Top 610 Evidence Quotes

The evidence of a Jewish civilization going back more than two millennia is overwhelmingly borne out in the archaeology of the region. The heritage of the Jews in Palestine is documented.
Jack Schwartz
What I look for in any book is an argument, based on evidence, that changes the way I think about something important.
Barry Schwartz
I oppose any belief that contradicts experimental evidence as determined by the methods of science. All beliefs not in such contradiction may be considered as faith. Whether faith in a particular belief is beneficial or not is another matter.
Alan Lightman
We don't talk about the timing of open matters, but I c

We don’t talk about the timing of open matters, but I certainly agree with the FBI director that in every investigation, no matter whom it involves, we are thorough, we are fair, we are efficient, and we move through the facts and the evidence and come to the conclusions that are called upon.
Loretta Lynch
I want some fact-based evidence about where we came from. Things we consider mysterious need not be attributed to a deity.
Greg Graffin
In like manner, if I let myself believe anything on insufficient evidence, there may be no great harm done by the mere belief; it may be true after all, or I may never have occasion to exhibit it in outward acts.
William Kingdon Clifford
The story of Noah is self-contradictory, uncorroborated by independent historical evidence, and is generally at odds with everything we know about our planet’s geology, biology, and species diversity.
Kyle Hill
While I agree completely that attracting good teachers is difficult, and we need to spend more time doing that – in part by paying them more money – I don’t think there’s any evidence for the idea that somehow tenure attracts good teachers. In fact, I think the evidence is to the contrary.
David Boies
There is something wrong with our culture when the view that marriage is between one man and one woman, a view shared by half the nation, is portrayed as evidence of hatred.
Gary Bauer
We have evidence that a number of Bahrainis who oppose our government are being trained in Syria. I have seen the files and we have notified the Syrian authorities, but they deny any involvement.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
All observers not laboring under hallucinations of the senses are agreed, or can be made to agree, about facts of sensible experience, through evidence toward which the intellect is merely passive, and over which the individual will and character have no control.
Chauncey Wright
America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.
George W. Bush
There’s no way without real evidence I would ever send the National Guard to the border.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
If you put me in charge of the medical research budget, I would cancel all primary research, I would cancel all new trials, for just one year, and I would spend the money exclusively on making sure that we make the best possible use of the clinical evidence that we already have.
Ben Goldacre
With such evidence, as well as the sealed doorway between the two guardian statues of the King, the mystery gradually dawned upon us. We were but in the anterior portion of a tomb.
Howard Carter
Researchers have been looking for biomarkers of age for a long time and have failed. People sell tests out there to measure your biological age, and none of them work. There’s no evidence that you can measure biological age with any reliability.
S. Jay Olshansky
In the ordinary affairs of life we do not require nor expect demonstrative evidence, because it is inconsistent with the nature of matters of fact, and to insist on its production would be unreasonable and absurd.
Simon Greenleaf
No evidence compels the conclusion that the minimum required intake of any vitamin comes close to the optimum intake that sustains good health.
Linus Pauling
We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction.
Bob Graham
Without evidence, anything goes. Think about it. Common sense says the sun goes round the Earth. Who agrees with me?
Harry Kroto
Biographers search for traces, for evidence of activity, for signs of movement, for letters, for diaries, for photographs.
Claire Tomalin
I think it’s very healthy to use journalistic and legal techniques to investigate the evidence for and against Christianity and other faith systems.
Lee Strobel
In some future America, there could be a plausible Michael Bloomberg path to the Democratic nomination. I would love to read a column by a smart person actually attempting to persuade me of this, using evidence.
Alex Pareene
Religious faith depends on a host of social, psychological and emotional factors that have little or nothing to do with probabilities, evidence and logic.
Michael Shermer
In some theoretical way I know that a half-million people hear the show. But in a day-to-day way, there’s not much evidence of it.
Ira Glass
After eight months of one of the most intensive public and private investigations in American history, no one – no one – has come up with a shred of evidence that I had anything to do with the anthrax letters. I have never worked with anthrax. I know nothing about this matter.
Steven Hatfill
Many police departments still use DNA evidence the way they have used fingerprints and tire tracks: to determine whether a suspect committed the crime.
Bill Dedman
I always knew I could be a bit on the greedy side; I love cooking and eating and there in front of me was the evidence which I would have been daft to ignore. I could see visually where the fat was lying, basically all around my internal organs.
Dave Myers
As president, Trump does and says outrageous and false things every week, from ordering arbitrary travel bans to accusing President Obama of illegal wiretapping with no evidence.
Jennifer Palmieri
There’s no evidence that I’m aware of that guns reduce crime.
Alan Dershowitz
Music is everything. Evidence of the divine. The possibility of man to be good. The possibility of improving our surroundings and expressing ourselves. All of these things are collapsed together in my mind.
Julien Baker
In science, the kind of evidence matters; all unlikelihoods are not created equal.
Kyle Hill
The new rage is to say that the government is the cause of all our problems, and if only we had no government, we’d have no problems. I can tell you, that contradicts evidence, history, and common sense.
William J. Clinton
The evidence of our divided racial self was all over the Obama presidency from the beginning: from the shouts of ‘you lie’ from the well of Congress as he spoke to a joint session, to the unprecedented spectacle of American conservatives rooting against their own country being awarded the Olympic Games.
Joy Reid
In the absence of specific solutions or evidence that w

