Top 610 Deliver Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Deliver Quotes from famous people such as Elizabeth Strout, Tim Finchem, Jermall Charlo, Dominic Cummings, Rob Delaney, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The fact of the matter is I always have a really high s

The fact of the matter is I always have a really high sense of responsibility to the reader, whether it’s a few readers that I get or a lot of readers, which I was lucky enough to get with ‘Olive.’ I feel responsible to them, to deliver something as truthful and straight as I can.
Elizabeth Strout
When I was 10, I had a paper route. One year, I delivered my papers through a hurricane. My mother was against the idea, but my dad, who was a sergeant in the Marine Corps, overruled her. I was determined to deliver my papers.
Tim Finchem
Maybe by me delivering statements, I’ll get the fight I deserve. And the only way I can deliver that is keep fighting top competition and being explosive.
Jermall Charlo
Vote Leave argued during the referendum that a Leave victory should deliver the huge changes that the public wanted and the U.K. should make science and technology the focus of a profound process of national renewal.
Dominic Cummings
But I also know in standup, there’s nowhere to hide. You get on stage and you deliver, or you are eviscerated and you are thrown into a pile of bodies at the bottom of a mountain.
Rob Delaney
Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.
Tony Hsieh
What you find is, you have to deliver a product that has value to the customer. When you do, and I think the wind community is getting much closer to that, customers will want it.
Mike Pompeo
Americans have, at various times, leaned on the FBI for a measure of justice that local and state police couldn’t be counted on to deliver, and recoiled in fear at their exercise of raw federal power. That uneasy trust; the combination of need and dread, is the lot that FBI agents live with day to day.
Joy Reid
While you cannot deliver policies without principles, you cannot deliver principles without having power. You have quickly to move to a stage where, emphasising your principles, you build a programme, then call for popular support.
Gordon Brown
Nuclear proliferation is on the rise. Equipment, material and training were once largely inaccessible. Today, however, there is a sophisticated worldwide network that can deliver systems for producing material usable in weapons.
Mohamed ElBaradei
There are tradeoffs between independence and co-operation, between regulatory autonomy and market access. This means that compromises are necessary to deliver a pragmatic Brexit that protects jobs and living standards while respecting the referendum result.
David Gauke
I think we can be the very best place to start a business, to grow a business, to invent a new technology, to change the world, to change the country. But we’ve got a lot of work to deliver a new California to the people of California.
Meg Whitman
Overdeliver on promises and deadlines. Show up early, deliver your product early, and deliver more than you promised. Overdeliver now, and in the future, you will be overpaid.
Clay Clark
Good managers ensure good outcomes, but great leaders can deliver a vision by getting people to work together.
Karren Brady
When I dub for my films, I have my scenes already in place and I just have to work on my voice and deliver the same emotions. I have to recreate those emotions.
Pratik Gandhi
No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa.
Eugene Ionesco
There’s a way that we can deliver a Brexit that works for our country, and the really interesting thing is the amount of Tory MPs working with Labour MPs, forming that consensus.
Anna Soubry
Foreign policy is about trying to deliver for them the best possible economic benefits, the chance to travel, to study, to work, the opportunity through trade to be able to sell their goods and services and as much peace and security so they can live and bring their kids up so they don’t have to fear war.
Catherine Ashton
As Popeyes becomes part of the RBI family, we believe we can deliver growth and opportunities for all of our stakeholders, including our valued employees and franchisees.
Daniel Schwartz
The Home Guards are required to come in at once and deliver up their arms, those who fail to do so will be regarded as enemies of the Government and treated accordingly.
John Hunt Morgan
Coal miners work hard and deserve our respect. They also deserve a governor who fights for policies that will give them a fair shot to support their families and get ahead. That’s exactly what I’ll deliver as governor.
Andy Beshear
Everyone at Michael Waltrip Racing is working hard to deliver great results to our owners, employees and sponsors. All organizations have a lot at stake each week as we are all measured by our performance and finishing position.
Michael Waltrip
The most vital thing for an actor to deliver a great performance is to be honest to the role he or she is playing.
Mahira Khan
I always deliver on my promises, and I can promise that doing ‘Strictly’ would be as much of an entertaining laugh for the viewers at it would be for me.
I know what I can do and what I can deliver and there’s not many people who can do what I can do.
Troy Deeney
I joyfully hasten to meet death. If it come before I have had opportunity to develop all my artistic faculties, it will come, my hard fate notwithstanding, too soon, and I should probably wish it later – yet even then I shall be happy, for will it not deliver me from a state of endless suffering?
Ludwig van Beethoven
In the White House, you can be on the pitcher’s mound or you can be in the catcher’s position. Put points on the board. Show people you can govern. Deliver on what you said you were going to deliver on.
Rahm Emanuel
The founder of Dell found ways of delivering Hewlett Packard’s most profitable products for much lower prices but forgot to deliver their quality so within a few years had fallen behind again. Ideas need constant renewal. A great idea will never be perfect and will never work perfectly in all markets and all seasons.
Max McKeown
When you’re building a business, you want to focus and deliver excellence at what you do. This simply cannot be done when you are launching multiple ventures, dozens of new products, and selling everywhere and anywhere at the same time.
Daniel Lubetzky
There is never just one path to success. For me personally, these are all just words anyway, because the much more important thing is that you can deliver the right performance on the pitch. The most important thing is that you find a way that suits your team, and that the players believe in that way.
David Wagner
You’ve got to be able to hang in there in some uncomfortable pockets and uncomfortable situations, where you’re going to take a hit and deliver the football.
Matt LaFleur
I think anyone that thought that we were coming in as a

I think anyone that thought that we were coming in as a bunch of liberal Democrats to deliver more large-scale social programs was nuts. I sure didn’t expect it.
Donna Shalala
Trump’s trade and immigration policies will deliver an economic shock to states like Texas where trade produces a substantial share of the jobs, and which depend on high oil prices.
Joy Reid
I have got everything I wanted, people put so much faith on me, so I have to deliver my best, really.
Rupali Ganguly
For players from every age and every ability, the USTA National Campus will raise the bar on how we deliver tennis with the goal of making our great sport more accessible to more people than ever before.
Katrina Adams
In banking, it was my responsibility to deliver investment opportunities and solutions to hedge fund clients, and at Bloomberg, it’s my job to break down news that matters to our viewers and readers.
Stephanie Ruhle
Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won’t make a company successful.
Robert Kiyosaki
There is an anti-science by the far right. We have to be careful that the far left doesn’t balance this with a naive approach of promising what we can’t deliver. I mean, science is neutral; it’s not politically conservative or liberal.
Peter Agre
While others have walked away from their responsibilities, the Sinn Fein team will work with the other ministers in partnership to deliver for all the people.
Martin McGuinness
David Price gives the best high-fives in all of baseball. They sting the hands and deliver noteworthy affirmative vibes.
Gabe Kapler
In order for Missouri to be a strong and healthy state, we must deliver essential services and support the needs of our working families, especially during COVID-19.
Mike Parson
When I watch an actress say a line, I watch how they deliver the lines with gestures.
Hirokazu Kore-eda
Elizabeth Keckley was a woman of remarkable strength, courage, perseverance, and dignity. She was exceptionally talented, but also very diligent and ambitious, and together those qualities enabled her to deliver herself from slavery and become a successful businesswoman.
Jennifer Chiaverini
What’s blessed about my life is that I have been able to connect with the global audience on a regular basis. I am thankful for everybody’s love, and I reciprocate that, but I also have to deliver on every occasion.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
On ‘Handmaid’s’ you are given complete freedom – unlike some shows where you’re really expected just to ‘fold in’ and ‘deliver the script’ and ‘put the camera where we normally put the camera.’
Kari Skogland
I like to keep my budgets at a certain price when I work for someone else, and even more so now that I’m working for myself, and use new technologies to deliver films that look like they have high production levels.
Robert Rodriguez
Ronald Reagan never did much to make abortion illegal. He did, however, deliver videotaped greetings, fulsome in praise for his hosts, to antiabortion rallies on the Mall.
Rick Perlstein
We’re in the business of delivering cars in five minutes, but once you can deliver cars in five minutes, there’s a lot of things you can deliver in five minutes.
Travis Kalanick
Within the Intelligence Community, CIA is the keeper of the human intelligence mission. Technical forms of collection are vital, but a good human source is unique and can deliver decisive intelligence on our adversaries’ secrets – even their intent.
Gina Haspel
The most important metrics are did we execute the way in which we said we would, and did we deliver the value to the business that we had promised?
Jamie S. Miller
Feedback for leaders is often nuanced and difficult to deliver. That said, hearing you are passive-aggressive from 10 different people described 10 different ways becomes hard to ignore.
Scott Weiss
In the 1980s, corporate raiders began mounting unfriendly takeovers of companies that could deliver higher returns to their shareholders – if they abandoned their other stakeholders.
Robert Reich
I grew up in war and saw the United Nations help my country to recover and rebuild. That experience was a big part of what led me to pursue a career in public service. As Secretary-General, I am determined to see this organization deliver tangible, meaningful results that advance peace, development and human rights.
Ban Ki-moon
People can criticise all day long, I think I’ve proven myself, I think I deliver. And I agree, box office does not mean a movie’s good, but I feel like I’m making good movies and I’m delivering in box office.
Brett Ratner
I have observed private and proprietary colleges, like the University of Phoenix, and the market they serve. And I found it intriguing the way in which they are trying to deliver the product, with more accountability, for a price.
Roy Romer
I understand welfare because I lived it. I understand the difference between a want and a need. The Republican Party promised to bring welfare change. We must deliver on this promise.
Paul LePage
Finding innovative ways to deliver vaccines to children in developing countries is at the heart of our work. The very fact that we don’t have people on the ground but rather work in an alliance with other organizations is itself an innovation that was the basis of GAVI’s establishment in 2000.
Seth Berkley
Period dramas have their own challenges. One must work hard to ensure that you don’t just embrace the character you are playing, you also have to understand the smaller nuances of the period to deliver an authentic experience.
Mohit Raina
Traditionally, the sample is always better than the stock you deliver to the store.
Calvin Klein
You have little to no response to AAV the first time your body sees it. If you used the same vector twice you would want to bump up immunosuppression. I believe there will be many new ways to deliver genes in the future as well.
Liz Parrish
If we want to deliver opportunity for all, we need an economy that delivers jobs for the future.
John Major
You win some, you lose some. You get hit you don’t get hit, but it’s not about how hard you get hit. I think it’s about how hard you get hit, then still get up and deliver an even harder punch. I think that’s what it is all about.
Prateik Babbar
You may not like the way I deliver the truth - you may

