Top 606 Summer Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Summer Quotes from famous people such as Maksim Chmerkovskiy, Julia Glass, Bill Dedman, Kenny Chesney, Ryan Hansen, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Do you know what a showmance is? It is like being at a

Do you know what a showmance is? It is like being at a summer camp when you’re a teenager. You spend summertime away from your home. When you spend three months very closely with someone at a particular place, it is like a summer love. You have no choice but to get involved with that person.
Maksim Chmerkovskiy
From fifth grade on, I worked at our public library. The pay, a pittance, was almost superfluous. All through high school, I looked forward to summer as the time when I could work at the library four or five days a week. I was never a camp counselor, a lifeguard, a scooper of ice cream.
Julia Glass
Humidity notwithstanding, summer seems to bring out the best of Cincinnati.
Bill Dedman
I can’t believe that I get to stand on the stages I stand on every summer, and get to sing the songs that I sing.
Kenny Chesney
Run for the door if a guy has too much gel in his hair and is too tan and it’s not even summer.
Ryan Hansen
I didn’t like books where people played on a sports team and won a bunch of games, or went to summer camp and had a wonderful time. I really liked a book where a witch might cut a child’s head off or a pack of angry dogs might burst through a door and terrorize a family.
Daniel Handler
Each time I hit the road to gig, it still feels like I’m going to summer camp.
Steve Miller
I was 13 – 14 when I first tasted stardom. In the summer holidays, my dad made me act in these films that went on to become superhits. I became a child star.
Mahesh Babu
As you get older, the summer is less of a vacation and more of a training period by yourself away from the team. It’s exciting for me. I felt like I’ve been really getting better as far as my conditioning every single season as I get older.
Aaron Rodgers
The moon is at her full, and riding high, Floods the calm fields with light. The airs that hover in the summer sky Are all asleep tonight.
William Cullen Bryant
We started focusing on this in earnest late summer and early fall. I can build more power plants. In the 12 years before us, not a single plant of major consequence was built.
Gray Davis
The time leading up to the 1996 Olympics was the most demanding and stressful of my career. The sport I had loved so much was slowly becoming a nightmare as I trained with Bela and Marta Karolyi the summer before the Olympics.
Dominique Moceanu
During the summer of 2009, conservative activists turned up the heat on Democratic politicians to protest the innovation-destroying, liberty-usurping Obamacare mandate. In the summer of 2012, it’s squishy Republican politicians who deserve the grassroots flames.
Michelle Malkin
Lympne Castle opens its doors to visitors during the summer only. It is privately owned, and more an interesting medieval manor than a castle.
David Hewson
This is such a special summer holiday for me. I haven’t known myself so relaxed in years.
Kylie Minogue
Summer in Seattle allows me to indulge in some of the region’s top culinary delights – I’m talking about wild king salmon and fresh, ripe Washington stone fruits and berries like cherries, peaches, plums, and blueberries.
Tom Douglas
Summer is a promissory note signed in June, its long days spent and gone before you know it, and due to be repaid next January.
Hal Borland
I live a life very similar to my characters in that I live a full-blown summer fantasy from June to September. I go to the beach and work there every day.
Elin Hilderbrand
Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.
Hosea Ballou
The history of the outbreak of war 100 years ago and of the collapse of the fragile balance of power in Europe in the summer of 1914 is a disturbing tale of the failure of the governing elites and the military, but also of diplomacy.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Mr. Speaker, high natural gas prices and the summer spike in gasoline prices serve as a stark reminder that the path to energy independence is a long and arduous one.
Judy Biggert
I am climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa this Summer as a personal physical goal for myself, but also as a way to bring on sponsors and raise awareness and funds to help benefit the programs and initiatives of Chefs for Humanity.
Cat Cora
When I was brought up in Sweden, there was a great opportunity for young people to learn how to act in our municipal theaters with their small companies. You would be under contract for eight months and have the summer free to take other opportunities.
Max von Sydow
I think I got turned onto The Beach Boys for the first time with the ‘Endless Summer’ album in 1974. The power of that music still, to this day, bypasses the brain and goes straight to the heart. You don’t have to think about it; it’s something that you feel.
John Stamos
We only work four days a week, we only work three weeks out of the month, and we get four months off for the summer. So there’s plenty of time for me to spend with the kids.
Patricia Heaton
When I was 14, I played in a summer league. One night the chief umpire asked me if I would like to try umpiring. There was a Little League tournament coming up and he needed more umpires than he had.
Jim Evans
Hey, I’m just looking for an excuse to retire so I can play summer league baseball, go coach my nephews, play pickup basketball. I’ve always had that ability to move on to the next thing.
Doug Flutie
When I do entertain, in the summer, which is rare, I receive my guests on the front porch, set up wicker trays found at Pottery Barn, and serve iced beverages. Anytime I do welcome friends, it’s always a tray of canapes or Planters peanuts, jellied candy from Paris, and a good bottle of Sancerre.
Andre Leon Talley
If I’m in N.Y.C., I love walking around during the summer. It’s hot, but I love it. I enjoy seeing everyone out. New York is such a fun place. The energy is so amazing here during the summer.
Behati Prinsloo
One of the things that I’d like to get back to that I did as a younger actor was to work on, you know, a rep season for a summer where you did two or three Shakespeares, and you’d do a couple of either new plays or classic plays, and you did a different one almost every night.
Thomas Gibson
It’s like a series of waves hitting you. First, getting excerpted in the ‘New Yorker’ last summer, then getting published, then the best-seller list, the award, the movie deal, now this, a Pulitzer.
Frank McCourt
That makes me think of the 2002 World Cup Final above a

That makes me think of the 2002 World Cup Final above all else. Nobody thought at the time that our team would get through to the Final against Brazil. We should remember that this summer.
Angela Merkel
Jimmy Carter began his planning in the early summer of 1976, Ronald Reagan a year prior. The Clinton Administration, elected in 1992, lingered in naming its team, and as a result, took almost a year to staff its ranks.
Richard V. Allen
I use New York to talk about home, but the ideas in ‘Colossus’ could be transferred to other cities. The story about Central Park is really about the first day of spring in any park. The Coney Island chapter is really about beaches and summer and heat waves.
Colson Whitehead
The summer I finished my first novel ‘Ghana Must Go,’ I drove across west Africa: from Accra to Lome to Cotonou to the deliciously named Ouagadougou.
Taiye Selasi
In the summer or fall of 1974, I read some books about factory farming, and decided that I wanted no part of it.
Matthew Scully
Were it my choice, I would not vote for Russia to hold the Winter Olympics or the Summer Olympics. But it’s not my choice.
Mitt Romney
Palin seems to have forgotten that her poll ratings have plummeted since the summer of 2011.
Ron Fournier
I have a hard time finding something that I really enjoy reading, but I read ‘The Great Gatsby’ every summer.
Dree Hemingway
It will not always be summer; build barns.
I was a handyman in an office building across from Penn Station for two entire summers while I was still in school and the summer after. I had to wear a big, gray jumpsuit kind of thing that had the name of the company in a big patch on my chest, and I was sent to fix things and didn’t know what I was doing.
Max von Essen
The common thread between ‘Moon Shoes’ and ‘Midnight Moonlight’ would definitely be their connection to the moon. However, I feel they both capture a very different quality of the moon. Perhaps ‘Moon Shoes’ epitomizes the moon during the summer, while ‘Midnight Moonlight’ the winter.
Ravyn Lenae
As I see it, the debate between summer vacation vs. year-round school glosses over the most important questions. Namely, how can we bring play back to our nation’s schools?
Darell Hammond
Not many countries establish a prize for peace. The Seoul Peace Prize has its roots in the 1988 Summer Olympics when this country opened its doors to people and athletes from more than 160 countries. Korea did so in part because it believes in the power of sports for peace and development.
Ban Ki-moon
One time, when I was about eight, these guys started throwing water balloons at me. That really did ruin my summer.
Leon Bridges
The effect of climate change is not simply to reduce rain during the summer months, but also to increase the number of torrential storms. When the rain falls that hard and fast, it cannot sink into the ground and go down to the aquifers.
Nick Davies
It’s that way all the way down the line. I’ve got a boy coaching college ball and another son coaching high school. All the way down to summer leagues, all the way down to kids who are 14 years old. All those teams have a closer.
Bruce Sutter
Midwest kids got to summer camp. There is something very special about being away from your parents for the first time, sleeping under the stars, hiking and canoeing.
Jami Gertz
Finding shelter with nomads in the desert during summer was a matter of survival for me and my animals.
Tim Cope
The summer before my third year of law school, I worked at a law firm in Washington, D.C. I turned 25 that July, and on my birthday, my father happened to be playing in a local jazz club called Pigfoot and invited me to join him. I hadn’t spent a birthday with him since I was 3, but I agreed.
Deval Patrick
One can find a squalid America as easily as a scenic America; a bitter, hopeless America as easily as the confident America of polyethylene wrapping, new cars, and camping trips in the summer.
Robert Kennedy
I love writing about the summer between high school and college. It’s the last gasp of really being a teen.
Sarah Dessen
My daughter is a freshman in college and my son is – well, our daughter and our son – is a sophomore in college. So they come home on selected weekends, they come home on vacations and they’re home in the summer, although they have jobs.
Erika Slezak
I don’t want to have one hit, one song of the summer, and then have me disappear forever. I really want my things to last, and I want my songs and my bodies of work to resonate with people. I want to hit people – at least make a dent in them. I want to make a mark somehow.
Alessia Cara
I will always remember this summer day in Paris, when I was to perform a great acrobatic move. I can still see myself stepping on the ring of a packed circus along real performers.
Tony Curtis
I love doing this day, and George was exactly as he’s always been, very calm and very gentle, and if I’m in the final cut in the summer theater, I’ll be thrilled. If I’m not, well that’s the way things go.
Jeremy Bulloch
I think in the summer it’s a good idea to use a body lotion after your shower; bath or sunbath. If you wait until you are dried out, your skin will not only look rough, but it will feel uncomfortable too.
Amanda Blake
Talk about songs that make me cry: Track 7 on the ‘Phineas and Ferb’ soundtrack, ‘Summer (Where Do We Begin?).’ When you get to the part about sitting with your brother underneath the shade of a big tree in the backyard, ohmygod. Turn on the waterworks.
Christopher Gorham
Living indoors without fresh air quickly poisons the blood and makes people feel tired and seedy when they don’t know why. For myself, I sleep out of doors in winter as well as summer. I only feel tired or seedy when I have been indoors a lot. I only catch cold when I sleep in a room.
Robert Baden-Powell
I grew up in Oklahoma and Missouri, and I just loved film. My folks would take us to the drive-in on summer nights, and we’d sit on the hood of the car. I just had this profound love for storytelling.
Brad Pitt
I remember spending one summer being utterly obsessed with trying to get the legendary unreachable ‘Ice Key’ from ‘Banjo-Kazooie.’
Alex Hirsch
When I was growing up, kids would go outside and play all day and invent things. And my brothers and I pretended our picnic table was a ship one summer. Our bikes were horses, and our trees were forts. We turned everything in the world into make-believe.
Mary Pope Osborne
You have to face the fact that I have no reputation as

