, as a city, and as a country, I believe we have a moral duty to tackle it head-on.
Sadiq Khan
As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
Adolf Hitler
And, Mr. Speaker, if the Governor and Council don’t see fit to fall in with us, I say let the general duty law, and all, go to the devil, sir, and go about our business.
Christopher Gadsden
Those who serve in our armed forces do so from a profound sense of duty to secure liberty for their fellow Americans. They enlist to serve their fellow citizens who express their will through elected representatives, not an unaccountable defense establishment.
Joe Lonsdale