You may not like the way I deliver the truth – you may take umbrage with the way I handle most of my conflicts – but that’s the way I do business.
Samoa Joe
Without legal aid, and the dedicated lawyers who deliver it, our system of justice would quite simply collapse.
Kenneth Clarke
On the House side, typically the party that has the White House loses the majority in the midterms – that’s been the historic trend. We want to buck that trend. We want to deliver for President Trump majorities in the House and the Senate so that he can govern.
Ronna McDaniel
You have to keep working hard to deliver happiness to customers and you have to control your own destiny.
Eric Yuan
Yahoo is a consumer brand. It is a consumer brand that allows people to get what they want from the Internet in a way that only Yahoo can deliver it.
Jerry Yang
People want leaders they can look up to, who can solve problems and actually deliver results for our people.
Gretchen Whitmer
Where the private sector, or anyone else, has skills, knowledge and resources that can help to deliver a high quality of education and to raise standards, we should use them.
Estelle Morris
Depending on the point in the game and what’s necessary, if you can deliver the play, whatever that is – heck, if it’s a screen – and you get a guy open, and he scores a big basket for you, that gives me as much of a charge as anything.
John Stockton
I feel that if my work excites me and makes me deliver my best, then it should, hopefully, entertain viewers as well.
Suraj Venjaramood
‘Touched by an Angel’ started my calling to be the messenger, and on a weekly basis, I was able to deliver the message of God’s love to the world.
Roma Downey
But like a born actor who only really wants to direct, Gingrich has always been unsatisfied with what he’s brilliant at. He can’t still his hunger to deliver grand pronouncements on life, liberalism, conservatism, religion and whatever else swims into his consciousness.
John Podhoretz
I think, as a tire manufacturer, you need to deliver a product that, up to a certain specification, needs to hold the loads and the speed. But you want a tire which degrades in performance so the races are not boring, while at the same time, you want it to have peak performance. All together is a very difficult task.
Toto Wolff
The architect works for so many years building it, and the moment you deliver it to the people is the moment when you are unnecessary.
Santiago Calatrava
We give the podium to a lot of people who shouldn’t have the podium. The message that’s delivered the loudest and in the most entertaining way is the one that we’re going to put on because that’s what we want. We want ratings more than we want to deliver information. That’s just where the culture’s gotten.
Dave Matthews
A bit of nervousness is essential as in a way it helps you deliver your best.
Daisy Shah
There are those who are value-oriented and those who are success-oriented. However shouldn’t an actor deliver an image to his audience through roles he chooses to portray, based on his beliefs in life?
Choi Si-won
It’s difficult to describe the weirdness of speaking to a man who appears to be perfectly in control of his faculties, who can deliver off-the-cuff repartee, and yet who is actually utterly disconnected from who he is.
Louis Theroux
A guy like Drew Brees is a guy that knows how to undress a defense. Most of the time he knows where he’s gonna go before he even gets the ball. So he’s ready to deliver that ball almost as soon as it comes to his hands.
Julius Peppers
If you want to deliver as an actor, you need to know the language. If you don’t know what you are mouthing, how will you perform? For me, it is important to know the language.
Raashi Khanna
I get so nervous on stage I can’t help but talk. I try. I try telling my brain: stop sending words to the mouth. But I get nervous and turn into my grandma. Behind the eyes it’s pure fear. I find it difficult to believe I’m going to be able to deliver.
Advertising is the art of the tiny. You have to tell a complete a story and deliver a complete message in a very encapsulated form. It disciplines you to cut away extraneous information.
Dick Wolf
I ask unanimous consent that I be able to deliver a floor speech on immigration reform in Spanish.
Tim Kaine
The greatest benefit of being a solo performer is that it is seriously frightening, but at the same time very empowering. It’s just you and the audience. All the weight is on you to deliver the songs.
Zola Jesus
The Undertaker is the John Wayne of our business. I watched him come out and deliver some of the best matches night after night.
Big Show
I know New Yorkers are gonna vote for a candidate – me – who has the longest record of delivering for them. They want a mayor who can deliver for them. And I’m the only one – I don’t care who gets in – who has that record.
Christine Quinn
I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.
There’s a certain darkness to Slipknot, but at the same time, there’s a very strong dose of positivity. Stone Sour is the same way. There’s a certain melancholy that comes with the slower stuff, but at the end of the day there’s also that other side that is very positive. It’s all how you deliver.
Corey Taylor
The Super Bowl ring eluded me, but I don’t need that to validate me. I would have loved to have helped deliver that to the fans in Carolina, but I’m content with the career that I had.
Julius Peppers
To say that the U.K. could have no part to play in improving a justice system different to our own, but which was seeking advice on how to deliver more internationally compliant standards, was a betrayal of our international humanitarian duty.
Crispin Blunt
Others may make you promises, once again, and then election after election not deliver. We will not do this.
Mangosuthu Buthelezi
I feel I have so much more to deliver than music.
Theophilus London
I know some Australian players who were at Dortmund whe

I know some Australian players who were at Dortmund when he was there and found out about him. Wagner is a leader and makes all the decisions, but of course the players have to perform and deliver what he wants.
Aaron Mooy
People are looking for more than a faster and faster PC. It has to do what they want. Will it fill some void, add some value, deliver something that they can’t do previously at a price that people are willing to pay for?
Ted Waitt
I did some mistakes; I accept that – I always accept my mistakes. For sure, we are looking forward to improve, to deliver my best as always.
Pastor Maldonado
We believe that the future for content-creators such as ourselves lies in being able to source project money from an audience and deliver on those projects in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Freddie Wong
There are many documentary filmmakers who have a tough time because they don’t really get what they need to do what they want. There are so many people with good visions that should be encouraged and helped. And they will deliver, I’m sure.
Max von Sydow
No one can deliver visual content like Getty Images.
Mark Getty
People understand the simplicity of violence, and martial arts has always been about the more efficient way to deliver said violence upon an adversary. I’ve kept that philosophy as the focal point of what I do.
Samoa Joe
I think that that multiplatform development is what’s on the mind of most high-end PC developers now… this is really the first time in the industry’s history that we’ve had console machines that can handle all that PC developers can deliver.
Mike Wilson
The Galilee is a quiet place because people have to deliver on time; they don’t have time to quarrel.
Stef Wertheimer
As long as we deliver services with the highest level of quality and integrity, I’m happy.
Punit Renjen
Whenever I deliver a hit, I can see a glow on my father’s face. Sometimes, I think he turns 10 to 15 years younger when I deliver a hit.
Mahesh Babu
I was brought up to be loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and to deliver. If you hired Noel Edmonds to do something then, by God, he worked hard at it.
Noel Edmonds
The pistol isn’t going to go away, but the job in the long run is going to be to deliver the ball from the pocket.
Steve Young
To deliver predictability, we have partnered with Biotique for in-room toiletries, Airtel for Wi-Fi and DTH, and small laundromats in cities to provide clean linen in our rooms.
Ritesh Agarwal
You never get quite down to the bottom of the barrel, but we are much higher than that at the present time. There is quite a lot left in the barrel that could be explained by them. If they have some weapons, if they have some anthrax, they should deliver that.
Hans Blix
My work sells for £10,000-plus, but my most lucrative piece was a private project that was sold for more than six figures -dollars, that is. The process of the Lego can take weeks, months, or even days. Each one I deliver to specification to each gallery because they want them brought to them fully formed.
Nathan Sawaya
I think it’s going to deliver on the promises we’ve said it’s going to and it is going to be the most successful product ever to come into the handheld environment, and it just happens to have a number of different functions.
Ian Jackson
I’m an impatient person in many respects. I like to put myself in uncomfortable situations. It forces me to deliver.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
I love to post behind-the-scenes photos of what is really going on. My twitter friends really seem to like that and the great thing is I can deliver them information right away.
Nancy O’Dell
Comcast NBCUniversal has an incredible array of brands and ways to deliver those brands and experiences for consumers.
Brian L. Roberts
Mostly in movies an actor has to come to a mark, an X, and deliver his line – but that’s so artificial, that’s not how people really behave.
Bruce Robinson
Jobs in the public sector are increasingly dependent on technology, and more and more government services are available online in developed and developing countries. Women who have ICT skills can help develop and deliver these services, even in places where the sexes are traditionally kept separate.
Tae Yoo
We all benefit from the shared experiences of our partners from around the world. Our education, health care, business and public sector institutions rely on these relationships to deliver on their missions every single day.
Charlie Baker
I just try to deliver the laughs every time I get the opportunity.
Kenan Thompson
While I was raised around churches and had gotten to know a few preachers fairly well, the thought never entered my head that I would one day stand and deliver. Not only was I not interested, I lived with a major struggle: I stuttered.
Charles R. Swindoll
Take control of who you report to, what you do, what you create. Or start a business on the side. Deliver some value, any value, to anybody, to somebody, and watch that value compound into a career.
James Altucher
In times of disaster, basic connectivity is a form of aid that connects people to the resources critical for survival and enables humanitarian organizations to quickly deliver life-saving information.
Tae Yoo
Forgiveness isn’t just a blessing you deliver to another human being. Forgiveness is also a gift you give yourself.
Robin S. Sharma
The truth is that in the NFL, the job is to deliver the ball from the pocket. That’s the job.
Steve Young
What matters in any campaign is that you have a strategic core that makes the judgements, decides the strategy, and can deliver.
Douglas Alexander
The NHS should be proactively using substantial resources across government to intervene and try to deliver positive improvements in people’s standards of living.
Andrew Lansley
If the songs I'm writing can offer anything to somebody

If the songs I’m writing can offer anything to somebody, I’d like to give myself the opportunity to deliver that.
Brantley Gilbert
The Child Care is Essential Act and the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act will deliver urgently-needed relief to providers and working families.
Mikie Sherrill
Hopefully, by the time I do a project, I already have a true understanding and love of what I’m about to do because if I don’t, I’m not going to work on that project. I really want to have those connections so I can be truthful to the emotional aspect of what I have to deliver for the story.
Michael Giacchino
It is not easy to deliver a good film and take the expectation of the audience one level higher every time.
Anubhav Sinha
‘Warm Bodies’ – I was contractually obligated to deliver a PG-13 movie. But, like, I wanted it to be PG-13 because it’s for younger people, and I don’t want them not to be able to see it. I mean, you have to kind of think about the marketplace as well.
Jonathan Levine
My place is cemented in Malayalam films. Malayalam is not my language and it felt alien to me. But for them, I am someone from Karnataka who could deliver.
Meghana Raj
But the problem is that you cannot just admit to something you haven’t done; you need to deliver the details, which you can’t when you haven’t done anything. It’s not just, Yes, I did!’ No, it doesn’t work that way: you have to make up a complete story that makes sense to the dumbest dummies.
Mohamedou Ould Slahi
If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel.
Jim Morrison
I think that’s part of the battle of defining yourself as an artist. You’re constantly fighting the pressure from outside to be pigeonholed and deliver more of what people already liked.
Steven Wilson
Well, we know that people in Australia love the idea of both Impulse and Virgin Blue getting up and adding a bit of competition, and it’s fun to be able to deliver it.
Richard Branson
Libertarians understand a very simple fact of life: Government doesn’t work. It can’t deliver the mail on time, it doesn’t keep our cities safe, it doesn’t educate our children properly.
Harry Browne
I look forward to Pond’s products to deliver better skincare for girls everywhere.
Amy Jackson
I always feel very strongly that Bloodsport is going to deliver and going to continue to try and pick up the ante every single time.
Josh Barnett
I was grateful to have two weeks to shoot this one scene in Harry Potter. It’s a big, big scene, but they have to deliver. And they have high expectations.
Ralph Fiennes
There’s no way you can deliver ‘the greatest musical of the century.’
Gavin Creel
Singing beautiful melodies is one thing, but to deliver the text so that the people understand it, even in a foreign language, has to be worked at very hard.
Maureen Forrester
I was named first-team Jersey Shore by the Asbury Park Press, the paper I used to deliver as a young boy. I got to Houston and Coach Williams invited me to walk on the golf team. I was the 18th man on an 18-man golf team.
Jim Nantz
The real problem for Democrats is we’ve got to help people believe, and then we’ve got to deliver the message to them. Believe what? That we are absolutely, unshakeably on their side, and we’re going to fight for them every single minute.
Keith Ellison
I learned not to depend on other people. I needed support, but it’s you who has to go out and deliver.
Katarina Witt
I don’t want to sign something just because everyone is looking forward to what I sign next. When I take up a project, I am all in to deliver the best I can with sincerity and honesty.
Mawra Hocane
Technology can be useful to organise a large number of people online and offline against the common goal of getting a particular dictator out of power. But at the end of the day, somebody still has to run for president with a different last name and deliver for the population.
Jared Cohen
Soon I learned that the worse the puns and jokes, the funnier they could be, if you knew how to deliver them.
John Lasseter
Be the guy that delivers the goods and consistently promise things that you can deliver. Even if you under-promise, it’s better than over-promising and not delivering, because you don’t get a lot of tries.
Adam Neumann
When we talk about ‘Firepower,’ we’re talking about the fire and power of heavy metal to prevail and endure difficulties. ‘Children of the Sun,’ is, to some extent, about climate change and the ecosystem… We want to deliver a message to the people without being too much of a teacher.
Rob Halford
We need to deliver efficient, transparent government.
Nina Turner
The creative capacity of the private sector should be harnessed to develop new and more effective ways to deliver humanitarian solutions.
Peter Maurer
Well, I haven’t really been able to shoot in California for a while. Little movies yeah, but the big movies we can’t shoot there. It’s just a shame that Arnold Schwarzenegger can’t deliver on this level.
Joel Silver
Lord, deliver me from the man who never makes a mistake, and also from the man who makes the same mistake twice.
William J. Mayo
Guys in slavery sang praises to the Lord to deliver them from bondage.
Isaac Hayes
Our success in Singapore was a Herculean effort by the whole team. Now I am determined to deliver on all we promised. I will be watching like a hawk.
Sebastian Coe
GoPro’s capture devices and Kolor’s software will combine to deliver exciting and highly accessible solutions for capturing, creating, and sharing spherical content.
Nick Woodman
You know, I became a director out of necessity. I was w