You have to face the fact that I have no reputation as a composer; I have my reputation as a songwriter and a performer-and that opportunity came this summer, when I was invited to perform at the Lincoln Centre festival in New York… three nights.
Elvis Costello
Adventure Bay is a convenient and safe place for any number of ships to take in wood and water during the summer months: but in the winter, when the southerly winds are strong, the surf, on all parts of the shore, makes the landing exceedingly troublesome.
William Bligh
I think with the success of, like, every summer there has been a couple R-rated comedies that have done so well; I think it is so nice to see that people are turning out to see these movies, and it doesn’t seem to be as big a stigma with the studios anymore.
Will Ferrell
From 1971 onwards, the Memorial Day holiday was officially observed on the last Monday in May and became the unofficial start of the summer, with barbecues, blockbuster movie openings and mattress sales.
Allen West
An old theory holds that air conditioning ruined Congress. Members no longer had to flee the Washington heat to spend the summer back home. The long vacation forced them to bond with their constituents.
John Dickerson
Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.
Langston Hughes
I wouldn’t have the life I have without television. I wouldn’t be looking out my apartment window onto the East River; I wouldn’t be able to afford to have my mother with me this summer. So television has been very good to me.
Susan Sullivan
We recorded that trio and it’s out on the Knitting Factory label. I’ve got another record in the can with that group and Marc, which I’ll hopefully finish some time before next summer.
Arto Lindsay
Summer is a promissory note signed in June, its long days spent and gone before you know it, and due to be repaid next January.
Hal Borland
The most emotionally connected I’ve ever been to a character is Natsuki in ‘Summer Wars.’
Brina Palencia
But after the time there I’d had it with fashion again, so I left to go to architecture school in a summer course at Harvard, which didn’t last very long.
Stephen Sprouse
As far back as I can remember, I have worshipped the sun. My skin is fair, but as the years have gone by, it has toughened and darkened. I now turn a rich golden brown every summer, but only after the first day of burning.
Jane Green
If my daughter’s going to go out in the winter with summer clothes, I’m gonna question it. And at some point, I assume, if the conversation goes on long enough, if I can convince her, she will put on some warm clothes. And I think that sort of exchange is pretty valid.
Susanne Bier
I drove 3,500 miles this summer on our family holiday, we drove across 10 countries. I have driven across the United States four times. I love cars, I love being in cars, I think so do most people. I want to help and support those people who have that same kind of enthusiasm for driving that I have.
Geoff Hoon
I didn’t sleep much in the summer of ’98. Was getting ready to move to New York City. Start a band. That was a madman’s summer. A summer of change.
Josh Malerman
Maybe it was the challenge of flight, the opportunity to fly, the competition of summer camp and the inspiration and discipline of West Point. I think all of those things helped me to develop a dedication and inspired me to get ahead.
Buzz Aldrin
You don’t go to Palm Springs in the summer unless you’re building a golf course.
Arnold Palmer
Alas, summer sun can’t last forever. The days will grow cooler and shorter, and our skin will once again pale.
Sarah MacLean
I learned how to get rid of the Southern accent when I was, like, 11 years old and living in New York for the summer doing modeling and commercials and auditioning for Broadway. The mother I lived with for the summer taught me how to drop my Southern accent.
Nikki DeLoach
In the summer of 1776 our Founding Fathers sought to secure our independence and the liberties that remain the foundation of our nation today.
Doc Hastings
Voltaire, as full of life as summer is full of blossoms, giving his ideas upon all subjects at the expense of prince and king, was exiled to England.
Robert Green Ingersoll
I have been to Turkey almost every summer holiday of my life and pretty much only on summer holidays, which makes me a very shallow Turk indeed.
Joseph O’Neill
I loved every minute of my childhood – sunbathing on the fire escape, digging for buried treasure in the back yard, pulling alewives out of the sand… Then it was all taken away from me. I came back every summer to visit my father until I was 18, but I was always the outsider.
Jennifer Egan
I used to go to sports camp every summer. I’d make a lot of new friends, and it was all athletic. It was basically a place for parents to send their kids to run out all their summer energy for two weeks.
Matt Bomer
I was so afraid to go out west to my aunt’s ranch. But the only choice my mother gave me was to go for two weeks or all summer. I wound up staying all summer. And that’s where I learned about cattle. I could relate to their behavior, their fears.
Temple Grandin
Confit is not something that comes to mind for summer. Usually it means duck confit, made by cooking the legs and thighs in duck fat to preserve them for winter.
Geoffrey Zakarian
In the summer of 1954, after several years in Austin, Minnesota, our family moved across the state to the small, rural town of Worthington, where my dad became regional manager for a life insurance company. To me, at age 7, Worthington seemed a perfectly splendid spot on the earth.
Tim O’Brien
For an everyday look, I use Chanel Soleil Tan de Chanel as blush, or the Summer 2013 Bronzing Palette that a makeup artist from Armani gave to me – I love Armani makeup.
Julia Restoin Roitfeld
I’m just ah, actually developing a tv show for HBO, and I’m directing a film this summer, and actually I’m doing some live shows out in western Canada.
Bruce McCulloch
When I was younger, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do, but I told a lot of lies in school. I told my friends once that I was playing John Travolta’s daughter in a movie. I also told people that I had this romantic affair with Jonathan Taylor Thomas over a summer.
Meaghan Rath
In fact, I was one of the few trusted people that Lucy allowed to play with their kids. I spent time at their summer home, rode horses at their ranch, and swam at their beach house. I even spent a Christmas with them at Palm Springs one year.
Keith Thibodeaux
If I could, I would have my son on tour the whole time.

If I could, I would have my son on tour the whole time. But he has school, summer camp, and he has to see his mother.
Nate Mendel
Obviously there are not too many people who get a chance to play in the Olympics in their hometown. That would be something special, but going into the summer you have to be realistic with yourself, and health-wise and motivation-wise you have to be willing to do what it takes.
Joe Sakic
Tears are the summer showers to the soul.
Alfred Austin
I knew I wanted to become an actor when I was 7 years old. My dad was working with Alfred Hitchcock, my mom was working with Martin Scorsese – and it was the great summer of my childhood.
Laura Dern
I studied at UC Santa Cruz before going on to do a grad program at UCLA. Santa Cruz was like an awesome hippie summer camp. I got to take a vacation from reality and hang out on beaches and in forests.
Aaron Koblin
My first summer in college I worked in a fruit fly lab where I had two jobs: dissect the fruit fly larvae brains and incinerate the old tubes of flies.
Emily Oster
In conformity with these designs on the city of Washington, and notwithstanding the disastrous results of the invasion of 1862, it was determined by the Rebel government last summer to resume the offensive in that direction.
Edward Everett
Folk music is where I come from originally. The very first thing that introduced me to playing guitars at all was skiffle – my cousin had been in London the summer that skiffle was big.
Bjorn Ulvaeus
The Rough Riders brought honor to San Antonio by winning battles in Cuba throughout the summer of 1898, and Roosevelt became a Texas folk hero overnight.
Douglas Brinkley
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.
John Donne
I left Montana in Spring of 1866, for Utah, arriving at Salt Lake city during the summer.
Calamity Jane
I was born in San Bernardino in summer of ’91 and grew up in Riverside, San Bernardino, and Victorville.
Lakeith Stanfield
Edinburgh has a similar climate to Bergen – it’s very rainy and grey. There were a lot of days I’d sit inside in front of the computer, make music, and dream about summer – instead of the rainy reality outside.
Summer is very precious.
Dylan Lauren
I did years of summer stock. I sort of only wanted to be an actor. And then at 19, I was funny, and I had some of these bits that I did for friends, and I immediately could get on television.
Albert Brooks
Growing up, my imagined life as a musician was something along the lines of me lounging in a Learjet en route to a swelling outdoor amphitheatre on a dazzling summer’s eve.
Kat Edmonson
I love to play tennis. I play a lot in the summer. I’m not a big golfer; I need something a bit more intense.
Carl Hagelin
If you take the time to visit rural regions, where horsemen ride by and yurts are set up in summer meadows, you will come to know that the Kazak culture lives on.
Tim Cope
Potential is like a summer crop. If it don’t rain, it don’t grow.
Charles Oakley
In the summer of ’84, you just couldn’t escape the Born in the USA record.
Henry Rollins
I had been interested in science from when I was very young, but after a disastrous summer lab experience in which every experiment I tried failed, I decided on graduating from college that I was not cut out to be a scientist.
Martin Chalfie
When I was ten, I won the horseshoe-throwing contest at summer camp. I was also the Wiffle ball champion in my town.
Dwayne Johnson
When I figured out how to work my grill, it was quite a moment. I discovered that summer is a completely different experience when you know how to grill.
Taylor Swift
I like acting for now. But after seeing Apollo 13, what I really want to do is to be an astronaut. I’m dying to go to a space camp next summer!
Natalie Portman
I kept having chills. This was in the middle of the summer and I was wearing a sheepskin jacket and I was chilling. I was shaking all over.
Dick York
I was an economics major in college, and every summer after school, I would drive my car from California, from Claremont men’s college at the time, to New York. And I worked on Wall Street.
Henry Kravis
I remember sneaking a look at films like ‘D.C. Cab’ and ‘Doctor Detroit’ when my parents weren’t watching. ‘One Crazy Summer’ with John Cusack was one of my favorites.
Bobby Moynihan
I did two or three plays every summer.
Dabney Coleman
Why do all our friends and relatives destroy the summer for us? Why can’t they get married in February?
Jerry Della Femina
One summer, when I was on break from architecture school in Tijuana, my aunt gave me a summer job cleaning up and peeling garlic, and I got to see her in her element. She was so passionate and such a good teacher, I decided to quit architecture school and go to culinary school in Los Angeles.
Marcela Valladolid
My American home is L.A., which is the ultimate city for 365 days of summer.
Curtis Stone
I know what I'm capable of and I had that chance to sho

I know what I’m capable of and I had that chance to show that on the national team, but also, more importantly, the Summer League.
Cedi Osman
I was famous in our college for calm and impassionate discussion; for one whole summer, I rose at five and went to bed at midnight, that I might have sufficient time for theology and metaphysics.
William Godwin
While I did not get any formal training in acting, every summer vacation, from the age of five, my father would take me to Ooty with him, and I would do films as a child star. I did over 10 films like that, and it was understood that post finishing my education, I would become an actor.
Mahesh Babu
I learned how to read in second grade, and I entered a summer contest at my local library in Chattanooga, Tennessee. If you read more books than anybody else, you got your Polaroid up on the bulletin board, and I did.
Frances McDormand
Music videos may seem old hat now, but let me tell you, in the summer of 1981, MTV was indubitably the coolest thing ever invented. And the people who were in the videos… coolest people ever. No question.
Julia Quinn
My dad and my brother were more keen on football, but I used to play canvas-ball cricket while at school in Ranchi, and we would have cricket coaching camps in the summer vacations. That’s how I started.
MS Dhoni
Music scores your life. You interact with it. You listen to it in the car. It becomes the soundtrack to that one summer with that one girl.
Chris Milk
I was lucky enough not to face any required summer reading lists until I went to college. So I still think of summer as the best time to read for fun.
Margaret Haddix
I feel like the luckiest child in the world because I got to grow up in Ireland. In summer is when you really grow up. During the year, I would go back to the States, and all year long really couldn’t wait to get back to Ardmore.
Olivia Wilde
I was a paper boy, beginning the summer between my fourth-grade and fifth-grade years.
David Boies
In the summer of 1964, my sister and I went to South Ballston, Virginia, to stay with my aunt and her kids. They passed the civil rights bill that summer; my cousins were so happy because now they could swim in the pool.
Edward P. Jones
When you’re singing before 15,000 people at a summer concert outside, you need to look beautiful, because that’s what people want.
Anna Netrebko
I enjoy hiking and skiing, like most Norwegians. In winter, there will be snow for months on end. In the summer, there are the long evenings to enjoy.
Magnus Carlsen
I played high school football at a hundred and eighty-five pounds and played big league baseball at a hundred and eighty-two. I’d get up to maybe 188 in the off-season because every summer I’d lose eight to ten pounds.
Ryne Sandberg
During the year, our schools are busy slashing P.E. and recess to make more time for math. During the summer, we get ourselves worked into a tizzy that our children will forget their fractions.
Darell Hammond
Why can’t the world be like a summer day, when I thought that health care would be an ethical decision and wars existed only to be stopped?
Madeleine M. Kunin
I’m all about high-waisted pants and skirts, pencil skirts, and sheer, long-sleeves in the summer.
Kat Graham
What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.
Gertrude Jekyll
While ‘The Endless Summer’ poster was designed at the Art Center College of Design in the contemporary style of its time, the image grew out of my relationship with Rick Griffin and our deep relationship to surf images.
John Van Hamersveld
I had been doing all my school plays, elementary school, middle school, and high school, and then summer. I’d wanted to act for a long time, and I thought I was going to go to college and do theater, go that route. But ‘Superbad’ kind of fell on my lap. I was very, very lucky for that.
Christopher Mintz-Plasse
Both the Winter and the Summer Solstices are expressions of love. They show us the opposition of light and dark, expansion and contraction, that characterize our experiences in the Earth school so that we can recognize our options as we move through our lives.
Gary Zukav
Before Under Armour, the only choices you had were to wear a short-sleeved cotton T-shirt in the summer or a long-sleeved cotton T-shirt in the winter. Why not make a better piece of equipment for underneath the shoulder pads?
Kevin Plank
The gymnastic events are really what I tune into the Summer Olympics for.
Johnny Weir
Law school and summer camp are the two experiences that inform pretty much all I do.
Rachel Sklar
Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.
C. Day Lewis
The heroes of our youth grow old – ‘the boys of summer in their ruin’, in Dylan Thomas’s verse – yet we seem the same.
John Thorn
That summer after the draft was probably the most fun I’ve ever had, because all I had to do every day was wake up and go work out for four or five hours. I got to play some golf, which I love to do, too, and then got to hang out with my family.
Stephen Curry
The country is more of a wilderness, more of a wild solitude, in the winter than in the summer. The wild comes out. The urban, the cultivated, is hidden or negatived.
John Burroughs
I love movies like ‘500 Days of Summer’ and ‘Juno.’ Something offbeat without the glamour and the makeup and the clothing.
Lucy Hale
Every summer my father gave us this incredible vacation, in the Philippines, Thailand, Europe – wherever.
Marie-Chantal Claire
It was around the summer of 1982 when the drug problem really impacted. It became a lifestyle rather than a recreation. When you start lying and stealing, you cannot con yourself you’re in control any more.
Irvine Welsh
I just like the beaches in the summer, man.