In the absence of specific solutions or evidence that we have people in Washington, D.C., who can make a significant difference… people will cling to those who at least speak to their frustrations.
Todd Young
I don’t know that there’s any particular scientific evidence that you could say, more guys get hurt in this offense versus that one, or hurry-up, or whatever, but everything that we’ve ever done in the NCAA is about exposure. How many exposures does a player get?
Nick Saban
If the point of the inner-child movement is to cure adult problems, it doesn’t work. Reliving childhood traumas gives you a nice afterglow, but it lasts only for hours or days. There is no evidence it changes adult problems.
Martin Seligman
Sen. Edward Kennedy knows very directly. Senator Kennedy and I talked on several occasions prior to the war that my view was that the best evidence that I had seen was that Iraq indeed had weapons of mass destruction.
David Kay
In reality, those rare few cases with good forensic evidence are the ones that make it to court.
Pat Brown
Despite the fact that there was not one shred of evidence that George Zimmerman ‘racially profiled’ Trayvon Martin, America’s liberals have literally taken to the streets to denounce a verdict that was, by all accounts, a just one.
Mike Gallagher
I don’t expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date.
James Randi
I suppose we are what we are, and we use the evidence to confirm what we believe.
Stewart Lee
In the absence of evidence, superstition. It’s a Middle Ages thing. That’s my theory anyway.
Tucker Carlson
Ironically, tendency to ignore inconvenient facts and unwelcome evidence is actually President Reagan’s true legacy, as I noted in ‘The Nation’ back in 2000, before the current right-wing mania for President Reagan gained its full force.
Eric Alterman
Evidence suggests jobs are crucial not only to economic well-being but also to self-esteem.
Robert Reich
Painting is the frozen evidence of a performance.
Chuck Close
Everything you see is filtered through your visual system (imperfect) and your brain (also imperfect, despite what your mom told you). Witness testimony is the worst kind of evidence in science.
Seth Shostak
The audience for facts, evidence and research about microtargeting, Facebook and Brexit is tiny.
Dominic Cummings
We need to know what the resources of the moon are. We have great evidence now because of different kinds of radar and spectroscopic analysis that people have been able to do. But we really do need to go visit there, and we can do that with a robot craft without any problem.
Jeff Bezos
No doubt the political left will say that foreign donations to the Obama campaign are a ‘phantom’ problem. However, there is physical evidence.
Tom Fitton
Since when did scientific evidence become a reason to shy away from ecological action just because it wasn’t popular?
Timothy Morton
Professor Hawking is heralded as ‘the genius of Britain,’ yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life. Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking’s writings if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came?
Kirk Cameron