You know, I became a director out of necessity. I was writing comedies, and I couldn’t find anybody to deliver it correctly.
Albert Brooks
My dancers expect me to deliver because my choreography represents their livelihood.
Twyla Tharp
Dreams, I would say, are probably the most prevalent way a loved one will try to deliver a message.
Tyler Henry
For me, democracy must deliver a better life for the people.
Joko Widodo
Because of my Nigerian heritage, Jumia’s use of technology to deliver innovative online services to consumers and improve the quality of everyday life in Africa is very important to me. I’m thrilled to be a part of this unique enterprise that is shaping the future of digital Africa.
Andre Iguodala
You can propose marriage naked or in handcuffs, but no one is going to agree to forsake all others for a man in shorts. You can’t declare war in shorts or deliver a eulogy in shorts.
A. A. Gill
This has always been a small agency with a big mission. But these days, especially, we have to stand up every day, deliver value into the hands of small-business owners and get taxpayers the biggest bang for their buck so that we can help these job creators do what they need to do.
Karen Mills
When the director narrates the story, I try to understand how he wants me to do my role and I try to deliver that.
Rao Ramesh
We get paid way less than we deserve. We deliver shows and deserve to get paid more. We practically pay to do this. You deserve to get better paid if you sell the fight.
Jose Aldo
We have bloated, out-of-control, and unresponsive government agencies that need to be reined in and focused by Congress to deliver results.
Elizabeth Emken
I think a film is a failure if it doesn’t have an emotional effect. That’s the film’s failure. Not if it doesn’t deliver a message, but if it doesn’t have emotional effect or visceral effect.
Aunjanue Ellis
The power’s in the people, more so because we have platforms that we can control, like Instagram, Twitter, Soundcloud, where we can deliver straight. If you’re building a fanbase, it’s in your hands; it’s not monopoly. You can do it.
Jessie Reyez
When we started with ‘Big Brother’ and created the reality genre, no one could ever foresee that there was so much space in the genre that it could deliver so many formats. There will be periods where there is not enough new stuff to keep the genre alive. But it will never die.
John de Mol, Jr.
I’m very confident, that I’m going to be able to deliver better leadership to Texas than John Cornyn does – more reflective of Texas values than we are of D.C. values, which is what John Cornyn represents to most Texans.
MJ Hegar
I have successfully challenged the Western world’s existing model of pharmaceutical innovation, which leads to the creation of monopolistic markets for novel, life-saving drugs that deliver high margins at low volumes.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
I would hate to be thrust into the middle of a big film and not deliver. There’s young actors and they’re put into these central roles and they’re commanding armies – but they can’t quite pull it off. I’d much rather do it in small steps and build it from there.
Paddy Considine
I trust the CRC brand and continue to use CRC automotive products because they deliver what they promise.
Jessi Combs
You’ve got to eat while you dream. You’ve got to deliver on short-range commitments, while you develop a long-range strategy and vision and implement it. The success of doing both. Walking and chewing gum if you will. Getting it done in the short-range, and delivering a long-range plan, and executing on that.
Jack Welch
So the truth is, if there’s a lesson to be learned from mobile quarterbacks, it is deliver the ball from the pocket, which demands mastery of the data that is involved working in the pocket, which is, ‘I know everything about everything.’
Steve Young
Making promises and then saddling yourself with a political system and a political union that means that you cannot deliver those promises, I fear, doesn’t contribute to an atmosphere of trust and confidence in politics.
Michael Gove
Somewhere along the line, positive thinking seems to have been confused with magical thinking. There’s a notion that if you think positively enough, you can make anything happen by using the power of your mind. All the positive thinking in the world won’t deliver good fortune or prevent tragedy from striking.
Amy Morin
Christianity has aimed to deliver us from a life determined by nature, from the appetites as actuating us, and so has meant that man should not let himself be determined by appetites.
Max Stirner
I say that in the most humble way: I always knew that I could perform with the best of ’em and I could deliver with the best of ’em.
Nipsey Hussle
To serve our citizens better and deliver the results they deserve, we must continue to build a strong workforce.
Mike Parson
The other guys and myself have agreed that Billy Sherwood will do an excellent job of covering my parts, and the show as a whole will deliver the same Yes experience that our fans have come to expect over the years.
Chris Squire
The overreach of the judiciary can be attributed to, one, the inability of the executive to deliver; and two, the tendency to issue judicial pronouncements for national good. The second element is dangerous because that’s the function of the government.
Kapil Sibal
The global healthcare industry is undergoing a paradigm shift, providing significant opportunities for Philips to deliver more integrated solutions across the continuum of care – from prevention, diagnosis, and treatment to monitoring and aftercare.
Frans van Houten
If I or any other black can deliver at the box office, I’ll get a lot of work. Too many young actors, regardless of their color, try to play an attitude on camera and fail to remember their job is to fit into an entertainment.
Mario Van Peebles
There’s no reason why you can’t deliver a grammar-school curriculum to an all-ability intake.
Toby Young
Not only did God deliver me from the bondage of alcoholism, he also blessed my family financially because of my commitment to honor what he had done for me and for not doing what I believed could possibly be destructive to others.
Richard Kiel
As an actor my job is to deliver the best so that the audience not only likes my roles but also remembers them.
Himani Shivpuri
Our destiny is as a global beacon of free trade and we

Our destiny is as a global beacon of free trade and we cannot deliver that while bound to the declining E.U. and its protectionist Customs Union.
Priti Patel
Receiving an economic boost from the digital era is not a luxury – it is essential to ensuring that Europe continues to grow and deliver levels of prosperity that meet the rising expectations of its citizens.
Klaus Schwab
Great stories are still just great yarns. News remains the best human drama ever. Technology is not changing the story; it is just changing the way in which we deliver it.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
Kindness and intelligence don’t always deliver us from the pitfalls and traps: there are always failures of love, of will, of imagination. There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships.
Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
The largest humanitarian victory we can deliver is by wiping ISIS off the face of the earth.
Lee Zeldin
What I tried to do is deliver movies that have worked for me more than once.
Clive Barker
Leo couldn’t deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with ‘The Aviator’, but I will go on record to say I will do so in ‘The Departed’.
Anthony Anderson
We talk about toughness as a quarterback: it’s not sometimes the physical part that you see; it’s the mental toughness and the ‘I’m going to stand in here, take this shot,’ and ‘I’m going to deliver it to my guy.’
Dan Quinn
The only way I know how to deliver is to focus; some people can turn it on or off – I’d rather stay in character.
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
What I always expect to deliver to my audience is a very entertaining evening of singing and playing.
Steve Miller
Our responsibility is to deliver the most compelling content to our players. and if we do that, the audiences are there.
Bobby Kotick
I want to educate people and deliver news that isn’t just surrounded by Charlie Sheen. I’d like to be able to do the serious stuff in conjunction with the comedy.
Chelsea Handler
We deliver. We are consistent. Customers trust us. Our restaurants are cleaner than most. Our meats are natural, the bread is best in class, the chips are best in class, and we are a group of very systemized and disciplined operators.
Jimmy John Liautaud
Historically, WordPress has been purely focused on the writing side. However, we’re thinking about mobile completely differently, and I think there’s a big opportunity to take the community of creators that loves WordPress and deliver an audience to the amazing things they’re making.
Matt Mullenweg
When I got into politics, it was a shock. People promise all sorts of things and then never deliver.
Matt Gonzalez
The American voter knows that we cannot protect the seas and our interests overseas unless we have ships that can fight and deliver Marines and carrier-based fighter jets to the world’s hot spots.
Robert C. O’Brien
Credit is a promise to deliver money. It will produce GDP but you’ll create credit… So you reach a certain point that that you can’t do that anymore… There are choices. And how do we best support, apportion the money? How much is going to be transferred?
Ray Dalio
Whether we are in or out of the E.U., we must deliver reform at home in order to compete abroad in the 21st century.
Dominic Raab
To walk into the hall of mirrors of Versailles as Louis XIV and deliver a monologue on your own in an empty hall of mirrors is like no other experience.
George Blagden
In many cases, an expansion of Medicaid will not only drive taxpayer costs but will deliver lower-quality care than what they have today.
Mike Pompeo
I have a proven record of working for our kids as state superintendent, and as a governor I’ll deliver real results for Wisconsin families.
Tony Evers
Leaders lead but in the end it’s the people who deliver.
Tony Blair
The involvement of clinicians, researchers, and, most importantly, the thousands of people who have donated DNA samples will help us to correlate genetic variation with individual variation in health and disease and help to deliver on the long-term promise of the Human Genome Project.
Mark Walport
When we were doing ‘Live at Benaroya,’ the song ‘I Will’ was hard to get through. I’ve always get a big lump in my throat when I sing that song. And also ‘Before It Breaks.’ So I’m just a different songwriter now. And the older I get, the more difficult it becomes to deliver those songs casually.
Brandi Carlile
Talk to families in poverty and ask them what they need, instead of prescribing it for them. Ask what the barriers are. Ask what would help. And then deliver it.
Jack Monroe
I hate recycling. I don’t think it exists. I think they’ve made it up to give people jobs. They deliver these stupid little Tupperware boxes and tell me, ‘You’re not using your recycling box!’ Who are they? They’re not the police.
Noel Fielding
The stock market clearly values companies that can deliver disruptive innovation.
Steve Blank
When the Grateful Dead needed a quality sound system to deliver our sonic payload, I learned electronics and speaker design.
Mickey Hart
The role of the government is not to solve religious or sectarian or ethnic problems. These are age-old. I don’t think any government of the day can solve all differences. But the government of the day can deliver to our citizens and show our citizens that they are equal in front of the law.
Haider al-Abadi
With independent music, I can do what I feel satisfied with, and not feel the pressure of what others expect me to deliver.
Guru Randhawa
Currently, we are working to deliver our anti-aging gene therapies to terminally ill people for compassionate care. Although, in the future we think that preventative medicine against aging would begin at a much younger age.
Liz Parrish
It's very nice to be a rebel saying, 'I stand on my pri