I just like the beaches in the summer, man.
Rob Gronkowski
These are cynical times. Some of the romcoms I thought worked best in recent years were ‘500 Days of Summer,’ ‘Celeste and Jesse Forever’ and ‘Like Crazy,’ all of which reject the standard happy-ever-after formula.
Ol Parker
In my day, at 12 years old, which was 38 years ago, we worked out in summer months for two and a half hours. Today someone in that age group might work out for four hours, two hours in the morning and two at night.
Mark Spitz
We had idyllic summer holidays, building sandcastles with my father on the beach at Bridlington. It might sound strange, but I think that secure cocoon of familial love was so nourishing, it gave me the strength to live life on my own.
Kiki Dee
I believe that summer is our time, a time for the people, and that no politician should be allowed to speak to us during the summer. They can start talking again after Labor Day.
Lewis Black
I’m a contract computer scientist by trade, but I’m the founder of something called the Tinkering School. It’s a summer program which aims to help kids to learn how to build the things that they think of.
Gever Tulley
There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!
Percy Bysshe Shelley
A lot of camps and summer programs for kids seem to have discovered that among the most valuable things they offer is what they don’t offer. No Wi-Fi. No grades. No hovering parents or risk managers or parents who parent like risk managers.
Nancy Gibbs
In summer winter rain or sun, it’s good to be on horseback.
Mike Oldfield
To graduate in four years as a student-athlete with no summer school is quite a feat.
C. J. McCollum
We go old-school during the summer, like swimming or setting up lemonade stands. I try to teach my kids to make their own fun.
Gail Devers
The first professional training I received of any kind was when I was 14 years old and we were in Kansas City, Missouri. I attended the Kansas City Art Institute for one summer.
Marc Davis
I stayed in Baghdad every summer until I was 14. My dad’s sister is still there, but many of my relatives have managed to get out. People forget that there are still people there who are not radicalized in any particular direction, trying to live normal lives in a very difficult situation.
Andy Serkis
I went to M.I.T. in the summer of 1951 as a ‘C.L.E. Moore Instructor.’ I had been an instructor at Princeton for one year after obtaining my degree in 1950. It seemed desirable more for personal and social reasons than academic ones to accept the higher-paying instructorship at M.I.T.
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Yellow is my favorite summer color – it makes me feel like a sunflower.
Bria Vinaite
My family life is incredibly important to me. I want to be with them as much as I can. I try to work in New York, or I work in the summer time when my family can come with me.
Julianne Moore
I like the light that comes off metal shutters at siesta time in the summer, having a break from driving in the shops at motorway services, the odour of petrol at petrol stations, rolling down little slopes. I hate it when you tread in a puddle and the water soaks your socks.
Audrey Tautou
It’s going to be a long, hot summer. The hotter it gets in Baghdad, the hotter it will get in D.C.
George Stephanopoulos
The first job I ever had in my life was in the Dade County Sheriff’s Office in the Identification Bureau in the summer that I graduated from high school and was getting ready to go to college.
Janet Reno
In the springtime, we have softshell crab from Maryland, which I’d never had until I came to America. In the summer and early fall, we have striped bass, ‘stripeys,’ which come all the way up the Hudson River but mostly gather in the sound at the tip of Long Island, off Montauk.
Daniel Boulud
Very early on in the process of trying to sell ‘The Summer Prince,’ I was told, ‘Slavery seems to be very important to this society – is that on purpose?’ Well, duh.
Alaya Dawn Johnson
I would go on summer vacations visiting family all over the world.
Joakim Noah
Not only does the summer bring warm weather and tons of summer activities, but it also yields a fresh crop of increasingly useful avocados!
Marcus Samuelsson
Sprinting for a full day in Atlanta in midsummer proved very challenging. That humidity is crazy. Georgia is a beautiful state, but the weather is intense. I was warned, but for some reason I thought it would be like L.A. in the summer. The reality? No.
Theo James
In the summer of 2009, I modestly predicted that most major news organisations would be charging for content within 12 months. Charging, I argued, would not only plug the revenue gap; it would also help to re-establish value in their news product.
Lionel Barber
All summer, I read fiction because you must read for the pleasure and beauty of it, and not only for research. I don’t read thrillers, romance or mystery, and I don’t read self-help books because I don’t believe in shortcuts and loopholes.
Isabel Allende
I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer.
Brendan Behan
I love summertime more than anything else in the world. That is the only thing that gets me through the winter, knowing that summer is going to be there.
Jack McBrayer
That’s one of the great gifts of this, the greatest of all games, baseball: it allows you, still, to lose yourself in a dream, to feel and remember a season of life when summer never seemed to die and the assault of cynicism hadn’t begun to batter optimism.
Mike Barnicle
7 Mile is like an Ave. Back in the days it was poppin’ in the summer time.
Obie Trice
Getting one bill passed is close to impossible. Ask any kid who has spent a summer in Washington, or better yet a semester, and can’t understand how people tolerate its menu of constant frustration. Imagine mastering it.
Susan Estrich
My mum brought me to my first job when I was 12. I star

My mum brought me to my first job when I was 12. I started electrical work at her plant. She was an engineer, a technical expert, at one of the plants in the south, and in the summer she brought me in and I learnt how industrial things work: casting, electricity, maintenance, everything.
Oleg Deripaska
My introduction to cell cycle control was provided by a clear, scholarly and beautiful seminar given by John Gerhart one afternoon in the summer of 1979.
Tim Hunt
The straps that suspend a man’s trousers from his shoulders – known in the U.S. as ‘suspenders’ and in Britain as ‘braces’ – are always correct with a summer suit made of seersucker, linen, or silk.
Roger Stone
Summer is the perfect time to go for bursts of color, like a big beaded necklace.
Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss
I usually get down with a little Violent Femmes in the summer. You know, ‘Blister In The Sun.’
Nick Robinson
Shake Shack started off as a summer hot dog cart in Madison Square Park. It was not meant to be a company – it was completely accidental. It started off as an expression of community building.
Danny Meyer
Jason Voorhees was a kid who was picked on at summer camp, and Michael Myers was someone vilified by his own family. I think that’s why gay people like horror movies, because it’s seeking revenge on the privileged.
Sharon Needles
I trained for four years in Toronto, and even before that, I was back and forth between Canada and the States during summer for training. And, since there isn’t much difference between Canada and the States, I haven’t felt much difference in the environment.
Kim Yuna
After the navy, I transferred to Harvard and finished there. I was there the spring term of 1951 and I stayed through the summer term and a whole other year, so I was able to do two years in a little less than a year and a half.
Harry Mathews
My natural color is dark blond, but right now I like being a brunette. I did a movie last summer and they dyed my hair platinum – I hated it.
Brooke Burns
Eight months later, having left Columbia, I was studying physics in a summer program and working in Colorado when I decided to enroll as a graduate student in biophysics.
Sidney Altman
There is no real need for decorations when throwing a barbecue party – let the summer garden, in all its vibrant and luscious splendour, speak for itself.
Pippa Middleton
I did get to hang out with my dad for a little while. I went with him to summer stock. I watched him be a real king of the world. He’d ship out as a star in summer stock. He sometimes directed the shows. I learned a lot from him – not just about acting, but about everything, how to handle a woman.
David Carradine
I always liked my teachers, and I was in a lot of after-school projects. I was a Girl Scout until my senior year, when I couldn’t be a Girl Scout anymore. I was in clubs like Junior Achievement, and I ran track and field. My grades were good, but then toward 11th grade they were nothing. I always went to summer school.
Amy Sedaris
Am I a slacker? I can be a slacker. When I was in college, most people got summer jobs for college or did research during college. I went home and watched TV the whole day for three months; it was really awesome.
Luis von Ahn
My favorite southern dish has to be fried chicken. I love to cook it. I love to have it in the summer.
Katie Lee
I was thinking that we all learn by experience, but some of us have to go to summer school.
Peter De Vries
The first time I came to London on my own, I was 15. I was absolutely oblivious to so many things. I had no expectations, no fears. I just came to do a National Youth Theatre season one summer. It was just brilliant.
Gina McKee
It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.
John Cheever
I am a ball player in the summer and a farmer in the winter time, and I aim to be a success at both professions.
Zack Wheat
In the summer of 1866, as Leo Tolstoy prepared for his serialized novel ‘War and Peace’ to be published as a single volume, he wrote to illustrator Mikhail Bashilov, hoping to commission drawings for the new edition of the novel, which he referred to by its original title,1805.
Alexander Chee
As a kid, I was terrified. I was a bed wetter, and I had to go to sleepaway camp every summer, which was humiliating and terrifying. I had lots of insecurities and scaredness.
Sarah Silverman
I was doing theater in my high school, and I started writing sort of silly songs on the piano backstage in summer theater. I eventually put them online and started getting this little following.
Bo Burnham
My parents managed a summer camp, and it was vacant for about seven or eight months out of the year. It was in the middle of nowhere in the woods. We backed up to a state forest. So absolutely, there were creepy woods all around the house. It was easy to get lost. It was really spooky.
Caitlin Kittredge
It is a good rule never to see or talk to the man whose words have wrung your heart, or helped it, just as it is wise not to look down too closely at the luminous glow which sometimes shines on your path on a summer night, if you would not see the ugly worm below.
Rebecca Harding Davis
I was on the beach every summer. That was the pleasant part of my childhood because we were right by the sea. We’d take a picnic, and I’d spend hours in the water until I turned blue. You couldn’t get me out of there.
Olga Kurylenko
‘Wet Hot American Summer’ was sort of lowbrow genius, you know? But smart in its cultish silliness. It wasn’t considered something of great cultural caliber. But like many cult pieces, it sort of became something culturally relevant, which I think is what’s so wonderful about it.
Lake Bell
Games are getting more interesting. I mean, when we talk about books, they can be anything from a summer blockbuster to ‘War and Peace’ – well, games are the same. I think the creative side is catching up with the technology.
Karen Traviss
My first few films were institutional comedies, and you’re on pretty safe ground when you’re dealing with an institution that vast numbers of people have experienced: college, summer camp, the military, the country club.
Harold Ramis
I started out in summer stock, and that’s really what I prefer.
Andrea Martin
I played Little League baseball, but I also played basketball. Basketball was my primary sport. When you play basketball seriously, a lot of times, through the summer season, you continue playing. So that replaced me playing baseball.
Chadwick Boseman
I share my name with an aerobatic bird that can whiz ac

