Top 606 Generations Quotes

We need to instill the values that are important for future generations, and above all we have to show boys how to respect women.
Charlene, Princess of Monaco
Bill Clinton worked with a Republican Congress. They certainly had their differences on many issues, but look at what they also accomplished. Welfare reform – that was maybe the most significant social policy achievement in two generations.
Tom Cotton
As Members of Congress and people of conscience, we must work to overcome the indifference and distortions of history, and ensure that future generations know what happened.
Jerry Costello
I’ve been thinking a lot about the journey of my parents – just seeing the sacrifices they’ve made to allow me to do what I do. How much of a difference their sacrifices have made through the generations.
Rupi Kaur
What I’d like to do is be able to work with Democrats to reform current entitlement programs for future generations, grandfathering all the grandparents.
Jeb Hensarling
I’m a kind of double-breasted rebel in that I’ve always believed the important thing is that generations react against one another. For instance, there was always something oddly creative about the fact that Hanoverian sons hated their fathers so much.
David Starkey
Kuwait has been a strong partner to the United States, and the royal family has maintained an enduring and sincere friendship with my family for generations.
Neil Bush
Human nature must have come much nearer perfection than it is now, or will be in many generations, to exclude from such a control prejudice, selfishness, ambition, and injustice.
Elihu Root
Led Zeppelin has been there through three generations of teenage angst. And there’s a generation of kids now who won’t know it, post-Linkin Park.
Robert Plant
To apply Kim Jong Il's patriotism means to thoroughly m

To apply Kim Jong Il’s patriotism means to thoroughly materialize the General’s intentions and desires for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of all generations to come and to carry on all work for achieving the prosperity of the country in the way he did.
Kim Jong-un
I wrote ‘Bamboozled’ to expose and uncover the lies liberals have used for generations to exploit minorities for the vote.
Angela McGlowan
A good story, a story resonant and remarkable, can be remade endlessly to tell new sides of itself for new generations of readers.
Jean Hanff Korelitz
My family for several generations have been members of the Unitarian Church.
Leverett Saltonstall
A distant cousin sent me some genealogy report on my father’s side, and it’s sort of what I suspected. Coal miners for generations… four or maybe five generations.
Gina McKee
It’s important we preserve nature and allow our future generations to experience the best of it.
Vatsal Sheth
From education by the Church to education by Germanic value is a step of several generations.
Alfred Rosenberg
Older generations of Wi-Fi weren’t quite robust enough to deliver video in the home without breaking up and losing packets and so forth. 5G Wi-Fi gives you extended reach, extended data rates, and more robust coverage.
Henry Samueli
My own view is that being a vegetarian or vegan is not an end in itself, but a means towards reducing both human and animal suffering and leaving a habitable planet to future generations.
Peter Singer
When you touch the life of a man of this generation, that influence is felt through generations yet to come.
Gordon B. Hinckley
For generations, even many otherwise decent white Southerners learned to despise black people.
Linda Chavez
Being an Israeli is to know that you have risen from the ashes of those who were killed and knowing you have a responsibility for the coming generations.
Tzipi Livni
If succeeding generations of Americans don’t understand the concepts of justice, individual rights, free enterprise, capitalism, sovereignty or national security, there can be no guarantee that those concepts – or others like them – will continue.
George Nethercutt
I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don’t have to pay our bills.
Carol Moseley Braun
The year I was born, 1956, was the peak year for babies being born, and there are more people essentially our age than anybody else. We could crush these new generations if we decided too.
Tom Hanks
I plant a lot of trees. I am a great believer in planting things for future generations. I loathe the now culture where you just live for today.
Penelope Keith
Personally, I don’t think it is acceptable to manipulate the human germline for the purpose of changing some genetic traits that will be transmitted over generations.
Emmanuelle Charpentier
From Watergate we learned what generations before us have known; our Constitution works. And during Watergate years it was interpreted again so as to reaffirm that no one – absolutely no one – is above the law.
Leon Jaworski
Friction and misunderstandings often occur when communicating across generations. It gets even more challenging when working across virtual settings.
Raymond Arroyo
I like to see the kids in my area wearing England shirts, not Pakistan or India ones. A lot of it comes from the older generations but it’s changing slowly, especially if people like myself and Ravi Bopara are playing for England.
Moeen Ali
There are two books that I often travel with; one is ‘The Theory on Moral Sentiments’ by Adam Smith. The other is ‘The Meditations.’ It’s not that I agree with either views expressed in the books, but I believe ideas and thoughts of older generations can offer food for thought for the current generation.
Wen Jiabao
Mrs. Parks’ act of brave defiance rocked the foundation of American society and inspired generations of civil rights leaders and created a sense of hope for every American facing legal discrimination in this country.
Kendrick Meek
I’m just so proud to be from San Francisco and to have a family history there. It’s only two generations back, but still, it’s two generations in San Francisco. I love it. I’m so proud of it.
Jamie Chung
Gay people – generally speaking – have a responsibility to our own community and to future generations of gay people to come out, if and when we feel that we can.
Rachel Maddow
I made physical objects because I know how to do something on the computer. That struck a chord with me: Most women of my generation have grown up with technology but lack the handmade creative skills of former generations. This is a big opportunity to fill that gap.
Brit Morin
Use your lives wisely, my friends, and conserve these precious freedoms for future generations.
Ted Nugent
I think Pac is one of those artists that generations on generations know who this guy is, as an artist, as an activist, as an actor – entertainer across the board. I think the new generations of entertainers and artists can be influenced by him just as much as people in the ’90s.
Annie Ilonzeh
The nation is a community. Community of individuals, community of generations.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
I cling to the hope that with more and more women in the workplace, we can teach younger generations to be respectful and also encourage young women to speak up when they’ve experienced abuse.
Gretchen Carlson
The bottom line: if you want a happier family, create, refine and retell the story of your family’s positive moments and your ability to bounce back from the difficult ones. That act alone may increase the odds that your family will thrive for many generations to come.
Bruce Feiler
I love that sense of discovery. You’re experiencing something for the first time, and your parents aren’t in on it, previous generations aren’t in on it. It has a chance to belong to you and your generation in a way that nothing has. If ‘Pacific Rim’ is a fraction of that, I would be very proud.
Travis Beacham
The transparency men have enjoyed for generations, abou