It’s very nice to be a rebel saying, ‘I stand on my principles,’ but if in fact that’s not going to have any impact on the policy, it may be principled, but it doesn’t deliver the better outcome that the country needs.
Dominic Grieve
National governments alone cannot deliver lasting prosperity without a transformation of social and economic development that seeks to minimise risk and seize the opportunity we have.
Patricia Espinosa
I am terrible. When I buy stuff, I want it straight away. If it says two to three weeks delivery – no way. I will find somewhere that will deliver it that afternoon.
Deborah Meaden
We love BlizzCon. It’s great. It’s our favorite thing to do. But first and foremost, we’re a game company, and we have to make sure we deliver good quality games for our players.
Michael Morhaime
Everyone wants change. Donald is the only one that can deliver it. We should not be satisfied with stagnation.
Melania Trump
Globally, the toll-free numbers advertised by companies promise more than they deliver. And even websites are at pains to ensure that customers cannot get through to individuals, so there are no names, phone numbers or direct e-mail IDs to people in charge.
Sucheta Dalal
I didn’t know who she was, but I knew she was hungry, so I started handing out $100 bills and called the office and told them to bring me a bunch more. Then I had my cousin’s store deliver a bunch of smoked ham and turkeys. I mean, these people are hungry and living under a bridge.
Joe Jamail
I’ve always had that gratitude that I had the opportunity to pursue my potential. So I think my story says that, when women are given the chance and the opportunity, that we can achieve a lot. We deliver. We can make the world a better place, one butt at a time.
Sara Blakely
When we compile a petition, we often have members go to their representative’s or Senator’s offices and deliver it in person. This way they can experience a real connection with the staff.
Joan Blades
I’ve spent a career working in tech as a software engineer. And I believe regulated markets are the best way to build and deliver innovative products.
Brianna Wu
We have a double agenda of trying to deliver something exciting that people will talk about and will brighten their day and will amaze people and make us proud to have created an object of beauty. And on the other hand being true to the story.
Louis Theroux
Deliver bad news early and personally.
Ron Williams
Any passionate actor, if he is spoon-fed, will deliver.
Harshvardhan Rane
A major part of the conservative plans to reform Medicaid turn on the assumption that states will be better able to manage the program, and deliver its benefits, free from all the intrusive regulation that Washington imposes.
Scott Gottlieb
I’d been invited to deliver the commencement address to the Class of 2017 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Speaking live on television is one thing… speaking to 30,000 people in a football stadium is another.
Brooke Baldwin
You have to be patient: trust the team, that they can deliver a good job.
Max Verstappen
I am a believer in Adam Smith, who says that if you look at something that really contributes value to society, and you can deliver it at a reasonable price, then society will recognise that at some point because rational behaviour will come into play.
David Cheriton
I try to always step up to the plate, be professional, be good at what I’m doing and deliver on the character. In Hollywood, what more can you ask for. You want a consummate professional.
Martin Lawrence
I find it hard to deliver straightforward things.
Ang Lee
We have all these restaurants and the worry is that they have to deliver the same quality.
Rick Stein
We rent one in three tuxedos in the U.S. and Canada, and if we make a mistake, our employees will deliver to the customer’s home, office, or wedding. We get a couple hundred letters a week praising the service in our stores.
George Zimmer
I feel like if we can use the combination of basically data-driven hunches and bet on really first-class talent to deliver the shows, that I think we could do as well as the networks do, who basically have a 75 to 80 percent failure rate for new shows anyway – even after all that development and pilot work.
Ted Sarandos
Opting for gold shoes could have been considered downright cocky, but I was confident and never doubted my ability to deliver gold medals to match my shimmering footwear.
Michael Johnson
I accept of course we’re in deep trouble and deep difficulty. But if we, under a new leader, reinvent ourselves properly as a Brexit party, we will be faced with the inevitability at some point of a general election in order to deliver Brexit because this Parliament is stopping the delivery of Brexit.
Crispin Blunt
A creative mindset is in increasingly high demand: employers are vying for workers who are able to dream big and deliver big with the next must-have product. Creative thinking fuels innovation, it leads to new goods and services, creates jobs and delivers substantial economic rewards.
Jim Hunt
By using our international network, utilising templates and thinking ahead with pre-planned pages that contain carefully selected relevant news, we can deliver stories that other people just don’t have. And that will release resources for the web.
Lionel Barber
I really believe that, as filmmakers, we have a duty, which is, if we’re asking people to pay a premium price for a 3D ticket, we have a duty to deliver a premium product.
Paul W. S. Anderson
I am delighted to be at the heart of this team of radical reformers in Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Nick Boles and many others. It’s a team I believe will deliver the change Britain needs.
Liz Truss
The psychology of sport is so important. When you are standing at the crease, in front of a stadium full of people, it’s a pretty intense experience. So you need to have the psychological tools to control your mind and deliver your best performance.
Jos Buttler
My aim is to deliver results.
Shinji Kagawa
As medical data has such power to deliver better understanding of disease and better patient outcomes, it is important we find the best way of sharing it.
Mark Walport
By strengthening the core of our business and leading i

By strengthening the core of our business and leading in digital innovation, we will accelerate growth, enhance our margin, and deliver increased total shareholder returns.
Alain Dehaze
People are really looking for greater sense of control of what happens in their lives, about the issues they really care about, and they feel that the political system doesn’t necessarily deliver.
Steve Hilton
I was afraid of the sophomore slump even before our first record came out. It was a very real fear because I’d watched so many bands I’d loved in the past not deliver. I knew it was a very real thing. I didn’t know why it happens, but I’d been thinking about it a lot.
Mark Foster
Customers want high-quality food, good service, and good store experience, and most retailers fail to deliver on those.
John Mackey
There are many comics around who don’t really have a feel for comedy. They can say outrageous things, have clever thoughts, and deliver some funny angles. But they are not genuinely funny.
Ronnie Corbett
To deliver vast new resources to humanity, we must pioneer and occupy the moon, Mars, and perhaps even beyond.
Gregory Benford
I’d like us to deliver a little message to all the men still out there who think it’s the ’50s, and coming home simply means watching television with a beer.
Patricia Richardson
We must remember that democracy works when given time to develop, mature and deliver. People must have access to information for informed debate. Government institutions must treat citizens fairly, and with dignity, while responding to their needs.
Atifete Jahjaga
I am saying that in Wales here we have a very clear election commitment and I hope, and I will express this view, I hope that every individual member of the Labour Party, will understand that and will strive to achieve unity so that we can deliver the yes vote in the Autumn.
Ron Davies
It’s just my goal to deliver the best story I can, and I want to make sure each book is better than the last, and in order to do that, I have to take chances.
Karin Slaughter
While I have some regrets that this is my last opportunity to deliver a State of the State address, I appreciate and am humbled by the opportunities this great state has given me.
Jane D. Hull
I think the mind should deliver new and fresh designs all the time.
Sergio Marchionne
The role of the speaker of the House is to deliver enough votes by understanding and accommodating the individual bottom lines of enough members to pass the bill.
Jared Polis
Both Sempra Energy and Oncor share more than 100 years of experience operating utilities that deliver safe, reliable energy to millions of customers.
Debra L. Reed
Most guys don’t super jam because when you lunge forward, you can’t retreat. You have to stay in there and commit to it. So you have to be confident that you can deliver a strong punch and disrupt the receiver.
Davante Adams
Ultimately, when I deliver something, a lot of times it will be from a black woman’s perspective, but other times it will be just from a satirical, goofy perspective.
Jessica Williams
Theater is just so much more satisfying than film or television just because you deliver the whole thing from start to finish in one evening, and you can tell if people have enjoyed it or not. That’s great to do every night to go in front of a full room of people and tell the story. There’s nothing like that really.
Jonny Lee Miller
Obamacare is a seriously flawed law that makes health care coverage less affordable, costs taxpayers more than advertised and fails to deliver on most of its other grand promises.
Fred Upton
Politicians make phony promises all the time that they can’t deliver.
Larry Hogan
Professors simply can’t discuss a thing. Habit compels them to deliver a lecture.
Hal Boyle
One of the cool things we’re seeing at TaskRabbit is local tech and gaming startups hiring TaskRabbits to test their products and deliver immediate user feedback. As the founder of a tech startup, I can tell you that this type of focus group testing is paramount – and usually really pricey and difficult to coordinate.
Leah Busque
I think it is important to build for people, and to deliver this message of hope: through good construction and a certain sense of progression, a better understanding of each other can be achieved.
Santiago Calatrava
Electronic medical records are, in a lot of ways, I think the aspect of technology that is going to revolutionize the way we deliver care. And it’s not just that we will be able to collect information, it’s that everyone involved in the healthcare enterprise will be able to use that information more effectively.
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
What a travesty it is that the high priests of Leave in 2016, who insisted to all of us that Brexit would mean a return to parliamentary sovereignty, are undermining and circumventing parliamentary sovereignty in order to deliver their hard Brexit.
Gina Miller
For me pressure is positive. The players need to know they need to deliver results because we have massive support but we also need time because Rome was not built in a day.
Andrea Radrizzani
Big Water makes an argument straight out of Economics 101. The best way to deliver water to people’s homes efficiently, the water barons argue, is to put the process in the hands of the market. If water is scarce, then raise the price – let the law of supply and demand take over!
Charles C. Mann
You cannot buy players and know, for sure, that they can deliver. You cannot know because football is a team sport.
Louis van Gaal
If you’re on TV regularly, doing a thing regularly, whether you’re Anthony Anderson on ‘Black-ish’ or Don Lemon, an hour a night, you have to turn into, ‘What’s the delivery system through which I can deliver information?’ I don’t mean they are being fake or that they are doing something that’s disingenuous.
W. Kamau Bell
I look at every promo I do as a command performance to do better than I did the previous week if not deliver the best promo of my life.
Paul Heyman
As a quarterback your job is to drop back and give it to the open receiver, let them run. Obviously, there are times when you get some pressure and you have to make decisions, step up in the pocket and buy time for your receivers and deliver the ball.
Donovan McNabb
Some people will have to be afraid. Those who plunder the nation, deliver injustice, will have to feel scared of me. And I am not afraid of admitting this. Government cannot be so lenient that it forgives them.
Narendra Modi
The Internet has crept up on us, and we need to know wh

The Internet has crept up on us, and we need to know what it is and start looking at it. We have to decide which bits we want, which bits we don’t, and how we’re going to use them – and how we’re going to put pressure on the people who deliver these goods to deliver what we really want.
Beeban Kidron
I just didn’t have time to deliver a Buffalo accent in a day, so I didn’t even try it.
Josh Holloway
I’m a flutist so I know what they can deliver in terms of texture and sound and blurriness and softness. It’s a very soft instrument.
Alexandre Desplat
My first job, 9 years old, part-time, was selling Christmas cards door-to-door. Ten years old, my brother and I had paper routes. We delivered a morning paper called the ‘L.A. Examiner.’ Get up at 4 o’clock, fold your papers, deliver them and get ready for school.
John Paul DeJoria
So for my studio purposes, I know that I’m in my studio with technicians who’ve done amazing things to my board and to my power amps and I know what I can deliver out of my studio.
Billy Sherwood
Lawsuits – and frivolous lawsuits – are just sapping the life out of the people who perform the services and deliver the goods for the rest of the citizenry in the State of Montana.
Conrad Burns
I am very close to my brother Ramesh Babu. When my father was away for shootings, my brother would take care of me, and I am very close to him, and yes, Dad’s always special. He used to call me and enquire about my film’s progress. Whenever I deliver a hit, I can see a glow on my father’s face.
Mahesh Babu
Most of us don’t think about miracles that we could possibly do. We don’t have a vocabulary of how God works with the specific things that He does, and we don’t know how to align ourselves with what He is doing so that we can be His vehicle on the earth to deliver a miracle.
Bruce Wilkinson
There is no comfort zone. You continue to work hard, to be consistent and to deliver performances.
Lukasz Fabianski
Global governments should start seriously talking about the creation of a World Tax Authority with the mission to ensure that tax systems will deliver for the public interests in all countries.
Winnie Byanyima
As soon as a disease is diagnosed, we still need someone to deliver the care.
Frans van Houten
The mark of a writer is to make a story as likely as possible, and I’ve done my best to deliver authentic atmosphere.
Philip Kerr
Training programs shouldn’t be designed to deliver competence; they must be dedicated to producing excellence. Serious organizations don’t aspire to be comfortably above average.
Brandon Webb
For me, I always try and deliver. Regardless of the situation, I always try and play hard every time I step out on the court. If I don’t deliver and play well, then I know I haven’t been working hard enough.
Ben Simmons
Efficiency, connectivity and productivity are all economic buzzwords that people have said high-speed rail will deliver. But at the heart of it what high-speed rail will deliver is growth and jobs.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
We always try to sing what we feel, and it would be best if we can become artists who can deliver the feeling through our songs.
We promise in proportion to our hopes, and we deliver in proportion to our fears.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
There’s a wide spectrum of possibilities in how to deliver a song.
Kurt Elling
We are putting the customer at the center of everything we do and are directing our resources towards those innovations and investments that will strengthen our ability to deliver a better McDonald’s experience over time.
Steve Easterbrook
When I write fiction, I never try to deliver a message; I just want to tell a story. But I admit that I want the story to be memorable and the characters to touch the reader’s heart.
Isabel Allende
I will be happy to deliver for my country as an all-rounder, for which I am working very hard in the nets.
Babar Azam
A good actor just wants to deliver the writing to the audience who’ve paid that night. There’s an agonising desire to get it right.
Prunella Scales
Some days you realise that everything is a burden, both physically and mentally. That it’s not about fun, but you have to deliver without a doubt. Even if you are injured.
Per Mertesacker
I got fed up with the idea of partnering with labels on a major scale because of how they have to deliver things. They get gun-shy.
Cities generate most of the global economy, and most of its energy use, resource demands and climate emissions. How we build cities over the next decades will largely determine whether we can deliver a bright green future.
Alex Steffen
Most fledgling and mid-list writers are lucky to be offered a 4-figure sum and are not only expected to deliver copy that needs minimal editing but also take an active part in marketing and publicizing their work.
Sara Sheridan
I’m here to actually deliver art and deliver the creation, you know, wherever the music brings somebody.
People want to use products where they feel like the people who deliver those products are invested in making it better for them.
Justin Kan
In the football world, you have to deliver. However, as an ex-player, you always have more credit.
Louis van Gaal
It’s no good just believing in Brexit, if you can’t actually deliver it.
Kemi Badenoch
It costs a lot of money to deliver newsprint. It’s so much easier to do it through the air, Internet, radio, television. The second easiest thing is to do it through the mail. But when you have to take something heavy and put it on someone’s doorstep, that costs a lot of money.
Frank Deford
Usually its users discover sooner or later that their p