I share my name with an aerobatic bird that can whiz across a whole summer sky in seconds. A swift is so equipped for speed that it can scarcely cope with being stationary.
Graham Swift
I’ve always been a slow starter. My first date was with a girl called Cessi. We had a beautiful relationship over the phone all summer, and then when we met, I couldn’t look her in the eye.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Honestly, my entire childhood could be summed up with one word: Reader. I was always hunched over a book; in fact, I was the only kid in the world who got paler in the summer, because I’d sneak down into our cool, dank cellar and sit alone with a book for hours.
Kristan Higgins
Every summer, I regret that I didn’t become a college teacher. Such a sweet life! With all that vacation time! You’ll never get me to believe that being a tenured professor at a good college is anything but Heaven on earth.
Michael Dirda
Among the delights of Summer were picnics to the woods.
Georg Brandes
I had a full-time driver, or I would take my Bentley. I’d have big houses in the Hamptons for the summer, taking seaplanes or helicopters out. I did a lot of flying privately to Miami. A lot of shopping.
Molly Bloom
I’m a regular Canadian girl. I enjoy staying home. In the summer I’ve got a garden. I’m very much a homebody, a normal, family-oriented girl. But I do have this other incredible side of my life that involves acting and traveling.
Elisha Cuthbert
By then I was in Brooklyn and drank my way through that summer. I stopped when I got sick of that and got a job at the Strand bookstore, which was a little better than the tax job.
Robert Quine
Once something has outlived its usefulness in one area of life, its purpose for being in existence is no longer the same. The leaf that captures a stream of sunlight, and then transfers its energy to the tree, serves one purpose in the spring and summer, and another completely different one through the fall and winter.
Guy Finley
The real preparation for races is done in the off-season. I put in the hard work during the summer and fall, and I’m always working on technique so that when the actual races come around I’m ready to go.
Shani Davis
At school, if I was ever bored in class, I would draw maps of islands or detailed interior of boats or lists of provisions and equipment I would need when I went camping in the summer.
Michelle Magorian
I’m good in summer. My birthday is in summer. I don’t like it when it’s too hot, but, you know, blue skies, I think people genuinely loosen up a bit, and it’s nicer.
George Ezra
In the hot summer months, popsicles are a perfect way to cool down while enjoying a delicious, fruity treat. Frozen, refreshing, mouth-friendly candy on a stick cannot get any better… or can it?
Marcus Samuelsson
My father, Buddy Robinson, was superchic – a dandy. He always wore dinner jackets at night and espadrilles in the summer, but with his own flair. He was even well dressed when riding a tractor or listening to a ball game on the radio.
Tory Burch
In the summer of 2009, I was at the Shakespeare lab at the public theater in New York.
William Mapother
Each solstice is a domain of experience unto itself. At the Summer Solstice, all is green and growing, potential coming into being, the miracle of manifestation painted large on the canvas of awareness. At the Winter Solstice, the wind is cold, trees are bare and all lies in stillness beneath blankets of snow.
Gary Zukav
I worked at Suncoast Video for two years during the summer in high school.
Topher Grace
If your kids attend school and grades are up that will make $1,000 contributions to some 10,000 kids across the country, are challenging kids to learn foreign languages or challenging kids to get summer jobs or seek summer enrichment opportunities?
Harold Ford, Jr.
For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink.
Gianni Versace
I know that Brighton is famously a mixture of the seedy and the elegant, but in the summer of 2001 seediness swamped elegance hands down.
Julie Burchill
During the Olympics they’re really strict about what you’re allowed to wear. You get a lot of clothes, but everything is pre-ordered. We had a fitting over the summer. You’re not allowed to wear your own clothes. No logos, nothing. You get fined if you wear something you’re not supposed to wear.
Henrik Lundqvist
For example, I was a White House intern the summer before I dropped out of law school. Everybody knew about it. I’d come home and go to church and everybody would say, ‘Oh, my God. Demetri, you’re working at the White House.’
Demetri Martin
I think that Jersey Shore is awesome. I’ve gone to Cape May every summer of my life.
Anne Hathaway
I think everyone can recognize the one-upmanship and the competition that go on wherever you are, especially among groups where the women don’t have to hold down office jobs and instead get in a total snit about who won the longest carrot contest or took first prize for summer chutney in the August fete.
Rachel Johnson
I like to play music; play guitar – I love that. Play some golf in the summer. Just relax, enjoy the summer. That’s nice.
Henrik Lundqvist
In winter, the stars seem to have rekindled their fires, the moon achieves a fuller triumph, and the heavens wear a look of a more exalted simplicity. Summer is more wooing and seductive, more versatile and human, appeals to the affections and the sentiments, and fosters inquiry and the art impulse.
John Burroughs
When I was very young – around the age of nine – my family used to go to a house in Somerset that my stepfather rented every summer. There was fishing, lakes and riding.
Christopher Lee
It’s OK to turn down stuff that isn’t really interesting and spend the summer with my family.
J. K. Simmons
I was a kid that grew up in the South and was always outdoors fishing and hunting and, you know, swimming in the pool during the summer.
Tye Sheridan
So when people go to the park this summer, they are not going to have the same quality of a visit. There is not going to be a ranger out on the trail to tell them about the important cultural and historic areas within the Olympic National Park.
Norm Dicks
People of my age who went to college, go into college, you know what it cost back then? Nothing or next to nothing. At the most, you had to work at Dairy Queen during the summer and that would pay for your college education.
Michael Moore
I had always wanted to be an actress. I went to summer

I had always wanted to be an actress. I went to summer theater camp from kindergarten on up until high school, and always had the leads in all the plays – even though they were at the YMCA – but it was something I always wanted to do.
Chloe Sevigny
In ‘Summer and Smoke,’ I was supposed to be a plain-Jane wallflower, and instead, I had all these costumes. I looked like a Barbie doll.
Geraldine Page
We have a tough schedule this summer, so I have to plan my schedule wisely if I want to be able to last throughout the season.
Kim Clijsters
I’m cold in summer. I’m the coldest person ever! It’s very ironic I’m never cold in the scripts. Every time I’m shooting, if you don’t see a part of me, there are hot water bottles there.
Carice van Houten
People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.
Anton Chekhov
When people send people on summer camps or bonding trips, they send them to do things like high rope climbing or extraordinary things. And when you do extraordinary things with people, like fighting battles or simulating huge wars, you do bond very quickly.
Anna Popplewell
‘Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era,’ the Whitney Museum’s 40th-anniversary trip down counterculture memory lane, provides moments of buzzy fun, but it’ll leave you only comfortably numb. For starters, it may be the whitest, straightest, most conservative show seen in a New York museum since psychedelia was new.
Jerry Saltz
Vitamin D from mushrooms is not only vegan and vegetarian friendly, but you can prepare your own by exposing mushrooms to the summer sun.
Paul Stamets
There were no tourists. Beer was illegal. There was only government television and no television on Thursdays or in the summer.
Aslaug Magnusdottir
In my garden, which is a big garden, I have one part that is my bird garden, and every morning, 365 days a year, they get buckets of food – for the birds, for the squirrels, the chipmunks and the turtles in the summer.
Barbara Mandrell
I work nights on a farm in the summer when harvest starts. I work on a civil engineering site down the Humber Docks where all the refineries are. So that’s my day job from seven to four. And then I build engines at night.
Guy Martin
To be out here on the PGA Tour, especially during the summer, is a dream come true. I’m just trying to get to know a lot of the guys out here.
Collin Morikawa
Grilling outside with my parents at the Jersey shore. We would grill lobster and corn in the summer.
Bobby Flay
Since the summer days of my Canadian childhood, I have loved to canoe across the dark mirror of northern lakes, paddling with an inside flick of the blade, leaving a trail of twisting whirlpools in my wake.
Rory MacLean
Nabokov began writing ‘Lolita’ before he ever knew of Florence ‘Sally’ Horner, an 11-year-old who was kidnapped from Camden, New Jersey, in the summer of 1948.
Sarah Weinman
As a kid, I spent every summer bent over a stack of books, obsessively writing detailed reports on each one.
Diablo Cody
I learned a valuable life lesson that summer. You should find something in life that you really enjoy and seriously consider making that your life’s work.
Jim Evans
Part of the plot was a knock that V wanted to bring down the government and bring chaos. I don’t know why I thought of Guy Fawkes, because it was during the summer. I thought that would be great if he looked like Guy Fawkes, kind of theatrical.
David Lloyd
Everybody should have the right to wear flip-flops in summer.
Sarah Carter
Summer is not obligatory. We can start an infernally hard jigsaw puzzle in June with the knowledge that, if there are enough rainy days, we may just finish it by Labor Day, but if not, there’s no harm, no penalty. We may have better things to do.
Nancy Gibbs
‘Summer Heights High’ is one of my favourite shows of all time. I’m obsessed. I re-watch it all the time.
Erin Heatherton
My dad had a commercial film company, so he had a videotape player before anyone. So he got Mel Brooks movies or Citizen Kane or some classic old movies. And every summer the revival house in Evanston would show the great films from the ’50s and ’60s and ’70s.
John Cusack
It started last year, during the summer. I went to the doctor and they found out it was kidney stones, so they had surgery done to help get those out and to pass them… More just kept coming in. So I had all together before the last show… I had like five surgeries.
Phillip Phillips
We used to play football on the levee, with no shirts on in the summer – August in New Orleans – and my skin would turn red. They’d call me Redskin, Red Apache, then it turned around to Apache Red.
Aaron Neville
In the Arctic, the Inuit are saying water and land are the same; they’re an unbroken unity. In the winter, you travel on the ice because it’s the linkage and the easiest way, and in the summer, you move around on the water.
John Ralston Saul
This is real human drama, we’re not creating some amusement park ride for the summer. Even though the movie is really exciting to watch, it’s got a real pathos behind it.
John C. Reilly
In the late summer of 1986, the band I had been in for five years stopped playing. Suddenly, I was on my own. This new state of bandlessness was, at first, traumatic. When your group breaks up, a lot of broken parts hit the ground.
Henry Rollins
Ibiza is a popular vacation place for a lot of the players in Spain. If you go in the summer, there are some of the world’s most famous movie and music stars, so nobody cares about soccer players.
Every summer my husband and I pack our suitcases, load our kids into the car, and drive from tense, crowded New York City to my family’s cottage in Maine. It’s on an island, with stretches of sea and sandy beaches, rocky coasts, and pine trees. We barbecue, swim, lie around, and try to do nothing.
Hope Davis
In fact, at Olympic National Park in my district, they 3 years ago had 130 summer employees they brought in for temporary work. This summer they have 25 because they cannot afford more.
Norm Dicks
Usually summer colors and vibes go well with Twice, I think, because we’re bright and fresh.
In the summer of 2010, I was working on a version of 'T

In the summer of 2010, I was working on a version of ‘True Detective’ that I was thinking might be my next novel, and it was told in these two first-person voices; Cohle and Hart’s voices.
Nic Pizzolatto
My grandma was really sick when I was working on ‘Sin Nombre’ and eventually died that summer when we were finishing the film. But I was able to bring an unfinished version of the film for her to watch.
Cary Fukunaga
Start going to bed earlier! It is a tough adjustment when you have had a summer of staying up late and waking up late.
Bella Thorne
One summer vacation, I carried water to the town market to sell it, and I used some of the money I made to help a neighbour.
Chen Guangbiao
Now that it’s officially summer, here’s my advice to parents who want to continue teaching their kids during the next two months and learn something themselves: visit Civil War battlefields.
Marvin Olasky
In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, I know the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri – where a young man was killed, and a community was divided. So yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions.
Barack Obama
The premise of ‘Descent’ may sound pretty straightforward: One summer morning while vacationing with her family in the foothills of the Rockies, a young girl, a high-school athlete in her senior year, goes out for a run in the higher altitudes – and disappears.
Alan Cheuse
In the summer of 1952, when I was 30, the Army assigned me to an infantry unit fighting in Korea. Meanwhile, though, there was other news in my family: My father had become the Republican presidential nominee. As an ambitious young major, I refused any offers for other assignments.
John Eisenhower
I used to go swimming and passed the tennis courts every day, and that’s how it started. My mum said, ‘Why don’t you play tennis in your summer holidays because you have nothing to do except swim for an hour or whatever?,’ and that’s how I started playing.
Sania Mirza
If summer had one defining scent, it’d definitely be the smell of barbecue.
Katie Lee
The summer of 1976 was so hot that bars of chocolate melted on the shelves before confectioners could sell them.
Clive Sinclair
Reading is a joy for my kids, and to swing in a hammock on a lazy summer day reading a good book just goes with summer.
Marcia Gay Harden
My mom set up relief programs in third world countries. We would do things like go to Bogota with her instead of summer camp.
Clark Johnson
I didn’t dream about being a director. I didn’t know I wanted to do something with film until the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.
Spike Lee
During the summer of 1963 between my junior and senior years, I began a research project on hypothermia in the Department of Surgery with Sidney Wolfson. I quickly became fascinated by the project and continued working on it throughout my senior year.
Stanley B. Prusiner
The summer I got to Pittsburgh for graduate school, I house-sat for a Ph.D. student who had a lot of books. One of the books that I found was ‘Lolita’ by Vladimir Nabokov. That was eye opening. I’ve probably read it every other year since my 20s.
Terrance Hayes
Summer movies are spectacles; that’s what you pay 10 dollars to see. You want to get teased by effects sometimes. I think that will never stop.
Jan de Bont
While the Ark Encounter will be able to accommodate 16,000 guests per day, our consultant’s research has shown that we could possibly expect more than that during the first few weeks of opening, especially during the summer time frame.
Ken Ham
This summer, I’ll be bringing out a mystery that involves a young lawyer and a court scene the likes of which I don’t think you’ve ever seen. Hollywood said this is James Patterson meets John Grisham.
James Patterson
One way in which ‘Friends’ did resemble ‘Seinfeld’ is that it really found its audience over the summer of 1995 in reruns. That’s when the main title song, ‘I’ll Be There for You’, by the Rembrandts, exploded, too.
Warren Littlefield
I didn’t graduate. I was doing theater in Michigan the summer after my junior year and just moved on to New York.
John Wesley Shipp
I love Donna Summer, and I love ABBA. I love late ’70s disco. I love the Bee Gees. I just love that period of recording.
Taylor Hawkins
I tried, after I wrote ‘Twilight,’ to read ‘The Historian,’ because it was the big thing that summer. But I can’t read other people’s vampires. If it’s too close, I get upset; if it’s too far away, I get upset. It just makes me very neurotic.
Stephenie Meyer
The Indian Summer of life should be a little sunny and a little sad, like the season, and infinite in wealth and depth of tone, but never hustled.
Henry Adams
For me, football always meant that we came together as a family and, in the summer we played football outside.
Claudia Schiffer
Aaah, summer – that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It’s a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends.
Darell Hammond
One of my school friends’ parents owned a minigolf course, and a bunch of us kids would play there all day in the summer. Two-under deuces was a good score.
Jack Nicholson
When I was a young girl, I lost a lot of weight over one summer – involuntarily – and was just really depressed and sad. There was nothing I could do to gain weight. I would look in the mirror and call myself disgusting every day.
Tyra Banks
We only get together when there’s a good reason. Like, last summer, we didn’t really intend to go out, but we thought the B-52’s tour was a good opportunity.
Kathy Valentine
When someone says ‘comic book movies’, what they inevitably mean is a summer superhero blockbuster, with heavily-muscled and tightly-gluted men (plus the occasional token woman) in tight-fitting costumes punching the living daylights out of one another for two hours.
Antony Johnston
You are never the complete article but the feeling you get when people come up to you and say ‘thank you for the great summer’ and inspiring children is such a great feeling.
Ben Stokes
You want to go to a summer concert and not watch a band