The transparency men have enjoyed for generations, about their ability to frankly work while also reveling in fatherhood, is still complicated for women. Which is not to say that anyone can have everything.
Mona Simpson
Holding office often requires swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Running for office should include accepting responsibility for this, too, so that our democratic republic’s underpinnings can remain strong for generations to come.
Eric Swalwell
As a master of graphic creation, as teacher, historian, and roving ambassador of comics, Jerry Robinson has ensured that future generations of talented kids will continue to imagine and then put marks on paper.
Pete Hamill
Over the generations, black leaders have ranged from noble souls to shameless charlatans.
Thomas Sowell
I think what travelling has done for me and for many generations of my family – my grandmother was a great example – it’s really highlighted for me how similar we all are and how many values we all share as people on this planet.
Leila Janah
I stand on the shoulders of heroines who never sought public acclaim but served as inspirations to the generations that came after them.
Gina Haspel
Republicans say they want citizenship to truly mean something. Let’s be equal-opportunity about it and test everyone, including those very Republicans and others whose forbears came here generations ago.
Eric Liu
In my family history, there are generations of women who were abandoned by men. It’s one of the themes of my family.
Lynn Nottage
Demography is changing us as we are older societies, we’re living longer. How the generations balance each other out, how that affects education and health care.
Howard Baker
As the U.S. ambassador to Japan, I see this challenge of our younger generations not knowing each other as well as the prior generations.
John Roos
A government program helps for a month, but a good-paying career helps a family for generations.
Tate Reeves
I am ever hopeful that there are generations of young Chinese people who are really thinking about the future and what kind of society they want.
Claire Fox
I joined the Safe Climate Caucus because I believe in leaving a safer planet for future generations.
Mark Pocan