Usually its users discover sooner or later that their program does not deliver all the desired results, or worse, that the results requested were not the ones really needed.
Niklaus Wirth
I want to use my music to deliver a political message and sometimes to denounce, but I don’t want to be a politician.
Youssou N’Dour
I know AEW will be welcomed by wrestling fans here in the U.S. and throughout the world who are ready for something new and authentic. AEW will work hard to deliver on that promise.
Tony Khan
The whole purpose of my education ultimately was so I could deliver a statement eloquently before my execution.
Nick Yarris
I practice for hours in front of the mirror. I constantly deliver my routine in front of my friends.
Johnny Lever
Having a consumer brand helps us a lot. We will see more ambulatory care, and there will be a lot of new ways to deliver healthcare… and that means consumerism is going to play a bigger role.
Frans van Houten
I also want to draw attention to the responsibilities that people have to live up to their election promises and to live up to the votes that were cast by the people of Wales, in the General Election, in the expectation that we would deliver this promise.
Ron Davies
When I have to score a film, I watch the movie first and then start thinking about it. And from that moment on, it is as if I were pregnant. I then have to deliver the child, so from that moment on, I think always about the music – even when I go to the grocery store, I think about it.
Ennio Morricone
I promise that no one wants to deliver a winner to Fulham supporters more than I do.
Shahid Khan
Between my brain and my mouth there should be a filter where common sense kicks in before I deliver a word, but I think when God made me he forgot the filter.
Gino D’Acampo
I have tremendous brand experience. What I do a lot for Disney is manage the great brands of this company, whether it’s Disney, ESPN, ABC, Pixar, Marvel, ‘Star Wars.’ And I’m very engaged in technology and its impact on the consumer, either what experience you deliver for them or how to market and sell to them.
Bob Iger
I felt a little green, because Shakespeare writes the thought process within the text; it was tricky not to think of what to say and then say it, and instead just deliver the lines.
Neil Patrick Harris
It’s not about where you’re from: it’s about how to deliver.
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
Netflix is amazing ’cause they trust the creator to do their job, and they trust us to do our job. They’re really smart and just let us do our thing and deliver a great job.
Laura Prepon
Sometimes Queens’ music is dark, but somehow it’s ok to deliver it with a smile on your face because thing’s are still going to kick in.
Josh Homme
I think projects often fail because people do not have a clear understanding at the start what they are trying to deliver.
Martin Cooper
As economic globalization gathers momentum, China and the United States have become highly interdependent economically. Such economic relations would not enjoy sustained, rapid growth if they were not based on mutual benefit or if they failed to deliver great benefits to the United States.
Xi Jinping
I will tell them that you can work hard, you can improve your life and the lives of your children in one day when you deliver your youngest child to the university, you will look her in the eye and say, ‘You will give back.’
Mia Love
Those who use our public services should be able to deal directly with those who manage and deliver them.
Charles Kennedy
We recognise the need for government to provide a clear and stable regulatory framework so as to release the investment power of business in order to deliver progressive public policy.
Barry Gardiner
Whatever you are doing in life, you have to build a high-class vehicle to deliver your vision.
Thomas Kaplan
The instinct of the Labour Party is if there’s a problem, change the leader, then sit back, fold your arms and wait to be disappointed because they’re sure it’s not going to deliver.
Johann Lamont
We believe that we can use interactivity to create meaningful games. Games with emotions and virtual actors telling you something. Resonating with you as a human being, giving you food for thought. We don’t need to deliver messages or whatever, just need to create a moment in time that will leave an imprint in your mind.
David Cage
Morning TV is about habits. What you really need is for viewers to find you, get comfortable with you, make you part of their mornings. If you can make news, deliver things they value, you can be successful.
Soledad O’Brien
It’s a good feeling when you deliver under a lot of pressure.
Gylfi Sigurdsson
Health care for all Americans is the most pressing domestic issue today. It’s far past time for the President and Congress to deliver health care to everyone.
Russ Feingold
Twenty-four hour news delivers people who stand and talk to camera rather than deliver reported packages with their own camera crew where it’s happening.
Kate Adie
If you deliver professionals something that makes them feel stronger, then they will follow.
David Wagner
Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.
Thomas Aquinas
I tend to write on an acoustic guitar or the piano. I have kind of a rule: if I can’t sit down and play this and get the song over, I don’t take it to the band, because most any good song, you can sit down and deliver it with a piano or a guitar.
Tom Petty
Just go in and do your work and be ready for it, because when the stars align and the part is available and everybody in the room is excited… and you deliver, that’s it.
Sam Lloyd
There are, of course, some who demand a no-deal Brexit

There are, of course, some who demand a no-deal Brexit and threaten to vote for any party that will deliver it.
Dominic Grieve
If you make the customer a promise… make sure you deliver it.
Merv Griffin
I knew that I could be more creative onstage, to state my own case and deliver my own interpretation of the role much more aggressively than in the recording studio.
Kiri Te Kanawa
All you can worry about as CEO is making sure your company continues to build great products, deliver the revenue, and keep your customers happy.
Aneel Bhusri
There’s not a lot of people that can sit there and take the punishment that I can deliver.
Justin Gaethje
Autonomous driving provides a scenario where AI can deliver smart tools for assistance in decision-making and planning to human drivers.
Fei-Fei Li
We are really very lucky to have so many fantastic brands. But to grow them we should not be too much in a hurry. They are growing fast, but they have to grow accordingly to the market and to the capacity we have to deliver good products.
Bernard Arnault
Greece could default on its debts and even exit currency bloc if it cannot deliver reforms.
Lucas Papademos
The point of an experiment is not to arrive at a predetermined end point, to prove or disprove anything, but to deliver a poem that reveals much about the process taken.
John Barton
Most people are fed up to the back teeth with the never-ending wrangle over Brexit. All they want is for a competent government to get on with it and deliver a great deal for everyone in the U.K.
Anna Soubry
It is the duty of the law-giver to deliver to the many the instructions of whose truth he has persuaded himself.
Apollonius of Tyana
A new building should deliver a feeling of hope.
Santiago Calatrava
I learned in America that Americans are into results. Americans don’t care where you came from, what your family did, what school you graduated from. They care about if you can deliver the results. That’s what makes America the country it is.
Mark Burnett
The challenge is moving fast and staying great. You have to keep the bar high. There’s only one way you can evolve the brand and perception, which is to deliver. You just gotta lay it down.
Roy Price
Unlike what people assume, it is more challenging when you work with people whom you are comfortable with, because they know what you are coming up with, and hence, they expect you to deliver something new or different.
D. Imman
The true leader – the genuine world-builder – lives to the point. Acutely concentrated on the few high priorities that will deliver the life of their greatest aspirations. At the end.
Robin S. Sharma
What I found in my research on Trump’s charitable giving was that often he would promise something and then never deliver, but sort of go around with people believing he’d done this thing he’s promised.
David Fahrenthold
If we promise as public officials, we must deliver. If we as public officials propose, we must produce.
Barbara Jordan
Under promise and over deliver. People will be pleasantly surprised that you gave more than they expected. And remember that there is always room for us to be better and do better. That’s what I am calling for. Not just everybody else – myself, too.
Luvvie Ajayi
I mean, sometimes… a comedian becomes an actor, and they just don’t deliver, because the bottom line of comedy is to be funny, and the bottom line of acting is to be truthful, and they get that mixed up sometimes, or don’t even notice that that’s the thing.
Eddie Izzard
I had a great job at school, St. Francis Elementary, where they asked for somebody to deliver milk, and they said you get a free carton of milk… the thing that I learned was that every kid that was sick or absent from school, I got to drink their milk too. I never missed a day of school.
Jim Harbaugh
It doesn’t matter if you’re small, big, or fit: if you go in front of the camera and deliver and say, ‘Oh my God, I look amazing,’ and just be sure about yourself, everything will be perfect.
Irina Shayk
Our father was a farmer and an entrepreneur as well as a musician, and we’re pleased to deliver the fine taste of Jamaican coffee and our family’s heritage to people everywhere through Marley’s One Drop.
Rohan Marley
‘MasterChef”s preliminary stages deliver just the right level of almost-drama for viewers feeling shagged out after a hard day’s fruitless existence.
Charlie Brooker
At 11 years old, in 1968, my job was to deliver food on foot, so I spent my day walking around the city. I had an active imagination, jacked up by movies. I passed the time making up stories and serializing them.
George Pelecanos
As long as everyone is having fun, especially our listeners, that’s what counts. I try to put my team in the best spot possible for them to win and to deliver a great show to our listeners.
Bobby Bones
I’m real particular about delivery. You can write the illest rhymes in the world, but can you deliver it right?
DJ Premier
Whether politicians are dealing with complex policy problems or trying to communicate with the electorate, it makes sense to establish a clear, long term narrative underpinned by forward-looking policies to deliver on its vision.
Anthony Albanese
And I don’t cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza.
Tiger Woods
If you ask me what’s Aventura’s forte, I’ll obviously say its capacity to deliver hits.
Romeo Santos
In the Indian system of filmmaking, you don’t plan well in advance, stick to a storyboard, or deliver only the scripted lines.
I love music, and that is what I care for, and that is