You want to go to a summer concert and not watch a band staring at its shoes for six hours and complaining.
Bret Michaels
I get a good colour in summer but go really pale in winter, and it genuinely doesn’t suit me, as people ask me if I’m ill. As well as making me look a bit better, I often have to be tanned in the middle of winter to do a show or programme, so I’ve road-tested every fake tan on the market.
Deirdre O’Kane
I grew up watching ‘Gossip Girl’ and ‘The O.C.,’ and I looked up to Blair Waldorf and Summer Roberts.
Camila Mendes
In the summer of 1902, I was able to erect two experimental stations on two forts at Strasbourg for the purpose of closer study.
Karl Ferdinand Braun
I absolutely love Ireland. It’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and I have strong ties here. Both my grandmothers are from Ireland, and I have spent every summer in Bantry since my father, who is an artist, had the romantic idea 20 years ago to buy an old farmhouse on the west coast and renovate it.
Emily Ratajkowski
I love going swimming. I spent a lot of time in North London in summer going to Hampstead Heath and swimming in the ponds there. It’s so beautiful; we’re so lucky to have that in London.
Felicity Jones
The mare set off for home with the speed of a swallow, and going as smoothly and silently. I never had dreamed of such a motion, fluent and graceful, and ambient, soft as the breeze flitting over the flowers, but swift as the summer lightening.
Richard Blackmore
I started working out with my father the summer I was 13, which was incredible for our relationship. Those were my summers: working out with my dad, hanging out with my brothers, riding my bike. Pretty simple.
Michael Strahan
Programs like ACE’s Bootstrap Summer Camp teach our kids important computer coding skills that will allow them to design their own futures.
Gina Raimondo
I used to sail a lot in all kinds of weather, competing on small sailboats in the ocean. And I travel a lot in Iceland on horses every summer, through the wild areas where there’s no inhabitants and there are volcanoes.
Baltasar Kormakur
I was studying music in college. I was singing, I was doing operas and Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, and then I was offered a job as the music director of the Bigfork Summer Playhouse, in Bigfork, Montana.
J. K. Simmons
Working on solo material is something I had always dreamed of doing, and I’m incredibly happy with the results. ‘Everything To Me’ is a very personal song to me lyrically; it is such an upbeat and optimistic record, perfect for the summer. I can’t wait for people to hear it!
Shane Filan
I was 12 when it really hit me. I did children’s theatre camp during the summers and played a fairy in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ The next summer, I played Clytemnestra in ‘Agamemnon’ and I was like, ‘OK, this is amazing.’
Rachel McAdams
I have run with the Olympic Torch during the 2012 summer games in London and the 2014 winter games in Sochi.
Ban Ki-moon
People were desperately trying to fill their seats for the summer. And so prices are really low right now. And so they are kept from raising prices to make up for that difference.
David Neeleman
In earlier times, so many people sang much more. You know as a kid you’d go to some kind of religious training and or summer camp or whatever it was and you’d learn to sing a lot of songs.
Michael Tilson Thomas
Nothing has ever touched on what fun childhood was. Summer holidays were bliss. We made home movies, with real stories in them. My father had such charm and charisma, and made everything so funny.
Jane Birkin
Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you.
Erma Bombeck
When I was four, we moved to the house on the west side of Chicago where I grew up. My earliest memories are of that first summer.
Hugh Hefner
Summer of 1967 was one of the happiest times of my life.
Ron Moody
In the summer of ’80, Silhouette bought my first book.
Nora Roberts
I would come, many years later, to understand why ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ is considered ‘an important novel’, but when I first read it at 11, I was simply absorbed by the way it evoked the mysteries of childhood, of treasures discovered in trees, and games played with an exotic summer friend.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
In the summer after sixth grade, I took a class at St. Robert Bellarmine. My first role, I was the villain in a play, and I forgot all my lines. I think I cried my way through the performance.
Nicholas D’Agosto
I once spent a spent a summer selling encyclopedias door to door.
David Liss
I have four chickens. I have four laying hens. And I have 50 fruit trees. I make apricot and plum jam every summer. I brought Memphis to Malibu.
Linda Thompson
In the years that I worked in museums, first as a summer student and eventually as a curator, one of the primary lessons I learned was this: History is shaped by the people who seek to preserve it. We, of the present, decide what to keep, what to put on display, what to put into storage, and what to discard.
Susanna Kearsley
My mum was very conscious about fashion, and my dad was born into the tailoring tradition, so fashion has always been my life, although now, really, I wear the same thing – just in different weights – light and heavy cashmere in winter and cotton in summer. And jeans.
Domenico Dolce
Just all that hard work, all those hours in the pool, I feel like it’s about to pay off. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see this summer.
Ryan Lochte
It would be great to go to school all year and do movies during the summer, but it doesn’t work that way. I’m not Julia Roberts, so I have to be flexible.
Julia Stiles
My family lived off the land and summer evening meals featured baked stuffed tomatoes, potato salad, corn on the cob, fresh shelled peas and homemade ice cream with strawberries from our garden. With no air conditioning in those days, the cool porch was the center of our universe after the scorching days.
David Mixner
The sudden appearance of mushrooms after a summer rain is one of the more impressive spectacles of the plant world.
John Tyler Bonner
This summer, we need to let our kids go play and we nee

This summer, we need to let our kids go play and we need to stop worrying about whether or not it’s going to ruin their chances of getting into college.
Darell Hammond
On some summer days in New York City, the air hangs thickly visible, like the combined exhalations of eight million souls. Steam rising from vents underground makes you wonder if there isn’t one giant sweat gland lodged beneath the city.
Diane Ackerman
‘Rent’ was a special project for me. It was my first notable screenplay job. I worked with two wonderful directors on it, starting with Spike Lee in the summer of 2001. I wrote a draft for Spike and he was really good to me.
Stephen Chbosky
I understood why films were made, and if they made a lot of money, they were successful. All of these things I knew. As a ten-year-old boy, I didn’t really think a lot about finances or celebrity. I always viewed films as kind of what I imagined a summer camp to be like.
Henry Thomas
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.
John Donne
I would love to do a biopic of a famous singer, like Diana Ross or Donna Summer, or an old jazz story that we haven’t seen before. I would love to do that! I would love to play Diana Ross ’cause she’s an icon. I’m salivating to do that.
Taraji P. Henson
On a very personal level, I have fond memories of spending a lot of time in the Library of Congress working on my collection of poems ‘Native Guard.’ I was there over a summer doing research in the archives and then writing in the reading room at the Jefferson building.
Natasha Trethewey
September is my favourite month, particularly in Cornwall. I felt, even as a child, that if you get a wonderful day in September, you think: ‘This could be one of the last, the summer is nearly over.’ If you get a wonderful day in May, you think: ‘So what, there’s more coming.’
Tim Rice
We were given no chance against them, but we held our own and we will be trying to do the same this summer.
Robbie Keane
It’s been a dream of mine to run my own summer camp. I went to one as a kid, and I put on productions, and got lots of confidence.
Idina Menzel
I wear clothes that most people in the Midwest would probably deem inappropriate at my age. And I rock a bikini all summer long. I know that it’s not normal, but I just don’t care. I live once.
Liz Phair
In the summer of 1990, I was buying stocks and I was probably three or four months early there. But we had a great rally in 1991.
Peter Lynch
I grew up in southwestern Virginia. I was born in South Carolina, but only because my parents had a vacation cabin or something there on the beach. I was like a summer baby. But I did grow up in the South. I grew up in serious, serious Appalachia, in a very small town.
William Gibson
By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.
Helen Hunt Jackson
My mother’s sister married a man from Barbados, and my cousins were raised in Barbados. So we traveled down there, they came up every summer for camp, and I started paying attention to their music. And that was the first place I ever remember hearing reggae and liking it.
In college, I interned for Diane Sawyer my sophomore summer.
Abby Huntsman
Summer blockbusters are very expensive to make. They have things that have to be expensive, such as 600 effects shots or CG characters that have to go a certain way, or a film design that is different but expensive.
Ang Lee
If summer racing didn’t exist, I could go on holiday, yes, because nobody else would then be riding winners; but as long it goes ahead, I’ll do it for the reason that I want to ride more winners than anyone else.
Tony McCoy
I became a Republican in the summer of 1972. I was involved in running President Nixon’s re-election campaign in California and became part of his administration at the start of his second term.
Ed Rollins
I went to see a children’s matinee at the movie theatre one summer, but at some point they had changed to the grown up movie in the late afternoon, and I ended up seeing this movie called ‘The Bad Seed.’ It just terrified me.
Robert Englund
During the summer, Screen Gems launched the New Monkees, which miserably failed I understand. I never saw it.
Davy Jones
At the Summer Solstice, all is green and growing, potential coming into being, the miracle of manifestation painted large on the canvas of awareness. At the Winter Solstice, the wind is cold, trees are bare and all lies in stillness beneath blankets of snow.
Gary Zukav
In 1999, I was in St. Louis with Martin Luther King III as we led protests against the state’s failure to hire minority contractors for highway construction projects. We went at dawn on a summer day with over a thousand people and performed acts of civil disobedience.
Al Sharpton
My father was a sailor and our summer vacations were always on a sailboat. I had a little boat before I had a moped.
Ernesto Bertarelli
The pond-lily is a star and easily takes the first place among lilies; and the expeditions to her haunts, and the gathering her where she rocks upon the dark, secluded waters of some pool or lakelet, are the crown and summit of the floral expeditions of summer.
John Burroughs
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
Charles Dickens
I’m a summer baby, so I usually have my birthday as a good summer memory.
Sloane Crosley
Dance music is no longer a simple Donna Summer beat. It’s become a whole language that I find fascinating and exciting. Eventually, it will lose the dance tag and join the fore of rock.
David Bowie
I do feel Scottish in some way. Maybe it’s to do with visiting my grandparents here every summer as a child, but I am aware of my Scottish ancestry. It’s there all right, but it would be pushing it to label me a Scottish painter. Or, indeed, an anywhere painter.
Peter Doig
My father was against the death penalty, and that was hard in the Son of Sam summer when fear was driving the desire for the death penalty.
Andrew Cuomo
I’ve been doing Pride and Prejudice all summer, so suddenly the chance to be holed up with a bunch of marines is quite attractive, and probably a necessary dose of male energy.
Rosamund Pike
I have a love affair with tomatoes and corn. I remember

I have a love affair with tomatoes and corn. I remember them from my childhood. I only had them in the summer. They were extraordinary.
Alice Waters
I surfed from Baja California to San Francisco when there were only nine or 10 surfers on the entire Pacific Coast. I spent three-month summer vacations in our High Sierra cabin 60 miles from the nearest road. I drank milk from my own ranch.
Jackie Coogan
Let your children be as so many flowers, borrowed from God. If the flowers die or wither, thank God for a summer loan of them.
Samuel Rutherford
In retrospect, the political and cultural climate in the early ’60s seems both a time of innocence and also like a sultry, still summer day in the Midwest: an unsettling calm before a ferocious storm over Vietnam, which was not yet an American war.
Tom Brokaw
The financial crisis that began in the summer of 2007 was an extraordinarily complex event with multiple causes.
Ben Bernanke
That’s why you can’t be a true Yankee without winter: because all the best pleasures are earned – the fire, the fried oysters; the warmer seasons, too. Who knows the real worth of summer at the beach without a good taste of the seaside in winter?
Julia Glass
I went to NYU undergraduate, then for a Master’s in English, and got a summer job at St. Vincent’s. I was a ward clerk handling everything in an intensive care unit.
Glen Mazzara
My ideal summer day was reading on the porch.
Harold E. Varmus
My first job entailed spending a summer working in a cornfield in Nebraska.
Becca Fitzpatrick
I thank Heaven every summer’s day of my life, that my lot was humbly cast within the hearing of romping brooks, and beneath the shadow of oaks.
Donald G. Mitchell
It’s almost as if the Swedes have two different personalities: one for winter and one for summer. I am both a happy and a melancholic person. It’s complex as I get so much from life.
Sofia Helin
My teachers encouraged me to audition for some professional work during our summer vacation. I landed my first job. It was for the National Theatre Company’s Mimika Pantomime troupe. I ended up touring with them for the next two years.
Didi Conn
I would love to fly privately, but unfortunately, I don’t. I don’t summer anywhere either.
Christina Ricci
It was the early 1970s and I was recently divorced. I had three kids and was totally broke. I managed to find work back east on the straw-hat circuit – summer stock – but couldn’t afford hotels, so I lived out of the back of my truck, under a hard shell.
William Shatner
Along with you, I have witnessed the unfortunate rise in gasoline prices that has accompanied the summer driving season and the more recent spike in prices due to Hurricane Katrina.
Bob Ney
Movies don’t sit in the theaters for an entire summer like they did in 1982. Now you’ve got a two- or three-week shelf life so you need to have that awareness right off the bat. And in order to make a lot of people know about your movie, you need to be out there banging the drum and showing your stuff.
Joseph Kosinski
In many ways, September feels like the busiest time of the year: The kids go back to school, work piles up after the summer’s dog days, and Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us.
Brene Brown
In winter I go skiing on Saturdays and Sundays when the slopes are quieter due to changeover day for tourists, and in summer I hike up into the mountains at sunset, just as the village is settling down to dinner.
Vanessa Mae
There is something insouciant and boyish about the sockless ankle in summer.
Russell Smith
Analyses of the movie marketplace points to an interesting phenomenon: High-profile movies are continuing to do well year-to-year in the U.S. and overseas – this past summer, for example, the top 10 movies registered at the same level as in ’04.
Peter Bart
I was obsessed with movies when I was younger. During the summer, I would go by myself to a theater down the street from my house. I saw every comedy or science fiction movie that came out. My kids love going to the movies, but 3D scares them.
Allen Covert
Summer nearly does me in every year. It’s too hot and the light is unforgiving and the days go on way too long.
Anne Lamott
Short boots are cool, in my humble opinion. They say, ‘Hey! Winter is over, but summer hasn’t yet arrived – so enjoy this halfway point!’
Rachel Nichols
With 2 movies opening this summer, I have no relaxing time at all. Whatever I have is spent in a drunken stupor.
Hugh Grant
Oh, the summer night, Has a smile of light, And she sits on a sapphire throne.
Bryan Procter
I have a bit of a traveling addiction, and, ah, yeah. I went to, ah, Bali this summer.
Fisher Stevens
There’s a lot of people around Alaska now who are actually running the place who claim to just have gone there for the summer once 30 years ago. And that seems to be what happens.
Tom Bodett
I started out in pre-law. I was going to go to law school. And I saw a production of ‘Tally’s Folly’ that spring term. I took a theater class that term and auditioned for ‘Harvey’ at the end of the summer, and I was in a play every semester after that.
Kevin Rahm
Since becoming a pop star, I’ve experimented a lot more. I’ve gotten more creative with what I wear. My stylist is a bit more adventurous than I would normally be, but it’s really worked, and the colours really work together. I think everyone should be a bit more confident: if it’s a summer’s day, wear some bright colours.
Olly Murs
I adore summer entertaining. For a dinner party at the farm, I might prepare homemade fettuccine with porcini mushrooms, soft-shell crabs, spinach from the garden, and lemon tarts with fraises des bois for dessert.
Martha Stewart
I was ten years old in 1969, and while we lived in Arizona that year, I spent most of the summer staying with family friends in Portland, Oregon while my parents visited Spain. It was an adventure all around.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
I can't wait for summer in the city! I love all the fre

I can’t wait for summer in the city! I love all the free activities in the parks that become available to us New Yorkers. Yoga and movie screenings in Bryant Park, concerts in Central Park – there’s so much more available to the New York community in the summer! And everyone just seems to smile more.
Kara Lindsay
I was much entertained last summer with a tame bat, which would take flies out of a person’s hand.
Gilbert White
After my father died, we went to church for a long time every day, and then every other day during the summer.
Kerry Kennedy
The Horny Toad in Cave Creek has great food. When I’m in Arizona, I have at least one meal there. I have a daughter who lives out there, and Dee Dee Wood, who was the choreographer on ‘Mary Poppins,’ lives out there. I still get out there once in a while, but not in the summer.
Dick Van Dyke
Last summer a second unit production crew went to France and shot scenes for several of this season’s episodes. They shot costumed actors in and around real castles and landmarks, we couldn’t possibly have duplicated here in Hollywood.
Vic Morrow
When I was 11, I realised that I did not have to live the life my mother had: school, marriage, children, apartment, summer house.
Maj Sjowall
I am definitely a summer person. Don’t get me wrong: I love winter when it’s beautiful and sunny – I don’t really care about cold – I just hate the grey.
Doutzen Kroes
The first dream I had was just to get a college education. I got through college in three years, taking extra classes in summer school.
Eli Broad
In the winter I separate, in the summer I marry. It’s been 15 years since I’ve been getting married every year.
Vanessa Paradis
A life of very, very serious, po-faced films would drive me nuts. I need – and I’m fortunate to have – a fairly varied menu in that respect. I mean, I was shooting ‘Mamma Mia!’ at the same time as I was doing Michael Winterbottom’s ‘Genova’. That was a very, very bizarre summer.
Colin Firth
We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.
Gary Zukav
It was a long, difficult summer of 2004. That was a leap year, so several things happened – the Olympics and presidential election. And right in the middle of the election campaign – and I don’t think this was an accident – the 9/11 Commission delivers its report.
Michael Hayden
There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of autumn fills the air.
Rudolfo Anaya
I vividly remember the summer of 1964 with its voter registration drives, boiling racial tensions, and the erupting awareness of the cruelty of racism. I was never the same after that summer.
Sue Monk Kidd
I started working myself from about 14, really, so I wasn’t a burden on my family. I did a paper round and a milk round. When I was 15 or 16, I worked in a supermarket on Saturdays stacking shelves, and then every summer I temped, right through university until my working days started.
Sanjeev Bhaskar
Bulgarians eat tarator every single day in summer. They think of it as salad although we’d call it a soup. You can make it as thick or thin as you like depending on how much water you add. It’s very practical in summer because yogurt cools the body faster than water, but the water hydrates you.
Elizabeth Kostova
I lead a very active lifestyle. When I am not working, I enjoy snowboarding in winter. I golf and swim in the summer months. However, trying to find the time to exercise when I am traveling is quite a challenge. I find myself working out at hotel gyms quite regularly – just so that I can keep up with my training.
Lee Byung-hun
My husband and I have enjoyed many summer holidays on the Continent, and many people say that their most memorable trips have been the journeys made on the spur of the moment.
Margaret Beckett
I try to do the right thing with money. Save a dollar here and there, clip some coupons. Buy ten gold chains instead of 20. Four summer homes instead of eight.
LL Cool J
Perhaps summer’s ephemeral nature is what inspires us to embrace the beach read. We tell ourselves that these twisted plots and wild characters are literary ice cream sundaes – extravagant treats that aren’t as calorie-laden when we’re wearing flip flops.
Sarah MacLean
My father had his own business, a clothing store, which he inherited from his father. He travelled abroad frequently and was quite extravagant, so we had skiing holidays and summer holidays on the beach.
Britt Ekland
I actually don’t think Ireland has a summer. I never experienced a summer there. It was just so wet.
Travis Fimmel
By the time the 2008 election arrived, we had finally won the Iraq War, or we were on the road to winning it. We won starting in the summer of 2007 going into late 2011.
Tom Cotton
When I grew up there wasn’t air-conditioning or anything of that nature, and this old car had a wall thickness of about ten inches. So we had a little warmer house in the winter and a little cooler in the summer.
Merle Haggard
Now, I was the Summer Concert guy. I played every Summer concert there was.
John Sebastian
I seem to get totally wrapped up in teaching and working with students during the school year. During the summer, I try to spend time in the real world, writing code for therapy and perhaps for some useful purpose.
Brian Kernighan
I have lived pain, and my life can tell: I only deepen the wound of the world when I neglect to give thanks the heavy perfume of wild roses in early July and the song of crickets on summer humid nights and the rivers that run and the stars that rise and the rain that falls and all the good things that a good God gives.
Ann Voskamp
I did theater summer camps when I was a kid, and I enjoyed them, but they never felt quite right. But then there would always be a tiny improv workshop towards the end of camp, and I would always feel like I liked it so much better.
Aidy Bryant
For the ‘Rai-kirah’ books, I began with the image of Aleksander riding the great wastelands, and that quickly morphed into the desert. Because I wanted my slave market cold and miserable, I chose to set the opening scene in the empire’s summer capital in the mountains.
Carol Berg
I remember devouring the entire Hardy Boys series over one summer, enthralled by their bravery and cleverness.
Dan Brown
I worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange back when they used to write tickets. And I was just a runner. So a guy would write a ticket and I would run it, and it was endless. That was a hard job. And I dug tungsten… for a coal company in Wyoming one summer, and that was pretty miserable.
John C. McGinley
It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed as if no

It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.
John Cheever
If I eat at the Emporio Armani Caffe, my favorite thing to order is risotto or pasta with tomato sauce in winter; in summer, I prefer a Caprese salad, Parmigiano cheese flakes, or some truly fresh ricotta cheese.
Giorgio Armani
A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp.
Raymond Duncan
Developing a good work ethic is key. Apply yourself at whatever you do, whether you’re a janitor or taking your first summer job, because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.
Tyler Perry
I like the sounds of EDM; the guys create new sounds, beautiful sounds. The melodies, it’s a little less. I like the kind of melodies I did with Donna Summer, or ‘Flashdance,’ where you have a verse, a chorus – a song setup.
Giorgio Moroder
My first year and a half in Hollywood, I did three films. Then in 1959, I was in ‘Gidget,’ ‘Imitation of Life’ and ‘A Summer Place.’ After that, I was a star. It was fun.
Sandra Dee
There is nothing I like better at the end of a hot summer’s day than taking a short walk around the garden. You can smell the heat coming up from the earth to meet the cooler night air.
Peter Mayle
I came back out here from England and I was there for a while and it was beautiful and it is just great to see London going from Spring to Summer and Autumn.
Orlando Bloom
The NAACP was even considering earlier this summer reassessing their position on school integration.
Tom Joyner
What I loved about ‘Summer’ was that they were these four bright kids with a wonderful future. In a way, she was the one with the brains, and then you have the beauty queen and the jock and the introvert.
Kevin Williamson
Some calamities – the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 – have come like summer lightning, as bolts from the blue. The looming crisis of America’s Ponzi entitlement structure is different. Driven by the demographics of an aging population, its causes, timing and scope are known.
George Will
I live between Barcelona and Berlin. Staying in Spain over the winter and Berlin for spring and summer is an ideal combination.
Daniel Bruhl
My summer reading suggestion: Pick a really famous, really long novel.
Maria Semple
The first presentation of my show was given in May, 1883, at Omaha, which I had then chosen as my home. From there we made our first summer tour, visiting practically every important city in the country.
Buffalo Bill
The madness of spring is so enticing. I love it when things are opening up and emerging from the ground. I also love the middle of summer when fruit is bursting forth, but I even love the garden in the winter when everything is resting.
Ross Gay
I love England from head to toe. I love the weather, the people. I was there in the summer and it was nice. The people are so groovy.
Otis Redding
In wintertime I like to wear flannel button down pyjamas, and in summer I prefer to wear, well… nothing.
Phoebe Tonkin
I hate camping, but I love summer camp.
Zooey Deschanel
My parents separated when I was 2, and my dad always lived in Chicago and my mother in L.A. I’d go back and forth and sometimes spend the summer with my dad, but L.A. was home.
F. Gary Gray
I wanted to race cars. I didn’t like school, and all I wanted to do was work on cars. But right before I graduated, I got into a really bad car accident, and I spent that summer in the hospital thinking about where I was heading. I decided to take education more seriously and go to a community college.
George Lucas
Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.
Diane Ackerman
The midpoint of the NBA season comes a little after the turn of the calendar year. As we settle into the new promises we’ve made to ourselves, basketball teams are busy evaluating how the promises they made to themselves over the summer are going.
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
As much as I’d like to think and as much as people mistakenly think my audience is blue collar people in the heart of America, my audience is basically, in the States, an NPR audience. I play college towns in the summer because that’s who comes to see me.
Steve Earle
Sometimes the very best of all summer books is a blank notebook. Get one big enough, and you can practice sketching the lemon slice in your drink or the hot lifeguard on the beach or the vista down the hill from your cabin.
Michael Dirda
I still consider it a summer job, though. So, I try to maintain that summer job as long as I can. But it’s exciting to be able to have the opportunity to do things I always dreamed of as a kid.
Jimmy Buffett
As a kid, I would get my parents to drop me off at my local library on their way to work during the summer holidays, and I would walk home at night. For several years, I read the children’s library until I finished the children’s library. Then I moved into the adult library and slowly worked my way through them.
Neil Gaiman
In summer, my Sundays are often taken up with cricket. I play with a bunch of other over-competitive and overenthusiastic guys who I have known for a very long time.
Ben Elliot
Working is bad enough in the winter, but in the summer it can become completely intolerable. Stuck in airless offices, every fibre of our being seems to cry out for freedom. We’re reminded of being stuck in double maths while the birds sing outside.
Tom Hodgkinson
As hurricanes Katrina and Rita raged through the southeastern United States last summer, much of America’s energy infrastructure based in the Gulf of Mexico was damaged or destroyed causing gas prices to soar.
Rick Renzi
When I was 12 years old, I went to Natchitoches, La.; it was summer vacation with my family. We visited a plantation, Melrose. And I met an Afro-American woman who was a painter. I already had some idea of what I wanted to do in life, and one of the things that interested me was painting.
Robert Wilson
Every summer, my grandparents would rent a house on Balboa Island. They had the house next to Bob Hope’s. I’ve been going down there all my life, to that whole area.
Mike Love
Whenever I was upset by something in the papers, Jack a