I love music, and that is what I care for, and that is what I deliver for people.
Tarja Turunen
Retiring from writing is to avoid the inevitable bitterness which a writing career is bound to deliver as its end product in almost every case.
Jim Crace
I’m not changing any of my opinions or what I’m saying about a product in a video based on my relationship with the company… When they release a product, my job is to be honest and deliver what people want to see and what people need to hear.
Marques Brownlee
People like Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi, who have spent Rs 500 crore to build their brands, will take that money back from us only. How can they deliver good governance?
Arvind Kejriwal
I don’t care what level you are, there is the need to offer straight talk when you’re working with clients. You have to have the courage to deliver tough messages.
Julie Sweet
Playing live is basically just hyperactivity and a certain sense of enchantment that I deliver to the audience, to let them know what it would be like to be inside my head.
Dave Mustaine
America’s reputation is based on its ability to deliver the world big, Earth-changing solutions.
Chris Murphy
To see off Corbyn’s Labour, we need to start the debate as to how and why a market economy is the way to deliver prosperity, social mobility, fully funded public services, and the means to address their concerns about the environment and social justice.
Anna Soubry
You carry on knowing that there’s something so much more important than yourself to deliver to millions of fans across the world, to all your friends, and to yourself.
Zacky Vengeance
Oftentimes reoccurring dreams are ways a loved one is trying to come through and deliver a message.
Tyler Henry
I would say that one of the really special gifts about playing an athlete is that it’s the best motivation you’ll ever have to get in top shape and stay in top shape because you know that you’re going to be expected to deliver.
Holt McCallany
If I train well and stay focused, I’m confident I can deliver when the time comes.
Ashley Wagner
I deliver the fans what they want. I create a jolly!
Dereck Chisora
It is only our humanity that can deliver us from the brutality of our achievements.
Henry Rollins
An investor doesn’t have a prayer of picking a manager that can deliver true alpha.
Eugene Fama
The best thing about doing a realistic film is that you have the freedom to deliver your lines as natural as possible without sticking to the script.
Biju Menon
One of the reasons why ‘Here’s The Thing’, Alec Baldwin’s series of podcasts with ‘artists, policymakers and performers’, is so good is because he’s a big name, so the guests have to deliver.
David Hepworth
If I make a good product and deliver value to users and to the world, the financial gains will come.
Trip Adler
We are fortunate that there is a lot of demand on us to deliver our brand of interactive entertainment within the powerful franchises we have at Gearbox Software and the challenge for us is growing to meet this demand.
Randy Pitchford
Promise less, deliver more.
Sherry Yard
Our pro-growth agenda of cutting business taxes and increasing opportunity continues to deliver results for the people of New Hampshire.
Chris Sununu
I want to help Leeds United return to the level our history and fans deserve. When I came to the club, I gave myself three years to deliver that and my vision remains the same: return the club to its rightful place in the Premier League and make our fans, players and staff proud of their football team.
Andrea Radrizzani
To be honest, I haven’t seen much serious budget planning since the Republicans took control of the House after the 2010 elections and grabbed onto the Senate filibuster. It’s not the White House’s fault that John Boehner couldn’t deliver on a bigger deal.
Gail Collins
The rapid growth of prenatal testing has had some undeniably positive effects: A woman who knows she will bear a child with a handicap can plan to deliver in a hospital equipped for risky births. And many couples prefer the opportunity to prepare psychologically for the work of raising a disabled child.
Tucker Carlson
Always, as a coach, you have to be thinking not to flood the players with information. You have to think what’s key for the player, for that team, and how do we deliver it in a way that it might stick and have an effect.
Gareth Southgate
I run with a credit card and a cell phone, so when there is not a 7-Eleven around, like some of the country roads out there, I can get him to deliver a pizza to me. And I kind of give them a coordinate, a corner.
Dean Karnazes
When I am at work, there is no need for me to deliver anything but results.
Fabio Capello
The costume affects your posture, affects your walk, how you hold yourself, and how you breathe. The costumes make you deliver.
Richard Madden
Global sustainability is now the only avenue to future inclusive progress that can deliver the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate agreement.
Johan Rockstrom
Lastly get emotionally connected to your story so you can deliver it, you know, if you can’t deliver the emotions to your script there’s no point to your story. Story is the key.
Robert Redford
My advice to Republicans: Stop worrying about the ‘Hispanic’ vote. Focus on being true to your party platform, because the party that can deliver economic opportunity along with traditional family values will prevail with Hispanics – and most other Americans.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
I believe Betsy DeVos has the talent, commitment, and l

I believe Betsy DeVos has the talent, commitment, and leadership capacity to revitalize our public schools and deliver the promise of opportunity that excellent education provides, and I support her nomination as U.S. Secretary of Education.
Eva Moskowitz
We’re not really under pressure to deliver a cloned baby to this world. What we are under pressure to do is to deliver a cloned baby that is a healthy one.
Panayiotis Zavos
Fusion power is speculative and experimental. I think it is reckless to assume that the fusion problem will be cracked, but I’m happy to estimate how much power fusion could deliver, if the problems are cracked.
David J. C. MacKay
The world is littered with constitutions that have written guarantees of rights but that don’t actually deliver rights. What differentiates the ones where rights are real from where rights are fake is that it’s in the initial interests of the majority to actually deliver these rights.
Noah Feldman
The popularity of Groupon has almost rendered the group-buying element of it obsolete, because we’re able to deliver so many customers that the merchants are very happy with even the smallest number that we can provide.
Andrew Mason
Going into a game, I know that I’m going to run a lot. I know I’m going to have a lot of volume, and I know that I’m going to get hit a lot, which is great. Sometimes we try to deliver some blows, too, try to break as many tackles as possible. We know it’s going to hurt the next day. That’s why we love the game.
Christian McCaffrey
Only in the mystery novel are we delivered final and unquestionable solutions. The joke to me is that fiction gives you a truth that reality can’t deliver.
Scott Turow
Over 5,000 years, states have made surprisingly consistent claims about their duties. They have promised to protect people from threats; promote their welfare; deliver justice and also, perhaps less obviously, uphold truth – originally truths about the cosmos, and more recently truths drawn from reason and knowledge.
Geoff Mulgan
By asking the question ‘Am I happy?,’ and via the answer setting out what I mean by happiness, there is a political route that can be taken, by asking another question – ‘Can politics deliver happiness, and should it try?’
Alastair Campbell
When I was a staff writer on ‘NYPD Blue,’ it was truly my job to hear David Milch’s voice for that show and to deliver episodes that embodied that voice.
Theresa Rebeck
There are no excuses for theoretical physicists not to perform and deliver.
Ashoke Sen
Sometimes, there’s a preconceived notion of how a scene or how a work should be delivered. And I see young performers sometimes try and deliver that, and it’s not really true to their voice or who they are.
Christian Camargo
Mike Hodge is someone I’ve counted on for strong, steady leadership from the very start of my union service, and he has never failed to deliver.
Ken Howard
The chance to work on Broadway choreography as opposed to having to deliver Broadway choreography can be two distinct things.
Damian Woetzel
I’m confident in our team and our capacity to continue to deliver.
Ana Patricia Botin
Big companies are reliant on institutional investors on a punishing schedule which leads to ruthless behaviour. This form of capitalism with this structure and incentives will never deliver sustainability.
Tim Jackson
I almost wish I hadn’t been painted in such a light that I was just hardcore and that I couldn’t deliver a good match in the ring.
Americans like to say we’re fighting for democracy, and yet young Americans have come to the view that democracy doesn’t deliver.
Joseph Stiglitz
If you’re playing for 10 or 15 years, you can’t every week run six option plays. It can be around. It can be a part of the game, but sooner or later you’ve got to deliver the ball from the pocket. That’s the game. Now, if the game changes, and it’s proven a championship can be won from the pistol spread, then I’m wrong.
Steve Young
Sometimes it requires national impetus to deliver real change.
Chuka Umunna
We help ensure that Zoom is made up of caring people starting with the hiring process. At that point, we evaluate candidates on whether we believe they can embrace the value of Care and deliver happiness for others.
Eric Yuan
‘Stand and Deliver’ has been the most successful thing I have done in my life. So many people have seen it. There was really no need for me to do anything else.
Edward James Olmos
In front of millions of people that paid to see you at your best, who expect you to be in action-figure shape and condition on that particular night for that moment, you’ve got to deliver.
Rob Van Dam
To deliver a smooth, orderly Brexit, we must build a majority for a deal.
David Lidington
I don’t believe in storks. I know they don’t deliver babies; they deliver pickles.
Tracy Morgan
It’s businesses versus big government. We don’t need big government. We need a more efficient, lean government, and that’s exactly the kind of government we intend to deliver.
Sher Valenzuela
Sometimes, when you’re on the streets, certain music inspires you, and then you have a vision. But, at the end of the day, it’s a synthesis of visions, so you have to think, as a director, of a scene, or how to deliver a line, or how do this visually.
Wong Kar-wai
In my early teens, I was a janitor. In high school, I got up early to deliver to accounts that required early service.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I really can’t blame anyone but myself, because I didn’t have to deliver the album. But when you get caught up in the gas, and you’re young, and there’s so much helium going on around you, you can’t decipher the real end.
Pras Michel
I went to America to convert the Indians, but, oh, who shall convert me? Who, what, is he that will deliver me from this evil heart of unbelief?
John Wesley
If we deliver on those promises, we’ll have done our job, and we did it with PSOne, and we certainly did it with PS2, and we are about to do it very rapidly with PSP. This is a whole new business for us, in terms of the handheld market, and we’re going about it the right way.
Ian Jackson
I wonder if, as the tech to deliver content continues t

I wonder if, as the tech to deliver content continues to evolve, we will start seeing the one season / 6-8 hour show that ends at a peak moment rather than is cancelled because it sucks.
Brad Feld
The United Nations should serve as a forum to address our common challenges. And it must also be a space to generate solutions for mutual benefit. This is the very essence of what the United Nations is about. We must position the multilateral system to better serve our people and deliver on their aspirations.
Miroslav Lajcak
It’s rather like attending a university seminar where you are talking to a few gifted specialists who deliver a paper to an audience of their peers. That’s one way of making music.
Gavin Bryars
It is a fault of the whole team if you don’t deliver.
Georginio Wijnaldum
Capitalism can’t deliver decent health care.
Timothy Noah
If Love dwelt not in Trouble, it could have nothing to love. But its substance which it loves, namely the poor soul, being in trouble and pain, it hath thence cause to love this its own substance and to deliver it from pain, that so itself may by it be again beloved.
Jakob Bohme
Yorkshire folk are not fools: talk about devolving power to cities and regions, while simultaneously stripping them of the resources to deliver and subjecting northern councils such as Kirklees to the harshest of cuts, is not compatible with a worthy commitment to building a northern powerhouse to drive growth and prosperity.
Jo Cox
When I’m playing comedy, I never do ‘jokes.’ Sometimes I’ll deliver a line in a way I think is more likely to get a laugh, but all the best comedy is played straight. What’s funny is the way it hits the world around it or the way it hits the other characters.
Bruce McGill
Americans have an expectation that the Postal Service will abide by its well-known, although unofficial, motto – a commitment to deliver.
John M. McHugh
I am no longer sure of anything. If I satiate my desires, I sin but I deliver myself from them; if I refuse to satisfy them, they infect the whole soul.
Jean-Paul Sartre
I would have killed to do ‘Beauty And The Beast’ at Warners, which went away. I would have killed to do ‘The Witches’ at Warners that went away. God knows there are many, many of them. All I can do is diligently do the screenplay, diligently do the design work, deliver a budget, and then await a decision.
Guillermo del Toro
If you can deliver the big shots at the right time, they hurt.
Rob Cross
I’m a very physical actor; everything I do is pretty much body-oriented. I sometimes am able to deliver information just with a look; my face does two or three different things, and it says it all.
Terry Crews
After my debut film in 2002, I didn’t deliver any big hits.
When Sharan called me for ‘Rambo,’ we were acquainted, but had not worked together. Right from day one, though, there was an easygoing camaraderie between us, which was only amplified by his implicit trust in me and my ability to deliver for his film.
Arjun Janya
I can still deliver behind closed doors, we just need to get a recording of the fans singing and shouting in the arena so I can hear them chanting.
Dereck Chisora
I know what the audience is looking for and have the ability to deliver that content.
Josie Totah
I came to Washington D.C. to continue President Trump’s America First agenda and deliver for Northwest Georgia.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Ebola is a nasty disease to get. It’s scary. But as a weapon, it is probably not likely. Ebola is a difficult malady to weaponize and deliver efficiently.
Tom Clancy
Over the centuries, Chinese bureaucrats perfected the dark arts of emptiness to such an extent that when they deliver speeches these days, they often recite verbatim speeches that they have previously delivered, with the sparest of adjustments.
Evan Osnos
O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart: for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.
T. S. Eliot
No matter what message you are about to deliver somewhere, whether it is holding out a hand of friendship, or making clear that you disapprove of something, is the fact that the person sitting across the table is a human being, so the goal is to always establish common ground.
Madeleine Albright
It’s one thing to know your lines, another to be able to deliver them. The taste of the pudding is in the delivery.
Jeffrey Wright
Some actors are what I call more like mirror actors, which means that they do a performance at home in front of the mirror, and then they go deliver it. I’m not that type.
Stellan Skarsgard
Like a lot of the newer bands, like the more poppy kinda bands, although they make really good records and they produce them really great and everything, they don’t really deliver onstage. And I think that’s where like the heavier bands kinda score.
Gary Moore
Working on ‘Newsroom’ has given me an appreciation of the struggle that you go through on the 24-hour news cycle. The people who are legitimately attempting to deliver honest news are really facing a tough, uphill climb that’s a lot harder than any other time in history.
Thomas Sadoski
I am an American, not an Asian-American. My rejection of hyphenation has been called race treachery, but it is really a demand that America deliver the promises of its dream to all its citizens equally.
Bharati Mukherjee
Health care is a human right, and single-payer health care will deliver quality, affordable care to every Illinoisan.
J. B. Pritzker
I love films that make you feel something but also deliver that payload behind jokes.
Taika Waititi
My experience in Bollywood has been this: You work hard, you deliver, and nobody finds fault with you.
Farah Khan
Christianity has aimed to deliver us from a life determined by nature, from the appetites as actuating us, and so has meant that man should not let himself be determined by his appetites.
Max Stirner
Technologically we can deliver the ability of parents t