Whenever I was upset by something in the papers, Jack always told me to be more tolerant, like a horse flicking away flies in the summer.
Jackie Kennedy
My dream job was to work in an ice cream shop. Two weeks and five pounds later, I realized it wasn’t for me. For many years, I had planned to be a corporate lawyer. As luck would have it, other than a summer internship, I didn’t end up doing that either.
Safra A. Catz
The summer of 1830 I… blasted the tunnel through the rock to take water from the dam above the falls for the mill… In 1831 we lowered the tunnel four feet, and built a new dam across the creek.
Ezra Cornell
I learned to canoe at summer camp and thought I’d pursue Olympic whitewater canoeing. In my senior year of high school, I instead decided to attend M.I.T. I like to say I’ve had only two jobs in my life: whitewater canoeing instructor and wilderness guide in college, and C.E.O. of iRobot.
Colin Angle
I didn’t go to school for a full year until I was 12. In the summer I was a wild child in the woods, with no shoes, and in the fall it was back to the city, shoe shops and school.
Margaret Atwood
I work all summer and throughout the whole season to be prepared for the challenges that I have to face.
Kawhi Leonard
England is like the margin of a spring-run: near its source, always green, always cool, always moist, comparatively free from frost in winter and from drought in summer.
John Burroughs
‘Tis now the summer of your youth: time has not cropped the roses from your cheek, though sorrow long has washed them.
Edward Moore
I was raised in a very religious household – it wasn’t dogma, but we were raised Christian; we went to church every Sunday, Bible study, Bible camp every summer.
Adrienne C. Moore
By refocusing our space program on Mars for America’s future, we can restore the sense of wonder and adventure in space exploration that we knew in the summer of 1969. We won the moon race; now it’s time for us to live and work on Mars, first on its moons and then on its surface.
Buzz Aldrin
I mowed yards with my grandpa at $10 a pop for awhile. I painted numbers on curbs. I cleaned swimming pools. I usually did all of that over the summer, and then I’d continue to do the yard part during the year as I went to school.
Kevin Harvick
Numbers of snipes breed every summer in some moory ground on the verge of this parish.
Gilbert White
My nana ji has a shop in Bapu Bazaar. Every summer, after my final exams, my mother would pack me off to my grandparents’ home in Jaipur where we would visit nana ji’s shop and I would roam around the market, holding his finger, wearing those cute Jaipuri lehengas.
Jasmin Bhasin
Occasionally I have come across a last patch of snow on top of a mountain in late May or June. There’s something very powerful about finding snow in summer.
Andy Goldsworthy
As a child, we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking, big family meals, playing on the beach – great memories!
Zoe McLellan
I had a bat mitzvah, was confirmed, went to Jewish summer camp, I go to temple for the High Holy Days. I think, like most people in their early 20s, I kind of strayed away from it. I think once I have a family I’ll be back into it.
Lizzy Caplan
I have always loved the Summer Olympics.
Katharine McPhee
‘The Wine of Summer’ is a beautiful film about love lost and found, and the complexities of life while discovering who you are. It was filmed primarily in and around Barcelona, and the imagery is breathtaking.
Kelsey Chow
Every summer I sail to a small island called Cavallo, which lies between Sardinia and Corsica.
Gino D’Acampo
Summer has always been my favorite season. I feel happier.
Zooey Deschanel
In L.A. summer’s blistering heat, I’ve seen many girls wearing short skirts with Ugg boots. I like the boots, and the short skirts, but I’ve always wondered, don’t their feet get hot?
Jackson Rathbone
Teofilo Stevenson won his first Olympic gold medal in 1972 and his last world amateur championship in 1986. He won 302 fights and once went an unbelievable 11 years without a loss. Had Cuba not boycotted the 1984 Summer Olympics, many think Stevenson would have won an unmatched four gold medals in boxing.
Brin-Jonathan Butler
I had 500 kids at camp this past summer for example. We do nine weeks for kids and nine days for grown ups every summer. The adult camp is a lot of fun.
Wavy Gravy
Spring and summer in Pittsburgh mean outdoor festivals.
Bill Dedman
I was practically born and raised at 20th Century Fox studio, started to work there selling papers when I was around seven years old, and every summer vacation from school I would work in a various department at the studio. So I was an old-timer when I was 15.
Richard D. Zanuck
When I left the state of Maine for college, I met my first really rich friends, and I discovered summer could be a verb.
Alexander Chee
A lot of the time, we’re shooting summer campaigns in winter because they have to come out the next season. It’s the hardest to feel great in a bikini when it’s cold… so I appreciate a swimsuit shoot that’s in warm weather.
Gigi Hadid
What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.
Gertrude Jekyll
The spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter, and you can’t but help think back to the year that was, and then hopefully looking forward to the year that is approaching.
One hot summer night in San Francisco, roughly 10 years ago, I was sitting in a crowded Pacific Heights restaurant when Alice Adams walked in with a man. She was about 60 at the time, and she was wearing a skirt that fell an inch or so above her knees and flat heels without stockings.
Mary Gaitskill
In the summer of 1965 I was invited to join Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and returned to academic life as professor with the added responsibility of becoming also Department Chairman.
George Andrew Olah
Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with o

Summer is the time when one sheds one’s tensions with one’s clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all’s right with the world.
Ada Louise Huxtable
Supposedly, summer vacation happens because that’s when the kids are home from school, although having the kids home from school is no vacation. And supposedly the kids are home from school because of some vestigial throwback to our agricultural past.
P. J. O’Rourke
I also want to thank Arizona citizens for their efforts at conserving energy last summer.
Jane D. Hull
If you can’t stand the heat, don’t go to Cancun in the summer.
Ben Stein
In Michigan, if you want to act, it’s local theater, it’s high school theater and it’s going to camp and putting on plays in the summer, and I always loved doing that. There was something that just drew me to it.
James Wolk
Well, look at all of these summer blockbusters. You can’t help but laugh a little, because you’ve already seen a lot of these movies 482 times.
Sean Penn
I was working on boats as a teenager, sweating like a pig during a summer job.
Douglas Leone
Freedom Summer, the massive voter education project in Mississippi, was 1964. I graduated from high school in 1965. So becoming active was almost a rite of passage.
Danny Glover
We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.
Henry Rollins
I don’t want people buying my records for this summer’s hit. I want people buying them because they’re interested in what Ministry will have to say in the future.
Al Jourgensen
Our children were mostly brought up and educated in the Churchill suburb east of Pittsburgh. Each summer, we took them back to England for an extended period.
John Pople
For summer soirees, I recommend being bold. Add a flavorful herb or a fresh, exotic fruit or vegetable to transport your guests to another place.
Jeremiah Brent
Digital Chocolate has 60% of its developers in Finland where the sun never sets in the summer and there is nothing to do outside in the winter, so we are very productive!
Trip Hawkins
I grew up in St. Louis, and I don’t know if you’ve ever been to St. Louis in the middle of summer. There are days in the summer sometimes, weeks in the summer, where the temperature can be over 100 degrees and the humidity can be 100 percent.
Scott Bakula
From the time I made my announcement that I was going to be an actor, I auditioned for community theater, did shows at Greenbrier, interned at the Cleveland Play House for a summer, took voice lessons, took ballet lessons. I did everything that Cleveland allowed me to do – everything that was available to me.
Reggie Lee
Jicama, which is one of my favorite things in the summer, looks like a really horrendous root vegetable, which it is – it’s like a hybrid of a potato and an apple, but you can eat it raw.
Antoni Porowski
It’s possible to have more than one interest. I’ve been a painter and did summer stock.
Arne Glimcher
Between 1950 and 1951, I worked as a temporary employee in the Cologne Bureau of Statistics. From summer 1951 on, I have lived as a freelance writer with a fixed postal address in Cologne but with a continually shifting place of work.
Heinrich Boll
Never, ever wear three-quarter length trousers. Even in the summer.
Andrew Scott
I am attached to the west coast of Scotland – it’s gorgeous to look at and challenging. You have to contend with the possibility of being blown away or rained on. And in the summer months you can be eaten alive by midges.
Clive Anderson
Purple is my favorite color. It makes me think of spring and summer. A purple dress, eating grapes, lilacs – I love purple.
Angela Yee
Wet Hot American Summer so far is a financial disappointment and money was lost on it. But perhaps it will find its audience in video, cable, etc, maybe over the course of years.
David Wain
Towards the end of summer 2013, when school ended, I decided to re-download all of my social media channels and make videos again. The next day, I woke up and had 9,000 followers. I did the same thing the next day and woke up with 54,000 followers.
Nash Grier
Public swimming pools, recreation centers, summer reading programs, youth jobs programs – they are all shutting their doors. And they are all facilities and programs relied on most heavily by low-income children.
Darell Hammond
I read ‘Jaws’ and ‘The Godfather’ back to back one summer when I was 14 and was suddenly aware of how powerful fiction could be.
Mark Billingham
I feel like people want to be surprised when they get out of the movies. They want something thrown at them they didn’t expect. They want stuff that reminds them of the feelings that you get when you’re watching art house movies but with the fun of like a big summer movie. That’s the goal, I guess.
Rian Johnson
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
Sam Keen
In 1987, I had no idea who Steven Isserlis was. We met at the Spoleto Festival in Charleston, South Carolina. It was originally just an Italian summer festival, but for the past 14 years, there’s also been a spring festival in America.
Joshua Bell
Time always seems long to the child who is waiting – for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.
Dag Hammarskjold
I think people get excited about summer wardrobes and what they will wear on holiday, and people have an opportunity to wear things that they don’t normally wear when they’re in the city.
Jade Jagger
I remember specifically, in the summer of 2002, the rate of women infected with HIV/AIDS was beginning to match the rate of men, and nobody was talking about it. It was as if it was on nobody else’s radar. I had made up my mind to do something about it.
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Every year, I travel extensively in the autumn and the