Technologically we can deliver the ability of parents to be able to log into a school intranet, be able to see what homework has been set or look at lesson planning, whether the child is attending, see what the timetable is like, all of that is possible and there are some schools that are doing it already.
Jim Knight
The audience wants to be attracted not by the critics, but by a great story. You must deliver to the audience emotion – and when I say emotion, I mean suspense, drama, love.
Dino De Laurentiis
Critics of consumer capitalism like to think that consumers are manipulated and controlled by those who seek to sell them things, but for the most part it’s the other way around: companies must make what consumers want and deliver it at the lowest possible price.
James Surowiecki
It’s an uncomfortable fact that leaving the European Union in a way that is true to the referendum result is becoming harder and harder to deliver.
Andrea Leadsom
The NHS was hard to deliver, so was the minimum wage. It’s time now – we need to have a proper conversation about how much is the individual cost, how much is the burden that we’re all going to share together, and how much are we going to put on older adults now versus a future system like national insurance.
Jess Phillips
What I’m trying to do is deliver results, not promises; results, not vision; results, not concepts. The world is cynical about IBM’s promises.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
I welcome newcomers to cons, or ‘con-virgins’ as I like to call them, by saying ‘Welcome to the ‘Supernatural’ Circus,’ and I mean it. We take pride as a cast to deliver a show that not only entertains the fans but ourselves, Creation Entertainment, and everyone involved on both sides.
Matt Cohen
If you are working in a publicly subsidized building, then you have a responsibility to deliver truly interesting, risky, innovative, even provocative work. Work that speaks to your audience in many resonant ways. The priority is less about the financial rewards.
Marianne Elliott
The honorable William Penn, late governor of Pennsylvania, was chosen agent to the Court of Britain, and directed to deliver the petition to the King himself and to endeavor by his personal influence to procure a favorable reception to this last address.
Mercy Otis Warren
I’ve lived through a lot of division championships, a lot of final-four appearances, but our goal is further than that. We want to deliver a Super Bowl.
Jeffrey Lurie
I think it’s an actor’s responsibility to change every time. Not only for himself and the people he’s working with, but for the audience. If you just go out and deliver the same dish every time… it’s meat loaf again… you’d get bored. I’d get bored.
Johnny Depp
As reporters, we not only deliver the news of the day. We must also defend the truth. And just because we are pro-truth doesn’t mean we are anti-Trump.
Jim Acosta
I can’t deliver lines, but I can talk about food all night long.
Tom Colicchio
The Israelites’ slavery in Egypt is the equivalent of our slavery to sin. God sent Moses to deliver them from bondage, and He sent Jesus Christ to set us free.
Joyce Meyer
It’s not easy to serve, because I’m not that tall, but I’m trying to be more consistent and to deliver heavier serves.
Simona Halep
I always thought that was very important, to be able to deliver great lyrics and also put on a great performance, to have that type of visual where people would take to it, where they’d want to dress like you or have pictures of you hanging up on the wall.
Big Daddy Kane
I am glad that Zimbabwe and China speak the same language on many issues. We share the same conviction that only a fair, just, and non-prescriptive world order, based on the principles of the charter of the United Nations, can deliver the development we all need.
Robert Mugabe
To realize the promise of 5G, we will need smart networks, not dumb pipes. Dumb pipes won’t deliver smart cities. Dumb pipes won’t enable millions of connected, self-driving cars to navigate the roads safely at the same time.
Ajit Pai
A lot of games and voiceover projects, they’re not giving the actor a lot of context. The actor, no matter how good they are, might not be able to deliver a performance that fits the action.
Matthew Mercer
At MTV, although the audience is smaller, I found it more interesting to deliver news to a specific group of people, because my story then did not have to try to be all things to all people.
Tabitha Soren
If it’s compelling and engaging enough, customers will consider paying for it. If we don’t deliver something that has value, we won’t expect value in return.
Bobby Kotick
In a World where people are surrounded by darkness, ignorance and fear, it is a sign of hope to be celebrating Islam’s message of peace and light, and the last great Messenger, born and chosen to deliver them to all mankind.
Cat Stevens
Mourinho was always very strong for his players, and you needed to deliver for him. For me, it was good.
Arjen Robben
When I see a contemporary deliver a good performance, I get inspired to do better. I don’t sit and mull over other people’s successes; that can be unhealthy.
Aditya Roy Kapur
You don’t always have to start over to create an emotional reaction to your product. It’s always powerful to deliver a breakthrough, but there’s also a true art to making something great even better.
Mark Parker
Sometimes I just rely on technique on stage, but it’s not about technique. It’s about how much you want to deliver the message to the audience. That’s all.
Distributed ledger technologies have the potential to help governments to collect taxes, deliver benefits, issue passports, record land registries, assure the supply chain of goods, and generally ensure the integrity of government records and services.
Mark Walport
I may not be the best technical wrestler in the world, but I felt like I had learned enough of my sport that I could deliver some good matches.
Thanks to modern technology, we now can deliver every text in every research library to every citizen in our country, and to everyone in the world. If we fail to do so, we are not living up to our civic duty.
Robert Darnton
If I trust the people I work with, then I deliver my part with complete trust.
Aditi Rao Hydari
Baltimore residents deserve a commitment from leaders to deliver meaningful changes and the possibility of a better future, and so does every Marylander who loves our great state.
Larry Hogan
Governments of all stripes want to deliver growth and r

Governments of all stripes want to deliver growth and rebalance their economies now that they have learned the hard way that, left to their own devices, markets pick expensive banking losers.
Frances O’Grady
How do you deliver the best possible and affordable health care to maximize health?
Todd Park
For me to able to deliver on a consistent basis abroad there are a lot of factors beyond just me that need to go into it.
Ravichandran Ashwin
Collectively, we are in thrall to media – because they deliver to us many of the psychic goods we crave, and we know no other way to live.
Todd Gitlin
Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in any information that I share with a company? My Google searches? The emails I send? Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything but maybe a letter I hand deliver to my wife?
Blake Farenthold
We are a consumer company and our success is directly linked to our users trusting us. Therefore we have the same incentive as the user: they want to see relevant advertising so their experience of Google is positive and we want to deliver it.
Susan Wojcicki
Why have I been chosen to deliver the message of female intelligence and its divinity to a deaf world of males? I have asked my god that question and She answered, ‘Hey, why not you Roseanne?’ Indeed, why not each of us?
Roseanne Barr
To deliver Brexit you must believe in it.
Priti Patel
When people asked me what I did, I’d say, ‘I work in publishing’, and when they then say, ‘What side of it?’, I say, ‘Supply’ – no doubt leaving them to think I drive the books around in a van and deliver them.
Jim Crace
I’m a big boy now, and I have to deliver.
Ang Lee
Every single thing you see on-screen came out of somebody’s creativity. It doesn’t exist. Nature didn’t deliver it to us. Everything had to be dreamed.
Jeffrey Katzenberg
One of the skills you have to master in theater is the ability to make the audience believe that things that aren’t there are there – just like when you’re acting against CGI. Also, in a theater, the people in the back row can’t see the whites of your eyes. Or your lips moving as you deliver dialogue.
David Oyelowo
If a prime minister can suspend parliament to deliver a ‘no deal’ Brexit, what will the government try to do next with no democratic scrutiny or oversight?
Caroline Lucas
In contemplating what to do with my life, I felt like I had two possible paths: one was to move to New York and work in a design house; the other was to move to Africa and deliver food aid. That’s when the idea of the FEED bag came to me. It’s for those who want to put their consumer dollars to good use.
Lauren Bush
Effective use of technology is important to deliver healthcare. By leveraging technology, you can bring down lack of access and cost of healthcare.
N. R. Narayana Murthy
I sure tried to help deliver compromise, consensus, bipartisanship.
Stephanie Herseth
The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.
John Locke
I know I’m not much on face value, but when it comes to stage value, I’ll deliver for you.
Edward G. Robinson
Omega’s pioneering spirit and quest for innovation has endured throughout the times, and has created many ‘first steps’ in history. Hopefully, as an ambassador, I can deliver Omega’s philosophy and message, and we can create some special new footprints together.
Hyun Bin
I would hate to be that person who is, you know, the mystery writer who has to deliver a book every year to publisher X.
David Shields
You have to take certain truths. One truth is that to have championship success in the NFL you have to learn to deliver the ball from the pocket.
Steve Young
To provide affordability, we have made a few acqui-hires such as a data analytics firm to help us deliver the cheapest room prices in every town.
Ritesh Agarwal
No director can ever deliver what’s on his or her mind totally, but ‘Baahubali-2’ is the closest I can get in executing what I had envisaged onto the celluloid.
S. S. Rajamouli
I’d like to have the first restaurant that can deliver incredible quality food to your table at your house at any time-right where you live.
Paul Prudhomme
If you deliver excellence right now, that gives you the best shot at the best future you’ve got coming.
Robert Forster
If you want to do this, you’ve got to last. You’ve got to be well enough to carry your ideas. I’m not saying I’ve got great ideas, but if I do I need to be able to deliver them.
Aldous Harding
I just want to make sure whatever I take on, I can deliver.
Ruben Fleischer
I try to always have flowers in the house. I have a florist in Chinatown, and they deliver orchids every two weeks. I like living with living things.
Phillip Lim
China’s ability to deliver nuclear warheads on American cities is expanding.
Lee H. Hamilton
In case you don’t watch much TV or spend time with anyone under 40, ‘Really?’ is pop culture’s pithiest way to deliver a withering put-down.
Faith Salie
I think that a lot of times you have artists that try to deliver a positive message.
Big Daddy Kane
American movies and music deliver themes of freedom, in

American movies and music deliver themes of freedom, innocence, and power that appeal to others – partly because America itself was put together out of a multiplicity of national traditions.
Todd Gitlin
But every company of the future is going to be in the business of exquisite care – which means quick turnaround time and convenience. To deliver exquisite care, you need an organization that coordinates well and listens well.
Fernando Flores
By the way, conversely, one thing I’ve learned in my career, beginning when I ran for mayor, is that a lot of older voters are among the most excited about a younger candidate. So, you know, I think somebody of any age can deliver a compelling message.
Pete Buttigieg
I am a worrier. I worry about the state of our country, of the world, of our species. Every day seems to deliver a new nail to hammer into our collective coffin.
T. C. Boyle
There’s nothing trite about being consoled in a world that does everything in its power to deliver sorrow.
Jan Karon
Older generations of Wi-Fi weren’t quite robust enough to deliver video in the home without breaking up and losing packets and so forth. 5G Wi-Fi gives you extended reach, extended data rates, and more robust coverage.
Henry Samueli
Generally the younger generation are not hard working. They will have to put in more effort to achieve results in tournaments. most of them can perform well but they cannot deliver when they play abroad.
Jahangir Khan
You know for me when I promise something I want to deliver. If you don’t, you have to disappear.
Haile Gebrselassie
If you have a difficult message to deliver in any circumstance, it’s always best to do it first up-front, and probably be a bit harder than you have to be because it’s always easier to be nicer afterwards.
Kerry Stokes
I’m a lifelong Democrat, but I have supported some Republicans. I’m all about results, man. If somebody can deliver, that’s where I’m gonna go. It’s about who can get the job done.
Ray Nagin
I think it’s the responsibility of a major opera house not only to cultivate debate and get people thinking, but also to be interfaced with things that challenge them. To challenge its audience and not just deliver things that they know, even though some of those things are wonderful.
Wayne McGregor
Americans from all walks of life have voiced their deep frustration with Washington’s seeming inability to get anything constructive done. For decades, they have watched politicians talk a good game while failing to deliver.
Thom Tillis
When I was doing research on the M.C.s and spending time with these cats, one of the things that struck me and made me realize that I could deliver this world to an audience was their really dark and acute sense of humor.
Kurt Sutter
There’s a lot of writing in television that can sound like it’s taken out of a package, and the way to get around that is to not allow yourself to deliver it that way.
Ben Bass
There’s always a risk when the candidate becomes president: Will he deliver what is expected of him?
Francois Hollande
Ideally, a dancer should put in 10 hours of daily practice to deliver a polished performance.
Shakti Mohan
If you’re willing to do it as good as you’re willing to think up to do it, that’s what your mind is there for, and you deliver excellence right now, now being the only moment you can control or do anything with or be creative with.
Robert Forster
If the Royal Navy and wider defence is to deliver on the ambitions of our country, we must tackle the inadequate funding and political thinking that undermine the best armed forces in the world.
Penny Mordaunt
If you have a business that isn’t growing the top line, it’s very hard to deliver attractive returns to shareholders.
Soren Skou
When I was in the private sector, one characteristic that differentiated the best entrepreneurs from the others was that they were not in it for the stock options, but for a mission – to deliver something that was helpful… Every entrepreneurial journey, it turns out, is like this.
Todd Park
Of course China is an important new market for Tod’s, and of course we need to succeed commercially. But I believe the way to do that is not to aim to deliver results in the short term by thoughtless expansion, but instead to explain to the Chinese people what our brand is really about.
Diego Della Valle
It’s always better to deliver the news yourself rather than allow your boss to be surprised.
Mary Cheney
I don’t think I would deliver the best work if I would do several projects at the same time. So it’s one at a time, but I work a lot. I work nonstop actually, but that’s what I like.
Alexandre Desplat
It’s really important to create something, like with my creations as a musician. Just let it flow. Focus on how to deliver message to audience. Don’t get ego.
To catch a piece of life on camera and make it come alive, add layers to it and deliver a product that is wholesome is really exciting to me.
Mani Ratnam
I think fans always want something new, but they want somebody who can deliver – to go out there and really entertain them and have good matches.
Daniel Bryan
I never saw anything funny in a car commercial – but that’s OK. Whatever they wanted to do – it’s their product and I’m the spokesperson, and I’m going to deliver.
Bill Cosby
Studios, because they are investing a great deal of money in movies, they want a guarantee that when they hire somebody that person can deliver for them. Everything is fear based, so they pigeonhole people. But I’ve written everything, from Westerns to sci-fi to dramedy, I’ve done it all.
Melissa Rosenberg
My aim, as always, is to deliver a good and consistent performance across the year. That is the goal for any driver.
Robert Kubica
Promising something that seems popular at the time that you know you’re never going to deliver – that’s the kind of cynical politics that I don’t want any part of.
Justin Trudeau
Boxes and rectangles on the side or top of a website simply do not deliver against brand advertising goals. Like it or not, boxes and rectangles have for the most part become the province of direct response advertising, or brand advertising that pays, on average, as if it’s driven by direct response metrics.
John Battelle
You do what it takes. It was on me to deliver.

You do what it takes. It was on me to deliver.
Keenen Ivory Wayans
One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line.
William J. Clinton
This is about Floridians saying what’s most important to them and making sure that we create an agenda that we can drive and deliver back in Washington, D.C. So it’s very exciting.
Katherine Harris
We have got to go out there and deliver, go on the streets and find athletes, improve facilities around the country and find coaches. We have got to go out there and search for a star.
Linford Christie
Through hard work and education, we can deliver a strong economy and opportunity for all.
Julia Gillard
We are very committed to listening to our customers’ feedback and making changes to deliver happiness to our users.
Eric Yuan
You can tell if something feels special. But there are so many moving parts involved in making the song a hit. The radio has to deliver, the management has to deliver in terms of booking the right promotions… just being a good song isn’t enough.
Justin Tranter
Comedy is an art which is extremely difficult to deliver.
Johnny Lever
Harrison Ford – one of my favorite actors – has a wonderful sense of character and depth and uniqueness to him, yet he’s able to just deliver the lines without putting any English on it.
Thomas Jane
I said what I was going to do. I’m going to do it. And if I deliver on that, my reelection will be just fine.
Paul Gosar
The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn’t deliver the goods.
John Maynard Keynes
Knowing what thought process goes into constructing a line helps an actor know how to deliver that line because you understand the intention behind the writing.
David Henrie
I soon realised the state rulers were being protected by the federal government who relied on these rotten boroughs to deliver their vote.
Clare Rewcastle Brown
An ex-ABT ballerina, while staging a ballet for the company, once followed a dancer into the bathroom to deliver notes through the stall door. She was known to bark – literally, like a dog – during private rehearsals.
Sascha Radetsky
Success, for me, is a song that can deliver shivers.
The Conservative party’s always been a broad church, and I can appeal better than any of the other candidates to the centre ground to unite the country, and to voters who will ultimately deliver a majority so we can really get things moving.
Matt Hancock
I was emotionally and physically punched in the stomach. This is not a place where you go and deliver the lines and then you come back. It’s kind of a life-changing experience. But it can’t get better than this for any actor – this is like an opera.
Javier Bardem
Soap operas are like TV boot camp. You have to be able to self-direct, learn a ton of dialogue in a short amount of time, and deliver a performance in one or two takes.
Andrea Navedo
When I have an idea, I’m like a pregnant woman. I just have to deliver.
Abdolkarim Soroush
The reality of the writer’s world is that you set yourself up for disappointment with every success that you deliver because with every success you raise your readers’ expectations.
Ashwin Sanghi
I think governance is about giving people an opportunity to engage with you on subjects that you are responsible for, believing in people’s capacity to deliver, and allowing them that platform plus project their work.
Smriti Irani
I’ma stay consistent. I’ma deliver. And I’ma keep using my platform to uplift people who I feel got what it take or deserve it or just – you feel me?
I feel people will expect from me more than I can deliver, but then again, I think, pressure will drive me to give my best.
Vishal Jethwa
How do you deliver democracy to a country? You don’t do it down the barrel of a gun. That’s not how you deliver it.
Michael Moore
While I’m confident in Obsidian being able to deliver a quality title, it only takes one other Kickstarter developer to ruin things for everyone else and cast doubt on the donation process going forward.
Chris Avellone
My friends would say I’m not the person to go to for tea, a cuddle and sympathy, because I can’t deliver. But if you want something sorted out and need a champion who will stand by your side, that is me.
Deborah Meaden
I work with my acting coach to help me get into character and do pronunciation drills and tongue twisters to help me deliver lines.
Quvenzhane Wallis
I’m in love with the way that Ella Fitzgerald delivered a lyric. She would deliver a lyric with the kind of clarity that would make you wonder why it was written, and make you think about the writer. I think every writer hopes an Ella of any genre or anytime gets a hold of their work and works the song like that.
Lizz Wright
I feel any actor can deliver a dialogue but real acting is how one reacts to the dialogue.
Ammy Virk
I write by myself and then deliver the song. Everybody knows, ‘Leave Ester alone when she’s in her zone.’ Give me a studio and the tracks, and I’ll call you when the doctor is done.
Ester Dean
Whereas his father would deliver rambling lectures that were heavy on gold and often disconnected from the political news of the moment, Rand Paul communicates a desire to make himself relevant to the GOP conversation.
Steve Kornacki
I have seen Bernie deliver for the people that need him

I have seen Bernie deliver for the people that need him, no matter who the people were. And always, he does what is right.
Jane O’Meara Sanders
The politicians said Dr. Tom Coburn couldn’t deliver babies when he got elected to the U.S. Senate.
Markwayne Mullin
Most actors spend a lot of time training themselves to be an actor. And I kind of didn’t do that. I just started doin’ it in front of an audience and had to deliver.
David Carradine
I just feel I can deliver the best outcomes for the people of NSW.
Gladys Berejiklian
In cross-country skiing, athletes propel themselves over distances of ten and twenty miles – a physical challenge that places intense demands on the ability of their red blood cells to deliver oxygen to their muscles.
Malcolm Gladwell
One thing Dr. Buss asked me to do was to make sure the team continues to evolve and to put a new light on the team, and we’ve certainly tried to embrace that vision of his, evolving the brand while paying tribute to the past. That’s what Laker fans expect and what we try to deliver.
Jeanie Buss
The primary goal of IoT is to solve business problems, not to deliver a cool project or new technology. Focus on a business-relevant problem, and work with your customer to solve it.
Maciej Kranz
The need to go digital remains a top priority for clients, and we are investing aggressively to drive innovation and deliver digital transformation.
Pierre Nanterme
Being in this position enables myself and others to deliver messages of positivity – we can broadcast to everyone just how beautiful this world is, and all the ways we can keep it beautiful by treating one another with kindness.
Liu Wen
I wanted to trust in my partners and the directors and producers and do the best I can to deliver what I could deliver.
Martin Lawrence
You can almost see voters nodding their heads at home: The public’s faith in politicians and political institutions has been on a steep and dangerous decline for decades, because elected leaders fail to deliver.
Ron Fournier
Really good customer service will deliver sales. You are training salesmen to give the best possible advice and then to achieve the sale. People actually like you to ask for a sale because it shows you value their business.
John Caudwell
We need a transitional Brexit deal that provides maximum certainty and stability. Labour will deliver it.
Keir Starmer
If you’re going to ask people to pay a premium price, you have to deliver a premium product. Not enough 3D movies have delivered on that promise. People got tired of it, and that’s why they started to turn their back on 3D.
Paul W. S. Anderson
What makes the EpiPen unique is its delivery vehicle – an auto-injector that’s packaged in a convenient, pen-like device. The product’s key attribute is its ability to reliably deliver accurate doses of the essential medicine.
Scott Gottlieb
The smart way to improve broadband is not to junk the existing network but to make the most of it. It’s to let a competitive market deliver the speeds that people need at an affordable price with government improving infrastructure in the areas where market competition won’t deliver it.
Tony Abbott
As an actor you have to deliver what the director wants.
Saqib Saleem
Word of mouth is the most valuable form of marketing, but you can’t buy it. You can only deliver it. And you have to really deliver.
The book has had a good run. For 550 years, it was the most practical way to deliver writing to multiple readers.
Jacob Weisberg
I want to be able to deliver the kind of show that I want – to go onstage with my chin held up.
Hank Williams III
The more pressure that an actor puts on himself, the harder it is to deliver behavior that’s interesting, and so I just try to find a way without talking too much.
Barry Levinson