Every year, I travel extensively in the autumn and the spring. I set most of the winter and summer aside for my family and my own tribal relatives. But during that traveling time, I often find myself visiting other native communities around the continent – perhaps a dozen or more each year.
Joseph Bruchac
Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.
Russell Baker
My job is summer camp. I come and talk and try to make a TV show funny.
Danny Masterson
The truth is, the sport of skiing takes so much effort, setting up and traveling with equipment, that you can only train for a certain number of days in the summer. Most of my peers ski between 40 to 60 days. I ski about 55 days.
Julia Mancuso
It never occurred to me that I was a leading man until I was 19 years old. I had been acting since I was 10, so that’s nine years and 30 or 40 plays, in school and summer stock, professional theater, too.
Christopher Reeve
My wife and I got engaged in New Hampshire at this lake house that her family’s had forever, and it’s on Lake Winnipesaukee. And so we went there every summer as we were dating.
Jimmy Fallon
I am a summer person.
Elin Hilderbrand
I know white clothing is supposed to enhance that summer glow, but writers don’t tan.
Diablo Cody
One summer I remember, I got exposed to Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly and Buddy Holly was a very very big, made a very big impression on me. Because of a lot of things, you know, the way he looked and his charisma.
Eric Clapton
The summer after I got divorced, my children asked to sleep in my bed again. It would be the first time we’d shared a bed since they were infants.
Lydia Millet
I think summer has become a venue for TV like it hasn’t been in years past, especially on Sunday nights. I know that when I’m winding down at the end of the weekend, just a really great TV show or movie is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Anna Wood
I always try to describe making movies like summer camp, or some holiday where you spend all day, every day with a new group of people whom you kind of love and then never see again.
Eddie Redmayne
Without continuity, men would become like flies in summer.
Melville Fuller
What is life, when wanting love? Night without a morning; love’s the cloudless summer sun, nature gay adorning.
Robert Burton
I love Fayetteville. I like hills and vistas and hardworking people and fighting snow in winter and chiggers in the summer.
Ellen Gilchrist
In the summer you want fresh, light and sort of quick things; in winter you want things that are comforting, so your body really tells you you want to go towards potatoes, apples, fennel, things that are warm and comforting. And loin of pork.
Ina Garten
You usually find me writing what I like to think of as intelligent summer action and genre films.
Max Landis
I think gardens are fantastic, and I’d love to draw and design and stuff like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There’s something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful.
Ed Westwick
Obviously I’m very disappointed. I trained very hard this summer and felt in a good shape to play the U.S. Open.
Kim Clijsters
The North Pole will be ice-free during summer in years to come, and that itself will put the Arctic Sea basin on a very high risk of… environmental disasters that might be there.
Aleqa Hammond
I took a lot of long summer road trips with my dad, and the mix of music we listened to on the road skipped around from classical to Western to new age to hyper-cinematic.
Alex Ebert
I hate summer, to be honest. I hate dressing. I hate the heat. I hate sweaty people getting aggressively close to you when you’re walking down the street.
Johnny Weir
I have come to regard November as the older, harder man’s October. I appreciate the early darkness and cooler temperatures. It puts my mind in a different place than October. It is a month for a quieter, slightly more subdued celebration of summer’s death as winter tightens its grip.
Henry Rollins
WE used to tour quite a lot during the summer with Everton in my day.
Dixie Dean
I remember the fact that milk was delivered every day by a milkman. In summer, my mother would make what now seem in my middle-aged imagination the most delicious iced milkshakes.
Simon McBurney
I went to night school and summer school, I made that whole year up and I actually graduated on time. Also, I got a part-time job at the radio station.
Angie Martinez
Violent crime is a solved problem – all they have to do is repeal the laws that keep those intelligent, capable, and responsible men and women from arming themselves, and violent crime evaporates like dry ice on a hot summer day.
L. Neil Smith
I know it’s hard to blame the time, but there’s a bit of an expectation for a summer movie. I think that ‘Superman Returns’ was a bit nostalgic and romantic, and I don’t think that was what people were expecting, especially in the summer.
Bryan Singer
My very first acting job was with Alan Parker on’ Angela’s Ashes,’ but as a child, I had written to so many other productions just applying for any role. I always wanted to be an actress, and I did loads of acting summer schools.
Kerry Condon
Sometimes in the heart of the summer, I look at people with their faces shaved and think it’d be nice, but once you get used to it, it’s not as hot. Most guys say it gets itchy, but once you grow it out into a big man beard, the itching is gone.
Willie Robertson
God bless America – what other civilization would give Patrick Dempsey another shot to rule as a sex symbol, twenty years after ‘Meatballs III: Summer Job?’ His reign as Dr. McDreamy on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is proof that there’s nothing we love more than giving Eighties celebs a heartwarming second stab at life.
Rob Sheffield
I had little problems during high school. It seemed lik

I had little problems during high school. It seemed like I was always getting into trouble in summer, going in and out of juvenile hall.
Tito Ortiz
I hate the summer.
Anne Lamott
We have our little restaurants, and there’s a beautiful beach that we go to in the summer and fall. We tend to have a lot of get-togethers, and if it’s at my house, we order pizza because I can’t cook.
Katie Holmes
I’d studied dance in Chicago every summer end taught it all winter, and I was well-rounded. I wasn’t worried about getting a job on Broadway. In fact, I got one the first week.
Gene Kelly
Game by game is how I judge myself. At the end of the season, yeah, I do look back and think about how many games I’ve been available for, how many goals I’ve scored, how I’ve contributed. But that’s what the summer’s for. For now, you just look to the next one.
Michael Owen
Janet Landis came to work in my group in the summer of 1957 when our first bubble-chamber was churning out its earliest pictures.
Luis Walter Alvarez
Personally, I’m a simple dresser. I usually buy my own clothes. Jeans, T-shirts, summer dresses and track pants. Whenever I get the time or see a shop that catches my fancy, I buy something.
Katrina Kaif
We shot the first season of ‘Hap and Leonard’ towards the end of the summer in Louisiana, in and around Baton Rouge. If anyone’s been to Louisiana or comes from Louisiana, they know what the weather’s like down there at that time of year: it’s unbearably hot for an Englishman.
James Purefoy
Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be.
Nora Ephron
I was posted to China in the summer of 1988, which was the greatest time ever, I think, to have been in China.
John Pomfret
I’m working on a snow scene right now, and it’s summer. It’s hot, and I will get chilly. I’ll have to turn on the heat. My wife walks in, and it’s 95 degrees in the studio. I know it’s nutty, but it’s a projection you have where you step into the painting.
Thomas Kinkade
I did my first apprenticeship when I was 15, then joined the union when I was 17. I worked every summer in high school and college.
Christopher Reeve
I did an internship with Mike (Shanahan) and the Redskins last summer and I knew after a week and a half that it wasn’t for me. I think I knew that going in, but I wanted to make sure.
Terrell Davis
I have a really basic uniform: in winter, black tights and any old dress that I can throw on. In summer, high-waisted jeans and this shirt, or that shirt, and a cashmere cardigan just in case.
Claudia Schiffer
After a summer trip to Switzerland, which was rich in experiences, I started writing. In the beginning, I aimed at descriptions of nature and folk life until, as the years passed, the description of man became my chief interest.
Henrik Pontoppidan
Since then I have held many jobs at museums in Colorado and Wyoming. I have also taught summer courses at the University of Colorado.
Robert T. Bakker
I had spent the summer of 1966 working at MIT in the group that was the MIT component of the Multics effort.
Brian Kernighan
I didn’t just work at a hardware store. I went to college for a second, and I worked there on breaks or during the summer.
It would be pretty special if I could win two Olympic gold medals, one at the Summer Games and one from the Winters, so I’m going to give it a real go.
Greg Rutherford
After graduating in the summer of 1980, I knew I wanted my life to count.
Donna Rice
I attended the University of Louisville my freshman year, transferred to what was then Western Kentucky State Teachers College for my sophomore and junior years, and then graduated from the University of Louisville in the summer of 1961.
Sue Grafton
I’m Jewish, but not overly religious, and have certainly never formally observed the Fourth Commandment, other than via the tradition of wearing white on Friday nights at summer camp, which never seemed to dovetail with the fact that Fridays were also the night for grape juice.
Rachel Sklar
I had been doing summer stock every summer while I was in college. We did a showcase, like most good conservatories do – monologues and things that agents and casting directors come to see. From that I got an agent.
Randy Harrison
The Boys of Summer were heroes in Brooklyn for a full postwar decade partly because the players could not entertain higher offers.
George Vecsey
One summer, when I was a kid, I was in the car with my stepfather, and he was asking me where I thought I ranked, on a scale of 1 to 10. I said, ‘6,’ and he said, ‘3.’ I think it was his way of telling me that I needed to get out and really attack life.
Jim Rash
I still remember my dismay in the summer of 2007 when – for the first time in the history of planet Earth – America’s share of auto production dropped below 50 percent.
Seth Shostak
I have the same pet peeve as Anderson Cooper, which is bare feet in public. I hate it. It so grosses me out, especially in New York. Oh my God, New York in the summer with people and their feet in their sandals and their flip-flops, like get it away!
Busy Philipps
Beijing was such a different city. There were so few cars, I could walk in the middle of the road. In the summer, the streetlamps attracted swirling bugs. I loved those bugs: crickets, praying mantis, all kinds of beetles. I also have a vivid memory of dazzling sunlight coming out of the sky.
Ma Jun
I get burnt in the sun, so there’s no point me getting pecs for when I take my shirt off in the summer.
Brian O’Driscoll
There was a telemarketing job one summer in high school that I was rejected for. I still walk by the building that I actually had the interview in. It’s still in New York, and I always think about that job and why I didn’t get it.
Noah Baumbach
I started coming up to New York at age 17. There was a girl I met over the summer somewhere; I was chasing her. I would drive up to D.C., where I had made some friends, which was about four hours away, and we would take the bus up to New York.
Garth Risk Hallberg
I go to camp every summer for seven weeks and it's like

I go to camp every summer for seven weeks and it’s like sleepaway camp.
Noah Schnapp
Being named as a finalist for the USA Basketball National Team is an unbelievable feeling and an opportunity that is truly humbling. It is an honor to be included with such talented players and I look forward to the chance to represent my country this summer.
James Harden
I had many, many mentors that I worked with. Music teachers, choir directors, directors in summer stock or in regional theater. You know, people I was able to work with repeatedly and learn from who were really sort of appropriate people for me to work with at a given time in my development as an actor.
J. K. Simmons
Wild horses couldn’t drag me away from a summer on the Stockholm archipelago.
Bjorn Ulvaeus
My father liked doing carpentry work, construction work, in the summer vacation. And so my mother designed a cabin, a log cabin, like a – it was like a Swiss chalet. I was twelve years old, and my father and I built it on a rocky point peninsula out into Lake Superior.
John Lautner
I grew up in Del Mar, Calif., north of San Diego. I got my first job the summer after eighth grade at a small Internet service provider.
David Ulevitch
My introduction to the Madonna Inn came as a young boy when we would take summer vacations to a nearby town. My dad would take us into their gift shop bathroom, which was a huge waterfall that functioned as the men’s urinal. So as a kid, this was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
Aaron Ruell
Arizona is the worst place to spend the summer – it’s like 125 degrees – so my mom, my brother and I would go to the beach for two months to escape the heat.
Emma Stone
It’s the first time I have returned to my roots – like going back to be a trio. The fans really wanted me to go back on stage and do the Supremes music, so I went about trying to make it happen. We’ll go on tour in the summer.
Diana Ross
I spent a summer in Texas when I was eight, in Fredericksburg, which is, like, real Texas. It’s, like, cowboys and stuff. That was my first time in the States, and I was eight years old. It was also the first time I tasted Dr. Pepper, which blew my mind.
Alexander Skarsgard
‘Onward’ was a song I wrote in Montreux, in Switzerland, when we were there camping out for the whole winter. In the summer, Montreux is a really, really big summertime-touristy, full-of-life kind of place. In the winter, it closes down.
Chris Squire
Summer is a great time to visit art museums, which offer the refreshing rinse of swimming pools – only instead of cool water, you immerse yourself in art.
Jerry Saltz
I very much looked up to Janet Evans and Summer Sanders.
Natalie Coughlin
Big swings in the wholesale price of electricity are not unusual in the summer, when high demand taxes generators’ ability to supply power.
Alex Berenson
In the summer, you miss the match days, but my wife gets angry, as she doesn’t see me on weekends. And football is work. I’m still working on the weekends.
Andrea Della Valle
In Salford, we had fish in our tap water. I remember, one hot summer day, running to the toilet at playtime and dunking our heads in a sink full of water. I remember putting my head in and seeing all these little fish in it.
Bernard Sumner
On the way from Chicago, I spent the summer of 1947 in Ottawa, helping to build the first of a series of econometric models for the Canadian government.
Lawrence R. Klein